
=== hikeonpast___ is now known as hikeonpast
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znfrazierso i need help peeps haha is this the help chan?03:01
twbznfrazier: that rather depends what you want help *with*.03:02
twbCertainly this isn't the "English as a second language" channel.03:03
znfrazierim trying to get my ftp server up and running but i didn't know which irc chan to go to lol03:03
znfraziernice then what is the next best thing?03:05
twbRead-only anonymous access, or read-write authenticated access?03:05
znfrazierhow would you do the read-write with no anonymous access?03:07
twb"authenticated" means "no anonymous"03:07
znfrazierhmm i see nice. im still learning all this crap03:08
znfrazieri just want my main comp to have everything on it and allow my father and brothers plus college buddies to have access to it03:08
znfrazierso sftp is the way to go03:08
znfrazierwhat is the diff between sftp and ftp?03:10
twbWhile it looks similar to the user, the underlying implementation is totally different -- much cleaner, and the security layer is built on top of SSH, which is widely used, well-understood and unlikely to be compromised (if used properly)03:11
znfrazieri see03:11
znfrazierso then we go to how to access remotely. like if my dad and bro want to get on.03:11
znfrazieri've tried doing port forwarding but its driving me crazy03:11
twbIf SSH is working, then SFTP will be working (unless you specifically disable SFTP).03:12
jmarsdenznfrazier: http://portforward.com/03:12
twbIf you are behind a NAT, then you need to ensure that traffic to tcp/22 is DNATted to your SSH server.03:13
twbThe RIGHT solution to is to use IPv6 instead of NAT, but that's probably beyond your capabilities right now.03:13
twbjmarsden: cute03:14
znfrazierk well i have a vizio router and it isn't on portforward.com03:14
znfrazieri had access to just my network but when i went to my buddies comp it wouldn't let me access it03:14
jmarsdenznfrazier: Read the portforwarding guide for any well known router and use it as a starting point.  Your "vizio" router is likely to have more or less similar screens with more or less similar names and concepts in them.03:15
twbjmarsden: can't get past the fpadvert.html page in w3m :-(03:16
jmarsdenznfrazier: If you need detailed help with setting up your router, you could try asking in ##networking.03:16
znfrazierthanks for the help03:17
jmarsdentwb: Maybe try links2 -g    instead?  Most folks who need it will use IE or FF, anyone using w3m probably doesn't need the help it offers anyway :)03:17
twbI was just bitching03:18
lifesfhi, i have just installed the os; i would like to configure it for wifi; it does not require huge amounts of data to be pulled at a time. I cannot find any answers on this so far on the internet03:43
lifesfany help would be truly awesome :)03:44
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
jmarsdenlifesf: There is a really old blog article about doing this which, if you can re-interpret it for 2011, might help somewhat, at least as a pointer to the general principles: http://modelr.wordpress.com/2009/06/01/how-to-get-wireless-network-on-ubuntu-server/03:55
lifesfi will surely check this out right away; i am not quite the high tech on this tho; quite a noob to be honest03:56
lifesfscanning quickly through the page,.. using natty, i should just follow this step by step right?  and concerning the part where is asks to convert it to hex...03:58
lifesfi changed my wireless password recently because i was having difficulty getting a different version of ubuntu on a diff machine to actually get the passphrase03:59
lifesfplease allow me a few minutes to temporarily tranfer router in here, i will mention when back for your reply!04:00
lifesfI am back now04:06
twbjmarsden: does that use wpa_supplicant alone?04:10
twbOh, no, that's a horrible ndiswrapper thing04:10
jmarsdentwb: Is there a more official doc for adding wireless stuff to Ubuntu Server somewhere?04:10
twblifesf: if you have a headless server and want it to associate with a known WPA AP using symmetric crypto ("pre-shared key"), you can simply use wpa_supplicant.04:10
twbjmarsden: the documentation is within /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant itself04:11
twbjmarsden: unfortunately it's not very step-by-step04:11
lifesfwell, all i really want to do is connect a plain lamp server on a home wireless04:11
jmarsdentwb: OK... a wiki page that pops up in google searches and was somewhat straightforward might be good... (maybe I'll write it one day, but I have a lot of other stuff I'd liek to get around to...)04:12
