
escottLAcan, im not sure that is an independent widget, you would probably have to create one yourself. depending on what language your script is in there may be bindings for it00:00
maheanuuI removed Pulse audio and installed Alsa and now nothing wurks00:00
edbiandusf: You want way more than 15gb for /home and /00:00
LAcanescott, craigbass1976 i just need some kind of progress metre... CLI is fine too00:00
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LAcani tried -v but its not very verbose!00:00
toneshiftermeheanuu is it for me ?00:00
maheanuuThat is for anyone that might like to give this older than dirt Chief a hand00:01
darkenvyokay.... Unetbootin crashes X00:01
edbiandusf: 10 is recommended for / alone.  /home takes as much stuff as you store.  Generally this is the majority of your disc usage. All of your personal files are stored in /home.  Music, movies, papers, everything00:01
darkenvyI do not have a CD drive to make a CD00:01
escottLAcan, if you want a cli progress meter just echo -n "="00:01
edbiandusf: There is not much to be gained from a separate /opt.  Why do you want that separate?00:01
tuffpoo_UBUNTUhow do i know i have the correct nvidia driver for my computer00:01
dusfedbian: my bad, that was the wrong link! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10803212#post1080321200:02
LAcanescott, i dont understand...?00:02
toneshifternope seriously alsa was working yesterday00:02
darkenvyhow can I make unetbootin not crash X?00:02
toneshifterand after update00:02
dusfedbian: /opt is separate so i can hang onto software i install without synaptic after a fresh install00:02
toneshifterit freaked out00:02
edbiandusf: Awesome :)  You know the filesystem better than me I think!00:02
nsd_I upgraded this machine to Ubuntu 11.04 and now when I shut it down, it appears to do so uncleanly; upon rebooting, the BIOS POST test thing says that the last boot failed. This only happens after shutting down; it doesn't happen if I restart the computer. When I boot up the machine (before I see the message), I see the boot screen twice (hence the "previous boot failed" message), but on the first attempt, it does not get past that.00:02
kavurtpooltable: i asked opensource alternatives for skype. those are not even for linux.00:02
craigbass1976LAcan, google for spinny in bash scripts.  I know I've seen it before.  There's such a thing as Greg's wiki too; google for that.  bashfaq as well, that might be the same as greg's wiki.00:02
dusfedbian: i very much doubt that :)00:02
edbiandusf: Can you show me the output of ls -l /path/to/media00:02
nsd_Anyone know of what might be causing the problem?00:02
escottLAcan, so if this is a bash script right... and you have some way of determining your progress, then whenever the progress goes above n*10% echo -n "=" and it will print a "=" without a newline00:03
dusftoneshifter: i lose sound every upgrade because i have pulseaudio removed, and an upgrade reinstalls it, try sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio and reboot - at your own risk00:03
edbiandusf: I can fix your problem00:03
bkerensaAnyone know how to kill the ubuntuone notification00:03
edbiandusf: I have to grab my laundry.  I'll be right back.00:04
darkenvyI need to prep a USB for installation of ubuntu... Unetbootin crashes my X. how else can this be done?00:04
tuffpoo_UBUNTUhow do i know i have the correct nvidia driver for my computer????00:04
dusfedbian: http://pastebin.com/6P6BF7SB and nps00:04
bkerensamy ubuntuone notification has gone major haywire (keeps popping up every second)00:04
edbiandusf: got it.  brb00:04
LAcanescott, i think im unclear... I just need a porgress metret for the file move, not the entire script...?00:04
toneshifterso remove pulseaudio should fix the problem ?00:04
velcroshoozdarkenvy: just dd the iso to the stick from cli00:04
iocorcan motd be a script instead of a static text file?00:04
darkenvyI dont know what that means00:04
toneshifterdusf i mean i have sound the problem is after plugin headphones00:04
toneshifterit still play sound from the speakers00:05
bkerensaDoes anyone know what process handles the Desktop Notifications in gnome for UbuntuOne? Mine has gone haywire and keeps popping up00:05
escottLAcan, run this in your terminal echo -n "|"; sleep 5; echo -n "="; sleep 5; echo -n "="; sleep 5; echo -n "="; echo -n "|" and see if it gives you what you want00:05
dusftoneshifter: are you sure the headphones are working? for me i need to run alsamixer and confirm that all channels are at 100%00:05
dusfthis may help you...00:05
rhizmoebkerensa: which ones, the black rounded box up on the right?00:05
bkerensait keeps popping up saying its uploading "null"00:06
bkerensarhizmoe: Yeah ^00:06
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toneshifterchecked a few different headphones00:06
rhizmoeturn off whatever is trying to upload. it's probably not ubuntu00:06
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bkerensaIts UbuntuOne00:06
LAcanescott, ya, but im not gonna be able to put an echo in betwen the mv command....?00:06
darkenvyvelcroshooz, what is a cli? how do I use dd to move the iso onto it?00:07
bkerensarhizmoe: I keep disconnect UbuntuOne but its trying to sync nothing00:07
escottLAcan, unless your problem is that you don't know the progress from the "mv" command in which case its going to be difficult, because mv doesn't provide any progress information. you might try rsync, or see if there is another tool that you can use00:07
nsd_LAcan: I think I know a solution for what you're trying to do00:07
kronos321 00:07
kronos321 00:07
kronos321 00:07
FloodBot1kronos321: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:07
bkerensarhizmoe: I even rebooted and it starts again after boot but this is something new since my last update to natty00:07
dusftoneshifter: try 'alsamixer' in terminal - may or may not help you to confirm all channels are at maximum volume...00:07
rhizmoeubuntuone? is that the software center thing?00:07
bkerensarhizmoe: If I can figure out what process it is then I can apport-bug00:07
nsd_LAcan: You basically need two processes executing simultaneously, so you need a way of doing the mv and when the mv is done, have it write a file or something that your progress script looks for00:07
* rhizmoe a little n00by on the ubuntu-specific stuff00:08
edbiandusf: Can you explain this to me?  It looks like a windows 7 ntfs partition.  What is the document and settings shortcut there?  folder is this in Ubuntu?00:08
bkerensarhizmoe: No UbuntuOne is the cloud syncing system00:08
nsd_LAcan: So the progress script runs until the mv finishes. It won't tell you the progress of the move, just that it's working00:08
bkerensarhizmoe: Automatically syncs documents00:08
rhizmoebkerensa: notification-area-applet i see on mine00:08
rhizmoebkerensa: right, i rmember now00:08
* kronos321 testing00:08
LAcannsd_, no i dont think so... i just want to know what percentage of the current single file has been moved, similar to how the GUI does it00:08
nsd_LAcan: Then you can't use mv for that00:08
rhizmoedotmac type thing00:08
toneshifteras i said the sound is on00:08
anthony__greetings.  I have an old HDD taken out of my old acer aspire.  it came with two ~30 partitions (vfat).  I have it in an external USB caddy.  when I plug it in the two partitions open in nautilus, but they appear to be empty.  they are not empty.  what's going on?00:08
LAcannsd_, well like... how does nautilus move stuff? can I call that command from the CLI?00:09
bkerensathanks for the info Im gonna drop off apport the bug and stuff00:09
rhizmoebkerensa: also look at uone's settings to have it stop telling you stuff00:09
darkenvyDoes anyone know how to dd an iso to a flash drive?00:09
nsd_LAcan: That's end of story for mv; like escott said, rsync (iirc) does show the progress of a move.00:09
toneshifteralsa just do not switch output after the headphones jack is plugged00:09
toneshifterand still plays on the speakers00:09
rhizmoegood luck00:09
MonkeyDustfolx, a superblock error when i try to mount an usb external hdd - i tried tune2fs - it worked before - hints & tips?00:09
nsd_LAcan: Nautilus probably does it very low-level to show you progress00:09
Phearret_Hi all ... any solution yet for the natty update and getting wireless disabled ?00:09
nsd_LAcan: afaik there isn't a nautilus command, so to speak, that you could use; take a look at rsync though00:09
dusfedbian: this is on my DUMP partition which is ntfs, I have WIN 7 symlinking the users and program files dir to DUMP, the purpose was to have the windows partition at a fixed size, and when i install programs they go to DUMP00:10
LAcanthanks for that, im looking it up now escott  nsd_00:10
nsd_Anyone having issues with unclean shutdowns in 11.04 that might know what would cause it?00:10
dusfedbian: means i don't have to resize my Windows partitions00:10
dusflimited for space here00:10
Omen_20How do you move pinned apps in the unity bar? I want to change the order.00:10
escottLAcan, your alternative is backgrounding mv, and running ls in a loop to determine the file size and calculating the progress00:11
escottOmen_20, drag the icon out to the middle of the screen then drag it up and down00:11
LAcanescott, nsd_ does rsync require a daemon running on the target machine...? cuz its a windows box00:11
boldfilteri need to restore my acpi tables00:11
edbiandusf: So this is ls -l /media/DUMP ?00:12
nsd_LAcan: I have no experience with using rsync to a remote host, but I'm pretty sure that's one of its primary uses00:12
escottLAcan, shouldn't if it is locally mounted00:12
qinLAcan: for file you can use pv00:12
nsd_LAcan: I think rsync will work through ssh and other mechanisms00:13
LAcanqin, what is pv?00:13
dusfedbian: yes00:13
qinLAcan: And this is it (also for file): http://chris-lamb.co.uk/2008/01/24/can-you-get-cp-to-give-a-progress-bar-like-wget/00:13
Hilikuswhen I try to play something using alsa it says the device is being used. how can i see which process is using it?00:13
qinLAcan: From "man pv": pv - monitor the progress of data through a pipe00:13
edbiandusf: So your problem is with file placed in... ?00:14
escottwhat a terrible abuse of tracing00:14
aj00200Is there a way to reinstall ubuntu without touching my home directory?00:14
LAcanwow qin these are great links!00:14
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome00:14
nsd_LAcan qin: That's quite a clever hack00:14
dusfdanslo: /media/DUMP/downloads00:15
aj00200edbian: thanks, looking00:15
edbianaj00200: Follow those instruction to put it on a separate partition (assuming it isn't already)00:15
dusfedbian even00:15
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edbiandusf: even??00:15
dusfedbian: but the problem is that even when the file is downloaded to ~/Downloads i have to chmod +x filename.exe it manually00:15
escottaj00200, i heard someone say there is an option to preserve the home directory during an install. i'm not sure if it is true though00:15
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dusfedbian: i sais danslo's name instead of yours00:15
dusfpleae read above00:15
qinnsd_: the site is awesome too ;) neat!00:15
Phearret_I have a RTL8101E/RTL8102E Realtek wireless that was disabled by the update.00:16
dusfwhen i chmod +x filename.exe in /media/DUMP/Downloads it still won't open, in ~/Downloads if i do the same it will let me open it, but even at that i shouldn't have to do this everytime i want to open a .exe00:16
boldfiltercan anyone tell me how to repair my acpi00:16
LAcanqin, i think im gonna go with pv.. little confused though...00:16
aj00200escott: thanks. I'll look for that first then00:16
edbiandusf:  Ahh, we have to change the umask of the file.00:17
Skaperenis there any document that explains how to "batch" or "script" the various configurations (e.g. direct file modification by a script) that need to be applied to a fresh new installation of Ubuntu ... so I can avoid having to do all those things manually?00:17
escottaj00200, just remember -- "always make backups"00:17
walllablehow do i change my name without restarting the chat?00:17
aj00200escott: well, I don't have much important stuff. Everything I *need* is on github or launchpad. The rest is just reinstalling a bunch of programs and recustomising to some extent00:18
dusfedbian: go on00:18
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ActionParsnipSkaperen: you can modify files using bash, i'd ask in #bash for help :)00:18
edbiandusf: I was reading :)00:18
dusfedbian: if relevant i did my fresh install with a different username and computer name than i had when i would have been using /media/DUMP/ previously...00:19
ZoohouseI am having trouble loading a ICC profile that I want my monitor to use.. Anyone knows how? I've already used xcalib and gnome-color-manger with no luck...00:19
escottSkaperen, i think there is a tool (primarily oriented at companies like dell) to create ubuntu install media from a configured system00:19
edbiandusf: I think you have to set the umask for the Downloads folder to 01300:19
dusfi don't see why this would cause me problems with the file when it's downloaded to my /home partition though - downloaded from mirc.co.uk00:19
edbiandusf: like this umask 013 /path/to/Downloads00:19
SkaperenActionParsnip: I seriously doubt #bash people know which files to find all these things in ... oh, FYI, I am an experienced bash coder, and have even written a chapter in a sysadmin book on how to code in bash00:19
edbiandusf: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/understanding-linux-unix-umask-value-usage.html  umask is what decides what permissions things get when they're created00:20
Crazed_PersonaOk. This is gonna sound really noobish but how do you set a program to run at start up in 11.04?00:20
edbiandusf: Each folder has a umask which determines the permissions of things created inside that folder00:20
LAcanqin, im a little confused as to pv's use.. do I just pipe the mv to pv ie: pv | mv filename destination ?00:20
edbianCrazed_Persona: System -> Admin -> Startup00:20
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edbianCrazed_Persona: sorry, system preferences -> startup app00:20
dusfedbian: done, testing00:20
SkaperenActionParsnip: the issue is about finding which files need to be changed, and their syntax if a man page doesn't tell it, for each of the GUI config settings00:20
qinLAcan: cat src_file | pv [options?] > dest_file (not very fast or very precise), also cp (not in ubuntu) have --prog or -g option (maybe own build?)00:20
ActionParsnipSkaperen: no but they can tell you how to use sed and such to modify what you need00:20
Crazed_PersonaI know that. Where are the programs located to add to there?00:21
edbiandusf: But warned.  Downloading things not from the repos and running them on linux is the best way to get a virus00:21
edbianCrazed_Persona: mostly /usr/bin00:21
aj00200Crazed_Persona: press the super key (windows key) and search for startup00:21
SkaperenActionParsnip: I can assure you I know about bash, sed, awk, and many other tools of the trade ... what I'm looking for is Ubuntu specifics00:21
ActionParsnipSkaperen: you will need to MD5 test the files, make a change then MD5 test again to see which have changed00:21
zelozelosi have a desktop connected to a router/modem via ethernet, and a lappie that connects to the same router/modem wireless. i want to share hard drives between the two what 2 i need 2 do?00:21
edbianCrazed_Persona: But if you can type the name of the program at the terminal you can type that name in the startup apps gui box thingy00:21
LAcanqin, why cat tho? could I do a "mv source | pv > target?00:22
dusfedbian: it's only really windows programs00:22
SkaperenActionParsnip: tried that ... usually a few hundred files change by just having been even looking at the GUI00:22
Crazed_PersonaI know the name of the program how it is displayed.00:22
edbiandusf: Why are you running windows programs in Ubuntu?00:22
edbianWhat are you talking about?00:22
SkaperenActionParsnip: hence this is why I am looking for a document00:22
dusfedbian: i had thought there were only ever 2/3 viruses in history on linux00:22
dusfedbian: i want to install WoW, mirc is just a small program with an installer for testing00:22
edbiandusf: There are hundreds of them but they are proof of concept.  Their are none in the wild.  They require you to do things like download them and explicitly run them00:22
SkaperenActionParsnip: for example, which file to change, and how, to disable automounting00:22
dusfedbian: same error The file '/home/dusf/Downloads/mirc719.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.00:23
edbiandusf: Are you using wine or something?00:23
ActionParsnipSkaperen: i see, if you change a text value, grep for the before and after and you can see what's what. Most stuff hides in gconf00:23
PSPman123i made the startup thing make google chrome startup on boot-up, because i usually use the internet on this every day.00:23
escottLAcan, you can't move the file into a pipe, move expects two arguments. cat sends it to standard out which gets piped and then redirected to a file.00:23
tepsterIs there a way to get rid of the email icon and empathy menu at the top right in Ubuntu?00:23
dusfedbian: i am trying to open .exe with WINE program loader00:23
edbiandusf: It only changes the permissions of files created in that folder00:23
dusfit works when i open it with the wine command from terminal00:23
ActionParsnipdusf: you needto mark the file executable00:23
dusfedbian: what about files downloaded to that folder00:23
dusfActionParsnip: that is not working00:23
escottSkaperen, what exactly do you want to accomplish. do you want to master your own install media, or do you want to vcs the system?00:23
edbiandusf: That's because you have permission to execute wine  (which is in /usr/bin)00:23
LAcanescott, thatll work for binaries as well? no crazy slowdown or anything...?00:23
SkaperenActionParsnip: so these files are not documented?00:23
dusfActionParsnip: through the GUI, i don't have the option00:23
edbiandusf: Files downloaded into that folder should get rwxrw---00:24
codex84crysis 200:24
codex84dont play00:24
edbiandusf: You know that you can chmod +x that file right?00:24
escottLAcan, its slower, but pipes are pretty fast. the biggest concern would be sparse files would get blown up00:24
dusfedbian: i just redownloaded ti, didn't work00:24
edbiandusf: What permissions does it have?00:24
ActionParsnipSkaperen: i'm not aware of them personally. They will be heavily documented due to the nature of the OS00:24
ActionParsnipdusf: you do00:24
dusfedbian: yes, but that will only work when i chmod +x the file when downloaded to ~/Downloads not when i chmod +x it when downloaded to /media/DUMP/Downloads00:24
dusfActionParsnip: i use thunar file manager, and do not00:24
ActionParsnipdusf: then use CLI00:25
Crazed_PersonaIf anyone can help me I will give the teamviewer code and you can come do it yourself.00:25
ActionParsnipdusf: chmod +x filename.exe00:25
Skaperenescott: I want to construct a set of scripts (numbered to run in the right order) which I can load in after the install, which will make all the changes ... I know how to make changes to text files in bash or binary files in C ... I just need to know which, and semantics if the settings are coded, such as numbers00:25
edbiandusf: You mean you can't chmod +x things in /media/DUMP/Downloads ?00:25
edbianActionParsnip: He just explained how that isn't working.00:25
dusfActionParsnip: http://oi56.tinypic.com/2ni5t9f.jpg00:25
escottSkaperen, but why have you decided upon scripts. thats really what I am asking. what about scripts do you like?00:25
dusfedbian: i can, but it makes no difference00:26
dusfActionParsnip: in 10.10 this was not required, there must be some reason i have to in 11.0400:26
edbiandusf: Is /media/DUMP/Downloads on NTFS ?00:26
Skaperenescott: if they have a way to make these changes at the install ISO mastering stage, that might also work ... but it still needs to be script based because the scripts will be making decisions (e.g. not each machine will be alike)00:26
dusf/media/DUMP is ntfs00:26
dusf~/Downloads is ext400:26
dusfi have to eat00:26
dusfback soon00:26
edbiandusf: Change the permissions for NTFS files / folders in windows00:26
edbiandusf: That is the issue00:26
Skaperenescott: that would mean each machine has to have its own individual ISO to install from if I configure that way00:26
edbiandusf: cya00:27
ActionParsnipdusf: what is the output of: sudo apt-get -y install pastebinit; lsb_release -a | pastebinit00:27
escottSkaperen, there is a company that makes a "git for the entire system" trying to find the name00:27
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LAcanoh this pv is pretty sexy00:27
escottSkaperen, they are oriented at exactly this use case, where you vcs the entire os, and then patch your changes into it00:27
porter1Anyone know of a program that will generate a basic user-friendly terminal menu (like selecting a set of options)?00:27
Skaperenescott: I don't know what you mean by that.  I know what git is, but I don't understand how you're applying it for this case00:27
escottSkaperen, if i can find their website ill send it to you00:28
Skaperenescott: what does "vcs the entire os" mean?00:28
kenneth_reitzDoes debian's packaging follow the same 'no major release software upgrades' rule as ubuntu?00:28
ActionParsnipkenneth_reitz: ask in #debian00:29
kenneth_reitzActionParsnip: thanks00:29
Skaperenescott: if the changes are not done by my scripts, it will be hard to do because the changes will be different ... i.e. if they provide a GUI toolkit to make the changes, it won't gain me anything because I'd still have to manually configure each machine (it would only change the order of steps to do it all)00:29
ActionParsnipSkaperen: you could configure the GUI etc, then archive the setting folders, then just restore and chown00:30
SkaperenActionParsnip: but then I have to do that "configure the GUI" all over again for the next machine ... the objective of the scripts is to make it so I don't have to do these GUI steps (which are different for each machine)00:31
LAcanSkaperen, tweak ubuntu00:31
SkaperenActionParsnip: I can make the scripts smart ... I have done so for stuff like the apache configs, for example00:31
porter1I found MaxMenu, but it would be great if I could find something in the repos00:31
ActionParsnipSkaperen: makes sense, could ask in #gnome perhaps00:31
escottSkaperen, look at Conary and or Foresight Linux. I believe it is designed in such a way that you could layer it on top of apt00:32
SkaperenLAcan: requires a knowledge base I don't have ... e.g. which files hold which config states00:32
Sir_GabrielIs there something like esword for Ubuntu?00:32
SkaperenActionParsnip: most of this is for server edition, so gnome isn't even there00:32
escottSkaperen, otherwise if all the changes you need to make are in /etc you could use something like etc-keeper to construct patches and then apply them00:32
Skaperenescott: a lot might be, but maybe not all ... once I have the documentation I seek, that should tell me if so00:33
Skaperenescott: this all seems to beg for a new wiki dedicated for people to contribute their findings for how to script up (e.g. avoid GUI) various config changes00:34
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escottSkaperen, this lwn article may explain conary a bit better than their website http://lwn.net/Articles/411962/00:34
Skaperenescott: OK, will look00:34
grindelI'm sort of a newbie running ubuntu 11 fresh install I can't access shared drives on my windows network, can anyone help me do that?>>>I have tried the help files with no effect.  I *think* samba is running and smb but I don't see it in "processes"00:34
Sir_GabrielLOL!!! @ the name gnubie00:34
escottporter1, most of the time this is done with curses, I don't know how high-level it is though00:36
Skaperenescott: looks like an alternate package manager ... but does it know how to change files, based on being called from a script with the info?00:36
Al_nz1any grub gurus here?00:37
Al_nz1I am trying to get grub to pickup the grub.conf - but its missing it for some reason00:37
Skaperenescott: here's an example that does involve Gnome or KDE depending on which desktop you have ... make a command line script that when given the path to an image file, will set the login screen background image to that00:37
adubzcan someone help me usb tether with android00:37
escottSkaperen, the company positions itself as a "you run redhat, suse, ubuntu on your network... our product will allow you to isolate the changes needed for a particular purpose of your server (this is the smtp server, this is the web server, this is the...) and roll it out wherever you want"00:37
escottSkaperen, it may be overkill for what you want00:38
maheanuuCan someone help me set up Alsa, I removed Pulse Audio and installed Alsa but now I have nothing00:38
Skaperenescott: but it scares me that it may be yet-another-webadmin (but maybe not web based) thing, which has a narrow set of concepts that it can work with00:38
bikeim in trouble with my usb stick... i tried installing ubuntu to it yesterday... from the same drive ,different partition, it paused for a very long time after complaining i didnt unmount it... and now it doesnt work at all, ive tried eeverything i can think of, including a low level format, and every command i can think of that should unscrew it, but it just doesnt work, dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdd for instance , nooo luck, i cant format00:39
bike it, mount it, write to it, write an mbr or anything anymore. all i get is this :[  663.961405] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdd] Sense Key : No Sense [current] [  663.961422] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdd] <<vendor>> ASC=0xff ASCQ=0xffASC=0xff <<vendor>> ASCQ=0xff [  694.160581] usb 1-1: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 12 [  709.272073] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -110 etc etc, [  939.872587] hub 3-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB00:39
bikedevice on port 100:39
FloodBot1bike: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:39
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escottSkaperen, and i think the conary approach would be "change the background through the gui" then use conary to identify what was changed on the system, and turn that into a "patch" which you can bundle with other patches to make your "distribution"00:39
Skaperenescott: if it isn't command line based, it will be too awkward to use (because the decisions will be made by my scripts)00:39
Sir_Gabrielmaheanuu go to terminal and type alsa load or something like that...00:39
Sir_GabrielI don't remember for sure00:39
VustomWhat's that audio program that you can use in the terminal and it comes with Ubuntu and starts with a? I forgot what It's called and I need to use it. :C00:40
Sir_Gabrielmaybe alsa reload or alsa force-reload?00:40
escottSkaperen, the gdm example is a great one because I have no earthly idea where the gdm config would be stored00:40
SkaperenVustom: alsa?00:40
VustomSkaperen; thanks!00:41
VustomWhat's the full name of it?00:41
escottSkaperen, but it would probably involve dropping some files in /usr/share, and editing a file in /etc00:41
VustomI typed it into terminal and it didn't work. :C00:41
escottVustom, just type alsa[TAB] for completion00:41
Skaperenescott: that's one of the things I did manage to find and get it scripted ... but there are probably hundreds more ... it could take me 3-4 months to figure it all out doing it the way I did that00:41
Skaperenescott: which I why I wanted to cheat and find a document00:42
Vustomvustom@Vustom-Ubuntu:~$ alsa Usage: /sbin/alsa {unload|reload|force-unload|force-reload|suspend|resume}00:42
escottSkaperen, there is a mastering application in synaptic for mastering your own install media, it might help00:42
kaushalI have upgraded java6 from u22 to u24, I get this issue http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/606323/ I am on Ubuntu 8.04 Linux. Any Clue ?00:43
escottVustom, you probable want alsamixer, but just type alsa[TAB] to see your options00:43
kermitdo all panics not sync?00:43
Skaperenescott: what can be complicated is in many cases, various options that are seen as a menu of choices in a GUI are stored in the files as one of a few different numeric values, which no clue as to what those numbers mean short of digging into source code ... and this isn't a scalable activity for so many things to do00:43
codex84how would u update your nvidia00:43
codex84craphics card00:43
maheanuuSG should I use a sudo in front of that?00:43
Skaperenescott: and in other cases there may be words, but still not always clear what to use ... one has to try all the various choices at the GUI tool and see how they change in the file00:44
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Skaperenescott: here's one for you ... if you run adduser to add a user, it might NOT even show up at all in the GUI user/groups tool00:45
maheanuuSir Gabriel, so far no joy00:45
walteri cant install ubuntu.. it says upgrade bios or use forced=something..00:45
tbruff13does anyone use the Awn dock00:45
ActionParsniptbruff13: many do, yes00:45
rcmaehlMy pc is mad at me. When I try to transfer "certain important and very private personal files" to my new hdd I get invalid argument while all other files copy without error. What could be causing the error?00:45
ActionParsnipwalter: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?00:46
grindelI'm sort of a newbie running ubuntu 11 fresh install I can't access shared drives on my windows network, can anyone help me do that?>>>I have tried the help files with no effect.  I *think* samba is running and smb but I don't see it in "processes" >>>ideas, anyone??  Is there a way to access a network share through terminal?00:46
Sir_Gabrielcodex84 system > admin> hardware drivers00:46
ActionParsnipgrindel: is the windows system, windows 7 per chance?00:46
Skaperenescott,ActionParsnip: I guess I'll just keep chugging along at it the old way ... was just hoping someone had documented it ... I'll try to document the things I do find00:46
walterActionParsnip: nope..cause i already used the cd in other pc's and it goes without error00:46
ActionParsnipwalter: does the RAM test OK?00:46
tbruff13ok I wanted to add an extender to make it split applets up system applets on one side and windows on the other but when i click on someting an icon pops up on both sides of the extender is their any way i can fix this or any other dock i can use that has this function00:47
qinrcmaehl: Give failing command and ls -l very/important/files (paste.ubuntu.com for multiline paste)00:47
escottSkaperen, yeah im not aware of any single consolidated source of documentation. its all buried in man pages and application websites00:47
walterActionParsnip: i didnt actually do the ram test cause it doesnt appear :)00:47
SkaperenActionParsnip: I'll call the document "auto-pimping your ubuntu" or something like that00:47
rcmaehlqin: Invalid argument is failing command and the pastebin wouldn't be very SFW00:48
ActionParsnipwalter: it doesn't by default, when you see the keyboard + stickman screen, press SPACE. You can also test the CD for defects there as well00:48
escottqin, i don't think rcmaehl wants us to see the names of those "private and personal files"00:48
SkaperenActionParsnip: a lot of it is adding on packages ... and that part is easy00:48
grindelno, actionparsnip, it is a mixed network, with an xp machin, vista, and win7 machine accessing it, but also a MYbook network drive, which is really my goal to access00:48
Sir_Gabrieldidn't they try that with automatix?00:48
jahmanhi linux people00:48
rcmaehlescott <- what he said00:48
phoenixsamprasWhy Ubuntu 11.04 is TRYING to IMITATE to MACOS?00:48
ActionParsnipgrindel: if you run:  smbtree    do you see the shares?00:48
=== hoho is now known as hoho`
qinrcmaehl: Do you ues nautilus to copy?00:48
LjL!ot | phoenixsampras00:49
walterActionParsnip: i see.. so what am i going to do? btw my pc is kinda old00:49
ubottuphoenixsampras: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:49
qinescott: Yeah, it helps00:49
rcmaehlqin: yes drag and drop00:49
jahmancan some help with downloading flash videos00:49
ActionParsnipwalter: old is moot, as long as the ram is healthy it will be fine00:49
rcmaehlalthough I could do cp00:49
hoho`any app for ext3 data recovery pls?00:49
ActionParsnipjahman: you can use extensions / addons to do that00:49
rcmaehlyou can't cp in terminal from a windows share00:49
LjL!recover | hoho`00:49
ubottuhoho`: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel00:49
escottrcmaehl, check the permissions to see that you have the right to read those files00:50
ActionParsniphoho`: your backups will do a better job00:50
walterActionParsnip: i have sempron 3000+ 64bit enabled 512 ram and 256 vga00:50
SkaperenBTW ... I just tried 11.04 for the very first time today ... but I couldn't find where to do the system settings ... so I got frustrated and went to just shut it down ... then d'oh! there it was in the shutdown menu00:50
hoho`i erased the partition by mistake00:50
qinrcmaehl: ls -l /files/you/do/not/want/to/show to conform that you own them, cp /that/files /new/dest/of/that/files00:50
Sir_Gabrieldo flash videos stay in your cache? maybe copy and paste from there?00:50
rcmaehlqin: okay00:50
jahmanI downloaded the file but having a problem with gstreamer00:50
ActionParsnipwalter: my media server uses one of those, it's not that old00:50
escotthoho`, if all you did was delete the partition table you could recreate the partition table if you know *EXACTLY* what size it was00:50
dusfedbian: that is not the issue, and i had no problems with exe before fresh install xubuntu00:51
LjLescott, and if you don't, testdisk or gpart to the rescue00:51
Skaperenescott: that's always fun (have done it many times) ... gotta be SECTOR exact, too00:51
edbiandusf: can you show me ls -l /path/to/file.exe  ?00:51
qinrcmaehl: Oh, windows shares... No clue than (using usb stick would solve problem)00:51
dusfalso, i have the problem on the ext4 partition too00:52
VustomI need to get my sound to go through the Line-in port in my pc..00:52
escottLjL, cool never heard of testdisk00:52
tbruff13ok I wanted to add an extender to make it split applets up system applets on one side and windows on the other but when i click on someting an icon pops up on both sides of the extender is their any way i can fix this or any other dock i can use that has this function can any one help me with this00:52
dusfActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/VjYMww8Y00:52
kermitwhy would init exit?  "attempted to kill init!" panic00:52
kaushalI have upgraded java6 from u22 to u24, I get this issue http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/606323/ I am on Ubuntu 8.04 Linux. Any Clue ?00:52
dusfedbian: which file, when on /media/DUMP, or ~/Downloads?00:52
VustomI was able to do it before but can't remember how I did it, I'm using my Xbox and the sound goes thru my Xbox and into my pc, then out into my headphones..00:52
edbiandusf: The actual .exe that is giving you trouble00:52
walterActionParsnip: i see.. btw i recieved help from yesterday(philippine time) from Dr_Willis...he said something like nomod something00:53
rcmaehlqin: well it's a windows share on ubuntu00:53
Skaperenkermit: maybe it could not find something it needed?00:53
rcmaehlqin: the regular ubuntu share method was screwed up (I'm still figuring out why)00:53
escottrcmaehl, make sure there aren't any strange characters in the filenames00:53
ActionParsnipwalter: let me see what that is00:53
dusfedbian: i have the problem slightly different in both places00:54
escottrcmaehl, are you copying from ntfs to ext4 or the other way around00:54
rcmaehlescott: ext4 to ext400:54
edbiandusf: What is the difference?  Can you show me ls -l on one of the files please?00:54
tbruff13hello does any one know a way to fix this or a dock besides awn that can do this00:54
Sir_Gabrielhates nt fs00:54
dusfedbian: when i chmod +x /Downloads/filename.exe i can then open it but this is not a solution as i shouldn't have to chmod all the time, when i chmod +x on /media/DUMP/filename.exe i still can't open it00:54
Igor_ElezI need some help for borders on all my windows, problem is in metacity! i done "metacity  --replace" and it works only for that sasion, on the next log-in it gets back beeing without borders... HELP anyone?00:55
Sir_Gabrieltbfyrr13 fix what exactly?00:55
edbiandusf: Yes.  I know.  Please show me ls -l /media/DUMP/filename.exe00:55
qinrcmaehl: You should be able to copy with sudo, chown after.00:55
escottrcmaehl, we really need to see ls -l on the files and source and destination folder. just edit the filenames and paste it to us00:55
walterActionParsnip: its one of the opts in the f6 menu on the stickman screen00:56
dusfedbian: http://pastebin.com/Wj1RUiwh00:56
edbiandusf: Thanks00:56
rcmaehlqin escott nvm I zipped the files and moved them over.00:56
escottdusf, /media/DUMP may be mounted as noexec00:56
Igor_ElezI need some help regarding metacity, cant get it to work00:56
Igor_Elezany help?00:56
Al_nz1any grub gurus here?00:57
edbiandusf: And if you run chmod +x /media/DUMP/Downloads/mirc719.exe   you get an error?00:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:57
escottIgor_Elez, do you have graphical effects enabled (like shadows and wobbly windows etc)00:57
Igor_Elezi will see that now00:57
dusfedbian: no response, it just doesn't make any difference, i still can't open it00:58
edbiandusf: did the output of ls -l  change?00:58
dusfbut when i chmod +x ~/Downloads it does make a difference, and i can output it00:58
escottdusf, check "mount" and see if /media/DUMP is mounted noexec00:59
VustomI can't seem to hear anything with Analog Line-in?00:59
tbruff13does anyone have any ideas on how to fix the awn dock00:59
VustomWhen I'm in PulseAudio I can see the music bar moving so it's making sound, I just can't hear it?00:59
kermitSkaperen: yeah except this is while its already bene running a while00:59
edbiandusf: I'm thinking it's due to the underlying FS.  ~/Downloads is ext  and the other is ntfs.  I think maybe the owner name / number is different on linux and windows so the permissions are getting messed up00:59
escottIgor_Elez, if you do then you have compiz not metacity, and your problem is with compiz00:59
dusfedbian: http://pastebin.com/Yw4Urggv00:59
kaushalchecking in again for the query ?00:59
dusfedbian: many of the folders i created on /DUMP i did prior to my last install, i had a different username01:00
jaequeryanyone know any good alternative to something like chef?01:00
Sir_Gabrielhow do I add another panel on another monitor?01:00
edbiandusf: what is this most recent pastebin?  df?01:01
Minnenlol soz cuolndt hold my self01:01
darkoricalcan anyone help with installing a 56k modem01:01
RudeTuxsomeone to help with mythbuntu plz?01:01
dusfedbian: mount01:02
Igor_Elezescott I am using Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04 on my netbook, yesterday I enabled "Normal" visual effects in "Appearance menu. but upon new boot it went back to "None"... is the problem in that? and can I get it working again?01:02
schoppenhauerhello. is it possible with the alternative installer to install ubuntu on an already existing encrypted lvm?01:02
schoppenhauerthe last time i tried something like that made the installer break my encrypted partition01:02
RavenHursTok.. wtf... When I do 'drush features' it says that one of my features is in an 'overriden' state.. but when I run 'drush feature [feature name]' I get 'Feature is in its default state. No diff needed.'  What gives??01:03
CajunTechieHey everyone, I've got a quick question for anyone who's seen anything. I've been told that Unity will be the ONLY option in 11.11 and that we won't be able to install any other desktop. True? False? Rumor?01:03
escottIgor_Elez, compiz won't run on some hardware (that isn't powerful enough), and then you have to drop back to metacity which looks the same but has no effects. if compiz is not working properly on your hardware (and it probably isn't on a netbook) I would disable all effects, and then see if metacity comes back. if metacity doesn't come back then start metacity with metacity --replace and add it as a startup program in gnome-session-pr01:03
edbiandusf: ok.  Can you show me ls -nl /media/DUMP/whatever/file.exe  ?01:04
RavenHursTSame thing w/ 'drush fr'... wtf?!?01:04
RavenHursTArg.. soooo ofrustrating..01:04
darkoricalIM running 11.04 server 64bit edition I am trying to install a pci modem but wvdial cant detect it and it isnt working through minicom either01:04
Igor_Elezescott thanks, will try now01:04
ChronicSyncopewhen i plug my iphone in dbus-daemon shoots up to 50+%01:06
ChronicSyncopein system monitor01:06
magusOTBI just upgraded to 11.04 on my netbook, and its networking has become completely hosed. It gets an IP address, but when I try to ping anything outside of my subnet, I get "network unreachable"01:06
OverlordHow would I get the ubuntu software center on a computer with out it?01:06
Overlordbut in the ubuntu line01:06
magusOTBIt can't do DNS resolution, resolv.conf is always empty01:07
RavenHursToops.. .wrong chan... der....01:07
ChronicSyncopeOverlord, try 'sudo apt-get install software-center'01:07
Overlordapt-get install ubuntu software center?01:07
Overlordok :P thx01:07
ChronicSyncopeOverlord, package names cannot contain spaces01:08
VustomCan someone help me get the sound to work with Line-in?01:08
html_inprogressOverlord,  thhats a question i have never heard of,, and a good one01:08
dan-workoverlord, when in doubt, search for it in synaptic package manager01:08
ChronicSyncopedoes anyone know why dbus-daemon shoots up to 50+% when i plug in my iphone?01:08
edbianOverlord: sudo apt-get install software-center01:08
ChronicSyncopehah. you guys are all too late.01:09
OverlordAlso, I have an old IBM comp with an external wifi card.  How would I go in getting the WIFI card to run on it with a ubuntu type load installed?01:09
ChronicSyncopeOverlord, by external do you mean USB?01:10
Overlordno, external as in card bus01:10
FreezingColdI was just wondering, how well does Ubuntu run on ARM?01:10
Overlordspecifically a D-link card01:10
OverlordD-link DWL-G63001:11
w30CajunTechie, Unty is just a box you check n compizConfig Settings Manager that 11.11 keeps reconfiguring for you if you have Unity. You can remove Unity and just go with Compiz.01:11
ChronicSyncopeD-Link DWL-G630 ?01:11
CajunTechieThanks W30. Makes me feel much better01:12
OverlordThat's the card bus wifi card i have01:12
MattEdwardI was considering dual booting ubuntu onto my windows laptop since I want to hold onto my windows install, but came across wubi, does it have the full functionality of an ubuntu install?01:12
Igor_Elezescott thank you so much, it worked perfectly... I done "sudo metacity --replace" and because it was "none" already selected, i gone to "normal" and then back to "none" effects, on the next boot it worked perfectly :)01:12
Igor_Elezthanks again :)01:12
grindelanyone have an idea why smbtree errors out when trying to access network shares with the following? cli_start_connection: failed to connect to BLAH2<20> ( Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL01:12
edbianMattEdward: Yes.  But wubi sometimes makes fixing things more complicated because it is a bit of a hack.01:13
OverlordWUBI is the name of the install, ME.  It loads aside from windows if you boot the install inside of windows itself.01:13
edbianOverlord: what?01:14
ChronicSyncopeOverlord, i could be wrong, but i believe you need this driver http://www.ralinktech.com/support.php?s=201:14
w30CajunTechie, check this web link:http://jbrouhard.com/?p=2901:14
Overlordthanks :D01:14
ChronicSyncopeOverlord, the one marked RT2501PCI/mPCI/CB(RT61:RT2561/RT2561S/RT2661)01:14
rcmaehlWhy are HD videos so laggy while their audio isn't?01:14
ChronicSyncopercmaehl, that's incredibly vague01:15
zerwasrcmaehl> on Youtube?01:15
rcmaehlChronicSyncope zerwas everywere but dragon player which is from kde01:15
qinrcmaehl: What palver, mplayer, vlc? Likely not enough video memory, try to scale down, or framedrop01:15
VustomWhy can't I get Line-in to work? :C01:15
MattEdwardI was considering using photoshop through wine, but I have a feeling it'll be slow on my laptop, so instead of a dual boot--where I'd have to go back and forth between nix and win--Im thinking wubi would be the best way to go, dunno01:16
rcmaehlqin: everywhere but dragon player which is from kde01:16
FreezingColdSorry to be annoying and ask again, but how well does Ubuntu run on ARM?01:16
VustomI've turned up everything in alsamixer, and in PulseAudio the sound bar moves when I press a button, but I hear nothing..01:16
rcmaehlFreezingCold: arm7 or arm901:16
Igor_Elezdo you ppl believe that Ubuntu will have 200 million users in next 4 years? :) that would be gr801:16
coz_FreezingCold,  personally I  dont known sorry guy01:16
OverlordThat RALINK will run the D-link card for me?01:16
FreezingColdrcmaehl: ARM7, snapdragon01:17
qinIgor_Elez: It does not have already?01:17
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.01:17
edbianIgor_Elez: Where did you get that stat from?01:17
escottMattEdward, you may also consider gimp (heresy I know) or !VirtualBox01:17
rcmaehlFreezingCold: it runs okay depending on the device specs01:17
bc81what's the channel for ubuntu gamers?01:17
edbianMattEdward: wubi does not allow you to run Ubuntu while inside windows.  It only allows you to install Ubuntu inside windows.01:18
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/01:18
qinIgor_Elez: I may be vrong, but Amazon runs on Ubuntu (which would make 200mil easy).01:18
coz_#ubuntu-games    ??01:18
edbianMattEdward: The only way to run one OS inside another is virtual machines01:18
FreezingColdrcmaehl: I'm thinking of trying to make my own device...01:18
rcmaehlFreezingCold: O_O01:18
FreezingColdSo I'd be picking the specs01:18
bc81coz_: no only  3 people in ther01:18
igorelIgor_Elez here, so Mark Shuttleworth delivers UDS keynote; sets goal for 200 million Ubuntu users in 4 years01:19
igorelso, do you ppl believe that Ubuntu will have 200 million users in next 4 years? :)01:19
FreezingColdLinux is great, but beating Windows is going to take awhile01:19
ActionParsnipFreezingCold: why does it have to 'beat' it?01:20
FreezingColdI mean by market share01:20
ActionParsnipFreezingCold: but why?01:20
edbianWho cares if it ever does01:20
jamiewan_FreezingCold, ubuntu will never take over windows cause there aren't enuf smart people in the world to take it up01:20
AzelphurFreezingCold: your wrong, the majority of people want a browser, office, that's it. For the majority of people Ubuntu is better for 2 reasons, 1 it's faster at achieving those goals, 2 it's virus free.01:20
Azelphurpeople are slowly starting to realize this :)01:20
ActionParsnipjamiewan_: remember the old win 3.1 days?01:20
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uberjam545it would have more users than windows if they started selling computers pre installed with it at like best buy01:20
FreezingColdAzelphur: You're totally right, but people are still not changing over01:20
AzelphurLinux in some form (probably powered by cell phones, android is a strong candidate) will take over the world before too long :P01:20
jamiewan_ActionParsnip, trying to forget01:21
ActionParsnipjamiewan_: messing with config.sys to free up more upper memory01:21
FreezingColdubuntu license fees are too high01:21
ActionParsnipjamiewan_: that sort of thing..01:21
igorelAzelphur exactly01:21
igoreland Games are moving to consoles01:21
AzelphurFreezingCold: yea, they don't need to, just like the netbook replaced the laptop, the phone will replace the netbook.01:21
coz_Azelphur,  Dell sells preinstalled Ubuntu systems01:21
coz_Azelphur,  I have not seen them at best buy  yet!01:21
Azelphurcoz_: I know, that's largely irrelevant for large scale though01:21
igorelexcept of WoW and similar xD01:21
walterActionParsnip: have you seen it?01:21
FreezingColdUbuntu's licensing fees are on par with Windows01:21
ActionParsnipjamiewan_: then things got better and abstracted, and now theres Win7 or whatever it is now..01:21
FreezingColdWhich is pretty bad01:21
ActionParsnipwalter: seen what?01:21
AzelphurFreezingCold: no they arn't, Ubuntu is free? o.O01:22
ActionParsnipjamiewan_: it will get abstracted and more user friendly and companies will start supporting it, which is all it really needs01:22
FreezingColdAzelphur: If you're going to sell a device with Ubuntu pre-installed, you gotta pay01:22
ActionParsnipFreezingCold: ubuntu is free01:22
jamiewan_eventually everyone will have tablets or just mobile devices i think and anything licensed to microtrash is f***ed01:22
walterActionParsnip: the error? im using asus k8u-x motherboard01:22
igorelsomeone once told me "Windows is going to buy Canonical one day.."01:22
uberjam545i think buying a system with ubuntu on it would be cheaper01:22
AzelphurFreezingCold: incorrect. If your going to sell a device, modify Ubuntu, and then still use the Ubuntu brand name, you have to pay.01:22
uberjam545cuz windows costs like 100 bucks01:22
w30Linux is already a better desktop; Only thing lacking is a good consolidated configuration interface.01:22
coz_FreezingCold,  as I said Dell has been sellling linux also specificaslly ubuntu and red hat for some years now01:23
FreezingColdAzelphur: really?  I thought Dell had to pay for Ubuntu...01:23
AzelphurFreezingCold: if you sell a device with unmodified  Ubuntu installed, there are no licensing fees.01:23
AzelphurFreezingCold: yes, that's because they heavily modify it.01:23
FreezingColdWhy would they modify it, and why would they get charged for it?01:23
coz_and Dell /ubuntu systems are far less expensive than the windows equivelent system01:23
AzelphurFreezingCold: if they just used a Ubuntu OEM install there would be no licensing fee required01:23
igorelwhat would happened if Windows does, one day, buy Canonical? xD01:23
igorelwe go using mint? xD01:23
FreezingColdPretty much01:24
walteri think if ubuntu gets software compatibility like those of a mac it will own pwn windows in no time01:24
FreezingColdWouldn't change the game much01:24
AzelphurFreezingCold: they wanted to use their own repositories and ship with preinstalled uglyness like flash player01:24
ScuniziDoes Libreoffice have a channel?01:24
ActionParsnipFreezingCold: the fact is, the OS is a TOOL, so if windows can do the systems job better than any other OS, it should be used. If linux does it better then Linux should be used. And so on.01:24
AzelphurScunizi: yep, #libreoffice01:24
ScuniziAzelphur: thanks.01:24
VustomWhere can I get lib32asound2 for Ubuntu 11.4 32bit?01:24
coz_I thought I was in offtopic for a minute :)  sorry01:24
ActionParsnipFreezingCold: this whole "Linux beating Windows" is pathetic at best and I personally think bug #1 is a joke01:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101:24
jamiewan_the problem is that 95 percent of the world has let microsoft pull the wool over their eyes01:25
jaxxdrewHow do I get a show desktop icon on unity01:25
Azelphurcoz_: the reason they get charged for it is because the GPL states that if you modify something you must give the product a new name I believe01:25
FreezingColdAzelphur: Why don't they name it CrapDellu?01:25
a7i3nLinux stands on its own... doesn't need to beat anybody...01:25
Azelphurcoz_: so they are paying to license the Ubuntu brand name for a different product which isn't Ubuntu, basically.01:25
AzelphurFreezingCold: because they wanted it to be Ubuntu so people would buy it xD01:25
ActionParsnipjaxxdrew: just use SuperL + D01:25
jamiewan_a7i3n, i agree01:26
FreezingColdSay if you run a company, it gets annoying when you pretty much HAVE to pay for Windows or people will complain.01:26
codex84i install wine but the game doesn;t wanna01:26
codex84play how can i fix thissss01:26
coz_jaxxdrew,   you can set the keybinding in ccsm to anything just about01:26
ActionParsnipVustom: its just libasound2 in 32bit01:26
walterguys need some help here.. ubuntu tells me to upgrade bios or use forced something( i cant recall) what should i do?01:26
jaxxdrewthank you.  Thats all I needed coz_ and ActionParsnip01:26
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FreezingColdwalter: Force.  Flashing BIOSes is more risky01:26
ActionParsnipwalter: have you upgraded your BIOS?01:26
coz_jaxxdrew,  I generally use  F4  for  for show desktop ,, i dont use t hat key much :)01:27
VustomAwh.. I still can't get hear anything from Line-in..01:27
walterFreezingCold: how do i do that?01:27
InfectedSouli thought with the latest ubuntu 10.10 2.6.35-24-generic-pae kernel, the Asus USB-N13 300Mbps adapter is fully plug & play.01:27
VustomI got it working in Ubuntu 10.10 a few months ago but can't do it in Ubuntu 11.4, forgot how. :/01:27
coz_walter,  what were you doing ,, was this during install ...yes?01:27
InfectedSouli have 10.11 and its not working01:27
walterActionParsnip: nope..01:27
waltercoz_, yes01:27
coz_InfectedSoul,  well thats likely because there is not 10.11  there is 10.04   10.10  and 11.0401:28
InfectedSoulsorry 11.0401:28
eiriksvinwhat  is the wine channel name?01:28
MattEdwardescott, edbian thx, will look into virtualbox01:28
ActionParsnipeiriksvin: #winehq01:28
coz_walter,  couple things,,, when you downloaded the iso image ,, did you check the md5sum and then if that was correct did you burn it at 1z ...yes?01:28
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coz_walter,  rather 1x01:28
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InfectedSoulor does it need an ethernet cable to see the drivers first01:29
VustomIs there meant to be a Line-in option with alsamixer?01:29
waltercoz_, i think there is no problem with the cd since i used it on other pc's and it worked okay01:29
phungvantugood morning all01:29
coz_walter,  ok  fair enough,,,  is windows still installed on that system?01:29
ZeranoeDoes anyone know or have a decent guide to top? I'm just trying to find out the overall CPU usage of my computer, or another program that can do it?01:29
grindelI think I got it!...maybe01:30
waltercoz_, nope.. i removed it and will use ubuntu as my primary os01:30
coz_Zeranoe,  I preger htop  it has more options01:30
mithridatesanyone knows where is .emacs file in ubuntu? I couldn't find it by locate, should I make it manually?01:30
igorelPOLL: Unity or Gnome 3 Shell ?01:30
coz_walter,   mmmm but installing fails,,01:30
ghostnik11hi, did a fresh install of 11.04 and when i tried to import folder of music into banshee, the application of banshee suddenly went dark and has not come back to normal, and its unresponsive01:30
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coz_walter,  maybe try the alternate cd,, or better still the mini cd01:30
ActionParsnipZeranoe: look at the load average in top (top line I believe)01:31
ActionParsnipghostnik11: kill the app. Did you chown the data to your user?01:31
new2netmy sound does not work (its not my speakers), I tried asoundconf with no luck. I'm out of ideas, anyone know what I should try next?01:31
phungvantuI don't know why sometime I was logged out without my active action?01:31
coz_walter,   here is the mini    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD     offers some confort agains packet collisions etc that could possibly corrupt the download01:31
ghostnik11actionparsnip: what do you mean by chown the data to your user?01:31
coz_walter,  also it is only 19  megs01:32
waltercoz_, yes.. btw i tried many cds..i have 10.04lts64bit,10.10, 11.04 32bit 11.04 64bit01:32
grindelActionP, I did everything suggested on this page...I'm not sure which one did it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1169149...at least smbtree sees things.01:32
VustomHow to install audigy in ubuntu 11.4?01:32
ZeranoeActionParsnip: there are three which is cpu?01:32
coz_walter, oh!  did they all report the same issue?01:32
phungvantuI saw log file and i think there some ptoblem with gdm-simple-greeter01:32
phungvantuPls help me01:32
waltercoz_, yes.. except for the 64bit 10.04lts01:33
InfectedSoulso how do u get the asus usb n-13 to work on 11.0401:33
uberjam545in xubuntu can we make the start menu go to the bottom of the desktop?01:33
coz_walter,  wow this is n ew and interesting to me,,, so apparenlty the bios is far outdated even for linux !?!  I am surprised01:33
boxbeatsyhi, is there anyone around who can help me create an intermediate CA?  All I have is the .crt and .ca-bundle, and I"m not sure where to go from here.01:33
waltercoz_, but when i updated it to 10.10 it goes back to the error01:33
phungvantuI don't know why sometime I was logged out without my active action in Natty?01:34
igorelwalter quick question, why nick "walter"?01:34
phungvantupls, help me01:34
waltercoz_, that's what the screen says :) i dont really know what happened01:34
ActionParsnipZeranoe: try: top -n 1 | grep "Cpu"01:34
coz_walter,  ooo,, the only thing I can suggest at this point,, reinstall windows,,, see if there is an update for the bios on that motherboard,, flash it  and try again01:34
walterigorel, nothing special.. just my nickname :)01:34
VustomWhat option should be for Input Source 1 and Input Source  in alsamixer?01:35
coz_boxbeatsy,  not sure either off hand,, if no one here can help give the  # #linux channel a try01:35
coz_boxbeatsy,  that is the ##linux channel ,, sorry for typo01:35
waltercoz_, but everyone said flashing bios is too risky :) i cant afford to loose a motherboard since im poor :(01:35
DrSlonyHey, I'm remotely administrating my family's laptops using X over SSH. How can I open some sort of window so we can chat? They use the latest ubuntu 11.04 with empathy etc. I use gentoo/kde4 and don't have any empathy accounts, i prefer irc :] But it would be great if I could use a non-terminal based program to write to them.01:35
igorelwalter,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kXOg23pGeA  ;)01:35
magusOTBIs it just me or does network-manager suck at LITERALLY everything?01:35
ZeranoeActionParsnip: Thats the whole reason I came here looking for a guide, not sure how to actually get a standard cpu usage out of that line01:35
coz_walter,   what make is the mobo ?01:35
fisixmagusOTB what's wrong with network manager?01:36
waltercoz_, its an asus k8u-x01:36
phungvantu I don't know why sometime I was logged out without my active action in Natty?01:36
phungvantupls help me01:36
magusOTBIt's not accepting the routes tht my DHCP server should be giving it (and is giving all the other computers on my network) and when I try to mnually add them, they do not persist01:36
lucas-argubuntu 11.04 is running warmer than windows on this laptop... how can i solve this??01:36
magusOTBalso it's ignoring the DNS servers too01:36
coz_walmis,   asus has a gui application for doing this automatically .. I doubt you will have issues,, however,, if it feels too risky and you are unsure of it,, stick with ubuntu10.0401:37
grindelmagus.... I agree...it is brutal01:37
magusOTBand it can't stay on a network for more than 10 minutes without disconnecting and coming back01:37
walterigorel, lol for that :)01:37
coz_walter,  asus has a gui application for doing this automatically .. I doubt you will have issues,, however,, if it feels too risky and you are unsure of it,, stick with ubuntu10.0401:37
magusOTBwpa_supplicant is so much better.01:37
ActionParsniplucas-arg: what make and model?01:37
coz_walmis,  sorry wrong nick01:37
DrSlonymagusOTB: in my experience NetworkManager is quirky as hell.01:37
astoryI just put 11.04 on my laptop, and it fails to suspend; it seems like it tries to but comes straight out of it.  What can I do to debug?  /var/log/syslog didn't have anything insightful in it01:37
DrSlonymagusOTB: do you have wpa_supplicant run at boot? If so, how?01:37
coz_walter,   at least on that system01:37
magusOTBand I can't use route or anything liket hat to add them because network-manager keeps resetting them to empty01:37
grindelsmbtree sees it but when I try to brows to it, I get Error: Failed to retrieve share list from server01:37
VustomI fixed it by myself. C:01:37
boxbeatsycoz_: mmk thanks01:38
Tac_HomeHey guys, my fake 'middle click' isn't working since I upgraded to 11.04, any ideas?01:38
lucas-argActionParsnip: hp pavilion dv6-2189la i7 4gb ram nvidia 330m ubuntu amd6401:38
ActionParsnipgrindel: press ALT+F2 and in the box type:  smb:\\host\share01:38
magusOTBlike, for an operating system that's known for having good networking subsystems, it's a total piece of crap01:38
walterwhere is that gui?01:38
MattEdwardescott, I just realized I had used virtualbox on my laptop before to run nix and it seemed really slow01:38
ActionParsniplucas-arg: then why didn't you say that in the initial question rather than "this laptop" ?01:38
waltercoz_, where is that gui?01:38
lucas-argActionParsnip: sorry? im not a perfect user nor a perfect geek01:39
ScunizimagusOTB: if you're use to manually doing network stuff.. uninstall network-manager.. it just gets in the way01:39
ActionParsniplucas-arg: do you have the latest bios?01:39
magusOTBScunizi: That's wht I do on my desktop, because it's configuration doesn't change01:39
qinmagusOTB: But you know that you do not have to use it?01:39
lucas-argActionParsnip: yes... all is up to date01:39
ReturningHello I have a question anD I would love to get some opinions on it01:39
magusOTBon my netbook, I need it to just work when I move between networks, which manual wpa_supplicant doesn't do too well01:40
fisixchu, hi!01:40
ReturningI am looking to dual boot again with windows 7 and I have a very hard choice01:40
ScunizimagusOTB: prior to 10.10 I had to as well to set a static IP.. not needed in 10.10 it works there now.. and I don't do much with networking outside of that.01:40
Returningnow it has beena while since I used ubuntu01:40
fisixwelcome to ubuntu chu01:40
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ScunizimagusOTB: try wicd..01:40
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qinmagusOTB: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/01:40
magusOTBScunizi: Yeah, I used to use wicd on my desktop. that's what I'm int eh process of doing01:41
johnjohn101GOOD BYE UNITY.. OMG thanks for keeping classic01:41
ghostnik11actionparsnip: i got it to import folder, after kill of banshee, but I just had to import 1 folder at a time instead of a massive one01:41
ScunizimagusOTB: qin .. wicd is in the repos.01:41
Returningso I am trying to pick... I have little experence with 10.04, but should I go with 11.0401:41
magusOTBScunizi: Although I kind of expected to be able to ask in IRC and get help, rather than commiseration. Perhaps we should file a bug about how terrible the default software is01:41
qinScunizi: Always chance that someone will donate.01:41
Returningmost of my experence was on 8.0401:42
ScunizimagusOTB: it's been done ad-nausium..01:42
Returningso what would you pick 11.04 or 10.0401:42
grindelActionP, sorry nothin01:42
ActionParsniplucas-arg: in the bios is the fan set to 'fan always on'01:43
lucas-argActionParsnip: yes...01:43
usr13Returning: 10.0401:43
Returningyou think so.. why usr13?01:44
lucas-argActionParsnip: and i dont see much cpu usage in htop01:44
uabn93When I upgraded to 11.04, my wifi stopped working. do i have to recompile my drivers?01:44
magusOTBScunizi: Hrrm... =dusts off his books on unix network dev=01:44
fisixReturning 10.1001:44
usr13Returning: That's just my opinion.01:44
Returningokay that is fair...01:44
ReturningI would need to track down 10.10.. I am lazy.. I just want to download from the main website.01:45
ActionParsniplucas-arg: ive see a post saying the manufacturing isn't great and they often leave gaps between cooler and cpu and gpu01:45
usr13Returning: See:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubuntu_releases#Version_timeline01:45
RSGMPls help I found open ports on this computer 22 and 16113 could I get onto it through the second one without a username and password?01:45
ReturningI was looking that usr1301:45
ios23i'm using virsh to clone qemu virtual machines with windows guests and i need to automate the setting of a different default password for each new cloned virtual machine. i know how to clone, but not manipulate the windows guest. any ideas on how one might go about doing this from a script?01:46
usr13Returning: Do you see the relationship between 8.04 and 10.04?01:46
DrSlonyHow do I search for all installable programs that contain the word foo in ubuntu?01:46
Returningyeah they are extended life time01:46
grindelI'm going to reboot...later all thanks for the help, ActionP, I'll get there01:46
ActionParsnipDrSlony: apt-cache search foo01:46
Returningthat is why I used 8.04 before01:46
walterhow do i enable force_addr=0xr?01:47
Returningbut I stopped using it... mostly because all of my studies were on windows and I got lazy to turn on my machine.01:47
DrSlonyexcellent, thank you ActionParsnip01:47
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | walter01:47
ubottuwalter: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions01:47
uabn93anyone please?01:47
ActionParsnipDrSlony: you can grep the output to make it more useful01:47
ReturningI think I will go with 10.04 and wait for 12.04 later on.. anyway thanks for the help.01:48
