
snap-lGood eeevening00:16
snap-lHad my first Blimpie's sub in a long time. And it'll be a long time until I go back to that bBlimpies.00:17
brouschthey killed off all of our blimpies00:24
brouschtedxgrandrapids tomorrow00:26
brouschwe're down to 1 car and my wife has a kidney stone. what are the odds i actually get to go?00:26
snap-lHope she feels better soon. Been there, done that.00:29
snap-lDid they put in a stent?00:29
brouschno, just pain meds and flomax right now00:30
brouschshe has basically slept since midnight last night to now00:30
greg-gI had a kidney stone once, the drive to the hostpital was the most painful thing in the world (minneapolis roads post-winter tear up and pre-summer patching)00:31
* brousch gets another drink of water00:31
snap-lYeah, there's nothing quite like a kidney stone00:31
wolfgerMorning, peeps12:48
snap-lThat's pretty cool (the custom computer)13:24
wolfgerso already it's veering away from cross-platform support.... ;-p13:28
snap-lI think I've figured out why I don't like Gib's use of Big Blue Button13:58
snap-lPicture an air-tight container with a limited supply of oxygen13:58
snap-lthat is your bandwidth13:58
snap-lif everyone starts breathing at the same time, you all pass out13:59
wolfgerok, you hold your breath13:59
snap-lGib wants to start a yodeling competition to entertain those who might be outside13:59
snap-lI mean, conceptually, it's a great idea14:00
snap-lbut in practice, you're already using a scarce resource14:01
snap-land overuse just kills the whole enterprise14:02
wolfgerwell clearly the problem is the hosting site needs to provide more bandwidth14:03
snap-lIt's not the site14:03
tjagodaHe hosted it locally at penguicon14:03
snap-lit's using things like hotel bandwidth to start a broadcast stream14:03
snap-lIt's using the ESD bandwidth to broadcast14:04
tjagodaRan it over our Cisco network at penguicon14:04
wolfger*physical* site, not website14:04
wolfgersorry if I was unclear :-)14:04
snap-ltjagoda: Yeah, that was a decent idea in theory14:04
snap-ltjagoda: Maybe if there was a back-channel network (staff, video, guest) that would be awesome14:05
snap-lagain, not bagging on the idea, just the implementation14:05
tjagodaThats..what there was14:06
tjagodapenguicon-staff was a unique SSID which is QoS's over all you other people14:07
tjagodaBut we never ran out of bandwidth on the inside14:07
tjagodajust the pipe into the intarwebs14:07
snap-ltjagoda: Right14:07
snap-lagain, using scarce resources. ;)14:08
snap-lalso, it's not just Penguicon that Gib is broadcasting14:08
snap-lI think he needs to partner with Justin.tv14:08
tjagodaUnless you want to stream it outside of the hotel, in our case, we we're not scarce14:08
tjagodawe were*14:08
snap-ltjagoda: Bingo14:08
tjagodaWhen he thought up and pitched the idea, he had it framed as a tool for people inside the event14:09
tjagoda"Sit in one talk while watching another" kind of thing14:09
tjagodaI don't think we ever gave him an external IP14:09
snap-lSplit attention = huge win for those who are presenting14:09
tjagoda(I agree)14:09
tjagodaCome to Penguicon and present really fast, because if you take to long, we're all on big blue button.14:10
tjagodajust got around to reading the differences between 4k and 512b drives14:11
snap-lThing is, he's pitched this at just about every event he's at, so I'm talking from a MUG perspective14:11
snap-ltjagoda: And, what's the conclusion?14:12
tjagodaSometimes I read these things and wonder why we didn't do this sooner14:12
snap-lI had a guy argue with me that tweaking the sector size was so much better, and that 4K blocks were a waste14:12
snap-lbecause most of his files were less than 4K14:12
tjagodaIt definitely makes more of an impact on sustained read/write, that's certain14:13
snap-lHe was a complete efficiency nut14:13
tjagodalarge read/write on windows 7 with 4k drives results in almost doubled thruoghput14:13
snap-lYeah, the benefits of speed outweigh the drawbacks of storage14:13
snap-lIt all depends on your application, frankly14:14
tjagodaWD claims they'll fit 7-11% more on every platter!14:14
snap-lif you're running a server with 100K small files, it might add up14:14