twbhttp://paste.debian.net/116698/ <-- interfaces(5)04:12
lifesfit wont be needing much data transfer and makes it easier to put it anywhere and still use it to learn04:12
twbhttp://paste.debian.net/116699/ <-- /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf04:13
twblifesf: those two files should suffice for any WPA2-PSK or WPA-PSK04:13
twbjmarsden: feel free to write it :P04:14
jmarsdentwb: Oh, that looks straightforward, thanks... copied for possible later conversion to a wiki page :)04:14
lifesfok, so i go step by step on 98 and 99?04:14
twbjmarsden: to use WEP is longer wpa_supplicant.conf04:14
twblifesf: I don't know about any "steps04:14
lifesfauto lo wlan0 isnt' a step?04:14
jmarsdenlifesf: Those are text files to put on your machine :)04:15
jmarsdenThe first is /etc/network/interfaces and then second is /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf04:16
lifesfalright :)04:16
lifesfthnx alot :D04:16
twblifesf: oh, you're seeing lines number in a pastebin?04:16
lifesfyeah, i am seeing 7 lines of code on the first page you gave me04:17
lifesfbut when i even do ifconfig, the wlan0 doesn't show up :S04:18
jmarsdenlifesf: Do you know what chip your wifi NIC uses?  And whether Ubuntu suppoorts it?04:21
lifesfon a regular ubuntu desktop install it has always worked by default; it a 2yo hp machine04:22
lifesf3yo sry04:22
jmarsdenlifesf: That does not really answer my question, though :)04:22
lifesfno, I do not remember what chip driver usually has showed up normally :S04:23
twbjmarsden: FWIW I'm assuming an mac80211 driver04:24
twbjmarsden: I do not cover wifi NICs that require older/sillier drivers04:24
jmarsdenlifesf: I don't really have the time to work through all that with you right now, I'm afraid... You can use sudo lspci -vv to fnd out more, probably.04:24
twblifesf: pastebin the output of "ip a"04:24
=== Rudy- is now known as RudyValencia
lifesffirst is the lspci -vv result, second is ip a04:30
lifesfand with ip a, i don't see my wlan0 which would normally appear with a desktop install04:31
lifesfif it gives the same results apprx as ifconfig04:31
ejvfellas, I have ubuntu-server and would like to load a light-weight gnome desktop environment. which package should I fetch that is the *most minimal*? thank you.04:35
lifesfthe regular ubuntu desktop environment is ubuntu-desktop but otherwise you'll have to wait for a better reply from a tech as i am not one of them lolll04:36
twblifesf: your wifi device is not visible to the system.04:40
twblifesf: until that happens, there is no point trying to configure it04:40
twbejv: there is no such thing as a "light-weight gnome desktop environment"04:40
lifesfthat's odd :S if i install ubuntu desktop it shows,.. if i run a live cd of ubuntu and get info from there would that help?04:40
twblifesf: I have no idea.04:40
twblifesf: I only work with supported hardware, as a rule04:41
lifesfok, i will load the desktop and try to find the driver running from there,.. from that i should be able to install straight off of apt-get right?04:41
twblifesf: I have no idea.04:42
twbI don't use ubuntu desktops.  perhaps they install non-free software by default.04:42
lifesfi thought hp and ubuntu were associated tho,.. unless that was dell.. my memory is lagging i think lol04:43
twbThat its not listed in lspci is suspcious, unless this is a USB dongle or something04:43
lifesfit's a linksys N pci04:44
twbEven if you have no driver, a PCI card should still be visible in lspci04:44
lifesfi just remembered it's my card in there04:44
lifesffrick it's late04:44
twbThat suggests that the card isn't properly seated or powered04:44
lifesfholy crap i apologise for this time waste figuring out the card; i never thought i budged the pc that much!!!!04:46
lifesfhttp://paste.debian.net/116705/        result from ip a04:48
twbOK, so it should just work with my last pastebin instructions04:48
lifesfhttp://paste.debian.net/116706/     lspci -vv04:49
lifesfok,.. so that was the command lines you told me to insert in the document right?04:50
lifesfthe .conf?04:50
twb13:22 <twb> http://paste.debian.net/116700/04:50
lifesfi keep the " ?04:51
lifesfin ssid and psk?04:51
lifesfcool :D04:51
lifesfwill there be conflict if i do not comment out eth0?04:55
twbOnly if eth0 is plugged in04:55
twbIf both are connected and enabled they will fight over who is primary gateway04:55
lifesfok :) thank you so much! i am trying to complete this as we're speaking :)04:56
lifesfps nano isn't letting me do a forward slash..........04:57