astoryRSGM: it depends on what's running on that port.  It's not a standard port, so there's no way to know without being on your computer.01:48
usr13uabn93: What is your problem?01:48
RSGMOk Ty01:48
brianlWhats the code to apt-get install java?01:48
ActionParsnipbrianl: which release?01:48
brianlnewest I guess01:48
usr13brianl: apt-cache search java01:48
coz_brianl,   are the partner repositories enabled also01:49
PalinBachman2012ain't it sun-java01:49
ActionParsnipbrianl: http://www.multimediaboom.com/how-to-install-java-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal-ppa/01:49
brianloh maybe that is why, the partnet repo's aren't enabled01:49
usr13brianl: What Ubuntu version are you?01:49
coz_brianl,    sudo apt-get install sun -java6-plugin01:49
ActionParsnipbrianl: that ppa has a later version :)01:49
passthrui'm having problems when playing videos01:49
coz_brianl,  sorry  I put a space in there     sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin01:49
passthruwhen I try to play any type of video, my Xorg session just crashes01:50
uabn93usr13: I upgraded to 11.04 on my laptop and the wifi drivers i compiled stopped working. were they deleted after upgrade?01:50
brianlOkay, thank you01:50
coz_passthru,  did you install the ubuntu-restricted-extras01:50
ActionParsnipuabn93: you need to compile them for the new kernel01:50
passthrucoz_,  no.01:50
usr13brianl: ... and you want what?  Java plugin?01:50
coz_passthru,   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:50
passthrucoz_,  i'm using the same graphic adapter's driver than Ubuntu 10.1001:51
brianlusr13, yeah, i need it for android sdk also01:51
coz_passthru,  mm well the restricted extras are going to install a few packages   and you might want to do this via synaptic package manager anyway01:51
usr13brianl: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin01:51
brianlusr13, thanks01:51
usr13brianl: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-jdk01:52
passthrucoz_,  i see only some library which won't solve the problem01:52
passthruisn't a codec error01:52
coz_passthru,   I see  which type of videos  are crashing it ?01:52
passthrui can't watch videos01:52
coz_passthru,  w hich player are you using also?01:52
passthrui tried 3 different players01:52
ActionParsnippassthru: what app are you watching it with?01:53
coz_passthru,   ok which vide card again....    lspci | grep -i vga01:53
passthrui tried with Totem, VLC01:53
ActionParsnip!codecs | passthru01:53
ubottupassthru: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:53
passthruand others which i don't remember right now01:53
passthruActionParsnip, isn't a codec related problem01:53
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passthruat least I know, codecs problem won't abort my X session01:53
coz_passthru,   what do you believe it is?01:53
coz_passthru,  likely the video driver,,, which card is it01:54
astoryhow much of a performance hit would I see for encrypting my home folder?01:54
usr13brianl: Two packages, but they can be installed both at the same time.  But if it   fails, you may need another repository.01:54
passthrucoz_, well, i checked in logs that DRI crashes when I try to watch then01:54
phpguy306hey guys01:54
passthruthere is any way to disable DRI ?01:54
uabn93ActionParsnip: thank you. Another thing....why didn't it automatically work in ubuntu if the company that makes the drivers (ralink) make linux drivers for the card?01:54
brianlusr13, it worked01:54
futureproofhey guys, I'm having aproblem with booting from grub. It worked the first time but after I reboot, it gets stuck on the splash screen loading. Is there any way to get some diagnostic info from a recovery console ?01:54
coz_passthru,  which make of card,, its version number and which driver are you using for it?01:54
usr13brianl: Ok, yer good to go.01:55
phpguy306should my folders be root/root or www-data/root, or other? in apache.01:55
passthrui'm using openchrome driver01:55
brianlusr13, yep, thanks01:55
coz_passthru,   oh!! SIS01:55
passthruwhich is detected by Ubuntu01:55
coz_passthru,   no?01:55
passthruopenchrome = VIA01:55
coz_passthru,  ok  not sure then,, it sounds like a video driver issue is x is crashing01:55
VanilluxHi, i wanted to announce the creation of a new Linux distribution which will be a standalone Rolling-release APT Gnome3 distribution, see more on vanillux.org We are in dire need of volonteers01:56
PalinBachman2012is this a legacy machine01:56
passthruDRI simply crashs01:56
singlegirlarityhow do I access the NAS behind my CORE from a windows box outside my CORE (but still on my LAN)?01:56
coz_passthru,  well that's the issue,,,  the driver itself may not be capable of such a load01:56
MinnenGoogle is taking over the whole network01:56
singlegirlarityah sorry...the word CORE means my server01:56
Coty91 /join OMG!Ubuntu!01:56
ActionParsnipVanillux: please don't spam the channel01:56
ActionParsnipCoty91: channels start with a hash01:56
singlegirlaritymy server running ubuntu01:56
Coty91yea i forgot01:56
waltercoz_, what will i do to do this force_addr=0xr01:56
PalinBachman2012you can have symbols in channel name?01:57
ActionParsnipVanillux: plus a  vanilluxe is a pokemon01:57
passthrucoz_, well, before I update it to 11.04 I was able to watch many full hd movies01:57
pasproQuestion: when I mount external drives with CIFS using Ethernet connection (11.04) I get a low transfer speed of about 4MB/sec while on Windows I get 13MB/sec. When I use NFS I get the same speed as with Windows. Any suggestions?01:57
uabn93ActionParsnip: is there something i can do to help get that driver supported in ubuntu without having to compile them?01:57
coz_walter,  this one is puzzling me guy,,, if you cannot install any of the versions other than 10.04   then I am not sure of any solution,, however,,you can try to ask in ##linux channel ...someone there may have a solution01:57
MattEdwardare virtualizations for linux--vmware, virtualbox, etc--hard to differentiate from running linux itself, or are things significantly slower/crappier, what about visually, is the resolution the same01:57
coz_walter, otherwise stick with 10.04 on that machine01:57
waltercoz_, i see... thanks anyways :)01:58
ActionParsnipuabn93: thats all I can advise, if you add a DKMS part to the drivers it should get rebuilt between kernel updates01:58
passthruanyone knows a way to completely disable DRI ?01:58
ActionParsnipMattEdward: the hardware is virtualized, thats all so it will run as fast as the resources you assign01:58
coz_I didnt mean for him to quit :(01:59
PalinBachman2012passthru: if you are experiencing total crashes like that after a new release, i imagine its a bug, and someone else has it too, you might want to check the bug list on ubuntu or launchpad or whatever it is01:59
ActionParsnipMattEdward: the res will be as big as the driver will permit, if you need bigger you can use xorg.conf and set a larger screen01:59
aj00200I am moving my home directory to a new partition following the instructions here: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome - but my home directory is encrypted. Is there anything I need to do differently?01:59
passthruPalinBachman2012, yeah and to have a partial solution I need to disable DRI (since i dont need it bcoz i don't use 3D effects)02:00
MattEdwardActionParsnip, so it's possible to run ubuntu virtually without it seeming virtual?02:00
MattEdwardtp the eye or otherwise02:00
PalinBachman2012passthru: man, i would tell you to comment it out in xorg.conf, but I don't even know where that is anymore!02:01
PalinBachman2012they be moving stuff around02:01
ActionParsnipMattEdward: sure, the hardware will all be virtualized but it will run well. I suggest you use LXDE or some other light DE to make the OS more responsive02:01
PalinBachman2012im pretty sure thats a modulue in xorg tho, iirc02:01
passthruPalinBachman2012, /usr/share/X11 ;)02:01
MattEdwarddunno what that is, but will G it02:01
passthruPalinBachman2012, but there is only partial files, this is now kinda a config.d directory02:02
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type Ā« sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart Ā» in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:02
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto02:02
alphurhey guys, whenever a window is too big, all i get is a white box except for the window manager. using nvidia latest and natty02:03
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.02:04
MattEdwardActionParsnip, ty - would you recommend virtualbox, vmware - either over the other?02:04
usr13passthru: Looks like it's  Option "NoAccel" "True"  according to  http://phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?30679-How-do-I-disable-DRI02:04
hypetechMattEdward: virtualbox02:04
phpguy306should my folders be root/root or www-data/root, or other? in apache.02:04
MattEdwardseems to be the consensus02:04
uabn93!compiz |uabn9302:04
ubottuuabn93, please see my private message02:04
singlegirlarityhow do I access a NAS brick behind my linux server from a windows box on my external lan? is this something samba is appropriate for?02:04
passthruusr13, I've tried this and a lot of other ways to disable it02:04
usr13passthru: The file is   /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:05
passthruusr13,  but w/o success02:05
passthruusr13,  can you look for it on Ubuntu 11.04 ? I cant :)02:05
passthruthere is no more /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:05
ActionParsnipMattEdward: both are fine, virtualbox is opensource (unless you need usb access in the vbox, then you want the closed one)02:05
passthrujust only partial files on /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/02:05
PalinBachman2012its not down there02:06
usr13passthru: #       Load    "dri"    ???02:06
PalinBachman2012its either in /etc/ or in your configs files in you ~02:06
eiriksvincan someone tell me how to mount my dvd in my drive so it don't pick up a Mac OS option?02:07
passthruusr13, there is no mention of DRI anymore, so where I must comment it ?02:07
usr13passthru: No, I don't have /etc/X11/xorg.conf  file.02:07
astoryI just put 11.04 on my laptop, and it fails to suspend; it seems like it tries to but comes straight out of it.  What can I do to debug?  /var/log/syslog didn't have anything insightful in it02:07
usr13passthru: grep dri /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:07
aj00200I am moving my home directory to a new partition following the instructions here: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome - but my home directory is encrypted. Is there anything I need to do differently?02:08
diminishedi need help adding a custom grub entry for win702:08
diminishedi installed ubuntu, then win7 and now grub is all borked02:08
diminishedi finally manually booted into my ubuntu partition02:08
diminishedand i dont want to boot from CD again02:08
usr13!grub2 | diminished02:08
ubottudiminished: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)02:08
diminishedhow can i add a custom entry for win7? How can i fix grub?02:08
diminishedusr13, im there02:09
ActionParsnipdiminished: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin702:09
ActionParsnipdiminished: use the live cd02:09
usr13diminished: Did you find it?02:09
eiriksvincan someone tell me how to mount my dvd in my drive so it don't pick up a Mac OS option?02:09
usr13diminished: If so, just comment it out.02:09
diminishedls: cannot access /media/System Reserved/boot02:09
diminishedBoot: No such file or directory02:09
PalinBachman2012oh it is in /usr/share/whatever, if you create one02:10
hemangpatelhey there02:10
diminishedi havent02:10
diminishedim on fresh installs02:10
hemangpateli need help02:10
diminishedwhat do i need to do to /usr/share???02:10
hemangpatel& suggestion..02:10
usr13diminished: Sorry, that was for someone else.02:10
Wiggley!oh | hemangpatel02:11
hemangpateli have some questions ?02:11
hemangpatelfine man02:11
uabn93!dkms | uabn9302:11
ubottuuabn93, please see my private message02:11
brianlThis might be a stupid question, but i am on a dual core processor running at 2gz, but when i look at /proc/cpuinfo, it says i am only running at 800mhz?02:11
updlook like unity does not allow me to activate application if i'm on other desktop is that a bus ?02:11
usr13diminished: You can boot into ubuntu and fix it.02:12
WiggleyWhat is !dims02:12
hemangpatelnew ubuntu is better or not ?02:12
astorybrianl: ubuntu does dynamic underclocking, I think that you can see that in /proc/cpuinfo if you're not at full load02:12
hemangpatelmeans ?02:12
ActionParsniphemangpatel: thats speculative02:12
mahir256hemangpatel: yes, newer ubuntu is better02:12
diminishedusr13: im in ubuntu02:12
diminishedi finally manually booted into my ubuntu partition from the grub prompt02:12
hemangpatelhey i have another question ...02:12
ActionParsniphemangpatel: its an opinion so is not concrete02:12
Tac_Homeany way to get my left/right mouse clicks to simulate a middle mouseclick again?  when I upgraded to 11.04, that stopped working...02:12
diminishedi need to get my grub menu back and os-prober isnt working02:12
hemangpatelevery time when i install ubuntu02:12
AbTuXhemangpatel, Yes its great but depends on your need also.02:12
brianlastory, so it stays at 800mhz and goes up if i need it?02:13
hemangpatelI have download third party software02:13
Wiggley!dkms | uabn9302:13
ubottuuabn93: DKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See https://launchpad.net/dkms for more.02:13
eiriksvincan someone tell me how to mount my dvd in my drive so it don't pick up a Mac OS option?02:13
hemangpatelwhen i remove ubuntu & install second time02:13
hemangpateli have to download second time02:13
hemangpatelhow can i save that software for use in second time02:14
hemangpateloffline instal02:14
uabn93Wiggley: got it. thnx02:14
mahir256hemangpatel: don't remove ubuntu. just go to a shell and apt-get update all02:14
hemangpatelu understand ?02:14
eiriksvinI'm trying to mount my WOW DVD but i can't remount it02:14
hemangpatelbut how i save that update ?02:15
eiriksvincause everytime i do it shows the Mac OS02:15
ActionParsnip!aptoncd | hemangpatel02:15
ubottuhemangpatel: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline02:15
hemangpatelhow to use it ?02:15
mahir256hemangpatel: your os is saved the way i said. there is no need to reinstall02:16
aj00200I am moving my home directory to a new partition following the instructions here: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome - but my home directory is encrypted. Is there anything I need to do differently?02:16
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ActionParsniphemangpatel: install the app, you will see02:16
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l1nuxmanwhy does sendmail have trouble restarting when my hostname is ubuntu and /etc/hosts has ubuntu ???02:17
l1nuxmanit works but takes forever to resolv02:17
nikotiiniewwh i really hate the new unity :S02:17
WiggleySo how's everyone day02:17
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mahir256nikotiini: yeah, i prefer the original gnome. gnome shell and unity is (--------), no offence to the gnome project or canonical02:17
mahir256Wiggley: i'm fine02:18
InfectedSoulif you guys say its plug and play learn ur freaking shit... the asus n-13 isnt plug and play02:18
eiriksvincan someone tell me how to mount my dvd in my drive so it don't pick up a Mac OS option?02:18
InfectedSoulNothing works02:18
html_inprogresshi yall02:18
eiriksvinI'm trying to mount my WOW DVD but i can't remount it02:18
ActionParsnipWiggley: i'll be better in 5 hours02:18
ActionParsnipInfectedSoul: keep it family friendly please02:18
nikotiiniis there new gnome coming anytime soon?02:18
html_inprogresshow can i copy a cd/ dvd to make an iso02:18
johnjohn101ok, how to i change the scrollbars back to what they should look like02:19
InfectedSoulanyone here that can help me find a site that will actually tell me how to get the asus n-13 working?02:19
WiggleyI run windows :/02:19
ActionParsnipInfectedSoul: its a wireless adapter. Asus don't make wireless chips. We need to know the chip02:20
InfectedSoulwell the box is now offline nor can i access it right now02:20
ActionParsnipInfectedSoul: can you give the output of:  sudo lshw -C network; lsb_release -a; rfkill list02:20
ActionParsnipInfectedSoul: when you can02:20
ActionParsnipInfectedSoul: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141950402:20
walterPHno one  wants to answer me at ##linux:(02:21
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mahir256walterPH: awww...02:22
walterPHmahir256, too bad.. no one there pay attention to my problem02:23
mahir256what is your problem, walterPH02:23
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walterPHmahir256, the installation.. its stuck and asks me to update my bios or use force_addr=0xr02:25
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InfectedSoulbut why say its plug and play when its not?02:25
mahir256what machine are you installing to?02:25
WiggleyUbuntu made me cry when it fried my laptop02:26
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ultrixxWiggley: how can ubuntu fry your laptop?02:26
aj00200I am moving my home directory to a new partition following the instructions here: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome - but my home directory is encrypted. Is there anything I need to do differently?02:26
hoho`can u paste these links for data recovery again pls02:26
nikotiiniwhen does 11.10 come?02:26
WiggleyIdk it fucked it up02:26
LewocoUhm, in natty how do you bring up the menu in aptitude? In maverick C-T used to do the trick but this doesn't seem to work anymore...02:27
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"02:27
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mahir256nikotiini: the 11 represents the year (2011), the 10 represents the month (October), therefore it will be released in october 201102:27
LewocoIn fact, it looks as if my control button doesn't work at all wtf?02:28
nikotiinimahir256: awwwwwww i really want new gnome02:28
ActionParsnipnikotiini: you can get it, it's just not supported here02:29
mahir256then get it from synaptic, or if you prefer terminals, use apt-get gnome02:29
ActionParsnip!gnome3 | nikotiini02:29
ubottunikotiini: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.02:29
johnjohn101ok got rid of funky scrollbars in pidgin02:29
mosesKDE or ubuntu?02:30
nikotiininah i'll just wait for the official release02:30
johnjohn101got rid of unity02:30
mosesi cant decide02:30
hoho`can u put the data recovery thing02:30
erarvaHi... I was running 10.10 without any issue. I got a new monitor and tried to extend my desktop onto it... it sort of did this automatically but the extended screen had wierd pixelation and it seemed like one area of the screen wasn't being updated by the framebuffer (dunno how else to describe it). I have a Latitude XT. I googled the problem, and added a 'gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/radeon-kms.conf' file02:30
Minnenis KDE or GTK02:30
Minnennot ubuntu02:30
html_inprogresshow do i make iso?02:30
moseskubuntu or ubuntu02:31
mosesKDE vs gnome02:31
mahir256'moses' and Minnen: kde and gnome are x desktop environments. they cannot work as standalone oses02:31
Minnenlol i missunderstood02:31
erarvanow I can't boot into X. I tried removing the file, but it still won't boot into X. Kicks me out with the same error: drivers/usb/input/hid-cor.c: usb_submit_urb(ctrl) failed02:31
mosesi know debian for the win02:31
mosesim talking about my WM02:31
erarvaDoes anyone have any advice?02:31
mahir256'moses' and Minnen: i prefer the KDE, therefore i prefer kubuntu02:31
moseserarva, google02:32
syrinx_kde and gnome aren't WMs02:32
mosesmahir256, why do you prefer it?02:32
Minneni like gnome02:32
erarvamoses: didn't help. Also, google advice broke sys in first place.02:32
* Wiggley burps02:32
mosesi meant my X02:32
Minnensimplicity first02:32
Wiggley!oh | Wiggley02:33
vorlovis there an upstart specialist here?02:33
moseswow the gnome iso is huge02:33
zaeryanyone know of a good screen recorder that does 1080p and allows for shortcuts to pause/record the video?02:33
mosesi cant burn this to a disk can i?02:33
ActionParsnipzaery: recordmydesktop02:33
ActionParsnipmoses: if its bigger than 700Mb then no02:34
mosesActionParsnip, gnome 3 is like 902mb02:34
MinnenUbuntu Gnome ISO is 685Mb02:34
Wiggley!dkms | Minnen02:35
ubottuMinnen: DKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See https://launchpad.net/dkms for more.02:35
mosesthe DL says 90202:35
Andre_GondimHi, I have some video issue when I plug a hdmi cable02:35
leighhelp, i lost my start menu02:35
zabomberso i have installed ubuntu 11 on virutal box in my mac. installed the latest virtual box additions and have it in nice full screen mode. however, the top menu bar of all application i open and full screen has a large black line through it?02:35
zabomberanyone else have this problem?02:35
Wiggley!dkms | leigh02:35
ubottuleigh: DKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See https://launchpad.net/dkms for more.02:35
ActionParsnipmoses: Then you will need a DVD or a USB stick / SD card (assuming your BIOS can boot USB etc)02:35
zabomberthe black line fades when i move my mouse over it02:35
mosesthis is the live CD02:36
leighi cant access my web browsers02:36
leighall of my menu items are missing..02:36
MinnenWiggley: I dont understand02:36
Wiggley!dkms | Leigh02:36
ubottuLeigh: DKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See https://launchpad.net/dkms for more.02:36
mosescan someone link me to the GNOME 3 iso official download site?02:37
leighhow do i restore to my default settings in terminal?02:37
Wiggley!dkms | moses02:37
ubottumoses: DKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See https://launchpad.net/dkms for more.02:37
mosesnvm i meant ubuntu02:38
spl0itWeird problem (I think) I clicked the X on TrueCrypt (like I normally do) but for the first time in Ubuntu 11.04 and it's still running but I can't seem to get focus - suggestions? (When I click on TrueCrypt again it just says it already running!)02:38
DaveD0101anyone have any idea why drag-and-dropping an application to the unity bar doesn' work?02:38
updcan each desktop has it's own background wallpaper ?02:38
IdleOnemoses: www.ubuntu.com to download ubuntu02:38
upddesktop== workspace..02:38
ActionParsnipmoses: http://www.gnome.org/getting-gnome/02:38
Wiggleyupd: Yea02:38
mosesi got it02:38
maheanuuOK, I have sound now, but it is very low in volume.  I have all the GUI Volume controls set to max and the sound is just barely audible02:38
mosesim retarded ;)02:38
updWiggley, how02:39
Wiggleyupd: I have no freaking idea02:39
maheanuuI am running Ubuntu10.10 on a Toshiba Laptop02:39
airtonixupd: apparently you use CompizFusion plugin to do this02:39
updhm okey02:39
airtonixupd: otherwise it's in the 'too hard basket'02:39
updtoo hard basket ?02:40
DaveD0101nobody had this problem adding an item to the unity bar thing?02:41
spl0itMaybe if I simplify the question it will be easier: How do I bring focus to an application currently running in the background?02:41
leighHelp. I installed the OS X- like doc and have lost all of my default menus. How do I get them back?02:42
ActionParsnipspl0it: is it a terminal app or a graphical app like gedit?02:42
qinspl0it: fg (in shell you send it to bg)02:42
ActionParsnip!panels | leigh02:42
ubottuleigh: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: Ā« gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel Ā»02:42
spl0itActionParsnip: it's TrueCrypt (graphical) and I need to bring it back to the front02:42
DaveD0101spl0it, I use win-tab for window switching with graphical apps... not sure if that helps02:43
maheanuuI cannot seem to find any way to raise the volume for this notebook, It was decent under Pulse but Skype didn't like it as my transmissions were badly broken up when I called a pots line02:43
DaveD0101spl0it, alt-tab is the less fancy version of that win-tab02:43
maheanuuNow I am in the process of trying to dig myself out of this crater I have managed to create02:43
spl0itDaveD0101: yes, unfortunately it's not listed there...before the new version of ubuntu a small logo would show up near the block...but now - nothing02:44
olvap_what is a permition 665 on a file?02:44
DaveD0101spl0it, oh in the notificaion area?  Sure the process is running?02:44
spl0itDave123: ps aux | grep truecrypt shows it running, and if I click on the icon it says 'TrueCrypt is already running'02:45
spl0itDaveD0101: ps aux | grep truecrypt shows it running, and if I click on the icon it says 'TrueCrypt is already running'02:45
=== iankp is now known as Sample
enovativLAcan, what up dude02:45
qinolvap_: cd && touch testfilw && chmod 665 thstfile && ls -l testfile && sleep 5 && rm testfile02:45
enovativsorry for the delay02:45
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere
qinolvap_: cd && touch testfile && chmod 665 thstfile && ls -l testfile && sleep 5 && rm testfile (sorry for typo)02:46
Samplehello all.  so as a windows user i've decided to try out ubuntu 11.04 because i didnt like win7 compared to vista (new startbar is horrid, its like a head on collision between a dock and a startbar to being a mediocre version of both)02:46
leigh__i tried your command and it did not work, did i enter it wrong?02:46
leigh__ Ā« gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel Ā»02:46
olvap_qin, i dont undertand, i have to change the perimtion of a file to 665, but i like to know what that means02:46
qinomg, second typo02:47
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qinolvap_: -rw-rw-r-x02:47
Sampleaaand.. it's pretty nice so far but it's a little odd looking. im kind of getting a headache and i think it's the font.  additionally the windows make every app look like they were made in Delphi. is there a way i can get a nicer window "decorators" with some transparency and the windows font (or similar) as well?02:47
olvap_qin thanks02:47
Samplei dont understand the difference between if i need GTK2, Metacity, Compiz, etc when i look at gnomelook02:48
* upd is away: I'm busy02:48
* upd is back (gone 00:00:04)02:48
erarvaIs there anyway to use a LiveCD to copy another ubuntu user files to another location (ie home dir). I can copy some content, but there are a lot of permission errors.02:49
DaveD0101spl0it, You got me... not sure how you'd get it back if it's not in the systray, won't allow you to relaunch the GUI and killing and restarting the process isn't an option...02:50
DaveD0101spl0it, Though I'd guess there's a way.  I just don't know it.02:50
spl0itDaveD0101: yeah I figure someone knows how to access a running application that's in the background (not a shell APP!)02:51
leigh__I want to get back to default gnome settings via terminal - how?02:51
qinolvap_: Oh, to change permission you need to use chmod, i.e. chmod 665 somefile02:52
rhizmoe665 is a very odd permission02:53
thom__hello. I've upgraded to Natty and have constant freezes and kernel panic which I found is due to broadcom wirless driver. I'm uncertain what to do next02:54
qinolvap_: this give read/write to owner (first 6) same to group (second 6) and read and execute for anyone (5), ls -l shows owner:group of file.02:55
spl0itDaveD0101: found a 'workaround' truecrypt -d = unmounted all current mounts02:55
DaveD0101spl0it, then just killing and relaunching?02:55
DaveD0101spl0it, http://superuser.com/questions/183680/gnome-ubuntu-how-to-bring-a-program-window-to-the-front-using-a-command-line-f02:55
olvap_qin thanks again :)02:56
leigh__<ubottu> how do i use the command you gave me, it came back bad command02:56
pepsiis there a way to have the old system menus in unity? i kinda like unity, but having both interfaces available would be nice sometimes02:56
darkenvyhow can I check my ubuntu version via terminal?02:56
histopepsi: you can select ubuntu classic from the login screen but then you won't have unity.02:57
histodarkenvy: cat /etc/issue02:57
cgdarkenvy: cat /etc/lsb-release02:57
DaveD0101spl0it, wmctrl -a <name>02:57
DaveD0101spl0it, I had to install wmctrl first though.02:57
darkenvyI need to see if its x86 or x6402:58
histodarkenvy: uname -a02:58
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darkenvythats the one ^02:58
cgdarkenvy: uname -m02:59
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darkenvyI got it guys02:59
dorkdarkenvy: uname -a02:59
escottSample, check your subpixel rendering in the appearance application (its in the advanced section)02:59
darkenvywhy are you repeating the command? ><02:59
darkenvyI got it, thanks02:59
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=== criminal is now known as Guest19772
Guest19772is there a faster mirror then  http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ its slow as heck03:00
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=== Wiggley is now known as guest
spl0itDaveD0101: thanks - I'm not sure why this is necessary in the first place... wonder why the system tray doesn't work properly03:00
KM0201feard: faster mirror for what?03:00
feardapt-get install anything03:00
leigh__guys, my start menu and panel items have disappeard. i installed the OS X Doc, how do I get back to my original settings?03:00
escottfeard, try mirrorselect03:00
darkenvysup escott03:01
darkenvyday 3 on my computer issues ><03:01
KM0201feard: you can use synaptic t "select fastest server"... and it will point you at the fastest server for you.03:01
escottfeard, sorry actually thats a gentoo thing... i thought ubuntu had something similar though03:01
KM0201escott: it does03:01
spl0itDaveD0101: thanks again for the help - have a good one - must sleep now03:02
escottdarkenvy, sorry i dont remember what your problem was03:02
DaveD0101spl0it, Np.03:02
KM0201escott: open synaptic... go to settings repositories, where it says "Download From" choose other, then click "Select best server"... it'll then ping all the servers, and see which one is best for you... after its done, select the server it recommends, click close, and click reload03:03
KM0201feard: see above also03:03
darkenvyive reinstalled ubuntu litterally 6 time sin the last 24 hours03:04
darkenvyissue after issue after issue03:04
ward1234darkenvey, man still the same issue?03:04
KM0201darkenvy: what?.. whats wrong?03:04
darkenvywell 10.10 failed to install a couple times03:04
darkenvyand keeping /home crashed the new install03:04
mrjmy bash completion broke when I upgraded to Natty03:04
darkenvyand I accidently installed x86 thanks to unetbootin03:04
leigh__can anyone help me? im begging03:05
escottdarkenvy, crashed the install or crashed the gui? a bunch of ~/.* directories could break the gui even if the install is good03:05
darkenvyand NOW, my gnome top bar and bottom bar fails to theme on a fresh install with a new formatted partition03:05
darkenvywith a new /home03:05
ward1234have u tried going back to hardy heron?03:06
ward1234darkenvy i mean03:06
escottdarkenvy, i've had the not catching the theme issue before, and it seemed to be a race condition with the gnome loading prior to gconf settings being ready. usually fixed with a logout/login to get the dconf cache hot03:06
darkenvywell escott, it was originally freezing the keyboard too. no TTY. but im way past that nw03:06
windparadisehello, pls how do we find out values of an environment variable?03:06
KM0201leigh_: whats wrong?03:06
darkenvyhmmm im rebooting to install the nvidia drivers anyways03:07
escottleigh_, not too familiar with OS X Dock... can you change your session at login to a normal session?03:07
cgwindparadise: env03:07
leigh__installed the OS X doc and now all of my panles and menus are gone, want to restore to default03:07
kieppiehi guys. I'm having some difficulty with NM's PPTP VPN. I can connect over a wired connection, but not wireless, even though it's the same network03:08
KM0201leigh: good luck w/ that... that OSx dock has bricked more than one system.... I've never been able to successfully remove it.. the one time i tried it, i ended up reinstalling to get rid o fit03:08
windparadisecg: so will env JAVA_HOME be correct?03:08
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cgecho $JAVA_HOME03:08
Steev43230What is the proper program to install to get Java functionality in Firefox? apt-cache search java | grep plugin brings up a LOT of stuff03:10
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PascalcmoiYo man Im baby03:10
escottleigh_, i have no idea what osx dock does, but usually for something like this you want to: (a) apt-get remove the offending application (b) try to start a normal session (c) failing that rm -rf various folders in $HOME that might contain config information03:10
Pascalcmoiand you who you are dude03:10
guestOmg why do I have room restriction on everyroom03:11
darkenvynvidia drivers seemed to boot up with everything correctly03:11
darkenvyI think my journey of hell may be at an end03:11
darkenvymy journey all started because I thought 11.04 would work for me.... ><03:11
ubuntuHey, is it possible to have both Gnome 3 and Unity installed on 11.04? I heard somewhere Gnome 3 broke Unity03:12
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vorlovguys (girls) - when are the init.d scripts run in reference to upstart-events?03:12
escottubuntu, the two are incompatible at least until 11.1003:12
ubottuUnity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME see !classic.03:12
PeterFAI installed 11.04 64 and now grub always says there is an error: "no such partition." and goes to the rescue prompt.03:12
vorlovfor instance, after what point (upstart-events) would apache2 (which is an init.d script) be run ?03:13
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.03:13
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MonkeyDustfolx, a superblock error when i try to mount an usb external hdd - i tried tune2fs - it worked before - hints & tips?03:14
darkenvyescott, nooooooo the theme issue again03:14
darkenvyescott, what did you do to fix this?03:14
ubuntuescott: Is it confirmed that compatibility will be fixed by 11.10?03:14
escottdarkenvy, i think its a race with dconf not being hot. login/logout was my approach03:14
darkenvyalso guys, is it normal for the pinwheel only to spin while the mouse is moving?03:14
pythonirc101how do i get sqlite3 for ubuntu? I can compile it from source, any other ideas?03:14
escottubuntu, i read a blog saying they were already starting the process of porting unity to gtk3 which would be needed to support both on the same system03:15
gdamitHey, keyserver.ubuntu.com has timed out for me for well over 2 months now everytime I try to add a key, this is getting REALLY frustrating, please someone tell me there is some solution, if not I really am forced back to windows03:15
gdamitgpg: requesting key 881574DE from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com gpg: keyserver timed out gpg: keyserver receive failed: keyserver error03:15
Icornpad2anyone have any problems since the last update?  my puter is freakin out - the screen is flashing on and off and unresponsive.03:15
gdamitfor 2 months, ive been getting this03:15
gdamiton ubuntu 10.10 btw03:15
ubuntuescott, thanks, I can wait for a while03:15
escottpythonirc101, why not just install it libsqlite3-003:16
darkenvyis it possible for an install to be just abd?03:16
darkenvyeverything is slow03:16
darkenvybut it took me 3 times today to get 64 bit installed this time... all the way. so I dare not try again03:16
Mini_why I get this message "(EE) Mouse0: failed to initialize for relative axes." when I startx on ubuntu,but everything is OK03:17
pythonirc101escott: I need sqlite 3.xx so that i can open up databases that were created...03:17
escottMini_, if the mouse works I wouldn't worry about it03:17
darkenvyescott, on shutdown "will now halt" and never shuts down on its own03:18
RavenHursTAnyone ever had it where SCP's progress bar doesn't progress?  The files copy over the wire just fine.. but the progress just says 0% until it finishes.. any thoughts?03:18
MonkeyDustfolx, a superblock error when i try to mount an usb external hdd - i tried tune2fs - it worked before - hints & tips?03:18
pythonirc101got it03:19
multipass|2i just setup a dual monitor setup yesterday and now all of a sudden these black artifacts appear on my screen every now and then, im using ATI, anyone experience anything like this03:19
escottdarkenvy, well thats an ACPI issue. you could try a different kernel/look for modules that might support your board03:19
Mini_escott: I saw this error everytime when I shutdown ,it's uncomfortable03:19
darkenvyescott, the wierd thing is I was on 10.10 a couple times already. I know the kernel should work fine03:20
darkenvyjsut something funky is going on now with these installs03:20
feardis there a reason why i cant write to a file i created over ssh?03:20
feardi get permission denied03:20
ward1234check file permession feard,03:20
darkenvyfeard, chmod 777 file.txt?03:20
RavenHursTfeard: sudo chmod?03:20
feardim trying to write to .irssi/scripts03:20
fearddid that all03:20
Mini_escott: It's an error on xorg-xserver-driver-evdev? Why I used the mouse driver haven't got this error?03:20
escottdarkenvy, feard 664 is all he needs, giving rwx to others is not a good idea03:21
feard-rw-r----- 1 fear fear 6884 2011-05-11 22:04 config03:21
fearddrwxr-xr-x 2 755 fear 4096 2011-05-11 22:09 scripts03:21
darkenvyah! found something out! my bios went to default! which has bad memory timings! set back to normal now its blazin03:21
escottMini_, if the mouse works don't worry about it. your mouse doesn't support relative axes whatever that might be03:21
darkenvyescott, ah well thats a habit of me due to bad guides on the internet03:21
cryptodirai am trying to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04.....toshiba, amd/64....  the .iso checksum matches..... then the burned cd checksum matches.... choosing either try or install both get me to a rapidly blinking login screen with 'other' as the only choice... which always returns an authorization failure..... what am i doing incorrectly??03:21
darkenvyeveryone says "chmod -R 777" lol03:22
MonkeyDustfolx, a superblock error when i try to mount an usb external hdd - i tried tune2fs - it worked before - hints & tips?03:22
escottdarkenvy, heaven help us all... in any case im not sure what the issue with your install might be. could you refresh me on what hardware this is03:23
escottMonkeyDust, fsck/restore from a backup superblock (most filesystems have at least one)03:23
feardin my ftp program i dont see .irssi why is that?03:24
MonkeyDustescott: what's the exact fsck line?03:24
escottMonkeyDust, umount the fs, fsck /dev/sdX#03:24
windparadisehello good mornig, pls i am trying to compile openGTS and I am having the following error. what do I do to solve it? here is the error ... http://pastebin.com/RJRXKxch03:24
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nomtv80does anyone know what some popular hardware and software help desk like forums would be03:25
Guest71731hey all. anyone here using the mactel ppa's? (macbook)?03:25
MonkeyDustescott: not better03:26
escottMonkeyDust, what kind of filesystem is this03:26
feardwhy is the dir .irssi not showing?03:26
DaveD0101has anyone figured out how to add an item to the unity bar?03:26
escottDaveD0101, start an application then right click and pin to the bar03:26
MonkeyDustescott: ext4, i want to mount it on ext303:26
AbTuXDaveD0101, Just pin to the bar after opening any application03:27
escottMonkeyDust, you cannot mount ext4 as ext3 if extents are enabled (and they usually are)03:27
MonkeyDustescott: how can i find out?03:27
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DaveD0101escott, Ok, I was trying to drag an icon to the bar where it says "drop to add application".  turns out that's broken.03:28
Guest71731anyone using a macbook?03:28
DaveD0101escott, AbTuX Thanks03:28
escottMonkeyDust, i just wouldn't do it. I *know* extents are not supported, but there are probably other features which wouldn't be supported03:28
escottMonkeyDust, if mount is complaining it is probably for good reason03:29
windparadiseany answer to my issue please?03:29
DaveD0101escott, AbTuX: As far as you know, you're just stuck with whatever icon it uses while running?03:30
RavenHursTAny answers to my scp question?03:30
cryptodirai am trying to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04.....toshiba, amd/64....  the .iso checksum matches..... then the burned cd checksum matches.... choosing either try or install both get me to a rapidly blinking login screen with 'other' as the only choice... which always returns an authorization failure..... what am i doing incorrectly??03:30
Guest71731wht happened to the kiba dock project?03:30
escottDaveD0101, probably... unity is not intended to be super configurable03:30
DaveD0101escott, K.  Pycharms icon was all stretched, and when i scaled the bar it just changed into a quesion mark. :/03:31
escottDaveD0101, its probably looking for a png from the icon theme that would be smaller/larger and not finding it.03:31
feardfear@root:~/.irssi$ mv sysinfo.pl scripts/03:31
feardmv: cannot move `sysinfo.pl' to `scripts/sysinfo.pl': Permission denied03:31
feardany help?03:31
FloodBot1feard: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:31
DaveD0101escott, Any idea where those are located?  pycharm shipped with 3 or 4 scaled pngs03:32
escottcryptodira, thats a really strange thing, do any other live cds boot03:32
escottDaveD0101, /usr/share/icon? maybe03:32
DaveD0101escott, /usr/share/icons/gnome/?03:32
DaveD0101escott, Cool, I'll give it a whirl, thanks again03:33
cryptodiraescott: yes, both 10.04 and 10.10 (both burned locally from the .iso) boot just fine..03:33
* feard taps the mic.... this thing on03:34
escottfeard, is your hostname "root"?!03:35
escottfeard, ls -l scripts03:35
feardya lol03:35
feardfear@root:~/.irssi$ ls -l scripts/03:36
feardtotal 003:36
feardwont let me write to it at all03:36
escottfeard, no "/" at the end. I want to see the directory permissions (also ls -l sysinfo.pl)03:36
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feardsame thing escott03:37
feardfear@root:~/.irssi$ ls -l scripts03:37
feardtotal 003:37
escottfeard, sorry ls -d scripts03:37
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escottrather ls -ls03:37
escottls -ld03:37
fearddrwxr-xr-x 2 755 fear 4096 2011-05-11 22:09 scripts03:38
feard-rw-r--r-- 1 fear fear 11395 2011-05-11 22:14 sysinfo.pl03:38
escottcryptodira, thats really really strange. i have no idea what is going on03:38
UbuntuUser1138Mind if I bug someone.. me and my brother are both new users... and I have come across a question that me and him are having a debate on... and I was wondering if I could get some help/03:38
cryptodiraescott: me either...that is why i am asking here....  :)03:38
escottfeard, scripts is owned by 755 no fear, and fear group lacks w permissions, chown it to fear:fear03:38
taglasshmm sudo chown fear:fear scripts?03:39
* sabgenton poll: hey all does grep nobody /etc/passwd show the UID of 6553403:39
LewocoIn natty, how do I restart gdm?03:39
sabgentonfor ya'll03:39
ActionParsnipUbuntuUser1138: ask away03:39
LewocoIn maverick I used to do this using /etc/init.d/gdm, but I don't seem to have this script anymore =/03:39
feardbut why cant i write on the ftp?03:39
ActionParsnipLewoco: I always re-enable CTRL+ALT+BackSpace in keyboard settings -> options03:40
FlynsarmyIs anyone else experiencing 1 freeze per day on 11.04??? its frustrating as hell03:40
escottsabgenton, thats standard. 65534 is the highest uid allowed, and is the least privileged user03:40
cryptodirai am trying to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04.....toshiba, amd/64....  the .iso checksum matches..... then the burned cd checksum matches.... choosing either try or install both get me to a rapidly blinking login screen with 'other' as the only choice... which always returns an authorization failure..... what am i doing incorrectly??03:40
sabgentonescott: ah03:40
sabgentonnot in centos it seems03:40
ActionParsnipLewoco: you can use: sudo service gdm restart    maybe.03:40
sabgentonok it's a openvz implementation03:40
edbiancryptodira: You don't need to burn a CD or download an .iso03:40
escottsabgenton, others may pick a different number, but you get the basic idea03:40
taglassLewoco: sudo restart gdm3 or sudo restart gdm03:41
ActionParsnipcryptodira: did you download the alternate ISO?03:41
edbiancryptodira: Unless you want to03:41
mozuraDoes anyone here use MUGEN?03:41
sabgentonescott: ah ok03:41
ActionParsnipcryptodira: do you intend to clean install or upgrade the OS using the CD?03:41
UbuntuUser1138okay... we both use ubuntu.. but my brother is a dirty Pirate.. I would never do anything like that * cough cough * he wants to torrent things on ubuntu to switch them over to  his windows 7 partition. but he is really worried about windows virus getting transferred. now I have more experience then him but not that much, and this is one thing I could not answer. So if you torrent say games...03:41
UbuntuUser1138...and music, or download any software for windows on ubuntu, can you catch something when you transfer over the files03:41
cryptodiraedbian: i chose an iso in order to have the option of putting it on another machine without having to d/l more than once.03:42
edbianUbuntuUser1138: Yes03:42
jamiewanUbuntuUser1138, No03:42
edbianUbuntuUser1138: The ubuntu install will not be affected but windows will.03:42
ActionParsnipUbuntuUser1138: windows viruses won't affect ubuntu. You can scan files using clamtk03:42
edbianUbuntuUser1138: You can use clamtk or clamav03:42
cryptodiraActionParsnip, No, i did not use the alternate... perhaps i should do so?03:42
ActionParsnipUbuntuUser1138: use the clamav for the latest defs03:42
OlehKI need help installing Ubuntu03:42
UbuntuUser1138okay but if they get on the ubuntu partition it won't spread out side of it if I catch it there03:42
ActionParsnipcryptodira: actually, the new CDs can upgrade installs. It's a new option. Just remembered03:43
UbuntuUser1138as in I find the infected fire before I transfer it over.03:43
ActionParsnipcryptodira: what video chip do you use?03:43
cryptodiraActionParsnip, UpGrade.... from 10.10    which in turn was an upgrade from 10.04 which was a fresh install.03:43
ActionParsnipUbuntuUser1138: makes sense doesn't it03:43
edbianUbuntuUser1138: Ubuntu will be unaffected.  The virus won't infect any machine that you don't place the files on.03:43
jamiewanViruses for windows wont affect ubuntu03:43
UbuntuUser1138I know they wont effect it03:43
OlehKHello? can anyone help me?03:43
UbuntuUser1138but I am talking about a dual boot with windows03:43
UbuntuUser1138but different hard drive.03:44
edbianUbuntuUser1138: What specifically is your question?03:44
FerretWithASporkHi everyone, I'm having some problems reinstalling grub. I can't seem to get my bootable drive (dev/sda1 formatted to NTFS with a windows install on it) to mount. When I sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt it doesn't give me any errors as if it mounted fine but it doesn't mount.03:44
LewocoWhat is the name of the process that creates the gnome taskbar?03:44
ActionParsnipcryptodira: for nvidia chips use the boot option:   nouvea.blacklist=1    for anything else try:  nomodeset03:44
ActionParsnipUbuntuUser1138: the location is moot, the copying is the important detail03:44
UbuntuUser1138downloaded windows viruses while using Ubuntu on a duel boot machine.03:44
UbuntuUser1138okay.. so it won;t matter03:44
edbianLewoco: gnome-panel03:44
escottFerretWithASpork, (a) usually you mount to /mnt/windows not /mnt (b) have you checked "mount" afterwards and ls -l /mnt03:44
UbuntuUser1138as long as I don't copy it over.03:45
ActionParsnipUbuntuUser1138: it could be on a different machine, the detail is identical03:45
edbianUbuntuUser1138: that's right03:45
UbuntuUser1138okay.. that is good.03:45
edbianUbuntuUser1138: The viruses are never run on Linux.  Therefore they won't do anything you don't expect03:45
escottFerretWithASpork, and what does any of this have to do with reinstalling grub?03:45
OlehKI booted into Ubuntu for the first time, and when I try to install it, I always get an error on the third step.03:45
UbuntuUser1138I know but I mean when I boot back to windows.. like if I miss something but don't copy it over.03:45
edbianOlehK: What is the third step and what is the error?03:46
edbianUbuntuUser1138: I don't know what you're asking.  Please try asking it all on one line.03:46
FerretWithASporkescott: I have 2 HDs, my windows drive is the bootable drive, my second drive has linux on it. I installed windows after linux and now have no way to boot into linux so I'm on a live CD03:46
ActionParsnipUbuntuUser1138: then you will need to boot back and copy the data over03:46
escottFerretWithASpork, and have you followed the reinstall instructions?03:46
escott!grub | FerretWithASpork03:47
ubottuFerretWithASpork: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:47
Guest71731anyone using the kiba dock on recent version of ubuntu?03:47
UbuntuUser1138if I get a windows virus on ubuntu, and I don't catch, but I don't copy it over to my windows on the same machine. can it still infect my windows OS?03:47
OlehKThe step called "Allocate drive space"03:47
lifesfhi; i am guessing that this question is just as simple for ubuntu users than the server users,... i am using the server and would need to configure it wireless ... and at the same time,.. i do remember there is a way to filter on here so we can actually read replies but i cannot remember that :P03:47
edbianUbuntuUser1138: no03:47
jamiewanUbuntuUser1138, no no no03:47
edbianUbuntuUser1138: :)03:47
FerretWithASporkescott: I've been using a "grub2 guide" on the ubuntu forums, I'll give that link a try; thanks.03:47
UbuntuUser1138thank you all...03:47
UbuntuUser1138sorry if I was not clear..03:48
ejvwhy would you copy a virus to windows03:48
carlpGreetings - is there a way to expose GPT partition labels in /dev ?03:48
edbianejv: hahahah03:48
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edbianUbuntuUser1138: no worries :D03:48
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UbuntuUser1138ejv torrents... some of the users in my family are bloody pirates03:48
escottcarlp, they arent under /dev/disk/by-label?03:48
ejvinteresting, good luck03:48
jamiewanwe are all pirates in some way lol03:49
carlpescott: no, those only appear to be for filesystem labels :(03:49
escottcarlp, at lot of this stuff ends up under sys you could check there03:49
UbuntuUser1138yes we all jamiewan03:49
cryptodiraActionParsnip,  ati radeon 4200 series03:49
OlehKOn the step called "Allocate drive space" nothing shows up....03:49
carlpescott: Ah! Good idea.03:49
escottcarlp, or install gdisk03:49
UbuntuUser1138thanks... I will be back if I run into any other problems03:49
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lifesfdoes anyone know how to set up wireless through gui? i would like to do this on a server install03:50
lifesfthrough terminal i mean03:50
escottlifesf, iwconfig to associated the essid, but you still have to do all the ifconfig stuff. there is also apparently a networkmanager command line utility (or you could ssh -X and use the gui)03:51
Guest35051guys can i add applications to the dash you know to the screen you get when you click on the ubuntu icon03:51
OlehKCan someone help? this is my first time running Ubuntu and I have no idea what to do03:51
escottGuest35051, start the application, right click, select pin03:51
cryptodiraActionParsnip, going to try your 'nomodeset' suggestion.... back in a bit.   Thanks.03:51
ssfdre38well gnome3 can be installed on 11.0403:52
edbianOlehK: Can you start gparted using the live CD?  It's in System -> Admin03:52
Guest35051hmm thanks escott also is there a way to move the unity launcher03:52
lifesfescott, ifconfig seems to work completely fine while connected on eth1, i tho need it on wlan... thing is i don't even see it appear at all in ifconfig when i check... this is a server install so no gui03:52
ubottuDKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See https://launchpad.net/dkms for more.03:52
FerretWithASporkDo I install grub2 onto the HDD with ubuntu installed, or the bootable drive with windows?03:52
magn3tsIs it a known bug that the universal menu breaks for some QT apps?03:52
magn3tsIt keeps breaking continually for VLC and VirtualBox.03:53
OlehKHow do I get to system _> admin? I'm used to windows so :P03:53
escottFerretWithASpork, i do both usually03:53
FerretWithASporkescott okay thanks03:53
escottFerretWithASpork, if you do only one it has to be the one the bios will boot from usually sda03:53
edbianOlehK: Oh sorry.  I was thinking of the old version.  Click the Ubuntu logo in the upper right. type gparted in the search box, it should come up.03:53
edbianOlehK: The problem is that the installer is having trouble finding your HDDS.  We'll use gparted to find out why.  gparted is partition software03:54
OlehKOk, got it03:54
OlehKalright I can see my drives03:54
FerretWithASporkescott: I'm getting this "/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Sector 32 is already in use by FlexNet; avoiding it." is that a problem?03:54
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edbianOlehK: So here it works.  The partitions are correct and all that?03:55
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escottFerretWithASpork, i dont know what FlexNet is, but grub installs something to the mbr, and then puts a second stage in free space apparently where flexnet wants to go. since it is only a warning i think it is ok, you could check in #grub to be sure03:56
OlehKI don't have any partitions :P also, should my RAID array be showing up?03:56
escottOlehK, do you have soft-raid in the bios03:56
edbianOlehK: Is this a software or hardware raid?  (You have at least 1 partition)03:56
OlehKI have no idea, was trying to figure that out 15 min ago03:56
edbianOlehK: I've never set up on a raid before03:56
escottOlehK, if you bios mentions raid (and you dont have a pci raid controller) you have soft-raid which sometimes works, but isn't encouraged03:57
OlehKI already have it set up, and works fine in windows, but it;s not showing up03:57
edbianOlehK: That fact that it works in windows means very little if it is a software raid03:57
escottOlehK, the problem is linux doesn't use that bios controlled raid method, it has its own preferred solution called mdadm. its sometimes possible to use a bios raid with something called dmraid03:58
edbianI am in over my head.  I have no idea how to help anymore03:58
edbianI don't have a raid03:58
escottOlehK, a pci riser card with raid support would just require modprobing the drivers for the pci card (if it is a supported card)03:58
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OlehKalright, I have to go anway03:59
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OlehKThanks for the help anyways :)03:59
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bisbyWhen i try to use apt-get my speeds are like 20kbps. when i run speedtest.net it says 8mbps. im rockin a pci dlink dwa-552 (xtreme n). just cant figure out when apt-get is so slow but everything else is mostly fine04:00
ActionParsnipbisby: install apt-fast and watch it fly :)04:00
ActionParsnipbisby: try a different source too.04:01
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bisbyive tried multiple different sources. sometimes they'll spike up to 400kbps, but then they quickly level out around 20kbps. for a while it was averaging below 1kbps and actually reporting the speed in bps (ew)04:01
jamiewanActionParsnip, apt-fast i can't find that????04:02
ActionParsnipjamiewan: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/new-apt-fast-version-now-with-full-full.html04:02
ActionParsnipjamiewan: sorry http://www.webupd8.org/2010/08/you-can-now-install-apt-fast-from-ppa.html04:02
trikyhi, I just installed natty on my laptop, but there's no wireless ... was working fine with 10.0404:04
trikycould anyone help?04:04
DaveD0101escott, Wow this unity launcher is half-baked.  Aside from drop to add being broken, and the icon thing being absent, and scaling the bar causes any custom ones to turn to question marks... now I've found that any java app launched via sh precludes the addition of a different one launched the same way, and even triggers backlighting on the wrong app.04:05
bisbynm. its not just apt-get. speedtest.net is now reporting .2 mbps too04:05
ActionParsnipjamiewan: its badass :)04:05
jamiewanyeah all good now, thanx for that was troubled by slow apt off and on for months04:06
Zyclopshey, i'd like to monitor cpu, network traffic, hdd space etc04:06
escott!classic | DaveD010104:07
Zyclopsand graph + send emails04:07
ubottuDaveD0101: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.04:07
Zyclopsany recommendations on what software to use?04:07
jamiewanZyclops, install conky04:07
cgZyclops: munin04:07
AginorZyclops, cacti04:07
ActionParsnipZyclops: you can monitor it with Conky04:07
xiaoshenhi all04:07
bisbyso are there any known problems with wireless n cards or ipv6 or soemthing? my internet speeds are fine in win7 but terrible in ubuntu04:07
Zyclopsconky, cacti, muninā€¦ i've used cacti for network traffic before04:07
Zyclopsnot used the other two04:08
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jamiewanZyclops, conky for me is the best, runs in background all info on the desktop its great04:08
gsp2009hey folks.. .trying to help out a buddy who is still running fiesty. If he upgrades the distro, will he have to go through each version? or is there a way to upgrade directly to say, 10.10 or 11. 04?04:08
escottgsp2009, the only jumps allowed are from lts to lts04:08
Zyclopsjamiewan: has it got a web interface or soemthing like that?  i have like 6 servers to monitor04:09
gsp2009escott... thanks. :)04:09
AginorZyclops, cacti is what you want, or nagios04:09
jamiewanZyclops, not sure prob cacti for you be better04:09
AginorZyclops, http://www.nagios.org/04:09
phpguy306whats the chmod command to add group permission to all files/fiolders in var/www04:10
Zyclopsnagious.. is what my old work used to do04:10
AginorZyclops, http://www.cacti.net/04:10
escottbisby, are you sure the problem is with your system, and not the remote server?04:10
gsp2009escott: so... he would go 7.10, then 8.04 to 10.04? is that right? This may be better/easier just to d/l and reinstall from scratch.04:11
DaveD0101escott, ubottu : Good tip, I'll probably just do that.  This unity thing was a neat idea, it's just badly incomplete.04:11
escottphpguy306, chmod -R g+? /var/www04:11
xiaoshenis there a ssh server installer package on ubuntu livecd??04:11
bisbyescott, yes. my phone is running fine, my other computers are running fine. win7 is running fine on this computer. ubuntu 11.04 gets dialup speeds almost04:11
escottgsp2009, that far back i would just do a fresh install... i would also worry about the hardware and the experience after a fresh install04:11
phpguy306escott: no question mark though right?04:11
escottphpguy306, you didn't specify what permission you wanted to give the group04:12
Overlord-sirusOk, who helped me earlier?04:12
Overlord-sirusWith the wireless cardbus?04:13
phpguy306escott: i added a user to the www-data, and will have him login via sftp. But allt eh folders/files dont have group permission on it. so i thought i would add group permission to all files/folders for him04:13
xiaoshenis there a ssh server installer package on ubuntu livecd??04:13
cryptodiraActionParsnip,  no joy with the 'nomodeset'.... still gets to a Rapidly Blinking' login box.... with 'other' as the only choice....any other suggestions on how to successfully upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 .... amd64 machine04:13
gsp2009escott: thanks alot for your help.04:13
escottbisby, maybe there is something with your wireless card driver. linux has a higher transmit queue buffer (bufferbloat.net), but its rather hard to say from speedtest.net. i would transfer some big files around your local network to see if thats really the problem04:13
Overlord-sirusxiao - if you can't find one look in the software center04:14
ace0shey guys, is anyone here familiar with argspoof ?04:14
escottace0s, do you mean arpspoof?04:15
Overlord-sirusOk, so I tried the file that guy gave me earlier, RALINK, and it came up fine and I got it in the comp, but where the hell do I put it??04:15
escott!illegal | ace0s if you really want to do this on your own network find a networking channel04:17
ubottuace0s if you really want to do this on your own network find a networking channel: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o04:17
Overlord-sirusSOmeone has to know where to put a raw wireless driver in a Ubuntu type load.04:17
zoazhi can someone help me use xchat for irc?04:17
Overlord-sirusxchat is irc04:18
zoazi can't use it04:18
Overlord-sirusjust named xchat04:18
Overlord-siruswhy? whats wrong?04:18
kruxhey can't use emerald borders with unity ?..04:18
zoazit says "Notice -- You need to identify via SASL to use this server"04:18
zoazand keeps trying to reconnect04:19
escottzoaz, ignore it. its spam04:19
Logan_escott: Not necessarily.04:19
Overlord-siruswhat serv are you trying to join anyway?  You're already in a server.04:19
Logan_zoaz: Which server?04:19
Overlord-sirusur i freenode by default04:19
zoazI'm using the webclient here04:19
Hardinzoaz: I had the same problem earlier04:20
escottLogan_, sorry i thought he was reacting to all the SASL spam from the past few days04:20
Hardinzoaz: Xchat?04:20
spasysheepis there a way to make windows maximize the old way; with the close / minimize / maximize and title in a bar at the top of the window rather than merged with the panel?04:20
Overlord-siruswhat server are you trying to contct?  freenode is the standard login page.04:20
Hardinzoaz: It was a problem with my router04:20
zoazwell I'm on mobile hotspot....04:21
Overlord-siruslaptop or tower zoaz?04:21
Overlord-sirusso laptop04:21
=== sbell_ is now known as sbell
Hardinzoaz: Wasn't letting me use the port04:21
Overlord-sirustry a seperate port number, like 669704:21
zoazI just think I should be able to use xchat if I can use the web client04:21
Hardinzoaz: no the webchat is over http (port 80)04:22
Logan_This really doesn't have anything to do with Ubuntu.04:22
Hardinzoaz: try irssi, might work04:22
magn3tssame protocol, not likely to be different.04:23
magn3tsIf you can get more info zoaz it'd be helpful.04:23
mickeycan a vpn hide ur internet activity from a network administrator?04:23
magn3tslike at what point you get that message, etc.04:23
escottspasysheep, OMG Ubuntu had something about unity-tweak today. maybe that has an option to not merge the panel04:23
magn3tsmickey, well, aside from the fact that it will be obvious, yes.04:23
spasysheepescott, thanks, I'll check it out04:23
mickeywhat do u mean?04:23
Overlord-siruschange the port number to your comps port, if you know what it is.  I'm not sure WHAT the comp number is by default, but your load of xchat may be trying to run on a different port that isn't even related to your computer.  Like a server that you connected to, like at a school or a hospital.04:23
zoazit's trying port 800104:23
davrosany one try gnome 3 yet? and have system put unity back?04:24
escottmickey, they will probably notice a large bandwith encrypted channel on a port that is not 808004:24
magn3tsmickey, your network admin will be able to see lots of encrypted garbage traffic. It will be obvious that it's a SSH tunnel or VPN connection but they won't be able to see what you're doing.04:24
Hardindavros: Didn't get you there04:24
Random_FoolHey everyone, question about running x11vnc & xubuntu 11.04, I've recently reinstalled my media-pc had it all up and running, made a couple changes to /etc/gdm/Init (added x11vnc -safer -forever -thread) to boot x11vnc on its boot, and it only displays a black screen, i can connect in via tightVNC still04:24
magn3ts8080? I think you meant 80, 443, etc.04:24
Hardindavros: Yes, I am using unity on natty04:24
escottrather 44304:24
Seqiszoaz, just ssh to a box at home, then tunnel a socks proxy for irc04:24
magn3tsmickey, They can still also guess based on the bandwidth shape that you're streaming/torrenting but that would still be hard.04:24
davrosno i want gnome 304:24
mickeyhmm.... interesting04:25
q_wethey guys, i installed XArp and everytime i try to open it after asking for my password it doesn't open or an error message appears saying that the root user is using it, has anyone else had this problem?04:25
Overlord-sirusquestion is, can zoaz actually do that?04:25
escott!gnome3 | davros04:25
ubottudavros: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.04:25
mickeyit would be hard to track, or hard to set up?04:25
Hardindavros: Then install the gnome-shell package04:25
zoazI don't have another box :(04:25
magn3tsdavros, I highly recommend that you do NOT use that PPa.04:25
mickeyor both?04:25
zoazand this is my only connection04:25
ActionParsnipdavros: gnome3 is available but its not supported here04:25
Overlord-siruswell that sucks04:25
Hardinzoaz: Try irssi04:25
davrosi kno04:25
magn3tszoaz, just get more info on when the error pops up, it's overkill to need to ssh/socks proxy for IRC.04:25
Overlord-sirusdo you have a wifi card?04:25
Hardin!irssi | zoaz04:25
ubottuzoaz: irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen04:25
magn3tsThat !gnome3 factoid needs to go. Completely. That PPA does nothing but break my VM everytime I try it.04:26
