
holsteinkowen: o/03:00
kowenOh, how did the audio presentation go?03:01
holsteinit went well03:01
* kowen was interested, but unable to attend.03:01
holsteinnot a whole lot of folks03:01
holsteinbut we added an evening meeting too03:01
kowenCan't say that's a shock. :P03:01
holsteinso folks are deciding which one they can go to now03:02
holsteinwe've had about 30 before03:02
holsteinbut there was probably only 803:02
kowenI had no idea.03:02
holsteini had a little guitar03:03
holsteinand a keyboard03:03
holsteinand we made some actual noises03:03
kowenGood God.03:03
holsteinmostly just talked about JACK03:03
holsteinand looked at a few ardour sessions03:03
jack_^about me? WTF03:03
holsteinjack_^: that highlights you?03:03
holsteinyou'd never make it in the rooms i frequent ;)03:04
kowenThat's hilarious. :P03:04
jack_^holstein, i dont. im constantly getting pinged03:04
jack_^due to #fedora and #ubuntu03:04
jack_^holstein, have you seen adam drew's presentation on music production?03:04
holsteinjack_^: i saw some of it03:04
holsteini couldnt hear at the time03:04
jack_^he sits in the cubicle next to mine. :O03:05
holsteinim waiting on an easy way to see it03:05
holsteinit seemed thorough03:05
holsteinnone of those look right ;)03:05
jack_^thorough i think is right03:05
jack_^apparently he does it 24/7 in his free time03:05
holsteini hope we get to do something03:06
jack_^he keeps flipping between fedora and ubuntu. he says the new low latency kernel is awesome03:06
holsteinmaybe in charlotte03:06
holsteinhopefully, we wont need it03:06
jack_^boo @ charlotte. hit up raleigh!03:06
holsteinby the time 12.04 is released03:06
holsteinjack_^: charlotte is kinda in the middle03:06
jack_^yeah but its like a 3 hour drive for me and my gf wont let me drive more than 30 mins for linux related things03:06
kowenI can relate to that. :P03:07
holsteinyou have to borrow her car?03:07
jack_^no. she keeps a leash on me at all times03:08
jack_^i need to start going to more stuff though. i need to start going to trilug03:08
holsteinour LUG is doing quite well actually03:08
jack_^which one?03:08
jack_^i joined my college lug but it sucked. every week we would just talk about what was new in ubuntu heh03:09
holsteinim trying to get *the* fedora user to do some presentations03:10
jack_^i got this dvd from the redhat summit that says 'use this cd to make integration with Active Directory easier'. i wish i had that stuff in college03:10
holsteineven if its just "here's fedora'03:10
holsteinmost of us use ubuntu03:10
holsteinnothing wrong with that03:10
jack_^yeah. fedora is awesome. i wish they would take some tips from ubuntu though.03:10
holsteini just want to stay inclusive03:10
jack_^I ditched ubuntu a few months ago :x03:10
holsteinand have a separate ubuntu users group is necesarry03:11
jack_^^images nsfw03:11
kowenjack_^: Then what the hell are you doing here? :P03:11
holsteinyeah, fedora would have to care about making a desktop OS03:11
kowen(Kidding, close to ditching it myself.)03:11
jack_^i <3 you guys03:11
jack_^yeah fedora doesn't care... which sucks03:11
holsteinis it just unity?03:11
jack_^they're like... purists or something. they wont include anything it seems03:11
holsteingetting you guys sad?03:11
kowenI actually don't mind Unity.03:11
jack_^holstein, i really like unity actually03:12
* holstein is still running 10.0403:12
holsteini have an 11.04 testing install03:12
kowenAfter a little tweaking, it's pretty efficient for me.03:12
jack_^i just updated my laptop to 11.04 this weekend.03:12
jack_^^ unity03:12
kowenI'm trying out various things right now. No particular reason to mention.03:12
jack_^im actually terrified of gnome-shell03:13
kowenHa, I haven't even tried it myself.03:13
kowenI just don't like the look of it. :P03:13
holsteinyou've got nauty wallpaper ;)03:13