lifesffound a workaround but that's not cool lol04:59
twbI wouldn't know about nano04:59
lifesfpsk must be in hex right?05:02
lifesfit's wpa205:02
twblifesf: no05:03
twbWPA and WPA2 only differ in the underlying crypto algorithm (AES vs. some intermediary shit)05:03
twbThe psk, at least in wpa_supplicant.conf, will be a string like psk="I like big bottoms"05:04
lifesfnow all is left is reboot i guess05:04
lifesfand see if it connects05:04
lifesfisn't connecting :S05:08
twbOK, then "sudo ifdown --force wlan0"05:09
twbThen "sudo wpa_supplicant -dwext -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf" and look at the output05:10
twbSorry, -Dwext05:10
lifesffirmware file not found:  b43/ucode11.fw05:12
lifesfb43-open/ucode11.fw not found either05:12
twbSounds like your hardware is not supported by Free drivers05:13
lifesfOMG I LOVE YOU TWB :D05:19
lifesfi just hooked up a dlink usb wireless adapter modified some of the things05:20
lifesfand i'm wAY connected :D05:20
lifesfonly thing i'm curious about right now tho... is, since i just changed my wlan0 to wlan1 as both are still connected physically to the pc... to the interface i still left all of the rest as wlan005:21
lifesfi am not exactly positive if they are getting them as sort of strings and should just leave it as it is or not05:22
twbIf you're running wpa_supplicant by hand, then it won't be using interfaces(5)05:22
twbBut nor will it be doing DHCP over the configured line05:22
lifesfwell.. it's running the way you've told me in the pastebin; the only thing is that it still states wlan0-default etc05:23
twblifesf: oh that part05:24
twbwlan0-default is an arbitrary string05:24
lifesfok, i simply wasn't sure, i came to that logic thought when i noticed it worked so i wasn't sure if i should modify or not05:24
twbIt's there so that you can have multiple APs, so for example if you take your server to work, and it has static networking, you can have wpa-roam with "iface home inet dhcp" and "iface work inet static"05:24
twbAnd it will pick them based on which AP it associates with05:25
twbTHe ifupdown / interfaces(5) scripts are pretty old and stupid by modern standards.05:25
twbSomeone ought to rearchitect them to use ip(8) and tc(8)05:26
lifesfso in that sence i'd have to make it switch from one string to the other?05:27
lifesfi think i'm gonna print your pastebin and stick it to the side of my pc and print out our conversation lol, i truly want to keep this on hand! I thank you very much for you help :D05:29
Roxyhart0hi there. somebody know about tool to be able to send sms from my ubuntu server?05:38
uvirtbotNew bug: #781478 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78147805:46
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uvirtbotNew bug: #727837 in dhcp3 (main) "dhcp3-server fails to drop privileges properly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72783709:02
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xperiahello to all. i have installed roundcube on my ubuntu server in /usr/share/roundcube and wat to use it from a domain that works in /var/www/mydomain/subdirectory09:21
xperiasubdirectory is a symlink that point to /usr/share/roundcube now the problem is that i get allways this error message here => Unknown: Failed opening required '/var/www/mydomain/subdirectory/index.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in Unknown on line 009:22
xperiafrom what i have researched i need to use openbase_dir instruction somehow but i have this allready set for /var/www/mydomain09:23
lynxmanxperia: you should go at the problem the other way around and you should add config to your apache config file on that domain as specified by the roundcube documentation instead of using soft links09:23
xperiaahhh i should use apache config well that is allready a great help need to look to find that part in the roundcube documentation. thank you a lot09:24
lynxmanxperia: np :)09:25
xperialynxman i am allready nearly to solve the problem with the help of your tip. have created this apache config here and it load fine. dont have anymore the error messages about php usr share and such stuff09:56
xperiastill something is bad as i get this error here allways09:57
xperia[Thu May 12 10:51:12 2011] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Unknown: Failed opening required '/usr/share/roundcube/index.php' (include_path='.') in Unknown on line 009:57
xperiaokay looks like i need the include path directive10:07
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RoAkSoAxadam_g: ping10:26