Hardinzoaz: just apt-get install it , it worked fo=r me when I had trouble04:26
=== Rudy- is now known as RudyValencia
Hardinzoaz: with xchat04:26
factotumwow, i am really liking xfce these days! *ducks*04:26
Hardinzoaz: for some reason04:26
escottRandom_Fool, i think you need to wait to start x11vnc until after login, but i don't know for sure04:26
mickeymagn3ts, do u know of a tutorial i could use to set that up?04:27
ActionParsnipmagn3ts: it gives people the option, i's their risk04:27
Overlord-siruswhy even hate xfce?  I haven't had it crash yet!04:27
Random_Foolescott - its set up for auto-login,, and unfortunatly i cant even get a terminal window open right now04:27
magn3tsActionParsnip, there's lots of things that are less risky that are discouraged here on a more regular basis IMO.04:27
ActionParsnipOverlord-sirus: I prefer lxde :)04:27
magn3tsmickey, depends, exactly what are you triyng to do? There's lots of different ways of going about it.04:27
Overlord-sirusNever tried04:27
ActionParsnipmagn3ts: true, but the warnings are clear. If people choose to ignore them that is their choice04:28
escottRandom_Fool, I would just worry you are racing the vnc to start before the X server is up. where exactly did you put the x11vnc (and where did you get the idea to do it that way)04:28
Overlord-sirusI want to get my hands on fluxbox, like a load of nubuntu.  I always thought it would be fun to play with.04:28
Seqisxfce 4.8 is the choice to make for those who can't stand gnome 3 or unity (Xubuntu)04:28
mickeymagn3ts, i'm trying to torrent annonymously and also hide internet activity04:28
magn3tsmickey, Do you trust your endpoint?04:28
LewocoHow do I change my window manager to xfwm4?04:28
mickeysorry, i dont know what u mean04:28
magn3tsmickey, do you have a VPN provider in mind? Or do you have a PC at home that you trust as safe?04:28
Overlord-sirusgood question :D04:29
ActionParsnipLewoco: press ALT+F2 and run: xfce4 --replace04:29
magn3tsmickey, to do a VPN, you need someone who's going to provide you with an endpoint, eventually your torrent has to connect to the wide internet.04:29
ActionParsnipLewoco: you get the idea04:29
Overlord-sirusactually.... wait.....04:29
magn3tsmickey, I think ThePirateBay runs a VPN, I don't know if it's any good or how expensive it is.04:29
SeqisActionParsnip, I think its xfwm --replace04:29
LewocoActionParsnip, Sorry I didn't ask the right question. How do I make it do that by default?04:29
Overlord-sirusI think I might even have nubuntu somewhere04:29
ActionParsnipSeqis: yeah, that sort of jazz ;004:29
pfifois there a program suitable to perfome the function of 'flash media live encoder' for linux yet?04:30
ActionParsnipLewoco: you can add a startup app to run it04:30
LewocoActionParsnip, Well that will start start metacity first wont it?04:30
Seqismetacity != xfce04:30
magn3tsmickey, is this making sense? I can try to find a picture if it would hlep.04:30
ActionParsnipLewoco: sure but only for a sec04:30
mickeymagn3ts, so i would set up my desktop at home as the client?04:30
LewocoIsn't there some way I can just tell X to run xfwm4 directly instead of metacity?04:31
ActionParsnipLewoco: theres a setting in gconf someplace but I don't use gnome so much these days to know04:31
magn3tsmickey, What internet traffic are you trying to hide? Home Computer -> internet? Laptop->Internet? Phone->Internet?04:31
escottpfifo, ffmpeg and mplayer can probably both encode the video format, i don't know about the flv container though04:31
Overlord-sirusWoo, the house is shaking from lightning! OH BOY04:31
mickeyhome to internet04:31
mickeyis that possible?04:32
pfifoescott, no04:32
Overlord-siruswhat do you mean?04:32
magn3tsmickey, yes, but I'm not sure you understand how this works. Let me show you :)04:32
mickeycool, thanks04:32
i_is_brokeis there a way to pin the terminal to the taskbar in 11.04?04:33
Overlord-sirusoh hey cool, I do have a nubuntu load disc....  now what was wrong with it?04:33
escotti_is_broke, right click on the icon and select pin04:33
Overlord-sirusgoto menu, pull off menu, put in task bar04:33
Overlord-siruslike windows04:33
Random_Foolescott - placed it @ the very end of Init, just before the exit 0, and as bad it'll sound i ran it similarly before to have it autoload on boot on the old 9.04 ubuntu install04:33
magn3tsmickey, [Your Computer (] ----VPN---> [Ipredator account (]  -----> Internet.04:33
Overlord-sirusyay, IP address...04:34
magn3tsmickey, this way, all of your traffic to the Internet comes out of the IP Address The "Internet" at large doesn't know where that traffic originally came from.04:34
* ejv can feel the nmapping starting up04:34
mickeyI predator is the software?04:34
magn3tsmickey, it's not softare, it's a VPN account on a remote computer.04:35
escottRandom_Fool, im not too familiar with vnc but if it can run as your uid (which it probably should) then you should add it to your session startup applications. not that i know where that would be in unity (11.04)04:35
tje2Howdy all.04:35
ejvfellas, I have ubuntu-server and would like to load a light-weight gnome desktop environment. which package should I fetch that is the *most minimal*? thank you.04:35
magn3tsmickey, if the software was on your computer, it would still come from your IP Address, and thus not be anonymous.04:35
ubuntuguyI had a spacer in my unity launcher, I right clicked on my launcher and removed it, I really need it back, how can I add a spacer? Is there a command line to restart ot unity lancher?04:35
Overlord-sirusOH, I remember!  I couldn't get the wireless to work on nubuntu...  anyone have any ideas?04:35
magn3tsmickey, the internet isn't an anonymous place. When content goes out to the Internet, it has to originate somewhere. It's basically like driving to another town to mail a package anonymously... You're sending your traffic to another server and then it sends it out and pretends to be the origin to hide your identity.04:35
tje2Can anyone tell me which repository I need to have in my sources.list to be able to find/install KAudioCreator?   I've got the 'main', 'restricted', 'multiverse', and 'universe' repositories, yet apt-cache(1) doesn't find it.04:36
tje2Is KAudioCreator even in the official Ubuntu repos anymore?04:36
magn3tsmickey, the picture here isn't fantastic, but it might help: https://www.ipredator.se/?lang=en04:36
escottRandom_Fool, or better yet in /etc/init/gdm/PostLogin/Default thats clearly where they want it04:36
Logan_Overlord-sirus: We do not support derivatives of Ubuntu in this channel.04:36
Overlord-sirussudo apt-get kaaudiocenter04:36
html_inprogressOverlord-sirus, whats you need?,   whats your04:36
Overlord-sirusor whatever it is04:37
Random_Foolescott - ok thanks for your help04:37
mickeymagne3ts, i read somewhere that it encrypts all the packets i send and receive even before it gets to the router, is that right?04:37
Overlord-siruswhats my whut?04:37
Seqishmm I wouldn't bother with ipredator... just get a VPS and ssh through there, or use the VPS server04:38
magn3tsmickey, if you make a VPN connection to an iPredator server, it MIGHT be encrypted... it depends on what type of VPN it is. I believe all are encrypted by default.04:38
tje2Overlord-sirus,   Thanks for the attempt, but that doesn't work.   Believe me, I know what I'm doing here, I've been running Linux for 15 - 16 years now.  What I'm asking is what Ubuntu repository do I need to have in my sources.list(5) file so that apt-get can find it?04:38
magn3tsSeqis, a VPS stored where? In the US? How will that help if he is torrenting illegally? He'll get caught all the same?04:38
tje2What I'm saying is that KAudioCreator does not appear to be in the 'main', 'restricted', 'multiverse', or 'universe' repositories.04:38
Seqismagn3ts, Oh .. this is for illegal activity... I wasn't aware that was the context.04:38
ActionParsnip!find kaudio04:38
SeqisSurprise they allow that sort of chatter on #ubuntu04:39
ubottuFile kaudio found in fvwm-crystal, gnome-icon-theme-gartoon-redux, gstreamer0.10-plugins-good-doc, jackd2, kde-icons-mono, kdelibs4-dev, libav-doc, libsdl1.2-dev, nuvola-icon-theme, openclipart-png (and 1 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=kaudio&mode=&suite=natty&arch=any04:39
magn3tsSeqis, well that's the presumption I'm under. I use my VPS for up and up stuff but I'm actually thinking about investing in an anon vpn setup as well.04:39
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o04:39
magn3tsSeqis, well that's the assumption I was going on, I don't know that it was explicit. He merely said he wanted his data encrypted in transport.04:39
escottmagn3ts, mickey can we please take the whole vpn/vps stuff somewhere else its clearly for something other than hiding web surfing for the boss and is taking time away from everyone else04:39
Seqiswell if they raid ipredator in sweden, all bets are off, man304:39
Seqiserr magn3ts04:39
escottmagn3ts, he was pretty clear what he wanted to do04:39
magn3tsescott, interesting that I can take time, but I'd be happy to move it to a PM.04:40
ZiberOn 11.04, can I somehow reorder the icons on the sidebar?04:40
ubuntuguyI had a spacer in my unity launcher, I right clicked on my launcher and removed it, I really need it back, how can I add a spacer? Is there a command line to restart ot unity lancher?04:40
FerretWithASporkEverytime I boot I see this message: "Udevd-work[84]: '/sbin/blkid -o udev -p /dev/sda1' unexpected exit with status 0" Anyone have any idea what it means? I can't get grub to work no matter what I do and I feel this may be part of the issue?04:40
julian_cZiber: Just drag and drop to move the launcher icons.04:40
magn3tsMeh, it says "torrent anonymously". I don't like people knowing that I'm sharing Ubuntu. heh.04:40
Overlord-sirushtml_inprogress - what did you mean?  I don't know what you asked me exactly.04:40
julian_c(should work for most of the icons)04:40
magn3tsmickey, can you PM me, or I will PM you, we need to take this out of #ubuntu04:40
magn3tssorry for the trouble folks.04:41
html_inprogresstje2,  here you gohttp://www.ubuntuupdates.org/packages/show/19839704:41
Seqisdon't forget to encrypt your pm magn3ts...04:41
escottFerretWithASpork, you can run that command and see what error it gives, sounds like your partition doesn't have a uuid?!04:41
magn3tsSeqis, haha04:42
tje2html_inprogress,   Thank you!    THAT is what I was looking for.04:42
Overlord-sirusdoesn't a partition need a uuid to be accessible?04:42
quiescensof course, everything in this channel is logged publicly04:42
html_inprogressOverlord-sirus,  whats you problem,, not conneted? or dont work?   whats you os, hardware,software04:42
julian_cI did an upgrade today -- M --> N. The computer points to a local repo. As usual, I ran "do-release-upgrade" (which usually works just fine).04:42
aldinhi where do i ask questions related to launchpad & translations of some packages?04:43
html_inprogresstje2, :)  you wellcoomeee!04:43
escottOverlord-sirus, the uuid thing is somewhat new, but its definitely the preferred method these days04:43
roarkeQuestion,can I use ubuntu repos in openSUSE?04:43
Overlord-siruswell, you can't really help me unless you have used nubuntu before or know how to get a wifi cardbus to work for it.04:43
FerretWithASporkescott I get a segmentation fault when I try to run it. Isn't that a memory error?04:43
julian_cThis particular computer started out on Jaunty. For the first time, it wouldn't use the local repo with default settings.04:43
edbianroarke: no def not04:43
escottFerretWithASpork, no it means the blkid application read something from your partition table and then sh*t itself because it wasn't in the expected format04:43
FerretWithASporkescott lol I see. Is there any way to fix that? like maybe a diaper?04:44
escottFerretWithASpork, sda1 is ntfs correct? do you know if it is gpt or msdos partition04:44
roarkeedbian' but would the same apps in ubuntu work in openSUSE?04:44
julian_cIt turned out that I had to simply add a custom config file to the directory </etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.d> that would override the default practice of turning off all third-party repos.04:44
datakidhola, just did an upgrade on lucid LTS and I'm getting the following error: http://paste.debian.net/116704/04:44
FerretWithASporkescott It is ntfs but I have no idea what gpt is. it's Windows 7 if that helps04:44
datakidI can see what the error is saying, but I'm wondering how to fix?04:45
escottFerretWithASpork, what does sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda say (use !pastebin)04:45
edbianroarke: There is a package called alien for us .deb users.  It allows us to install .rpm packages.  It is very dangerous and generally a bad idea.  I'm not sure if there is some reverse thing.04:45
datakidbasically, libldap has been upgraded but the slapd dependecy list hasnt?04:45
FerretWithASporkescott: the weird thing is in the ubuntu disk utility it doesn't recognize sda1 as a filesystem it says "Unknown 300GB // Usage -"04:45
escottFerretWithASpork, i think its this flexnet thing04:46
Overlord-sirusFerrettWithASpork - odd.  is it an external drive?04:46
FerretWithASporkOverlord-sirus: nope, internal04:46
FerretWithASporkescott: http://pastebin.com/khpAPFp604:46
Overlord-sirusFerrettWithASpork - Dual HDD?04:47
FerretWithASporkOverlord-sirus: yep04:47
ubuntuguySource (http://www.ibiblio.org/expo/soviet.exhibit/famine.html)04:47
afeijohow can I install/enable apc in my php?04:48
FerretWithASporkescott: I found a tutorial that had me delete the FlexNet from sector 32. I installed grub with no warning and I booted into ubuntu, but I now can't access windows04:48
julian_cafeijo: Install the "php-apc" package, and then reload Apache. Before reloading Apache, make any necessary changes to the corresponding .ini files in your PHP configuration.04:49
escottFerretWithASpork, try vol_id -u /dev/sda104:50
afeijojulian_c, it worked! thanks :)04:50
FerretWithASporkescott: vol_id command not found04:50
spasysheepam I correct in thinking that the 'type' for ntfs partitions in fstab is ntfs-3g?04:50
julian_cYou're welcome, afeijo.04:50
escottnevermind then04:50
edbianspasysheep: yes04:50
escottvol_id isn't going to be helpful anyways so...04:51
afeijoshall I install memcached too?04:51
someh4x0rHello, does anybody know how to force ubuntu on pandaboard to a specific screen resolution? It does not seem to detect my monitor correctly and goes to 640x480. It does work on my HDTV.04:51
FerretWithASporkIt's looking like I might just have to format both the drives completely, repartition, and reinstall04:51
spasysheepedbian, thanks. are the settings for <options>, <dump>, and <pass> important? what should I set those as?04:51
edbianspasysheep: You're editing /etc/fstab?04:52
datakidanyone have a solution to this? slapd depends on libldap-2.4-2 (= 2.4.21-0ubuntu5.3); however:04:52
datakid  Version of libldap-2.4-2 on system is 2.4.21-0ubuntu5.4.04:52
spasysheepedbian, yes, I want my ntfs shared data partiton to mount on boot04:52
edbianspasysheep: Here's a detailed guide.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab   for options you want 'defaults,user' probably, pass and dump should both be 0  You have to have an entry for every column04:52
spasysheepedbian, thanks04:53
edbianspasysheep: auto makes it mount at boot (defaults,user,auto) but I think auto is included in defaults04:53
edbianspasysheep: No problem04:53
escottFerretWithASpork, i would check with #grub they may be more knowledgeable. my guess (and its only a guess) is that the uuids are supposed to be stored somewhere between the mbr and the first partition, but flexnet is in the way which is breaking blkid. you could try to hardcode the device name in your /boot/grub/grub.cfg or remove flexnet (if it won't invalidate your license)04:53
julian_cafeijo: It wouldn't hurt. Also be sure to install and configure the "memcached" package (I think...).04:53
=== Zorlin is now known as Guest92240
kizzoWhen I run "service privoxy status" it says that it's running, but when I nmap the port that privoxy should be running on, nothing is listening.04:54
FerretWithASporkescott: Okay thanks for the advice04:54
kizzoOh wait - nvm04:54
Random_Foolescott -- sorry about that, looks like you are right, put a monitor onto the pc, commented out the line, and now its back up and running partially04:54
ZiberHow do I get to keyboard shortcuts in 11.04?04:54
kizzoLet me check one more thing - the privoxy logs..04:54
escottRandom_Fool, you can't run X server without a display device04:55
phungvantuUnexpected logout fron Natty?04:55
phungvantuHow to fix it04:55
phungvantuPls help me04:55
escottRandom_Fool, have you considered using ssh with X tunneling04:55
Random_Foolescott -- thats one of the reasons I run the media-pc used to use it as an ssh server into my internal network04:55
trismZiber: hit the power button near the clock/System Settings/Keyboard Shortcuts04:55
escottRandom_Fool, and nothing to be sorry about04:56
ZiberHow can I get the mac-like application switcher on 11.04?04:56
yoshieInstall problem ubuntu freezing during installation, didnt have the problem before 9.04. Think its the video card ( Nvidia GT 24004:56
ActionParsnipZiber: where all app windows are visible?04:57
Random_Foolescott -- just setting up an internal only vnc server on it for now, and if i need external connections again I'll reset up my router, and do the routing properly in xubuntu for the ssh server04:57
ZiberActionParsnip: yes.04:57
escottZiber, do you mean the "expose" i think it is super s or check !ccsm04:57
ActionParsnipZiber: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80367004:57
ZiberActionParsnip: super + s is the workspace switcher04:57
ActionParsnipZiber: look at the scale plugin04:58
adminterhow are you?04:58
ZiberActionParsnip: does compiz work with 11.04?04:58
ActionParsnipZiber: yes it flys here04:58
Ziberalright :)04:59
someh4x0rhow does omapfb.mode work exactly (on Pandaboard)? any clear explanation?04:59
afeijojulian_c, the pakage name is php5-mencache ;)04:59
escottZiber, shift-alt-up on mine04:59
Ziberescott: oh, ty! but, how can i change that?05:00
escott!ccsm | Ziber05:00
ubottuZiber: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz05:00
yoshieInstall problem ubuntu freezing during installation, didnt have the problem before 9.04. Think its the video card ( Nvidia GT 24005:00
julian_cafeijo: I sometimes get confused with php5-memcache and php5-memcached. The former might be easier to work with.05:00
escottunder scale (its in the window switcher section) and then the bindings tab05:00
IsrafelI need a new wireless card for my PC. I've gone through about 10 that just don't work in Ubuntu.05:01
FerretWithASporkI just plugged in an external drive that's formatted to Apple HFS+ and it's read-only. Is there any way to write to it?05:01
ActionParsnipyoshie: add boot option: nouveau.blacklist=105:02
someh4x0risrafel: some (many?) d-link cards work (Atheros chipset)05:02
escottFerretWithASpork, no ro for HFS+05:02
ActionParsnipyoshie: new releases have display timings in the kernel, hence no issues in the older versions05:02
ZiberI installed ccsm because compiz gives me an error...05:02
IsrafelThe one I'm using now has a max speed of 1Mb/s but slows to about 50k.05:02
yoshie@Actionparsnip ok let me try that real quick05:02
Israfelsomeh4x0r, I need to know which ones have the best support. Many work but are crippled in speed.05:03
SinnerNyxOk I need to build PHP without suhosin...05:04
julian_c(oops... not in there)05:04
edbianIsrafel: I don't mean to offend you but I strongly suspect many of the cards worked and you just couldn't figure out how to configure them correctly05:04
ZiberWell, thats cool. In compiz, trying to enable desktop cube, i've lost 11.04's dock and stuff...05:04
julian_cFerretWithASpork: A little more on HFS+ and Ubuntu: <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/hfsplus>.05:05
Israfeledbian, I have 3 computers. Everything works with Windows on this PC, (dualboot). My laptop with Ubuntu also works fine. There's several bugreports for the cards I bought. I'm tired of buying the wrong ones.05:05
escottFerretWithASpork, apparently you can do read-write if you disable journaling05:05
julian_cJust like with NTFS, write is possible, but proceed with caution.05:06
edbianIsrafel: I'm sorry you're had so much trouble.05:06
Israfeledbian, I also tried serialmonkey drivers, ndiswrapper, etc.05:06
FerretWithASporkjulian_c / escott: thanks i'll look into it05:06
ray24Hi, I installed starcraft on ubuntu , the game runs, but I get a blank screen when I try to play. Why is that?05:06
IsrafelI'm trying to upgrade to 11.04 to see if that fixes it, but I have 16 days left of downloads.05:07
escottjulian_c, thats a good link it probably should be added to the bot05:07
cryptodirai see that xscreensaver is removed for the upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 .... does this mean it will no longer run under 11.04 ... OR... can it be reinstalled?   what is the replacement screensaver for 11.04>05:07
ActionParsnipray24: check the appdb for suggestions, you can also ask in #winehq05:07
jamiewanIsrafel, 16 Days??? Dial up? lol05:08
escottcryptodira, gnome-screensaver05:08
Israfeljamiewan, crappy WMP54G (linksys) wireless card.05:09
UBuxuBUdoes anyone know when 10.04 lts runs out05:09
cryptodiraescott: doe this mean that xscreen saver will not run under 11.04?05:09
saalaa__sorry, I know I'm gonna be rude but I need a quick advice05:09
edbianIsrafel: What driver are you using?05:09
jamiewan3 years lts05:09
UBuxuBUi know05:10
ActionParsnipUBuxuBU: on desktop or server?05:10
saalaa__isn't there a better way than top/htop to know what process(es) are eating the computer power and/or memory?05:10
escottcryptodira, im sure you could compile it but they created gnome-screensaver to replace it05:10
someh4x0rIsrafel: try using iperf to see if it is really your wireless card and not your internet connection05:10
UBuxuBUbut when does it end05:10
Israfeledbian, Right now I'm using the one that came with Ubuntu. The ndiswrapper one was even slower.05:10
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101005:10
ActionParsnip10.04 released in 2010 in april + 3 years = 2013 in april05:10
tje2saalaa__,   You might check out "powertop"05:10
Israfelsomeh4x0r, it's not my internet, I have other computers doing just fine.05:10
UBuxuBUok ty05:10
jamiewanyeah 13.0405:10
UBuxuBUi tried 11.04 and it is a mess05:11
tje2saalaa__,   I think it requires an Intel-based CPU, but it should give you an idea of where your power consumption is going to.05:11
cryptodiraescott: this then is a NEW gnome... that replaces the current ones found in 10.04 and 10.10 ?05:11
ActionParsnipUBuxuBU: lts == 3 years support on desktop, intermediate release is supported 1.5 years on desktop05:11
ubottuUnity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME see !classic.05:11
saalaa__actually, I was thinking that my current problem is not CPU/memory related but rather IO related05:11
tje2saalaa__,   Then check out iotop, iostat, vmstat, etc.05:11
saalaa__our partition with postgresql's data was out of free space so, the system is probably clearing some backlog05:12
saalaa__tje2, thanks05:12
k_szeWhat does fdi stand for? (you know, those *.fdi files used by HAL)05:12
saalaa__tje2: thanks05:13
vaxinatedi like unity05:13
jamiewanActionParsnip, are you using Natty?05:14
cryptodiraescott: , ActionParsnip: i have been unable to get beyond the rapidly blinking 'other' login screen while trying to UpGrade to 11.04 from 10.10 .... so am trying the built in upgrade route....are either of you aware of any "gotchas" that i should watch for in relation to the problems with trying to upgrade from cd?05:14
saalaa__it's kinda stupid because I never took the time to understand those tools and I have no idea of what I should be looking for ^^05:14
tje2saalaa__,  Glad I could help.   Please refer to the manpages for each for additional information.  But if you're wanting to see where your I/O is, those are the tools.05:14
RKyleHi, when you do an upgrade through ssh and it gives you a back up port in case something goes wrong. Does anyone know what the default backup port number is or does it decide randomly?05:14
escottcryptodira, mine was uneventful (as had all past upgrades) but given that you are having problems with the livecd its hard to say what might happen05:15
RudeTuxdoes anybody know how to make ubuntu bootable from an usb external hard drive? i tried diferent solutions but i just aint becoming succesful...i really need help please..05:15
ActionParsnipRudeTux: unetbootin or the 1 2 3 app from pendrivelinux can do it. I assume your BIOS can boot USB storage05:16
cryptodiraescott: ok,.... the previous upgrades via local burned cd... worked fine.... not sure what the deal with 11.04 is... Thanks for your thoughts and help.05:16
vaxinatedRudeTux: You can load grub from your main system and run your USB loaded system from its boot.05:16
saalaa__tje2: that was a very diplomatic RTFM :)05:17
tje2saalaa__,   Thank you, thank you.  ;)05:17
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tje2saalaa__,   I've worked a handful of years doing tech support for dialup (at first), DSL, cable (both biz and residential), metro ethernet over fiber, etc... So yeah, I'm REAL good about telling someone to RTFM without being rude about it.05:18
tje2saalaa__,  But honestly, but NOT reading the documentation and having someone answer all of your questions for you, you only end up short-changing yourself.  If you take those extra few minutes to RTFM, you'll find that next time you encounter such a issue, you'll know what to do and why that's the thing to do.05:18
dei2angedAlright, so I have a question and I don't know where to begin looking. I'm getting error 15 with Grub on boot after upgrading to 11.04.05:20
saalaa__tje2: not that I was complaining about a good RTFM.. I'm not the kind to ask for people to do my stuff. I just have to learn new tools in the worst possible moment (indeed). Pointers were all I was asking for05:20
saalaa__tje2: btw, I read an article talking about sar, what are your thoughts?05:21
tje2saalaa__,   I know what you mean.   I don't mind pointing someone in the direction of a specific tool, I just don't like answering questions about that tool that can be found in the manpages.05:21
saalaa__that's the only program I haven't heard of before in the list05:21
PalinBachman2012dei2anged: did you google grub, error 15, it looks like file not found05:21
ActionParsnipdei2anged: boot to livecd and you can reinstate grub from there05:21
dei2angedGoogling has resulted in an incredible wealth of information that has been pretty useless to me since I'm not entirely positive what I should be changing.05:21
soadkombuchaI installed Ubuntu 11.04 today, everything appears to be working properly, I have sound, ACPI, and wifi... And when I go to sound, it recognizes that there is a mic there, however, it seems that my webcam and microphone aren't working properly. Can anyone offer any help?05:21
PalinBachman2012dei2anged: are you sure you installed grub on the hd that is booted by your bios05:21
escottdei2anged, grub1 or grub2 in either case !grub seems in order05:21
tje2saalaa__,   Often times, the manpages won't tell you the answer to "what program can I use to do XXXXXXX?".   So I'll point you to the program that will do task XXXXXX, but then leave it up to them to read thru the documentation to understand it.05:21
ActionParsnipsoadkombucha: is it a laptop?05:22
soadkombuchaActionParsnip, yes.05:22
tje2saalaa__,   sar is a great utility.05:22
soadkombuchaActionParsnip, I can give you an exact model number if you need one.05:22
dei2angedAll I did was hit, Upgrade ubuntu to Ubuntu 11.04 and it had a pretty pleasant automated progress bar that resulted in Error 15,05:22
ActionParsnipsoadkombucha: what make and model and why didn't you add it to the initial quesion?05:22
escottdei2anged, this is an older install that has been upgraded a couple times yes?05:22
tje2saalaa__,  Unfortunately, with sar, you have to let it run for some time and collect data.  It's not so much a real-time utility so much as a trending or historical analysis tool05:22
soadkombuchaBecause I didn't know if it was a common issue with laptops...05:22
PalinBachman2012dei2anged: you might try booting from the bios from a different hd if you have more than one? and make sure you have taken out all usb sticks, drives, etc05:22
dei2angedescott: indeed05:22
soadkombuchaToshiba Satellite L500D-ST254305:22
PalinBachman2012cant remember what that error is when you have a usbstick in05:23
ActionParsnipsoadkombucha: ok, does the webcam work in cheese?05:23
soadkombuchaI'll go install Cheese and check it out really quick05:23
dei2angedPalinBachman2012: It's booting to the correct drive, I mean, I'm booting to the usb currently so I can ask these questions, lol05:23
RudeTuxActionParsnip: been there done that, my BIOS can boot USB storage ok. but here's the deal, the external hd is from an old laptop, and is being put to use since i dont have an optical drive to burn ubuntu's ISO. and i've been wanting to try it out and reform windows, but i want to use it diferent pcs so i need to use it in a external hd. i tryed to instal ubuntu using unetbootin and universal-05:23
RudeTuxusb-installer, i formated my external hd to fat 32 but when grub loads a boot error accurs that asks me to ctrl+alt+del the pc indefinetly...05:23
escottdei2anged, a few years back they switched from grub1 to grub2 but it was optional. it seems like there may be some issues with grub1 users in 11.04 this is the second i've seen05:23
dei2angedyeah, it's been awhile since I updated so it wouldn't surprise me05:24
PalinBachman2012dei2anged: like he said, if its nothing like what i described, reinstall grub05:24
escottdei2anged, i would get a livecd, chroot yourself inside, install grub-pc and then reinstall grub05:24
saalaa__tje2: oh ok, it seems to provide some interesting info though05:24
rogihi? need help/ i have ubuntu 11/04 and netbook with 1024 RAM? ubuntu says what i have only 680 RAM how it is possible?05:24
dlbike76Hi, how do you clear the list of recent files and folders in Unity's Launcher?05:24
ray24anyone here know how to install driver for ATI Radeon Xpress 200 card?05:24
saalaa__tje2: I'm sort of disappointed it's not in my repos05:24
escott!grub | dei2anged05:24
ubottudei2anged: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)05:24
ActionParsniprogi: thats not a question...05:25
dei2angedAlright, well, I'm going to try a couple things, brb regardless to espouse success or failure05:25
escottdlbike76, activity manager will allow you to do it one file at a time05:25
soadkombuchaActionParsnip, the webcam light comes on but the screen is black05:25
tje2saalaa__,  sar isn't in the standard repos?05:25
escottdlbike76, it will also allow you to establish blacklist folders05:25
soadkombuchaBut on a restart... It found the camera05:26
ActionParsnipsoadkombucha: ok run:  lsusb   one line will identify the chip used in the cam. Use the 8 character hex ID to find guides05:26
escottdlbike76, something a little more userfriendly is apparently in the works05:26
tje2Yeah, I don't find sar in my repos either... Hmmm.05:26
PalinBachman2012what is the definitive answer to why the webcam light is on, but screen is black05:26
dlbike76escott:  Does it still used the .recently-used.xbel under the covers, or is it all stored in dbus now?05:26
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escottdlbike76, its now all in zeitgeist05:27
ActionParsnipPalinBachman2012: voodoo05:27
Phibsanyone know a proper fix for grub being foobar after upgrading from maverick to natty05:27
RudeTuxActionParsnip is it posible it has something to do with dualboot?05:27
soadkombuchaBus 002 Device 002: ID 04f2:b128 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd05:27
julian_csar is part of the "sysstat" package.05:27
soadkombuchaThat line?05:27
PalinBachman2012i have one that works with cheese, but seemingly not gchat or skype, altho it did work in skype once i maximized the screen05:27
AlmehdiDoes someone know how to integrate Google Calendar with the clock applet in Gnome-shell without using Evolution?05:27
dlbike76escott:  is that where the application lists are too?05:27
ActionParsnipPhibs: boot to livecd and you can repair it there05:27
PalinBachman2012so maybe, its a resolution error?05:27
escottdlbike76, zeitgeist stores all kinds of activity information. you can see everything it tracks in activity manager05:28
PhibsActionParsnip: I'm booted up05:28
ActionParsnipsoadkombucha: yes, use: 04f2:b128    and you'll find guides. Those are common05:28
soadkombuchaActionParsnip, it's not a USB camera...05:28
PhibsActionParsnip: just need to fix it for next reboot now05:28
soadkombuchaActionParsnip, It's integrated.05:28
escott!grub | Phibs05:28
ubottuPhibs: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)05:28
PhibsI know how to use grub05:28
soadkombuchaActionParsnip, that's where I'm running into problems... With it being an integrated webcam and mic.05:28
PhibsI also know there's something broken in natty with it05:28
bc81i needi'm looking hard for a client to client chess game..any suggestions?05:29
escottPalinBachman2012,if it works in cheese you could try some LD_PRELOAD magic05:29
wolteris it true that gnome 3 shell gets very slow over time?05:29
ActionParsnipPhibs: what is the name of your drive in the output of:  sudo fdisk -l05:29
PalinBachman2012escott: with skype? i thot that was all fixed05:29
escottPalinBachman2012, export LIBV4LCONTROL_FLAGS=305:29
escottLD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype05:29
PhibsActionParsnip: sda05:29
ActionParsnipsoadkombucha: why, its the same as it being a usb based one05:29
soadkombuchaIt's not showing up under USB hubs.05:29
Phibslooks like this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/66547105:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 665471 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "[natty] GRUB no longer finds kernel with separate /boot partition" [Undecided,Fix released]05:29
escottI wish im all upside down without v4l05:29
Phibsdunno how it is not fixed yet05:30
RudeTuxsomeone could please help me out? :S05:30
PalinBachman2012escott: to run skype, i would use that second line05:30
soadkombuchaActionParsnip, I'm getting a bunch of hubs05:30
soadkombuchaAnd then a Chicony Electronics05:30
soadkombuchaWhich is my card reader05:30
Phibsbut i Only have a /, no separate boot05:30
ActionParsnipPhibs: run: sudo grub-install /dev/sda; sudo update-grub05:30
escottPalinBachman2012, yes, but the first line might be useful as well05:30
ActionParsnipsoadkombucha: the hubs aren't of use, you only need that ID05:30
root323Anyone know where the xstartup file is?05:31
ActionParsniproot323: running irc clients as root is really not a good idea05:31
root323To edit what window manager starts when X starts05:31
root323ActionParsnip: I know05:31
PhibsActionParsnip: thanks sir, seemed to have fixed it. Wonder why the upgrade processes borked it ;005:31
root323It's temporary05:31
ActionParsniproot323: good, so long as you know05:31
soadkombuchaActionParsnip, The only ID showing up05:31
PalinBachman2012escott: now even my logitech cam is upside down!05:31
soadkombuchaActionParsnip, Is a USB card reader05:31
soadkombuchaNot a camera05:31
pw-toxichi how do i connect to a ftp server with the new unity desktop?05:32
PhibsActionParsnip: grub.cfg didnt seem to change so I dunno05:32
pw-toxicor a windows share flder05:32
ActionParsniproot323: add a startup item to run the WM is one way05:32
pw-toxicthe thing i formely found under places "connect to"05:32
root323isn't there like an xstartup file somewhere?05:32
ActionParsnipPhibs: it won't. nothing changed there but the grub is installed to the drive properly now05:32
escottPalinBachman2012, haha05:32
soadkombuchaActionParsnip, so again... Not useful05:32
root323I install lxde and I need to change it from KDE to LXDE05:33
root323for xstartup05:33
PhibsActionParsnip: kk weird, it was defn installed as it booted me to the grub> menu but thx05:33
ActionParsniproot323: gconf-editor05:33
ActionParsniproot323: desktop > gnome > session05:33
escottPhibs, it will put you to the prompt if it cant find the /boot partition05:33
root323ill try that, thanks05:34
dlbike76escott: I can't find activity manager.  Where is it located?05:34
ActionParsniproot323: np05:34
saalaa__tje2: iostat is the big winner imo05:34
escottdlbike76, you may have to install it but its gnome-activity-journal05:34
ActionParsnipPhibs: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin705:34
Phibsescott: I don't have one ;005:34
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saalaa__for overall system performance tracking of course05:34
DeI2anGeDAh, it's working now, it picked a random ass partition to look for, turns out05:34
PhibsActionParsnip: nod all I did was dist-upgrade to natty from mav05:34
escottPhibs, or wherever the /boot is located05:35
Guest40948Is there anyone here?05:35
DeI2anGeDso, hooray! thanks for the helps05:35
Phibsescott: okie, guess I should get into practice of doing that 'just in case' before reboots ;005:35
ActionParsnipPhibs: i've heard good and bad things of upgrading. I always clean install to avoid headaches05:35
Phibsone of the things I like about debian/clones is the ability to live upgrade ;005:35
escottPhibs, you only need to do it if you are doing something drastic to your system05:35
escottPhibs, and even then all you have to do is chroot yourself inside05:36
soadkombuchaOK Action left... So now I'm back to scouring through tons of useless windows-related info about this issue to try and find something about Linux05:36
DeI2anGeDNow to get minecraft running and this machine will be complete. lol05:36
saalaa__what I'm still lacking though is a way to find out what program is responsible for my load05:36
escott!hi | Guest4094805:36
escott!ask | Guest4094805:36
ubottuGuest40948: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:36
Guest40948Do you know anything about web hacking?05:37
soadkombuchaDeI2anGeD, shouldn't be too hard.05:37
Phibsescott: nod05:37
escott!illegal | Guest4094805:37
ubottuGuest40948: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o05:37
soadkombuchaDeI2anGeD, my big worry is getting my mic working...05:37
DeI2anGeDyeah, I'm expecting that part to be easy05:37
soadkombuchaOnce that's done minecraft will be setup...05:37
Phibsescott: appreciate the help sir05:38
PhibsI don't mess with grub often thankfully ;)05:38
boxbeatsyhi, i messed with my java packages, and now my system is sort of screwy.  whenever i try to install or uninstall any package with pat-get i get the following dependency errors https://gist.github.com/6845cdb6116391b180ff.  does anyone know how i can just reset my entire java libs?05:39
jon8I wnat to go back to windows 7.. and when i boot off my disc, it brings up a list of linux kernels to select to boot.. and doesnt boot off of my disk.05:39
jon8yes, boot order is cdrom first05:39
werkinsheirMy CPU is pulling 75% on my octacore i7 with a fresh install of ubuntu 10.10 x64 and the system monitor shows no particular program doing it05:39
rageIf I've copied a parition using dd if=/dev/sdh3 of=/media/backup.img . What is the best way to restore it to another drive with a different partition layout that has enough unallocated space?05:40
werkinsheirand this fresh install of 2 hours ago takes 4 minutes to boot when it used to be about 50-60 seconds05:40
jamiewanwerkinsheir, try top or htop in a terminal05:40
jamiewanlook at it there05:40
PalinBachman2012escott: that made me crash05:41
escottjon8, windows should appear in the menu if os-prober found it run grub-mkconfig, then check /boot/grub/grub.cfg and see if there is a windows item05:41
DeI2anGeDI'm not sure if I like the launcher... I think I might?05:41
escottPalinBachman2012, the LD_PRELOAD... bummer it is a little hacky but i'm surprised it oops on you05:41
werkinsheirif I can even get there05:41
werkinsheirthis is the only program with focus05:41
werkinsheirokay opened htop. CPU 1&2 maxed with a couple at 50%05:42
werkinsheirbut not a single damn program shows more than 5% cpu utilization05:42
escottrage, i think the best way would be to create a partition of the correct side, then dd it back, and then resize the partition. otherwise you might have a fs superblock that doesn't know about the space the partition table allows05:42
rageescott: Would du backup.img tell me the correct size?05:43
SunshineFolkcan someone help me with a ubuntu 11.04 problem maybe?05:43
jamiewanwerkinsheir, how many roughly05:43
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SunshineFolksimple for one of you but I am completely lost05:43
soadkombuchaOK is there anyone in here who can help me with a webcam w/ integrated microphone issue?05:43
darkenvy10 perhaps05:44
escottrage, maybe. you might also be able to mount it as a loopback and figure out its size that way05:44
darkenvybt wekinsheir05:44
darkenvy*initiated by user werkinsheir05:44
escottrage, file may even be smart enough to tell you05:44
jamiewandarkenvy, start killing a few off05:44
tasslehoffcan I control which paths dash looks for applications in?05:44
darkenvyits all nothing05:44
rageescott: Good point, I already ahve it mounted -o loop. I'll take a look, ty05:44
darkenvy"htop "system manager" xchat" "terminal"05:44
SunshineFolkMy screens are way out of my monitor area and I dont know how to delete my NVIDIA settings without seeing my screens05:44
darkenvyall things im using to diagnose05:44
soadkombuchaOK if it helps in Skype, my webcam shows up as "USB2.0 UVC WebCam"05:45
darkenvyomg I did nothing and it died down to bare nothing. 5% utilizationn O_o05:45
escottrage, someone mentioned a tool called clonezilla earlier today you may want tot try it in the future05:45
soadkombuchaCould maybe switching from pulse to ALSA help?05:45
darkenvyAND on boot, I saw this wierd splash screen on 2 of my monitors "NVIDIA beta"05:46
rageescott: Unfortunately I didnt make the original copy05:46
escottrage, i know just for future needs05:46
darkenvywhich I never saw before05:46
jamiewandarkenvy, what is cpu usage now05:46
rageescott: Thanks :-)05:46
PalinBachman2012escott: it ws probably just buggy skype, either way, they are both working without the preload thingee05:46
julian_csoadkombucha: That it's a UVC camera is a plus (compatibility). Does the mic for the camera show up in the audio settings?05:46
darkenvyright now, back to 90%05:46
darkenvyit jumped abck up05:46
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julian_c(or, would that be the one built-in mic for the laptop?)05:47
soadkombuchajulian_c, the built in one shows up, but does not accept input05:47
escottsoadkombucha, pulse should be fine provided you have selected the correct audio input in pulse. you may have multiple mics (built in+webcam)05:47
soadkombuchaI only have one mic05:47
jamiewandarkenvy, did you do all the updates after the install05:47
MagePsychoGreetings guys05:47
soadkombuchaIt's webcam/mic integrated together05:47
SunshineFolkhow do you bring up terminal in "log-on" screen? is that possible??05:47
PalinBachman2012u sure its not muted05:47
darkenvywould this solve this?05:47
soadkombuchaPalinBachman2012, I checked.05:47
darkenvyIm sure I did but....05:47
MagePsychoi have some weird issue05:47
PalinBachman2012ok, lol05:47
escottSunshineFolk, ctrl-alt-f105:47
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jamiewanpossibly long shot but possibly05:47
SunshineFolkthank you scott...05:48
darkenvyapparently I did not05:48
boxbeatsyhi, i messed with my java packages, and now my system is sort of screwy.  whenever i try to install or uninstall any package with pat-get i get the following dependency errors https://gist.github.com/6845cdb6116391b180ff.  does anyone know how i can just reset my entire java libs?05:48
soadkombuchajamiewan, what;s a long shot?05:48
someh4x0ris clonezilla better than partimage?05:48
jamiewandarkenvy, do them and reboot05:48
darkenvy329 updates of 300mb ><05:48
SunshineFolkcan you help me further possibly? it should only take a minute05:48
MagePsychowhen i login / logout in ubuntu, i see some weird graphics in transition time which last for ~1 secs05:48
darkenvyokay ill be back. remember me and my issue momentarily :P05:48
SunshineFolkescott: Please :)05:48
soadkombuchajamiewan, lemme go make sure it's still showing up in sound...05:48
escottSunshineFolk, just ask05:49
SunshineFolkok thanks05:49
jamiewansoadkombucha, a long shot is a "small chance" of something working05:49
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soadkombuchajamiewan, under sound, it shows up as  internal audio 1 output/1 input analog stereo duplex05:49
soadkombuchathe input shows up05:49
soadkombuchaWith options05:49
FloodBot1soadkombucha: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:50
soadkombuchaBut is not accepting input05:50
SunshineFolkI was messing with NVIDIA settings, and somehow my screens are way off of my monitor area, WAY off.. I cannot access NVIDIA settings now to reset them05:50
SunshineFolkany ideas??05:50
PalinBachman2012SunshineFolk: try using alt-tab?05:50
jamiewansoadkombucha, i dont recall your problem can u repeat05:50
SunshineFolkone sec :)05:50
jamiewanwebcam mic ???05:50
soadkombuchajamiewan, yeah.05:51
PalinBachman2012eh that probably wont work05:51
jamiewanwhat type of cam05:51
soadkombuchajamiewan, Recognized, but black screening on video and not accepting mic input05:51
darkenvydownloaded.... installing...05:51
soadkombuchajamiewan, USB2.0 UVC WEBCAM/MIC integrated05:51
bsmith0931lucid hangs on package install specifically on unpacking replacement blah, happens very rarely with random packages any ideas?05:51
escottSunshineFolk, can you see any part of the nvidia settings05:51
soadkombucha04f2:b128 is the ID on it from lsusb... Can't remember the name of the company.05:51
darkenvyis there a possiblity im being hacked right now?05:52
jamiewanno not at all05:52
SunshineFolkescott: negative... Only the far left side of my screen.. from there, once I bring up terminal to try and delete settings I cannot see it at all05:52
someh4x0rSunshineFolk: did you try simply rebooting05:53
SunshineFolkwell the far left of what would be the far left if it was regularly showing...So basically its showing on my far right side all messed up05:53
escottSunshineFolk, can you pan the screen (more the mouse to the edge and keep moving it like you want to move it off the screen)05:53
jamiewandarkenvy, i'd be waiting to ask ActionParsnip when he returns, he's da man but i can assure you you're not being hacked05:53
SunshineFolkyes... I did a root settings apply.. So it is stuck!05:53
SunshineFolkwhat is cmd to delete settings from "log-in" screen? would that work like that... cause its perfect on that screen05:53
soadkombuchajamiewan, any ideas?05:54
olsen1hi all05:54
olsen1error connection activation failed device not managed by networkmanager05:54
someh4x0rI think removing xorg.conf from single user should work. I think ubuntu no longer needs it and it is only for nvidia config. can anyone confirm this? i don't want to mess up SunshineFolk's system05:54
olsen1can someone help me out pls?05:54
SunshineFolkscreen wont pan at all.. and when I "alt-ctrl-arrow" it shows nice working screens, but when I try to bring terminal up in one, it reverts me back to the messed up one05:55
escottsoadkombucha, you might be able to fix your builtin mic with hda_analyzer (assuming you have intel hda) but you need to pick the other mic to use the camera mic. if pulse won't let you do that, use alsa05:55
jamiewansoadkombucha, checked alsa mixer settings?05:56
escottSunshineFolk, i would see if there are modes in your /etc/xorg/xorg.conf and prehaps remove them05:56
SunshineFolkthanks someh4x0r...That may work I believe.05:56
soadkombuchajamiewan, it's pulse05:56
soadkombuchajamiewan, I checked the sound settings yes.05:56
jamiewansoadkombucha, are you using skype05:56
SunshineFolkso rm~ /etcxorg/xorg.conf?05:56
soadkombuchaI checked it in Skype. And Cheese.05:56
escottSunshineFolk, better to move it to xorg.conf.back05:57
jamiewansoadkombucha, tried a mic on its own?05:57
SunshineFolkwhat would be the cmd for that? sorry05:57
soadkombuchajamiewan, the mic that I have that plugs into my mic jack won't work either05:57
escottSunshineFolk, sudo mv /etc/xorg/xorg.conf /etc/xorg/xorg.conf.backup05:58
darkenvymy computer is freezing until I move my mouse or a window05:58
jamiewansoadkombucha, input connector set to mic05:58
soadkombuchaIT's not showing up05:58
jamiewaninput tab05:58
soadkombuchaThat doesn't show up as input05:58
soadkombuchaMy integrated mic does05:58
darkenvycould this be an nvidia driver thing? I mean I NEVER saw that booting splash screen of "NVIDIA Beta" before05:59
SunshineFolkescott: I will be back after I try this.. goin to other room05:59
jamiewansoadkombucha, try record something in sound recorder06:00
soadkombuchaNothing jamiewan. No levels.06:00
escottdarkenvy, sounds like you may be under heavy disk io load. have you checked free? maybe you are overswapping06:01
jamiewanok, sound prefs, hardware tab, profile set to analog stereo duplex?06:02
jamiewansoadkombucha,  ok, sound prefs, hardware tab, profile set to analog stereo duplex?06:02
SunshineFolkescott: wow log-in terminal is crazy! how do I login? haha username, password?06:02
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SunshineFolkI know my password, but what is username?  Just my actual username that I choose as id?06:03
jamiewansoadkombucha, also just double check the check boxes in mixer again, they are sometimes confusing as to if they are muted or not06:04
jamiewanie the capture switches06:04
soadkombuchaI checked them... They're very simple mute boxes06:04
escottSunshineFolk, yes... i was having a hard time figuring out what exactly your question was. the username you picked which is the name of your home folder06:04
ray24I'm trying to install a package from software manager and I get the message "waiting for other managers to quit" when nothing else is running.. Why is that?06:04
soadkombuchaThey're actually checks... That are unchecked.06:05
SunshineFolkok thanks.. yes that was my question.. So all lowercase? sorry, Im new to the log in terminal06:05
soadkombuchaSunshineFolk, Linux is case-sensitive06:05
SunshineFolkok brb06:06
escottSunshineFolk, traditionally usernames are all lowercase, but if you made yours uppercase you would have to put it in that way06:06
soadkombuchaescott, Ubuntu doesn't allow uppercase usernames?06:06
escottsoadkombucha, i don't know, i've never tried06:07
SunshineFolkI will try both, cause one only let me use all lowercase, and then another on setup let me use both.06:07
soadkombuchaI don't believe it does.06:07
manlymatt83hmmmm, ever since I upgraded to 11.04, my video is choppy inside firefox.,.. like youtube video.  Lots of white blocks appear all over the screen while a video is playing.06:07
manlymatt83Any ideas?06:07
escottmanlymatt83, thats a common compiz related issue06:07
jamiewansoadkombucha, i dunno mate, hang about someone will be successful if you keep asking,06:07
soadkombuchaOf course one thing isn't working like always.06:08
soadkombuchaAt least this time it's not my entire ACPI layer,.06:08
teI think usernames are lower case.06:08
ActionParsnipmanlymatt83: can you give the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep swf; dpkg -l | grep gnash06:08
escottsoadkombucha, so the pulseaudio control doesn't let you select the mic for the camera under the input section06:08
tje2ActionParsnip,   It might be a little easier to replace all of those dpkg|grep commands with:   dpkg -l | egrep -i 'swf|flash|gnash'06:09
jamiewansoadkombucha,  Ask ActionParsnip mate, he's the man about channel :-)06:09
ActionParsniptje2: thanks06:10
ActionParsnipmanlymatt83: use a pastebin to host the text06:10
SunshineFolkyes it was lowercase.... but no file directory found06:10
tje2ActionParsnip,   no problemo.   ;)06:10
SunshineFolkcould I simply remove it? Or would that be worse problems?06:10
escottSunshineFolk, sorry its /etc/X11/xorg.conf (if it exists)06:10
escottSunshineFolk, i wouldn't remove it, just rename it06:11
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manlymatt83I have two vidoe cards in my machine: integrated and discrete.  The discrete one is better, but I locked onto the integrated one for better battery life... and the videos worked fine in 10.1006:11
escottActionParsnip, have you been using gnash? does it work well enough for most stuff?06:12
MagePsychowhen i login / logout in ubuntu, i see some weird graphics in transition time which last for ~1 secs06:12
MagePsychoany idea?06:12
jamiewanMagePsycho, look the other way lol06:13
manlymatt83Sorry ActionParsnip, I didn't tag your name.  ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/U6UKNVq406:13
MagePsychowhat can be the issue06:13
MagePsychowhen i login / logout in ubuntu, i see some weird graphics in transition time which last for ~1 secs06:13
SunshineFolkok let me get this right.... sudo mv /etc/x11/xorg.conf   ....if correct, no file exists06:14
jamiewanMagePsycho, nothing i wwould say, my machines usually do something like that also06:14
jamiewanno performance issues06:14
escottSunshineFolk, yeah i'm not sure where the nvidia settings app is putting that mode preference. maybe it is in /root/06:14
jamiewanMagePsycho, latent power or current on and off, you are not alone i can assure you06:15
SunshineFolkI will check06:15
escottMagePsycho, its just bringing up and down the graphics card and you are probably seeing whatever random junk was in the memory buffers. just don't logout :)06:15
darkenvystill waiting for updates to finish installing06:17
Overlord-sirusanyone here ever coded their own OS?06:17
SunshineFolkescott: still, nothing... I dont recall seeing root earlier before it when I was saving X file or whatever, just / then idk06:17
escottSunshineFolk, i'm afraid i don't use nvidia so I don't know where it keeps these preferences... maybe someone else knows sorry06:18
adam61hey, i'm having a problem installing ubuntu 11.04, at one point it gives a warning that "/dev/sda contains GPT signatures, indicating that it has a GPT table. However, it does not have a valid fake msdos partition table, as it should. Perhaps it was corrupted -- possible by a program that doesn't understand GPT partition tables. Or perhaps you deleted the GPT table, and are now using an msdos partition table. Is thi06:18
maj-whats the best dvd ripper to download?06:18
adam61s a GPT partition table?"  when i click either option, yes or no, it doesn't do anything. i'm installing from a usb stick. Any help would be greatly appreciated!06:18
dzupmaj  dd:06:19
SunshineFolkbut if I remove, couldnt I simply go back in and create settings again, which would start me back over?06:19
ActionParsnipmanlymatt83: let me see06:19
SunshineFolkin good condition?06:19
escottadam61, you could use gdisk to create a protective msdos partition06:19
maj-dzup: huh06:19
dzupmaj-: man dd06:19
escottSunshineFolk, remove what? the xorg.conf, I though you said it didn't exist06:19
tedzup: That he already has. But I guess you are trying to answer an unanswerable question.06:19
manlymatt83ActionParsnip: http://demonic.cc/?p=6006:20
ActionParsnipmanlymatt83: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash06:20
manlymatt83ActionParsnip: That looks like exactly what I'm having06:20
ActionParsnipsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install flashplugin64-installer06:20
dzuptei guess forme that works06:20
ActionParsnipmanlymatt83: try 64bit flash, its a bit cleaner on 64bit systems06:20
manlymatt83is ppa:sevenmachines a safe repo?06:21
SunshineFolkI know it does exist, its just where its at is the question... would simply rm~ xorg.conf  ... remove it?06:21
teSunshineFolk: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:22
escottSunshineFolk, i wouldn't recommend removing it. it might have other stuff necessary to make your display work in any capacity06:22
ActionParsnipmanlymatt83: I use it, it's great06:22
escottSunshineFolk, just move it to xorg.conf.backup, and restart gdm. if everything works then you can safely remove it06:22
ActionParsnipSunshineFolk: use: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_old06:22
escottSunshineFolk, if it all blows up in your face you can more selectively edit it to remove the offending sections06:23
teescott: SunshineFolk Nothing is gonig to blow up, just rm it.06:23
manlymatt83ActionParsnip: worked, thaqnks!06:24
MagePsychowhat is hardware acceleration. ? is that the cause of blurry fonts?06:24
SunshineFolkhaha.. I will try actionParsnips first.. Thanks to all06:24
escottMagePsycho, open the appearance application and adjust your fonts06:25
ActionParsnipmanlymatt83: np :)06:25
maj-why doesn't ubuntu recognize a blank dvd when inserted but does a cd06:26
ActionParsnipmanlymatt83: there is a ppa with 64bit java too. Usually the OS uses 32bit plugins via nspluginwrapper06:26
manlymatt83Also, is it the end of the world if I remove zeitgeist?06:26
manlymatt83ActionParsnip: OK, I will look at that!06:26
manlymatt83The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required: nspluginwrapper06:26
manlymatt83yeah, looks like it :)06:27
manlymatt83it's being annoying and mistaking folders for downloads, etc.06:27
soadkombuchaOK I'll come back to my problem tomorrow... For now I'm gonna go to bed before it drives me nuts06:27
escottmanlymatt83, zeitgeist is pretty deeply hooked into unity06:29
draveni just ran fdisk and wrote the changes to disk but when adding the new partition with type FD to a raid i get a message that the partition appears to have a ext2fs on it. may i safely ignore this message or how do i resolve it?06:29
SunshineFolkOk, so no file for mv OR rm... I am so confused..06:30
escottdraven, are you trying to convert from ext# to mdadm with ext#06:30
srawHi I upgraded to Natty and it looks like I lost hardware acceleration for the UI... like for example I my terminal windows can no longer have true transparently, menus don't fade in and out and so on. Also I don't have an "Effects" tab in System > Preferences anymore. Could anyone help out?06:30
SunshineFolksraw: upgrade driver?06:31
dravenescott, i set the partition type fd (raid auto) i'm trying create a new raid but was told that the partition i just created already has a filesystem on it of type ext2fs06:31
escottSunshineFolk, the xorg.conf was a guess I'm not sure that is where nvidia puts its configuration info06:31
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SunshineFolkI will google and get back with you06:32
srawSunshineFolk: everything has been fully updated06:32
darkenvyYES updates finished06:32
darkenvyim going to go see if this fixes the 95% CPU utilizatyion thing06:33
manlymatt83escott: okay, thanks06:33
manlymatt83Looks like if I put my Downloads dir back (I had removed it because I don't like using the default locations) it isn't freaking out anymore06:33
maj-why doesn't ubuntu recognize a blank dvd when inserted but does a cd06:33
escottmanlymatt83, its best to symlink those folders to where you want them rather than delete them06:34
srawis there like a setting somewhere that makes Ubuntu revert to not using hardware acceleration for its UI?06:34
escottotherwise they just keep coming back06:34
escottdraven, it might be because you first created it as ext2... i really have no idea. i would mount the partition and see if there is anything you need in it first06:34
dravenescott, there's nothing in there i need, just wanted to be certain that it wouldn't cause an issue later.06:35
werkinsheiryou there?06:35
=== werkinsheir is now known as darkenvy
ActionParsnipsraw: press ALT+F2 and run:  metacity --replace    and you will use 2D desktop06:36
escottdraven, if you don't need the partition feel free to blow it away06:36
darkenvy#ubuntu you rock!06:36
srawActionParsnip: by 2D desktop what do you mean exactly?06:36
darkenvyjamiewan thank you06:36
SunshineFolkIve been using x11 instead of X11....hmmm. bingo?06:36
PalinBachman2012sraw: do you have unity desktop working?06:36
darkenvyubuntu clearly has way more support than windoze and especially Macintosh with its "applecrap plan"06:37
ActionParsnipsraw: no 3D effects06:37
darkenvywhat is your guy's inititive? why help out others?06:37
html_inprogresshow do i install a gui to ubuntu sever?06:37
darkenvywhat do you guys get out of this service?06:37
srawPalinBachman2012: No. First time I started Natty, it started with Unity, everything seemed fine, but on reboot it disappeared. Then after updates it reappeared again, and now its disappeared.06:37
ActionParsnipdarkenvy: sadly hardware manufacturers only support windows and mac in a lot of cases, the community has provided a lot of great drivers to compensate :)06:37
keestodarkenvy: why not?06:38
PalinBachman2012sraw: if you had unity, then you had hw accelleration06:38
Daniel0108darkenvy: because we want to help people and it's fun :)06:38
ActionParsnipdarkenvy: strengthening the community06:38
dzupdarkwe planning to take bill gates in arrest mode06:38
darkenvyyes but have you ever had to call apple? they denide me support ebcause I didnt pay for support in their package06:38
srawPanelBachman2012: Yeah but what happened to it :(06:38
html_inprogressActionParsnip,  right  ALOTT :)06:38
darkenvyI LOVE IT!06:38
ActionParsnipdarkenvy: people help people, who then help other people06:38
darkenvywhat a great future we are building06:38
PalinBachman2012sraw: if you are not choosing classic ubuntu from GDM, then it is prob a driver issue06:38
dravendarkenvy, if you'd like you can give me money :D06:38
PalinBachman2012sraw: reinstall your vid drivers... im assuming you have nvidia06:38
darkenvynah, I help out others in #bukkit on the esper network for minecraft06:39
darkenvyI give back... just in a different community06:39
dzupdarkenvy: i have [aypal :)06:39
srawPalinBachman2012: I'm inclined to agree with you, but glxgears and all that runs great. Unfortunately I have ATI, and am using the open-source drivers.06:39
SegoHow do I remove Citrix Receiver out of Lucid Lynx?06:39
darkenvybut #ubuntu seems much hardeer for not much in return.06:39
darkenvythanks again. im out06:39
SunshineFolkescott: after fixing my STUPID error, would it say anything after hitting enter? or just go back to $ (since last time saying no file)06:39
PalinBachman2012sraw: you might want to google for ubuntu + your card model and see if the closed drivers are working for that card06:40
PalinBachman2012ati has been getting better, i guess06:40
dravenescott, please look at my terminal capture, and let me know if i'm okay saying yes. there's nothing on the partition i care about just seems odd that it shows as ext2fs06:40
dravenescott, link here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/606391/06:40
escottSunshineFolk, sounds like it worked restart gdm service gdm restart06:40
SunshineFolkbrb :) please work haha06:41
srawPanelBachman2012: They aren't :( ... the card's a couple of years old. But I had Lynx working just fine with the same setup... so it's confusing.06:41
PalinBachman2012sraw: then its prob a bug and experienced by others, maybe on launchpad06:42
escottdraven, i can't really answer that... you are creating md0 from sdb1,c1,d1,e1 and it is telling you that b1 has an ext2 on it. it could be an old ext2 that you don't need in which case say yes. but only you can confirm that06:42
PalinBachman2012or whatever ubuntu bugs is called06:42
SunshineFolkescott: sorry for the n00b questions, but cmd gdm restart? or is there more to it, cause it didnt work, or can I simply power off power on?06:42
manlymatt83escott: you mean like Documents, Downloads, Pictures, etc.?06:42
escottSunshineFolk, sudo service gdm restart06:43
PalinBachman2012sraw: try this... install compiz settings, and see if unity is enabled06:43
SunshineFolkthank youuuu06:43
escottmanlymatt83, yeah just symlink them to wherever you want to put the files and things will work06:43
PalinBachman2012if glx gears works, then unity should work06:43
srawPalinBachman2012: I did, Unity is enabled06:43
manlymatt83escott: what is the Templates directory?06:43
escottmanlymatt83, its for templates... i think like office templates maybe maybe symlink that one to /dev/null ;)06:44
manlymatt83and I already deleted them.  Is there a way to put them all back?  Or do I need to remove my account and re-create.06:44
SunshineFolkescot: thank you thank you thank you!!06:44
PalinBachman2012sraw: i never had ati, so IDK, im sorry06:44
manlymatt83ha ha :)06:44
manlymatt83is /dev/null web scale and fast?  If so, I will use it.06:44
PalinBachman2012nvidia FTW!06:44
SunshineFolkperfect! except my duals are gone.. now that is anothe trouble on its own hhaahha.06:44
srawPalinBackman2012: yeah, my other computer has nvidia, no issues. I appreciate the help!06:44
escottmanlymatt83, they will probably get recreated for you but the complete list is Desktop, Documents,  Downloads, Music, Pictures, Public, Templates, Ubuntu One, Videos06:45
manlymatt83escott: ok, thanks!06:46
mikeyfbihelp!  just installed 11.04 and found it a little slow ... installed ccsm, and turned on desktop cube and rotate cube.  apparently i disable all the new menus, and can't access anythign anymore!06:46
mikeyfbitrying to run alt+f2 -> ccsm to revert it, but alt+f2 doesn't work06:46