jack_^i switched to fedora because i use red hat at work everyday so i know my way around it better. i was getting frustrated with the small differences between the distros03:13
holsteinthats why you're GF dont let you go anywhere03:13
kowenNaughty Narwhal...?03:13
jack_^my wallpapers are all PG at the moment03:14
holsteini try fedora and debian03:14
holsteini would like to run plain old debian more often03:14
kowen(I'm at work, so not visiting right now. ;))03:14
holsteinbut, the buntu goodness and magic is something i still need03:14
jack_^the unity post is SFW03:14
kowenholstein: That's one thing I'm trying out at the moment. Plain ol' Debian.03:14
kowenAh, okay.03:14
jack_^im scared of the direction ubuntu is going03:14
holsteinim pretty envolved with the ubuntustudio team03:15
holsteinand im happy with what we are doing03:15
jack_^my girlfriend was using ubuntu studio for a while03:15
holsteini think the direction is interesting overall03:15
holsteinwe'll see...03:15
jack_^canonical seems like they keep doing more and more stuff against opensource a little bit at a time03:15
kowenI'm not so sure about that. Maybe.03:15
holsteinyeah, they are trying some things03:15
holsteinhopefully it'll all settle out soon03:16
kowenI just think that things are starting to feel more constricting than they used to.03:16
holsteinits challenging03:16
kowenWell, yeah. I just prefer things stable and malleable. Thus my love affair with Openbox. :P03:16
jack_^ubuntu is making HUGE strides with linux but they dont seem to providing much back to the upstream. i was looking at the kernel submits and canonical was right next to oracle :P03:17
kowenGood God. :|03:17
holsteinyeah, i dont know much about the facts of that though03:17
holsteinas far as what should go up and why03:17
holsteini know, with the audio stuff03:17
holsteinwe just send folks right to debian03:18
holsteinso, ubuntustudio never contributes upstream really03:18
holsteinexcept for maybe a kernel idea03:18
kowenShame! :P03:18
holsteinbut, the stuff gets sent to debian03:18
jack_^yeah but studio is raelly just a spin of ubuntu right?03:18
holsteinand trickles down03:18
holsteinjack_^: right03:18
holsteinubuntustudio = ubuntu03:18
holsteinBUT, when someone comes in with new stuff03:19
holsteinwe dont take it on03:19
kowenYeah, Studio is actually an official spin. Unlike thousands of other spins. :P03:19
holsteinwe just send them to the debian multimedia team03:19
holsteinso, on paper03:19
holsteinit looks like we dont contribute upstream03:19
holsteinand actually03:19
holsteinwe dont03:19
holsteinbut, thats not because we dont want to03:20
holsteinwe just cant right now03:20
kowenWell, upstream can be a bit uptight, as well... as far as I know.03:20
jack_^yeah thats true03:20
holsteinyeah, you never know whats up03:20
holsteinand why it might seem that way on paper03:21
holsteini mean, its all open03:21
jack_^but if you move too far away from the upstream you become a fork and i think forking hurts the community. the maintainers can be blamed for a lot of that though.03:21
jack_^im gonna go lay down. i think im coming down with the sickness D:03:23
jack_^nice talking to you guys03:23
kowenHave a good one. :)03:23
kowen(Despite your sickliness.)03:23
holsteinjack_^: :/03:24
holsteinhope you feel better03:24
kowenAlrighty, time for me to head on home.03:58
kowenTalk to you guys later. :)03:58
holsteinVeloce06: fezzler?19:24
Veloce06holstein: ??19:25
holsteinVeloce06: thought you might be someone i know19:26
holsteindurrell: o/19:26
Veloce06holstein: sorry19:26
holsteinVeloce06: no worries, good to see you19:26
durrellI didn't know there were other Ubuntu users in NC -_-19:26
holsteinquite a few actually19:27
durrellHa I was half kidding. There just don't appear to be many in eastern NC.19:27
durrellAre most of you guys in RDU or what?19:27
Veloce06holstein: thanks for the video card help. I may purchase an Nvidia GT 520 to see how that works19:27
holsteinVeloce06: thats who you are19:28