tjagodaSo much more room for your <4k files!14:14
tjagodalooking at my desktop14:15
tjagodanot counting icons/shortcuts14:15
tjagodathe smallest file I have is 15kb14:15
tjagodaWith all the bloat and such that we shove into file formats and headers I'd imagine that at least 80% of what I encounter must be larger than 4kb?14:16
snap-lAgain, if you're working with something that's like a mail server or a news server, there's potential for lots of really small files14:16
snap-lbut most of my files are larger than 4K14:17
tjagodaLets see if I can figure out how to see the size of my mails in outlook..14:17
snap-lHis contention was taht if you have a 6K file, you have 2K that's unaddressable14:17
snap-ltjagoda: Outlook isn't going to work because it stores everything in a .pst file14:17
snap-land with modern quoting, even a simple reply of "thank you" takes up 20K.14:18
tjagodaThe headers and such of sectors are still the same in 4k?14:18
tjagodaYou cant bridge thigns into one sector for the efficiency hats?14:18
tjagodaI do not know that much about how hard disk sectors are mapped14:19
snap-lI know a little14:19
snap-lLet's just say I'd rather have the head read 4K at a time than dart around trying to get 512b wherever it can14:19
snap-lI don't care about losing 1-3K to make sure I get overall good throughput14:20
tjagodaAnd we're also not on the space shuttle with 32 kb total14:21
tjagodaCheap storage is cheap14:21
* tjagoda pets the 6TB NAS with Windows Storage Server 2k814:22
tjagodaI just got an email from corporate saying all the new Dell machines are moving to 4k advanced drives14:23
wolfgerThis is 2 or 3 kinds of ludicrous: http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europe/05/12/germany.demjanjuk.trial/index.html?hpt=T114:24
wolfgerIt took them 30 years to convict him? He's only getting 6 years prison for 27k+ murders?14:25
snap-lAnd he was a POW at the time14:25
wolfgeryeah... I'm tempted to call that ludicrous as well, but I don't know the evidence used in court to find him guilty14:26
tjagodaThey seriously need to stop14:26
tjagodaMost of those guards were probably victims more than they were evil jew-haters14:26
wolfger"You will do this, or we will *ahem* replace you, and somebody else will do it."14:27
snap-lWell, and it's not like his conviction does anything about those who have been killed14:27
snap-lWhether it's Osama, or a Ukranian POW Nazi guard14:28
snap-lI'm sure someone thinks this is just14:28
tjagodaIt's those jewish interest groups which own all the media, snap-l.14:33
snap-lBlame George Soros, and you too cna be a political party. ;)14:34
snap-lhttp://www.perlbrew.pl/<- Virtualenv hits Perl. :)14:36
ColonelPanic001I should start my political party again14:40
tjagodaDoes it have to do with sphagetti monsters?14:41
tjagodaThe Party of the Holy Pastafarian?14:41
ColonelPanic001the red stapler party14:41
ColonelPanic001running joke from a forum I was on14:43
snap-lNice... Just tried perlbrew, and apparently the compiler for 5.12.3 crashed on the machine that I was running it on14:46
wolfgerColonelPanic001: you're not a member of the Pirate Party? For shame.14:55
snap-lAnyone using mumble?14:58
ColonelPanic001only when I speak14:59
rick_h__I know canonical was using it for meetings/etc14:59
snap-lIf so, please try connecting to lister.decafbad.net14:59
snap-lYeah, I'm checking it out14:59
snap-lwondering if we can use it for podcasting. :)15:01
rick_h__yea, I've got on my list to look into a mixer and try to do the recording out of that vs the skype call recorder15:02
tjagodaI use mumble15:17
tjagodaMostly for gaming15:17
tjagodaNot so easy to set up, or in the right format to replace skype15:17
rick_h__http://blog.mumble.info/for-the-record/ and that for the details looks good15:23
rick_h__and a nice ppa: http://blog.mumble.info/mumble-1-2-3-released/15:23
rick_h__http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKQS8EDG1P4 watch the first few min awesome15:31
tjagodaI am loving ESET Smart Security so much more than Symantec Endpoint15:31
tjagodaCheaper?  Check.15:31
tjagodaBetter?  Check.15:31
tjagodaHogs less resources?  Check!15:32
snap-lThat's awesome, rick_h__15:33