SunshineFolkanyone know how to setup dual monitors with NVIDIA on unity3d? I messed with settings forever and finally got it by restarting for no reason really and they worked haha. then screens swapped and thats when hell broke loose06:46
mikeyfbii need to somehow revert these changes!06:46
escottmikeyfbi, you could maybe nuke your ~/.config/compiz directory06:47
SunshineFolkyou guys are amazing haha06:47
datakidis there an easy way to tell if a process is running in a chroot?06:47
SegoHow do I remove Citrix Receiver out of Lucid Lynx?06:47
mikeyfbiescott, hmm i might get back to you on that.  somehow i got a file manager up and searched for 'ccsm'06:48
mikeyfbiso i'm in it now, just need to figure out how to revert those changes06:48
manlymatt83and is it normal that .gvfs always has ????? as permissions using an ls -al?06:49
Jordan_Udatakid: What is the context?06:51
Zelozelossometimes when im doin something n the screen freezes up, the computer isnt its still processing n all06:51
ActionParsnipmanlymatt83: http://paste.ubuntu.com/606393/06:51
MagePsychowhat is Nvidia driver06:51
MagePsychowill it improve the graphics appearance06:51
ActionParsnipMagePsycho: its the proprietary driver made by nvidia06:52
Zelozelosis there a keypress that will get me out of such a situation? like ctrl alt del06:52
manlymatt83matt@lappy:~$ ls -al .gvfs06:52
manlymatt83ls: cannot access .gvfs: Transport endpoint is not connected06:52
datakidJordan_U, I've inherited a nightmare :|  postfix is installed, heartbeat is installed, /etc/init.d/postfix tells to look at heartbeat, restarting postfix doesn't work. Turns out there's a chroot in there as well - with it's own postfix conf directory06:53
MagePsychoguys .. i am helpless.. i am unable to fix my graphics issues in 11.04 .. will downgrading to 10.10 will improve?06:53
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escottMagePsycho, you can't downgrade06:53
datakidplus postfix appears in /etc/rc.* but in rc.local there are a bunch of lines that start the chroot'd postfix, I'm just trying to unravel this beast06:53
MagePsychothen i need to format and re-install06:54
unforgiven512Is there a simple way to restore a folder I deleted with 'rm -rf /path/to/folder/' ?06:54
Jordan_U!undelete | unforgiven51206:54
ubottuunforgiven512: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel06:54
Jordan_U!cn | Guest7409706:54
ubottuGuest74097: å¦‚ę¬²ē²å¾—äø­ę–‡ēš„協助ļ¼Œč«‹č¼øå…„ /join #ubuntu-cn态/join #ubuntu-tw ꈖ /join #ubuntu-hk怂06:54
ActionParsnipunforgiven512: easiest way is to use your backups06:55
Zelozelossometimes when im doin something n the screen freezes up, the computer isnt its still processing n all is there a keypress that will get me out of such a situation? like ctrl alt del06:56
ActionParsnipZelozelos: try CTRL+ALT+F106:56
Jordan_U!sysrq | Zelozelos06:56
unforgiven512Yeah it was just an accident, I did rm -rf /etc/apache2/sites-available/ on my VM06:56
ubottuZelozelos: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key06:56
unforgiven512Nothing of actual importance in there06:56
uabn93mikeyfbi: hey mikey, what if you try it with ctrl+alt+f1, then run "compiz --replace"06:57
Zelozelosty unforgiven512 i couldnt remember the keys06:57
Zelozelosbut hopefully ctrl alt f1 works06:58
ActionParsnipZelozelos: you can also re-enable the old skool CTRL+ALT+BackSpace in keyboard settings06:59
MagePsychowill installing msttcorefonts help?07:01
slick-anyone here rocking ubuntu on a macbook pro 8,107:03
MagePsychoi am using dell studio 156907:04
jrmcmIve been searching for a way to get the "fn" key working on my toshiba laptop. any suggestions?07:04
uabn93slick: arent you on the linux channel too? ha07:04
slick-im a multitasking machine07:08
ActionParsnipjrmcm: if you run:  xev   and press it, does it make events?07:09
jrmcmActionParsnip: nope tried that yesterday after looking at some forums07:09
ActionParsnipjrmcm: what make / model is the system?07:10
jrmcmActionParsnip: Toshiba Sattelite07:10
buhmanmy machine's just gone bonkers http://paste.pocoo.org/show/387316/07:11
buhmanhttp://paste.pocoo.org/show/387317/ can't even reboot07:11
Whisperitycia.vc is down #noooo07:12
jrmcmActionParsnip: K/board model s300007:12
flowbeehey folks running 10.04 and i'm running into some annoying problems with my audio.  i'm streaming internet radio and i hear these 'glitches' that make the sound just cut out and go to static every so often.  i know its not my speakers cuz i can hear the same thing with headphones.  i've tried restarting pulseaudio before... but this doesnt work.  any ideas on how i can fix this?  sound blaster live value card.07:14
nosea_Hiļ¼ŒI want to use tc to control what should I do?07:14
flowbeeoh and p.s. it wasnt happening say 5 months ago07:14
nosea_dst flowid ------> this is a netID07:15
rghosefacing dhcp problems with tikona wimax on ubuntu 10.10?07:15
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nosea_dst flowid ----> this is a single IP07:16
nosea_how to control!07:16
nosea_any idea?07:16
inktriin 11.04 gnome, is it possible to rearrange the window tabs in the bottom bar like you used ot be able to?07:17
rghosemy wimax internet connection no longer working... dhcp offers are lying untaken... works fine on another os07:17
rghoseAny help ?07:17
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson|Of
=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
prakashgprintf("enter host ip\n");   scanf("%s",ipadd);07:21
prakashg   //printf("ip address= %s\n",ipadd);07:21
prakashg   printf("enter share name\n");07:21
prakashg   scanf("%s",share);07:21
prakashg   //printf("share=%s\n",share);07:21
prakashg   sprintf(mntcomm,"mount -t cifs //%s/%s /media/%c -o -r",ipadd,share,letter);   su=system(mntcomm);   printf("SU=%d\n",su);07:21
FloodBot1prakashg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:21
abountuafter upgrading to 11.04, I tried to install compiz, now my desktop doesn't work any more, I can replace with metacity as I can't launch any xterm or console window, I can't start anything, I restarted in safemode, but I can't reset X to use metacity, and when I launch X (startx) it doesn't start ... just got a black screen, any idea?07:22
MagePsychowill this post solve my blurry font issue07:23
MagePsychoi don't want to take risk07:23
rghosehdcp problems with bootp? not working...07:23
prakashgprintf("enter host ip\n");   scanf("%s",ipadd);  printf("enter share name\n");   scanf("%s",share); snprintf(mntcomm,"mount -t cifs //%s/%s /media/%c -o -r",ipadd,share,letter);   su=system(mntcomm);   printf("su=%d\n",su); here su is -1 after successful mounting and after failure of mounting wt is the problem07:23
windparadiseHello good morning, pls which command do we use to check the system info, such as memory, processor and so on... ?07:24
hoeyright click background07:24
windparadiseI am using putty on ubuntu07:25
prakashgprintf("enter host ip\n");                       scanf("%s",ipadd);                           printf("enter share name\n");                            scanf("%s",share);                    snprintf(mntcomm,"mount -t cifs //%s/%s /media/%c -o -r",ipadd,share,letter);                           su=system(mntcomm);                           printf("su=%d\n",su);                                         here su is -1 after successful mounting and after failure07:25
prakashg of mounting wt is the problem07:25
GeorgSwindparadise: try sudo  lshw07:26
windparadiseok, thankx07:26
bc81hey guys, i need some help compiling mchess     http://tinyurl.com/6lf8nef   i get error when .configure - "fltk-config could not be found.  Either FLTK is not installed or FLTK's location needs to be specified with --with-fltk-prefix"  any ideas???07:27
bc81i have no idea what to do next07:27
bc81i have a few packages with fltk in the name installed, including libfltk1.1, fltk1.1-games, and pythonpyfltk07:29
buhmanbc81: aptitude install libfltk-dev or something like that07:29
buhmanbc81: aptitude search fltk and paste if that doesn't work07:29
SegoHow do I remove Citrix Receiver out of Lucid Lynx?07:32
bc81buhman: thanks, that was it: libfltk1.1-dev! :-)07:32
buhmanbc81: welcome07:33
buhmanSego: do you know what package that is?07:33
Segobuhman, no07:34
abe3khello guys, is there any GUI application that I can run under unity for cpu frequency scaling ?07:34
benitoaabe3k: jupiter07:35
buhmanSego: possibly something like aptitude search citrix07:35
joljamI am new to unubtu. I have wird connection to my laptop through the router right now. How can I configure wireless in my laptop07:35
buhmanSego: find the package name, and aptitude remove [packagename]07:35
abe3k@benitoa: thanks07:35
Segobuhman, it's in my applications as Citrix Receiver, and one of the guys from IT at work said to remove it and use the online .aca!07:35
benitoaabe3: no prob: http://www.jupiterapplet.org/07:35
VanilluxAnyone with experience could help me setup a mailserver for an open-source project ?07:35
buhmanjoljam: do you see the nm-applet icon in the top-right of the system tray07:35
abe3k@benitoa: I'll still have to install lm-sensors right ?07:36
buhmanSego: that's irrelevant as far as removing it goes07:36
benitoaabe3l: yep07:36
Segobuhman, never done that, how do I do it?07:36
prakashgprintf("enter host ip\n");07:36
prakashgprintf("enter share name\n");07:36
prakashgsnprintf(mntcomm,"mount -t cifs //%s/%s /media/%c -o07:36
FloodBot1prakashg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:36
prakashg                  -r",ipadd,share,letter);07:36
=== ladmin is now known as jrs77
benitoagive 2 sec i'm looking for a tutorial07:36
buhmanSego: open a terminal, su, and then aptitude search citrix07:37
Segobuhman, ok, bbs07:37
buhmanwait, ubuntu's root password isn't set by default :P07:37
benitoaabe3k: here it is: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/07/jupiter-ubuntu-ppa-hardware-and-power.html07:37
abe3k@benitoa: Thanks !07:37
buhmanSego: aptitude isn't installed by default either, I forgot that as well07:37
falafellhaving some trouble installing 11.4 from usb or other disk... on usb bios fails to detect any usb-device as bootable once it's prepared as ubuntu installation. from other disk i get 'your installation cd-rom couldn't be mounted'07:38
buhmanSego: you'll need to type "sudo apt-get search citrix";  you'll be prompted for your password07:38
jrs77If I want to change a setting for all users on a computer. Do I need to use gconf-editor as sudo? This is on lucid btw07:38
buhmanSego: provided you're in sudoers, that will work07:38
buhmanSego: actually searching doesn't need root (it's late), but removing does07:38
buhmanprakashg: that doesn't do anything by the way07:40
zorgutenfalafell go into bios and make sure usb is above hdd in the boot order07:40
falafellzorguten it is, but any usb device that has the ubuntu installation on it fails to detect07:40
falafellwhen i reformat the drive it becomes detectable again07:40
Segobuhman, I will install it07:41
zorgutenhow did you put ubuntu on the flash drive07:41
falafellwith ubuntu start-up disk creator07:41
buhmanSego: install what?07:41
falafellon my other machine07:41
solidus-nitrogenhey all07:42
buhmanzorguten: just use dd07:42
Segobuhman, 'apt-get search citrix"07:42
zorgutenyou could install ubuntu right to the usb drive using universal usb installer or unetbootin07:42
abe3k@benitoa:Did you try it yourself?, because I'm wondering if  there's actually per-CUP frequency scaling not only selecting type of performance for the machine07:42
solidus-nitrogenhey all07:42
buhmanSego: that doesn't actually *do* anything...07:42
solidus-nitrogeni'm trying to compile some simple sdl code on a new install07:42
solidus-nitrogenand i'm getting a compilation erre07:42
falafellzorguten i tried that too, same result, detectable usb devices vanish from the boot menu as an option once ubuntu is on it... :S07:42
buhmanSego: that does exactly what it says, you're "searching" for a package containing the letters "citrix"07:42
prakashgi need status of that command for further programming07:42
solidus-nitrogentrying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory07:43
buhmanSego: once you know the package name, you can "sudo apt-get remove [packagename]"07:43
benitoaab3k: i have it installed right now. ubuntu is doing cpu scaling. And jupiter is per performance profiles07:43
falafellso i decided to put the setup on an old 10gig ide drive, and that works, but now i get this 'couldn't mount cd-rom' error07:43
Segobuhman, ok, I get it, I am not new at Ubuntu but I am new to this point.07:43
zorguteni noticed that ubuntu-alternate didnt work on my lenovo netbook but desktop worked a bit07:44
abe3k_@benitoa: have a look at this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/cpu-frequency-scaling-applet-in-unity.html  I'll try both applets07:45
Segobuhman, I have this aptitude open...how do I search with it?07:45
falafellanyone have a clue how to handle this 'installation cd-rom couldn't be mounted' error?07:46
benitoa@abe3k: interesting... tell me what you think afterward.07:46
zorgutenanyone familiar with the iwl3945 driver07:46
prakashgbuhman: i need status of that command for further programming07:47
buhmanprakashg: I'd learn how to program first :P07:47
solidus-nitrogenhey, anyone know how to get a dev environment for sdl set up on ubuntu?07:48
solidus-nitrogenmy includes arent working in my make file07:48
paul__Š“Š¾Š±Ń€Ń‹Š¹ Š“ŠµŠ½ŃŒ)07:48
=== Nappz is now known as Nappz-Zzz
Drake|falafell: what kindof cd rom do you use? consider installing from USB?07:49
Segobuhman, How do you search with aptitude?07:49
vividfalafell, what did you burn the cd with?07:49
buhmanSego: "aptitude search [regex]"07:50
falafelli used the 11.04-x64 alternate iso07:50
falafellput it on disk with ubuntu start-up disk creator07:51
sbarcteam /windows-D/list07:51
vividtry using k3b, not sure what the start up disc creator does, but i know that brasero has issues with bootable discs07:51
ray24Anyone in here got their ati radeon graphics card to work on ubuntu?07:52
falafellvivid im not making a real cd, trying make an usb/ide installation disk07:52
Segobuhman, did the search and did not find anything with citrix!!! but it is in my application>internet07:54
buhmanSego: that second half is irrelevant07:54
Segobuhman, ok07:55
Drake|falafell:  shouldnt be any troubble installing from a usb. I always do it.. one problem can be of an unsuported usb device.. have seen it before.07:55
gnuskoolhow do i see hidden files and folders in unity nautilus?07:55
falafelldrake, the devices work fine as bootable usb sticks, but when i put ubuntu on iit they vanish, no longer detected and visible in boot menu07:56
falafelldrake, when i reformat the drive it is visible in the boot-menu again07:56
zorgutenis it the type of drive that shows up as 2 devices in windows?07:57
zorgutenlike a Cruzer stick07:57
Drake|falafell: does it show up in fdisk list? (sudo fdisk -l)07:57
Drake|and if you try to mount it manually?07:57
falafellthe devices  work fine, they just vanish from the boot-menu where i can select boot device to start from07:57
falafellafter bios07:57
gnuskoolhow do i see hidden files and folders in unity nautilus?07:57
unforgiven512su "$domain_owner" -c "ln -s /home/unforgiven512/logs/${DOMAIN}/awstats/awstats.${DOMAIN}.html  /home/unforgiven512/logs/${DOMAIN}/awstats/index.html" fails from a shell script running as root (Permission  denied.), but works fine from a live root shell. Any idea why?07:57
joljamwhere will the google-talk icon appear once i install it in ubuntu07:58
crunchbanghave anybody07:58
Drake|falafell: I asume the usb is fat32 format08:00
falafelldrake yea its fat08:01
Drake|falafell: you said you used an alternative iso?08:01
gnuskoolhow do i see hidden files and folders in unity nautilus?08:01
kickbHi! I have problems with cron, it gives me errors in the log 'grandchild #X failed with exit status 127' (for more details see http://paste.ubuntu.com/606400/). Any tip on whats wrong?08:02
Vanilluxanyone could help me setup a mailserver please ?08:02
Drake|falafell: alternativly you can try create the usb with UNetbootin08:03
rajuVanillux:  which08:03
Vanilluxwell i believe the favoured on ubuntu is postfix ?08:03
Vanilluxhow do i reply to a specific person with xchat ?08:03
zorgutenright click on their name08:04
rajuVanillux:  just type his first three letters and press tab08:04
Vanilluxraju, thanks08:04
rajuVanillux:  welcom !08:04
Vanilluxraju, so which mailserver would you favor ?08:05
gnuskoolwhy is it so hard to view hidden files in nautilus?08:05
falafelldrake, same result :S08:05
Vanilluxraju, ?08:06
falafellthats when i decided to put it on old ide drive08:06
Drake|falafell: sec lemme do some research08:06
zubin71I just got a segmentation fault and a core dump; id like to load the file into gdb to have a look at it. however, i dont see a file named "core" in the current directory. is there an alternate location for the same?08:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:09
Drake|falafell: One answer could be if the usb partition isnt set to Active08:11
falafelldrake, did that too... :/08:11
ahrimanI might have figured out the current grub issue. If there is already a standard fix, please point me to it because it isn't on your forums apparently.08:11
barna#join cention pastebin08:11
Drake|falafell: have you tried another usb device btw?08:12
FlynsarmyThe open source nvidia 3d drivers have been pretty flawless for me. How are the open source 3d ati ones?08:12
Drake|falafell: even upgraded you bios. could be some support issues08:12
falafellyea, about 4... all same problem, im starting to think it's something with my bios, bug or something08:12
Drake|falafell:  I asume that you pc dont have a cd rom that you can try instead.. but yes could be bios related. is there any settings on usbsupport disabled in your bios?08:13
ahrimanGrub issue with Natty = aufs error. I noticed in the forums that most people who put /boot on a separate partition from / have the error, and in my config after a failed install the uuid for root= was the /boot not the / partition08:14
falafelldrake, no cdrom available :), all usb settings are okay afaik, i'll see if there's a bios update, doubt it, pretty new board08:14
OttifantSirHow do I replace unity-window-decorator? Or fix it "bleeding through" the title bar of the window behind when I go to fullscreen.08:15
ahrimanfalafell, I fixed similar issues by checking bios for USB boot option and then manually specifying. Dell BIOS also has an "OS Install" option which limits the RAM to 256MB temporarily.08:15
falafellno update :( first and only release is from 15-10-201008:16
zubin71aah figured it out, no!08:16
falafellahriman, it works fine with windows usb sticks and other boot sticks, memtest etc, but when i make it ubuntu installer ,it just vanishes from boot selection08:17
ahrimanfalafell, have you tried the unetbootin USB disk installer? That's how I got mine to work. It doesn't use grub on the usb drive and it has install separate from test w/o install as boot options08:17
sebsebsebAnyone using the Gnome 3 ppa?08:18
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: i added it for a laugh08:18
Jordan_Ufalafell: How are you creating the USB?08:18
ahrimanWhoever though releasing Natty without outstanding bugs in grub was a good idea.... i disagree :(08:18
sebsebsebActionParsnip: hmm that's strange, it said you joined, after I had sent that08:18
sebsebseband you reply08:19
falafellahriman, i tried it before, same result08:19
falafelljordan, mainly tried making using ubuntu start-up disk creator, but i tried unetbootin too08:19
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: maybe andchat still processes messages when entering08:19
OttifantSirHow do I replace unity-window-decorator? Or fix it "bleeding through" the title bar of the window behind when I go to fullscreen?08:19
ahrimanfalafell, can you describe "vanishes from boot selection" more?08:19
Drake|falafell: I'm starting to run out of ideas :p08:20
Jordan_Ufalafell: Is it currently setup?08:20
falafellyou know, when you hit F8 or F10 to enter the boot selection during BIOS08:20
ahrimanI've got a USB stick made from Natty and unetbootin right here so we could compare apples to apples08:20
falafellgives a list of all devices08:20
FlynsarmyThe open source nvidia 3d drivers have been pretty flawless for me. How are the open source 3d ati ones?08:20
hosangadi_Hey guys, gotta bit of an error in ubuntu 11.0408:20
ActionParsnipahriman: you can use grub legacy or lilo if you want08:20
hosangadi_when i install kdenlive 0.8, and then try installing openshot, it gives a dependency error08:20
falafellthats where it vanishes when ubuntu is on it.., but it still works as storage device once the machine is booted into windows08:20
sebsebsebActionParsnip: right well,  I tried with the Beta 2. but installed wrongly.  so basically had Gnome 2, but with the Gnome 3 stuff such as their new background chagning program and the log in screen.  Right, but now much more recently I have a rather clean install of the final.  Apparently the Gnome 3  ppa can be unstable and such though.   and I can try the Gnome 3 final probably from the Fedora 15 release canddiate CD anyway.08:21
Jordan_Uahriman: What bug are you reffering to?08:21
OttifantSirHow do I replace unity-window-decorator? Or fix it "bleeding through" the title bar of the window behind when I go to fullscreen?08:21
vaxinatedOttifantSir: what do you mean bleeding through?08:22
sebsebsebActionParsnip: and I know the ppa isn't quite the full expereince, and then Unity won't load up as well,  so well I may just try it later on, because something tells me for now, I would want to use Unity really if using Ubuntu,  if another distro though yep Gnome Shell :).  did the ppa work ok for you?08:22
hosangadi_I need help with my problem, installing kdenlive on ubuntu 11.04 gives an error when I try to install openshot08:22
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: i found a ppa with some theme or settings. Gonna play later08:22
hosangadi_The error is a dependency error08:22
ahrimanActionParsnip, I'd like to get this system to boot. I've been working on this for days. The silly 10_linux script doesn't find the kernel images so I can't use it. I've tried manually hacking it, and managed to get grub installed but the grub.cfg is completely botched due to UUID mismatches. I tried making one manually but there are tons of lines to edit. You're looking at a 1100+ line config file now!08:22
Michael88_Hello everyone :)08:22
Jordan_Ufalafell: Is it currently setup?08:22
sebsebsebActionParsnip: What does it do anyway, just gives the  Gnome  3 log in screen, and Gnome Shell and some of the Gnome 3 tools like the new background changer program, I guess?08:23
vaxinatedhey Michael8808:23
OttifantSirvaxinated: VLC fullscreen, I see the title bar of Opera, and no media is played on the title bar position. Happens with all windows, but most annoying with visual media08:23
falafelljordan, what do you mean?08:23
ahrimanJordan_U, the aufs error. I can get exact error with a few minutes of effort08:23
sbarcteamI have a strange behaviour on a machine: when connecting after "a while" - it takes ages to login, or edit a file.08:23
hosangadi_I need help with my problem, installing kdenlive on ubuntu 11.04 gives an error when I try to install openshot08:23
hosangadi_I need help with my problem, installing kdenlive on ubuntu 11.04 gives an error when I try to install openshot08:23
sbarcteamAFter having it done, repeating works quickly.08:23
Jordan_Uahriman: aufs is not a part of grub. Do you have a link to the bug report?08:23
ahrimanJordan_U, it appears that when /boot and / are on different physical partitions the UUID and kernel scripts fail08:23
sbarcteamAs if some kind of resolving is messed up, and when cached - works ok.08:23
ActionParsnipahriman: tried booting livecd and reinstating grub2 from there08:23
sbarcteamI checked /etc/nsswitch.conf and /etc/resolv.conf08:24
szalhosangadi_: (1) don't repeat yourself, (2) define "an error"08:24
sbarcteamboth look ok.08:24
sbarcteamwhat else shall I check ?08:24
Huldshey all where do the window 7 winshare folders mount on so i can set up the unix program to access the same file?08:24
vaxinatedOttifantSir: Use Compiz Manager and look at Window Decoration.  THere is opacity mentioned.08:24
ahrimanActionParsnip, I managed to get grub2 installed, but without a configuration file :P the 10_linux doesn't find the kernel images. If you guys have figured out how to chroot the environment from a livecd to actually find the kernel images and correctly configure the UUID please let me know.08:25
cache_surpluswhats the best way to stop a service from starting at boot up? do i use update-rc.d?08:25
hosangadi_When I install kdenlive on the computer, and right afterward try to install openshot, it gives an error the dependencies are not fullfilled, ie, openshot needs python 2.5. This happens on ubuntu 11.0408:25
Jordan_Uahriman: update-grub has no problem with separate /boot partitions. I don't know to what you are reffering. You implied that there was a bug report, could you give a link if there is one?08:25
sebsebsebActionParsnip: was the Gnome 3 ppa quite stable for you or not?  I have even read stuff about it not being that stable08:25
cache_surplusi dont want to go through the KXX or S00 method08:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 700910 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Unable to install GRUB2 to the same device as contains aufs in natty" [Undecided,Incomplete]08:25
ActionParsnipahriman: my grub skill is low as I single boot. Never had to mess with a bootloader to any huge degree08:25
Michael88_Who has a Asus t101mt eeepc with ubuntu 11?08:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 703009 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub-probe: error: cannot stat `aufs'." [Undecided,Confirmed]08:25
OttifantSirvaxinated: Opacity isn't enabled. When I kill unity-window-decorator I can get complete fullscreen, but not WITH it. I want to fix it, or replace unity-window-decorator08:25
cache_surpluswhen i do sudo service whateverservice stop,, the service still comes back after reboot08:26
sebsebsebahriman: uh this may be useful or not, but here goes anyway08:26
sebsebseb!grub2 | ahriman08:26
ubottuahriman: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)08:26
falafellOttifantSir, just login with classic environment?08:26
Huldshey all where do the window 7 winshare folders mount on so i can set up the unix program to access the same file?08:26
OttifantSirfalafell: I have.08:26
ahrimanreading docs now sebsebseb , will keep checking in here.08:26
sebsebsebHulds: what do you mean by winshare files?08:26
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: i use guake to launch apps so was fine as I hardly touched it. Not many crashes in gtk apps tbh. You?08:27
Huldsi mounted  winshare folders from my windows 7 computer on my unix box08:27
Michael88_He means a shared folder from the network.  I think08:27
OttifantSirI have deleted everything Unity, except for unity-window-decorator08:27
vaxinatedOttifantSir: I have "/usr/bin/compiz-decorator" in my Command field in CompizConfig window decoration.08:27
ActionParsnipHulds: in a subfolder in ~/.gvfs08:27
sebsebsebActionParsnip: nope not tried installing the Gnome 3 ppa yet,  I will eventually, but may hold off on doing that for a while yet. not sure yet08:27
sebsebsebActionParsnip: installing again I should say, because like I said I treid in the beta 2 where things went wrong08:28
ahrimanhelp quote "The main menu file, /boot/grub/grub.cfg, is not meant to be edited, even by 'root'." NO KIDDING.08:28
szalhosangadi_: exact error msg please08:28
vaxinatedOttifantSir: I am using unity,not ubuntu classic.08:28
Vanilluxanyone could help me setup a mailserver please ?08:28
szal!paste | hosangadi_08:28
ubottuhosangadi_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:28
OttifantSirvaxinated: So do I. But it won't start. It always starts unity-window-decorator, no matter what08:29
sebsebsebActionParsnip: I was mainly wondering about what it does exactly, and how stable it is, that's all really08:29
ActionParsnipahriman: its because its generated by update-grub using the grub config files08:29
Inside_duckhi, can someone please take a moment to help me install wifi usb stick?08:29
loopingzhello, i was wondering if the unity bar is moveable somewhere else as in double screen it's very annoying ?08:29
sebsebsebloopingz: no don't think so08:29
vaxinatedOttifantSir:Do you have "CompizConfig Settings Manager"?08:30
oncodeHi there!08:30
sebsebsebloopingz: unless you completly remove the Unity bar I guess, so both screens08:30
sebsebsebloopingz: which you probably can't quite do anyway08:30
Whitenoise__Is there a tool to delete and cull the older kernel/boot files from grub?08:30
loopingzthink i'll go back to my old gnome :)08:30
OttifantSirvaxinated: Yes, and I have checked every module and set compiz-decorator in Window Decor (I'm Norwegian, so perhaps not right), but no luck08:31
Huldsokay found it... thanks...  another thing once i mount the c: drive on my gnome desktop  it will remember to mount it when i reboot my unix box?08:31
sebsebsebloopingz: well yeah there's still  Ubuntu Classic Desktop just about, that will go bye bye with 11.1008:31
usb333Guys, I keep facing the [Errno 5] Input/output error every time I try to install natty. Checked the CD from the menu and it seems to be burnt correctly. What to do?08:31
ActionParsniploopingz: as far as I know its coded in so will need changing there. I've heard dual monitor users switching to gnome classic08:31
loopingzit's a pity as i think unity seems not enough customizable for now08:31
sebsebsebloopingz: maybe you should try Gnome Shell, if you haven't already :)08:31
arvatUnity sux08:31
ActionParsnipusb333: test ram08:31
vaxinatedOttifantSir: My settings are under "Effects", "Window Decoration".08:32
oncodeI got "Disk / is not ready or not present" error, but in /etc/fstab the UUIDs are identical with blkid UUIDs08:32
usb333ActionParsnip: is it the 'test memory' option?08:32
Inside_duckgot a problem with the install of RTL8187B driver for my usb wifi stick, can someone help me or no?08:32
loopingzarvat, it's a lot of job to do those kind of dev so don't say it sux say only that it's not fit ur needs08:32
ahrimanActionParsnip, right, but the script /etc/grub.d/10_linux completely fails to find the kernel.08:32
sebsebsebloopingz: the new interface from upstream Gnome, and so the real interface, for Gnome 308:32
ActionParsnipWhitenoise__: run: uname -a    to see the current kernel08:33
Hulds okay found it... thanks...  another thing once i mount the c: drive on my gnome desktop  it will remember to mount it when i reboot my unix box?08:33
OttifantSirvaxinated: Mine too, but I'm Norwegian with Norwegian locale, and I don't always translate Norwegian into the correct module08:33
sebsebsebarvat: it will improve over time, and then more and more other distro's will probably provide it as an option as well :)08:33
vaxinatedOttifantSir: Can you "disable" WIndow Decorations?08:33
sebsebseb!gnome3 | loopingz08:34
ubottuloopingz: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and safe downgrading is not possible.08:34
Whitenoise__ActionParsnip, OK - I know my current kernel...08:34
OttifantSirvaxinated: Done. No title bars. Or any decoration for that matter.08:34
ActionParsnipWhitenoise__: run:   dpkg -l | grep linux-image-2   to see installed kernels08:34
xmazis there a way, i can give all permissions to a dir, and all the subfolders in there?08:34
vaxinatedOttifantSir: does that fix your problem?08:34
Inside_duckthank you anyway08:34
OttifantSirvaxinated: No.08:35
Whitenoise__ActionParsnip, Gotcha, and do dpkg --purge on the unwanted?08:35
* szal looks at Inside_duck and thinks: impatient kiddies..08:35
OttifantSirvaxinated: I want decorations, I just don't want to see the title bar of the window behind when I watch something in fullscreen08:35
Jordan_Uahriman: Can you explain your exact situation? How are you booting the live environment? Why do you need a separate /boot/ partition?08:35
FlynsarmyThe open source nvidia 3d drivers have been pretty flawless for me. How are the open source 3d ati ones?08:36
Inside_duckszal: sorry08:36
KamilionBeen doing a lot of google searching over the past couple hours looking for a good high resolution webcam with a built in usb mic to order for work. I've got a logitech 9000 pro at home I've been happy with. Can anyone recommend me a couple more cams I should look at that work well with maverick?08:36
ActionParsnipWhitenoise__: you can remove installed kernels but not the running one. Use software centre or apt-get to remove08:36
KamilionLooking for 720P+ at as high framerate as possible.08:36
Whitenoise__ActionParsnip, cool, thanks...08:37
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:37
sebsebsebFlynsarmy: yeah the open source Nivivda drivers are pretty good now really, as for ATI uhmmm  I think open source ATI drivers are ok now really most of them, because as far as I know ATI has been open sourceing stuff even08:37
vaxinatedOttifantSir: Does it happen with other movie players besides VLC?08:37
ahrimanJordan_U, sda1=winxp sda2=boot sda3=logical sda5=root sda6=swap sda7=home. This is a fairly typical configuration that was recommended because /boot needed to occur within so many GB of disk space to be loaded on many systems. It became a habit that maybe isn't necessary anymore.08:37
sebsebsebFlynsarmy: not really that sure about ATI though ^08:37
KamilionWhile the wiki page is nice and all, it's not opinion; just 30 pages of dry information.08:37
Hulds okay found it... thanks...  another thing once i mount the c: drive on my gnome desktop  it will remember to mount it when i reboot my unix box?08:38
Jordan_Uahriman: I would try without that separate /boot/ as a work around.08:38
KamilionAsking for subjective opinion of the 1600 people in the channel.08:38
OttifantSirvaxinated: It happens with ALL windows. If I go to fullscreen in Opera, I see the title bar of the window behind it. Same with Totem, Transmission, Arista, LibreOffice, Cheese, etc etc08:38
Jordan_Uahriman: How are you booting the live environment?08:38
Kartagisdo I need to create/self-sign a client certificate for openvpn? I'll be the only one to connect08:39
ActionParsnipKamilion: why do you want opinion. The lists show what works and what doesn't08:39
vaxinatedOttifantSir: Until we find the solution,  try to change your "workspace" to one with no other windows.08:39
KamilionFor example, the logitech listing doesn't even show the maximum capture resolution -- which is640x480 on maverick for my 9000, not 1280x720.08:39
szalInside_duck: no unsolicited private chats please08:40
NeiradHey everyone! I'm having difficulty with installing photoshop with wine. Can anyone help me?08:40
OttifantSirvaxinated: Can you tell me how I can purge my system of Unity completely? unity-window-decorator is the last remnant. Where's it hiding?08:40
sebsebsebNeirad: Which version?08:40
ahrimanJordan_U, I already copied the contents of /boot to / and edited the /etc/fstab. Still fails. I'm going to try and do the chroot environment install of grub and see if 10_linux can succeed that way. This is a total botch tho because making /boot for a long time was required and anyone with multiple locations = failed UUID mappings and failed grub install often rendering the machine into a brick08:40
KamilionSo, anybody have good experiences with a 720+ webcam in maverick or natty? /query me if you don't feel like cluttering the channel.08:40
ActionParsnipKamilion: logitech refuse to support Linux, the community has made a driver and that's what it does u08:41
vaxinatedOttifantSir: Why not use "Ubuntu Classic".  It is the GNOME desktop instead of Unity.08:41
Neirad @seb of photoshop? or wine?08:41
sebsebsebNeirad: of Photoshop08:41
Inside_duckok :( think i'm just gonna leave this OS on the corner...08:41
ActionParsnipNeird: check the appdb08:41
sebsebseb!tab | Neirad08:41
ubottuNeirad: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:41
Drake|OttifantSir: Terminal ftw ;)08:41
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.08:41
sebsebsebNeirad: ActionParsnip Good luck with appdb I find it quite useless most of the time!08:41
Neirad sebsebseb: It's version Cs408:42
ahrimanJordan_U, I'm currently booting LiveCD in order to make changes to the file system, and adding a second USB key to migrate files if required. The same drive config worked fine in 10.10 but fails miserably in 11.0408:42
vaxinatedOttifantSIr: so you are using gnome and not unity desktop?08:42
OttifantSirDrake|: Yeah, wish I had the skills necessary08:42
sebsebsebNeirad: right yeah that's probably it then08:42
Jordan_Uahriman: The bug you linked to only occurs when you are loading the live system from the same partition you are installing grub to, which is not common at all. It does not occur for most people who have a separate /boot.08:42
sebsebsebNeirad: take Photoshop 7 for example, that is bound to work rather well in Wine08:42
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OttifantSirvaxinated: Yes, I've told you so earlier08:42
sebsebsebNeirad: ,but the rather latest versions, well they won't work that well in it08:42
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: sometimes has some nice settings08:42
szalNeirad: http://appdb.winehq.com/08:42
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:42
sebsebsebNeirad: altough it seems from what I read not that long ago, that Adobe may even eventaully port Photoshop natively to Linux :)08:42
KamilionActionParsnip: If by 'refuses to support' you mean 'sporadic wall-chucking of code', I'd say, yeah. http://www.quickcamteam.net/software/libwebcam/08:42
Neirad Sebsebseb: do you know if dreamweaver works at all?08:42
Jordan_Uahriman: OK, you are booting from a physical spinning CD?08:43
vaxinatedOttifantSir: Have you tried the "Unity" desktop to see if it does the same bleeding through effect?08:43
sebsebsebNeirad: again depends on the version. also with Wine it can depend on how you set things up how well an app works or not08:43
Drake|OttifantSir:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=990636 <--- Just start :) will come in time.. Im currently not an expert.. Yet :)08:43
sebsebsebNeirad: and playing around with wineconf isn't realy for the average user, but luckily ther are programs that can help do that kind of thing for you, such as playonlinux mainly for games, and uhmm winetricks08:43
KamilionAs I mentioned, I've spent all afternoon trying to find decent cams that work well with maverick.08:43
OttifantSirActionParsnip: I'm sorry, but I got frustrated with him asking me for the fifth time to do something I've told him I've done08:43
sebsebseb!winehq | Neirad08:44
freehckyeah, weechat rule! )08:44
ubottuNeirad: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu08:44
Neirad Sebsebseb: Hmm..yeah I have been reading a few tutorials but I run into a deadend when I go to run the installer, it freezes up or just plain won't run08:44
freehckhi, people. )08:44
KamilionIf anyone can give me a better recommendation than 'buy more 9000s since yours works fine', I'd love to hear it.08:44
sebsebsebNeirad: well why you want Photoshop and Dreamwaver so bad anyway?  we do have alternaives :)  ok sure they don't quite have as much features as the propritary programs, but even so are pretty good08:44
ActionParsnipKamilion: they don't make drivers and expressed zero interest in starting. Kodak are the same. I suggest you avoid companies not supporting Linux but that's me08:44
KamilionI'd love to. If someone could recommend me a good 720p camera! Haha08:45
Neirad Sebsebseb: because I've very familar with them and I need them for a project for school xD08:45
sebsebsebNeirad: Ok how much RAM you got?08:45
ActionParsnipNeirad: also ask in #winehq08:45
OttifantSirvaxinated: Yes, I tried that POS, logged out, logged in classic, removed everything unity with Synaptic, yet unity-window-decorator is there, ruining my experience. I believe it's because I no longer run Unity, and Unity's default is to blame (Title bar and menu bar on same space)08:45
Neirad Sebsebseb: Only 2gb :O08:45
sebsebsebNeirad: yes I am thinking maybe you can virtual machine them,  if you don't want to just use a pshyicall install of Windows for it,  yeah with 2GB you can maybe do what I am suggesting,  I guess to some extent would depend on other hardawre you got as well though, but worth a try08:46
Jordan_Ufalafell: Is your USB currently setup by unetbootin / startup disk creator or have you modified it since that?08:46
sebsebseb!virtualbox | Neirad08:46
ubottuNeirad: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox08:46
ahrimanJordan_U, I found something very interesting. /boot which is /dev/sda2 contains no kernel whatsoever08:47
Jordan_Uahriman: Are you booting from a physical spinning CD?08:47
Neirad Sebsebseb: So you're suggesting that I install windows on a different partition again? I'm not familiar with virtual box08:47
sebsebsebNeirad: that factoid needs updating I think, because I think now there's only really one version, and the propritary stuff such as USB support can be added.  By the way it's ok to use Windows still for some programs really, Linux distro' are meant to replace Unix rather fully, not Windows.08:47
philipballewNeirad what type of photoshop?08:47
ActionParsnipKamilion: look at what is known to work then research if it does what you want. That's why i gave the webcam factoid08:47
ahrimanJordan_U, no, I'm using unetbootin generated LiveCD to boot and make edits.08:48
ahrimanI'm almost done with the creation of the chroot08:48
Jordan_Uahriman: So it's a liveUSB?08:48
sebsebsebNeirad: Virtualbox allows an OS to run inside an OS08:48
sebsebsebNeirad: works rather well except for 3D programs for example08:48
sebsebsebdepending on hardware to an extent as well of cousre08:49
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Kartagisdo I need to create/self-sign a client certificate for openvpn? I'll be the only one to connect08:49
sebsebsebNeirad: with 2GB RAM, you got more than enough for a virtual machine though :)08:49
Kamilion... Sheesh, I should have just searched youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJVa_ltM9mw08:50
ahrimanJordan_U, correct. And I'm missing /bin/sh in the installed version08:50
KamilionThe logitech C910 for $99 works, and does 1280x800 out of the box, with audio.08:50
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ActionParsnipsebsebseb: yikes. Ram drain. Ubuntu + virtualbox + windows + photoplop   better have some grunt to drive all that08:50
KamilionTime to order four. :D08:50
Jordan_Uahriman: Is the USB drive that you setup with unetbootin, and are booting the live environment from, the same drive you are installing Ubuntu and grub to?08:50
sebsebsebActionParsnip: well like I said to Neirad  it's woth try, as in it may not work that well, but worth a try08:51
szalActionParsnip: w/ 2 GB you can even run out of space w/o all that stuff ;)08:51
Kamilionooh, nice, newegg's got 'em for $75.08:51
shomonok I keep ssh-ing into other computers, then I come back and they've timed out. Can you actually restart or kill the session via a key combination?08:51
ahrimanJordan_U, USB to do setup is /dev/sdb and i'm installing to /dev/sda08:51
szalActionParsnip: at least w/ the "heavy" UIs08:51
shomonor do you just have to kill the gnome terminal?08:51
Jordan_Uahriman: Then you are not experiencing the bug you linked to.08:51
Jordan_Uahriman: What problem are you having specifically? What command are you running and what error message are you seeing?08:52
sebsebsebNeirad:  off topic now really, but uhmm if it's true that you really need Photoshop for school that's quite stupid really, because ideally they should be teaching you how to make graphics in more than one program, and then letting you also choose what to use :)08:52
biprodipauto eth0 do not appears in connection in ubuntu10.0408:54
ahrimanit looks like the apt system failed :/ I'm missing doc-base. I should be able to repair this but I need to go offline to do it08:54
ahrimanJordan_U, it looks like the apt system failed :/ I'm missing doc-base. I should be able to repair this but I need to go offline to do it08:54
szalsebsebseb: unfortunately education is most often not "ideal"..  I was in a job training programme some time ago & they refused to deal w/ OOo because "that's not what companies use in their daily business"08:55
ahrimanThere's just a TON of packages missing, some weirdness with the usb image perhaps. I don't even *have* a kernel inside /boot08:55
sebsebsebszal: yeah I know,  most Eductional Establishments and work places for that matter, are very much so locked into propritary software08:55
ahrimanGoing offline, the grub doc helped08:56
=== Nick is now known as Guest22461
_joeyi've got ppp connection going through network connection that come with gnome. The problem is after a little while /etc/resolv.conf looses nameservers. Upon new ppp connection /etc/resolv.conf is updated with nameserver, after a period of time, the nameservers are gone. The ppp connection is active, however.08:56
_joeythis is weird.08:56
_joeyhas anyone heard anything about this particular problem>?08:56
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.08:56
ahriman_joey, you could be weird and do chmod -w /etc/resolv.conf08:57
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:57
szal_joey: are you talking about (A)DSL or tunneling/VPN?08:57
ahriman_joey, it is likely strangeness with the DHCP server you're getting your config from but you can override that a little bit clientside08:58
szal_joey: or even analog modem dial-up?08:58
ahrimani'm gone... gl08:58
_joeyahriman: why would I need to do that if the application that starts pppd needs to write to resolv.conf08:58
_joeyszal: it's wireless umts over 3g link08:58
cache_surpluswhen i do sudo service whateverservice stop,, the service still comes back after reboot08:59
cache_surpluswhats the best way to stop a service from starting at boot up? do i use update-rc.d?08:59
* szal would guess connectivity issues, but no friggin' idea about wifi here08:59
szalcache_surplus: chkconfig whaterverservice off08:59
cache_surplusszal: chkconfig is for redhat, not ubuntu09:00
cache_surplusbut thanks for trying ;)09:00
cache_surplusalso this is a desktop09:00
shomonwhat is the keyboard combination to close an ssh session in a gnome terminal?09:01
Drake|cache_surplus:  sudo stop "service name" only  stops it.. Just like in windows.  seems like you need to du a update-rc.d -f to disable it09:01
_joeythere is not connectivity issue09:01
_joeyas i said, ppp connection is active, I can ping anything using network address09:01
_joeyon the internet. it's namservers that disappear from resolv.conf09:01
cache_surplusDrake|: it appears if i do a disable, its not working, and i get /etc/init.d is not part of that program09:01
cache_surpluscups for example, disable it,,, stop doesnt work, it just cames back after reboot09:02
_joeyI may just manually edit the file and lock it and see what happens09:02
cache_surplusi dont want cups and many other init.d services, im trying to tighten up security09:02
cache_surplusthis will be a stand alone webcam server, thats it09:02
cache_surplusbut im using desktop... not really gonna dive into server stuff... id rather use freebsd for servers09:03
Drake|cache_surplus: "update-rc.d -f cups remove"09:03
Drake|this doesnt work?09:03
_joeyactually, the problem has been discussed on the Internet in the last 6 months09:04
cache_surplusthat will remove the scripts... i dont want them removed, just disabled or shutoff, i will want them later if i need them, and the only way would be to reinstall it, which of course, will reinstall ubuntu-desktop, the deps are horrendiously built in09:04
_joeyit appears it hasn't been fixed in the new release09:05
cache_surplusdisable /= remove09:05
Drake|cache_surplus:  ref: http://www.unixtutorial.org/2009/01/disable-service-startup-in-ubuntu/ --> The procedure for disabling a service in Ubuntu is very simple: all you have to do is remove the symlinks from all the runlevel-specific  directories, /etc/rc*.d, so that no links are pointing to the original  /etc/init.d script for your service. That original script will be kept,  so you can re-enable the startup/shutdown of the service whenever you 09:06
cache_surplusszal: do you use chkconfig on ubuntu? for all services? i usually use sudo service whatever, but ic your point about chkconfig, i used that on redhat.09:06
dovdoes anyone here know about kernel upgrades?09:07
cache_surplusi just dont want another way to start/stop services lol09:07
xmazhow can i make a .htaccess file to become visable if i wanna access it throught a ftp?09:07
dovcan I just upgrade 10.04 to any kernel I want?09:07
dovis the ftp anonymous?09:07
Kamilionyou may need to update a few helpers when compiling a new kernel.09:08
cache_surplusDrake|: ic, however, what is the simplier syntax for disable under update-rc.d, its not working although clear. it says not an /etc/init.d script in function, something like that,,, meaning it doesnt work for all scripts lol09:08
dovwhat are 'helpers'09:08
Kamilionstuff like udev09:08
cache_surplusits like, make up your minds ubuntu devs,,, lol, make it all one way09:08
Kamilionthings tied tightly to kernel versions09:08
cache_surplusi guess some come from diff camps, shrugs09:08
dov@Kamilion:  thanks09:08
dovso the official releases are basically guaranteed stable for the software at that release?09:09
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Drake|cache_surplus: tph I haven't tested myself. but according to this guy he do the update-rc.d -f proftpd remove to disable his profftpd service09:09
cache_surplusok, enough about that, next question - i just installed openssh-server and i can log in once i have logged in already to that remote box locally at the term, however, i wish to log in remotely, as this will be a headless box, and i dont want a user onsite to have to login locally b4 i can ssh... whats the fix?09:09
dovno fix09:10
Kamiliondov: yeah, pretty much. Generally the helpers don't often freak out.09:10
dovthat's how ssh works09:10
llutzcache_surplus: use sysv-rc-conf to handle services. update-rc.d  method will fail after some updated09:10
dovtx Kamilion09:10
cache_surplusDrake|: your friend must not have those files anymore, unless it just removed the symlinks, as when i tried it, it actually removed those files,, and the symlinks lol09:10
cache_surplusthanks llutz ill check into that09:10
Kamiliondov: If you don't mind me asking, what kernel version are you going to build, for which ubuntu version?09:11
Drake|cache_surplus:  I don't have any troubble loggin in to my server at home trough ssh09:11
cache_surplusthat file is not on my box llutz, create one?09:11
llutzcache_surplus: its a package09:11
cache_surplusDrake|: i just explained what happend...09:11
llutz!info sysv-rc-conf09:11
cache_surplusllutz: ah, ok09:11
ubottusysv-rc-conf (source: sysv-rc-conf): SysV init runlevel configuration tool for the terminal. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99-6 (natty), package size 23 kB, installed size 104 kB09:11
cache_surplusanyone agree with llutz solution?09:12
Drake|cache_surplus: Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/proftpd ... was the command output he got when he "removed" so it seems to just remove the links.. but as I said.. haven't tried it myself =)09:12
dov@cache:  maybe you are firewalled from the outside.  I have a bunch of servers that all work with openssh-server out of the box09:12
dovall ubuntu 10 and debian09:12
cache_surplusDrake|: i did, and it removed everything, i had to reinstall the prog to get it back09:12
Drake|:s sorry to hear that09:12
Kamiliondov: sounded like you were building for lucid; if you need a newer kernel for, say, AMD E-350 support or something, not a custom-menuconfig, you can just grab from one of the backport PPAs for lucid: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/kernel-ppa?dist=lucid09:12
cache_surplussee i might just forget about that program in the future, and go, duh... um.... lol09:12
cache_surplusthats why i always check from multiple people and sources before i just bang away at the terminal09:13
Drake|cache_surplus: sudo apt-get instal ... eeh the program i disabled last mont09:13
Kamilionthey've got 2.6.38 and 2.6.39 kernels for lucid.09:13
llutzcache_surplus: read "man update-rc.d" the part from "A common system administration error is to delete the links with the thought that this will "disable" the service, ..." why i don't recommend update-rc.d to disable stuff09:13
dovthanks drake09:13
dovi'll try to get 39 for lucid09:13
cache_surplusllutz: zackly, thats what i read as well09:14
cache_surplusthats why im here asking09:14
dovwould any of you like a feature in a chat client that would scroll the messages down instead of up?09:14
dovjust out of curiosity09:14
cache_surplusalso, its common fix to change the K00 and S00 numbers as well in all the rc.whatever dirs lol09:14
cache_surplusmy original question was, the simplest, quickest way09:14
Kamilioncache_surplus: once openssh-server is installed, it starts on boot by default in my experience.09:15
cache_surplusi made a summation statement, just do it one way, everyone seems to do it mulitple ways... i just do want that many holes on the system people can easily navigate about with,,, with all these diff ways to enable/disable services...09:15
llutzonce, when upstart will be grown up, there will be easy tools again, maybe ...  or not? who knows09:16
cache_surplusKamilion: correct, however, on a clean install there is something i need to do more...i just cant remem at the moment...09:16
Kamilioncache_surplus: there's a transition going on, for sysvinit scripts, you'd want to use update-sysv-rc, for upstart scripts, you'd want to use update-rc.d09:16
cache_surplusllutz: im hoping that is true, it seems mid-stream at the moment09:16
cache_surplusKamilion: huh?09:16
Kamilioncache_surplus: Copy your ssh public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys09:17
cache_surplusoh got it,, mis read09:17
cache_surplusthat wasnt the fix... copy09:17
cache_surplusits something else lol09:17
Kamilionopen port 22?09:17
cache_surplusjust cant remem09:17
cache_surplushmmm... possible09:17
cache_surplusi think thats it09:17
FloodBot1cache_surplus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:17
Kamilionmap 22 with router09:17
cache_surplusfriggen flood bot lol.. we are all talking about/to/me lol09:18
Drake|In my experinece port 22 is often disabled from ISP. I just opened ex 46003 and routed it to my server on port 22 :)09:18
llutzodd ISPs you use...09:19
cache_surplusthis isnt 1998 where conserving log space on terabyte storage is an issue anymore ...09:19
Kamilionif it's going to a customer's site, give it a static DHCP ip address in their router, map some port to the static internal on port 22. I like 2222 or 32222 or something memorable like that09:19
KamilionI also put my public key and disable password auth09:19
szaldov: I have used such a chat & found it awkward, to say the least09:19
cache_surplusDrake|: this is just local at the moment, i will install the box later, yah i will port forward on the gw when im on site09:19
cache_surplusok, brb, i think its ufw at this point...09:20
Kamilionahh, firewall policy.09:20
Drake|llutz: well I couldnt access my server on port 22. so had to change it.. but anyway lots of bots scan for open 22 ports. so its anyway better to ruoute it to another port =)09:20
Drake|llutz: and yeah norway has wierd isps :p09:20
KamilionDrake|: or just disable password authentication. They'll leave you alone after about a week to a month.09:20
cyranoi have ubuntu 11.04 and i ahve installed the nvidia drivers version 270.41.06 the settings manager and the nvidia-xconfig seem to not be able to see the busid of my cards any ideas?09:20
ejvi prefer fail2ban personally09:21
Drake|Kamilion: well it works now. so I'm happy ;)09:21
szalcache_surplus: no, it isn't, but using multiple lines for essentially 1 statement is an optical mess09:21
cache_surplusnope, ufw is inactive09:21
Kamiliondenyhost's sync is pretty decent, if you remember to stick the right addresses in /etc/hosts.allow just in case09:21
kyleeAny of you guys use VPS hosting?09:21
cache_surplusszal: at least my lines are consecutive ;)09:22
Valentinewhat is this annoying thing whenever i start my system http://maketecheasier.com/auto-unlock-keyring-manager-in-ubuntu-intrepid/2009/03/14 , i even tick the Automatically unlock keyring but on next boot this annoying dialogue appears again.09:22
szalValentine: you're not on Intrepid, are you?09:23
Kamilionyour keyring password does not match your account password.09:24
ouyeshi all09:24
KamilionIE, you changed your account password and forgot to change your keyring password.09:24
ValentineKamilion: no, both are same and i never changed them09:25
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Valentinemy login and keyring passwords are same09:25
Kamiliony'sure? open up seahorse and check to make sure it's set to automatically unlock the keyring.09:25
cache_surplusfor ufw, is it best to add deny all rule first, then allow? or the converse when adding rules09:25
KamilionAlso, are you using wifi to connect? You may be prompted to unlock your keyring when nm-applet starts before seahorse-agent does.09:26
KamilionThat can be fixed by setting the 'system' checkbox on that wifi connection.09:27
Valentineyes wifi09:27
KamilionThose are the two main problems that I've run into that result in getting the unlock keyring dialog on login.09:29
ValentineKamilion: pls explain "That can be fixed by setting the 'system' checkbox on that wifi connection."09:29
KamilionRight click on your network applet in your tray09:29
Kamilionproperties, wifi tab09:29
Drake|I'm on the look for a script/ftp client that copy files from a local "watch" folder and copy from a remote "watch" folder automaticly.. and preferable only new items. :)09:30
Kamilionselect the stored wifi connection, there should be a checkbox 'System" in the lower left corner, if memory serves.09:30
Valentinewifi tab or wireless tab?09:30
Kamilionif it's not quite right, I'm not at work in front of my ubuntu box.09:31
Valentinethere is no system checkbox, instead there is Available to all usrs tick option09:31
dkannancan i exec a arbitrary string, it is not a file but a command being constructed09:32
KamilionSounds like the one. Tick it and check the next time your reboot if the dialog's gone.09:32
ValentineAvailable to all users is ticked already09:32
k-radhow do i configure sasl while using openvpn to join #freenode under xchat ?09:32
Kamiliondkannan: $(echo "tada!") | grep "tada" | tee ~/tada.txt09:32
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KamilionValentine: Hm. Well, my apologies, but something else seems to be amiss and I don't know what.09:34
cache_surplusanyone know ufw very well, and tcpwrappers?09:35
ValentineKamilion: no problem and thank you so much09:36
KamilionYou might want to try resetting both your account password and keyring password anyway. It's possible that might force them back into sync.09:37
cache_surplusisnt there a man portmap on ubuntu desktop by default? wt...09:37
dkannanKamilion: does $() create a new subshell or it is like exec. $(echo "tada") does  not work for me09:37
Kamiliondkannan: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/commandsub.html   That should help09:39
Kamilionabs is my bash scripting bible usually.09:39
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Kostekwitam :)09:40
Kostekwhois speak Polnish :P?09:41
mithranhi all i already registered, now im using an IRC client on another machine, how do i use my registered name?09:42
mithranplease help09:42
Kostekhallo jest ktos z polski :)09:42
Kamilionmithran:  /msg nickserv help09:42
Kostekmith use web client IRC :)09:42
Kamilionmithran: you need to 'identify'.09:43
mithranok trying09:43
szalmithran: same as everywhere else..  /msg nickserv identify yourPasswd, or supply yourPasswd as server pwd09:45
riktkingi have an issue, unity was working, then i had a system crash, now it wont load at all09:46
riktkingi have to use classic mode09:47
Drake|riktking:  try to rconfigure your graphic setup09:50
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Kamilion(the equivalent of 'unhook your battery for a sec' in automotive terms)09:51
negevhi, can anyone recommend a good ircd that's straightforward to install on ubuntu and supports ssl and chanserv/nickserv services?  hybrid fails to compile if you try to build the latest with openssl09:52
RudyValenciaI've built UnrealIRCd without problems on Ubuntu09:52
RudyValenciavery simple to build09:52
riktkinghave big issues09:53
riktkingcannot load unity, have done in the past09:53
Kamilionnegev: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_IRC_daemons09:53
Drake|riktking: you said it happend after a crash?09:54
riktkingDrake|, yeah09:54
riktkingsystem simply stopped responding09:54
Drake|riktking: have you tried to just run in recover mode and reconfigure your graphic?09:55
riktkingi can get classic mode to load09:55
Drake|riktking: and I asume you have changed back to unity in the lginscreen09:55
riktkingi tried it in the login screen09:55
riktkingand failed09:55
Drake|do you get any  error?09:55
Kamilionnegev: looks like http://www.inspircd.org/ kicks ass09:56
negevyeah just noticed that one09:56
Kamilionjeez, I might just run my own ircd for work then...09:57
riktkingDrake|, the network indicator shows up, i can right click on the desktop09:57
jiltdilany channel for microprocessor?09:57
Drake|riktking: not quite sure. I don't use unity. so haven't had to much experince there.09:59
riktkingok thanks Drake|09:59
sleonwhat does the error: error while loading shared libraries: blabla.so: failed to map segment from shared object: Permission denied10:00
sleonand why does it come?10:00
sleonnever saw such error before10:00
sleonsystem: Ubuntu 10.1010:00
FloodBot1sleon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:00
sleonFloodBot1: ok, do you know the answer ;)10:00
MatBoymhh, my mythweb shows a blank page without any errors... lots of issues to find, nowhere to solve :(10:10
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quickhi pls tell me can i install ubuntu on amd turion 32 bit using the normal iso i386 or i'll have to download the amd iso10:13
ikoniaquick: normal is fine10:14
quickikona : are you sure ?10:15
Drake|iso i386 is the 32 bit arcitecture10:16
quickDrakel it's 32 only but it's not intel microprocesssor it has an AMd processor10:17
quickhi pls tell me can i install ubuntu on amd turion 32 bit using the normal iso i386 or i'll have to download the amd iso10:18
quickhi pls tell me can i install ubuntu on amd turion 32 bit using the normal iso i386 or i'll have to download the amd iso10:18
quicksry for sending it multiple times10:18
Drake|the 32 bit should be fine :)10:18
quickDrake : thank you very much . see u later10:19
quickDrake : thank you very much . see u later  cheers10:19
Drake|np =) nejoy10:19
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rugwirohello every one10:20
rugwirocan any body guide me ho to install ifolder on ubuntu?10:21
drake|server or client?10:22
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drake|rugwiro: there is a nice guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/iFolderInstall10:22
adam61hey, i just installed ubuntu 11.04; how do i adjust the display so that the windows aren't gigantic?10:22
drake|adam61:  System-> Administration-> Monitor10:23
drake|adam61: btw do you have nvidia or amd drivers?10:24
Flippo_hi ! is it possible to use the negation of if?? kind of "if not"?10:24
werdanithyou mean System->Preferences->Monitors10:24
drake|werdanith: yes.. :p10:24
werdanithFlippo_: what programming language? bash?10:27
Flippo_yep werdanith10:28
werdanithtry "!"10:28
A_I_this page is no longer up to date https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/Installation10:28
A_I_especially this : "There are two versions of VirtualBox available, the Open Source Edition and the free, but proprietary,"10:28
A_I_because of this : http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Editions10:29
A_I_which claims this : "With version 4.0, there is only one version any more, which is open source, and the closed-source components have been moved to a separate extension pack. "10:29
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cattyI have just installed ubuntu, now I want to download only the update packages without installation, so that I can reuse them on my future new installation. Can anyone guide me how to do this.10:34
james333jamesIs anybody here expert about proxies?10:35
szal!anyone | james333james10:35
ubottujames333james: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.10:35
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james333jamesubottu: i need to talk about proxies with somoeno expert cos i have few questions   1: does an elite proxy show your mac address?10:36
ubottujames333james: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:36
AlmehdiDoes somebody know of a way to integrate Google Calendar with the Gnome-shell clock applet without using Evolution?10:38
genupulasAlmehdi:  do u wish to move with thunderbird10:42
xiongI have often thought I'd rather get away from Evolution.10:43
xiongI don't see how Thunderbird could be worse.10:43
Almehdigenpulas: No am using Postler.. Evolution are to heavy and slow for me10:43
