
canthus13Eh? Sorta like ksplice?00:06
* canthus13 didn't know it was available for solaris...00:07
Unit193I Don't remember if it is...00:10
jgouldOk,  Next step is to try to fix this fracking trackpad01:19
dmcglone1Hiya all01:45
Unit193Welcome back02:10
dmcglone1:-) changed my fstab file and rebooted02:11
TheErkHowdy peeps02:20
Unit193Howdy TheErk!02:20
Unit193omgubuntu jumping the gun on shouting out Lubuntu 64bit... (Not really been tested and was supposed to be only for a few downloads...)02:23
canthus13omgubuntu jumps the gun on everything. It's a giant fanboy party.02:25
Unit193The "release" was put on the ML for BETA testers! And they didn't even say it was beta... Idiots...)02:26
dmcglone1anybody know how to use multi-touch in Ubuntu? I've installed utouch but can't figure out how to use the gestures02:52
* canthus13 shows dmcglone1 a 'guesture' for ubuntu. ;)02:53
dmcglone1LOL how am I gonna use that finger?02:54
dmcglone1thats more like sign language for kubuntu02:54
Unit193Sign for Unity....02:56
Unit193Kubuntu is fine ;)02:56
dmcglone1I can agree with that Unit19302:56
Unit193I technically can't say that yet... (I still haven't gone masochist and used it...)02:59
* Unit193 just setup Ubuntu One03:00
canthus13Speaking of distros... I should fire up backtrack 5 and check it out. :)03:00
Unit193canthus13: You could install that!03:02
dmcglone1I hope their distro is better than their website :-/03:02
dmcglone1what ya doing at the moment Unit193?03:09
Unit193Not much... Why do you ask?03:10
dmcglone1just wondering if you were doing anything exciting :-/03:11
Unit193TV show...03:11
canthus13Unit193: Nah. Ironically, it's rather insecure, what with always running as root..03:12
canthus13dmcglone1: Backtrack rocks, if you're into security testing.03:12
Unit193canthus13: I really need to learn to use it...03:12
canthus13Unit193: Check out Armitage. It's a nice way to get into vulnerability testing.03:13
canthus13It's part of metasploit.. a nice gui frontend with lots of neat project management and visualization features.03:14
Unit193I used BT to hack my wireless03:15
canthus13Unit193: that's the way to start. :)03:16
canthus13wait. wtf? Why isn't double-click working?03:17
canthus13Oh. weird. my doubleclick timeout was set to minimum.03:17
Unit193canthus13: Not really. I had an easy to follow guide to work it03:18
dmcglone1well when you backtrack, it usually goes back 1, so naturally that would be 1 click03:18
canthus13Unit193: Most people do. you gotta start somewhere. :)03:19
Unit193dmcglone1: You should try it!03:19
canthus13dmcglone1: It tastes just like chicken!03:20
BiosElementChicken? I want chicken!03:20
Unit193I'm eating chicken pizza...03:21
* canthus13 entices BiosElement to eat the Backtrack chicken.03:21
dmcglone1I'll give it a look over tomorrow03:23
* canthus13 installs it in a VM.03:23
dmcglone1thats what I'll do03:23
canthus13dmcglone1: can't do any wireless work inside a VM.. all the other toys are usable, though.03:24
dmcglone1Hmmm wonder why03:24
canthus13Because you can't directly access the wireless hardware from inside a VM.03:25
canthus13the VM presents it as a wired adapter.03:25
dmcglone1I see03:30
dmcglone1well I'm out all. g'night03:31
canthus13Unit193: Bah. the buttons are on the wrong side. :/03:33
Unit193Gaaa.... Like Ubuntu used to be....03:34
canthus13Err.. Ubuntu still is.03:36
canthus13Easy enough to correct, though. :)03:36
canthus13(It's based on Ubuntu)03:36
Unit193I know that part03:37
canthus13Geez... Takes forever to get through the last 1%.03:39
jgouldi need to figure out how set up a vm on abigail03:39
canthus13install virtualbox.03:40
Unit193canthus13: I figured I should take a look at both KDE and Gnome version03:40
canthus13then set it up. it's fairly straightforward.03:40
canthus13teh KDE version sucks. it's KDE.03:40
jgouldthat woulkd be one way to do it... i need windows for a few things that i do...03:40
* jgould likes LXDE03:41
canthus13jgould: vbox also has a seamless mode that puts the taskbar at the bottom of the screen inside linux, and allows the windows apps to somewhat mingle with the window manager windows.03:41
Unit193I would use all but the main Ubuntu (But I would give Gnome another shot)03:41
jgouldi hated that mode in vmware03:42
