
RoAkSoAxitnet7_uds: ping08:34
RoAkSoAxitnet7_uds: ping09:28
danstonerjtatum: the only time someone talks to me in this channel is when they really want dantalizing.  ;)13:01
RoAkSoAxitnet7_uds: ping13:04
munzgood morning danstoner 13:06
munzjust breaking the cycle, lol :)13:06
danstonerThanks.  :)13:06
munzno prob13:07
tiemonstermhall119: ping16:23
zoopstertiemonster: good luck...he's gmt +2 right now....16:56
tiemonsterzoopster: where?16:58
zoopstertiemonster: budhapest, hungary...for uds16:58
tiemonsteroh. guess I'll catch him later. he gets back next week?16:59
tiemonsterzoopster: ok. thanks!17:17
jamaltahi all17:20
tiemonsterjamalta: hey!17:53
tiemonsterwhen do you get into town?17:53
jamaltatiemonster: how's it going?17:53
jamaltauhm, let me look at the calendar :)17:53
jamaltatwo weeks from today17:53
tiemonsterhacking on a asynchronous Python application server atm17:53
jamaltaoh, i made a team event for monday night, in two weeks at stardust17:53
jamaltaIf you could make it to that... if not we can arrange something else :)17:54
tiemonsterI'll have to see what I can do17:54
tiemonsterMay 29th?17:54
tiemonsterlol. yeah.17:55
mhall119wow, it's tiemonster18:07
mhall119haven't seen you around in a while18:07
tiemonsterI've emerged from a four month coding project that consumed all of my time18:07
tiemonsterit was fun, but I hope I never have to do it again (work with college students)18:08
mhall119that's a lot of coding18:08
tiemonsteranyways, I'm working with a colleague on a wicked fast Python application server18:08
mhall119so, half the Florida loco is gmt+2, the other half is gmt-918:08
mhall119tiemonster: sounds interesting, using some existing thing like twisted?18:09
tiemonsterusing a non-blocking C++ application server called Yield18:09
mhall119non-blocking servers are cool things18:09
tiemonsterparses HTTP way faster than something like Apache18:09
tiemonsterand allows for some really interesting concurrency options18:10
mhall119ok, I'm interested, will it be open source?18:10
tiemonsterit is already18:10
mhall119even better18:10
tiemonsterworking on a 2.018:10
tiemonsteryou get async without having to deal with crappy python callbacks like in Twisted18:10
tiemonsterand it's about 6 times faster than Twisted18:10
tiemonsterat least18:11
tiemonsterwe don't have really good benchmarks yet18:11
tiemonsterthe best part is, you can say `ypy -p [port] [wsgi script]` and get a production quality WSGI server18:12
tiemonsterso you could use it as your Django dev server, except it can handle 10,000 concurrent requests ;-)18:14
tiemonsterand it does hot code reloading, except on the whole codebase, instead of just the wsgi file18:15
tiemonsterso... we need alpha testers18:15
tiemonsterand he's gone.18:20
jamaltatiemonster: interesting, how do you monitor for file changes/19:39
jamaltaor is the code reloading a manual command?19:39
jamaltayield is pretty interesting19:48
jamaltaty for sharing :)19:48
tiemonsterjamalta: sorry - I was in a meeting20:42
jamaltatiemonster: np20:42
tiemonsterit uses os-level notifications and fires off a callback20:42
tiemonsterthe code is here if you want to play around with it: https://github.com/ypy/ypy20:43
tiemonsterI'll announce it on Twitter when a stable release candidate is ready20:43
tiemonsterwe need lots of alpha testers in the mean time, though20:43
jamaltatiemonster: cool :)20:44
jamaltahm, i don't really have anything to put on it :\20:44
tiemonsterand if you have a Python app you want us to test, please pass it along20:44
jamaltazeitgeist-project is wordpress now, and my site is on tumblr..20:44
tiemonsterwhat about that media server?20:44
jamaltatiemonster: I could play with getting pandamon on it.. currently using Twisted.20:45
tiemonsteroh yeah. perfect use case.20:45
tiemonsterjust expose a wsgi adapter, and off you go20:45
jamaltaHm,... I don't use wsgi though.20:45
tiemonsterit should just be a matter of changing the way you catch incoming requests20:46
tiemonsterI think Twisted is wsgi-compliant...20:46
jamaltatiemonster: I'll look at it when I have some time, and see if it is something that I could use.20:47
tiemonsteris the code on github or something?20:47
jamaltatiemonster: Launchpad20:48
tiemonstercool. I'll take a look.20:48
jamaltaI should start working that a bit more, since Android is going to support HTTP Live Streaming soon :).20:48
jamaltaThe main drawback for me has been the lack of support from the browsers, which has improved since I last worked on this.20:48
jamaltatiemonster: I'll try it out this weekend.. I have to work on actually using HLS instead of pushing video over a long HTTP connection.20:50
jamaltaHTTP Live Streaming20:52
jamaltatiemonster: I'll play with it this weekend and let you know what I think :)20:52
tiemonstersure. thanks!20:52
tiemonsterI'll be working on getting a web site up with some code samples, etc.20:53
jamaltatiemonster: So what's the proper pronunciation of ypy? 20:53
tiemonsterI call it "y-py (Why Pie?)" but my colleague calls it "yippee!"20:54
tiemonsterThe name is derived from "Yield for Python"20:55
tiemonsteryield is the non-blocking C++ application server at the core20:55
tiemonsterwe've talked about adapters for PHP et all20:55
tiemonsterwe'll see20:55
tiemonsterPHP is a beast20:55
jamaltatiemonster: Forget about PHP :P20:57
tiemonsterthis from the guy who works at Flickr..20:57
jamaltayippee is what I naturally thought to call it.20:57
tiemonstercoding PHP...20:57
jamaltaThat doesn't mean I care for PHP.20:58
tiemonsterhe calls it "Yippee, I don't have to install Apache!!!"20:58
tiemonsterwhich, Google uses it, so it must not be crap20:58
tiemonsterbut if we can make a better alternative, then great!20:59
mhall119darn, tiemonster is code22:36
mhall119I can't get ypy to properly run django22:36
fafa baby fell down 10 stairs and lived23:47

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