xiongBut everything I've looked up about migration looks... ugly.10:43
meryemhi everybody, i need to run script at boot with ubuntu 10.04, can someone help me please10:43
Almehdixiong: Thunderbird is better but not "that" much better... still heavy and ugly solutions10:44
xiongThere seems to be a fascination with big fat stuff.10:45
xiongVery un-*ix-like.10:45
AlmehdiThunderbird still use Evolution (evolution-data-server)10:45
Almehdixiong: Am with you there10:46
xiongWhat about migrating all my mailboxes and accounts from Evolution to Postler?10:46
xiongUm, there's also a question of the spam filter; I'll bet a dollar to a donut that that can't be migrated and a new Postler install will have to be retrained.10:47
Almehdiif you use gmail then imap is the solution...10:47
xiongNo, I have my own domains with their own mail servers.10:48
AlmehdiBut postler are veeeery far from having the same features as Evolution10:48
AlmehdiPostler are great for casual use..10:48
xiongI don't want the same features.10:48
xiongI was a longtime fan, on Mac 9 and under, of Eudora.10:49
BenBEHi, anyone here experience with kernel compilation? I tried compiling my own kernel from the vanilla sources (pulled from Linus, Git) and used the make deb-pkg command after setting up a config using make oldconfig v/ make localmodconfig / configuring my own stuff. Tried different configurations; all bootet and detected all the necessary things, but  they all kept mounting the root filesystem as read-only. Any idea what to try to fix this?10:49
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constlHas anyone tried to combine more than one pc to create a super computer based on ubuntu ?10:50
genupulasmeryem: Hey are you there ?10:50
jorekHello everyone!10:50
Almehdixiong: Well.. Postler is very bare compared to Evolution... wouldn't recommend if it is not for casual use10:50
g3orgeI can't make my Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machine to enable unity10:50
genupulasmeryem:  do you got the solution , else go with this http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/10:50
meryemyes genuplus10:50
g3orgedo you know why?10:50
g3orgewhat is unity needs?10:51
g3orgeI give it two threads of my i5, and 1GB of RAM10:51
genupulasmeryem:  i think you have the answer , right10:51
meryemi want to run a scipt to run at boot time in ubuntu 10.0410:51
meryemi put my script int /etc/init.d10:52
AlmehdiI am using Postler with cgmail notifier... i just miss the integration of calendar10:52
cattyhow can I do offline update in ubuntu10.0410:52
meryemthen i executed update-rc.d myscript defaults10:52
meryembut it didn't work10:52
meryemhave an idea how to make it work please10:53
genupulasmeryem: in the comments we have some more solutions10:53
meryemwhat do you mean by "comments"?10:54
jorekg3orge: do you have the right drivers installed? Unity needs 3D-Accelaration10:54
g3orgedon't know10:54
genupulasmeryem:  ok leave it , look at this http://pastebin.com/miZpHwRf10:54
g3orgeI'm on a 2011 MBP10:54
g3orgewhat do i have to do?10:54
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genupulasmeryem:       is it done ?10:56
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jorekg3orge: So... do you have the right drivers? Mainly for the graphics card. What is your graphics card?10:57
pratzhey guys i am using ubuntu and all my other team members are using windows, i need a lan messager to communicate with them, is there one ??10:58
g3orgejorek: don't know. I think it's intergrated to my CPU --> Intel10:59
SuperLagAnyone know hostapd well? I'm having trouble setting up my Ubuntu desktop as an AP. http://pastie.org/private/bxaaeyva8aonekla2ombnq is my hostapd.conf file. When I try to connect my iPhone to the wireless, it initially shows it as associated, then it says I have the password wrong... but I know I'm entering in the password correctly. I've even done a copy/paste.10:59
g3orgeI can run Windows Aero if it matters10:59
pratzany thing that i can send it to their terminal ??11:00
Drake|pratz: you mean like lync or more like "net send"?11:00
pratzsome thing like netsend11:00
jorekg3orge: Hm... Just for the record, if you don't have any graphics card, it's usually not on your CPU but on you mainboard, but that's a little bit off-topic11:01
pratzDrake|: exactly11:01
Drake|pratz:  have you tried smbclient -M hostname "message goes here"11:02
g3orgeIDK what do i have but I can run Portal very smoothly and Aero in windows virtual machine as well11:02
g3orgeso Unity needs more power11:02
Almehdig3orge: What errors do you get.. have you looked in the log? How far do you come?11:03
genupulasg3orge:  i think more support11:03
cattyhow can I download update once and can use it on more than one system.11:03
Drake|pratz: also LinPopUp is a fronted for smbclient -m11:03
g3orgeAlmehdi: it just doesn't run unity. and it gets me into the old mode: 10.1011:03
Almehdicatty: I think Synaptic will give you that option11:04
Drake|pratz: http://linpopup2.sourceforge.net/11:04
Almehdig3orge: Look in /home/.xsession-errors to see if you find anything strange... or put it on pastebin.com and i have look11:05
Almehdig3orge: But it is most likely something with your graph card support11:07
rzx237catty: copy the content of /var/cache/apt/archive/*.deb from one system to other you need to update (to the same directory of course), so you dont have to download all the deb file twice.11:07
g3orgeis there a command to enable unity11:08
g3orgebecause when I created the VM it hadn't much resourses11:09
shomonoh I thought you meant spiritually11:09
g3orgeso now I give it more of my CPU/RAM and maybe it;s still off11:09
Drake|g3orge: try this perhaps: http://ubuntu4beginners.blogspot.com/2011/04/missing-top-and-side-panels-in-unity.html11:10
Propelcan someone help me out. i can't get my headphones to work in ubuntu11:10
Drake|Propel: usb or jack headset?11:11
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Propeli installed ubuntu yesterday, and originally my Asus Xonar DG wasn't recognized by ubuntu, but after installing ASLA, my sound card finally worked11:11
g3orgeI need a command to see the error11:11
PropelDrake|, jack11:11
PropelDrake|, headphone jack11:12
Propelthey're sony headphones11:12
pratzDrake|: hey dude i get this error hi: Not enough '\' characters in service11:12
g3orgeoh it's probably the VM software11:12
Almehdig3orge: "gedit /home/.xsession-errors"11:12
pratzDrake|: when i try  smbclient hi -I ipaddress11:13
Propelmy headphones and jack were working fine in windows a day ago, so that shouldn't be an issue11:13
Drake|Propel: well if you do have sounds in speakers jack headsett should work..11:13
rcconfHow can I check USB transfer speed?11:13
cattyAlmehdi: I am trying "synaptic" but still not clear.11:13
rcconfim using u3-tool11:13
rcconfI would like to know the current speed transfer!11:14
rcconfit's slow.11:14
cattyrzx237: after copying the cache contents to other system, how will i install them.11:14
PropelDrake|, it's odd eh11:14
Propelcuz my speakers work fine11:14
Propeli tried tinkering with the settings, but still no success11:14
Drake|Propel: you are sure they are connected in the right jack? :p11:14
Almehdicatty: "sudo dpkg -i *.deb"11:14
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Propelfor instance, choosing input headphones 1 and 2, and still nothing11:14
Propelhaha, y es Drake|11:14
Propelfirst thing i checked :P11:14
cattyAlmehdi: will it automatically resolve dependencies.11:15
Almehdicatty: I think so.. have never had to do it myself. But if you install them on one system then the deps should have been downloaded too11:16
rcconfis there any tool to check USB trasnfer speed?11:16
genupulasmeryem:  test ?11:18
rzx237catty: sudo apt-get update (this will download the index so you still need internet connection), then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, as ussually11:18
szalrcconf: check?11:18
rcconfszal: yes. to see at which speed it's transfering files.11:18
OttifantSirHow, after having removed everything unity with Synaptic, do I now get rid of unity-window-decorator? I run classic, and when I go to fullscreen in any program, nothing is shown on the title bar position, except the title bar of the window behind.11:19
icerootrcconf: scp foo bar11:19
rcconfu3_cd_write() failed: Failed executing scsi command: Status (S:0x0,H:0x7,D:0x8)11:19
rcconfnow the issue is the size11:19
szaliceroot: why scp for USB devices?  thought that was for network transfer (SSH)11:19
icerootszal: because scp is showing the speed instead of cp11:20
rcconfyou have not read my earlier post.11:20
cattyrzx237: I want that I download update through "apt-get update" and can use the same on all my other systems.11:20
rcconfI am using u3-tool!11:20
rcconfto copy a file to the hidden partition of u3 pendrive11:20
szalnever heard of11:20
rcconfgoogle u3 :)11:21
rcconfit allows you to add software to pendrive11:21
rcconfprotect with password etc.11:21
rcconfbut you "cant" make it bootable.... you can if you use u3 tool :)11:21
rcconfI just wanted to know the transfer speed11:22
rzx237catty: yes, apt-get update will need internet connection on every machine, but apt-get upgrade won't (if you copy the all the update file from apt cache dir). I think this is what you need to update all you machine11:23
bolt12hi Everyone11:23
rcconfor when I use nautilus to copy a file to USB .. it shows the transfer speed11:23
rcconfbut id like to know it using terminal11:23
szal"Since the commands for controlling U3 devices aren't publicly available, we don't excatly know what we are doing." <- nice nice ^^11:23
MonkeyDustfolx, a superblock error when i try to mount an usb external hdd - i tried tune2fs - it worked before - hints & tips?11:23
rcconfszal: there are hacks for it, tools for windows and linux11:24
rcconfu3 "universal customizer"11:24
Drake|pratz:  you need to like this: smbclient -m \hostname\ mesage11:25
rcconfsudo u3-tool -p size-in-bytes /dev/sdX11:25
cattyrzx237: what is the difference between update and upgrade?11:26
bolt12could someone help me disable ssh reverse lookup11:26
rcconfsudo u3-tool -l /path/to/iso /dev/sdx11:26
pratzDrake|: thanks dude11:26
Drake|:) does it work?11:26
szalcatty: if you can read you have the advantage..11:26
rcconfhow can I know the transfer speed11:27
rcconfi only see the progress percentage11:27
cattyszal: ?11:27
rcconfanyway im gonna use the USB port from the back11:27
vqxwbolt12: http://www.yaleman.org/2007/12/09/ssh-reverse-dns-lookup-disable/ if that's what you want11:27
rcconfshould be faster11:27
Almehdicatty: update will check for new packages.. upgrade will download and upgrade them.11:28
gartralszal: i have a u3 contour that i stripped the u3 software off of in windows.11:28
Drake|bolt12:  if you edit you /etc/ssh/sshd_config you can add (or edit if alreddy there) "UseDNS no"11:28
cattyAlmehdi: ok, now I understood.11:28
g3orgehey I fixed it11:29
g3orgeThank you anyways11:29
cattyAlmehdi: Thanx11:29
rzx237catty: apt-get update show the latest update list from repository, apt-get upgrade download and install it.11:29
Propelheadphones still not working :/11:29
g3orgedo you know how to change the login password? ubuntu11:29
Almehdig3orge: What was the fault?11:29
cattyrzx237: what I know is "apt-get update" too download and install packages.11:29
g3orgeParalelles ---> no support11:29
g3orgeI install 2d unity11:30
rzx237catty: :)11:30
MonkeyDustg3orge: unity or gnome?11:30
Almehdig3orge: hehe ok11:30
g3orgeMonkeyDust: for password? unity11:30
rcconfi have type passwd without sudo but its asking to type lol11:30
MonkeyDustin gnome it's easy11:30
rcconfcurrent :911:31
szalnot that anyone needs U3, as it looks..11:31
g3orgein unity?11:31
Drake|Propel:  Not really sure.. youve checked the sound preferences to?  dont have a headset here so can't test11:31
rcconfszal: I can make it bootable and still use the second partition :)11:31
Propelyeah, Drake|, i messed about with a lot of settings11:31
Propelstill no success :/11:31
g3orgeI changed it with sudo passwd but it keeps asking the for the first one in the login screen11:31
cattycan we implement a yum like concept in apt [ubuntu]11:31
rcconfszal: it's useful for other things11:31
teddyroosebeltdoes finch run well on 11.04? ive been thinking about using it but was unsure. i think text based all-in-one im client would be useful :-)11:32
Propeli made sure the output was on headphones 1 and headphones2, but still no luck11:32
Propelunder headphones2, it just uses my speakers11:32
Propelunder headphones1, there's no sound in my headphones nor speakers11:32
Propelso odd11:32
nicofsIs there a way to play bluray in linux/ubuntu?11:33
rcconfim copying a 622MB .iso but it takes a lot of time. how can I check speed transfer11:33
szalnicofs: why, if you have a player you should be able to11:34
AlmehdiPropel: Have you tried "alsamixer -c 0" ?11:34
OttifantSirHow, after having removed everything unity with Synaptic, do I now get rid of unity-window-decorator? I run classic, and when I go to fullscreen in any program, nothing is shown on the title bar position, except the title bar of the window behind.11:34
Propeli don't think so, almehdi11:34
nicofsszal, i have a player, i inserted the bluray - but no application can play it...11:34
Propelrun that command line in terminal, Almehdi?11:34
OttifantSirnicofs: Have you tried VLC? I think it should be able to.11:35
AlmehdiPropel: Do so... you will have a lot of possible settings to do11:35
nicofsOttifantSir, with what mode? Open disc returns error11:35
=== Drake| is now known as drake|
qinnicofs: mplayer can, but not every encription11:36
OttifantSirnicofs: So it's a burned Blu-Ray that's left open for more files to be added later?11:36
g3orgepasswd don't work11:36
nicofsOttifantSir, original bluray... bought in a shop11:36
PropelAlmehdi, what exactly does your command do?11:36
Propeljust curious cuz i don't wanna fuck anything up lol11:36
nicofsqin, do i choose "open DVD"?11:36
MonkeyDustfolx,in unity,  what's the equivalent for gnome-panel/systray, where i can put shortcuts?11:36
qinnicofs: Read this carefully: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD (btw there is no system with full BD support)11:37
szalOttifantSir: is Blu-ray burning already available?11:37
Propeli used this page to install ASLA yesterday, Almehdi11:37
AlmehdiPropel: It will give you a mixer... so you could test different channels11:37
AlmehdiPropel: I am faaar from expert on this subject11:37
szalPropel: you don't need to _install_ ALSA since Pulse runs on top of it11:37
Propelhmmm... my sound card didn't work until i installed ALSA yesterday :/11:38
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.11:39
rcconf"Some users added pci=routeirq to the grub boot options and they got the USB 2.0 performance back. It helped some users, but another times it don't work, you can see it on the Ubuntuforums and Launchpad comments. " lol.11:39
OttifantSirszal: I figured it might be burned in Windows or Mac. And I HAVE seen (on GetDeb I think), tools to burn Blu-Ray11:39
rizzehrabby, hi11:40
rabbyhow to disable screen dimming?11:40
AlmehdiOttifantSir: Doesn't Nero for linux support blueray?11:40
rizzehdid you look at screensave options11:41
OttifantSirAhmedi: I don't know. Haven't used Nero for several years.11:41
rcconfNero for Linux?11:41
rabbywhen watching gnome-terminal window, the screen becomes worse lightened :-(11:41
AlmehdiOttifantSir: Me neither... but i think i remember it did11:41
szalrcconf: http://www.nero.com/enu/linux4.html11:41
nerdshellhow to install a precompiled binary please ?11:42
rabbyrizzeh: screensaver is inactive. this dimming started after upgrading to current ubuntu desktop.11:42
OttifantSirAhmedi: The website says it supports burning BD anyway11:42
PropelOK, i'm currently in the alsamixer11:42
Almehdinerdshell: "sudo dpkg -i <program>"11:42
Propelunder headphones, i get "<Headphones Imp>"11:43
Propelin red font11:43
OttifantSirHow, after having removed everything unity with Synaptic, do I now get rid of unity-window-decorator? I run classic, and when I go to fullscreen in any program, nothing is shown on the title bar position, except the title bar of the window behind.11:43
Propelit just doesn't recognize it at all11:43
qinrabby: in Power manager11:43
randomdudeIt's in this, guys11:43
nerdshellAlmehdi: dpkg -i is for .deb files no ?11:43
rcconfLinux 4 is the only application to offer blue laser data burning support, including support for Blu-ray Disc.11:43
OttifantSirnicofs: If you're still here, have you tried installing libbluray-bdj?11:43
rabbyqin: all power saving is inactive/set to "never"11:43
Almehdinerdshell: Do you ben .bin? I thought you meant *.deb... sorry11:43
nerdshellAlmehdi: NP11:44
nicofsOttifantSir, still here, reading through (and trying to understand) the link opsted above11:44
nerdshellhow to install a precompiled binary please ?11:44
OttifantSirnicofs: I saw it, just wanted to give you another alternative that MIGHT work11:44
qinrabby: There is also tick Dim Display when idle (are you Natty?)11:44
rizzehrabby, are talking about dim inactive windows option?11:45
rcconf"supported distros" Ubuntu 7.0411:45
Almehdinerdshell: what is the app? doesn't "./" work?11:45
rcconfnero linux 4 is for Ubuntu 7.04 or higher?11:45
=== drake| is now known as Drake|
phrozenwitam, jak najlepiej zrobić relację 2x ManyToMany field - muszę sobie porządkować zadania i chcę taki mały moduł do zarządzania projektami zrobić11:45
nicofsOttifantSir, thanks, but didn't change anything11:46
phrozenznalazłem coś takiego11:46
nerdshellAlmehdi: it's the firefox 4, if you donwload it from the site, you'll just have precompiled binaries11:46
szal!pl | phrozen11:46
ubottuphrozen: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:46
rabbyqin: natty, yes, but no dim option in power-settings.11:46
rcconf!cz ?11:46
ubotturcconf: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:46
rcconfyou are not11:46
Almehdinerdshell: use the PPA instead11:46
phrozenubottu soz not this channel :]11:46
ubottuphrozen: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:46
OttifantSirrcconf: (From the site) * Nero Linux 4 supports all higher versions of the above supported distributions11:46
rcconfah ok"* Nero Linux 4 supports all higher versions of the above supported distributions"11:46
rcconfOttifantSir: lol :)11:46
rabbyrizzeh: i don't know if there are more "features" for dimming. however, it only happens with gnome-terminal windows.11:47
AbTuXnerdshell, ./<package-name> will work i think , had you tried it?11:49
nerdshellAbTuX: no, I'm gonna try now11:49
rizzehrabby, http://tinyurl.com/5veza2m11:50
Almehdinerdshell: You do not get a binary from the page but a source package11:51
KonzaHi, Is there any method to allow only users of one group to use su command to become root, but other users can use su to switch to other users.11:51
Almehdinerdshell: Which means you will need to compile it11:51
nerdshellAlmehdi: no, I don't think so, there's no configuration script and no makefile11:52
llutzKonza: just don't give those users you don't want to become root the root-password11:52
Almehdinerdshell: It hasn't... just saw it was a tar.gz211:52
Konzallutz, if by chnce they get the root password then what will we do11:53
llutzKonza: if one has the root-pw, you're lost in any case11:53
rcconfdoes anyobody know why Mangler PPA is gone? http://ppa.launchpad.net/mangler/mangler/ubuntu11:53
nerdshellAlmehdi: it's a precompiled binary, I really think so11:53
Almehdinerdshell: Anyway... you will be better to use "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable"11:53
Konzallutz, so is there any other method to enforce security11:53
llutzKonza: yes, using sudo11:54
Almehdinerdshell: and the "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade"11:54
nerdshellAlmehdi: yes, that's what I did, bt still, I wanted to learn how to do, if sometime I get stuck with a binary11:54
Kartagis!find tcpdump11:54
ubottuFound: tcpdump11:54
guibouI'm trying to clean a bit my system, and I'm wondering two thing. a) How to list/uninstall all packages which are not in a know archive and b) how to list/uninstall all packages which are not from the main archive (ie, list all stuff from ppa ?)11:55
Konzallutz, i searched a lot for this using sudo, but what i need is every users are allowed to use su. but only one group can su root others can su !root11:55
llutzKonza: but even with sudo, you have to make sure that the passwords of the "admin group members" stay secret. if you spread your users/roots passwords, no security mean will help11:55
Almehdinerdshell: You where right.. it was a precompiled... just unpack it and ./firefox11:55
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nerdshellyes I tried it, and actually it works11:56
Almehdinerdshell: ;)11:56
nerdshellcan someone point me to a link showing how to create a bootable iso on a flash drive ?11:56
llutzKonza: as i said keep your root-pw secret and force your users not to publish it.11:57
Konzallutz, there is some method, i am sureabout it. bu i dont know how11:57
llutzKonza: maybe using pam and some rules-files, idk11:58
OttifantSirguibou: I have very limited experience with it, but ppa-purge should take care of your packages from ppas. Might want to try Bleachbit to see if that is helpful, or Ailurus. None of these are supported by Canonical afaik, so use at your own risk.11:59
ManiDhillonnerdshell: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/  It is also in Ubuntu repos11:59
nerdshellManiDhillon: thanks ;)11:59
Konzallutz, pam will allow one group to use su but it will not allow others to su !root11:59
ManiDhillonnerdshell: NP11:59
llutzKonza: thats why i wrote idk "I don't know" :)12:00
Konzallutz, :)12:00
rcconfimah test Nero Linux12:01
milliganCan I programatically change between my 4 virtual desktops?12:01
OttifantSirHow, after having removed everything unity with Synaptic, do I now get rid of unity-window-decorator? I run classic, and when I go to fullscreen in any program, nothing is shown on the title bar position, except the title bar of the window behind.12:01
AlmehdiOttifantSir: I am not sure but think it was application indicator or something similar12:02
PropelOK, an update on my headphone situation12:02
Propelturns out my headphones work, but only if i use the back speaker port12:03
Propelwhich are in use by my speakers12:03
OttifantSirAhmedi: ???12:03
Propelbut the front panel headphone jack doesn't appear to work12:03
OttifantSirPropel: It's a desktop?12:03
AlmehdiOttifantSir: indicator-application12:04
Propelyes, <OttifantSir12:04
OttifantSirPropel: If so, did the front-jack ever work? If you don't know, it might be that the front-jack isn't connected or connected properly.12:04
Propelyes, the front jack should be working, <OttifantSir12:05
Propeli installed ubuntu yesterday, and everything was working fine in windows12:05
Propeli'm using the asus xonar DG btw12:05
OttifantSirAhmedi: What about it? What does it have to do with anything?12:05
Propeland i have alsa installed and working, <OttifantSir12:05
AlmehdiOttifantSir: A library and indicator to take menus from applications and place them in the panel.12:05
OttifantSirAhmedi: I know what it is, but what is the significance to my situation?12:06
Alphadonkany help?12:06
AlmehdiOttifantSir: Ohh.. maybe i missunderstood your question12:06
AlmehdiOttifantSir: I thought you wanted to get rid of Global Menu12:07
OttifantSirAhmedi: I want to replace unity-windo-decorator with a decorator that doesn't "bleed through" the title bar of the window behind when I go to fullscreen12:07
Alphadonkis there a reason when trying to install ubutu my laptop can't find the kernel?12:07
gartralAlphadonk: how did you setup the partitions?12:08
AlmehdiOttifantSir: Sorry.. don't understand. Haven't been using Unity since some time now.12:08
AlphadonkI haven't got that far yet12:09
gartralAlphadonk: it cant find the kernel from the cd?12:09
cattyanyone knows how to configure apt-get so that it retreive packages from the Ubuntu DVD, instead of internet.12:09
szalAlphadonk: yes, you have, if you have installed Ubuntu12:10
OttifantSirAhmedi: I don't use it either, but unity-window-decorator is still the window decorator on my system, and it's not working, so how do I remove it? I've removed everything else connected to Unity, even sacrificing a few programs that are dependent on Unity for some reason.12:10
AlphadonkWhen I boot from the usb it loads the install screen and when I tell it to install it gives me an error something to the effect "can't find kernel"12:10
gartralAlphadonk: reboot and run the "test install cd" option12:11
AlphadonkI just redownloaded the file I'm hoping that will help12:11
AlphadonkI'm trying to do it by usb at the moment12:11
AlphadonkI'm going to try this again12:12
gartralAlphadonk: i gathered, but it still doesn't change how the option is listed12:12
albatrossenanyone got an idea on how to debug a system that is between "init" and "rc"?12:12
AlmehdiOttifantSir: I really don't know.. am on Gnome-shell. Have tried see in Compiz Config Settings?12:12
AlmehdiOttifantSir: Have YOU tried... should it say12:13
=== SikEnCide-fual is now known as newbKrawler
AlphadonkIt doesn't give me the test install cd option12:13
AlphadonkI was hoping this was a common problem with a common solution12:14
AlmehdiOttifantSir: I don't know if Classic use Compiz or GTK or what... as decorator12:14
Almehdicatty: you can chose the cd as source in Synaptic...12:15
AlphadonkI'll try and boot from cd12:16
Alphadonkvista is garbage12:16
cattyAlmehdi: ok, yes you r right, there is a "Add CDROM" option in synaptic12:17
szalAlphadonk: didn't we know that 4 years ago already? :P12:17
AlphadonkHow should I partition it?12:18
cattyAlphadonk: is there any CLI application similar to synaptic12:18
cattyAlphadonk: which one?12:18
AlphadonkThe disc is letting me install it but I have a feeling it's  going to give me some trouble12:18
szalcatty: apt{get|cache|file|pin|etc.}, aptitude12:18
AlmehdiAlphadonk: 10gb "/", Swap as you have RAM and the rest on /home12:19
cattyszal: no, i mean using which I can use ubuntu DVD12:19
* szal would recommend to bump the / space to 15 GB12:19
szalcatty: huh?12:19
Almehdiszal: Why? I have never come above 8gb12:20
cattyszal: :(12:20
osseHow can I stop the dekstop and panel from moving when switching walls with the Desktop wall plugin? I've done it before, but I can't remember how.12:20
szalAlmehdi: just for the sake of reserves12:21
* Alphadonk eureka12:21
Almehdiszal: :)12:21
ManiDhillonAnyone know how to create a custom Ubuntu install CD for mass installation?12:21
adam61hey, i just installed ubuntu 11.04 and can't seem to get any sound. I've tried a few things but no luck. any help would be greatly appreciated12:21
szalAlmehdi: and since with that setup /tmp is on the / partition, it's not unrealistic to run out of space if the partition is too small12:21
Alphadonkwarning file:///cdrom/pool/main/x/xfonts-terminus/console-terminus_4.30-2_all.deb was corrupt12:22
Alphadonkhmm fail12:22
ronr_hi everyone. I'm configuring an ubuntu box on ec2 and have a question regarding a mount point configuration.12:22
szalAlmehdi: imho, / should have enough space to take up the entire OS (excluding personal files) + space to grow over time + space to e.g. burn a DVD12:23
ronr_the first question is... do I edit the /etc/fstab file to permanently change the options of a specific mount point?12:23
Almehdiszal: The only time i needed above 10gb was when i decided to install an SDK... else i have had plenty of space12:24
szalAlmehdi: anyhoo, disk space is cheap, so no need to save on it ;)12:24
Almehdiszal: Nah... not if you like movies.. then the /home get filled up quickly ;)12:25
szalAlmehdi: that's another story since it's not OS-dependent :P12:26
Almehdiszal: Just got 200 Gb :)12:26
* szal has one 400 GB partition and running low on space on it12:27
szalgotta put some money aside to buy a bigger disk ^^12:27
Almehdiszal: Me too.... my worst partition was a /boot of 100Mb12:27
Almehdiszal: will never do that again ;)12:28
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szalthe average Joe Desktopuser doesn't need a separate /boot partition12:28
Almehdiszal: True... and 100Mb will force you to clean it from old kernels all the time. I did it when i was going to try BTRFS and Grub didn't support it then12:30
vqxwszal: Maybe not, but i would create one anyway, just make sure it's big enough. It's easier to create partitions before the installation than afterwards.12:31
=== quiesense is now known as quiescens
szalvqxw: sure that, but still I don't see much of a use for a /boot partition aside from server settings, encryption or LVM12:35
usr13I don't see why anyone needs more than 3 or 4 kernels.  (Actually, all you need is one.)12:35
nbourdeauIf someone can help: My Ubuntu 11.04 auto select my second monitor when I plug it in but with bad resolution and refresh so i cannot change it !! why it that so ?? can I clear something or disable something for it not doing so and let me choose the config !!!??12:35
usr13I have an overabundance at 4 kernels and my /boot is 61M12:36
Mr_Ohow do i change the computer name (i'm pretty sure i gave one at the install but it ended with a default name)12:36
Almehdiusr13: Yeah, but they stock up if you don't clean them manually...12:36
vqxwszal: Well it might be handy to have the boot loader installed on the /boot partition if multibooting12:36
nbourdeauMr_O: /etc/hostname12:37
usr13Oh, I know.  But I don't use separate /boot so.. not too  concerned.  Still don't see the need not to clean house.12:37
millohi, is this a good place to ask about wifi issues with 11.04?12:37
szalvqxw: in that case I more fear that the different boot menus are getting in each other's way12:37
Antwonis there any other way to change user's shell to /bin/false withoud manually editing /etc/passwd. I mean is there any command for that?12:37
szalvqxw: not to mention Grub1 vs. Grub212:37
vqxwSomeone should change the kernel installation routine so that no more than three kernels are installd at the same system12:37
Almehdiusr13: That was why i did not recommend a 100Mb one... as it could get filled up.12:38
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jattAntwon: usermod12:38
albatrossenI tried upgrading an Ubuntu on a test server from 8.04 to 11.04, but it left the system unbootable, the debug tools I do have tell me that init is running but no other processes, I have full access to all files on the system through a repair mode but could use any hints you might have - syslog contains no messages12:38
szalvqxw: iirc, you can configure that somewhere, at least I have seen such an option somewhere in the past12:38
Antwonjatt: thanks12:39
nesthibHi everyone! Since natty I cannot move the application buttons in the bottom panel (I'm not using unity) If someone has a solution :)12:39
MiLLoI'm unable to connect to wifi with 11.04 - It literally just stopped working one day - I turned lappy on, and it just tries to connect to wifi, then says Wireless Network Disconnected.  Anyone have any ideas why/solutions?12:40
usr13albatrossen: can you boot from boot disk and chroot over to the HDs root filesystem?12:41
Dr_WillisMiLLo:  if theres more then 1 kernel in the grub menu, try booting an older kernel and see if it works there.12:41
=== quiesense is now known as quiescens
szalalbatrossen: bad idea to jump numerous versions for an upgrade ^^12:42
MiLLoDr_Willis - I'll be honest, I'm VERY new to ubuntu, and I've not got a clue how to check kernal's etc.  I'm 99% positive I'm using GNOME if that makes a difference.12:42
nicofsTo compile a program, I need the destination to ssh files. The config assumes them to be in /usr/local/ssl/include - but that folder doesn't exist... any idea where i can find the folder?12:42
szal8.04 -> 10.04 would've been supported, I guess, then 10.04 -> 10.10 -> 11.0412:42
osseHow can I stop the dekstop and panel from moving when switching walls with the Desktop wall plugin? I've done it before, but I can't remember how.12:43
Dr_WillisMiLLo:  when you boot up. theres a list of ubuntu, and windows and so on. If there is more then 1 kernel installed they all should be shown in the list.  Newest one first.. try going down the list. You can skip the ones that have (recovery) in the names12:43
usr13szal: That is why it's not recommended prooceedure.  But albatrossen is doing it on a test server, so he is experimenting.12:43
Dr_WillisMiLLo:  the grub menu is the first thuing you see after the bios boots.12:43
szaltesting for the sake of it..  hmm.. ;)12:44
MiLLodr_Willis I only have Ubuntu installed - got totally sick of windows.  I turn on my laptop - and 30 seconds later it's booted straight to Ubuntu desktop12:44
Dr_WillisMiLLo:  grub is auto hideing.. tap/hold the shift key as it boots.12:44
* Dr_Willis hates grub auto hideing12:44
Dr_WillisMiLLo:  that will show the grub menu. or you can set it where it does not autohide12:45
* MiLLo starts to see light at the end of the tunnel12:45
Dr_WillisMiLLo:  this is just a basic test. IF the kernel update broke somthing.. then using the older jkernel 'should' work.. and point to some bug.12:45
simon_PLhow you guys do that: me does something...12:45
* Dr_Willis wonders what simon_PL is talking about12:45
* Dr_Willis goes /me does this12:45
MiLLook cool - so sorry to make this seem extremely hardwork.  I reboot, press shift - and then do what specifically?12:46
simon_PLexactly that12:46
MiLLoaww, we could have had fun with him then :P12:46
Dr_WillisMiLLo:  try the other Ubuntu entryes in the grub menu12:46
* MiLLo looks at simon from above.. and laughs evilly..12:46
vqxwDr_Willis: Yes grub auto hide is really stupid...  I would say that seeing the grub menu doesn't hurt the user experience. To the contrary when you need the grub menu you don't have to do "special stuff" like holding the shift key to see it12:46
* simon_PL laming around...12:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:46
bazhangvqxw, change the timeout then12:47
Dr_Willisvqxw:  i find to much stuff is done to make things 'better' for the 'idiot' user - that cause even more issues for  when you do need to trouble shoot things.12:47
MiLLocool - I'll probably be back in 5 minutes with further questions!12:47
simon_PLbazhang: thx12:47
Dr_WillisMy grub menu is shown for a big.. 5 sec. i think. :) so what.. heh.12:47
vqxwDr_Willis: Exactly12:47
vqxwbazhang: Allready done, no problems here12:47
Dr_WillisI would like to see them 'expand' the grub menu to include some basic rescue things.  But i guess thats whats recovery mode is for..12:48
Dr_Willisbut the user never even reelizes there is a recovery mode..12:48
nbourdeauAnyone got a clue from my screen problem ?12:48
MiLLoback in about 5 minutes. cya. thanks for help12:48
bazhangnbourdeau, with randr?12:48
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1212:49
Alphadonkno luck12:50
szalhow to turn on numlock on boot system-wide (i.e. independently of the DE/WM used)?12:50
lux_hi all12:50
lux_is there a way to keep the unity taskbar always open?12:50
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Dr_Willisluxx:   the compiz plugin settings has a option for that.12:51
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz12:51
nbourdeaui know of xrandr ... the problem is : when i plug in my second monitor, it automatically switch dispaly to it with bad resolution and refresh rate12:51
Dr_Willisinstall ccsm. check unity settings in ccsm12:51
nbourdeauso i cannot even use my console !!12:52
nbourdeauby the way12:52
nbourdeaui do not use unity12:52
nicofsHas someone any experience in getting bluray to work? I'm currently stuck with DumpHD which doesn't work...12:52
usr13szal: bios option12:52
bazhangnbourdeau, you are not leaving it attached, but doing so after the system has booted?12:52
luxxxit should be installed by default Dr_Willis !12:53
nbourdeauright now, my laptop is ok with the internal screen. but if i plug in my external monitor, the screen goes black and the display automatically switch to the external monitor12:54
szalusr13: sure?12:54
sss314Can I delete my swap partition?12:54
Dr_Willisluxxx:  theres only so much space on a 700mb cd..12:54
nbourdeaudon't know what to do then to correct screen settings ...12:54
usr13sss314: Why?12:54
sss314usr13, to make room for other partitions I need12:54
usr13sss314: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit   #Let's take a look12:55
llutzsss314: if you aren't using hibernation, you can. you always can add a swap-file too, if you need12:55
MatthiasHamburgnbourdeau: What have you tried yet? Most laptops have a key-combination on the keyboard to switch display settings. Then you could try display settings System->Administration->Display12:56
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millooook..  So, I pressed Tab saw the intiial bios start up screen, nothing like any kernal I could select.  and now my cursor no longer works.12:56
* millo is very sad12:56
=== millo is now known as MiLLo
usr13sss314: But swap is only going to give you a small amount of space.  There may be a better solution.  You may want to shrink some others by a little each.  May turn out to be a much better solution.12:57
vqxwnbourdeau: If you wabt to have a picture on both screens at the same time you might not be able to use the maximum screen resolution on both of them. You will most likely have to use the same resolution on both monitors. This is because of driver limitations12:57
usr13sss314: as llutz states, the short answer is yes you can.12:57
MiLLoDr_Willis - do you have an further ideas?  and how to fix my cursor dying?12:57
sss314usr13, Simply delete it?12:57
szalusr13: don't find a numlock setting in the BIOS12:58
usr13sss314: Yep12:58
sss314usr13, ok thanks12:58
usr13sss314: Is this a laptop?12:58
usr13llutz: He's gone, but just wanted to re-warn him not to use hibernate after deleting swap. Oh well.12:59
lolnetHi, I'm having an issue with cnetworkmanager. Using it just results in a traceback, and a dbus error about an unknown service.12:59
tic^!wifi | MiLLo12:59
ubottuMiLLo: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:59
MiLLooooh, thanks tic^13:00
llutzusr13: in that case, he'll be back "my hibernation broke, help!" :)13:00
Rockjubuntu classic, what is the default shortcut for maximizing windows? before I could use  alt+space+x ..13:00
usr13MiLLo: Did you try a different kernel?13:00
MiLLoI couldn't select any usr1313:00
Rockjand is there any reason for why emerald --replace  segfaults?13:00
usr13MiLLo: Older kernel?  Why couldn't  you ?13:00
usr13MiLLo: Could't get into grub menu?13:01
MiLLoI pressed tab - it just showed me my bios boot screen - how many processors etc. Ram.  then booted up and now my cursor has died13:01
nbourdeaui don't want to mirror screens. the key combination on the keyboard did anything.13:01
usr13MiLLo:  I think you just use the down arrow to down the list.13:01
osseI found out how to stop the wallpaper from sliding when switching workspaces with the desktop wall. Maybe someone is interested?13:01
usr13MiLLo: Did you see options for other kernels?13:02
konrGuys, can you answer my anonymous form for a reading-related non-profit project? Shouldn't take more than 3 minutes: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEZjc2JOMzIzVlNzcWlwOE1za3hBTVE6MQ13:02
nbourdeaui want a dual screen setup. it works before ... then this morning not!!13:02
usr13MiLLo: Ad Dr_Willis suggests,  you should try an older kernel first, (the next one down).13:02
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MiLLothere wasn't really any list - it just showed me how many processors, Ram, CD drives etc.13:03
Dr_WillisYou hit the tab after the bios is done.. :) you may need to tap it like a tapdancer..13:03
MiLLothen within seconds it'd booted13:03
MiLLoI tried that the first few times - nothing happened, just booted13:03
Dr_WillisMiLLo:  Or just disable the lame hidden grub feture in /etc/default/grub13:03
FloodBot1Dr_Willis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:04
MiLLohow do I load terminal with no mouse - just keyboard?13:04
Dr_Willisin that file. change those lines (i think) and rerun sudo update-grub   Then you should always see the grub menu13:04
usr13MiLLo: I think it's Esc or Shift to get to grub menu.  Right?  Hold Esc while booting.13:04
OttifantSirHow, after having removed everything unity with Synaptic, do I now get rid of unity-window-decorator? I run classic, and when I go to fullscreen in any program, nothing is shown on the title bar position, except the title bar of the window behind.13:04
Dr_WillisOttifantSir:  run the gnome-window-decorator instead perhaps..13:05
MatthiasHamburgnbourdeau: Try to change the display settings ... System->Administration->... or something like that (don't have an english ubuntu on hand)13:05
Dr_WillisI think thats its name. or was it gtk-window-decorator13:05
Dr_Willisits 'gtk-window-decorator'13:05
OttifantSirDr_Willis: And how do I do that? In CCSM I've got /usr/bin/compiz-decorator in Window Decorations, but unity-window-decorator is loaded regardless13:06
ouyeshi all I will receive a thinkpad x201 in 3 days, I am just wondering which version of ubuntu should I install, 10.04.2  11.04? I find quite a lot of people saying there is problem when install 10.04 to x201, so what is your suggestion13:06
Dr_WillisOttifantSir:  no idea. You could install/use the fusion-icon program13:06
Dr_Willisfor all i know unity-window-decorator is just an alias to the gtk-window-decorator13:07
OttifantSirDr_Willis: And what good would that do me? It's just to switch Compiz/effects on or off isn't it?13:07
usr13ouyes: If I were you,  I'd have both on hand and try 11.04 first.13:07
Dr_WillisOttifantSir:  fusion icon has other settings13:08
millook, I've spammed it throughout boot - I can't see any grub menu for me to select anything13:08
Dr_WillisOttifantSir:  one of which is to select what 'decorator' to use.13:08
ouyesusr13, ubuntu 11.04 is quite different from its old brothers13:08
usr13ouyes: Yep.13:09
teddyroosebeltis fluendo mp3 codecs the best to use with ubuntu for mp3 support?13:09
Dr_Willismillo:  edit your /etc/default/grub and force grub to show up.13:09
bazhangteddyroosebelt, ubuntu-restricted-extras is all that is necessary13:09
usr13ouyes: But can be modified to be more like one of it's older broters.13:09
teddyroosebeltbazhang, much appreciated13:09
nbourdeauI know of System => Preference => Monitors .... I cannot open it when my screen goes black !!13:10
OttifantSirDr_Willis: I saw that in Synaptic just now. But why would the Window Decorations module of Compiz not load the decorator I specify when I kill unity-window-decorator? It says that it will start that decorator if no other is running, but it's still unity-window-decorator starting every time.13:10
falafellis there an AIO dvd iso for 11.04 or something?13:10
ouyesusr13, since the x201 is quite much like a netbook so I think maybe I should use 10.04 netbook or use 11.04 xfce13:10
bazhangouyes, thinkwiki may have more info13:10
bazhangfalafell, whats AIO13:11
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falafellall versions in one installer13:11
bazhangfalafell, not that I know of, no.13:11
ouyesbazhang, you are always kind to people13:11
nbourdeauok I managed to resolve my problem. for sharing here is what i did : 1) prepare this line in the console : xrandr --output VGA1 --off --output LVDS1 --auto 2) plug in the external monitor 3) press enter when the screen goes fuzzy 4) then i was able to set configuration correctly13:11
usr13What was the netbook install called??? Can't remember?13:11
falafellhmm i just hooked up a cdrom drive, tried to install from alternate cd, but about 60% it asks for the normal amd64 cdrom13:11
nicofsHas someone any experience in getting bluray to work? I'm currently stuck with DumpHD which doesn't work... I just want to watch the br i just purchased...13:11
bazhangusr13, une but its gone now13:11
nbourdeauit seems that gnome-display-properties automatically selects bad refresh rate ...13:12
ubottuStarting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.13:12
usr13bazhang: Thanks, that is what I wanted ouyes to see.13:12
yannskihi there13:12
yannskiit possible to ask some questions here about gnome3 ppa ?13:13
ouyesusr13, bazhang thanks to both of you, ubuntu 11.04 is amazing , so beautiful, I am now running it13:13
bazhangyannski, its unsupported here13:13
usr13ouyes: YOu could have 10.04 une on hand if you like, it's an option.13:13
yannskibazhang: that's what I thought :' thx13:13
bazhangyannski, contact the maintainer is your best bet13:13
bazhangnicofs, to work? you want to run it from dvd player or rip it. mplayer has had bluray support for a while now13:14
nicofsbazhang, currently, i don't want to rip - watching will do - but i can't open it with mplayer (or i am too stupid)...13:15
ahmaWhat is the command for set ubuntu not to ask password when I log in? (turn on the computer)13:15
bazhangahma, set it to auto-login?13:15
mrvhello people13:16
ahmabazhang, but how?13:16
bazhangahma, not in users&groups ?13:16
edbianahma: It's in gdmsetup  if you're looking for a gui way13:16
mrvmay i ask your help about a bad overheating issue?13:17
ahmabazhang, but I want command13:17
bazhangahma, no idea then13:17
edbianmrv: yes13:19
jason888hi, everyone.13:21
edbianjason888: Only me here it seems :)13:21
mrvmy gpu is constantly overheating, with an average temperature between 90 and 105 celsius after 10 minutes of work - and for work i mean browsing, because flash apps and videos are freezing from the start13:21
ylmfoswhat's the meaning13:21
nagg1Hi, I'm having an issue with cnetworkmanager. Using it just results in a traceback, and a dbus error about an unknown service. Does anyone know what is going wrong?13:21
bazhangylmfos, ubuntu support13:21
ylmfosi'm a new comer13:21
edbianmrv: Is the fan spinning?13:21
bazhang!cn | ylmfos13:21
ubottuylmfos: å¦‚ę¬²ē²å¾—äø­ę–‡ēš„協助ļ¼Œč«‹č¼øå…„ /join #ubuntu-cn态/join #ubuntu-tw ꈖ /join #ubuntu-hk怂13:21
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mrvi also know there's a bios update for my hp notebook13:22
edbianmrv: What card is it?  Does this happen with other OSs ?13:22
ahmaWhat is the command for set ubuntu not to ask password when I log in? (when turn on the computer) I need a command way because from "users and group" option seems not to work13:22
mrvwhich improves the fan usage13:22
bazhangylmfos, hi13:22
ylmfoscan you hear me13:22
mrvthe card is nvidia geforce gt230m13:22
ylmfos /join #ubuntu-cn13:22
jason888ubuntu 11.04 can support x220?13:22
bazhangylmfos, ubuntu support question?13:23
mrvand i don't know about other os, cause i just have ubuntu on this machine13:23
mrvalso my other hp pc with windows vista overheats, but i will first try the bios update thing since in windows it's much more easy13:24
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mrvi was thinking about opening the case and cleaning the fan13:24
mrvand i definitely will do it soon13:24
Travis-42I have an encrypted home folder in case my laptop gets stolen, but I'd like to have a separate encrypted folder that requires a password different from my login for more sensitive things like financial documents. Anyone know how I would do this?13:24
mrvbut i guess it will not solve the issue13:25
nagg1mrv: HP laptops have a reputation for overheating13:25
nagg1mrv: may be the manufacturer's fault13:25
mrvi heard about it...13:25
mrvbut there is another thing13:25
mrvjockey-gtk tells me that the nvidia proprietary driver is installed but not in use13:26
mrvand i don't know how to enable it13:26
ikoniamrv: enable it then13:26
HappyHowardmrv, I get the same13:26
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HappyHowardBut unity runs which means it really is enabled(?)13:27
mrvunity runs13:27
mrvand unity compatibility is ok13:27
HappyHowardAnd unity can't run without hardware accel13:27
nagg1Hi, I'm having an issue with cnetworkmanager. Using it just results in a traceback, and a dbus error about an unknown service. Does anyone know what is going wrong?13:28
HappyHowardI think it's just a presentation issue, but im not sure.13:28
doc`Hi, Im wondering how to mount an iso and then running a install file on it?13:28
mrvuntil i had maverick or karmic installed i hadn't such serious overheating issues13:28
edbianHappyHoward: To see what is running type ps -e in a terminal13:28
HappyHowardOh I wasn't asking :) but thx anyway13:29
mrvnow i wonder how long my pc will continue operating until everything will burn like a pile of old leafs13:29
edbiandoc`: sudo mount -t iso9660 /path/to/iso /path/to/folder13:29
edbianHappyHoward: :)13:29
teddyroosebeltTravis-42, truecrypt will work just fine for that13:30
edbianmrv: I think the shutting off is protecting you but it's obviously not a good thing to be happening13:30
teddyroosebeltTravis-42, that*13:30
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mrvi think that upgrading the bios on an ubuntu only machine is far beyond my skills so i wont take such a risk13:32
mrvbut i was wondering if maybe the driver issue can help13:33
mrvmaybe i can remove the nvidia driver and try to reinstall it13:33
mrvany idea?13:34
nagg1mrv: reinstall nvidia-common13:34
Dr_Willisbeen having lots of crashing on 11.04 here last day or so.. getting annoying13:34
HappyHowardI have a question regarding an installation problem. The installation works until it's time to write grub to the MBR. I then get an error message saying that step failed. I ended up having to start a live CD and fix my MBR from there. This has happened on 10.10 and now 11.04.13:34
Dr_Willistotal system crash/lockup. even ssh service goes down. :(13:34
mrvnagg1: just nvidia-common or also nvidia-setting?13:35
Dr_WillisHappyHoward:  double check the bios, make sure theres no anti-virus protedtion enabled. with out some detailed grub logs - it may be hard to tell whats wriong in teh installers13:35
nagg1HappyHoward: did you make sure you had a fresh mbr before trying to install grub?13:36
Travis-42teddyroosebelt, I guess I could use truecrypt for that, I do slightly prefer the integration of ecryptfs, however13:36
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HappyHowardNo I had linux mint on it before. After failing to install ubuntu 10.10 I installed Linux mint instead.13:36
ufki have ubuntu installed on an ec2 server on amazon. after i did an upgrade to the release sudo -s requests a password. what's the default password ?13:37
HappyHowardnaggi: What do you mean a fresh mbr? What should I do before a new install?13:38
nagg1HappyHoward: I say that because my grub install kept failing when I was trying to install 11.0413:38
HappyHowardDid you solve it the same way I did?13:38
nagg1HappyHoward: then instead of just redoing the partitioning, i redid the mbr as well13:38
nagg1HappyHoward: then instead of just redoing the partitioning, i redid the mbr as wel13:38
nagg1HappyHoward: and then it worked13:39
HappyHowardnagg1:Ok, is that an option in the installer?13:39
nagg1HappyHoward: just FYI wiping the mbr will destroy all data on the entire disk13:40
nagg1HappyHoward: and yes it probably is. i don't use the regular installer though, I was using the netinstall.13:40
HappyHowardnagg1: Ok13:40
nagg1HappyHoward: if you want a standalone liveCD partitioner, the gparted liveCD works well. just mentioning, if the vanilla ubu installer doesn't have it13:41
milloHi again..  I'm still having issues with my WIFI connecting.  I've just tried setting hwwep=0 and rebooting, but still no luck.  I've also been told that formatting will not solve the issue either.  any ideas?13:41
HappyHowardnagg1: Ok thx13:41
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HappyHowardnagg1: Are you sure wiping MBR destroys all data on the disk? The partitions should still be there??13:42
nagg1HappyHoward: wiping the mbr will kill everything. nothing will be left.13:43
Nexos999My X.org server displays a black screen due to a misbehaving application (which has terminated). Is there a way to restore the original display without killing the server?13:43
nagg1HappyHoward: obviously you can then create new partitions on the disk afterward13:43
HappyHowardnagg1: yeah. ok.13:45
constlWhat's the most efficient way to partition a HDD running only ubuntu natty to provide optimum performance? filesystem? ext3 or ex4 or something else, separate /boot ? /swap?13:45
nagg1I'm having an issue with cnetworkmanager. Using it just results in a traceback, and a dbus error about an unknown service. Does anyone know what is going wrong? nm-applet seems to have issues also, saying that due to security policies it's not allowed to own the service.13:45
atlefconstl,  ext4 / swap /home i would say13:46
Nexos999constl: if you want max performance, you can also use ext2, at the expense of no journaling13:46
MiLLoI've just done a test - my Wifi connects to BTOpenZone, I can connect via wired connection to my router/network, I just can't connect wirelessly to it.  Very weird13:47
LigthertNexos999: I just came in and am rudely interjecting, but ext2's speed came from the async mount option that used to be an obligatory mount option.13:47
LigthertNexos999: It did funky stuff with webservers in clusters and sessions :s13:48
ufkdoes the default ubuntu user has a default password of some sort?13:48
Nexos999Ligthert: well IIRC you could use a sync param in fstav13:49
Mr_Oi just installed 11.04 on my acer aspire 1830T. everything but the wifi works fine. wifi led is off and fn+f2 does not work.13:49
LigthertNexos999: but it got most of the performance out of the fact it was mounted as async iirc.13:49
Nexos999Ligthert: Didn't use ext2 for ages TBH. Have waited way too much waiting for e2fsck to finish13:50
Mr_Ois there any command like tool to force wifi activation ,13:50
LigthertNexos999: I did see a few hosts with FS mounted async recently.. strange errors on webservers... very strange errors..13:51
MiLLomr_o i'm having sorta similar issues13:51
MiLLois there not a switch on the actual laptop to turn on WIFI13:51
Mr_OMiLLo: there's no physical button to turn wifi on/off on the aspire 1830T13:52
MiLLooh.. ok..13:52
Travis-42How do the new scrollbars in 11.04 work? I can't  seem to use them -- when I move my mouse over it, it disappears13:53
marieabsolute beginner here, installed ubuntu 11.04 on all my PC's at home and I need some help with networking and filesharing13:53
soadkombuchaMy integrated webcam/microphone is showing up as devices, but the camera won't accept input, and the microphone won't accept any input. Any one have any ideas?13:53
MiLLoah - Mr_O If you right click on Network Manager, and set enable WIFI - try that13:53
MiLLoor Enable wireless even13:54
andeeeukhey everyone13:54
ouyesxfce gnome unify? what is the differences among the three?13:54
MiLLohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Aspire1830T Mr_O13:54
andeeeukdoes anyone know a good screen recorder13:54
andeeeuki have used a few but they are jittery for some reason13:54
BluesKajHi folks13:55
szalnot enough processing power most likely13:55
Almehdiyannski: If you still here... what was it you wanted to know about Gnome3?13:55
andeeeukszal: was this derected to me?13:56
Almehdimarie: Start looking at Samba13:57
marieok, thank you13:57
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Almehdimarie: Altough i prefer SSH when it comes to send files and run remote13:58
andeeeuki would of thought screen recorders would record reasonably well at low resolution13:58
mariewhich is more secure?13:58
andeeeukand wouldnt think it would take up too much processing power13:58
MiLLodid anyone have any suggestions to my WIFI issue?  just tries to connect to my wireless network at home and seems to timeout saying "Wireless Network Disconnected"13:59
Almehdimarie: SSH i believe... haven't used Samba so much that i comfortable can say much of it.13:59
soadkombuchaMiLLo, what's the card?13:59
v4nelleguys i have a custom ubuntu installation.can i upgrade via apt-get dist-upgrade without installing unwanted apps of ubuntu?or this is not the recommended way13:59
soadkombuchaI'm so glad I don't have WiFi issues now that the RTL8192SE drivers are integrated into the kernel.13:59
andeeeukhas anyone got a screen recorder working really well on linux14:00
soyoMiLLo: Do you have the correct IPv4 (or IPv6) settings?14:00
soadkombuchaMiLLo, Realtek offers linux drivers... you can try compiling them from source?14:00
marieall I want to do is share music, docs and photos on my home network14:00
MiLLoI think so soyo14:00
andeeeukand if so what would you recomend?14:00
marieand maybe video when I get around to it14:00
Almehdimarie: SSH and SSHFS are really easy to use and will work everywhere with a minimal of setup...14:00
MiLLosoadkombuncha - I'm REALLY new to ubuntu - I never ever had WIFI issues, then I just turned on laptop one day - this issue happened and it's not worked since14:00
MiLLoeverytime I try to do an update - wired it says I have no interenet connections14:01
soadkombuchaIf it's an RTL8191SE or RTL8192SE... I've seen a lot of problems.. I had a lot of them... But I don't know what to do.14:01
Almehdimarie: Then look at SSHFS14:01
soadkombuchaMy integrated webcam/microphone is showing up as devices, but the camera won't accept input, and the microphone won't accept any input. Any one have any ideas?14:01
MiLLoi think it's the second one of them14:01
andeeeukany responses would be great :)14:01
SuperEDGrande Ć© a luta14:01
marieAlmehdi  ok I will go have a look14:01
soyoMiLLo: When you update you can choose to keep the old config file, but that's ok you can reenter the info.14:01
Almehdimarie: VLC could stream your video too14:02
MiLLowhere would you recommend me going soyo - to realtek's website?14:02
kruxso i cant use emerald borders with unity ?..14:02
andeeeukscreen reader, anyone used one before?!?!14:02
soyoMiLLo: Are you missing a driver or are you just not connecting?14:02
andeeeukscreen recorder i mean?14:02
marieAlmehdi Thank you very much for your help....stay connected please I may be with more questions...lol14:03
Pici!screncast | andeeeuk14:03
Pici!screencast | andeeeuk14:03
ubottuandeeeuk: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.14:03
praveen_andeeuk, i have used gtkrecordmydesktop for recording my screens14:03
MiLLoI'm not quite sure Soyo - I've tried connecting to BTOpenZone - and apart from signing in - it seemed to connect.  but my specific home wireless network - I can only connect wired.  No other computer/laptop (all windows) have any problems at all.14:03
andeeeukthanks everyone, thats really good14:03
Almehdimarie: SSH and SCP will allow you to control your computers remotely... but they are terminal based.14:04
andeeeuki have used recordmydesktop and its always jittery14:04
MiLLonot even 100% sure how to find out what my specific wireless card is on ubuntu either14:04
soyoMiLLo: OK so your driver is working. You just do not have one of the settings for your home correct14:04
OttifantSirWhich file do I need to edit from CLI to set the window decorator in Compiz? I tried using compiz-decorator --replace as command, and when I try to log back in, my desktop isn't showing anymore, it just keeps loading forever.14:04
mariewhat is terminal based?...excuse my ignorance14:04
roarkewhats the support # for openSUSE?14:04
Piciroarke: Likely in #opensuse14:05
MiLLosoyo - I've no idea what's wrong, I never changed anything and it stopped working - I've tried resetting up many times - it still won't work, and I've never had any issues connecting before when I first used ubuntu.14:05
praveen_andeeuk, for me it worked fine..you can look for some other applications as pici has suggested14:05
hserittI've downloaded ubuntu  and installed it on to a windows partition. After i installed it, i notice that when i try to ssh to a server on the network i get this error: debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP14:05
hserittRead from socket failed: Connection reset by peer14:05
Almehdimarie: We are all new at some point... Terminal is a text based app14:05
soyoMiLLo: Can you right click the wireless icon and go down to edit connections? If so find your SSID of your home network and verify that you have the correct IPv4 settings that match your router.14:05
hserittfor some reason im not able to log in to a box onto a network although i can ping it.14:05
MiLLoit is BtHomeHub 2.0 (black box) if that helps.14:05
Almehdimarie: If you press ctrl+alt+t you will open the terminal14:05
roarkePici:thnx il try that,14:05
soyohseritt: When you ping it are you pinging it on the port you are trying to connect on?14:06
hserittsure i can try that14:06
Almehdimarie: you will need to install a ssh server on all the computers you want to be able to log in on14:06
mateuszjest jakiś polak??14:06
Pici!pl | mateusz14:06
ubottumateusz: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.14:06
soyoMiLLo: Select BtHome then and check to see that the settings match the settings in your router14:06
hserittsoyo yes i can run a telnet to it. so i know it's open14:07
Almehdimarie: and then you could just write "ssh user@ip-number" to log in on one of the computers14:07
soyohseritt: My guess would be authentication problem then, have you checked the error logs?14:07
MiLLowhere would I find those settings Soyo - sorry for sounding really retarded here.14:07
MiLLo(the router settings - not what I have now)14:07
marieAlmehdi.....which software do I download ?14:07
soyoMiLLo: Are you using Desktop, Netbook, or Command-Line?14:07
hserittsoyo no i dont even get a password prompt. there is no issue with authentication.14:08
soadkombuchasoyo... Do you have any idea what would cause a mic to recognize as input but not accept input?14:08
Almehdimarie: OpenSSH client and server14:08
MiLLosoyo - I'm on 11.04 so desktop I'd imagine14:08
soyoMiLLo: oh the router sorry you have to login to the router14:08
hserittsoyo, and actually in my error message this is what i see: debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP14:08
hserittRead from socket failed: Connection reset by peer14:08
OttifantSirWhich file do I need to edit from CLI to set the window decorator in Compiz' Window Decorations module? I tried using compiz-decorator --replace as command, and when I try to log back in, my desktop isn't showing anymore, it just keeps loading forever.14:08
Almehdimarie: scp is to send and retrieve files14:08
hserittsoyo i did this with ssh -vvv ... i only get this with ubuntu14:08
soyoMiLLo: Usually it is done by typing the IP addy of the router into your web browser14:08
mariefrom synaptic14:08
MiLLosoyo - at the risk of being smacked on the head, I don't have the account details - it's at home, and my dad doesn't like me having access - bit of a powertrip with him14:08
Almehdimarie: yes14:08
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soyohseritt: Are you connecting with SSH2 or SSH?14:09
hserittsoyo, i can connect with redhat and windows to these servers - as they are also installed on this same laptop14:09
MiLLo(ironicaly I'm 23 years old, and far more pc literate than him - probably hence the powertrip)14:09
marieAlmehdi   Thank you again14:09
hserittsoyo, OpenSSH_5.8p1 Debian-1ubuntu3, OpenSSL 0.9.8o 01 Jun 201014:09
Almehdimarie: The nice thing is that you could easily have a graphical view of your remote computer too through VNC if you are unfamiliar with the text based terminal14:10
MiLLosoyo - if it helps - I can get access to windows based laptops and copy settings from there?14:11
soyoMiLLo: Its probably something like either or or Should be the begining or end of your IP range unless he changed the default14:11
soyoMiLLo: That works too14:11
hserittsoyo why only on ubuntu i cant connect via ssh?14:11
MiLLook, i'll be back in 20 seconds14:11
marieAlmehdi why didnā€™t all that install when I upgrade to 11.0414:11
soyoMiLLo: Just keep in mind your IP must be unique but the netmask and gateway should be the same. DNS can be the same or you can use different DNS if you choose14:12
Almehdimarie: to send a file you just write "scp /file/to/send.txt   user@ip-number:/place/on/other/computer/"14:12
hserittstarting to wonder if ubuntu is shitware... good for home but lousy for enterprise14:12
soyohseritt: I think you need to try with SSH2 instead of SSH14:12
Picihseritt: Please mind your language here.14:12
hserittsoyo, umm i am using the ssh that comes with the install14:12
OttifantSirWhich file do I need to edit from CLI to set the window decorator in Compiz? I tried using compiz-decorator --replace as command, and when I try to log back in, my desktop isn't showing anymore, it just keeps loading forever.14:12
marieseems an awful lot to do to share14:13
StRHi everyone!14:13
soyohseritt: but the error message said it was expecting SSH2 no?14:13
Almehdimarie: Cause it you might not use it... the client is installed per default but not the server if i remember correct14:13
akkwhats going on?14:13
hserittsoyo, how would i use ssh2 instead then?14:13
MiLLosoyo - right i have my bro's laptop on windows wireless - same network.  do you have any idea where I go on windows 7 to get the ipv4 information? and your multitasking is super impressive btw - thanks for the help14:13
mariebut will need to do it I suppose.....lol14:13
StRI just switched to 11.04.  How can I enable compiz or configure compiz nere in "unity'?14:13
hserittsoyo, i am doing: ssh [username]@[server]14:13
marieI moved to ubuntu because I hate Windows so much14:14
hserittsoyo, and why doesnt ubuntu come default with ssh2 instead of ssh?14:14
