
nlsthznnight all06:06
Kilosmorning superfly and other early birds06:30
KilosMaaz, coffee on06:30
* Maaz washes some mugs06:30
KilosMaaz, and rusks06:31
MaazSorry Kilos the Crash Kid ate them all06:31
kbmonkeymorning Kilos :)06:31
kbmonkeyno more rusks?! :(06:32
Kiloshiya kbmonkey  :)06:32
KilosMaaz, rusks please06:32
MaazThere is a packet of Ouma's  on the top shelf06:32
Kiloshide them from the crash kid06:32
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!06:34
KilosMaaz, ty06:35
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure06:35
kbmonkeynext time we'll get 'em before crash kid he he ;)06:40
superflymorning oom Kilos07:26
sakhimorning superfly Kilos how goes?07:27
Kiloswell ty sakhi and you07:27
plustwogood morning07:28
sakhiI'm good thanks.07:28
sakhihi plustwo 07:28
plustwosakhi: hi07:28
superflysakhi: ok thanks, on the mend07:29
plustwohi superfly07:29
superflyhi plustwo07:30
Kiloshow is superfly today?07:30
plustwohi Kilos07:31
Kiloshi plustwo 07:31
superflyKilos: getting there07:31
inetprogood evening07:37
plustwohi inetpro07:39
panfriedsidhmorning all07:44
plustwopanfriedsidh: hi07:46
Kiloshiya inetpro hows ya today07:49
Kilosmorning hihanhoesj 07:49
inetproKilos: good and yourself?07:49
Kilosgood ty07:49
Kiloshi panfriedsidh 07:50
panfriedsidhhi guys. the plan today is to call in sick and get lots done from home :)07:52
panfriedsidhshouldnt have to.. 07:56
hihanhoesjHi Kilos, got your evo problem fixed?07:59
Kilosi did a restore and lost those few in evo but they still at gmail ty hihanhoesj 08:00
Kilosdunno where that bug came from. been perfect since i started ubuntu08:01
hihanhoesjpersonally I never was a huge van of Evo, much too buggy imo.08:02
Kilosthis was my first probs with it08:03
Kilosonly in the last 2 weeks08:03
hihanhoesjlast prob I had was with trying to imap 1GB+ to my machine.08:03
hihanhoesjit took it more than a day(!?)08:04
Kilosthats kinda large08:04
hihanhoesjor it would have if I hadnt stopped it :)08:04
Kilosi use pop08:04
Kilossuch large mails would kill me08:05
hihanhoesjI tried using it again at this job, but now it totally refuses to connect to the imap server...08:05
hihanhoesjya, I never delete an email :)08:05
hihanhoesjpst, I even keep the spam08:06
Kilosi delete all the spam. some fools think i am old and try sell me viagra all the time08:07
hihanhoesjhehe, might come in handy someday though *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*08:07
Kilosdunno where they got my addy from but its like 5 mails a week the swines08:08
hihanhoesjyou are lucky... I get about 5 a hour... well my spamfilter gets them, I dont :)08:09
Kiloscould be google because all my google stuff is linked i think08:09
hihanhoesjno they do a dictionary attack08:10
Kilosi dont know how to use those filters08:10
Kilostoo much for the head08:10
hihanhoesjso they actually take a educated guess08:10
Kilosdictionary attack08:10
hihanhoesjtake a dictionary, run through it on a word-for-word basis and prepend that to a domain08:11
Kilosyou dont think its through the google links to blog and site08:12
hihanhoesjand then they make a note of which addresses does not report a non-exestant error. 08:12
hihanhoesjthat helps to08:12
Kilosoh well thats the cyber world we live in08:13
hihanhoesjand the spammers are like the telemarketers of the cyber world :)08:13
hihanhoesjjust ALOT easier to ignore08:14
hihanhoesjbut more difficult to annoy them ;)08:14
Kilosactually there is an antispam tool in ubuntu08:20
Kilosi saw it just running through synaptic a while back08:21
Kilosfor admin guys i was told08:21
Kiloslooks like it actually attacks spam sites08:22
Kilosbut someone will sue you i think08:22
hihanhoesjare you maybe talking about spamassasin?08:27
Kilosno hihanhoesj  it had a funny name08:49
Kilossome bunny or something08:49
hihanhoesjlol ok08:50
hihanhoesjI will have a look.08:50
Kilosmaybe superfly remembers08:50
Kiloshehe sugarplum08:52
Kilosi laughed at the time cause thats what i call my love08:53
Kiloshihanhoesj, ^^08:54
hihanhoesjlol I will take a look :008:54
hihanhoesjho ho ho08:55
hihanhoesjthats a nice app you uncovered there :)08:55
