
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: ping00:24
=== Juzzy is now known as Juzzy-
xTEMPLARx_switched from unity to gnome 314:51
xTEMPLARx_not too bad so far14:51
=== xTEMPLARx_ is now known as xTEMPLARx
wrsthey xTEMPLARx i'm very fond of gnome 315:02
wrstthe ubuntu ppa last time i tried it royally sucked though15:02
xTEMPLARxthat's what I'm using now15:04
xTEMPLARxinstalled it early yesterday15:04
xTEMPLARxbeen working pretty well thus far, senor wrst15:04
xTEMPLARxwhat problems did you run into?15:04
wrstthey may have improved it xTEMPLARx15:04
wrstwell xTEMPLARx it was just a little weird looking compared to the vanilla gnome 3, the vanilla i think competes easily with kde4 on looks15:05
wrstI had gnome 3 installed in arch so i used it for about 10 minutes didn't like it and went back to arch15:05
wrsti'm really disappointed in unity15:05
xTEMPLARxwrst:  unity wasn't so bad imo, but I would probably lean its way if I were installing it on a low-end system without good graphics15:08
xTEMPLARxi like the avant dock though, which gnome 3 is using by default15:08
xTEMPLARxat least from the ubuntu ppa15:08
wrstgnome 3 fallback is pretty decent looking15:09
wrstthe dock is pretty much the same15:09
wrstbut xTEMPLARx when they put unity on top of gnome3 for the shell it may be much better15:09
wrstso i haven't given up hope15:09
xTEMPLARxunity on TOP of gnome shell?15:11
xTEMPLARxno TY15:11
xTEMPLARxI got this Suzuki hatchback, but I'm gonna put it on top of my cadillac escalade to make it cooler!15:11
wrstha ha xTEMPLARx15:18
wrstno they are going to have unity to be the shell on gnome 3 instead of gnome shell if I'm not mistaken15:19
wrstbut xTEMPLARx, mhall119 can tell us all about it when he gets back from UDS15:19
xTEMPLARxis that secret code for "bathroom"?15:19
wrstUbuntu Developer Summit15:20
wrstI'm sure they have some fine bathrooms there however, I think budapest is where its at15:20
xTEMPLARxso mhall actually went to budapest to attend?  and he's from TN?15:35
mhall119I'm from florida15:36
wrstmhall119: how is it going over there?16:20
wrstor are you still there?16:20
xTEMPLARxThere's a floridian in here?!17:26
xTEMPLARxwe don't take kindly to outsiders round hyere!17:26
xTEMPLARx<banjo music>17:26
wrstxTEMPLARx: i think ohh yeah you are implying we have the banjos thats about right17:56
mhall119xTEMPLARx: I'm not there, I'm in Budapest, weren't you paying attention?18:04
mhall119wrst: it's been busy, I'm sprinting which means I don't have much time for sessions18:05
wrstmhall119: sounds like a fun time, hope you can give us an update when you get back, enjoy!18:05
mhall119wrst: I'd be happy to18:06
wrstawesome look forward to it be safe18:06
mhall119all the summit notes are in etherpad though, so you can browse them18:06
xTEMPLARxdo they make an etherpad ipad app?  :D18:38
xTEMPLARxnope no ipad or android versions18:47
xTEMPLARxdon't hate!19:20
xTEMPLARxit is what it is19:20
xTEMPLARxand for what I wanted it for, its working nicely19:20
wrstyes they look wonderful xTEMPLARx i'm just jealous i don't have the $$ for one right now ;)19:21
xTEMPLARxi had to sell some things19:22
xTEMPLARxhad to part with my last motorcycle19:22
xTEMPLARxit wasn't running anyway, and was just wasting away, so its in a better place now19:22
wrstmotorcycle heaven?19:23
pace_t_zulucyberanger, delayed pong ... even though you aren't here19:54
wrstha ha pace_t_zulu :)19:54
wrstand good afternoon19:54
pace_t_zuluwrst: good afternoon to you.19:54
wrstpace_t_zulu: guess you saw it but we got an update from Budapest19:55
pace_t_zulugood hustle mhall11919:56
wrstyes I think he might even be willing to clue us in on all the good stuff when he gets back19:57
pace_t_zulumhall119: you have a link to etherpad?19:57
mhall119pace_t_zulu: if you go to http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/ then pick a day or track, most of the meetings  will have a small pad and pen icon that will take you to that session's pad20:25