adam_gRoAkSoAx: hi10:30
xperiaokay could solve the problem with a other solution thanks a lot still for help10:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #781581 in php5 (main) "package php5-cli 5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6.10 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78158110:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #781595 in openvpn (main) "Certificate verification fails with "error=invalid CA certificate"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78159511:26
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igjohnhello ubuntu server , i need help with setting up my dedicated server , i have issues with NIC and IP addreses12:19
_rubenbe more specific12:20
igjohni have an ubuntu dedicated server , my dc asingned 8ip addrese , but i have access to only one12:20
igjohni want to add the 7 ip addreses to the NIC12:22
igjohncan i get help from anyone please ?12:24
RoyKigjohn: do you want 8 addresses on the same NIC?12:52
RoyKigjohn: if so, just edit /etc/network/interfaces and at the end of the eth0 block, add a line like 'up ip addr add dev eth0'12:58
RoyK24 being the bits in your netmask12:58
RoAkSoAx 1913:05
iclebyte_workif i rebuilt a slave name server, then obviously it has a new rndc.key file - how do I authorize this key on the master nameserver?13:24
Pumpkin-I've got a bond interface configured on Ubuntu, and it comes up fine with the config I've got in /etc/network/interfaces, but with the wrong netmask. http://clive.fibrecat.org/~dwg/files/bonding.txt is the contents of /etc/network/interfaces, but bond0 comes up as a /814:14
Pumpkin-any ideas ?14:14
ph8hi all, i'm trying to configure my server to send snmp traps to our 'solarwinds' system - how can i define traps to send and conditions to send them in? Strangely there's hardly any docs on it!14:27
joschiph8: grab the snmpd docs and get going ;)14:31
joschiph8: some applications can also send snmp traps directly. it all depends on what your really want to do14:32
mouseclonewhat is the main difference between freeradius and radius-server packages?14:32
ph8i guess i'm just after disk space and load average joschi14:33
ph8but also things like when power is removed? :-o14:33
joschiph8: in this case you're good with snmpd14:33
joschiph8: when power is removed. either you'll get an event from your UPS or your UPS can generate a trap directly14:34
Pumpkin-mouseclone: radius-server is just a virtual package, which can be fufilled by a number of different radius servers (of which freeradius is one)14:34
mouseclonePumpkin: so if I install radius-server, how will i know what server I would get?14:35
Pumpkin-try and install it, it will tell you what to do14:35
mousecloneseems because I install freeradius already that radius-server doesn't do anything14:36
ph8joschi:  I'm fighting a battle with windows guys14:40
ph8ah sorry i see i mean when one power is removed, on a two power system14:40
ph8so the system should send the trap14:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #781088 in ntp (main) "Time is not syncronized with NTP-server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78108814:42
ph8any idea how i add a host to the allowed hosts to contact snmp?15:01
ph8joschi:  thanks though, that fixed it - the 'trapsink' directive was what i needed15:01
jeremynam i correct in understanding there is no standard tabbed terminal emulator/ssh client for windows?15:09
jeremynonly thing i can come up with is putty + one of a zillion dodgy add-ons15:09
Dr_Jekyllyou are correct15:09
Dr_Jekyllmaybe byobu/screen/tmux does what you want on the server side15:09
jeremynscreen is kinda-sorta but of course only works on one server15:10
jeremyni cannot believe this is still an unsolved problem in 201115:10
Picijeremyn: I was trying to get terminator to work under Windows here, but didn't have any luck.  My cygwin install is a bit messy though.15:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #781695 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78169515:11
* _ruben uses securecrt for tabbed ssh sessions15:12
jeremynthis is for my own personal use and it looks like the cheapest price is about $100, though, to be fair, securecrt does seem to be very popular15:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #781696 in openldap (main) "package slapd 2.4.23-6ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78169615:16
_rubenon an average $workday i have about 6 windows with like 10 tabs each open ;)15:16
_rubengive or take a few windows and tabs :)15:16