rick_h__wow, this python talk: youtube gets more than 35hrs of video uploaded every minute16:09
rick_h__so they have to handle encoding 2100 minutes - 116:09
krondorso work just handed me a blackberry playbook to test16:11
rick_h__enjoy, tjagoda can tell you all about it16:12
krondorfirst impression, it's bad.. but I'm still playing maybe I will change my mind.16:14
tjagodaWhat gave you that impression?16:14
tjagodaEverybody I've handed it to is usually receptive and liking of its UI16:14
tjagodaIt's the mail and lack of apps that they furrow their brow upon16:15
krondortjagoda:  it doesn't work with our corporate proxy redirect, the way you exit an app once you've launched it is not obvious (but once you learn it meh).  the lack of mail and apps (as you said)16:15
krondorthe lack of password masking on typing (*x for shoulder surfers).16:15
tjagodaDid you do the startup guide?16:15
tjagodaWhen you turn on the playbook it very clearly and definitely tells you whats up16:16
tjagodaDunno about proxies.  Only one I've used it behind is the Troy Marriott's16:16
krondorof course not because I was handed a playbook pre-started16:16
krondorstartup guide isn't in the list of apps either16:17
tjagodaIt is16:17
tjagodaIts called "setup"16:17
tjagodaThen "tablet basics" once you're in it16:17
krondoranyway, that's not a menu choice startup guide, but that's semantics anyway.16:18
tjagodaUsually it auto-launches on firstboot, so you ideally never have to go back and manually open it16:19
tjagodaBut you've gone all funky16:19
tjagodaMultitasking between stuff with side bezel swips is a breeze though16:19
snap-lWell, Google voice failed 18 minutes into a conference call16:19
krondorthat's how most people here would be handed one I'm assuming.  That's how they're handed a BB.  A desktop tech already configures things and gives it to them.16:20
tjagodaprobably my favorite thing about the UI16:20
krondorsnap-l:  I've stopped using Google Voice for conference calls lately :(16:20
snap-lReplacing Skype is going to be hard16:20
krondorit's webosy UI (cards for apps), some things seem slick, some are annoying.  How the hell do I go back a menu in setup?16:20
tjagodain the tablet basics thing?16:21
Milyardosnap-l: Replacing skype for what purpose?16:21
krondortjagoda:  in the wifi submenu of setup16:21
tjagodaThere's a back button on the wifi config menus I think16:22
tjagodaor it autocloses once you hit enter16:22
tjagodaI can't remember which screen your in, setup was a long time ago16:23
krondordon't see it, and when you configure it dumps you back into the wifi list.  I just killed the app and relaunched it.  More playing is needed.  I'm curious about the Linux underpinnings.16:23
tjagodaafk, supposed to go celebrate nameless employee's 10 years of service16:24
_stink_hope for cake16:25
snap-lMilyardo: looking into alternatives16:26
MilyardoHow were you using skype before>16:29
snap-lI'd use it to join 800-number conference calls16:29
Milyardoa simple asterisk server should work then right?16:29
snap-lMilyardo: Do you normally offer seeds and dirt to people who come over for dinner? :)16:30
MilyardoHaha, I forget Asterisk is arcane to those who haven't configured one on a somewhat regular basis16:31
snap-lYeah, I'm just looking for something to act like a speakerphone16:32
snap-lI have one, but it's nice to not have to tie up the home phone16:32
Milyardobuy the hosted asterisk account then I guess, like what callcentric offers or something16:33
snap-lYeah, I'll need to do more investigation16:35
snap-lI already have VOIP via WOW!, so I'm not so concerned about that16:35
MilyardoSo you just need a SIP client then? Good luck with that, they all suck16:40
snap-lWell, I'd like one for each16:42
snap-land yes, I've tried Gizmo / Ekiga, and they're God-awful16:42
tjagodaThat's pretty good16:46
tjagoda..in windows..16:46
snap-lYeah, Skype filled the niche so perfectly that replacements are few and far between16:47
tjagodaThere's SJPhone as well16:49
snap-lUm, no16:49
Milyardosnap-l: More like VOIP is so patent incumbered that Skype is the only one who bought enough liscensing to provide a client more functional than what you'd expect from applications in 199716:49