holsteini just got mixed up :)19:28
holsteini got some nvidia card at the charity shop yesterday19:28
durrellI figured19:28
holsteinworks great with the proprietary driver19:28
holsteindual head19:28
Veloce06holstein: older cards or newer?19:28
holsteinits older though19:29
holsteinno fans which is great for my needs19:29
Veloce06what chipset?19:29
holsteinVeloce06: i'll have to look19:29
Veloce06or processor I mean19:29
holsteinim not near it right now19:29
Veloce06np, I'm just wondering if the older 8x and 9x have these problems and the newer ones work better19:29
holsteini linked it in an irc channel :)19:30
Veloce06so, about the same era then as the 8 and 9s19:30
Veloce06holstein: the newer cards have dvi, vga and hdmi ports, so that will be a plus19:31
holsteinthis is DVI and VGA19:32
Veloce06works for me19:32
holsteinyeah, thats all i wanted19:32
holsteinsomething to support 2 monitors19:32
Veloce06although I can use hdmi now with my tv19:32
holsteinand the price was right :)19:32
durrellAre you guys running 11.04?19:35
Veloce06durrell: I am19:35
durrellVeloce06: Had good results so far?19:36
durrellIt failed at install for me in three different places, so I stuck with 10.04..haha.19:36
Veloce06having some of the same issues I had with 10.04 and 10.10. Terrible video problems, x freezes etc19:36
holsteini have a testing 11.04 and 10.10 installation19:37
holsteini have 10.04 running most everywhere19:37
* holstein gotta run though... BBL19:37
durrellI'm running an ATI card and 10.04 with mostly no issues19:37
durrellholstein: Yeah, all my servers are on 10.0419:37
Veloce06servers for me are 10.04, but then they do not use X. My desktop is Ubuntu Studio 11.04.19:40
durrellYeah all of my servers are headless as well.19:41
durrellSo you're trying to find a new video card to fix your issues?19:41
Veloce06just on the desktop of course. I've got an 8800 GTS and I'm having X freezes, X reboots, pixelation on the screen, and flashing. It is terribly annoying19:42
Veloce06The only thing I can think is it is the card19:42
durrellThat's kind of surprising19:43
Veloce06It may be a bad card for all I know. It has done this since I can remember.19:43
durrellYeah that's kind of what it sounds like19:43
Veloce06I've got a couple other 8600s or 8800s but I thought I might try something newer at only $5019:44
durrellYeah that makes sense19:46
durrellI'm contemplating a new build but it will be AMD/ATI based if I go through with it19:46
Veloce06I used to use ATI (before AMD), but then they had all the problems and Nvidia was the card to get. I'm not so sure anymore.19:47
durrellI think it has almost reversed now19:47
durrellI know a dual head setup seems to be a lot easier to achieve with ATI19:48
Veloce06hmmm... what low priced ATI card would you suggest these days?19:48
durrellI'm not even running proprietary drivers and have no problems whatsoever, so that's pretty exciting19:48
Veloce06that would be thanks to AMD19:48
durrellI'm looking at getting an HD4670 for my personal card19:49
durrellMy work computer is running a 4 series card too I think19:50
Veloce06I may break down and look at ATI then. I don't need any gaming quality on this desktop, just a good reliable machine.19:50
durrellWell I've been out of the gaming scene for awhile but as far as I know the ATI cards have been holding their own pretty well lately19:53
durrellEspecially for the price19:53
Veloce06well, if the price is decent, I may break down and give it a shot again.19:54
durrellI know the 4670 is 65 bucks19:54
durrellAnd the 5570 or whatever it is..is running like 6019:54
durrellOn Newegg19:55
durrellYou should be good either way, but I just like the fact that my ATI doesn't even require the proprietary driver19:55
durrellOf course I'm not running Compiz or anything like that, though19:55
Veloce06I will give those a look then. thanks!19:57
durrellSure :)19:57