Almehdimarie: Well.. SSH is not for everyone. It's just that i prefer it most.14:14
marieAlmehdi I wiil give it a try14:15
OttifantSirWhich file do I need to edit from CLI to set the window decorator in Compiz' Window Decorations module? I tried using compiz-decorator --replace as command, and when I try to log back in, my desktop isn't showing anymore, it just keeps loading forever.14:15
Almehdimarie: It has very easy commands that you learn quickly14:15
soyohseritt: I don't know. But I am sure you can get it from the repository14:15
ruansomething wierd just happened.. X failed to start, and when i chose "restart X" it started GDM, then when i pressed tty1 it went to KDM, i logged in and now i have 2 cursors14:15
Almehdimarie: When you have you will be able to connect to your computer from anywhere.. even an Windows computer14:15
soyoMiLLo: Thanks, and I do not know Windows 7 well but it is probably in control panel or my network places14:16
ruanis there a way i could kill the other cursor?14:16
Picisoyo, hseritt: ssh supports ssh1 and ssh2. Theres no need to install a different package.14:16
marieAlmedhdi.....don't speak about windows.....lol14:16
Almehdimarie: I for instance are moving files between my telephone and computer this way.14:16
MiLLosoyo - I've got a list that says ipv4 address, ipv4 subnet mask, ipv4 default gateway etc.14:16
Alphadonkdon't want to speak too soon but looks like I have linux installing14:17
Almehdimare: ohh... sorry ;)14:17
praveen_str,  http://soumalyaray.blogspot.com/2011/04/how-to-enable-cube-in-compiz-with.html14:17
Alphadonkbooted right up14:17
AlphadonkOnly took me 6+ hours14:17
MiLLosoyo - but apart from the subnet mask and last part of the address - they're all exactly the same14:17
soadkombuchadefault gateway...14:17
marieAlmehdi:  WOW14:17
StRpraveen_,  THANK YOU! I'm reading it14:17
soadkombuchaMiLLo, default gateway is what you want.14:17
MiLLoawesome  -  how exactly on ubuntu do I enter it?14:18
soyoMiLLo: OK so that is good then. From one of the computers on the network can you use the web browser to connect to the gateway IP?14:18
praveen_str , but it is better not to enable it...it is not stable in unity till now14:18
nagg1I'm having an issue with cnetworkmanager. Using it just results in a traceback, and a dbus error about an unknown service. Does anyone know what is going wrong? nm-applet seems to have issues also, saying that due to security policies it's not allowed to own the service.14:18
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
MiLLosigh, firefox has chosen this moment to auto update - 1 moment.14:18
OttifantSirWhich file do I need to edit from CLI to set the window decorator in Compiz' Window Decorations module? I tried using compiz-decorator --replace as command, and when I try to log back in, my desktop isn't showing anymore, it just keeps loading forever.14:19
StRpraveen_, I need my zoom back,  the super+scroll14:19
soyoMiLLo: I am here till 3pm (off and on)14:19
soadkombuchanagg1, what happens if you open your terminal and type "killall nm-apple && nm-applet"... Don't do it if you're currently on ubuntu14:19
soadkombuchakillall nm-applet && nm-applet actually14:20
MiLLosoyo - ok it's taken me to bt homehub homepage14:20
hserittsoyo hey i changed my client config to use Protocol 2 and it still does the same thing14:20
StRpraveen_, I see what you meant14:20
marieAlmehdi: I will be back later14:20
Almehdimarie: When we are at it i would also recommend no-ip.org. It is a dynamic ip service. It will allow you to make a easy ip for your computer.. like.. marie.no-ip.org or similar14:20
soyohseritt: Same error?14:20
hserittsoyo, yes14:20
Almehdimarie: install noip2 from synaptic14:20
MiLLosoyo - note without resetting to default (don't want to have to do) i doubt i'll be able to log into any settings etc.14:20
Almehdimarie: and make an account at www.no-ip.org14:21
Almehdimarie: just give me a pling... hopefully i am here14:21
hserittis there anyone here who has any real world openssh experience?14:21
soyoMiLLo: OK now check to make sure you have the correct wireless password (do not post it here obviously) and that if it does require mac address authentication that your mac address is on the list. If it does not then it does not need to be listed14:21
tehnefhseritt: i use it every day14:21
KonzaI configured the /etc/pam.d/su. I want to allow only users of group wheel to 'su root'. But with this configuration a normal user is not able to su to other normal users also. Please Help14:21
marieAlmehdi : I will and thank you very much for all your help14:22
Almehdimarie: np14:22
Konzaauth       required     /lib/security/$ISA/pam_wheel.so use_uid group=wheel root_only14:22
hseritttehnef, i can connect to my servers using redhat or windows with ssh... for some reason on ubuntu i get this error when i try to connect: Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer14:22
soyoMiLLo: Oh does it require a login and password? If it does you can try and google the default settings for that model and try it. If its been changed your SOL with out daddy14:22
hseritttehnef, when i set the protocol to 2 i still get the same error14:22
MiLLosoyo - defo have correct password for wpa.  don't know about mac authentication - it's asking for a password to amend any hub settings.  and while i can reset to default - then my dad will be very annopyed at me14:22
MiLLoi'll try default, and if that doesn't work - screw it, I'll just reset to default - I'm getting more and more convinced he's disabled my access to the router wirelessly anyway14:23
OttifantSirWhich file do I need to edit from CLI to set the window decorator in Compiz' Window Decorations module? I tried using compiz-decorator --replace as command, and when I try to log back in, my desktop isn't showing anymore, it just keeps loading forever.14:23
tehnefhseritt: that's strange. the last time something like that happened to me I had a major permissions error on my /14:23
hseritttehnef, also using -vvv i see this error too:  debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST(1024<1024<8192) sent14:23
hserittdebug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP14:23
hserittRead from socket failed: Connection reset by peer14:23
hseritt degot14:23
FloodBot1hseritt: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:23
soyoMiLLo: You probably don't need to reset14:23
Almehdihseritt: could it be that you haven't opened the correct port?14:23
tehnefhseritt: can you ssh to localhost on the machine?14:23
KonzaI configured the /etc/pam.d/su. I want to allow only users of group wheel to 'su root'. But with this configuration a normal user is not able to su to other normal users also. Please Help14:24
KonzaI configured the /etc/pam.d/su. I want to allow only users of group wheel to 'su root'. But with this configuration a normal user is not able to su to other normal users also. Please Help14:24
FloodBot1Konza: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:24
=== root__ is now known as Hitek
hserittAlmehdi, tehnef degot you mean the firewall on my local machine or are you talking about the server?14:24
MiLLosoyo - oh? is there another way?  only way i know is to press the reset to default button then its the password on back of router14:24
soyoMiLLo: If you can see the settings without a passwd then you probably don't need to change anything.14:24
Almehdihseritt: both...14:24
MiLLocan't see antything14:24
tehnefhseritt: is the ubuntu machine NATed?14:24
MiLLoI hacked daddy's password :D14:24
fardadI want to put a command to be run after X server started, where should I put it? ( I want to turn numlock on )14:24
Almehdihseritt: i mean the router and local machine14:25
soyoMiLLo: +114:25
=== r3x is now known as tree-pam
hseritttehnef, no Almehdi: obviously my servers have the port opened thats why I was able to log into them with other os clients.14:25
soyoMiLLo: OK now check to make sure your settings match on both the router's end and in Ubuntu14:25
hserittAlmehdi, no my laptop has an ip on the same subnet as the rest of my servers and I can ping them with no issues.14:25
mouseclonewhat is the difference between freeradius and radius-server?14:25
soyoMiLLo: except you IP should be unique and you mac address allowed IF it required mac auth14:26
fardadI want to put a command to be run after X server started, where should I put it? ( I want to turn numlock on ) any thoughts?14:26
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
Almehdihseritt: i should check the firewall anyway just to make sure14:26
hserittAlmehdi, i have it turned completely off14:26
soyoMiLLo: Also verify if its WPA your using WPA or WEP 128bit your using WEP 127bit etc..14:26
Almehdihseritt: ohh ;)14:26
hmullerfardad: take a look at /etc/rc.local, if that won't do it then you'll have to write an init script or upstart job14:26
bottoI have a small problem, I can not find the audio icon in the notification area. I'm running Desktop 10.1014:27
MiLLosoyo - i've got a list of settings up now for the hub.  how exactly do i manually enter this on ubuntu?  I'm seeing light at end of tunnel now!14:27
nicofsHas someone any experience in getting bluray to work? I'm currently stuck with DumpHD which doesn't work... I just want to watch the br i just purchased...14:28
Almehdihseritt: do you have iptables logging enabled for your syslog?14:28
Almehdihseritt: it might give you more info14:28
hserittAlmehdi, no ... iptables doesnt appear to be installed14:28
soyoMiLLo: If your on desktop you should have an icon with a couple computers in the upper right hand corner, right click that and goto edit connections14:28
hmullerHow do I obtain the passphrase for the encrypted home partition after installing Natty?14:28
Almehdihseritt: ohh... but it is installed by default. Have you uninstalled it?14:28
MiLLoi've located my network- i've selected manual14:28
soyoMiLLo: Great, now enter the correct settings14:29
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hserittAlmehdi, no.... where would i look?14:29
soyoMiLLo: Or add if there isn't one in there14:29
secretary_linuxhmuller: ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase14:29
Almehdihseritt: just open synaptic and search for iptable14:30
Mr_Odamned ! this is the 4th time in 2 years that i try to get on linux and i could not  find the right distro for the different hardware configuration... linux does not  love me i guess ^^14:30
hserittAlmehdi, if i can ask you something man... how would i turn off my firewall completely?14:30
hserittAlmehdi, maybe i didnt do it right14:30
hmullersecretary_linux: Vielen Dank!14:30
Almehdihseritt: by ALLOW all14:30
Mr_Owitch ubuntu would fully operate on an acer aspire 1830t ?14:30
soadkombuchaMy laptop recognizes my integrated webcam/mic as the input devices that they are, however, when I try to use Cheese or Skype to test my video, I get a black screen, and the mic is not accepting any actual input. Can anyone help?14:30
OttifantSirWhich file do I need to edit from CLI to set the window decorator in Compiz' Window Decorations module? I tried using compiz-decorator --replace as command, and when I try to log back in, my desktop isn't showing anymore, it just keeps loading forever.14:30
Almehdihseritt: i am no expert at iptables either14:31
MiLLosoyo - i think i've entered it in right (probably not) - but the save button is disabled?14:31
bottoFound it under "Indicator applet"14:31
hserittAlmehdi, ok something's really weird14:31
hserittAlmehdi, i can ssh to a remote server out on the internet14:31
usr13hseritt: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/iptables*14:31
hserittAlmehdi, but i cant ssh to one on my network here at work though i can ping those servers no issues14:32
MiLLosoyo - it's also wpa and wpa2 encryption14:32
hserittAlmehdi, and i am on the same network.14:32
usr13hseritt: You will [more-than-likely] see that it is installed.14:32
hserittAlmehdi, so there must be some configuration change i need to make to my ssh client here14:32
Almehdihseritt: thats why i think logging would be a good idea14:32
usr13hseritt: Do they have openssh-server installed?14:32
hserittAlmehdi, i am trying to connect to redhat and solaris servers14:33
soyoMiLLo: You may need to be root then..14:33
avinashhmHi , i am trying to use skype in my ubuntu laptop .. installed skype client .. i can login with my username and passwd only in webinterface, not with the client ... any initial configuration needed ? any help pls14:33
hserittusr13 that file/dir does not exist14:33
MiLLoHow do i do that?14:33
hserittusr13, yes they do14:33
soyoMiLLo: but first did you put in the correct SSID?14:33
hserittusr13, again i can connect easily to them with redhat and windows14:34
Almehdihseritt: Do you have access to them physically?14:34
usr13hseritt: They may be behind a firewall router that will not allow port 22 from outside.14:34
MiLLosoyo - yeh, it's been exactly the same, case sentive and all14:34
usr13hseritt: From outside?14:34
hserittusr13, im not on the outside ... im on the same subnet14:34
soyoMiLLo: And save is still greyed out even after making changes..14:34
usr13hseritt: nmap -p 22 server-ip-here14:34
hserittusr13, i can however connect via ssh to a server on the outside which is the same server14:34
avinashhmit gives me 'P2P failed' .. don't know what to make out from tihs14:34
ubottuOpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!14:34
=== Patrick is now known as Guest83428
Almehdihseeitt: i am suspecting a "no permission" type of problem14:35
usr13hseritt: Should say   22/tcp open  ssh14:35
MiLLoonly box that is still blank is "Search Domains" but no idea what to put there14:35
soyoMiLLo: You probably don't need search domains14:36
=== r3x_ is now known as tree-pam
hserittusr13, Nmap scan report for
hserittHost is up (0.0058s latency).14:36
hserittNot shown: 977 closed ports14:36
hserittPORT     STATE    SERVICE14:36
hseritt21/tcp   open     ftp14:36
FloodBot1hseritt: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:36
teddyroosebeltthey need to make a angrytux game, sorta a fork of angrybirds14:36
usr13hseritt: Ok you should be able to  connect.14:37
soyoMiLLo: Are you a "sudoer" on the ubuntu computer?14:37
usr13hseritt: Oh, wait. that's port 21 not 2214:37
hserittusr13, still cant14:37
MiLLoerm? i know the password - ubuntu pc is mine14:37
Almehdihseritt: seams like 22 is not open14:37
usr13hseritt: sshd listens on port 2214:37
hserittno that's port 2214:37
hserittread again14:37
hseritt22/tcp open ssh14:37
brucecI'm having a problem installing Mercurial on natty: it appears to be depending on python < 2.7, but also > 6 at the same time? When I try and install it I get "mercurial : Depends: python (< 2.7) but 2.7.1-0ubuntu5 is to be installed"14:37
Drake|having some troubble connecting to a critrix server troug ica reciever. and yes i have cp the crt files. but still get the cert error..14:38
brucecanyone know what might have gone wrong?14:38
usalabsas a point of security, change your ssh port, if port 22 is open to the public, that port is common for hackers to probe and hit with brute force attacks14:38
ikoniabrucec: do you have any eternal repos or PPA's configured14:38
hserittusr13, how come i still cant connect? it shows 22 if you look further down14:38
hserittusr13, 21 is for ftp14:38
soyoMiLLo: ok so if you goto a terminal and type sudo and then some command it will ask you for the sudo password and your able to put it in and it will work?14:38
brucecikonia: I've enabled the multiverse14:39
Picihseritt: The bot muted you for flooding, we only saw the information about port 21.14:39
ikoniabrucec: can you pastebin the exact error please14:39
Golden_KumquatFor whatever reason, I can't seem to get an Internet connection on 11.04. I tried 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart' but it didn't seem to do anything14:39
Almehdihseritt: are your local ip allowed on the server?14:39
usr13hseritt: Well, if it says 22 is open, that means that port 22 is open and sshd is listening behind it, so you should be able to connect.  Show us the command you are using to try and connec, (but mask the IP address).14:39
soyoMiLLo: OK then you are able to get root privileges with that password, I am surprised it did not ask you for a password then if it is staying greyed out..14:39
MiLLonope - not been asked any password at all14:40
usr13hseritt: And what error do you get?14:40
hserittAlmehdi, usr13 ,, Pici it shows 22/tcp open  ssh14:40
Picihseritt: I highly suggest that you enable debugging the server that your sshd is running on and take a look at the logs there.14:40
hseritti did14:40
en1gmahow can i tell if my swap is actually mounted? when i do a 'swapon -s' it lists a partition but it says "used = 0"14:40
hserittand i gave the errors14:40
MiLLoI'm probably doing something badly wrong - that is unnoticeable to me, but anyone else would see it straightaway - never really played with networking before beyond simple getting it connected14:40
brucecikonia: http://pastebin.com/kreWdcY614:40
hserittdebug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP14:40
hserittRead from socket failed: Connection reset by peer14:41
candreabrucec, could you please paste the output of "apt-cache policy mercurial" too?14:41
usalabsen1gma: if you're using a desktop, run the system monitor, and look at the resources tab14:41
Picihseritt: I thought you said that is what it said on the client end.14:41
en1gmaok 1 sec thanks14:41
ikoniabrucec: please run "sudo apt-get update" first - then try again14:41
usalabsit will show you the swap file usage14:41
soyoMiLLo: hmm... I am stumped at the moment. You seem do have done everything correctly I don't why that is greyed out if you are a sudoer and you made changes to network settings it should allow to save14:41
hserittPici, umm i cant exactly check the server ;-)14:41
hserittPici, if i cant connect via ssha ;-)14:41
brucecikonia: I've already done that. I might try going back to the gb mirror though - I'm using mirrorservice just now14:41
Picihseritt: I thought you said you had other computers that could connect.14:42
soyoMiLLo: you may have to use ifconfig from the CLi to edit the connection..14:42
MiLLosoyo - tell me about it.  It's the most weirdest thing ever - it works fine, then it stops and won't work since.  being wired isn't an option due to router placement14:42
usr13hseritt: Can you ssh into anything else on  your LAN?14:42
hserittPici, yes they are on this laptop ;-)14:42
en1gmausalabs its not showing the swap as being used14:42
ikoniabrucec: a broken package won't be fixed by changing repos14:42
hseritttrying not to reboot14:42
en1gmait just has a green line at bottom of graph14:42
ikoniabrucec: what happens if you try to install python on it's own ?14:42
MiLLosoyo - i'll be honest, i'll have no idea how to do that14:42
ikoniabrucec: also, could you please pastebin your sources.list14:42
usalabsen1gma, the swap file will not get used unless the physical memory us being used up14:42
en1gmai am running i386 desktop and my computer has 4GB ram....how much of a swap file should i have set14:43
usr13Pici: "yes they are on this laptop"?  That didn't make any sense.14:43
usalabsI havd 3GB, and use a 2GB swap file14:43
en1gmaim using only a 1GB swap but so far i havent been able to make any swap get used14:44
Piciusr13: Its probably a dual/multi-boot setup.14:44
llutzusr13: virtualizatiomn, multi-boot, nothing special14:44
ikoniaen1gma: are you going to use hibernate ?14:44
usalabsit will take a lot of memory usage to use up 4GB to activate the swap file14:44
Almehdihseritt: I have no idea but are your local ip allowed on the server and are you using the correct user? I guess you are but had to ask..14:45
lagrecahello, my friends14:45
usr13Pici: If that is the case, he has a pretty wild conception about the situation.14:45
en1gmahmmm that a good question....the computer does goto sleep14:45
lagrecais there something wrong with adobe flash plugin for ubuntu 11.04 ?14:45
brucecikonia: python's already installed. sources.list is at http://pastebin.com/LZ80jt7y14:45
lagreca32 bits14:45
soyoI wish I knew the command-line way to run the gnome network manager..14:45
candreabrucec, did you run apt-cache policy mercurial ?14:45
bruceccandrea: no, I didn't know about that command14:45
pacmanaaaahello, i want to install ubuntu from a bootable primary "partition" my external usb hard disk. Should i use the normal way of setting up a usb or will it affect my "other" partitions on my external hard disk14:45
en1gmai could probably disable that function and that would free up some space to add to my ext3 fs for the ubuntu os14:45
soyoThinking maybe you could sudo network-manager-gnome or something and it would work14:45
Golden_KumquatFor whatever reason, I can't seem to get an Internet connection on 11.04. I tried 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart' but it didn't seem to do anything14:46
candreabrucec, please run it and pastebin the output14:46
soyoMiLLo: otherwise your going to have to use ifconfig14:46
brucecaha, I do have the Mercurial PPA enabled it seems14:46
MiLLosoyo: where would i find out how to use ifconfig well14:46
soyoMiLLo: Try going to applications>accessories>terminal14:46
bruceccandrea: http://pastebin.com/AWJFafSw14:46
soyo!ifconfig | MiLLo14:47
ikoniabrucec: there we go then, so it's probably trying to pull a broken package for tham14:47
perfidyHello, could someone help me with Winetricks? I need to apply a .diff file but I have no idea how.14:47
brucecsorry, I've been using Debian for ages but new to this PPA stuff14:47
soyoMiLLo: from the terminal type 'man ifconfig'14:47
candreabrucec, thanks, now you can do two things: either remove the hg ppa or replace "maverick" with "natty" in your sources.list14:47
MiLLosoyo - i now got a flashing line saying: manual config line 114:47
usr13MiLLo: Are you trying to establish a wired connection?14:47
ikoniabrucec: you should not replace maverick with natty in your sources14:48
MiLLousr13 wireless14:48
BluesKajlagreca, make sure you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed . it contains flash, java and several multimedia codecs etc that are required14:48
pacmanaaaawell fuck you all14:48
OttifantSirWhich file do I need to edit from CLI to set the window decorator in Compiz' Window Decorations module? I tried using compiz-decorator --replace as command, and when I try to log back in, my desktop isn't showing anymore, it just keeps loading forever.14:48
perfidyHello, could someone help me with Winetricks? I need to apply a .diff file but I have no idea how.14:48
ikoniabrucec: you need to find out if there is a natty version/source package, not just change the distro release14:48
MiLLousr13 i'm connected wired - but wireless just dropped off a week ago for no apparent reason, won't connect again14:48
soyousr13: wireless but he cannot save the new settings its greyed out. He is a sudoer and it didn't ask him for a passwd and he has made changes to the settings..14:48
perfidyCan someone help me?14:49
LarsTorben!ask perfidy14:49
LarsTorben!ask | perfidy14:49
ubottuperfidy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:49
perfidyHello, could someone help me with Winetricks? I need to apply a .diff file but I have no idea how.14:49
usr13soyo: He needs iwconfig14:49
brucecikonia: it seems there is. thanks for the help14:49
BluesKajLarsTorben, he already did ask , before you arrived14:49
LarsTorbenthen say it again14:49
perfidyI did14:50
perfidyNo one has replied.14:50
EnmityEvening all. I have recently upgraded by W500 Thinkpad to 11.04 and now every time I boot I get a blank screen with nothing  but the lcd backlight. I have to ctrl-alt-del and next time it posts I get the grub menu and it starts normally. Does anyone have any idea where I can start looking and for what to solve this?14:50
bruceccandrea: thanks. I didn't realise PPA's went in a separate file14:50
candreaperfidy, applying a diff is pretty easy: patch -p0 < diff_file_name14:50
BluesKaj!who | LarsTorben14:50
ubottuLarsTorben: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:50
perfidycandrea: Do I apply it to a file?14:50
LarsTorbenBluesKay: STOP IT !14:50
candreabrucec, is everything solved or do you still need help?14:50
W0OTMmy LIVE robinCam  -  http://www.ustream.tv/channel/saidias    She laid her first egg on 5/10/1114:50
ikoniaLarsTorben: no, you stop it,14:50
soyousr13: Ah yes, and no idea why that is greyed out either aye?14:50
LarsTorbenperfidy: i do not saw your question if you do not show it me14:50
LarsTorbeni cant help youu14:50
ikoniaLarsTorben: try to say someones name in front of your comments so they can see you are talking to them14:51
candreaperfidy, yes, the patch will be automatically applied to a file (the filename is named at the top of the diff)14:51
LarsTorbeni do so14:51
soyoMiLLo: correction, when you get the terminal open use iwconfig for wireless14:51
perfidycandrea, I will try, thanks :)14:51
LarsTorbenand stop asking around here with help help help help i need help14:51
OttifantSirWhich file do I need to edit from CLI to set the window decorator in Compiz' Window Decorations module? I tried using compiz-decorator --replace as command, and when I try to log back in, my desktop isn't showing anymore, it just keeps loading forever.14:51
perfidycandrea: I think it applied, no errors have come up14:51
candreaperfidy, remember to `cd` to the directory containing the file14:52
bruceccandrea: everything works now: after replacing maverick with natty I could install mercurial etc.14:52
MiLLook, sudo iwconfig - gave a list of stuff - now what (sorry for coming across as an idiot again - i do really appreciate this)14:52
candreabrucec, cool! happy hacking :)14:52
usr13MiLLo: does it show the essid of your router.14:52
perfidycandrea: I did :)14:52
perfidyDoes anyone know where the winecfg is located?14:52
Goliathcan i fix ntfs using fsck?14:52
ikoniaGoliath: no14:53
soyoMiLLo: If not try iwlist scan14:53
MiLLo802.11bgn  Nickname:"rtl8191SEVA2"14:53
ikoniaGoliath: it's not supported, use windows chkdisk14:53
LarsTorbenperfidy: sorryy i was unavailable if you asked your question. can you ask againn ?14:53
Goliathikonia: how do i run that?14:53
ikoniaGoliath: you'd need to boot to windows14:53
IdleOneperfidy: try in #winehq14:53
perfidyLarsTorben: I've got it :)14:53
usr13MiLLo: Does the router have encription enabled?14:53
LarsTorbenok good perfidy14:53
MiLLowpa and wp2 encryption usr1314:54
Goliathikonia: is there a way to copy a folder to another partition and autoskip damaged files14:54
Goliathwith the cp command14:54
MiLLousr13 - and it's 100% the correct password - just copied and pasted from router settings to ensure14:54
ikoniaGoliath: not really, it's better to check disk it first14:54
LarsTorbenyes, goliath, first mounting14:54
usr13MiLLo: And you can't seem to get the netwrok-manager to connect?14:54
MiLLousr13 - what i do is click connect for it - it animates the connecting thing - where it goes up and down the 3 wifi lines. 2 minutes later a little box appears saying "Wireless Network Disconnected"14:55
usr13MiLLo: BTHomeHub2-RQG3  is the password?14:55
MiLLono, that's the ESSID14:55
usr13oh ok.14:55
soyoMiLLo: usr13: He cannot save the settings right?14:56
usr13MiLLo: Well, it's not authenticating for some reason or other.  I don't know what we can do about it.14:56
OttifantSirWhich file do I need to edit from CLI to set the window decorator in Compiz' Window Decorations module? I tried using compiz-decorator --replace as command, and when I try to log back in, my desktop isn't showing anymore, it just keeps loading forever.14:57
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: Ā« gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel Ā»14:57
MiLLo:(  I've been told a format won't solve the issue either - i tried putting in 10.10 live cd and i still couldn't connect then14:57
OttifantSirmuneeb: Was that meant for me?14:57
mithranhi all, i installed ubuntu as a minimal installation, and then installed x server and kde, but now when it boots it still boots to the console, can you tell me what command I need to execute/ any info on setting the GUI?14:58
usr13MiLLo: What wifi card is it?  lspci |grep ireless14:58
soyoMiLLo: You don't need to format, you need to get the settings correct. If you cannot save settings through the GUI then try iwconfig14:58
usr13MiLLo: What you really should do is temporarily turn off the encryption and see if it will connect.14:58
MiLLo0e:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)14:58
MiLLo14:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8191SEvB Wireless LAN Controller (rev 10)14:58
MiLLook, i'll turn it off see if that works14:59
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BluesKajMiLLo, there's an alternative to NM called wicd , it might work , but there are no guarantees..a lot depends on your wifi chip14:59
Golden_KumquatWould it be possible to get someone to help me with my internet connectivity? I have no idea where to go from here15:00
alex6567hello! i can't find out gtkmm-3.0 package. Where i can found it?15:00
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MiLLo0e:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)15:00
MiLLo14:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8191SEvB Wireless LAN Controller (rev 10)15:00
MiLLo blueskaj - that's my wifi.  it's a toshiba satellite a50015:00
usr13MiLLo: lsmod |grep 819115:00
soyoAnyone know why in kino that videos are playing back at like 2x-4x speed? If I open the same dv file in another player its normal speed. Is it a setting I am missing or a bug?15:01
idefixhi, I have installed a game and when I click on the desktop shortcut it says it is unable to locate the CDrom drive, what can I do?15:01
MiLLocp/ps that in terminal and it didn't seem to do anything usr1315:01
usr13MiLLo: lsmod |grep 81915:01
usr13Try that  ^^15:02
bob_45637647anyone have any good porn?15:02
idefixare you going to spank your monkey then?15:02
Picibob_45637647: This is the wrong place for that.15:02
MiLLoguys - note - i've just turned off encryption, it's still not connecting.15:02
ikoniabob_45637647: please don't ask in here15:02
ikoniaidefix: please do'nt feed it15:02
IdleOne!guidelines > bob_4563764715:02
ubottubob_45637647, please see my private message15:02
idefixhi, I have installed a game and when I click on the desktop shortcut it says it is unable to locate the CDrom drive, what can I do?15:03
soyoMiLLo: its not going to work unless you get the IPv4 settings correct15:03
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idefixwho me my IPv4 settings?15:03
candreaalex6567, there's (currently) no such package, why do you need it?15:03
MiLLomillo@millo:~$ lsmod |grep 81915:03
MiLLor8192se_pci           524220  015:03
MiLLocfg80211              178528  1 r8192se_pci15:03
ikoniaidefix: what game is it and what version of ubuntu ?15:03
arindomHi All! Need help on wireless network is showing as connected but there is no Internet. This only happens when I restart my broadband modem and new IP is given.15:04
arindomI am on Natty15:04
arindomPlease help.15:04
idefixwhat's the command again for finding out the version of ubuntu?15:04
ikoniaidefix: lsb_release -a15:04
OttifantSirWhich file do I need to edit from CLI to set the window decorator in Compiz' Window Decorations module? I tried using compiz-decorator --replace as command, and when I try to log back in, my desktop isn't showing anymore, it just keeps loading forever.15:04
usr13MiLLo: Just a sec....15:05
idefixrelease 10.04, the game's name is Warcraft 315:05
soyoarindom: You do not have DNS most likerly15:05
MiLLono problem usr13 - no rush..  i've been working on this for a week now =/15:05
ikoniaidefix: ok, so your playing it through wine ?15:05
soyoarindom: can you ping successfully?15:05
idefixikonia, yes15:05
arindomsoyo: No I tried to ping google's IP but that didn't work15:05
ikoniaidefix: you may want to try the channel #winehq they can explain how to setup wine games15:05
kickbHi! I have problems with cron, it gives me errors in the log 'grandchild #X failed with exit status 127' (for more details see http://paste.ubuntu.com/606400/). Any tip on whats wrong or explanation what debian-sa1 is doing?15:06
soyoarindom: Do you have the correct gateway set?15:06
arindomsoyo: I have to remove the old wireless network and then readd it to get the network15:06
ikoniaidefix: "/join #winehq"15:06
Golden_KumquatGaah, I accidentally restarted my laptop. Anyway, I can't seem to get my Inetnet connection to work, and I'm not sure how I wouls go about fixing it15:06
MiLLoor even /j #winehq15:06
MiLLogolden_kumquat - join the club...15:07
soyoarindom: Try using manual settings rather than DHCP.15:07
arindomsoyo: Ok, can you please guide me to set the details?15:07
Picicsinti6799: This channel is for Ubuntu support only, please don't post random urls.15:08
gruyenhow do i install dontzap on natty? my window decorations keep disappearing/crashing, and i'd like to be able to just restart X. (also, how do i stop the damn window decorations from crashing?)15:08
soyoarindom: Are you using desktop, netbook, or the cli? and wireless or wired connection?15:08
* BluesKaj wonders about using wpa_supplicant in place of NM , with these problem wifi chips . or even wicd15:08
arindomsoyo: I am on a Laptop, Wireless connected to modem which is connected to the Internet.15:09
arindomsoyo : strangely instead of wlan0 I am seeing eth0 is connected when Internet is working.15:09
arindomsoyo: Is that an issue?15:09
usr13MiLLo: I'm reading here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10804488  and am at bottom of page now....15:09
MiLLoarindom - that is your wired connection i believe15:09
soyoarindom: eth0 should be wired not wireless15:10
BluesKaj!info wicd15:10
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-6 (natty), package size 7 kB, installed size 56 kB15:10
arindomMillo : No I am not connected via wire, that is why I also got surprised to see15:10
soyoarindom: try iwconfig15:10
MiLLoeth0 is basically ethernet and first connection right?15:11
gruyenanybody? window decorations / dontzap?15:11
usr13MiLLo:  That last post is saying  "I did an upgrade (not fresh install) to 11.04, didn't help. I removed old kernels, didn't help. I ...."  etc..15:11
arindomsoyo : No, when doing iwconfig I am only seeing eth1 as connected while lo, eth0 both are no wireless extension15:11
soadkombuchaUnder hardware, it has listed "Internal Audio 1 Output / 1 Input Analog Stereo Duplex"15:11
MiLLothanks usr13 - i'm on the verge of giving up..15:11
usr13MiLLo: You might consider another NIC15:12
MiLLonetwork I? Card?15:12
arindomsoyo: I am pasting the details here : lo        no wireless extensions.15:12
arindometh0      no wireless extensions.15:12
arindometh1      IEEE 802.11  Access Point: Not-Associated15:12
arindom          Link Quality:4  Signal level:195  Noise level:19915:12
arindom          Rx invalid nwid:0  invalid crypt:0  invalid misc:015:12
FloodBot1arindom: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:12
arindomvboxnet0  no wireless extensions.15:12
BluesKajMiLLo, have you run any of the ifconfig commands in the terminal, like sudo ifconfig wlan0 up15:12
soyoarindom: try iwlist scan15:12
MiLLono blueskaj - I'm really new to ubuntu - only know 1-2 basic terminal commands15:12
MiLLoi just tried that blueskaj and it didn't seem to do anythign15:13
usr13MiLLo: Looks like we have a problem with the RTL8191SE NIC.15:14
soyoarindom: You said you are on the network but no internet right?15:14
arindomsoyo: It says "Interface doesn't support scanning" for all lo eth0 and eth115:14
BluesKajMiLLo, ok , the try ifconfig , and pastebin the output pls15:14
MiLLousr13 - is it right that it would only happen randomly, since going to 11.04?15:14
soyoarindom: what does ifconfig say?15:14
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:14
arindomsoyo: Yes I said so. I should clarify more about it. I gets connected only if I remove the old network under wireless tab and then add it again.15:15
arindomsoyo : ifconfig says : http://paste.ubuntu.com/606508/15:15
MiLLodid that work blueskaj?15:15
McManiaChow can I install postgresql 9? lucid and natty only have 8.x15:16
McManiaCis there a testing repo for ubuntu?15:16
MiLLoi clicked paste on that site and it says download as text15:16
soyoarindom: You probably need to set your gateway on eth115:16
arindomsoyo: How can I do that? Please guide me.15:16
Trey-I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing slow boot issues with ati graphics cards on 11.04? I'm not really sure why this is happening but dmesg is reporting from 3 seconds to 137 into boot is all that card.15:17
BluesKajMiLLo, run ifconfig in the terminal, copy and paste the resulting text to pastebin, then copy the url and post it here15:17
soyoarindom: You use route add15:18
arindomsoyo: route add for the network I am using under wirelss ?15:18
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arindomsoyo: It is saying Auto <network name>15:19
arindomsoyo : I edit that right?15:19
soyoarindom: if your gateway shows up in ifconfig then yes.15:19
soyoroute add default gw or something like that I beleive15:20
BluesKajMiLLo, run, sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid15:20
js_is there a way to get an xorg.conf dump of what currently runs?15:20
soyoMaybe a sudo in there..15:20
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js_i noticed there is none in /etc/X11, and i need to do some special stuff15:21
McManiaCis there a "testing" repo for ubuntu which might have postgresql-9.0 in it?15:21
MiLLomillo@millo:~$ sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid15:21
MiLLo                    ESSID:"BTHomeHub2-RQG3"15:21
MiLLo                    ESSID:"BTOpenzone"15:21
MiLLo                    ESSID:"BTFON"15:21
FloodBot1MiLLo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:21
arindomsoyo : Can I do that via GUI?15:21
Golden_Kumquathttp://paste.ubuntu.com/606512/ is a paste of my ifconfig eth0, by the way15:21
soyoarindom: Yes.15:21
arindomsoyo: I doubt upon reboot the setting might get lost if I do it via terminal. I may be totally wrong though.15:21
shomonMcManiaC, http://www.dctrwatson.com/2010/09/installing-postgresql-9-0-on-ubuntu-10-04/15:21
arindomsoyo: great! then I go through gui. I will add those values in route15:22
shomonif you're on that one... won't be too different, and a real hardcore postgres freak will probably tell you to compile it from scratch15:22
Golden_KumquatWait a second15:22
arindomsoyo: address is my pc IP right? like
soyoarindom: correct.15:23
arindomsoyo: netmask will be and gateway is the router address, is that right?15:23
Golden_KumquatI'm running a network bridge with my laptop (on Windows) picking up the wireless internet, and my desktop (on Ubuntu) connected to the laptop. Both have the same IP address ( Does that have anything to do with why I can't connect with my desktop?15:24
arindomsoyo: and metric ? what value should I put in there? or should I just leave it empty?15:24
Konzacan we use nagios for monitoring logs15:24
soyoarindom: correct.15:25
soyoarindom: Where do you see metric?15:25
arindomsoyo: there are four columns under enter ipv4 settings for auto <network name> dialog box.15:26
soyoarindom: Oh under routes..15:26
arindomsoyo: the last one is metric.15:26
arindomsoyo: yes15:26
arindomsoyo: So I am leaving the metric value as empty?15:26
MiLLoguys - i've just tried wicd15:27
MiLLoit seems stuck on Validating Authentication15:27
MiLLo"Connection Failed - Bad Password"15:27
BluesKajMiLLo, you should be connecting ok, thesetup looks right, dunno why it's not working ...sorry but whatever is wrong , I can't sww it15:27
arindomsoyo: I must also say one thing. I remembered that during the installation of Natty, I installed the updates with a wired connection because for wireless one needs to set it up.15:27
caudexhow to make Xmodmap global on meerkat?15:27
arindomsoyo: Then I added the wireless connection when natty got installed.15:27
MiLLoi've just gone into router settings, copied and pasted password directly - so there's no chance of error - it still won't work.15:27
Golden_KumquatIs it worth it for me to try to get help here? I've been waiting for 40 minutes now15:28
jedi-masterQuestion, can i install Ubuntu, from a "live CD" version of it?15:28
Konzacan we use nagios for monitoring logs15:28
MiLLoblueskaj soyo usr13 - what should i do then?  just give up and head back to windows?  without wifi it's competely pointless for me.15:28
caudexGolden-Kumquat: just keep asking.15:28
arindomsoyo: I am going to apply the settings. I may lose connection so please bear with me.15:29
jedi-masterQuestion, can i install Ubuntu, from a "live CD"?15:29
Picijedi-master: yes15:29
jedi-masteralrigth thank you15:29
caudexjedi-master: yes15:29
BluesKajno MiLLo , there are some very knowedgable wifi guys , they're just not here right now15:30
soyoarindom: I think you can do it without setting a metric15:30
arindomsoyo: Ok, I have done that.15:30
soyoarindom: I don't even think you need to click the routes button to be honest15:30
Roasted_if I want to download themes for unity, where do I go? gnome look still?15:30
llutzKonza: yes we can http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/quickstart-ubuntu.html15:30
arindomsoyo: Then? how else? via command?15:31
soyoarindom: Just change the tab to manual under IPv4 settings and enter in the address,netmask,and gateway (and DNS below)15:31
MiLLodamn.  i only get like one chance a week to connect - there's no chance of connecting at work.  are the forums a good idea? and how would you recommend me phrasing the problem best?  I'm more than happy to record a video/screen record of everything I do - and youtubing it so people can see the exact problem/and or allowing people to remote connect to me.  I'm kinda desperate now15:31
caudexhow to force loading of .xmodmaprc  or etc/X11/Xmodmap?15:32
Konzallutz, do you remember my previous question? It is possible by configuring the /etc/pam.d/su file :). But i am still struggling to implement it. :)15:32
Roasted_Is there any way in 11.04 I can downclock the compositing or something? Unity is really quick, but some of the animations are slow. I'd almost rather not have any at all. No transitions or fading/sliding. Just instant reactions. Can I do this?15:32
dejan_after upgrading to 11 I can't access emphaty settings to add new contacts ect15:32
arindomsoyo: Wow! great.15:33
soyoarindom: working now?15:33
llutzKonza: so i wasn't completly wrong with my "maybe this could be done wirh pam" :) good luck15:33
arindomsoyo: When I do that netmask is automatically showing as2415:33
BluesKajMiLLo, try installing wicd , it's an altrnative to the default network manger ...it might work15:33
dejan_how to add new contacts in emphaty?15:33
arindomsoyo: No I am yet to save and then reboot my modem15:33
aubreI want to get all the packages I have installed on one machine into a file I can use to install the exact same packages on another machine - what's the best way to do that?15:33
MiLLoblueskaj - just tried, it gets stuck at the validating authentication and says bad password15:33
soyoarindom: netmask should match the router setting, if not change it.15:33
soyoarindom: I don't think you need to reboot the modem15:34
arindomsoyo: how I can check that?15:34
BluesKajMiLLo, ok bummer , I'm familiar with that problem :(15:34
MiLLoblueskaj - i'm 100% sure the password is 100% right - I've just copied and pasted directly from the router settings15:34
soyoarindom: Is it a modem or a router? (its probably but maybe not15:34
arindomsoyo: I need to reboot modem simply because that is when the problem is happening. I reboot modem when laptop is off then no network happens even though it says connected.15:34
Golden_KumquatI'm running a network bridge with my laptop (on Windows) picking up the wireless internet, and my desktop (on Ubuntu) connected to the laptop. Both have the same IP address ( Does that have anything to do with why I can't connect with my desktop?15:35
soyoarindom: Can you use a browser to connect to the routers IP addy?15:35
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.15:35
BluesKajMiLLo, yeah, it's not a bad pw , in reality , it just doesn't see it , I think15:35
arindomsoyo: This laptop is connected to a wireless router which has DHCP off (as told by router people) which in turn is connected to the Modem which is connected to internet automatically15:36
arindomsoyo : Yes I can do that via browser15:36
floodplainhi all, 10.10 boot error - "try passing init=bootargs" im using live cd to fix it but getting a warning when trying to fsck /dev/"linux partition". it says the drive is mounted and it will severely damaged it if i continue. what should i do?15:36
soyoarindom: OK so you need the router setttings not the modem settings. The route should be setup for the modem already15:36
arindomsoyo: Yes you are correct.15:36
soyoarindom: Do you know the router's IP address?15:36
arindomsoyo: You mean the admin screen that appears on entering the IP?15:37
arindomsoyo : Yes I know it.15:37
fannoCan I wihth ubuntu run a laptop in docking station with 2 external monitor. With Or without the laptop monitor working don't matter.15:37
soyoarindom: Yes. Login and find all your settings in there15:37
MiLLoblueskaj - do you know of anywhere/anyone who'd be willing to connect to my pc via remote desktop or something - i'm willing to give access (provided I can terminate at any point if they do something dodgy) - but I'm clearly not able to fix it, and rather than someone try to type it - doing it may work far better.  Not necessarily you - but anyone!15:37
soyoarindom: Gateway is the router's addy. Netmask is whatever is set in the router. Your ip should be the same for the first three bytes and the last part of the address unique15:38
MiLLogolden kumquat - i think that ip address is just the ip to connect to the router - not 100% sure though mind.15:39
BluesKajMiLLo, do you absolutely need wifi ? if not then wired ethernet is an alternative15:39
BluesKajGolden_Kumquat, can you connect the desktop to the router by ethernet or are you using the laptop as a gateway15:39
[TK]D-FenderATTESTATION : Just built a PC yesterday, Intel i5-2400 on an Asrock P67 motherboard with realtek 1000BT & 7.1 HD audio.  i5 onboard video has VGA/DVI/HDMI, and his monitor was a 1920x1200 via DVI.  He also had an iPod nano, and an Alesis mixer with USB audio interface.  Fresh install of 11.04 = everything 100% functional OOB.  Warm & fuzzy feeling the whole way...15:40
MiLLoif it's wired - it means sitting in the lounge constantly, and not being able to do anything without having family peering over me.15:40
Golden_KumquatThe latter15:40
Golden_KumquatThe laptop picks up the connection, and then the desktop is connected to the laptop via ethernet cable15:40
arindomsoyo: Ok, Great! got the router Ip and gateway15:40
MiLLoblueskaj - it's like a 99% necessity - not having it would pretty much resign me to doing everything via my iphone.15:40
arindomsoyo: And netmask as well15:41
arindomsoyo: What should I enter as DNS Server value?15:41
ajonesflHow do you register a nickname on freenode if you are using empathy?15:41
Golden_KumquatBluesKaj: The latter. The laptop picks up the connection, and then the desktop is connected to the laptop via ethernet cable15:41
MiLLoarindom - if you get it to work, I want to know exactly what you did as when i tried it wouldn't let me save15:41
soyoarindom: You can find that in your router as well most likely.15:41
_joeyhow do I find who is package maintainer for a package?15:41
BluesKajMiLLo, gotcha ..well there are forums ..google-linux is good for some researcn15:41
dios_mioajonesfl, /quote ns register15:41
tixo5hey all15:42
soyoarindom: Those will be the DNS from ISP most likely. You could even use google dns or opendns alternatively but the dns from ISP is probably just fine15:42
arindomsoyo: DNS value in Router?15:42
ajonesflIn a window in Empathy15:42
tixo5can anybody give me some advice on an error msg and the ubuntu repos being added to another distro ?15:43
BluesKajGolden_Kumquat, your laptop is using a 3g/4g cell connection to the internet ?15:43
ubuntu_Hello, it looks like Natty encrypts the swap space if home directory is encrypted.  True?15:43
Golden_KumquatBluesKaj: It's using WiFi15:43
soyoarindom: The router probably has your isp's dns settings saved in there for the DHCP, if not you can use some other DNS15:43
arindomsoyo: Ok,I will check right now.15:43
ajonesflIt appears empathy does not give you a way to register a nickname15:44
BluesKajGolden_Kumquat, wifi router ?then connect the desktop to the router ethernet port15:44
floodplainwill fcsk a mounted drive totally ruin it?15:44
vabigoonHi, can You check, what's wrong with that tutorial: http://forums.zybez.net/topic/1436346-guide-linux-native-official-rs-java-client ?15:44
Golden_KumquatBluesKaj: If I could connect my desktop directly to my wireless router, I would have15:45
tixo5The following packages have unmet dependencies:15:45
tixo5  tor: Depends: tsocks but it is not installable15:45
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tixo5any ideas ?15:45
Jcook_5xDatadoes anyone know a way to change the layout of virtual desktop so they are vertical15:45
arindomsoyo: Could not locate any DNS in router. As per I know my ISP didn't tell me any DNS as such.15:45
fannoNo one have any experiance with laptops,  docking station and ubuntu?15:45
arindomsoyo : I will try opendns15:46
BluesKajmove the router to the desktop Golden_Kumquat , that would be the best solution15:46
soyoarindom: OK15:46
KonzaHas anyone configured syslog-ng with nagios15:46
hmullerIt looks like Natty encrypts the swap space if home directory is encrypted, TRUE?15:46
arindomsoyo: and search domain should be empty?15:46
Jcook_5xDatafanno, docking station are hardware base they should just work15:46
OttifantSirI didn't think it possible, but I'm going to give up Ubuntu because of Unity. It has given me naught but problems since I installed it on my new laptop. Distro-searching, here I come....15:46
Golden_KumquatBluesKaj: I can't, since the router is connected to another desktop.15:46
Trey-OttifantSir: Ubuntu Alertnate CD just install command line and use like x/flux15:47
MiLLoout of interest arindom what router are you susing?15:47
arindomsoyo: About routes, I am keeping it empty and not adding anything there. OK?15:47
ericinohioCan anyone help me troubleshoot wifi issue, my internet pauses for a few seconds every few minutes...it doesn't do this when i boot to win.  I think it has to be a settings issue, just not sure what to look at15:47
fannoBut don't Linux have "problems" with hardware from time to time.15:47
BluesKajGolden_Kumquat, how many ports on the router , most have 415:48
Trey-just because you hate unity doesn't mean you need to give up ubuntu because quite frankly I'm not sure about you but I don't have the time to sit there and compile gentoo kernels over and over again to get it just right15:48
fannoI am looking to get a dell Or something15:48
hmullerTrey: Or build linux from scratch15:48
MiLLoah.. ok no probs15:48
nhoc_t39thu buom15:48
OttifantSirTrey-: Had forgotten that. Will try that as a last-ditch effort before I try Unity Linux or Ubuntu Customization Kit and other distros15:48
soyoarindom: don't even touch routes15:48
Golden_KumquatBluesKaj: I don't know, but I know that the ethernet cable is not going to reach all the way to the router.15:49
Jcook_5xDataubuntu remix will be out soon that ubuntu + gnome 315:49
arindomsoyo: Ok, I have not touched it.15:49
soyoarindom: working now?15:49
arindomsoyo: I will now reboot both my Internet conn and laptop. Will come back in 5 minutes.15:49
secretary_linuxTrey-: aren't there some middle grounds between unity and building gentoo from scratch? I for one wonder why ubuntu is adopting the worst UI "features" of mac os x15:49
Trey-OttifarrlSir: I mean honestly if you have the time though go for gentoo or for a bsd. I love FreeBSD, but I just don't have the time to tinker with that kind of thing anymore15:50
soyoarindom: You do not need to reboot your laptop15:50
arindomsoyo: It should not take that long. But I will ensure that IP changes between reboot. That is what the problem is. When IP changes no internet.15:50
arindomSoyo: See you shortly.15:50
MiLLoso arindom has been able to save?  how's he got away with that?15:50
OttifantSirfanno: I have a few Dell machines running Ubuntu since 6.06. Up until 11.04 I had no problems with them (now Unity is ruining the experience IMO), so I say go for it, but don't choose Dell WLan cards, and you'll be OK.15:50
Trey-Secretary_Linux: there are but to be honest ubuntu in my experience has the best hardware support out of any distros not much tinkering to be done with it15:50
ryi will admit... as much as i love freebsd, linux is much faster to deploy15:50
secretary_linuxTrey-: hence why some of us are so upset about unity15:50
soyoarindom: rebooting is for the children of Bill Gates..15:51
secretary_linuxTrey-: dual monitors used to work for me, now it doesn't. unity is breaking some hardware support15:51
arindomSoyo: I have to reproduce the same environment for the problem to resurface or get solved.15:51
Trey-secretary_linux: but who says you have to use unity15:51
arindomsoyo : Ha ha.. Well said15:51
secretary_linuxTrey-: well they are removing gnome...15:51
ryi thought unity was going to remain optional for 11.x ?15:51
dota-all-starsafter upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04, i got lots of 'connection reset' errors while everything is ok on my windows. help me, please.15:51
soyoarindom: Oh ok to see if the settings take.. but first make sure they work15:51
secretary_linuxunity is optional for now15:51
Trey-secretary_linux: I myself prefer fluxbox over it anyway15:51
secretary_linuxi always did like fluxbox :)15:51
ryglad i've been ignoring that "update now" =)15:51
Trey-secretary_linux: I mean you can always install a command line system and install x and fluxbox gnome3 kde whatever you want real easy15:52
arindomsoyo: unfortunately unless I restart I can't ensure it. There is no problem in re-adding the network in case it doesn't work.15:52
secretary_linuxthey are getting rid of the gnome packages in the upcoming release though, no?15:52
ryis there an easy way to do a live backup/image of a lvm volume?15:52
Trey-get a cmd install of ubuntu going sudo apt-get install xorg, kde15:52
fannoOffifantsir the docking station should bottom be a problem?15:52
Trey-nno other configuration required15:52
soyoarindom: OK but make sure you can get out to the Internet BEFORE you reboot15:52
arindomsoyo : In the meantime you can check more about this issue here : http://askubuntu.com/questions/41440/wireless-connected-but-no-internet-until-i-re-add-network15:52
arindomsoyo: Ok15:52
arindomsoyo: will come back shortly.15:52
ryif i added an iscsi volume to my lvm on this box, would i be able to backup my active/os volume live?15:53
ry(or any other methods available for a live imaging of the os volume)15:53
adam11xare there often problems updating to the latest version of ubuntu?15:54
OttifantSirfanno: You mean hardware docking station right? I'm sorry to say I haven't tried that, but I have yet to see any real problems with them in the forums or here. I HAVE seen the WLAN cards get a lot of grief though, that's why I urge you to choose another card.15:54
MiLLosoyo - i'm gonna try this again as a last ditch resort.  how do i open network manager as an adminstrator?15:54
soyo"but but.. you havent completed your training.." - Yoda15:54
BluesKajGolden_Kumquat, try this if you don't want to buy a longer cable .http://www.linuxaria.com/article/how-to-ubuntu-gateway?lang=en&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Linuxaria_En+%28Linuxaria%C2%BB+English%2915:54
soyoMiLLo: I don't know actually.15:55
Golden_KumquatBluesKaj: The gateway is running Windows, though. The desktop is the one on Ubuntu.15:55
soyoMiLLo: I imagine you type sudo network-manager or sudo network-manager-gnome or something15:55
MiLLoneither work15:56
soyoMiLLo: I usually just use ifconfig myself (or iwconfig)15:56
Roasted_Is there a different Unity 2D version other than the one in the software center? The one in the software center is SLOW. I remember a 2D PPA I installed on 11.04 beta that was wicked fast. Where is that?15:56
MiLLoi'm open to try using that soyo but i'd need to be walked through it - i'd literally have no idea15:56
OttifantSirsoyo and MiLLo: When opening graphical applications as administrator, always use gksudo (or gksu) as sudo is for text and can create permission problems. Which I don't know, but that's what someone smarter than me told me some time ago15:56
KonzaHas anyone configured syslog-ng with nagios15:56
fannoOttoifantsir Yes hardware docking station, I currently only have my, phone to search the web.  So it is a "pain" to get good overview15:57
soyoOttifantSir: Thanks!15:57
MiLLosoyo, would you also recommend me deleting my keyring and every bit of information about my network - and starting from scratch15:57
MiLLothanks OttifantSir15:57
BluesKajMiLLo, no15:57
soyoMiLLo: not really15:57
fannoFanno keyboard on a phone hehe,  I am used to a dual monitor setup so I now can't live with out15:59
OttifantSirfanno: As I said, haven't seen any major problems with their docking stations, so I'd recommend a Dell.15:59
MiLLobummer.  i've literally got no idea what to do then.  i'll see if i can  find a driver to download15:59
MiLLoalthough where i'll get a ubuntu compatible one i don't know15:59
fannoOk,  thanks ill.  See what I can find16:00
acegiakOk so my ubuntu server box keeps... losing /dev/sdc  it'll be running fine for a while, then it'll just kinda disappear and then on reboot won't be able to find it (still listed in bios)16:00
BrewStationCan anyone help me understand the GUI system *nix uses? Does a display manager (kdm, gdm, etc.) just present a login screen which then loads a window manager such as gnome, kde, or fluxbox? Or am I missing something?16:01
secretary_linuxBrewStation: that's right, all of that runs on top of the X windowing system16:02
Golden_KumquatBluesKaj: I tried the link as much as I could. It didn't seem to do anything16:02
arindomsoyo: Are you there?16:02
BrewStationsecretary_linux, thank you for the answer. Do most of these components work easily with others? For instance could I use kdm to load fluxbox, or jvm to load gnome?16:02
arindomsoyo: No it didn't work.16:03
arindomsoyo: I switched off everything and then restarted. My laptop says wireless is connected but there is no internet connection.16:03
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have a question I installed 64bit r-studio on ubuntu 11.04 and it installed but the font looks all funny as if its the wrong font ideas?16:03
MiLLoarindom - i'm jealous.  you've got further than me - i'm unable to connect to wifi..16:03
arindomMillo: I am not sure whether I can help because I myself is a noob but you can tell me the problem. May be I can share ideas.16:04
secretary_linuxBrewStation: I don't know much about the specifics but for the most part yes16:04
BrewStationsecretary_linux, thanks for your help. I'm going to go play around with these parts some more :)16:05
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have a question I installed 64bit r-studio on ubuntu 11.04 and it installed but the font looks all funny as if its the wrong font ideas?16:05
arindomsoyo: Strangely for my Desktop, there is no such problem. Even it is also on Natty and wireless connected to the same router.16:05
MiLLovery similar to you arindom - i can't connect to wifi - it just tries then times out.  when i tried to enter settings manually - it's not letting me save.  i've just foudn a troubleshooting guide on ubuntu.com that i'm gonna try now.  although it means disconnecting so i'll likely be back in 10 minutes with no further luck!16:06
jconnollyanyone here using 11.04, bash, and using tab-to-autocomplete noticing that for directories, it adds a space to autocomplete?16:06
jconnollyfor example:16:06
jconnollywith cat, jconnolly@jconnolly-linux:~$ cat /tmp16:06
jconnollyDisplay all 293 possibilities? (y or n)16:06
jconnolly(my ~/.bashrc)16:06
FloodBot1jconnolly: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:06
Roasted_Is there a different Unity 2D version other than the one in the software center? The one in the software center is SLOW. I remember a 2D PPA I installed on 11.04 beta that was wicked fast. Where is that?16:06
arindomMillo: All the best. Hope it works.16:06
jiffe98hmm, I upgraded a test machine from 10.10 to 11.04 and now when it boots it just takes me to a grub prompt16:07
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have a question I installed 64bit r-studio on ubuntu 11.04 and it installed but the font looks all funny as if its the wrong font ideas?16:07
acegiakoh wait! The hard drive has MOVED! It was /dev/sdc it's now /dev/sdd!16:09
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have a question I installed 64bit r-studio on ubuntu 11.04 and it installed but the font looks all funny as if its the wrong font ideas?16:09
MiLLoso it turns out, the troubleshooting guide on ubuntu.com actually has a broken page/broken links16:12
MK`it happens16:12
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have a question I installed 64bit r-studio on ubuntu 11.04 and it installed but the font looks all funny as if its the wrong font ideas?16:12
* MiLLo hates his life....16:12
* phox_ hugs MiLLo16:12
BluesKajGolden_Kumquat, the best solution to your problem is to get a longer ethernet cable ...ther may be a workaround , but your situation is very unu8nusual, so unlikely to find a solution here , unless of course both machines were linux , then you could ssh into the targer pc and call up a browser and connect that way16:13
magepsychohi guys16:13
phox_could someone write my nick out? I want to see if it highligts. haha.16:13
ubuntu-usri have dependency problems but i can not resolve them by my own. anybody help me? http://pastebin.com/xqjyxDuX16:13
phox_hm, it didnt..16:13
magepsychoanyone here to help me with my blurry font issues16:14
Golden_KumquatBluesKaj: Somehow I doubt they have ethernet cables that go from the second floor of a house all the way to the basement. So that's kinda out of the question.16:14
MiLLodoes anyone have any ideas when it comes to downloading drivers for ubuntu?16:14
phox_xchat is really inconvenient to set ut your colours in16:14
magepsychothis is what i have16:14
MiLLoI'm gonna download the latest drivers for my wireless device16:14
magepsychocan anybody check if the fonts are OK or not?16:14
Soupermanitohow does one run a secondary x on another terminal ? >startx :1 ?16:15
Camaratai downloaded a .deb file, how do i run it from ssh?16:15
BluesKajGolden_Kumquat, well , I do :)16:15
aleurihello :)16:16
BluesKajGolden_Kumquat, one can buy usb wifi adapters that work out of the box for windows desktop pcs16:16
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jonatasnonaCamarata, ssh user@host "dpkg -i file.deb"16:17
Golden_KumquatBluesKaj: It's not running Windows, though16:17
jiffe98looks like there are documented problems upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 with grub16:17
idefixcan anyone hear me?16:17
Zato-1MiLLo: What release are u using?16:17
OttifantSirmagepsycho: I'm no expert on fonts, but it seems like they are OK to me. I can't see any fuzziness at least.16:18
MiLLoZato-1, 11.0416:18
OttifantSiridefix: HEAR you, or READ you?16:18
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MiLLoOttifantSir, i thought about saying that, but decided i'd come across as a pedantic git.. which when desperate for help isn't the best thing :P16:18
BluesKajGolden_Kumquat, some work in linux as well, but one has to do some research before buying16:18
Zato-1MiLLo: Can it detect wireless connection or its something else?16:18
magepsychoi have one strange issue while taking screenshot16:19
magepsychoi can see save to ... for the first time16:19
gentinux_Unity is not popular in china16:19
magepsychoand for the 2nd time i can't see the otpion anymore16:19
jonatasnonaCamarata, this works if the file.deb that you downloaded is in your home dir16:19
AFDcan I get some help with Shotwell please?16:19
MiLLoZato-1, it can see i have a wireless network - but when i try to connect it just seems to try, time out and then just say "Wireless Network Disconnected"16:19
secretary_linuxgentinux_: unity is not popular anywhere :)16:19
Golden_KumquatBluesKaj: Still, it's a workaround solution. There has to be a solution that doesn't involve buying stuff, otherwise they need to work on a fix for it.16:19
arindomMillo: Are you back?16:20
MiLLoyep arindom16:20
arindomsoyo: I have to go now. Will try later. Thanks for helping.16:21
AlmehdiCamarata: Did you want to install or also run it? If you want to run it on your end then you could look into xforwarding.. it's pretty cool16:21
idefixread me I guess OttifantSir..16:21
Jcook_5xData? how do I open more then one of the same app on unity16:21
arindomMillo: Did it worked?16:21
MiLLogood luck arindom, i feel your pain :P16:21
LAcanguys, is there anything I can do to speed up my freenx/VNC connection? its painfully slow.. i have composite managers off, using metacity, no background image... still a little laggy...16:21
BluesKajZato-1, MiLLo , pasted thi earlier http://paste.ubuntu.com/606513/16:21
MiLLoarindom, no - it turns out there is a problem with ubuntu's documentation and the links are down16:21