Kiloslol looks like a little meanie hey?08:56
hihanhoesjbasically what it does is to give the spammer that is crawling your website, exactly what he wants. Email adresses08:57
Kilosthere is so much in synaptic that one will never use , but interesting to look at08:58
hihanhoesjbut those email addresses does not exist, so the spammer must then delete his whole email database, and start from scratch :)08:58
Kilosyes but read more08:58
Kiloskiller thingie08:58
Kilosvery clever tool08:58
hihanhoesjhmm send one spammer another spammers address... now thats what I can usefull spam fighting, lol08:59
DraZoroGreetings everyone 09:57
plustwohi DraZoro09:58
Kiloshi DraZoro 09:59
DraZoroHi Kilos, plustwo10:02
Kilosmorning maiatoday 10:10
DraZoroGood Morning maiatoday 10:10
maiatodayhey Kilos DraZoro 10:13
DraZoroOut for now ....later guys 10:17
Kiloshi corrie206  hows things10:43
Kiloslong time no see10:43
hihanhoesjAparently not speaking to you, eh Kilo?13:08
Kilosoh corrie206 yeah the overgrown hooligan13:50
Kiloshe has been ignoring us13:50
nlsthznk, cheers for now14:46
hihanhoesjIt would almost look like I fall under that same catagory :)15:59
Kilosovergrown or hooligan16:10
Kilosor ignoring us16:10
Kilosna. you done well today16:11
Kiloshow did you work your nick out16:12
hihanhoesjits a ambigiouation (hope I spelled that correctly) of a nickname I used to be called by friends of the family16:13
Kiloswhew. i looked for a short one. typing is hard work16:14
afrodeitylong live classic gnome16:15
hihanhoesjif you say so, for me, I like typing16:15
hihanhoesjClassic gnome has reached EOL, long live classic gnome16:16
hihanhoesjsomething to that effect?16:16
Kilosi use 2 fingwers and gotta look for each character16:16
Kilosfingers too16:16
hihanhoesjI would much rather type, than write :)16:17
Kilosi  learned to type 2 fingers most likely for you were born16:17
hihanhoesjprobably, I wont doubt it :)16:18
hihanhoesjI realy learned to type when I started programming :)16:18
hihanhoesjand I am still glad I did16:18
hihanhoesjbut I still need to9 teach myself to touch type, never could get the hang of it :(16:19
Kilosi have tried a couple of the typing programs but hands dont fancy  wriggling around like that16:19
hihanhoesjwell anyway, I gotta start getting home now, talk later again16:20
Kilosto me it is fascinating to watch a good typist at work16:20
Kilosgo safe16:20
hihanhoesjdamn, forgot I still need to shut down my VM's16:21
hihanhoesjI use the same hard drive that I keep my Star Trek's on, to hold the drives for my VM's16:22
hihanhoesjthere we go... I am off16:22
hihanhoesjAnd I am at home :)16:51
Kiloswell done17:07
kbmonkeyevening fine folks17:19
* nlsthzn waves17:51
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
cocooncrashinetpro: pdftk21:51
cocooncrashMaaz: http://twitter.com/inetpro/statuses/6869539209046016121:54
Maazcocooncrash: inetpro: "Merge,Split and Re-arrange PDF pages using PDF-Shuffler http://t.co/2WH0jz3 ♻ @hfordsa: Help! Need quick way of merging 3 pdf docs. Anyone?"21:54
inetprococooncrash: pong21:55
kbmonkeydoes someone in Durbs have a CentOS 5.6 DVD I could copy?22:08
superflykbmonkey: ask William Walter Konghorn22:09
kbmonkeyten-4 superfly 22:11
kbmonkeyJust discovered the live CD does not support HDD install22:12
Symmetriasup :p22:27
* nlsthzn-work waves22:34
Symmetriaif you're interested22:43
SymmetriaLOL network hax!22:43
KerberoSymmetria: do you know if it is possible to run a local dropbox cache22:48
Kerberoor something dropbox-like on tenet?22:48
Symmetriaheh, seriously doubtful without some very very strong academic motivation :)22:48
Symmetriabecause the first thing I'd get asked if I even proposed that internally is "Whats going to stop that becoming the central way for students to move pirated crap around" 22:49
Kerberobut with a 2GB data limit...22:49
Kerberostill possible22:49
Kerberobut nasty22:50
Kerberoand then one can just as well use email22:50
Symmetriaheh, like I said, if I could get a good enough motivation for it, possibly, but it would need to be very very heavily motivated22:51

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