pace_t_zulumhall119: ty20:56
XpistosYou, peeps21:02
XpistosIs there any reason why I can't install 32 bit os on my wife's AMD 64 computer?21:03
wrstno Xpistos21:05
wrsthow much ram does she have Xpistos?21:05
Xpistos4 gb21:06
wrstIf i don't have over 4GB of RAM on a machine I always install 32bit21:06
Xpistoswhat iso do I use?21:06
wrstI would certainly go 32bit unless you are using it for something that 64bit gives you a "real" advantage on21:06
pace_t_zulu"Ubuntu 11.10 To Switch From GDM To LightDM" ... http://digitizor.com/2011/05/12/ubuntu-11-10-lightdm/21:07
Xpistosno she has nad nothing but trouble with 64 bit Mint21:08
Xpistosso I want to get her off to go to 11.04 Ubuntu 32-bit21:08
wrstXpistos: 32 bit just generally works better with things like flash etc, I run both  and have really no issues now but used to have more with 6421:08
Xpistosso, what can you install lightdm now/21:09
XpistosCause frankly I cna't stand unity!21:09
pace_t_zulumhall119: you know what the "Punchy Penguin" is?21:09
wrstpace_t_zulu: that makes a lot of good sense21:09
XpistosSo on a AMD  64_bit computer, I can just install the standard 32 bit Ubuntu?21:11
wrstyes Xpistos21:11
pace_t_zuluwrst: sounds like a good move to me21:11
pace_t_zuluXpistos: lightdm would replace gdm .... similar to how unity replaced gnome221:12
wrstand btw Xpistos the AMD 64 builds work on intel 64 bit too21:12
Xpistosnow if I can only get it to install from the usb I will be good21:12
wrstXpistos: should install easily from usb if your bios supports it21:12
XpistosDaugther DE-STROYED the cd-rw drive.21:12
XpistosI tried during the weekend and it got to installin the software and then errered out21:13
wrsthmm haven't had that Xpistos but could be a bug?21:15
Xpistoswell I was using the 64-it AMD versiion so we will testout the normal ubuntu and see21:16
pace_t_zuluamd64 is just one name for 64-bit extensions to the x86 architecture... 'amd64' and 'x86_64' are the common shortnames for the architecture ... only reason it ever got the 'amd64' name is because it was developed by AMD during Intel's misguided project the make Itanium the 64-bit platform of the future.... please correct me if i'm wrong21:17
pace_t_zuluany 32-bit x86 code should run just fine on an amd64/x86_64 processor21:18
XpistosThanks pace_t_zulu21:18
pace_t_zuluXpistos: yw ... np21:19
pace_t_zulu"Mark Shuttleworth: Our Goal Is 200 Million Ubuntu Users In 4 Years" ... http://digitizor.com/2011/05/09/mark-shuttleworth-ubuntu/21:22
pace_t_zuluespecially given the fact that it has take nearly 7 years to amass ~12 million users21:24
pace_t_zulufrom the article ... "We’re not playing a game for developers hearts and minds" - Mark Shuttleworth ... that is not very comforting21:25
wrstpace_t_zulu: I think that is exactly what i was trying to remember on the 64 stuff :)21:26
pace_t_zulumhall119: any buzz about wayland at UDS-O?21:27
pace_t_zuluwrst: i think what i said is accurate ... that's my recollection of how that architecture came about21:29
pace_t_zuluwrst: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-6421:29
wrstthat sounds like what i had read and was googling for :)21:29
wrstpace_t_zulu: first scan looks like you were exactly right21:29
pace_t_zuluwrst: first time for everything ;)21:30
wrstfrom my experience that's not the first time ;)21:30
mhall119pace_t_zulu: there was I think one question about it21:37
pace_t_zulumhall119: so really... nothing21:37
mhall119the answer was pretty much "Wayland is the future of linux desktops, but the future is a long way away"21:37
pace_t_zulumhall119: that would indicate that wayland will not land before the next LTS ... but maybe after... right?21:37
mhall119from what little I've heard about it, 13.04 would be the absolute soonest it could be the default, but that's highly unlikely21:38
mhall119it will probably be in a PPA before then21:38

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