durrellSo you do this for a living I assume?19:57
Veloce06yes and no, IT work is my living, but then I get home and play.20:01
durrellCool. What kind of IT work do you do? Sys admin or what?20:01
Veloce06basically what I don't get to do at work, I try to tinker with at home.20:01
durrellI do the same, haha.20:01
Veloce06I've done a little of everything (except programming) for the last 20+ years.20:02
durrellSo you've been doing this almost as long as I've been alive.20:02
Veloce06I like the sys admin stuff etc, but now it is more management. Can't keep up with the young people any more20:02
durrellI'm a sys admin for a college20:03
Veloce06I guess, started out when Word Perfect was the big thing and Novell was still 2.x20:03
durrellYeah I didn't get big into computers until XP if that tells you anything20:04
Veloce06My first dive into linux with with caldera 4 I think back in the late 90's. Did several things with Unix before that and it was nice to get back to some of the Unix stuff. Boy, I was supporting Windows when it was 3.0.20:05
durrellHaha..my first foray into Linux was Ubuntu 7.04 and I've been running it off and on since then. Mainly been a Mac guy the past few years for college, but now I'm running it full time at work20:07
durrellit = Ubuntu20:08
Veloce06I'm running a Mac at work also. Someone had to be on the edge and try it out as everyone keeps asking for it at work (RTI). I've been slowly pushing other things linux, but we have mainly used Red Hat for any linux at work.20:09
durrellYou like the Mac?20:12
durrellI love mine but I'm not sure about how I'll feel after the 10.7 upgrade20:13
Veloce06yes, since it is based on BSD, there are many Unix like things I can do that you had to force on Windows etc.20:14
Veloce06I'm still on 10.6 I believe.20:14
durrellYeah me too20:14
Veloce06yup, 10.6.720:14
durrell10.7 coming this summer20:14
durrellIt has a lot of iOS UI elements in it, and I just don't know how I feel about that20:14
Veloce06not sure I like the Apple proprietary idea but at least it is stable20:14
durrellYeah the proprietary thing is both beautiful and ugly at the same time20:15
durrellStable but closed20:15
Veloce06that is why it is stable, limited hard ware support etc.20:15
Veloce06If I could get all the apps I use on mac or linux, I wouldn't even touch a windows box any more. Then again, if everything on the mac was available on linux. I would be done and happy.20:17
durrellI love Linux, don't get me wrong, but the stability that the Mac provides is really tough to beat.20:18
durrellI think I'm finding the right blend, though..Linux at work/on my desktop(s), and Mac on the go20:19
Veloce06that is the trade off. mac = proprietary, limited hardware support and good stability. with linux, you have the wide hardware support, limited software and you give up some stability20:20
durrellAlthough Lenovo is making that difficult by releasing Ubuntu certified ultraportables20:20
Veloce06for me it has been the mac at work, and linux at home, although I have to run some windows servers to keep my skills up since that is what work uses so much of20:20
durrellYeah..speaking of that..have you checked out Remmina for RDP?20:21
durrellI found it a few days ago and it is the best RDP client I've ever used20:21
Veloce06nope, haven't heard of it20:21
durrellIf you spend a lot of time in Win servers, it's a must have20:22
Veloce06definitely. Most of the windows boxes are managed with RDP and then I'm trying to get more of them virtualized20:23
durrellYeah I'm the virtualization guy here at work20:24
durrellWe only have 3 ESX machines and I built an ESXi machine this week since VMware is ditching ESX20:24
durrellBut all of our Windows servers are virtualized with the exception of DC, Exchange, Terminal and VOIP20:25
Veloce06I've been playing with VMware server 2 for awhile, but have gone away from that and put in my first ESXi box just a little while ago. Working well for me on an old Dell PE server20:25
