
pleia2meeting at UDS is at 10:00 UTC today06:37
pleia2pretty much covering what we discussed at the last meeting here: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/2011042106:37
pleia2but it's also a nice opportunity to get input from women who are here and don't usually attend our stuff online :)06:38
macowahhhh uds people shouldn't already be awake when i havent gone to sleep yet06:49
maco(release day at work = stay up late to get it done)06:49
pleia2night maco06:51
pleia2and yeah, UDS at UTC+2 is interesting :)06:51
hypatiameeting is at 12 budapest time, right?09:52
hypatiaor is it now09:52
* hypatia pings pleia2 09:52
pleia2hypatia: 1209:52
hypatiayeah just found it in the Guidebook09:53
hypatia<3 guidebook09:53

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