the_germanhi i use Xen 4.0 with Ubuntu 10.04 as Dom0 and DomU...I use a bridged network with static Ip Adresses...but I cant get a network connection from DomU ...any suggestions???16:21
OttifantSirMiLLo (are you also?) idefix: Probably, it's just that I always take things literally, and my pet peeve is when someone isn't precise when it's best to be precise16:21
Zato-1MiLLo: whats ur wifi card?16:21
AlmehdiLAcan: Add the "-C" for compression if you haven't16:22
magepsychomy Take Screenshot is not working16:22
arindomMillo: Thanks Millo. But I am really surprise why this is happening. Tried everything and strangely it is working well in my other PC with same Natty.16:22
DragonDongreetings all16:22
MiLLo0e:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03)16:22
MiLLo14:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8191SEvB Wireless LAN Controller (rev 10)16:22
ddilingeranyone know if its possible to get notify-osd to display a bubble for each window(or run two copies of notify-osd) ?  i'm on dual monitor and i miss a ton of notifications because they pop up 2 feet to the right of where i'm looking16:22
ddilingerdisplay a bubble for each monitor i mean16:22
DragonDon any ideas how to get 10.04LTS to recoznie my 8138 card?  LSPCI shows teh card, the drivers *8139t00*) are in the system, just not connected to the card.16:22
LAcanAlmehdi, hrrmmm.. that seems like it would help but my setup.. i dont know where id do that? using freenx windows client which seems to set all the variables...16:22
DragonDon8139 I meant16:23
arindomMillo: I also wish you good luck. May be we find some solution later. Have to keep trying.16:23
MiLLoditto arindom!!!!16:23
lcb any way of having "Preferred Applications" (instead of using 'gconf-editor' or 'gnome-control-center')?16:23
arindomMillo : If I may ask where are you from (country?)16:23
MiLLostoke/uk arindom16:23
arindomMillo: Myself India.16:23
AlmehdiLAcan: That is if you are using SSH for the connection16:23
MiLLoat least the problem is global then arindom :P16:24
AlmehdiLAcan: i have no clue about freenx16:24
arindomMillo: Sometimes I feel it's the driver probably that is the issue here in my case.16:24
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LAcan_Almehdi, sorry got d/cd16:25
arindomMillo: Ha ha well said. You will not be surprised if I tell you that I have found this as common problem because lots of posts there on same issue like mine in different forums.16:25
LAcan_almedi or is that something I tell the SSH server?16:25
magepsychoguys any tips on smoothing fonts?16:25
MiLLoarindom - apparently, according to usr13 - it may be an issue with my wifi device.  i'm hoping that Zato-1 is a wifi genius and can save me from the self-made noose...16:25
doc`ok im trying to get matlab2009 to work in ubuntu 11, cant get mexfiles to work. http://paste.ubuntu.com/606528/16:26
jacktheripperhello, what's this 'application Name' mentioned here under Title and Short name ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#Icon16:26
AlmehdiLAcan: yes, that is for SSH...16:26
AlmehdiLAcan: I have no clue about freenx16:26
arindomMillo - Zato-1? When he/she will be Online? I am on queue Brother :P16:26
Zato-1Sorry to disappoint, but I have no clue :(16:27
MiLLohaha, he was speaking to me a few minutes ago - started asking about my situation.16:27
MiLLodamnit... no worries Zato-1 i've very nearly finished my home made rope and noose... :P16:27
BluesKaj!wpa_supplicant | MiLLo16:28
barbadillocan I just upgrade from 10.04 to 11.04 or I have to go through 10.10?16:28
arindomZato-1: Hi!16:28
Zato-1arindom: Hi!16:28
arindomZato-1: Very strange problem in my case. Hope you have seen the issue.16:28
KM0201barbadillo: no, you have to go 10.04-10.10-11.0416:29
BluesKaj!info wpa_supplicant16:29
ubottuPackage wpa_supplicant does not exist in natty16:29
linux_In the latest version of Ubuntu/Kubuntu, my wireless card (driver ath5k) no longer detects any of my wireless networks.16:29
AFDanyone help me shotwell?16:29
KM0201linux_: thats weird, ath5k is working fine here...16:29
MiLLoLOL.  good start BluesKaj doesn't exist in natty...16:29
linux_In 10.10 and before, it worked perfectly16:29
OttifantSir!info wpa-supplicant16:29
ubottuPackage wpa-supplicant does not exist in natty16:29
KM0201linux_: are you using 64bit?16:29
linux_KM0201: nope, 32-bit16:29
lcb any way of setting  "Preferred Applications"?16:29
KM0201strange, works perfectly here.16:29
KM0201!info wpasupplicant16:29
ubottuwpasupplicant (source: wpasupplicant): client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i). In component main, is optional. Version 0.7.3-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 435 kB, installed size 1208 kB16:29
arindomZato-1: In case not, in short it is : Upon rebooting my router/modem and laptop no internet connection even though it says "connected to <network name>"16:29
DragonDonany takers in helping get an 8139 card working in 10.04LTS?16:30
linux_KM0201: `iwlist wlan0 scan` results in "No scan results." but if I put in a 10.10 live cd, my wireless connection is right there16:30
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compdocDragonDon, those are supported by most linuxes16:30
LAcan_DragonDon, thats an intel?16:30
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MiLLo!info wpasupplicant16:30
ubottuwpasupplicant (source: wpasupplicant): client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i). In component main, is optional. Version 0.7.3-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 435 kB, installed size 1208 kB16:30
KM0201linux_: has it ever worked on 11.04, or did this just recently start... like after an update?16:30
DragonDonLAcan_ Realtek16:30
lcbKM0201, yHello16:30
MiLLodo i download that BluesKaj?16:31
KM0201lcb: :)16:31
LAcan_DragonDon, whats not working?16:31
compdocits realtek16:31
arindomZato-1 : Hope I am not forcing you for a solution but I am trying to solve this issue since last 2 months perhaps since I purchased this wifi router.16:31
linux_KM0201: it's never worked on 11.04. It works on neither live cd versions of regular ubuntu 11.04 or kubuntu 11.0416:31
DragonDoncompdoc I can see the files listed, but no card to choose.  No internet, green light is flashing, lspci shows it16:31
Lofde_is there a way to /list channels and have them show up like MIRC where they would sort by the most people in the channel instead of flooding the status window with them all out of order.. using Xchat?16:31
magepsychoany idea on smoothing font16:31
KM0201linux_: hmm, that just makes no sense, what is your atheros device specifically?16:31
compdocDragonDon, have you added it after the install?16:31
dmzmorning y'all, quick question; just upgraded to 11 / unity and now i can't seem to drag windows; they appear to be locked in place - any suggestions?16:32
lcb(i'm going to rephrase the question - ok, done:)  any way of setting  "Preferred Applications"?16:32
DragonDoncompdoc yes16:32
rumpe1Lofde_, you could search with /msg alis list *ubuntu*16:32
shal3rI'm trying to install ubuntu 11.14 in Virtualbox and it's taking forever "ubiquity.components.install (current: ubi-console-setup)". Any ideas about that?16:32
foozthaIs it possible to configure an ILO2 interface from Ubuntu?16:32
linux_KM0201: Atheros AR541416:32
BluesKajMiLLo, I rec that you research it , but it's quite involved and needs patience and concentration16:32
gnewblcb: Yes16:32
KM0201linux_: hmm, i've got 3 machines w/ a 5001, and they are working flawlessly16:32
MiLLoBluesKaj, is it a good idea for someone who's used ubuntu for 2 months max?16:32
IdleOneLofde_: Click on Server > List Channels16:32
lcbgnewb,besides on each app off course ;)16:33
DragonDoncompdoc would it be easier to reinstall with the card now in?16:33
compdocDragonDon, did you set it up in the network-manager, or manually in /etc/network/interfaces?16:33
fredpyohi, I cannot log in into my wubi-ubuntu 11.04, after putting the correct password in gdm, i get a flash of console output before being kicked back into the gdm...16:33
compdocDragonDon, naw16:33
Lofde_thank you IdleOne16:33
Jcook_5xData? how do I open more then one of the same app on unity16:33
Zato-1arindom: Im have no idea, just asked MiLLo about his problem since my friend had something similar :/16:33
DragonDoncompdoc no, was trying to find some good directions on this,16:33
gnewblcb: Also yes,16:34
arindomZato-1: Thanks. No problem.16:34
DragonDoncompdoc I can do either, doesn't amtter to me16:34
rcconfHow to "safely remove drive" using the terminal? is umount enough?16:34
compdocDragonDon, I dont like network-manager, but its easier16:34
rcconfwhat is the command that nautilus uses to safely remove a drive?16:34
magepsychohow to increase swap memory?16:34
arindomA problem is an opportunity to learn ...16:34
Jcook_5xDatarcconf, is it a usb16:34
rcconfyes Jcook_5xData16:34
gnewblcb: Each program is in its own directory, that is one of the more stable bt design of almost all *nix systems.16:35
lcbgnewb,besides using instead of using 'gconf-editor' or 'gnome-control-center'16:35
jrib!swap  | magepsycho16:35
rcconfmagepsycho: I would boot with livecd open gparted and change swap from there16:35
ubottumagepsycho: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info16:35
MiLLoarindom, an unsolvable problem is an opportunity to smash things up in a temper and contemplate windows, or even worse - Mac....16:35
DragonDoncompdoc so, then you know a good place to the instructionsI think I found something that might work16:35
dmzdoh, nm16:35
compdocDragonDon, you use unity or gnome?16:35
gnewblcb: What version are you running and what flavor?16:35
Almehdircconf: umount should do it16:35
lcbgnewb,latest natty (11.04)16:35
DragonDoncompdoc Should gnome right?  The default gui16:35
Jcook_5xDatarcconf, it use gvfs16:35
rcconfAlmehdi: I unmounted but then pendrive was still powered on16:36
arindomMiLLo : Very well said. I was thinking so honestly.16:36
rcconfAlmehdi: I could see the light blinking16:36
compdocDragonDon, you have the large row of buttons on the left? thats unity16:36
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rcconflight on*16:36
MiLLoi've sat here for nearly 4 hours.  and i'm absolutely no furhter along now than what i was before16:36
DragonDoncompdoc then Gnome it is :)16:36
Almehdircconf: the same if right clicking on it in nautilus?16:36
rcconfAlmehdi: no16:37
rcconfAlmehdi: safely remove driver works good16:37
KM0201!bug #581284 | linux_16:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 581284 in linux (Ubuntu) "ath5k kernel panic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58128416:37
arindomMiLLo: Have you tried talking to your router provider? May be (just in case they have someone in Linux dept.) they can help.16:37
gnewblcb: I found about 234 pages that are on that subject, the one on the Forums is great, here is another:> http://www.johannes-eva.net/change-the-default-application-ubuntu-linux16:37
compdocDragonDon, ok, so open System>preferences>network connections16:37
rcconfbut yeah I cant remember exactly what I did but pendrive light was on.. it wasnt completly removed16:37
MiLLoarindom, it's BT...  I used to work for them - they wouldn't even know what Ubuntu is16:37
compdocDragonDon, whats listed in there?16:37
gnewblcb: And from the forums:> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33808016:37
DragonDoncomp nothing16:37
arindomMiLLo : How are you connected to Internet now?16:38
lcbgnewb, i will see. tks. i did ask Mrs Google and she were confused. Mixed feelings :)16:38
Almehdircconf: Did you do "sudo umount /dev/sdaX" or how did you do it?16:38
MiLLowired connection16:38
compdocDragonDon, then open the file /etc/network/interfaces16:39
MiLLoarindom ^16:39
arindomMillo : I am no expert and just like you, but may be some light comes up at the end of the tunnel16:39
rcconfAlmehdi: maybe I ejected that time..16:39
arindomMillo : When You are trying to connect via wirelss what is happeing.16:39
arindomMillo : Are you on Natty?16:39
MiLLoon natty arindom.16:39
gnewblcb: Also here:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Applications <: that one also covers Natty and such.16:39
Almehdircconf: well if it is working now?16:39
rcconfAlmehdi: I just want to know which is the command that nautilus uses when I click "safely remove driver" so I could do it from terminal!16:39
arindomMillo : Ok, then can you see your wireless connection name in the network icon?16:40
Almehdircconf: ahh... that i am not sure of16:40
MiLLoi select NM: click on my SSID under wireless networks - it starts to connect.  after 2 minutes it stops trynig and comes up with a message box "Wireless Network Disconnected"16:40
MiLLoarindom, ^^16:40
AscavasaionI installed ircd-hybrid (IRC server) on an old machine running lubuntu.  I am unable to connect to it from other machines with /server  I get connection refused, but I have created an exception in Firestarter to allow IRC on port 6667.  The only way I can successfully connect is to use on that specific machine.  Any ideas?16:40
cor_rwhen I installed the nvidia driver in order to get the 3d acceleration, my boot logo got messed up, how to fix that? and is skype 2.2 beta the newest onlinux?16:40
arindomMillo: ^^ ? Couldn't understand.16:40
DragonDoncompdoc we,, I was trying to set 'auto eth0" and line 2 "iface eth0 inet dhcp" but the problem is that there isno eth0 listed under ifconfig -a16:41
llutzAscavasaion: "sudo lsof -i :6667" says what?16:41
MiLLoarindom, as in what i wrote before that was meant for you.16:41
lcbgnewb, thanks a lot buddy. I'm reading it. i was looking for the old preffered apps thingy. thanks.16:41
compdocDragonDon, try:  dmesg | grep eth16:41
arindomMillo : Ok, got it.16:41
gnewblcb: You are more than welcome, have a great moment.16:41
compdocDragonDon, does it show eth0 and eth1?16:41
Ascavasaionllutz: ircd-hybr 1113  irc    8u  IPv4   8540      0t0  TCP localhost:ircd (LISTEN)16:41
lcbgnewb,you too.16:42
DragonDoncompdoc the defaul "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback" I have commented out16:42
arindomMillo : The issue is wireless network dropping you out or throwing you out.16:42
llutzAscavasaion: you bound it to localhost( only16:42
compdocDragonDon, never comment those out16:42
arindomMillo: I had this issue earlier and got help from my provider (router)16:42
llutzAscavasaion: check ircd config to let it listen on all ifaces16:42
Ascavasaionllua: How do I sort that out?16:42
Ascavasaionllutz: okay16:42
arindomMillo : I am not sure whether this will work for you or not.16:42
DragonDoncompdoc nope, nada16:43
arindomMillo : They told me to make a setting off under router admin.16:43
compdocDragonDon, dmesg | grep eth shows nothing?16:43
DragonDoncompdoc that is correct16:43
arindomMillo: Give me a minute, I will check and tell you what is the option16:43
MiLLoarindom - thanks loads.  appreciate it16:44
DragonDoncompdoc I uncommented auto lo and restarted the networking16:44
arindomMillo :Enable DHCP server should be off16:44
MiLLoin router settings?16:45
arindomMillo: Yes Router settings16:45
compdocDragonDon, well, try this, open the file:  /etc/udev/70-persistent-net.rules, and paste the contents into pastebin.com16:45
yugnoswam_Hey, I am currently running windows 7 [32-bit] after changing from Ubuntu. I would like to install Ubuntu as a virtual drive but I am unsure how. (Unsure if this is ubuntu or linux issue)16:45
arindomMillo: I don't know whether that will work for you or not but thought to share info with you.16:45
MiLLohmm.. not sure how to turn it off, lemme google16:45
DragonDoncompdoc umm....hopefully it's small...rememnber, no networking on that machine16:45
MiLLoarindom - i will personally travel to india and kiss you if it does work16:45
rcconfyeshllothere: virtual drive?16:46
Ascavasaionllutz: HOw do I restart the IRCD daemon?16:46
rcconfyeshllothere: you want to install Ubuntu on a Virtual Machine?16:46
llutzAscavasaion: sudo service ircd restart16:46
arindomMillo: Also tell me whether your router is connected to a modem, which in turn is connected to internet ?16:46
compdocDragonDon, oh right, well just tell me if there are uncommented entries16:46
MiLLothe router is the modem arindom16:46
MiLLoarindom, it's called bt homehub 2.016:46
DragonDoncompdoc that's empty as well....16:47
arindomOk that means it's a wireless modem router16:47
compdocDragonDon, did you say the command 'sudo lspci' shows the card?16:47
DragonDoncompdoc there are nothing, no commented or uncommented entries at all16:48
Ascavasaionllutz: Okay, I edited ircd.conf, changed that line and then restarted ircd-hybrid.  I then tried to connect to the sever but no luck.  The same error.16:48
rcconfu3 pendrive doesnt show up in *unix if encrypted in winblowsz16:48
compdocDragonDon, did you say the command 'sudo lspci' shows the card?16:48
DragonDoncompdoc yes, lspci shows the nic16:48
arindomMillo: Can you please try it and tell.16:48
rcconfit uses AES16:48
At0mx 16:49
Kartagis!info svn16:49
prashanthi everyone16:49
ubottuPackage svn does not exist in natty16:49
KrisDouglasHey, is it possible to read a windows 2003 tape backup on Ubuntu?16:49
PiciKartagis: The package name is 'subversion;16:49
llutzAscavasaion: grep -A 5 listen /etc/ircd-hybrid/ircd.conf | pastebinit16:49
Kartagis!find svn16:49
ubottuFound: libsvn-dev, libsvn-doc, libsvn-perl, libsvn1, python-svn, python-svn-dbg, bzr-svn, cvs2svn, esvn, esvn-doc (and 60 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=svn&searchon=names&suite=natty&section=all16:49
Kartagispcpower: thanks16:49
arindomMillo : Also sometimes wireless security type may be an issue.16:49
KartagisPici: *16:49
yugnoswam_Hey, I am currently running windows 7 [32-bit] after changing from Ubuntu. I would like to install Ubuntu as a virtual drive but I am unsure how. (Unsure if this is ubuntu or linux issue)16:49
Ascavasaionllua: lsofs gives ircd-hybr 2749  irc    8u  IPv4  14618      0t0  TCP localhost:ircd (LISTEN)16:49
PiciKartagis: np16:49
prashanthow to know the best graphics drivers in ubuntu 10.0416:49
llutzAscavasaion: still just listening on localhost16:49
llutzllua: ... :)16:49
KrisDouglasprashant, it depends on what graphics card you have.16:50
At0mxyug - I'd look into VirtualBox or VM Player16:50
rcconfprashant: system > admin > drivers16:50
hmullerIf I have an initscript I have written and want to use dependency based booting, is it proper to use: insserv /etc/init.d/<script> ?16:50
OttifantSirAre there an appindicator for Pidgin? Since losing Unity, I had to lose Empathy as well, but I liked the integration of Empathy in the appindicator applet16:50
prashantok thanks16:51
compdocDragonDon, well, in the file /etc/network/interfaces, make it look like this, and reboot:   http://pastebin.com/vt46NdsY16:52
llutzAscavasaion: try setting " host = "";  "  in the "listen {..}" part16:52
FliiiizzoHello ! When I insert a CDROM it is not detected by the system, any clue?16:52
ichiltonHow come ubuntu doesn't have the killall command? - is it in a package anywhere?16:52
MK`Fliiiizzo: not at all?16:52
duckx0ris there any way to have a ~/.ssh/config file that will allow for multiple users on the same server? In the sense that if I log in with user1 it will automatically use IdentityFile1 and user2 will use IdentityFile2 ?16:52
Dr_Willishmuller:  You may want to check out the Upstart Init system. and docs for Upstart. the init.d stuff is slowly getting phased out16:53
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/16:53
FliiiizzoNot MK`  :/16:53
prashantrcconf i am a newbie can u tell me how to know my graphics drivers the command line way??16:53
humehi.... I have a dual boot desktop, with win xp and ubuntu - but after upgrade to 11.04 win xp is no longer in the grub menu. How do I get it back?16:53
javier_alguien me puede ayudar??16:53
MK`what does disk utility say Fliiiizzo ?16:53
hmullerDr_Willis: I did but it does not currently allow me to stop a script with the dependencies I need16:53
Ascavasaionllutz: I got it, perfect, thank you.16:54
FliiiizzoWhat do you mean MK` ?16:54
Visitor-integeris there a way to get the splash screen working on boot-up? all I get is a black screen... help?16:54
BluesKajhume, sudo update-grub16:54
llutzAscavasaion: fine, you're welcome16:54
MK`When you go to the disk utility, does it see the drive? Does it see it as empty? Fl16:54
Gerwinichilton: It's in the package psmisc, which should be installed by default.16:55
humeBluesKaj, ok... it lists several ubuntu versions but no win xp when I do that...16:55
prashantperfect graphics drivers for intel dg41rq ubuntu 10.04 ????????16:55
duckx0rnevermind, i got it16:55
BluesKajhume, how did you upgrade to 11.04 ?16:55
At0mxAnyone tried Backtrack 5 yet?16:55
Roasted_Is there a different Unity 2D version other than the one in the software center? The one in the software center is SLOW. I remember a 2D PPA I installed on 11.04 beta that was wicked fast. Where is that?16:55
humeupgrade-tool from 10.1016:55
ichiltonGerwin: thanks - installed and working now :)16:55
Hedgehog456What's the key binding to escape to the desktop in Unity?16:56
ichiltonGerwin: odd that I didn't already have it though?16:56
FliiiizzoMK`: I can do a sudo moun /dev/cdrom /mnt <= this works but the cd contains only 1 text files and it takes over 5 minutes to mount.. WEIRD !16:56
ichiltonGerwin: running 10.10 on Rackspace Cloud...16:56
humeBluesKaj, and I accepted to install a new version of grub16:56
MK`no idea Fliiiizzo16:56
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Gerwinichilton: Odd indeed.16:56
PieplayI have a question, what is the ubuntu equivalent of debian 6.0 sqeeze16:56
DragonDoncompdoc doens't seem to be any change, still nothign listed in network manager16:57
Visitor-integeris there a way to get the splash screen working on boot-up? all I get is a black screen... help?16:57
cor_rwhen I installed the nvidia driver in order to get the 3d acceleration, my boot logo got messed up, how to fix that? and is skype 2.2 beta the newest onlinux?16:57
lolnetPieplay: Perhaps an LTS. But you can't make direct comparisons like that.16:57
Pieplayoh woops16:58
BluesKajhume, sudo fdisk -l , does a NTFS partition show up ?16:58
compdocDragonDon, yeah, soemthings up. The file  /etc/udev/70-persistent-net.rules should automaticlaly populate a few lines to configure your nics. It does that at boot.16:58
lolnetPieplay: Debian is very outdated package-wise compared to Ubuntu, but is arguably more stable.16:58
Pieplayppa launchpad is only for ubuntu?16:58
jpdsPieplay: Yes.16:58
humeBluesKaj, yes, it's there, /dev/sda116:58
jpdslolnet: Not really, most Ubuntu packages come from Debian unstable.16:59
Hedgehog456What's the key binding to escape to the desktop in Unity?16:59
Gerwinichilton: Did Ubuntu came pre-installed on your server?16:59
PieplayI need the desktop version of speedcrunch for my maemo device16:59
rcconfAlmehdi: it happened again and now I know the GUI solution16:59
BluesKajhume, ok , sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o force /dev/sda1 /mnt16:59
lolnetjpds: Directly? Also, Debian unstable was still on FF3.5 last time I checked...16:59
LAcan_what does the metacity theme do? what is it responsible for? what might happen if I disable it?16:59
Almehdircconf: cool ;)16:59
rcconfAlmehdi: I go to disk utility.. select the usb drive and click "safe removal"17:00
DragonDoncompdoc well, it's not a big deal to reinstall....should I grab 11,04 and try it?17:00
prashanthave a problem with compiz fusion on ubuntu 10.0417:00
tasslehoffFrom OS X I canĀ“t delete a file downloaded to hfsplus in Ubuntu (dual-boot), though the uid/gid are set to the same. "override rw-r--r--  tassle/staff uappnd,uchg for xserver-xorg-input-mtrack_0.1.1_natty_amd64.deb?". Why does the file get that kind of permissions?17:00
rcconfAlmehdi: it powers down the driver17:00
BluesKajhume  then run sudo update-grub again17:00
prashantrcconf please help me out17:00
rcconfprashant: if I can17:01
BluesKajhume, the NTFS should show up in nautilus / network as well17:01
ichiltonGerwin: I used the 10.10 image on rackspace cloud17:01
prashantplease help me to install proper drivers for ubuntu 10.0417:01
rcconfprashant: ati or nvidia?17:01
prashantrcconf only onboard chipset17:02
prashantintel dg 41 rq17:02
humeok, works without error msgs, but still lists only linux kernels, and the os-prober section of /boot/grub/grub.cfg still empty17:02
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humeBluesKaj,  ok, works without error msgs, but still lists only linux kernels, and the os-prober section of /boot/grub/grub.cfg still empty17:02
prashantrcconf its intel original motherboard17:03
ichiltonAnyone any idea why ubuntu doesn't see a pci video card i've installed alongside an agp one? - shows in lspci but I don't get anything at all on the 3rd monitor...17:03
ddilingerfinally figured out notifications follow focus with notify-osd .... not only did i have to create a new key in gconf(for which notify-osd did not install a schema), also had to comment out a small piece of code that seemed to be intentionally resetting the position away from the current monitor17:03
compdocDragonDon, sure17:03
prashantrcconf intel dg 41 rq17:03
Visitor-integeris there a way to get the splash screen working on boot-up? all I get is a black screen... help?17:03
prashantrcconf ??17:03
ddilingeri dont see why it had to be so complicated just to get popup notifications to appear on the screen thats focused17:03
DragonDoncompdoc thanks for all your help, will do that in the morning....1am here for me.  Have a good one!17:03
avinashhmHi friends , i am trying to run skype on my ubuntu 10.04, i am seein g that it fails telling 'P2P failed' .. has any one seen this problem .. any help pls17:03
prashantavinash kernal version ??17:04
rcconfpeer to peer17:04
rcconfmaybe you need to open ports lol17:04
prashantrcconf ??17:04
compdocDragonDon, good luck17:04
prashantrcconf help me out17:04
rcconfprashant: I dont know, I am newbie too17:04
prashantrcconf thanks for the support17:05
rcconfprashant: google that chipset17:05
* falathar upgraded to 11.04 since then using chrome to open a link to a flash site with new window freeze up the computer so you need to do a hard reboot, anyone else encounterd smt similar? 17:05
prashanthave already done that17:05
ViakenHow can I log off from the command line? I have ssh access, but Unity is...unresponsive.17:05
=== falathar is now known as Falathar
rcconfViaken: logout?17:05
ViakenRestarting gdm just brought up Unity again.17:05
KonzaHas anyone configured syslog-ng with nagios17:06
prashantbioteckna can u help me out17:06
ViakenI don't mean log out of my ssh session. I mean cause the logged-in X session to logout.17:06
BioTeckna@prashant yes17:06
prashantbioteckna thanks17:06
GerwinViaken: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart17:06
BioTecknawhat is your probleme17:06
ViakenThat just brought back Unity, Gerwin.17:07
ViakenI can't interact with it.17:07
andeeeukIs there anyway we can reactivate alt-tab in ubuntu?17:07
andeeeukits disabled for some reason?17:07
prashantbioteckna have a intel chipset board but not getting the proper graphics dirvers for my intel dg 41 rq17:07
rcconfandeeeuk: keyboard shortcuts?17:07
BioTeckna@prashant ... does the drivers exists for your chipset ?17:08
falafellshould alternate x64 install ask for the normal x64 cd during setup? :S17:08
ViakenA keyboard shortcut might work, if Unity has one for logout.17:08
andeeeukrccoonf good shout thanks17:08
ViakenKilling the unity processes didn't do anything.17:08
prashantbiotecknaactually i have installed ubuntu 10.04 but i think i m not satisfied with the inbuilt graphics drivers17:08
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slinker1phrashant that board seems to have the IntelĀ® Graphics Media Accelerator X4500 on it try searching for it17:09
BioTecknaprashant maybe update to 10.10 and your card will be supported17:09
andeeeukrcconf i really dont know why it was disabled though, its like a core shortcut key in any system!!17:09
wabashHey, I'm using eclipse on Ubuntu, and autocomplet won't work. Does anyone know how to fix this? Is it an ubuntu problem?17:10
magepsychohow to iincrease swap memory?17:10
jorgeuwabash: I've been using eclipse on ubuntu for years17:10
prashantslinker1 and bioteckna thanks17:10
jorgeuwabash: maybe it's running over gcj17:10
bastidrazor!swap | magepsycho17:10
ubottumagepsycho: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info17:10
prashantslinker1 and bioteckna i will try it17:10
wabashjorgeu: Seems to be set up for sun java....17:10
wabashjorgeu: At least, that's what's in the preferences.17:11
DJonesmagepsycho: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#How do I add more swap?17:11
osmodivsI noticed somethig new in my Nvidia driver instaler, in the gnomepanel, it says something about a 3d experimental driver, I asume, that becasue it is provided by Ubuntu, I can trust it17:11
milloi'm back17:11
jorgeuwabash: what's the output at the terminal for "$ java -version"17:11
falafellshould alternate x64 install ask for the normal x64 cd during setup?17:11
magepsychohow to smoothen the fonts?17:11
wabashjorgeu: 1.6.0_2417:11
multipassanyone know how i might be able to swap monitor numbers (ATI)?17:11
LarsTorbensomebody here how can designing?17:11
wabashjorgeu: It's a Sun, with HotSpot.17:11
jorgeuwabash: and "echo $JAVA_HOME" ?17:12
prashantslinker1 and bioteckna no its for intel dg4517:12
millointerestingly - i just tried that dhcp thing arindom suggested.  It stopped anyone from connecting to router, wired or wifi.  so i pressed reset to defaults on router.  i then was able to connect wirelessly - but it seemed a little slow.  i just restarted computer - and now i can't connect wirelessly again :(17:12
wabashjorgeu: It's not set in my env.17:12
wabashjorgeu: i've successufly done everything from command line and editor, now trying ot start using the IDE.17:13
arindomMillo : Seems that it didn't work.17:13
makaveli0129ok so i have a 1tb hard drive formatted as ntfs and the write speed is crazy slow when i do a benchmark on the drive for read only i get like 98MB/s any ideas what is going on?17:13
milloarindom, when i reset to default though - it worked for a split second.17:13
ultrixxmakaveli0129: why is 98 mb/s crazy slow?17:14
milloeven now - it showing i can disconnect from wireless, which i couldn't before - it's just not connecting so that i can do anything with it17:14
Hedgehog456What's the key binding to escape to the desktop in Unity?17:14
prashantslinker1 i have kernel version 2.6.32-21 ubuntu 10.0417:14
makaveli0129ultrixx: it's not only when i write to it it does like 300 kb/s and i can't figure out why17:14
arindomMillo : Try posting the issue and askubuntu . May be you can get some help17:14
wabashjorgeu: What will $JAVA_HOME do?17:15
arindomMillo: Sorry Millo, I was of no help.17:15
ultrixxmakaveli0129: <makaveli0129> ok so i have a 1tb hard drive formatted as ntfs and the write speed is crazy slow when i do a benchmark on the drive for read only i get like 98MB/s any ideas what is going on?17:15
LAcan_does anyone know how I configure the freenx server?17:15
magepsychowhich font is your favourite in ubuntu?17:15
meganerdultrixx: welcome to the world of FUSE17:15
BluesKajhume did you run update-grub after running os-prober?17:15
makaveli0129ultrixx: yes that is read i get 98MB/s but i can't do a benchmark on write cuz it will delete what i have on there17:15
millono need to apologise arindom - i'm grateful for the help/ideas17:15
GeorgeNada11:14 AM<GeorgeNada> quick question17:16
GeorgeNada11:15 AM<GeorgeNada> i'm trying to install ubuntu server (11.4, and now 10.4) on my poweredge 6650, and the damn thing wont recognize the networking cards in the machine.17:16
GeorgeNada11:15 AM<GeorgeNada> they are broadcom 5700 series17:16
FloodBot1GeorgeNada: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:16
makaveli0129ultrixx: but when i try to move something to that drive i'm only getting 300 kb/s17:16
arindomMillo: Ok, Bye. See you sometime in future. :-)17:16
milloditto arindom17:16
meganerdmakaveli0129: ntfs-3g is slow, you can get faster read access but not write17:17
makaveli0129meganerd: so i should just copy it inside windows then?17:18
osmodivsAll i know is, yesterday, I tried to change to ArchLinux, and had a major EPIC FALI. I had to get back to Ubuntu17:18
Roasted_Is there a different Unity 2D version other than the one in the software center? The one in the software center is SLOW. I remember a 2D PPA I installed on 11.04 beta that was wicked fast. Where is that?17:18
osmodivsUbuntu may be bloated, but is super user friendly17:18
Roasted_It aint THAT bloated :P17:19
Roasted_compared to DSL, definitely. Compared to Windows? Hardly.17:19
osmodivsRoasted, I'll just uninstall all doc files17:19
meganerdmakaveli0129: what are you copying?17:19
wabashjorgeu: Do I need to have $JAVA_HOME set up for things to work?17:19
osmodivsDSL, eh? I might check that one out17:20
millo_it's worked - i've finally got wireless sorted17:20
makaveli0129a mac OS .vmdk for my virtual machine onto my ntfs drive that i keep all my important files on it's like 8.4GB17:20
humeBluesKaj, found out now, I did not have os-prober installed....17:20
SqRt7744anyone know how to get shotwell to show thumbnails for raw (nef) files??17:20
BluesKajmillo, open this file /etc/hosts.allow ...it determines in nm which ips are allowed in it  this my version , list your pc IP and router IP from ifconfig..similar to this ,http://paste.ubuntu.com/606556/17:20
meganerdmakaveli0129: I find ntfs-3g usually acceptable on USB attached storage, I use rsync to copy big folders around.17:20
meganerdmakaveli0129: how slow is it going exactly?  Are there any other operations happening on this drive?17:21
BluesKajmillo_, as root17:21
Hawkysofthey all17:21
Hawkysoftive a question, is there anyone willing to help me out a lil? ^^17:22
millo_says command not followed BluesKaj - do i enter something before /etc/17:22
Snicers-Work2Sure, what is the question?17:22
Hawkysofthawky@ubuntu:~$ curl http://android.git.kernel.org/repo >~/bin/repo17:22
Hawkysoftbash: /home/hawky/bin/repo: No such file or directory17:22
makaveli0129meganerd: no operation and it's about 300kb/s17:22
Hawkysoftwhy it wants to push to there?17:22
dupondjeHi, somebody else having the issue that booting locks up at a purple screen for some minutes?17:22
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magepsychocan you help me guys?17:23
Snicers-Work2Hawkysoft, you are using ~/ This makes it your current directory17:23
magepsychohow to smoothen the fonts17:23
Snicers-Work2do hawky@ubuntu:~$ curl http://android.git.kernel.org/repo >/bin/repo17:23
Hawkysoftah dope ^^17:23
millo_BluesKaj, brb - back in 15 minutes17:23
Hawkysoftthanks bro17:23
BluesKajmillo_, alt+f2 , gksudo gedit /etc/hosts.allow17:23
Snicers-Work2Hawkysoft, No problem.17:23
bastidrazorSnicers-Work2: Hawkysoft ~/ means your home directory.17:23
Snicers-Work2bastidrazor, Yes, sorry.17:23
DrHalanare there any good tutorials how to setup a bzr server including ssh access etc?17:23
Tophwhy doesn17:24
Almehdidupondje: Open terminal and then write "dmesg".. then copy the output to a pastebin.com17:24
Tophwhy doesn't alt+f2 work for me,, ?17:24
bastidrazorToph: you don't have the gnome-panel running?17:24
makaveli0129meganerd: the weird thing is that i have another ntfs drive that will do around 42MB/s but this ntfs drive won't do over 300 kb/s and they are the type of drive17:24
Snicers-Work2ichdasich, Hello.17:25
Tophbastidrazor,,, i'm in ubuntu classic.. would that use the gnome-panel?17:25
BluesKajToph, unlock your KB17:25
ichdasichi currently try to build debs for a cognitive modelling software in an 10.04 32bit chroot17:25
bastidrazorToph: i do not know.17:25
Snicers-Work2Toph, that should be Gnome, are you running 11.04?17:25
ichdasichi succeded in building packages for a needed library, but am not successfull with creating a deb for the main package17:26
dupondjeAlmehdi: think this is the most important part: [    1.115580] pci 0000:00:01.0: MSI quirk detected; subordinate MSI disabled17:26
dupondje[  146.490178] pci 0000:01:05.0: Boot video device17:26
dupondjethere is alike a delay of 145 between those 217:26
TophSnicers-Work2,,, yes, but Unity doesn't work well, so I have avoided it17:26
Snicers-Work2Toph, Does Alt+F1 work?17:26
Almehdidupondje: Then i would suspect the ACPI17:26
ichdasichis there an appropiate howto for packages using cmake?17:27
TophSnicers-Work2,,, yes, it opens the Applications dropdown17:27
Almehdidupondje: Try booting with that turned off17:27
makaveli0129meganerd: any idea's?17:27
v0lksmanhow does motd get updates of the upgradable packages?  I want to create a script that sends me the same breakdown (1 package, 1 security package etc)17:27
Snicers-Work2Toph, is it possible that your F2 key is not functioning??17:27
Zato-1millo_: Have you fixed ur wireless?17:27
dupondjeAlmehdi: i'll try, first upgrade bios now :) you never know17:28
TophSnicers-Work2,,,   ctrl+alt+f2 does take me to a terminal17:28
dupondjedidn't had that with 10.10 btw17:28
Almehdidupondje: DO never upgrade BIOS if you don't very much need so17:28
tesh hi, I have a linux box that I want to clone, but reconfigure slightly on each clone...does something exist to allow me to automate this?17:28
tesh at the moment im using dd to clone drives and then manually reconfiguring each box after completion...and its starting to wear thin!17:29
van7huToph, are you using VM?17:29
Snicers-Work2Toph, are you working through a Virtual Machine (VirtualBox, OpenBox)?17:29
BluesKajZato-1, he'll bb in few mins17:29
v0lksmanor better yet...how do you get apt to spit out the packages that need to be upgraded without running the upgrade?17:29
Almehdidupondje: I think it is a kernel regression.. nothing with your hardware17:29
Tophvan7hu,,, i don't have a VM running presently, though i do run winxp on VM at times on this machine, yes17:30
arindomMillo: Are you there?17:30
multipasshow do i add a panel to desktop?17:30
TophSnicers-Work2,,, see above17:30
Almehdidupondje: Just hammer "shift" while booting so you get to Grub menu.. then "e" to edit17:30
bastidrazorv0lksman: you can use --download-only for apt-get to do just that.17:30
bastidrazormultipass: right click the current panel > add new panel17:30
Snicers-Work2Toph, Open ccsm and check Gnome compatibility is ticked and the key bindings are correct.17:30
djr013Anyone else having issues with niced processes not playing nice?17:30
dupondjeAlmehdi: I'll try it out :) know how to set noacpi :)17:31
Almehdidupondje: and lastly add "acpi=off" after "quiet splash" and hit "ctrl+x"17:31
TophSnicers-Work2,,, sorry,,, how do a access ccsm?17:31
Almehdidupondje: ohh... well carry on then ;)17:31
multipassbastidrazor: i want to move it to my dual monitor, any idea how i do this?17:31
shaneohow can i remove the bookmarks from my desktop in gnome317:31
l2s2Hi, my webcam video is upside down on Skype. Do i need to install the driver from http://linuxtv.org/repo/ ? lsusb gives me http://paste.ubuntu.com/606558/17:32
bastidrazormultipass: alt + left click and drag17:32
TophSnicers-Work2,,, ok,, figured out what ccsm is17:32
shaneoim using gconf-editor to edit the desktop but dont know specifically what its called so i cant shut it off any suggestions17:32
Snicers-Work2Toph, how about this, "killall gnome-panel" in terminal. Then try again.17:32
v0lksmanI think from Hardy on you can run:  /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check --human-readable...17:32
TophSnicers-Work2,,, gnome compatability is checked17:33
multipassbastidrazor: hmm it dosnt drag17:33
Snicers-Work2Toph, did you killall gnome-panel in the Terminal?17:34
bastidrazormultipass: my panel takes about 3-4 seconds to move. i have to hold it in position and wait.17:34
TophSnicers-Work2,,, yes, no change17:34
multipassbastidrazor: oops, i think it needs to have expand unchecked17:34
Snicers-Work2Toph, lame. You are sure the keyboard shortcut is correct?17:34
TophSnicers-Work2,,, how do i check that?17:35
Almehdishaneo: do you mean the bookmarks in nautilus?17:35
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Almehdishaneo: do you want three-view instead of places?17:36
TophSnicers-Work2,,, ok,, found it,, that shortcut is 'disabled' for some reason17:36
Snicers-Work2Toph, enable it and see if that works.17:36
TophSnicers-Work2,,, thanks a lot,, that did it17:37
Snicers-Work2Toph, No problem.17:37
ironhalikcan someone help me with WUBI?17:38
Snicers-Work2ironhalik, What is your issue?17:38
ironhalikit wont install ;>17:38
Snicers-Work2ironhalik, What error is presented?17:38
ironhalikie. i try to install it on hda1 instead of hda017:38
gharzguys, how do i disable the keyring so that everytime i bott the system won't ask me for the keyring password so it can connect to a wifi?17:39
Snicers-Work2gharz, are you on a mac?17:39
ironhalikon secondary physical drive and it just wont copy the files/download the files - it tells me to reboot and then grub wont start on boot17:39
gharzSnicers-Work2: i'm in ubuntu... so i guess in ubuntu unless ubuntu is mac based now17:39
ironhaliksoz, it would be hdb17:39
gharzSnicers-Work2: no i'm not in a mac17:40
Snicers-Work2gharz, No Mac is Unix based, Ubuntu is off the Linux Kernal.17:40
gharzSnicers-Work2: nope i'm not on a mac...17:40
ironhalikso, any idea how to make WUBI work on secondary drive?17:42
Snicers-Work2ironhalik, I have never used WUBI, I will have to do some research,17:42
jacobtdo i need to install the nvidia drivers from terminal only in ubunutu 11.0417:43
ironhalikthe wubi guide mentions RAID setups (not the case but could be close) and encrypted drives (windows partition is bitlocked)17:43
Roasted_When I try to open a folder, VLC opens. What the?17:43
soadkombuchajacob, or you can open the hardware manager...17:44
PolahIs it possible for me to modify my default shutdown command? If I go to System > Shut Down, it shuts down and halts, but doesn't power off. I want to modify it so that it powers off when I do System > Shut Down17:44
jacobtsoadkombucha when i try to update the diver i lose all video17:44
gudduhi friends17:44
soadkombuchasudo apt-get purge fglrx17:44
jacobtand need to remove xorg.conf and let it build its own i have no 3d17:45
Snicers-Work2ironhalik, Have you ever installed Ubuntu before?17:45
soadkombuchatry sudo apt-get purge fglrx or whatever the nvidia drivers are17:45
jacobtsoadkombucha i think they are just default i don't think they are invidia right now17:45
BluesKajsoadkombucha,fglrx are ati17:45
gudduhi friend will you tell me how to find other friends ip address using same wifi17:45
ironhalikSnicers-Work2: sure, usually from usb drive but this time I dont have my pendrive and wanted to check out the unity interface :>17:45
soadkombuchaBluesKaj, that's what I thought because that's what I'm running.17:46
gudduhi friend will you tell me how to find other friends ip address using same wifi17:46
Snicers-Work2ironhalik, Understandable, unfortunatly I have never used Wubi before, my suggestion is to get a burnable media or pen drive if you can not resolve the issue. Sorry I can't help more.17:47
ajmakhey guys, can anyone help with amavisd-new + spamassassin custom rule weighting?17:47
magepsychoguys i have just copy paste the folder to /var/www17:47
gudduhi friend will you tell me how to find other friends ip address using same wifi17:47
oneirowhy can i read with 30mb/s, but write with 60mb/s to my netatalk-sharing?17:47
magepsychoand when i try to open from the url then gave me the Forbidden error17:47
ironhaliksure Snicers-Work2, thanks for the effort17:47
gudduhi friend will you tell me how to find other friends ip address using same wifi17:47
jacobtblueskaj do you know how to get 3d working in 11.04 i can't run unity or anything17:47
gudduhi friend will you tell me how to find other friends ip address using same wifi17:47
gudduhi friend will you tell me how to find other friends ip address using same wifi17:47
Snicers-Work2guddu, please don't spam17:47
BluesKajjacobt, which graphics card ?17:48
Snicers-Work2guddu, Access your router and look to see active connections via DHCP.17:48
guddui am not spamming i am new here17:48
ajmakcan I modify the rule weights directly in sa or does this need to be done through amavis?17:48
gudduhow to use dhcp17:48
jacobti don't know the exact card hold on17:48
Snicers-Work2guddu, Posting the same message three times is spam, please be paitent. If you do not get a response within 5 minutes it means either no one knows or we missed your question.17:48
infobitguddu, do some googling you ll come to know17:49
BluesKajjacobt,  lspci | grep VGA17:49
jacobtblueskaj 3100m17:49
Snicers-Work2guddu, DHCP is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol and is an automatic configuration protocol used on IP networks http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protocol17:49
gudduthank's snicers n infobit17:49
antonetteerror fsyncing closing /dev/sda17:49
Snicers-Work2guddu, Are the pc's ips you want running on Windows or Linux?17:49
gudduhow to use it17:49
antonettei need help17:50
jacobtthe problem is im using vmware to run ubunutu17:50
Snicers-Work2guddu, It is used by default on most modern routers.17:50
jacobtit comes up VGA compatible controller: VMware SVGA II Adapter17:50
infobitguddu, pm17:50
html_inprogressHOW DO I command line update17:50
guddui am using ubuntu n my friend using windows 7 ultimapt17:50
antonettei try to install linux but at the start comes that error so i cant continue.17:50
quickhi , would anyone please tell me why my system gives an automatic logout when i am working on it  . i have 11.0417:50
infobitguddu, private msg17:50
bastidrazorhtml_inprogress: update packages or upgrade to a new release?17:50
gudduhow to go in private message17:51
oneiroso theres nobody here, who can help me with my netatalk-question?17:51
Snicers-Work2guddu, Go to his computer, open up the command prompt (start-> type "cmd" -> press enter) then type ipconfig. That will list his internal ip. It will be the one that looks like 192.168.1.XXX (where XXX is a number).17:51
quickhtml_inprogress : type "sudo apt-get update "   without quotes17:51
html_inprogressupdate system17:51
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mbeierlquick: is it a log out, or is it a display manager crash?  as in does the whole screen go blank and then give you the log in prompt again?17:51
Snicers-Work2html_inprogress, or sudo aptitude update17:51
bastidrazorhtml_inprogress: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:51
BluesKajjacobt, sys admin additional drivers , install the recommeded driver , probly nvidia-current17:51
quickhtml_inprogress : type "sudo apt-get update "   without quotes  in the terminal in ubuntu17:52
ajmakanyone able to provide some amavis/sa advice?17:52
mbeierloneiro: apparently not at the moment.17:52
guddubut i am using ubuntu17:52
jacobtwhen i do an apt-get install nvidia-current i lose all video i just get consol17:52
infobitguddu, which chat client are you using17:52
html_inprogressno for thanks17:52
html_inprogressok thank*17:52
fatheadHello all!- I have what should be a simple task- I need a kiosk sytle Live CD that auto logs in a nd auto start a broswer to a specific hpage17:52
Snicers-Work2guddu, I am aware, but you physically go to his computer and type that in, that will give you his Windows 7 ip address.17:52
BluesKajjacobt, sys admin additional drivers , install the recommeded driver17:52
epzil0nHi guys, i been looking for a way to modify the border in a theme. This is Union Blue theme panel, but i don't like the white windows so i use clearlook classic and the icon set is modified elementary dark..17:53
Snicers-Work2guddu, if you want yours then just type ifconfig in the terminal17:53
guddui think this is xchat gnome irc chat17:53
mbeierloneiro: you've tried posting in the forums?  sometimes (although it can be slower) there's a different skill set there and a larger audience17:53
epzil0nIt would be perfect except that there is this thick white line when i open a terminal, i got so far that i tryed to modify the gtkrc file but nothing seems to do the trick, i want the white border gone and have a clean terminal window.. but how to accomplish this?17:53
guddui type ifconfig after that17:53
quickmbeierl : i dnt know waht should i call it a logout or a display manager crash . it does the same thingh . at the end of the it i have to log in again17:53
Snicers-Work2guddu, After that just look for your internal IP17:54
soadkombuchaepzil0n, you could try temporarily installing another terminal, and then sudo apt-get purge gnome-terminal && sudo apt-get install gnome-terminal17:54
jacobtBluesKaj No proprietary drivres are used in the system17:54
millo_Zato-1, yes i've fixed wireless17:54
guddui  found it after17:54
mbeierlquick: not sure if it's still the same, but check if there is a /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old file that has a date/time stamp really close to the last logout/restart issue you had17:54
BluesKajjacobt, in order to install graphiucs driver have to drop t a tty (ctl+alt_f1) stop gdm and install the driver17:54
oneirombeierl: ty, i will try17:55
guddui want to find my friends ip17:55
epzil0nsoadkombucha: ok, but what other terminal to use and will that disable the thick lines?17:55
BluesKajctl+alt+f1 . jacobt17:55
mbeierloneiro: http://ubuntuforums.org/   There is an apple forum, but I don't know if it's not better in networking/17:55
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Snicers-Work2guddu, I already told you how to find his IP twice, you GO to his computer. You type ipconfig in the command prompt.17:55
soadkombuchaepzil0n, any other terminal...17:55
infobitguddu, right click on my name and there you see open dialog window click it17:55
xemex_hi all17:55
guddui want to find his ip from my pc17:56
mbeierlquick: if there is such a file, check the last 20 lines or so of it to see if there are "error" messages, or a crash stack trace17:56
oneirombeierl: i think its a networking thingā€¦ but its also combined with apple. at first ill search a lil bit more...17:56
D84nutty shell crash after instal binary nvidia 1877 x.conf17:56
epzil0nsoadkombucha: but what do you mean, that this will solve my problem.. don't understand why?17:56
jacobtBluesKaj when i do that nothing happens at all is it a vmware problem?17:56
Snicers-Work2guddu, nmap -nsP
epzil0nsoadkombucha: isn't a theme defined by the gtkrc file?17:57
quickmbeierl : there is the file but there is no error message17:57
mbeierlquick: can you pastebin it?17:57
soadkombuchaepzil0n, Is it only showing up in your terminal though?17:57
BluesKajjacobt, uhhhm, yeah , probly17:58
gudduhow to use nmap to find others ip17:58
quickwhat the file ?17:58
epzil0nsoadkombucha: donno cos the other windows is white.. here's a screenshot http://ubuntuone.com/p/sre/17:58
TophSnicers-Work2,,, i'll bother you again. I used to get my Ip from ipconfig, now I get 'No command 'ipconfig' found, did you mean:17:58
quickmbeierl : the file ?17:58
soadkombuchaepzil0n, because if it is, try sudo apt-get install konsole, open console, and then in konsole sudo apt-get purge gnome-terminal && sudo apt-get install gnome-terminal17:58
fatheadanyone can help with live CD kisosk?17:58
soadkombuchaThen you can open gnome terminal and if it's fixed sudo apt-get purge konsole17:58
Snicers-Work2guddu, first install nmap (sudo aptitiude install nmap17:58
infobitguddu, first learn how to come to pm then u ask questions17:59
falafell md5sum /dev/sr0 should give same md5 as the iso right???17:59
soadkombuchaI thought Ubuntu used apt-get now over aptitude?17:59
seekwillHi. When I login, I'm getting the "packages need to be updated" message twice. http://pastebin.ca/2057506  How can I fix this?17:59
mbeierlquick:  yes. from a terminal you should be able to enter "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old" and it will give you a url to paste here17:59
epzil0nsoadkombucha: ok i'll try that17:59
fatheadNeed help with kiosk LIVE CD17:59
fatheadI have created ageneric live CD18:00
fatheadbut it boots to a command line18:00
guddupm means18:00
nikhguptacan someone direct me to a general programming related irc channel, please?18:00
fatheadI need it to auto launch a browser18:00
Snicers-Work2guddu, Private Message.18:00
soadkombuchahrm pastebinit will be useful18:00
fatheadcan anyone help?18:00
jacobtBluesKaj any ideas what to do? should i just do a dual install not a VMWare install?18:00
eiriksvinhas any one, gotten Guild Wars to work clean on Ubuntu?18:00
gudduhow to go in private18:00
quickmbeierl: i dnt have pastebin installed18:00
nikhguptaguddu, type: / pm <username> (no space after /)18:01
infobitguddu, PM means private msg just rightclick on my name go to open dialog window option18:01
eiriksvinMy sound keeps dieing on me18:01
Roasted_Is there a different Unity 2D version other than the one in the software center? The one in the software center is SLOW. I remember a 2D PPA I installed on 11.04 beta that was wicked fast. Where is that?18:01
mbeierlquick: if you choose, you could install it with "sudo aptitude install pastebinit", or copy and paste the file contents into a pastebin web site18:01
RussellAlananyone have experience with dell mini 9?18:02
mbeierlquick: but my guess is that you have a bug on your hands.  I don't think it's a log out.  I think something is crashing on you18:02
KM0201RussellAlan: not really... but whats the question?18:02
nikhguptathanks praveen_18:02
BluesKajyeah jacobt vmware and VMs in general are ok ,but th cause more probs than I'm wiling to put up with , so usually I just dual boot . or run linux exclusively , but hat depends on your situation of course18:02
quickmbeierl here is the link http://pastebin.com/f4yNkL6S18:02
fatheadLive CD Help needed please-I need to get a broswer to auto launch fter boot up18:02
KM0201fathead: you can't do that w/ a live cd... just start a browser, app/internet/firefox18:03
fatheadwhy cant you do it with a live CD18:03
mbeierlquick: reading... question: do you have an intel video card?18:04
ajmakAnyone help with amavisd-new / spamasssassin configuration?18:04
fatheadI'm not sure that firefox is installed on genereic18:04
quicki guess yes18:04
KM0201fathead: because you're running it from the CD, unless you unpack the ISO, recode it, then pack it again, and put it back the cd18:04
fatheadhow do I install it into the iso?18:04
MiLLoi know i've monopolised several people today when it comes to assistance - but does anyone know how to set up dualscreens with ubuntu - it's never worked for me.  I want to set it up so that it's running two screens, through the HDMI cable, and they're "separate" - not mirror screens.18:04
BluesKajjacobt, guided partitioning is best , and pay attn to what the options are , thn you should be fine18:04
KM0201fathead: yes, firefox is installed by default....18:04
infobitfathead, live cd works on ram so its not going happen18:04
coz_ajmak,  spamassasin?18:04
jacobtblueskaj ok thanks18:04
quickmbeierl : i guess yes .18:05
mbeierlquick: aha.  check lines 523-543 of the paste: Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting.  it is a hard crash of the display18:05
ajmakcoz_: yup, u can't have two many 's's.....18:05
Almehdifathead: cause the thing you do while on a live session dissipate when rebooted18:05
coz_ajmak,  you are on linux yes?18:05
fatheadbwhat do I do when I boot up my generic-it goes straigh to command line18:05
fatheadwhat do I do to laucnh firefox?18:05
ajmakcoz_: ubuntu-server 10.04, postfix, amavisd-new, sa, clamav18:05
infobitfathead, its a long process involves coding as for as i know18:05
mbeierlquick: and after having said that I am no closer to helping you.  All I can do at this point is to recommend you file a bug, or walk you through that.  I don't have the same hardware/software as you18:05
coz_ajmak, ah on server  I see18:06
ajmakcoz_: trying to figure out best place to modify sa rule weights18:06
quickmbeierl :  how do i fix it ?18:06
Almehdifathead: Do it give you a login promt or what does it say?18:06
KM0201fathead: if you're going straight to command line, firefox isn't gonna launch anyway.18:06
Roasted_What is the simplest rsync gui for Ubuntu? All I want to do is rsync data from point A to point B, and B to A. Two way street here. Think of SyncToy for Windows, but on Ubuntu. What rsync gui does this?18:06
quickmbeierl :  i have IntelĀ® Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD18:06
fatheadI edited the conf file so that it prompts user to type in the word "live"18:06
fatheadthis boots the genereic kernel18:07
llutzRoasted_: grsync18:07
infobitfathead, is it gnome18:07
mbeierlquick: your crash looks like this report: http://superuser.com/questions/277946/intermittent-xorg-crashes-under-ubuntu-11-0418:07
fatheadfor 10.1018:07
secretary_linuxRoasted_:maybe unison18:07
fatheadthen it sits at command prompt since I did not load GUI18:07
fatheadif I type firefox at prompt18:07
fatheadI get " firefox not installed18:07
Almehdifathead: type "startx"18:08
fatheadok I try now18:08
Almehdifathead: did you use the alternate live cd?18:08
ajmakfathead: sounds like you're setting up a public kiosk?18:08
mbeierlquick: which /might/ be this actual bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/77497818:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 774978 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "xserver seg'd [945GM]" [High,Incomplete]18:08
Roasted_llutz, does grsync allow me to rsync to network resources?18:08
coz_ajmak,  I have little experience on this ,,  however,, if no one here has any suggestions you could also try  the ##linux channel18:08
infobitfathead, if its not going in to GUI yhen chances are less loading firefox18:08
Almehdiinfobit: he could instal Lynx ;)18:09
llutzRoasted_: no idea, i don't use it18:09
ajmakcoz_: might mosey on down there then, cheers18:09
fatheadyes I am trying to set up a public KIOSK18:09
ivanI upgraded from 10.10 server to 11.04 server; when I boot the SSH server starts but I never get a login prompt. Just a blinking orange cursor. Can't switch with ctrl-alt-fkeys either. Any ideas? I'm running it in VMWare Workstation.18:09
=== Barbara is now known as Guest21990
fatheadI want a mimimal live cd os18:09
fatheadthat auto logs in18:09
llutzRoasted_: why a GUI at all?18:09
ajmakfathead: have a look at http://webconverger.com/18:09
fatheadand autpo starts a browser with the ip address of the citrix log in18:09
fatheadyeah I looked a t webconverger18:10
fatheadno go18:10
Almehdifathead: That means you have no DE or applications installed... so install Gnome18:10
ajmakfathead: what's wrong with it?18:10
Roasted_llutz, it's for my parents computer.18:10
racher_wanI could not find the elementary theme for ubuntu 11.04 :( Can anyone hep me please ? I can install it by hand (as deb package ) but i want it update itself too ...18:10
Roasted_llutz, I need to try and explain to them how to rsync to the freenas box I left behind for a backup18:10
=== Guest24792 is now known as mandrak
llutzRoasted_: make it a cron-job, no action needed18:10
fatheadone prob is webconverger taked REALLY long to boot18:10
KM0201racher_wan: elementary theme?18:10
mbeierlquick: any chance it happens after attempting to go to a web site with a flash video on it?  that is a minor common theme in the various duplicate bug reports...18:10
racher_wan KM0201: yes.18:11
Roasted_llutz, a cron job is one thing, but I don't know how to write a script to rsync to a network resource where it needs to authenticate as a user18:11
KM0201racher_wan: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/elementary-gtk-theme-210-released.html18:11
Almehdifathead: type "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade"18:11
ajmakfathead: you probably want to be rolling your own live cd then.  haven't seen many others that'll boot and auto launch a browser18:11
quickmbeierl: no i am just browsing . it happens even when i am offline18:11
KM0201racher_wan: if you install it that way, that will add the repositories, and then it should keep itself updated18:11
ajmakfathead: spent a bit of time on a similar project recently18:11
Almehdifathead: then "sudo apt-get install gnome firefox18:11
KM0201Almehdi: but even then, its still gonna be lost when he reboots...18:12
llutzRoasted_: "network resource" = nfs,smb or what?18:12
bibornhello..how can i install graphic card driver in ubuntu? my extra fancy appearence is disabled ..18:12
llutzRoasted_: smbmount the share, backup using rsync, umount. done18:12
racher_wanKM0201:  thank you. but this is for ubuntu 10.1018:12
AlmehdiKM0201: Ahh.. shit.. didn't think of that... ;)18:12
Snicers-Work2biborn, what graphics driver?18:12
KM0201racher_wan: hmm, just noticed that.18:12
IdleOneAlmehdi: please leep the language clean :)18:12
mbeierlquick: ok.  just a wild, random guess.  I hate to say it, but at this point there does not appear to be a solid fix on the horizon which means you have an unstable system for the near future.  any chance of using 10.10 instead?  what is the system used for?18:12
=== Troubled_ is now known as Guest51250
Roasted_llutz, I want this automated, though. I want it to auto mount and rsync at a certain time of the day, every day.18:13
llutzRoasted_: theres a way to have credentials in a file, so you can use a common fstab-entry18:13
bibornSnicers : intel 940 GML express chipset family18:13
Roasted_llutz, what if I have nautilus "remember forever". would that make scripting the backup easier?18:13
=== Guest51250 is now known as Troubled_in_SLC
fatheadI di dthis https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch18:13
llutzRoasted_: i'd always prefer a short script18:14
fatheadand was able to make a live cd successfully18:14
fatheadbut it does not auto log in and I cannot get firefox to launch18:14
llutzRoasted_: don't count on any gui-stuff, just use some shell-scripting18:14
quickmbeierl : personal stuff and some project works18:14
Almehdifathead: You could mount the minimal iso and then chroot into it and install gnome and firefox18:14
Roasted_llutz, how would rsync go then? rsync -a /home/fred/ /fred@        ???18:15
fatheadYES-that is what I want to do Almehdi18:15
bibornSnicers-Work2 : intel 940 GML express chipset family18:15
mbeierlquick: can you live with the crashes or would it be worth the effort to repartition the existing drive to create another install directory where you can run 10.10 until this bug is fixed?18:15
fatheadAlmedhi-I tried sudo apt-get install -mozilla-firefox-build18:15
fatheadno go18:15
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=== Guest7706 is now known as burntoto
epzil0nsoadkombucha: tried to do as u suggested and it didn't work.. same ugly white border :(18:16
robin0800Roasted, snippet of credentials showing syntax "credentials=/root/.smbcredentials"18:16
ajmakfathead: gnome can autologon http://www.watchingthenet.com/how-to-enable-automati-logon-in-ubuntu-or-kubuntu.html.  have you tried settings this up?18:16
bibornhello..how can i install graphic card driver in ubuntu? my extra fancy appearence is disabled ..18:16
Almehdifathead: it should only be "sudo apt-get install firefox"18:16
fatheadno-but I will-thx18:16
llutzRoasted_: not sure if rsync can use smb://. i'd mount the smb-share to /media/backup and then "rsync -av ā€“delete /home/fred /media/backup"18:16
quickmbeierl : you 'll laugh i just upgraded from 10.04 LTS to 111.0418:16
quickmbeierl : i should have waited a bit more i guess :)18:17
ajmakfathead: also, auto launch programs at startup http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129933718:17
mbeierlquick: I feel your pain.  Would you believe my usual method of determining if a release is ready for "me" is by installing it in a separate partition and playing with it before doing the upgrade?18:17
llutzRoasted_: < 5 line script, no user-action needed.18:17
epzil0nsoadkombucha: but there must be a easy hack to accomplish this.. i just want that thick line gone, or will it affect every window so it will look crazy?18:17
mbeierlquick: that is always a risk going off an LTS to a non-LTS release.18:17
Roasted_llutz, sudo mount smb:// /media/backup?18:18
bibornhello..how can i install graphic card driver in ubuntu? my extra fancy appearence is disabled ..18:18
fatheadwhat is the command to launch firefox?18:18
KM0201mbeierl: my experience, LTS is no more stable/unstable, than a normal release... i think LTS is over rated18:18
Hawkysoftcommand = firefox18:18
llutzRoasted_: yes, but better to create an fstab entry like this http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/mounting-an-smbfs-using-fstab-461202/18:18
mbeierlKM0201: but going from LTS to a non-LTS in the first week of release can be risky... is all I'm saying18:18
fatheadtried that before---18:19
derpyderpHey guys, so Im running ubuntu 10.04 and I wanted to upgrade to 11.04 without losing my files. Is this possible if I burn 11.04 onto a cd? what would I need to do to make my system recognize the cd as an upgrade source? thanks18:19
KM0201mbeierl: i disagree.. completely actually.18:19
bibornhello..how can i install graphic card driver in ubuntu? my extra fancy appearence is disabled ..my graphic card is intel 955 espress chipset family18:19
Hawkysoftfathead, than u broke it18:19
quickmbeierl : it's ok . i'll use the desktop for useful stuff until this is fixed18:19
ajmakfathead: can't you just type 'firefox' (no quotes) from terminal?18:20
mbeierlquick: good luck and here's to getting a fix quickly18:20
fatheadwhen I do, I get"firefox is not installed"'18:20