snap-lNot getting into some bullshit multi-level marketing. :)16:49
tjagodaSJPhone is not multi level?16:50
snap-ltjagoda: When your website has news reviews, that's a HUGE red-flag for me16:51
tjagodaOnly other recommendation is X-Lite16:52
tjagodaI think SJPhone is in business with MagicJack16:52
snap-lI think I've bought more CDs in the past 2 months than I have in the past year18:07
wolfgeryou've bought CD's?18:13
wolfgerdo they still make CD's?18:14
snap-lYes, yes they do18:14
wolfgereverything now is MP318:14
wolfgerso that the studios can ream you for something that costs them virtually nothing, and you don't even get to own anything after you pay them18:15
wolfgerHmm. I think I need to have a sit-down with some auto execs. I have a new business model for them. "Instead of buying a vehicle, you're buying the rights to use a vehicle. Those rights are non-transferable, so if you want to drive a new vehicle, you will have to acquire new rights, and you cannot resell the old rights to somebody else."18:17
wolfgerIt's like Lease++18:17
wolfgerexcept really Lease-- for the consumer18:17
wolfgersince they will have to pay the full license price18:18
MilyardoYou forgot the part of the lease where they arbitrarily define use and change the terms later18:19
wolfgeralternatively, maybe I could talk some music execs into the idea of leasing music18:19
Milyardo"What's that you used public transport? Lease Terminated."18:20
wolfgeryou pay per month per song until you no longer like the song, at which point you can buy out the remainder of your lease while we talk you into leasing a new song.18:20
wolfgerthere's business models to be exploited here...18:21
wolfgerand people are getting used to not owning anything. That's the scary part. We're willingly returning to the feudal system, where only the rich and powerful actually own anything18:21
snap-lSorry, but MP3s don't sound as good as CDs18:24
snap-lAnd don't get me started on the vinyl folks. :)18:24
wolfgerand CD's don't sound as good as vinyl18:24
wolfgeroops. too late18:24
MilyardoFLAC ftw?18:24
snap-l"Yeah, I'm sure my CDs sound like shit compared to your vinyl on a crosley POS turn table that sounds like you're dragging a blckboard along the record"18:25
wolfgerhonestly, I can't tell the diff between a good MP3 and a CD. Except the MP3 never gets scratched18:26
snap-lwolfger: I accept your challenge. :)18:26
wolfgerand CD sounds better than vinyl, until they both get scratched, at which point you can still play the vinyl with a penny weighing down the needle, but the CD is hosed.18:26
snap-lwolfger: Um, no18:27
snap-lVinyl gets pops and clicks18:27
snap-lCds get minor drop-outs18:27
snap-l(that is, if you have good equipment)18:27
wolfgerCD's get "disc not found"18:27
snap-lMaybe if you didn't play shuffleboard with your CDs, this wouldn't be a problem.18:28
wolfgerYes, well, I keep threatening to beat Allison for not putting CDs back in the case, but threats are not working.18:28
snap-lSeriously, if you mistreated your vinyl like folks mistreat CDs, you'd never be able to play anything on it18:29
wolfgerbut my point is: MP3 uber alles18:29
snap-lFor the walkman crowd, yes.18:30
snap-lfor the folks that listen to music, not quite. ;)18:30
snap-lFLAC FTW18:30
wolfgerfor any crowd18:30
wolfgerFLAC, MP3, same thing18:30
wolfgernon-physical media FTW18:30
snap-lOMG, you did NOT say that. :)18:30
wolfgeryou bet your seatbelt I did.18:31
wolfgerI think I need to write Mythbusters a suggestion18:33
wolfgerand have them test the various music myths audiophiles dream up18:33
* snap-l is going to give you a test. ;)18:34
wolfgeris it multiple choice?18:39
krondorthat's a good mythbusters18:39
wolfgerkrondor: they would get so many e-mails from people complaining about the results18:40
krondorwhy did you use the x it has a y? Everyone knows that you'll get the best sound from c but only in a clean room inside a vacuum on the solstice!18:42
wolfgerThey will say something sounded better than something else, and a bunch of people who all listened to it via their TV speaker(s) will say "those both sounded exactly the same!"18:43
snap-lOK, I'm uploading two versions of Vivaldi's Four Seasons - Springtime18:44