Veloce06I got playing with OpenFiler and setup a 3TB iSCSI san and my ESXi is connecting to that for disk space.20:26
durrellYep I installed ESXi on a PE 2650 with 3GB of RAM and it's plugging along with a single Linux server on it, haha20:26
durrellYeah mine is connecting to our Compellent SAN via iSCSI20:26
durrellWe have FibreChannel connections on the other 3 ESX machines which is awesome20:27
durrellBut I didn't have any spare ports to set the test server up on FC so I just used iSCSI20:27
Veloce06well, I had to do my at home, so it had to be on the poorman's budget20:27
durrellHaha, so you have an iSCSI SAN at home?20:27
Veloce06yup, crazy isn't it. I actually have a 42u rack stuffed with I think 8 servers.20:29
durrellMy wife has taken over my home office so I don't have anything20:30
Veloce06My wife thinks I'm crazy, but it is how I keep up on some things and experiment with others20:30
durrellI don't feel worthy of being considered a nerd20:30
Veloce06nah, it will come in time. I don't know how many boxes of old various computer parts I have that I just can't part with.20:31
Veloce06may come in handy one day.20:31
durrellHaha..I have a few drawers full.20:31
Veloce06It's nice when you need something from a few years ago and you can scrounge through some box and find it. Or when someone online needs some old piece of memory. I just might have it20:32
* _marx_ salutes Veloce06 20:33
durrellI wish I'd have been in here the other night. That PE2650 needed PC3200 RAM and I was only able to find 1 more GB laying around20:33
Veloce06yeah, I've had to ask around on occasion to find some stick of memory I didn't have or some processor that was for an older board. Usually someone on TriLUG or something will have it.20:34
durrellWhat's TriLUG? Triangle Linux UG?20:35
durrellNever knew it existed20:35
durrellI'm in Goldsboro, BTW20:35
Veloce06it is here in the triangle, but they have people all over that frequent the mailing list and the irc channel20:36
Veloce06it would be a little bit of a drive for you, but I'm sure someone makes the journey20:36
durrellWhere is it?20:36
durrellI can be on 440 in about 40 minutes20:36
Veloce06They hold their monthly meeting (actually tonight) at Red Hat HQ at NCSU20:37
durrellAh yeah NCSU is actually less than an hour from me20:37
Nivexcome on down!20:37
Veloce06Great group of people, Willing to help etc20:37
durrellI might sometime..what kind of stuff do you guys do?20:37
Veloce06see you aren't that far away.20:38
Nivexeat pizza, listen to program20:38
Nivextonight's program is on LDAP20:38
Nivextonight is also steering committee elections20:38
Veloce06a little of everything. it just depends on who is doing the presentation. I think last month was Audio20:38
durrellWhat about LDAP?20:38
Nivextopic history is on http://www.trilug.org/20:38
durrellI work a lot with LDAP since we're a Server 2008 AD20:38
Veloce06would love to be there for LDAP tonight but I have to be somewhere else. Would love to finally have a good working LDAP implementation instead of eDIR or AD20:39
durrellI was pretty excited to find that ESXi 4.1 had implemented LDAP integration20:40
durrellVeloce06: Do you work with thin clients or desktop virtualization at all?20:48
Veloce06Have started looking at thin clients but have not done much. I have a friend that is heavily into desktop virtualization, so I run things by him20:49
durrellI'm in a meeting now and we're discussing migrating some users to thin clients20:49
Veloce06it's the big thing these days20:51
Veloce06I've thought about doing something at home for a test. Put a terminal in the kitchen or something, just to see how it works.20:53
Veloce06durrell: I've got to head out of the office for now. nice talking with you and maybe I'll see you at a TriLUG meeting.20:54

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