
dakera french edition right ?00:01
YoBoYneed to go to bed, tired ^^"00:06
YoBoYtalk tomorrow :D00:06
YoBoYgood night 00:06
dakerme too :)00:07
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YoBoYgood morning06:52
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keffie_jayxhello all14:53
keffie_jayxmhall119: ping14:53
keffie_jayxjust started working on making LD send info to identi.ca14:53
keffie_jayxI wanted to discuss with anyone how we would like that to work14:54
dakerkeffie_jayx, mhall119 is attending the summit session 15:00
keffie_jayxI did check out the session15:00
keffie_jayxit was on monday15:00
keffie_jayxdaker: just wanted to discuss workflow with anyone really :)15:01
dakersummit session is happening/finished right now15:01
keffie_jayxdaker: must have been a reschedule, missed it :(15:04
cjohnstonkeffie_jayx: probably going to need to wait till next week 15:44
keffie_jayxcjohnston: cool15:45
keffie_jayxcjohnston: do you know the kind of google maps api key we need16:11
keffie_jayxfor loco -directory. It's been a while since I had mine and now it seems there are different. Maps Javascript API, Static Maps API, Maps Data API, and Web services...16:12
keffie_jayxlooks quite confusing16:13
cjohnstonno i dont16:17
nigelbkeffie_jayx: can you ping me next week? I know how to unconfuse that16:38
nigelb(we're all at UDS)16:38
keffie_jayxnigelb: ok I am going to give  a talk at a regional python day and wanted to have the map coolness in a local instance of LD16:40
keffie_jayxnigelb: I know how to get the api key16:40
keffie_jayxbut which?16:40
keffie_jayxthere weren't that many :S16:40
nigelbkeffie_jayx: you don't16:40
nigelbif you're using maps in a web applications16:40
nigelbthe latest one doesn't need a key16:40
keffie_jayxI just pulled LD from trunk, Its a web app, however the map thingi is not working16:41
nigelboh, that.16:42
nigelbkeffie_jayx: go to google maps16:42
nigelbkeffie_jayx: older version16:42
keffie_jayxnigelb: I think I got it16:43
keffie_jayxthe key does not change, it is the same for flash, xml json etc16:44
keffie_jayxgoogle just wanted to give me the right snippet of code16:44
keffie_jayxI got the key, let me see if this works16:45
nigelbkeffie_jayx: \o/16:47
keffie_jayxnigelb: thanks :) it works now16:48
dakerkeffie_jayx, Ronnie  is the GMAP expert16:55
Ronniekeffie_jayx: no google maps key is needed anymore with the V3 API that we use for LD17:24
Ronnieit should work out of the box17:25
keffie_jayxIt is working I rechecked again17:25
Ronnieoke great, if you have questions about the map javascript, feel free to ask me17:26
keffie_jayxRonnie: thanks :)17:26
Ronniesome documentation about the plugin can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-django-foundations/map17:26
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