canthus13Not sure if you can drag and drop between windows and linux apps in seamless mode...03:42
canthus13It's sometimes useful.03:42
jgouldthere is a UH in columbus this week?03:44
jgouldill have to look at the calendar when i get home03:46
jgouldi want to say its this week03:46
jgouldah  wont do me much good to show up this week then03:49
Unit193Wed, May 18, 6pm – 7pm03:50
jgouldthe time sounds right03:51
Unit193Ours is same day from 1700-180003:51
jgouldthis milkshake is good03:52
jgouldi want to go to a pure lxde envroment, but i dont want to break my system03:55
canthus13dmcglone: Eh? You again? Go to bed. :)04:03
jgouldbed is good04:13
jgouldi should go to bed at some point04:20
Unit193jgould: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde05:09
BiosElementSomeone hand me a shotgun, I need to shoot the zope documentation writers, if I can find any.05:22
Unit193That bad, eh?05:25
BiosElementThey feel the need to invent words with new and unique meanings and then add a few other words that mean the same thing05:26
BiosElementThen mix and match them any which way.05:26
BiosElementAnd of course, that's assuming docs were even written at all. In some cases a tutorial and maybe some API dos are the best you'll get.05:28
BiosElementAnd even then the tutorial's probably 5+ years old05:28
jgouldI'm off to bed.  Night gang.06:32
Unit193Good luck!06:34
BiosElementYo Cheri703, you better bring back cool junk :P08:13
BiosElementAnd hey Unit193, you suck08:13
BiosElementI thought you were asleep08:13
* BiosElement kicks Unit193 out08:13
Cheri703ha, I've got a bunch of stickers and some pens08:14
Unit193Why would I be sleeping?? ;)08:14
Cheri703though I have to say, they're primarily for mansfield folks, you cbus people get all kinds of stuff, we are starving for swag up here ;)08:14
BiosElementhehe, I actually wouldn't have any swag if it wasn't for Jacob :P08:14
* BiosElement thanks the ubuntu gods that Jacob doesn't like ballcaps08:15
Cheri703I got my UDS shirt yesterday08:15
BiosElementAhh cool08:15
BiosElementSounds like you've been busy08:19
Cheri703yeah, I've been "dent"ing and posting to fb about it cheri703 on identi.ca :)08:19
Cheri703SUPER tiring, but awesome08:19
Cheri703learning SO FREEEEEEEEEEEAKING much08:19
BiosElementHah, sounds like cons.08:20
BiosElementI cannot tell you how dead tired I am after getting to wherever I crash >.>08:21
* Unit193 got kon-boot fully working on his flash!08:23
BiosElementGrats I think08:23
Cheri703yeah, but it's so cool. I'm learning a ton about some of the processes and discovering that there are some teams that I never knew existed08:24
Unit193BiosElement: It can show you how insecure windows is08:26
* Unit193 is reading the identi.ca now!08:26
BiosElementUnit193: I don't really care how insecure windows is, I wouldn't trust anything to windows :P08:26
Cheri703someone I know is probably going to go to work for microsoft on security08:27
BiosElementTell him to go ask Sony for a job, they're hiring. ;)08:27
Unit193It can also make it easier[4~ to fix them...08:28
Cheri703it's a her08:28
Cheri703she's going to make MONEY08:28
BiosElementAhh haha08:28
Unit193One of the people from another channel is getting an interview with FB08:28
BiosElementAight, screw this08:34
BiosElementI'm not going to sleep till I get this bloody adaptor registry thingy working08:34
BiosElementGonna strangle a mouse at this rate08:34
BiosElementIt shouldn't be that difficult, my brain is just being stupid08:35
Cheri703....perhaps sleep would help?08:35
BiosElementHah I'd put it off again.08:36
Cheri703canthus13: I may not be able to get any super awesome sight-seeing pics with sully :/ we have weird timing and some of the stuff is far away :/ so I will do what I can, but no guarantees on any "landmark + sully" pics10:14
canthus13Cheri703: That's all good. :)11:49
Cheri703kk :)11:49
Cheri703there was one place I was hoping to go, but it closes at 6, and that's when we get done :/11:49
* Cheri703 needs a nap14:11
dmcgloneanybody know of anything I can use to print on an envelope?14:38
Cheri703a printer14:39
Cheri703libreoffice writer should, libre office draw should, glabels should14:39
dmcgloneglabels does envelope labels, but I want to print directly on the envelope14:40
