
* jthan pokes around01:55
jthanI just upgraded to Natty... Terribly disappointed :-(01:55
rmg51yeah, I'm not feeling Unity :-/01:56
jthanAnd in general the whole thing is buggy..01:57
jthanAfter I resume from suspend things go missing until a reboot.. Just not happy with the performance. My boot time is near 2 minutes.01:57
rmg51on a clean install I lost wireless with network manager01:57
jthannow without Googling I can't even figure out how to ditch Unity :-P01:58
jthanDo I have to change my session?01:58
rmg51login screen01:59
jthanAh. yea.01:59
rmg51at the bottom is a drop down box01:59
rmg51pick classic01:59
jthanIs it any less buggy for you?02:00
rmg51depends on the computer02:00
rmg51this one is still on 10.1002:00
rmg51just didn't get around to upgrading it yet02:01
rmg51Teddy's System76 laptop seems fine02:01
rmg51had to go back to rhythmbox02:02
rmg51banshee messed up :-(02:03
jthanOh boy. I gotta ehad out for now. I'm reconfiguring some stuff on my linode then I should be back full time ;-)02:04
jthangood chatting for all of five minutes02:04
bts3685|vpsjthan: holy crap dude, you're alive!02:47
jthanbts3685|vps: same could be said to you!03:32
jthanSoon as I drag all the files off the linode and reinstall... an OS - I'll get irssi up and running03:34
jthanCalc and Analytical Writing have been kicking my BUTT, and work has been pretty hectic.03:35
ChinnoDogjthan is too busy for us04:50
InHisNameWhat a busy nite (for only jthan)07:12
bts3685|vpsi've been busy working!07:20
InHisNameLucky stiff, a paying job!08:00
JonathanDMorning PA11:03
rmg51morning JonathanD11:11
JonathanDhowdy rmg5111:12
JonathanDHow goes?11:17
rmg51just reading the digital version of the morning Inquirer11:20
rmg51breakfast time :)11:29
ssweenylunch time :)11:30
rmg51let me know when it's nap time ;-)11:31
InHisNameGood morning all you early birds and luncheon fellows - JonathanD, rmg51, & ss13:52
InHisNamessweeny  instead of ss13:53
JonathanDHello InHisName14:05
InHisNameWhuts up this morn, JonathanD14:05
JonathanDnothing much.14:26
JonathanDGonna do some more recabling today.14:27
InHisNameOoooo sooo exciting, re-cabling.   Cat-5 ?14:27
InHisNameIt's still better than wearysome task that keeps on repeating and repeating14:54
InHisNamejob searching14:54
* ChinnoDog yawns18:03
* teddy-dbear hugs :-D18:13
* InHisName notices it is now afternoon already.19:08
JonathanDInHisName: so it is.19:17
InHisNameso lets have a frenzied discussion of things ubuntu.19:20
knightzeroUbuntu, Wine, and a particular e-book reader that requires Visual basic do not play well together.19:22
InHisNameGo tee-totaler and dump the e-book reader and keep ubuntu.19:24
knightzeroI would if it weren't required for school - and if the alternative wasn't a horrible web based HTML reader with zero search functionality.19:25
InHisNameOr if you are very inflexable, adopt VirtualBox and add an OS that supports VB for the e-reader.19:25
knightzeroThat's my current workaround.  I'd still love to make it work in Wine though.  Its not Wine's fault at all, this program is just....eh....describable in words that violate the family-friendly nature of this channel.19:27
InHisNameOk, moving on....   If I enable 'cube' in compiz in 10.04  what command spins and other actions on it ?19:31
knightzeroIf you have the CompizConfig settings manager installed, you should be able to map it to whatever you want.19:32
InHisNameYea, I got that.   I seem to have only two desktops but not able to see cube yet.  Must be more settings to fix.19:37
knightzeroThe button mappings are under rotate cube>bindings, and you'll need to enable rotate cube and desktop cube19:38
teddy-dbearflipping the cube is no fun with only 2 desktops :P19:40
InHisNameinitiate = <ctrl><alt>Button1     so I tried ctrl-alt + all diff mouse buttons  what is '1'?19:41
knightzeroToo true, teddy-dbear19:41
knightzerobutton1=usually the left mouse button.19:41
InHisNameWhere to increase count of desktops from 2 ?19:41
knightzerohold all three and you can spin the cube19:42
teddy-dbeardefault is crtl/alt/left or right arrows19:42
InHisNameThat shifts to left desktop19:43
knightzeroFrom the desktops view on your gnome toolbar, you should be able to right click and select the number of desktops.19:43
InHisNameIs setting for # desktops in compizmgr ?19:43
teddy-dbearbottom right corner19:44
teddy-dbearlower panel19:44
InHisNameOk I see it now19:45
teddy-dbearyou should have 2 squares showing19:45
InHisNameOk setting changed to 4.    Shows 4 upon review but still only 2 to move about in, yet.    Do I need to 'reboot' or sumthin' ?19:46
knightzeroYou should be able to change arrangement as well - if they are stacked as a square, the cube rotation doesn't work quite right.19:47
knightzeroUnder preferences, set rows to 119:49
InHisNameYea, they are 1 row 4 desktops.    But only have two so far.19:51
InHisName4 cols x 1 row19:52
knightzeroThat should update immediately.19:53
InHisNamereboot to see if that fixes anything .....   Two other things want a reboot anyway.20:14
InHisNamewell reboot cleared that up. Got 4 desktops in one row.20:24
InHisNameOk, now it rotates20:25
InHisNameNow you guys can resume the regularly scheduled discussions about all things ubuntu......20:25
InHisNamekids home from school.   Chore day.   bb MUCH later20:28

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