_rubenright now i only got a single window with 13 tabs15:17
jeremyni only have like two or three sessions open at a time but even fishing through that small number is very annoying15:18
_rubenfor that ammount, the cost of securecrt is a bit overkill i guess :)15:18
_rubenreally shame that there's no proper putty add-ons for it .. tried numerous, one more broken than the other15:19
Pumpkin-jeremyn: I know lots of people that use putty connection manager for that15:20
Pumpkin-but it has some annoying defaults, like CTRL-U for a new window, which I always use for deleting the current line15:20
_rubenstuff like that is actually one of the reasons i have my irssi in a putty window and not securecrt ;)15:20
jeremynPumpkin-: i heard about that, and yeah that it was buggy, and then their commonly given website http://puttycm.free.fr/cms/ gives some plain MySQL error. there's a sourceforge page but i dunno, it just seems kinda off. i know this is petty.15:21
jeremyni used ubuntu on my laptops for a long time, i didn't realize GNOME terminal emulator was some kind of unique triumph15:22
_rubeni've been using konsole over remote-x for ages prior to getting $work to pay for securecrt ;)15:23
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-uds
aubreI want to get all the packages I have installed on one server into a file I can use to install the exact same packages on another server - what's the best way to do that?15:31
rythere is a bot that has the command15:34
ryi dont know the syntax touse it, i'll try to find it15:34
ryaubre, .:ubottu:. To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate15:36
Piciry: ubottu is in this channel too15:37
ryPici, i've never actually used him before15:37
ryi saved that months ago15:37
ryi remember seeing someone ask a similar question, and it was like #9745 on my "things to lookup" list15:37
ryquote an awesome bot though15:38
uvirtbotNew bug: #781727 in mysql-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78172716:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #781763 in bind9 (main) "package libisccc60 1:9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1 failed to install/upgrade: arquivo tar do sistema de arquivos corrompido - arquivo de pacote corrompido" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78176317:02
=== jerrad is now known as GeorgeNada
GeorgeNadaquick question17:14
GeorgeNadai'm trying to install ubuntu server (11.4, and now 10.4) on my poweredge 6650, and the damn thing wont recognize the networking cards in the machine.17:15
GeorgeNadathey are broadcom 5700 series17:15
lifesfhi, when setting a static ip in /etc/interfaces I become unnable to access the server through my external ip17:18
ajmak hey guys, can anyone help with amavisd-new + spamassassin custom rule weighting?17:50
ajmakcan I modify the rule weights directly in sa or does this need to be done through amavis?17:51
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koolhead17hi all17:54
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
wmphello, how to install only phpmyadmin (from apt of course), without apache and other packages>?19:07
cemcThe requested URL /~chucks/SRUTracker/sru-tracker-bugs.html was not found on this server. - what happened to it? :)19:08
RoyKwmp: last I checked, phpmyadmin relied on apache19:10
wmpRoyK: reliaed? I dont understand, english isn;t my first language19:11
=== sourcode is now known as Guest26089
jimbobcowmp: you're best off accepting dependencies when using apt, that's kind of its mission in life19:13
wmpjimbobco: błeh... i have nginx and apt want to install apache...19:13
RoyKwmp: depended upon19:14
RoyKwmp: if you want to use nginx, just install phpmyadmin from source - it's not that hard19:14
wmpso, i musi install from source?19:14
wmpok ;)19:14
RoyKit's just php - no compilation needed19:15
wmpyes, i know ;)19:15
wmpbut with apt i have auto upgrades19:15
RoyKsure, but the package in apt relies on apache, so if you want to use something else, well, do it the hard way :P19:16
wmpyes, maybe phpmyadmin shoudn't have in depends apache?19:17
RoyKdon't blame me :)19:18
jimbobcowmp: http://royal.pingdom.com/2011/01/04/apache-web-server-hit-a-home-run-in-2010/19:19
RoyKI guess it should depend on a metapackage, being 'webserver' or something, but then, it'll be a bit hard to autoconfigure all possible webservers19:19
RoyKI guess they chose apache, since 99.lots% will use that19:19
jimbobcoroky: agree19:19
wmpbłeh... ok19:19
RoyKwmp: out of curiosity, why do you use nginx?19:21
wmpRoyK: becouse i can configure this what i want19:21