snap-lBoth came from a FLAC source, but one was mp3 encoded (VBR, quality 0)18:44
snap-lsame as what I use with Lococast.18:44
snap-lboth files were then turned back into wav files18:45
snap-lI want you to tell me which file sounds better.18:45
wolfger...and if we get that on Mythbusters, maybe we can get Adam to sneak Jonothan Coultan's "Re: Your brains" into the show... XD18:45
wolfgersnap-l: OK, but it will have to wait til I get off work18:46
snap-lno problem. I'll leave them up for as long as you want18:47
jrwrensnap-l: not everyone has your ears.18:49
jrwrenand lame V0 is VERY close to FLAC for most peoples ears.18:49
snap-lI know. :)18:49
jrwrenbut I've done the blind listening test and guessed FLAC over V0 :)18:50
jrwrenit was not easy though.18:50
snap-lYeah, there's subtleties18:50
jrwreni had to relisten and seek back to the parts I thought i heard quality degredation18:50
jrwrenif it was just a short cilp and I could not seek, i'd not have been able to make a judgement18:50
Milyardojrwren: Just means your volume isn't high enough18:51
MilyardoVivaldi is worthy of only max volume imo18:51
greg-gsnap-l: where are these files?18:53
snap-lhttp://ubuntuone.com/p/ss7/ <- Sample 118:53
snap-lhttp://ubuntuone.com/p/ssC/ <- Sample 218:54
snap-l(still uploading 2)18:54
snap-lOK, it's uploaded19:03
jrwrenno, it doesn't mean my volume isn't high enough.19:15
jrwrenand the point is??? FLAC > lame v0 ?  I alread know this, I don't need to take this test :)19:15
wolfgerthe test is for me, jrwren19:16
wolfgerbecause I said they were the same thing19:16
wolfgeralthough I don't know what this V0 crap is....19:17
snap-lHighest quality lame19:17
snap-lVariable Bit Rate, quality level 0 (best quality)19:17
wolfgerwhere I come from, "quality level 0" means no quality :-p19:19
snap-lYeah, it's backwards19:20
wolfgerneed new foam hands for the big game... "We're #0!"19:21
wolfgerEpic FAIL. I just got a work e-mail with a link to an intranet site.19:23
wolfgerI tried to access it 3 times, and got 3 *different* 500 errors19:24
rick_h__ok, this doesn't give me faith in how LP is put together: http://blog.launchpad.net/performance/launchpad-answers-is-faster19:24
wolfgeraren't they scrapping that in favor of AskUbuntu anyway?19:25
jrwrenhttp://www.whatinterviewprep.com/preparefortheinterview.html   and  http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=Lame#Recommended_encoder_settings19:29
jrwrenI like "Audible differences between these presets exist, but are rare. "  WRT V0-V3  I can tell big diff between V0 and V2 even19:30
rick_h__hah, man Canonical just gets things fired up: http://www.advogato.org/person/mjg59/diary.html?start=29619:38
greg-grick_h__: wow! (re: the LP answers email thing)19:39
rick_h__greg-g: it seems a pretty basic 101 "we're building a big service" kind of thing doesn't it?19:40
rick_h__I mean, how many years has that been going on and no one noticed?19:40
greg-gno kidding19:42
greg-gI mean, *I* even know that. Queue up email sending.19:42
snap-lapparently I need to get some ant traps19:50
snap-lThere's a web cast at work, and someone is standing right in front of the camera19:55
snap-lI think he's talking to the camera-operator19:55
snap-lHeh, this is brillant19:57
krondorso much for playing with the playbook, someone already nabbed it.  I expect it will make it's way back to me in a few weeks.20:25
binbrainany takers?20:40
rick_h__but I don't know if I'm professional enough20:41
jrwreni'm so professional that I don't work for chump changes.20:42
snap-lI'm seeing HP really trying like hell to make WebOS fly20:50
snap-lThat makes me happy20:51
snap-lWe need a third player that isn't Microsoft. ;)20:51
rick_h__come on december20:54
rick_h__though I think at this point it wouldn't be a webos phone, too bought into my google/android happiness20:55
snap-lYeah, there's a lot of lead in Android / iOS20:59
snap-lWe need more Cory Doctorows in this world22:21
snap-lpeople who can eloquently explain why DRM and trusted computing are not good for consumers22:21
jrwrenand do nothing about it? ;)22:26
snap-lThat's kinda harsh. :)22:26

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