Cheri703it should do envelopes...give me a sec14:40
Cheri703ok, nvm14:41
Cheri703use libre office14:41
Cheri703either writer or draw14:41
dmcgloneI think I've found some Oo templates14:42
Cheri703format page, choose an envelope size14:42
dmcgloneAh I didn't think about that14:43
dmcgloneI'll try that14:43
Cheri703sure :)14:44
dmcgloneThanks Cheri703 took me a couple tries to get it aligned but it worked great15:02
Cheri703glad to hear it15:06
* deejoe wonders how things are in .hu 15:10
Cheri703going alright :)15:10
Cheri703UDS is crazy15:10
Cheri703I'm learning a ton15:10
Cheri703I've been "dent" ing on identi.ca  cheri703 on there15:10
Cheri703some interesting stuff I'd like to suggest to the loco15:11
deejoewhoo, first subscriber!15:24
* deejoe glances at paultag, BiosElement 15:25
Cheri703fair warning: it won't always be ubuntu-y15:25
deejoethat's ok, neither am I15:27
Derath-Srvrhi all17:31
Derath-Srvrsigh... I hope I haven't killed my install with clonezilla last night...17:32
Derath-Srvrhalf of my fears came true wiht it...17:32
jgouldok...  Right now, I hate AT&T19:29
jgouldI hate it when my fears come true19:30
jgouldo.O to which?19:32
canthus13AT&T sucks.. :/19:45
jgouldI've only had problems when I haven't paid my bill19:45
canthus13They have speed issues, sales reps that lie out their ass issues, installer issues, timely repair issues... the list goes on and on and on.. I talk to AT&T refugees all the time.19:46
Derath-Srvrcanthus13: Having an issue with grub, since I cloned the drive and resized sda3, I knew I had to run grub-install again...20:12
Derath-SrvrSo I started my old hdd (in a usb case), chrooted to the new drive, and tried to run grub-install and got this message:20:13
Derath-Srvrgrub-setup: warn: This msdos-style partition label has no post-MBR gap; embedding won't be possible!20:13
Derath-Srvrgrub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and its use is discouraged.20:13
Derath-Srvrgrub-setup: error: If you really want blocklists, use --force.20:13
Derath-SrvrUsed --force just to get it to boot from the new drive, but still getting that error when I need to update grub...20:13
Unit193Stupid little git!!20:29
Derath-Srvrthat's why svn is better :)20:29
* Unit193 isn't talking about GIT...20:29
Derath-SrvrMaybe not, but it sounded better ;)20:30
* Unit193 just got flash working as a boot disk and the bloody computer that I booted it from changed it!20:30
Unit193SON OF A ***!!!20:31
Unit193That little fraker formatted it!!20:31
Unit193....there goes my day. Now I have to go to the whole process of recovery...20:34
Derath-SrvrSorry to hear that... looks like I may have to do a similar thing too...20:35
Derath-Srvrseems like I will have to re-partition the new hdd, and then clonezilla to copy the partitions...20:35
Derath-SrvrHave one more trick to try before doing that tho... some parted setting on it...20:35
Unit193That stinks... Was it your main computer?20:36
Derath-Srvrtook about 3 hours to clone the disk...20:36
Derath-SrvrPretty much...20:36
Derath-Srvrmy s76 lappy20:36
Unit193It was my main flash too...20:36
Derath-Srvrgoing from a 320g hdd (at about 90% full) to a 750g :)20:36
Unit193The 320 doesn't still have all the data?20:37
Derath-SrvrSure it does... it's just annoying to have to re-transfer it all over again...20:38
Derath-Srvrread above to see what I did last night until midnight lol20:39
Derath-Srvrgot the clone finished and realized I didn't have a live 64 cd anywhere in the house...20:39
Derath-Srvrhad to use old hdd to start and chroot into new20:39
Unit193Thank goodness for testdisk... Anyone know how to fix the partition table without deleting files?20:47
Unit193(Seems easy to do, I just don't know anyone that's done it...)20:49
Derath-SrvrNo clue..21:17
BiosElementDerath-Srvr: ...you just backed SVN. I'm afraid you're tainted now. >.>21:32
Derath-SrvrI've loved svn for what I've done with it21:33
Unit193Seems the partition restore worked!21:58
=== bryan is now known as Guest89889
dniMretsaMwhat exactly is the mailing list?22:01
Unit193I just found out my grandpa died this morning...22:15
dniMretsaMhdude that stinks22:58
dniMretsaMsry 4 ur loss22:58
dniMretsaMI'm out peeps22:59

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