wmpin apache, i cant19:21
wmpand nginx is better19:21
wmpspeed, less memory19:22
RoyKwell, apache works19:22
wmpand, firstly: i know how to configure nginx ;)19:22
RoyKconfiguring apache isn't really that hard19:22
wmpnginx this same ;)19:23
jimbobcoi try to go with the market, apache has more eyeballs and therefore should be more secure, robust, etc19:24
jimbobcobut maybe the lines of code between the two evens things out19:25
wmpjimbobco: nginx also is security19:26
wmpand i have problems with apache in my small hosting19:26
wmpbut maybe other admin can't know how to cnfigure it19:26
jimbobcoright tool for the right job...19:26
wmpwith nginx i have 0 problems19:26
wmpin nginx i have: http_auth with PAM, serwer/download -> /home$USER/download; serwer/www -> /home/$USER/www; i have SSL and other features ;)19:28
RoyKwmp: you get those for apache as well19:31
wmpRoyK: maybe ;)19:31
RoyKapache has been around for 15 years or so19:32
wmpRoyK: wait, i show you statistic from webmin19:32
RoyKthere's a lot you can do with apache...19:32
wmpon serwer with 50k unique users19:32
wmps/webmin/munin/ ;)19:36
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wmpRoyK: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/12/ss.png19:41
wmpnginx use 2MB memory19:42
wmpsorry, 160mb19:43
RoyKnot a lot, though19:49
RoyKit's better if it uses that memory wisely than reading everything from disk19:49
TheKernel[work]if you're ssh'd into another box and the connection drops but the session doesn't know it yet, is there a way to force the SSH session to stop so you can go back to your local terminal?19:55
w00kill the ssh from another session?19:56
wmpTheKernel[work]: kill shell opened in this sh19:57
TheKernel[work]lets say I'm consoled in19:57
TheKernel[work]its the only tty I can use19:57
w00..wait for timeout then20:00
TheKernel[work]lol yeah20:00
TheKernel[work]that's what I do20:00
w00And next time use the ssh in screen20:00
jimbobcobyobu is nice for basic screen functionality20:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #781853 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script pre-removal instalado retornou estado de saída de erro 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78185320:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #781859 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78185920:26
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
DinVitaminI'm installing Ubuntu Server. What would be the command for installing the bare minimum packages I need to have a minimal GUI so that I can do something like play a video or look at a picture?21:40
jimbobcoyou can install the ubuntu-desktop metapackage, but I wouldn't call it minimal21:55
marcanthony81does anyone have any bind9 experience and has a moment to answer some questions21:56
marcanthony81ok i guess not21:58
Pumpkin-if he had waited around I'd have helped22:05
Pumpkin-but he didn't22:05
pmatulisnext time Pumpkin-22:12
uvirtbotNew bug: #781899 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: il sottoprocesso nuovo script pre-removal ha restituito lo stato di errore 100" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78189922:21
marcanthony811does anyone have any BIND9/DNS experience that could help with an issue I'm having22:23
marcanthony811hello btw22:23
marcanthony811is there anyone out there22:24
marcanthony811does anyone know anything about bind22:24
marcanthony811ok how about this22:25
marcanthony811does anyone know what could possibly be the problem if you can ping the hostname of a machine but can not ping the FQDN22:26
marcanthony811for example22:26
marcanthony811i can ping host122:26
marcanthony811i can not ping host1.example.local22:26
andygraybealstick aruond and maybe we can get to yuo :)22:36
pmatulishe's gone again?22:56
teddybwhen i boot ubuntu server on my laptop should i see anything?23:01
teddyblike should i be seeing a prompt or anything like when i ssh into one23:03
w00Of course23:03
teddybcool, something must have gone wrong :)23:05
w00Well what do you see?23:05
teddyba black screen23:06
teddybno prompt no nothing23:06
w00And if you do alt-f1 for example?23:06
teddybill give it a try23:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #781929 in nmap (main) "Zenmap doesn't have an icon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78192923:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #781934 in nmap (main) "Zenmap should launch with gksu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78193423:41

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