Fonzie-How can i find out if im running x64 or x86 ubuntu?18:20
ajmakfathead: install it then :)18:20
Fonzie-from terminal18:20
Hawkysoftyeah install it ^^18:20
bibornhello..how can i install graphic card driver in ubuntu? my extra fancy appearence is disabled ..my graphic card is intel 945 express chipset family18:20
shal3rFonzie-, type `uname -a` in terminal18:20
mbeierlKM0201: it's to each their own degree of risk tolerance.  For example, I don't think 10.04 LTS would work any better on bleeding edge hardware then 11.04, but here we have a case where a working system did become unstable after the upgrade.18:21
Fonzie-shal3r: 2.6.32-24-generic-pae18:21
shal3rFonzie-, is that a full line?18:21
fatheadajmak-how can I install it to the iso?18:21
quickmbeierl : Thanks you very much for the help .18:21
derpyderpHey guys, so Im running ubuntu 10.04 and I wanted to upgrade to 11.04 without losing my files. Is this possible if I burn 11.04 onto a cd? what would I need to do to make my system recognize the cd as an upgrade source? thanks18:21
Fonzie-shal3r: Linux lyteo 2.6.32-24-generic-pae #43-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 16 15:30:27 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux18:22
fatheaddo I need to chroot  and then apt -get install firefox18:22
shal3rFonzie-, it's x8618:22
Fonzie-shal3r: Thanks. Is there any easy way to upgrade to x64?18:22
mbeierlquick: for what it was, you're welcome.  Perhaps the most useful would be to subscribe to the bug so you get an email when it changes and it adds weight to the number of people experiencing it.18:22
Fonzie-Need x64 virtualization in VirtualBox18:22
ajmakfathead: have you done the prereqs? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization#Apt-get18:22
quickderpyderp : just use the upgrade opptin in the update manager18:23
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
quickderpyderp : just use the upgrade option in the update manager18:23
derpyderpquick: where's that? I have the cd though, i dont want to download 11.04 agian18:23
shal3rFonzie-, reinstall only. But i remember running 64bit OS in Virtualbox in 32-bit system18:23
llutzRoasted_: like this http://pastebin.com/DdQ9cUg718:23
shal3rFonzie-, you just need to select OS Type as 64bit in VM settings18:24
Hawkysoftfor installing firefox "sudo apt-get install firefox-4.0"18:24
Fonzie-shal3r: I've googling for ages for that. From terminal virtualbox is a nightmare. I cant find any settings for that18:24
Hawkysoftif it doesnt work18:24
Hawkysoft"gksu add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa"18:24
KM0201Hawkysoft: 4.0 is in the repos, no reason add the daily ppa18:25
antonettewhat is the difference between sata I and sata II18:25
Roasted_thanks llutz18:25
antonetteis the connector looking same? im buying new hdto laptop18:25
HawkysoftKM0201, thats why i said if it doesnt work ;p18:25
oCeanFonzie-: you need a cpu which supports virtualization. AMD calls this function AMD-V, Intel uses VT-x.18:25
KM0201mbeierl: lts, doesn't really have anything at all to do w/ stability, but w/ support... i've had LTS releases give me just as many problems as non-lts...18:26
quickyou dnt have to download everything only the important stuff will be downloaded . gt to System-> administration -> update manager -> settings then in updates you have release upgrades in show new distribution releses make it to normal releases18:26
KM0201Hawkysoft: if it doesn't work, they're doing someething wrong and adding a pPA could just end up making it worse18:26
quickderpyderp : you dnt have to download everything only the important stuff will be downloaded . gt to System-> administration -> update manager -> settings then in updates you have release upgrades in show new distribution releses make it to normal releases . give ur passwd whereever required18:27
Fonzie-oCean: Yeah, and this needs to be enabled in BIOS, right?18:27
Fonzie-its a core2duo 3.2 ghz18:27
fatheadunable to locate package firefox-4.018:27
quickmeinerl : how do i subscribe to the bug ?18:27
derpyderpquick: ok thanks, but is there a way to upgrade from a cd? my internet connection is pretty slow...18:27
ajmakfathead: sudo apt-get install firefox18:27
epzil0ncan someone help me get rid of these ugly white lines.. i use union blue theme panel but i don't like the white windows, so i use the clearlook classics but they got this stupid lines http://ubuntuone.com/p/sre/18:28
oCeanFonzie-: if it has those options, yes. You can check if it is enabled: egrep '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo18:28
KM0201fathead: you dont need -4.018:28
shal3rFonzie-, you can check .VirtualBox/Machines/mavhinename/machinename.xml and edit that file18:28
fatheadajmak-doesn't work18:28
fatheadsays cant find package18:28
quickmbeierl : how do i subscribe to the bug ?18:28
fatheadthis is after I chroot into my live CD working directory18:28
KM0201fathead: then you have some other problem going on there... are you sure the machine is online?18:28
epzil0ni tried to modify the gtkrc file with no luck :(18:28
antonetteor do i need to buy new hdd after all? can i bypass that fsync error some how?18:29
ajmakfathead: sudo apt-get update - what do you get?18:29
Fonzie-oCean: i do get a hit on "vmx"18:29
Fonzie-shal3r: Checking18:29
oCeanFonzie-: then it's enabled. You should be able to run 64bit os18:29
ajmakantonette: you can plug a sata 2 drive into a sata 1 board connection, it's backward compatible18:29
oCeanFonzie-: in vbox even18:30
antonetteerror fsyncing closing /dev/sda18:30
quickderpyderp : hte upgrade will take you 20 mins on a 512 kbps speed . i did it myself . make sure you are on ac and  have a backup power supply . and for ur cd upgrade just put ur cd in ur cd tray and see if it gives you and upgrade option .18:30
shal3rFonzie-, there is OSType="Gentoo_64" in mine, in third line.18:30
quickderpyderp : the upgrade will take you 20 mins on a 512 kbps speed . i did it myself . make sure you are on ac and  have a backup power supply . and for ur cd upgrade just put ur cd in ur cd tray and see if it gives you and upgrade option .18:30
derpyderpquick awesome thanks18:30
fathead"failed to fetch..."18:30
KM0201booom, headshot.18:31
quickmbeierl : how do i subscribe to a bug . i have a launchpad account .18:31
ajmakfathead: you have a problem connecting to the repositories.  are you connected to irc from the same pc or a different one?18:31
KM0201fathead: see, you're going about this totally the wrong way, it doesn't even have internet access, and you'r ewondering why you can't install firefox.18:31
sevihi, i just updatet to ubuntu 11.x , can anybody tell me to adjust the behaviour like in 10.4? (windows etc..)18:31
quickderpyderp :  you are welcome18:32
fatheada different one18:32
Fonzie-shal3r: mine says OSType="Other"18:32
fatheadI cant connect using the ubuntu box18:32
Stinmansevi, log out and log back in under Ubuntu Classic18:32
quicksevi : while login choose the ubuntu classic optin18:32
fatheadany reason why I may be failing to connect18:32
fatheadI have an internet connection18:32
ajmakfathead: ok, u need to get your internet access problem sorted first from that pc.  do you use a proxy?18:32
shal3rFonzie-, try Other_6418:32
Fonzie-shal3r: Any idea where i can see available "ostypes" then? It obviously do not detect its windows18:32
KM0201fathead: i'm guessing PEBKAC is not the answer your looking for?18:32
seviaha ! ok , thanks i'll give that a try!18:33
quicksevi : while login choose the ubuntu classic optin . it'll work dnt worry . u are welcome18:33
fatheadKM0201 -no the answer Im looking for is FU18:33
fatheadlemme check the proxy setting in firefox18:33
KM0201fathead: well, at least i'm making sense.18:33
Fonzie-shal3r: Will do. Many thanks :D18:34
shal3rFonzie-, is it working?18:34
=== SA-Geoff is now known as SA-Geoff-Lunch
fatheadyeah-it was proxy18:35
fatheadtrying now18:35
nmpribeirohi there. hi there. I have a VMware system runing a web server. In the host system I have another webserver. I need to forward vmsys port 80 to host:8088 wich has been done, but I cannot access over internet host:8088 (the port forward has been done)18:36
MiteshShahhow to install vicidial in ubuntu18:36
shaneois there anyway to remove the bookmarks dock from the gnome3 desktop18:36
lolmaticim looking for a nice program to sync with google docs. does anyone have a tip?18:36
KM0201!info vicidial18:36
ubottuPackage vicidial does not exist in natty18:36
KM0201!info vdial18:36
ubottuPackage vdial does not exist in natty18:36
ajmakfathead: u'll need to configure apt to use a proxy before you can apt-get anything.  add following to /etc/apt/apt.conf with your proxy details18:36
quickMiteshShah : use apt-get install vicidial18:37
Fonzie-shal3r: Gonna try boot an x64 os.. need to extract ISO first. Will get back18:37
ajmakfathad: Acquire::http::Proxy "http://username:password-AT-proxyserver:port/"18:37
shal3rFonzie-, for windows you can try WindowsXP_64 or Windows7_64 . There is no Other_64 in GUI menu18:37
ajmakfathead: dammit smileys.  did that make sense?18:37
nmpribeirois there a program to search wich protocols are working?18:38
vgolubev_samosfaIs it ICR???18:38
quickvgolubev_samosfa : hello :)18:38
vgolubev_samosfaWhere you are?18:38
quickvgolubev_samosfa : this is IRC18:38
vgolubev_samosfaI am from Ukraine. And you?18:39
quickvgolubev_samosfa : if u wanna speak anything too anyone . just type the user name then write . hope you got it18:40
nmpribeiroI cannot access a port through internet that I have access from intranet. Can anyone help me go throu this?18:40
fatheadajmak-I turned off proxy use in firefox18:40
fatheadbut I still get failed to fetch18:40
llutznmpribeiro: check your router18:41
ajmakfathead: ???  u need to switch proxy *on* for apt before you can apt-get18:41
ajmakfathead: instructions up there ^^^18:41
mordofis there a way to change an application icon in the unity bar?18:41
nmpribeirollutz: proper forwarding has been done18:41
multipasshi, im having to use underscanning on my monitor to get 1920x1080 to fill up my 23 inch monitor, but then it blurs text and looks a little weird-- this dosnt happen on VGA, only HDMI, any ideas if i can fix this for hdmi?18:42
llutznmpribeiro: what error when trying from WAN?18:42
fatheadajmak-can you PM me18:42
nmpribeiroThe connection has timed out18:42
nmpribeirollutz: The connection has timed out18:42
llutznmpribeiro: any blocking iptables-rules on the machine?18:43
wildc4rdevenin all18:43
Fonzie-shal3r: That didnt work. Got "Invalid machine name!" when i tried to start it18:44
ericinohioanyone help me with a realtek 2500 wireless card in 11.04...my internet constantly starts, pauses, works again...I've did a few searches and tried some things, still does it18:44
shal3rFonzie-, for windows you can try WindowsXP_64 or Windows7_64 . There is no Other_64 in GUI menu18:44
nmpribeirollutz: I've flushed all iptable-rules, but I'll check again18:44
shal3rFonzie-, guest OS is windows, right?18:44
llutznmpribeiro: and re-check port-forwarding again18:45
Fonzie-Windows server 2008 r2.. x6418:45
joris_hi guys, there's a remote network -- with a lot of computers on the network -- configured with their computer name (so if I'm on the network, I can connect with eg. ssh myname@computer1 )18:45
joris_bu i don't know the names of all the computers, does anyone know how to find out all the computers on the network?18:45
chicognuhow to install virtual box in 11.04 ?18:45
kaustubhwhat is the command for installing apache?18:45
MiLLoi know i've monopolised several people today when it comes to assistance - but does anyone know how to set up dualscreens with ubuntu - it's never worked for me.  I want to set it up so that it's running two screens, through the HDMI cable, and they're "separate" - not mirror screens.18:45
joris_there should be a configuration file somewhere saying "computer1 = ip1" ?18:45
icerootkaustubh: sudo apt-get install apache218:45
szalW2k8 is based on Vista, iirc, so W7 might be the closest match18:46
fatheadI just burn an iso that auto logs in and auto launched fiorefox!18:46
ajmakfathead: good job :)18:46
UbuntunoobWill Ubuntu 10.10 work on a late 2005 iSight iMac with an Intel processor?18:46
campeeit's pretty annoying how gnome-terminal puts you in "/" whenever you open it now.18:46
nmpribeirollutz: nop... all clean18:46
Fonzie-shal3r: Seems like Windows7_64 works - woah.18:46
fatheadnow- I just need to know how to edit the home page so it auto laucnhes to that specific page18:46
UbuntunoobWill Ubuntu 10.10 work on a late 2005 iSight iMac with an Intel processor?18:46
UbuntunoobWill Ubuntu 10.10 work on a late 2005 iSight iMac with an Intel processor?18:46
UbuntunoobWill Ubuntu 10.10 work on a late 2005 iSight iMac with an Intel processor?18:46
FloodBot1Ubuntunoob: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:46
UbuntunoobWill Ubuntu 10.10 work on a late 2005 iSight iMac with an Intel processor?18:46
seviWell, thanks wors fine with ubuntu classic. Last Question: is now ubuntu 10.4 running, or is ubuntu 11.x running in classic mode?(if one changes the setting by loggin)18:47
UbuntunoobWill Ubuntu 10.10 work on a late 2005 iSight iMac with an Intel processor?18:47
=== derpyderp_ is now known as derpyderp
bastidrazorUbuntunoob: what was your question?18:47
durrellubuntunoob: Yes18:47
campeeUbuntunoob: try it and see, wtf18:47
oCeancampee: mind your language here, thanks18:47
campeeoCean: you can't say "wtf" anymore? heh18:48
oCeancampee: exactly. Please don't repeat that18:48
Zelozeloshas anyone gotten silverlight or an alt to work for netflix yet?18:48
fatheadajmak--can you help me set the homepage?18:49
ajmakzelozelos: arrgghhh, silverlight!  does my nut18:49
UbuntunoobOkay, i nee to talk to an Ubuntu expert. NOW!18:49
kaustubh@chicognu       sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-dkms18:49
UbuntunoobOkay, i nee to talk to an Ubuntu expert. NOW!18:49
UbuntunoobOkay, i nee to talk to an Ubuntu expert. NOW!18:49
FloodBot1Ubuntunoob: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:49
UbuntunoobOkay, i nee to talk to an Ubuntu expert. NOW!18:49
UbuntunoobOkay, i nee to talk to an Ubuntu expert. NOW!18:49
UbuntunoobOkay, i nee to talk to an Ubuntu expert. NOW!18:49
UbuntunoobOkay, i nee to talk to an Ubuntu expert. NOW!18:49
AprendizalguĆ©m fala portuguĆŖs aĆ­??18:49
UbuntunoobOkay, i nee to talk to an Ubuntu expert. NOW!18:49
marshalAnyone Can ubuntu be installed to full disc on mac book pro....no OSx on HD18:49
oCeanUbuntunoob: stop that18:49
linuxuser_does anyone here know why i cant left click and select scripts in nautrilus18:49
llutzUbuntunoob: you need to check you attitude18:49
chicognukaustubh, it have a GUI like in ubuntu 10.4 ?18:49
Zelozelosajmak idont WANT silverlight per-say but i do wish i could watch movies from netflix18:49
UbuntunoobOkay, i nee to talk to an Ubuntu expert. NOW!18:49
durrellmarshal: Yes18:49
campeeguess i'll just add 'cd ~' to my .bashrc. seriously though, what's the point of putting someone in / when they open gnome-terminal? they either can't do anything there or they'll use sudo to break their system.18:49
UbuntunoobOkay, i need to talk to an Ubuntu expert. NOW!18:50
campee./ignore Ubuntunoob18:50
durrellmarshal: Just boot from CD and format like normal18:50
marshaldurrell Thanks18:50
BlouBlou!ops | Ubuntunoob18:50
ubottuUbuntunoob: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!18:50
ajmakfathead:  command would just be - 'firefox http://www.google.com' - remove quotes18:50
UbuntunoobOkay, i need to talk to an Ubuntu expert please.18:50
UbuntunoobOkay, i need to talk to an Ubuntu expert please.18:50
mrmistUbuntunoob: Please calm down a little.18:50
fatheadajmak-where do I put that command?18:50
shal3rcampee, do you have correct home directory defined for user in /etc/passwd ?18:50
ZelozelosUbuntunoob, ask your question, maybe someone can help18:50
Fonzie-shal3r: Thank you very much! Works ;) Now i also got it running on 2 CPUs18:50
fatheadhow do I get in into the iso?18:50
ajmakfathead: amend the launch command you already have for firefox to include the url18:51
shal3rFonzie-, great :)18:51
campeeshal3r: yes. i have three different ubuntu 11.04 systems and they all do this. i don't think it's a misconfiguration issue. they're all fresh installs.18:51
kaustubhchicognu  go to terminal n type that command18:51
chicognukaustubh, k18:51
mordofanyone know how to change an icon for a program in the unity bar?18:51
Zelozelosa q about the grub editor, i used it to put an image w the menu, but now i want to change the image and its not changing, whats going on here?18:51
linuxuser_cant any1 help me why i cent get scripts to some up in nautilus?18:51
BluesKajMiLLo, any luck ?18:52
chicognukaustubh, done and now ?18:52
=== xxx is now known as Guest41513
campeeso, how quickly did you all opt out of using Unity?18:52
Camer0nI can't connect to the internet in ubuntu but it works fine in windows...18:52
MiLLonot with the dualscreens18:52
mordofcampee: i still use it18:52
durrellcampee: Immediately18:52
Camer0nhttp://www.linuxforums.org/forum/wireless-internet/178589-internet-connections-shown-but-not-connecting.html#post843182 is a thread I posted18:52
Zelozeloscampee, i almost did untill i got desktop cube working again18:52
campeei tried it for 5 minutes and decided it was too slow, unstable, and cumbersome.18:52
Camer0nit shows the connections but it doesn't actually connect18:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:53
shal3rcampee, i checked freshly installed 10.04 and gnome-terminal always starts in ~18:53
svgI'm looking for the best way to make sure all tap devices have a certain mtu, which is needed to configure the mtu of the bridge containing them. What would be the best way to do that? I have no way of controlling the tap device at creation time, so I need to do that afterwards.18:53
Camer0nany ideas why?18:53
campeeshal3r: this is for ubuntu 11.04.18:53
mordofcampee: none of those apply to mine *shrugs*18:53
durrellcampee: It's just not very intuitive. I stuck with 10.04.18:53
campeeshal3r: i did not have this issue with 10.0418:53
Camer0narand, if that was aimed at me, it IS ubuntus problem because it works fine in windows...18:53
shal3rcampee, sorry, i ment 11.0418:53
Almehdimordof: /usr/share/applications18:53
campeehmm. maybe some package that i am using on all my systems is breaking it.18:54
mordofAlmehdi: ty18:54
Zelozelosthe grub config editor, do i need 2 update grub after using it? or does it do it on its own18:54
arandCamer0n:No, I was referring to the opinionations about Unity18:54
Almehdimordof: make sure to be root when you like to change18:54
joris_there's a remote network -- with a lot of computers on the network -- configured with their computer name (so if I'm on the network, I can connect with eg. ssh myname@computer1 ) -- how do I find out all the computer names?18:54
jahmanm are you there18:54
Camer0noh ok18:54
=== siraf is now known as foenix
joris_anyone an idea?18:54
Aprendizpreciso de ajuda, estƔ alguƩm aƭ??18:55
campeejoris_: nmap to ping all the hosts, get a list of all their IPs, look up all the IPs in DNS via a script. or maybe nmap can do it for you.18:55
thebastlhi where do i need to look if i want to remove apps from my dash?18:55
mordofAlmehdi: that... this doesn't help at all. what in here do i change?18:55
mordofAlmehdi: my program isn't under here18:55
ajmakcampee: joris_: if ur on the same subnet, nmap should return hostnames18:55
multipasshi, im having to use underscanning on my monitor to get 1920x1080 to fill up my 23 inch monitor, but then it blurs text and looks a little weird-- this dosnt happen on VGA, only HDMI, any ideas if i can fix this for hdmi?18:55
durrelljoris_: I think nmap will return hostnames18:55
vqxwubottu: !es | Aprendiz18:56
ubottuAprendiz: En la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:56
joris_campee; ajmak; durrell ok thanks, I'll look into nmap!:)18:56
llutzjoris_: sudo nmap -sP            or whatever network/mask18:56
Almehdimordof: right click -> preferences -> click on icon18:56
mordofAlmehdi: it doesn't use that one18:56
Jcook_5xDataajmak, nmap will do it or try www.angryip.org it is simpler18:56
Camer0nI can't connect to the internet in ubuntu but it works fine in windows... http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/wireless-internet/178589-internet-connections-shown-but-not-connecting.html#post843182 is a thread I posted it shows the connections but it doesn't actually connect, any ideas why?18:57
Almehdimordof: what app do you want to change?18:57
mordofAlmehdi: Sublime Text 218:57
Camer0nIt's incredibly annoying!!18:57
mordofAlmehdi: the icon for it in Unity18:57
Camer0nI can't use ubuntu!!18:57
jahmanm is that you18:57
Camer0nI've tried reinstalling18:57
Camer0nbut it's not working still18:57
Camer0nI've tried toggeling my wifi on and off18:57
Camer0nbut it's not working still18:58
jahmandont try do it install ubuntu18:58
Zelozelosahaaa now i see what i was doing wrong, when i tell it to write to mbr i was going with whatever sda it was on, souldnt it be sda1 if i have windows and ubuntu18:58
Roasted_Is there a different Unity 2D version other than the one in the software center? The one in the software center is SLOW. I remember a 2D PPA I installed on 11.04 beta that was wicked fast. Where is that?18:58
Camer0ntried restarting about 5 times...18:58
Camer0nbut it's not working still18:58
ajmakCamer0n: sounds like you have a wifi problem.  does your wifi adapter support the same security level that's set on the network?  eg wpa, wpa2 etc18:58
Camer0nwell it used to work fine, and it works in windows18:59
Almehdimordof: Open terminal then write "gedit /var/lib/dpkg/info/" and don't do anything more18:59
Camer0nso I doubt that's the problem18:59
thienmy window's button is sometime unclickable unless i move the window a bit. how to fix this error. ubuntu11.0418:59
ajmakCamer0n: it works in windows?  is that a dual boot machine?18:59
mordofAlmehdi: it's not a dpkg application18:59
mordofAlmehdi: i doubt it's under there18:59
ajmakCamer0n: it may be that the ubuntu driver doesn't support the security level but the windows one does.  what are you using?  wpa?19:00
vqxwCamer0n: are you sure you selected the correct password type (i.e wep, wpa, etc)?19:00
Camer0nbut it used to work in ubuntu19:00
dupondjeAlmehdi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/77489619:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 774896 in linux (Ubuntu) "boot freeze" [Undecided,New]19:00
Almehdimordof: when you have done that.. start writing "subl" and press [tab] key to autocomplete19:00
Camer0nI'm quite sure19:00
dupondjeseems i'm not the only one :)19:00
kalvinnocomo uso este irc19:00
ajmakCamer0n: whatabout encryption?  tkip or aes?19:01
kalvinnoregistro e tal?19:01
stratosjlhello there, quick question: post install, how to retrieve the automatically generated encryption passphrase?19:01
Camer0ni don't know19:01
Guest29607hola a todos19:01
Almehdimordof: and then add "." [tab] so it say .list and [enter]19:01
jrib!encrypt | stratosjl19:01
ubottustratosjl: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory19:01
Camer0nhow would i find out??19:01
szalthien: what do you mean by "unclickable"?19:01
Kartagis!it | kalvinno19:01
ubottukalvinno: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi Ā« /join #ubuntu-it Ā» senza virgolette)19:01
Almehdidupondje: wait little19:02
stratosjl@ubottu: thanks!!19:02
ajmakCamer0n: ok.  rather than double clicking on the network to join it, try adding the network manually.  you will be able to choose all the relevant options then.  try each individually and you may hit the one you need19:02
szalKartagis: language recognition fail :P19:02
thienszal: i mean: i click the button (ok/cancel/...) and nothing happens19:02
Kartagis!es | Guest2960719:02
ubottuGuest29607: En la mayorĆ­a de canales de Ubuntu se habla sĆ³lo en inglĆ©s. Si busca ayuda en espaƱol o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:02
Almehdimordof: did you get it?19:02
Camer0nok, let me try that19:02
kalvinnosĆ³ falo portuguĆŖs19:02
paulnmi have an audio problem19:02
paulnmsome one ?19:02
szal!pt | kalvinno19:02
ubottukalvinno: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portuguĆŖs. Para entrar no canal por favor faƧa "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguĆŖsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:02
Kartagis!pt | kalvinno19:02
Kennie`hi, im trying to isntall ubuntu to a 2tb disk.. which gets gpt partitioned by ubuntu... now i can't install grub to it. anyone has a idea to fix it?19:03
paulnmUnable to open the audio device for playback !!.. What can i do? ?19:03
jahmancan you see me mike19:03
szalpaulnm: in what situation?19:04
nmpribeirowhere is iptables rules file so I can edit it?19:04
paulnmszal im trying to use matlab to reproduce a sound and it gives me dice expectiion Unable to open the audio device for playback: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException19:04
kalvinnofui pra Ubuntu - br19:04
paulnmzsal:  im trying to use matlab to reproduce a sound and it gives me dice expectiion Unable to open the audio device for playback: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException19:05
joljamcould anyone of you help me with enabling wireless in my laptop19:05
=== wilson is now known as Guest46000
joljami am using a dell inspiron 1545 laptop abd running ubuntu19:06
mordofAlmehdi: sorry -.- internet cut out19:06
Almehdidupondje: I guess the ACPI=off didn't work... I have no clue what MSI subordinate means19:06
Kartagisit seems NetworkManager has an OpenVPN plugin now. but it fails. where do I place the configuration files and certificates?19:06
Almehdimordof: what was the latest you got?19:06
mordofabout the gedit dpkg stuff - and all that did was try to open a folder in gedit19:07
Almehdimordof: Ok, you should wait after you wrote that19:07
mordofAlmehdi: wait for what?19:07
paulnma program gives me this :  Unable to open the audio device for playback: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException what can i do? ??19:08
dsadssdfor 1119:08
mordofAlmehdi: "/var/lib/dpkg/info is a directory. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."19:08
szalpaulnm: no unsolicited private messages please19:08
dsadssdfor 11.1019:08
thienomg, i just see it again. A window with  some buttons, I click on a button, and nothing happens. how to fix?19:08
Almehdimordof: First write /var/lib/dpkg/info/  and when you have done that.. start writing "subl" and press [tab] key to autocomplete.19:08
=== Guest46000 is now known as Lofde_
fiezdudehey people19:09
mordofAlmehdi: i'm not a well versed ubuntu user.. i'm not sure how to change what you're telling me so that it works :\19:09
Lofde_i have a ubuntu 11.04 and  have a client who wants to share internal documents, like engineering plans, with employees who are on-site, like on their laptops. I was wondering, do you guys know of a free PHP file manager with the following capabilities: Secure - files can ONLY be downloaded through the file manager, not http or otherwise, Multiple users and priveleges - Admin can upload files, other users can ONLY download It would19:09
Lofde_also be nice if it was user-friendly and attractive, but that's secondary. If a free file manager like this doesn't exist, a paid one is an option19:09
mordofAlmehdi: all i know is that i'm missing a step somewhere and i don't know what it is with what you're telling me, lol19:09
Almehdimordof: yes, i know that... you are going to open a file that hopefully starts with "subli" and ends with ".list"19:09
Linuxhi can someone help me please?19:10
LinuxI upgrade to 11.0419:10
LinuxI saw the login19:10
fiezdudeme to19:10
Snicers-Work2Does anyone know of a good IRC proxy to use?19:10
LinuxI loged it and then the screen stuck19:10
Almehdimordof: I do not know the full name of sublime so i am trying to teach you the autocomplete function ;)19:10
fiezdudeany one activated special effects on ubuntu 11.4?19:10
mordofAlmehdi: but i don't know where to type that is the problem19:11
fiezdude any one activated special effects on ubuntu 11.4?19:11
Almehdimordof: (again) Open terminal and then start write "gedit /var/lib/dpkg/info/19:11
ActionParsnipfiezdude: yes19:11
Lofde_fiezdue i would if i could find the option19:11
paulnm*zsal sorry19:12
fiezdudeyeah , me to. am looking for compiz alternative19:12
Almehdimordof: "gedit /var/lib/dpkg/info/subl" then hit [tab] to autocomplete19:12
omnibraini installed dropbox on my ubuntu and selected my already existing dropbox folder in the windows partition so why the hell is it syncing all files again now it says it takes 10 hours19:12
paulnmzsal can u help me?19:12
Fonzie-shal3r: Duh, i was wrong :P didnt work. It posts alot of errors about 64 bits, and it ends up in "Stopping the VM!"19:12
Linuxhelp me19:12
shal3rFonzie-, sorry, i have no more ideas19:12
Linuxnever mind no one can help me19:13
Snicers-Work2omnibrain, It has to verify that all of those files are up to date.19:13
shal3rFonzie-, you should try #vbox19:13
ActionParsnipLofde_: press ALT+F2 and run: compiz --replace19:13
mordofAlmehdi: ah, i already knew about that feature. but no, i guess this didn't go through because of my internet - sublime is a downloaded program in a folder, it's not installed by any regular means19:13
LinuxI am format and then install windows19:13
Fonzie-shal3r: will do19:13
mordofAlmehdi: it's not installed with dpkg19:13
Almehdimordof: it will probably not give you all... so write ".li" and [tab] again19:13
kaustubhlinux whats the prob19:13
alex_<Snicers-Work2> Does anyone know of a good IRC proxy to use?19:13
szalpatience fail, that's the problem19:13
ActionParsnipLinux: bye19:13
Almehdimordof: all programs you have goes here19:13
mordofAlmehdi: even if they're not installed at all?19:14
paulnmzsal: can you help me with Unable to open the audio device for playback ??19:14
alex_omnibrain> i installed dropbox on my ubuntu and selected my already existing dropbox folder in the windows partition so why the hell is it syncing all files again now it says it takes 10 hours19:14
Linuxkaustubh: I upgrade to 11.04 and then after the login the pc stuck19:14
mordofAlmehdi: it's not managed with dpkg.. why would it go there?19:14
Almehdimordof: ohhh.... well then19:14
alex_omnibrain: Complain to Dropbox, 99% certain that's not a Ubuntu issue19:14
mordofAlmehdi: there's no icon in the folder that i downloaded at all that gives this icon, yet Unity is showing one. I can't figure this one out19:14
Almehdimordof: it is a typ of "cache" directory19:14
aboudreaultHi, what's the package that update automatically /etc/motd with load/network/disk space information etc..?19:14
teresa_Hi all...19:14
Linuxkaustubh: what should I do?19:15
kaustubhLinux try again19:15
Kartagiscan you recommend a decent OpenVPN GUI for ubuntu?19:15
ActionParsnipLinux: i thought you were installing Windows?19:15
kaustubhLinux reboot19:15
Lofde_compiz is running now but there was a setting in 10.4 for "Extras" and it turned on wobbly windows etc19:15
LinuxActionParsnip: If I can't fix it19:15
Almehdimordof: Have you installed it or not? Did you install it from source or synaptic?19:15
Linuxkaustubh: I reboot and the same problem19:15
ActionParsnipKartagis: network manager19:15
paulnmUnable to open the audio device for playback !! Somebody ??19:15
mordofAlmehdi: neither, like i said it's a launchable file19:15
mordofAlmehdi: i didn't install it19:15
mordofAlmehdi: it won't be registered anywhere19:16
Almehdimordof: hmmm19:16
teresa_I think i have a wine virus - netbook 10.10 2D - I click a nautilus shortcut; it doesn't start, instead a wine-looking (win xp style button) with "Error: File not found"19:16
kaustubhLinux what is ur config19:16
Linuxkaustubh: why it so slowly?19:16
Linuxkaustubh: config?utiny 2D19:16
Linuxunity 2D*19:16
Almehdimordof: where did you get it from?19:16
teresa_In addition, i see wine-server in ps-list... it wasn't there before.19:17
mordofAlmehdi: http://www.sublimetext.com/219:17
Almehdimordof: wait little and i'll check19:17
Linuxkaustubh: very strange19:17
mordofAlmehdi: linux 64-bit19:17
kaustubhLinux: pc configuration?19:17
paulnmi have an audio problem :   Unable to open the audio device for playback..19:17
ActionParsnipLinux: you didn't say that. You also waited about 3 seconds for a reply after giving ZERO details so how you expected anyone to help you would be pure guessw19:17
mordofAlmehdi: ty for your patience and your assistance >.<19:17
Linuxkaustubh: what do you mean?19:17
LinuxActionParsnip: oh?I don't understand your point19:18
I_LIVES1i have problem with a4 webcam: ekiga does work with it, but cheese and skype do not...19:18
I_LIVES1what may be the cause?19:18
Linuxkaustubh: it is mini book of asus19:18
Linuxkaustubh: what should I do?19:19
teresa_Can someone help with a "wine virus" (looks like)19:20
Lucidcan anyone tell me how to use hamachi for a VPN19:20
ActionParsnipLinux: read you previous posts. Take particular note of how fast the appear as well as how little detail you give as well as you saying "i'll format and install windows" following "bye!19:20
ActionParsnipLinux: why say "bye" and then not leave?19:21
ActionParsnipLinux: do you know what "bye" means?19:21
LinuxActionParsnip: because someone here want to help me .if he didnt then I would leave19:21
LinuxActionParsnip: I am telling the true - the unity/gnome 3 stuck my pc therefore I can't use my linux so I want to switch to windows19:22
Linuxgot my point?19:22
Almehdimordof: I see.. it is a precompiled binary... If you want this you could make a *.desktop file to launch it19:23
Arneyanyone having rendering issues on flash for firefox? http://www.boostmobile.com/19:23
annafuck off you dirty bastards sons of bitches i spit on ubuntu and linux...linuz...schmutz...scutz19:23
ActionParsnipLinux: that's fine but adding the reinstall windows bit gives zero value to any question. You also didn't tell any details to your issue19:23
Azelphuranna: umad?19:23
ArneyIt works perfectly on chrome... I do NOT want to switch out of firefox.19:23
Almehdimordof: that would also give you the option to change the icon19:23
mordofAlmehdi: ah19:23
Kartagiscan you recommend a decent OpenVPN GUI for ubuntu?19:23
LinuxActionParsnip: ok but I wrote my problem and then no answering I thought that no one can help me19:23
nemetosUhm, hi. This might be an embarrassing question. I have Ubuntu on my pc as a dual boot from Windows 7. Window s 7 just got a trojan (true story!) and refuses to boot up. Is it possible to locate my Windows-partition/files from Ubuntu?19:24
ActionParsnipAnna: don't use it then and don't bother next time. Okay?19:24
Azelphurnemetos: yes, in the places menu19:24
LinuxActionParsnip: and he left the channel19:24
nemetosAzelphur, duh, its right there. in the menu19:24
Azelphurhehe :)19:24
ActionParsnipLinux: then WAIT. If nobody can help then that will happen won't it??19:25
annaactionparsnip: ugay?19:25
LinuxActionParsnip: I believe so19:25
Almehdimordof: Have you added it to the launcher?19:25
Azelphuranna: don't you mean me? XD19:25
mordofAlmehdi: "keep in launcher"? yes19:25
ActionParsnipAnna: only asgay as you are. Do19:25
mordofAlmehdi: the actual precompiled binary doesn't work, but the one under .local for the context menu works to launch it19:26
mordofAlmehdi: the .desktop file for it in there.. what do i add in ther eto give it an icon?19:26
Almehdimordof: Could you open the Terminal again and write "sudo find / -name "sublime*.desktop"19:26
LinuxActionParsnip: and I am giving up quickly19:26
paulnmi have some audio problem, can anybody help me?19:26
=== Linux is now known as HelpToMyLinux
Kartagis!ask | paulnm19:26
quixAnyone using Unity and having problems with Firefox menus losing focus very often?19:26
ubottupaulnm: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:26
mordofAlmehdi: i have one in ~/.local/share/applications/userapp-sublime_text-91M8UV.desktop19:27
ActionParsnipLinux: so have some patience and quit with the pathetic threats of installing windows. It doesn't make people want to support you any more or less19:27
Almehdimordof: then "gedit ~/.local/share/applications/userapp-sublime_text-91M8UV.desktop"19:27
mordofAlmehdi: for my context menu.. i kept that one in my unity bar, since it creates a different item than the compiled binary itself19:27
Almehdimordof: Ok, you have the icon you want?19:28
ActionParsnipHelpToMyLinux: see above please19:28
mordofAlmehdi: yeah, it's kinda big though - will it resize or do i have to do that manually?19:28
Almehdimordof: I could launch the "sublime_text" from the precompiled folder19:28
mersaultIs anyone running NX or winswitch or similar to provide remote desktop or remote application access? I recently installed ubuntu on a headless machine, but I'd like to have remote access to a GUI app on the host.19:29
joljamcould anyone help me with setting up wireless in my ubuntu linux laptop19:29
Almehdimordof: I think you will need to do that manually... by addinĒµ space not shrink it19:29
airstrikei need a solution for this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159695419:30
Linuxwhy can't I write in the channel?19:30
mordofAlmehdi: ah it worked!! :D19:30
quixAny ATI and Firefox users having problem with Firefox menus not working after returning from screensaver (menus lose focus)?19:30
Almehdimordof: sometimes the solution is closer than you think... ;)19:31
Linuxkaustubh: here?19:31
Almehdimordof: I started totaly wrong with this one ;)19:31
mordofAlmehdi: mhmm.. i didn't know about the .desktop things being a launcher, will keep that in mind :D ty19:31
Linuxkaustubh: I think that the problem is that my pc is so weak (minibook) so what should I do?19:31
mordofAlmehdi: hehe, i had no idea where to start so you were still doin better than i was19:31
Almehdimordof: nice i was of use ;)19:31
mordof^-^ mhmm, ty19:32
paulnmKartagis: i have this Unable to open the audio device for playback: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException19:32
=== hoey is now known as ackt1c
Kartagispaulnm: I didn't say I could help you, I just told you to ask the real question19:34
Zelozelosthe grub customizer will not change the background, i have even tried replacing the jpg w the one i wanted and renamed it to the one i replaced, update-grub, update-grub2, write to mbr am i doing something wrong or is this some sort of bug w grub customizer?19:34
Linuxkaustubh: ?19:35
jeremynany quick tips on why my wireless internet is super slow on 11.04?19:35
kaustubhLinux: really have no idea19:35
Linuxso I tell again my problem maybe someone know how to fix it19:36
kaustubhLinux: if u can then once try to reinstall ubuntu11.419:36
Linuxkaustubh: no19:37
LinuxI can't19:37
LinuxI don't know how19:37
kaustubhLinux: why?19:37
Linuxkaustubh: because I don't know19:37
Linuxdo it19:38
FloodBot1Linux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:38
kaustubhLinux: what u dont know?19:38
mordofAlmehdi: only problem with this is that Unity can't track if the application is open or has focus >.<; lol19:38
fannohello again all, been doing a bit more research, is is Dell Latitude E6520 a good power houser for a linux laptop?19:38
Linuxkaustubh: I know to work with gurb19:38
Linuxbash ***********19:38
fannoi need a Latitude because i want a docking station19:38
mordofAlmehdi: is there a command line in the .desktop file that can forward that info through?19:38
Fonzie-Does the GPU on the host affects performance on virtual machines (VirtualBox)??19:40
mihahmmm how can i get java console to see what's wrong with java applet ?!19:41
Crash1hdhey all I have vmware player connecting to my ubuntu partiton on my windows host and I have come to the conclusion that to make the display work properly I need to remove the xorg.conf file while in vmware obviously I would like it to be there for when I reboot and boot into ubuntu nativly is there a way I can tell ubuntu to remove the xorg.conf when booting via vmware?19:41
mordofAlmehdi: ugh.. Unity is starting to get on my nerves :\19:42
kaustubhwhat r requirements for installing drupal?19:43
Azelphurkaustubh: a computer capable of running a web server, PHP and MySQL19:43
Crash1hdkaustubh, you would be better to ask that in #drupal19:43
Azelphurkaustubh: #drupal-support would be even better than ^19:43
Azelphur#drupal is general chat :P19:43
Crash1hdkaustubh, what Azelphur said :)19:43
Crash1hdI was thinking I could create a bash script that checks if I am booting inside vmware and remove the xorg.conf file with some code like this lspci | grep -i 'vmware svga ii' 2>&1 >/dev/null  [[$? -eq 0]] && XORG_CONF = xorg-vmware.conf but not sure where to put it was thinking in the xsession but I would like to make sure where it would best go19:45
mordofnow my application won't show up in Unity at all ;_; even while running19:46
mordofnow i'm about ready to drop Unity19:46
dupondjeSeems like the natty kernel has alot of kernel bugs :(19:47
MTecknologyFor installing Mac OSX and Ubuntu on a Mac mini... do I want to setup partitions with ubuntu or mac and which should i install first?19:47
Crash1hdso what I am asking is where does startx get called from is it  /etc/X11/Xsession or /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/all_All or somewhere else19:48
zul_who can help me in svn?19:48
zul_I receive thi error quen I try to connect to my svn server :Error validating location: "org.tigris.subversion.javahl.clientException: RA Layer request failed; svn: Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to OPTIONS request for19:48
arnabi installed kubuntu - it seems to be a hefty program - 125mb19:48
parishello. im currenly having a boot problem with the latest kernel update at ubuntu 11.04. i made the update yesterday and now it freezes at the boot when i choose the latest kenrel19:49
Stinmanhas anyone here successfully installed VMware workstation on to Ubuntu 10.04 or higher? I was able to get the Player going but for some reason I cannot get past telling it where the headers are. Still tells me that it does not match my kernel. I have tried compiling with no luck.19:49
compdocI use qemu-kvm19:50
compdocon 11.0419:50
matthewgreylingI'm getting kernel panics rather frequently.  I think it's my wireless driver (r8712u), but don't know for sure.  This is the first time I've been through this type of thing.19:50
compdocStinman, Ive been using kvm for a couple of years now to host servers19:51
compdocworks pretty well19:52
jeremynto answer my own question about slow internet: not sure what the problem is/was, but it went away after doing an update through a wired connection19:52
zul_where can I find any help in the configuration of svn?19:52
Picizul_: #subversion would be a good place to ask19:52
voxsericoWould anyone be willing to guide me through installing 64 bit ubuntu on two brand new drives configured as raid 1?19:53
BluesKajlutz or Pici . I'm reading a tutorial about automounting sshfs files , and the string contains \ (backslashes) ,is this correct usage ?19:53
compdocStinman, just chat in the channel19:53
ka1serHi, how do I make xorg(XFT) supports .PCF fonts?? Load "bitmap" on xorg.conf didn't work...19:54
llutzBluesKaj: i doubt it19:54
compdocStinman, there are other ways to 'convert' a vm19:54
StinmanSorry Compdoc19:54
PiciBluesKaj: sshfs, or CIFS?19:54
BluesKajsshfs, Pici19:54
kaustubhStinman: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose19:54
Crash1hdwhere can I set environment  variables for xorg.conf?19:54
llutzBluesKaj: link?19:54
BluesKajPici, http://www.chriscantwell.co.uk/technical/linux/sshfs19:54
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kaustubhStinman: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose19:55
BluesKajlut  ^19:55
StinmanMy OSE does not support USB devices19:55
BluesKajllutz, http://www.chriscantwell.co.uk/technical/linux/sshfs19:55
PiciBluesKaj: Those backslashes are escaping the # and : because those are special characters.19:55
AbTuXHow can I just upgrade libglade ?19:55
llutzBluesKaj: you read the "Note"? ;)19:56
voozeAnyone know a website that sells ubuntu stickers etc. for laptops? ;) want to replay the nasty windows sticker19:56
StinmanThats why I like VMware... does the qemu support USB compdoc?19:57
compdocStinman, I think it doesm but Ive never used that19:57
voxsericohave you checked http://shop.canonical.com/ , vooze?19:58
BluesKajPici, I'm confused if the \ is to ignore the # then why did put it there ?19:58
StinmanThanks compdoc and kaustubh19:58
BluesKajerr llutz ^19:58
PiciBluesKaj: \ doesn't ignore the character, it escapes it. Essentially, it nullfies the special value of that character, as normally it would treat everything afterwards as a comment.19:59
llutzBluesKaj: as the Note says: the # is needed for fuse (strange syntax) and you have to escape it19:59
BluesKajllutz, ok thanks :)20:00
gamla_kossanevening folks! recently upgraded to 11.04 on my thinkpad x200, but now I can't run it in composite anymore :/20:00
gamla_kossanmight there be anyone who can help me out?20:00
SyrexIs there a way I can record which SSH key was used to authenticate a session?20:02
SyrexUsing multiple public keys in /root/.ssh/authorized_users and want to have the authenticated key's comment logged somewhere...20:05
thegladiatorany js interpreter for Ubuntu ?20:06
ackt1cubuntu even uses javascript?20:06
MurphantHello, I'm having trouble with my power management with 11.04, the screen fades out every 5 minutes even though I set power management to have it shut off after 30 minutes20:07
thegladiatornot ubuntu , but its a language right20:07
ackt1cjava script yeah20:08
thegladiatorah Spidermoney is a js interpreter20:08
ackt1cjava -> in cmd20:09
thegladiatorjavacript not java20:09
ObfuscateA friend's computer has a curious issue: when booting, the device name for the drive containing his root and home partitions alternates between /dev/hda and /dev/hdc, which causes the computer to fail to boot roughly half of the time since /home cannot be mounted.20:11
ObfuscateWhat's the recommended method for dealing with this?20:11
lolnetHi, have a significant problem with 11.04. I have nm-applet up, and I can see (working) wireless networks, but I can't connect.20:12
llutzObfuscate: use labels or UUIDs to access drives, not dev-names20:12
mersaultdoes anyone have NX (remote desktop software) running on Natty?20:13
Obfuscatellutz: Is using the uuid path directly in fstab an acceptable solution?20:13
llutzObfuscate: use "UUID=1234-1212.... /home...." instead of "/dev/sdaX /home..." so yes20:14
lolnetCan anyone help me?20:15
Obfuscatellutz: Okay, we'll do that then. Thanks.20:15
fructoselolnet: You should be more specific20:15
jeypeyyHey all. I have a small problem with the sound in 11.04. The sound works (with some applications), but I can't change the volume. If I click on the sound indicator and then "Sound preferences" I get a dialig window that says "Waiting for sound system to respond". I do have start-pulseaudio-x11 in my startup applications20:16
lolnetWell, nm-applet is up, but I can't actually connect to any of the visible networks. I click, and nothing. Nothing happens.20:16
lolnetIt says "Wireless Networks disconnected" at the top. How do I actually connect to anything?20:16
fructoseyonny: Try adding a / in front20:16
fructoselolnet: Do you have a wireless card?20:17
lolnetfructose: I believe it's built into the laptop. Not a separate card or anything.20:18
F3RR1Sok... need some help... during an update my friend turned off the pc... and now when booting I get the "no session found"  in front of a black screen20:18
fructoselolnet: Alright, but you've used wireless with that computer before and there hasn't been any change to the hardware?20:19
lolnetfructose: No change, it was working earlier today on 10.04.20:19
F3RR1Sno gui20:19
fructoselolnet: And you did an upgrade?20:19
lolnetfructose: No, did a netinstall of 11.04.20:19
bjensencan I get curl to goto one page and the moment its done then goto another? I need to save the last page but goto a main page first20:20
tbz_try to connect at boot with the second ubuntu choice20:20
F3RR1Sthe upgrade on my system was from 10 to natty20:20
atc3030what kernel does ubuntu 10.10 have and 11.0420:20
trismatc3030: 10.10 is 2.6.35 and 11.04 is 2.6.3820:21
F3RR1Sany help would be appreciated20:21
nuobusHelp needed :-)20:21
Corey!help | nuobus20:22
ubottunuobus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:22
compdoc2.6.38 seems stable and fast, but so did 2.6.3520:22
nuobusI am trying to burn ISO on USB in ubuntu20:22
nuobusi have an iso for systemrescue20:22
nuobusI need to save my files from a bluescreen vista shit20:22
lolnetnuobus: What program are you using to get the iso onto the USB?20:23
fructoseAnyone know if 11.04 has anything for automatically mounting partitions on startup?20:23
voxsericoI need help setting up a fakeRAID installation20:23
nuobuslolnet u there?20:24
llutzfructose: /etc/fstab20:24
atc3030thank you20:24
voxsericoGot problems with the bootloader.20:24
fructosellutz: I meant something with a GUI20:24
lolnetnuobus: Yes?20:24
_jopnuobus, I've always used the command dd to copy ISOs to USBs directly. However, this overwrites anything already on the USB20:25
nuobusdo u have any idea how to do that?20:25
nuobusfuck everything on usb theres nothing :)20:25
nuobussorry for my language20:25
lolnetnuobus: To create USB ISO whatevers I usually use unetbootin20:25
nuobusi am really frustrated20:25
_jopnuobus, do you need to boot from the USB, right?20:25
nuobusunetbootin is used for burning OS like Linux no?20:25
nuobusyes I need to write an ISO at USB20:26
lolnetnuobus: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ Yep20:26
lolnetnuobus: unetbootin can write any ISO to USB.20:26
nuobus@lolnet there's a little problem with unetbootin  IDK how to install it on UBUNTU20:26
llutzfructose: just for curiosity: why does one want a GUI for something automatically done?20:27
nuobusI have seen some guides that show ho to write ISO on USB with Terminal20:27
voxsericoSystem -> Administration -> Startup disk creator20:27
lolnetnuobus: What's the problem? Just use the standard method to install it. sudo apt-get install unetbootin.20:27
nuobusBut when I try so i get message only root can do that20:27
nuobusdamn :)20:27
nuobus@lolnet :-) thank you ... I'm so stupid not having to tought about it20:28
nuobusbut hang on please20:28
nuobusI suppose I'll need you help20:28
Logan_!sudo | nuobus20:28
ubottunuobus: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:28
fructosellutz: Because being given a list of available partitions, clicking one, and selecting "Automatically mount partition on startup" is a hell of a lot more convenient and user-friendly than examining fdisk info and then modifying a system file with a text editor all via command line20:29
nuobus@ubottu yeah i also typed sudo before my command :)20:29
nuobusi get this stupid message20:29
nuobusonly root can do that20:29
nuobuseven though i am root20:29
wigglezhey how would i go about disable unity/gnome and starting the bare X server?20:29
dansloWould anyone know why suddenly on ubuntu 11.04 I no longer get sound after coming home from work (pc was on all the time)? pulseaudio reports no errors, nothing is muted, volume is up, etc20:30
dansloit just suddenly stopped working20:30
kurohyouHi, when making raid 1, why should i use 'Linux raid autodetect ' instead of 'linux' type partition on my disks, it seems to work either way, are there advantages with either one?20:31
voxsericoYou trying to get raid1 running as well?20:31
F3RR1Sif i download natty will it give me the option of upgrading the current version of ubuntu rather than writing over the existing operating system... the system is broken... the system was broke during upgrading20:31
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type Ā« /msg ubottu !bot Ā». If you're looking for a channel, see Ā« /msg ubottu !alis Ā».20:32
kurohyouvoxserico: raid 1 is running, that's why i'm asking the question because my type is linux20:32
lolnetfructose: sudo apt-get install pysdm20:33
F3RR1Sif i download natty will it give me the option of upgrading the current version of ubuntu rather than writing over the existing operating system... the system is broken... the system was broke during upgrading20:33
bandit5432any getting a popup after gnome-screensaver-dialog?? from anonymous20:33
fructoselolnet: Yeah, that's not part of 11.04 through20:33
F3RR1Snit-wit, could you help me on this?20:33
nit-witF3RR1S, sure back it up and do a fresh install, that is a danger propostion if it would even work20:34
mihaF3RR1S: if you have seperate /home you can mount and keep it.. / needs to be reinstall if you go with install cd20:34
lolnetfructose: I'm pretty sure it is.20:34
kurohyouvoxserico: i just don't understand, almost every bit of information i find in the net says linux autodetect, but it works either way, what is the reason for linux autodetect, i don't seem to find a good explanation on the net20:35
sroy2hi guys - just just set up a dual boot windows 7 / ubuntu 11.4; I used the first option when installing the ubuntu and it formatted the entire rest of the hardrive... for some reason I can't shrink the ext4 partition inside the logical with resize2fs, it tells me to run e2fsk (I run it and try again and it still says to run e2fsk) Ideas?20:35
BluesKajllutz, the tutorial sya to use uid from etc/passwd and gid from /etc/group, but neither are listed in those files , my user is kaj as is my group in user management , should I dduid and gid to the /etc/xxx files?20:35
fructoselolnet: It's definitely not if I have to install it20:35
nit-witmiha, that is a good point.;)20:35
mihaF3RR1S: if you have any spare space, you could cp -Ra /home or something20:35
lolnetfructose: My 11.04 install suggests it when I type it in terminal...20:35
WickkI'm having a slight issue running Libre Office. I can't get it to execute from my menu, or from alt+f2 or a regular terminal session. I have to enter a root terminal to get it to open20:35
YorkieBoyCan someone tell me, in non tekkie terms, why since upgrading to Natty the system keeps logging me out, and wont play video in fullscreen sometimes??20:35
voxsericoDon't ask me, I can't even get the bootloader to install.20:35
bandit5432is there an ubuntu security channel?20:35
mihanit-wit: thx20:35
seekwillHi. When I login, I'm getting the "packages need to be updated" message twice. http://pastebin.ca/2057506  How can I fix this?20:35
BluesKajllutz, dduid=add uid20:36
llutzBluesKaj: getent group kaj ; getent passwd kaj                 should give you gid/uid20:36
F3RR1Snot sure that I can do that ... but I will give that a shot....  thanks nit-wit and miha20:36
F3RR1SI am just not sure how hosed the system is...20:36
fructoselolnet: It will probably do the same for oowriter... but Open Office was removed from 11.04. Just because you can download and install it via 11.04 doesn't make it included20:36
nit-withave faith20:36
llutzBluesKaj: or "id kaj"20:36
lolnetfructose: Why are you so averse to installing programs?20:37
fructoselolnet: I'm not. But my question wasn't about installing programs20:37
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vetsyim a beginner in xchat, are ther any games here?20:38
tetsuyahi. does anyone know a mail-client which automatically gathers contacts (name and email-address) from existing mails?20:38
BluesKajllutz, thanks agin :)20:38
lolnetfructose: Well, it looks like you might have to.20:38
YorkieBoytetsuya Thunderbird will20:38
alex___has anyone had an issue where using a second monitor produces a fuzzy/blurry output? I'm using the open source radeon drivers on lucid20:39
fructoselolnet: I'd try to jump to fewer conclusions if I were you20:39
tetsuyalolnet: even from existing mail? how?20:39
gsp2009Does anyone know if there is a way to add a column to nautilus which would display the file notes?20:39
seekwillalex___: Switch the monitors.Does it still happen on #2?20:39
consumerismi've found a typo in man useradd, is this something i should report as a bug?20:40
alex___seekwill: I'm outputting from a laptop, the laptop screen si fine, the external is blurry20:41
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alex___seekwill: I've also tried just using the external display by itself; same problem.20:41
lolnettetsuya: Sorry, I don't understand?20:41
lolnetHi, have a significant problem with 11.04. I have nm-applet up, and I can see (working) wireless networks, but I can't connect to any.20:41
voxsericosettings on the external display?20:41
seekwillalex___: Could be a number of things. Try a different monitor.20:41
solofightpeople i installed few applications under /opt/ i want to add path so that those applications can be opened through commands without getting into the location of it. when i read about this they ask me to put the directory structure inside /etc/profile but am confused where to20:42
solofighthow can i ?20:42
seekwillalex___: Resolution is probably the only thing that it could be, if it was software. It's more likely a hardware issue20:42
tetsuyalolnet: sorry, wrong contact ;)20:42
solofightand henceforth i want the system to automatically identify the commands for what ever installed in /opt/20:42
solofighthow ?20:42
jeypeyyStill no answer, so I'll post it again: The sound works (with some applications), but I can't change the volume. If I click on the sound indicator and then "Sound preferences" I get a dialig window that says "Waiting for sound system to respond". I do have start-pulseaudio-x11 in my startup applications20:43
lolnetfructose: I'm saying what I'm saying to try to emphasise that Ubuntu isn't some perfect system with options that cover all the bases. You often have to suppliment the basic desktop install with other programs. Ubuntu do even rip features right out.20:43
alex___seekwill: works fine with windows... i feel like its a radeon issue20:44
taboowhat channel should i join?20:44
lolnetfructose: So, if you can't find the option with some searching through the GUI, and Google yields nothing, then you're probably at a dead end.20:44
fructoselolnet: And I wasn't saying anything. I only asked a question asking if a particular feature was included with 11.04. That is all.20:44
fructoselolnet: Just because it's not doesn't mean I have to install something or need an opinion on the matter.20:45
nuobusdoes anybody know how to format usb through terminal?20:45
paulnmUnable to open the audio device for playback: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException Some Help here20:46
freeman_when i search from the unity button my porn pops up. is there a way i can make it not search videos and pictures or not index certain folders?20:46
seekwillfreeman_: lol :)20:47
ScuniziOn 10.10 Alsamixer randomly sets the playback to 0 on my usb headset.. it's also reset everytime on reboot.. any fix?20:47
born2trollhello nerds20:47
Netrix1I am using Xubuntu and updated to Natty and when I try to boot into it, it just stays on a black screen.20:47
freeman_seekwill, no i will not delete my porn :P20:47
=== Netrix1 is now known as Netrix
born2trollhello nerds... you know where i get the package xorg-video-abi-9.0 source or binary?20:48
Radio-1 freeman_!*@* added to ignore list.20:48
YorkieBoynoubus: have you tried GParted??20:48
seekwillRadio-1: That question was inappropriate?20:48
Radio-1wrong nic, sry20:49
compdocis being a nerd a good or a bad thing? I dont keep up with that stuff20:49
lolnetfructose: The opinion was an offer of help in case you had the wrong idea.20:49
freeman_i could have explained it without saying what i was trying to hide but would have taken twice as long to explain20:49
fructoselolnet: Fine, but I take exception to my need or idea being assumed and then being told I 'had' to do things20:49
seekwillfreeman_: Why not have a separate login?20:50
freeman_its not in my home folder its on a separate partition20:50
voxsericoHaving to log out and log back in when the urge sets in? hell no.20:50
shmengieIs there any discussion on Unity here?20:50
seekwillfreeman_: So?20:50
lolnetHi, have a significant problem with 11.04. I have nm-applet up, and I can see (working) wireless networks, but I can't connect to them.20:50
seekwillfreeman_: User permissions!20:50
freeman_what permission would i use20:51
shmengieI like the interface overall, but want the side pane not to wake up when I accidently move the mouse near the menu, in the wrong way20:51
freeman_770 ?20:51
born2trollwhere can i get the package? xorg-video-abi-9.020:51
freeman_its NTFS partition :(20:51
shmengieI needs a dead wakeup area near the gear box20:51
YorkieBoyborn2troll: try LinuxApps20:51
pascal_does someone have experience with alexandria?20:52
YorkieBoynever met her20:52
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ccvvccstrange problems with xubuntu20:53
pascal_i cant import alexandria exported files :s20:54
pascal_in alexandria :p20:54
ccvvccfrom time i installed, the password i used in the installation didn't work, i used live cd to change the password using passwd command, however it didn't work, i changed the hash in /etc/shadow to blank, thats the only thing that worked20:54
mfaroukghas any one found a problem with the mouse in the natty?20:54
YorkieBoymfaroukg: mine sometimes stalls as I am moving it20:55
ccvvccnow i used passwd wrote current password (blank) and new password, i get message that password is changed, then used passwd again and i get "passwd: Authentication token manipulation error"20:56
ccvvccso it didnt change it correctly20:56
freeman_ccvvcc, are you root?20:56
freeman_try: sudo passwd20:57
molavyhi there20:57
lolnetHi, have a significant problem with 11.04. I have nm-applet up, and I can see (working) wireless networks, but I can't connect to them. I click, and nothing. cnetworkmanager is the same - going through the motions but not actually yielding a working connection. Is there some wireless setting I am missing? Everything seems to be working.20:57
molavyi have got this error :su cannot set group s:operation not permitted20:57
ubottuWe do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.20:57
mfaroukgYorkieBoy, have you noticed that the mouse points wrongly or shifted?20:57
stormer99Hi, I installed WUBI and I was wondering can i make my hd size more than 30gb20:57
user2n1 here who can help in php curl?20:58
freeman_Pici, im not having him set a root password, im having him use sudo20:58
ccvvccxbserver@xbserver:/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg$ sudo passwd20:58
ccvvccEnter new UNIX password:20:58
ccvvccRetype new UNIX password:20:58
ccvvccpasswd: password updated successfully20:58
ccvvccxbserver@xbserver:/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg$ passwd20:58
FloodBot1ccvvcc: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:58
ccvvccChanging password for xbserver.20:58
Picifreeman_: running: sudo passwd changes root's password.20:58
YorkieBoymfaroukg:  I have never had that, just some jerky movements or sometimes just stalling20:58
freeman_sudo passwd username ?20:58
Picifreeman_: aye20:59
freeman_but its good to know not to do it, thanks20:59
mfaroukgdoes any one know why it is misbehaving rather than ubuntu 10.10?20:59
guntbertI tried to run two wifi scanners (SWscanner and prismstumbler) - they didn't show any networks and eventually segfaulted. Did I miss some prerequisites?20:59
falafellanyone have mumble on 11.04? it consumes 90~115% cpu while idle21:00
ccvvccsudo passwd xbserver ,passwd: password updated successfully,passwdChanging password for xbserver.(current) UNIX password:passwd: Authentication token manipulation errorpasswd: password unchanged21:00
YorkieBoymfaroukg: most people just answer with "unity"21:00
guntbertccvvcc: why do you want to do that?21:00
ccvvccdo what21:00
ccvvccchange password of my account?21:00
molavyi suddenly execute this code : chmod 777 -R /*21:00
mfaroukgYorkieBoy, isn't it ubuntu 11.04 also?21:01
guntbertccvvcc: assign a root password?21:01
Picimolavy: reinstall.21:01
lulabelleHelluuuuu. Where am i? Is this working? Total-Newbie, here.21:01
ccvvcci don't21:01
llutzmolavy: whitout sudo?21:01
ccvvcci want to assign my user a password21:01
guntbertccvvcc: to change your own password: passwd (without sudo)21:01
ccvvcci know.21:01
YorkieBoymfarouk: it very well might be, but lots of people just blame the unity desktop21:01
ccvvccit doesnt change the password correctly21:01
born2trollwhere can i get the package? xorg-video-abi-9.021:02
freeman_it was giving him a token error so i said sudo passwd username21:02
guntbertccvvcc: it will not with sudo21:02
mfaroukgYorkieBoy, I didn't feel comfortable with unity interface21:02
guntbertfreeman_: that can lead to *big* troubles with an encrypted home directory !21:02
YorkieBoymfaroukg: no I don't either, so I went back to Gnome21:03
freeman_for example?21:03
lulabelleI'm a dinosaur with a crush on Ubuntu and need help flashin' a BIOS on a old gateway.21:03
guntbert!who | freeman_21:03
ubottufreeman_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:03
tramm1Can anybody tell me where I find the icons which are used in maximized Application Menu in Natty?21:03
mfaroukgYorkieBoy, there should be a reason that it was put for us as a beginning21:04
mfaroukgYorkieBoy, I think it will be cool on the touch pads21:05
mfaroukgYorkieBoy, like Android 3.021:05
litropyHi, peeps. I'm running $ google-chrome --proxy-server="[myportnumber]" and I need to tell Tor my password. How do I do this?21:05
cerriehi all, anyone know how to make ubuntu run mtr (my traceroute) in the terminal and not as a program that opens?21:05
Crash1hdanyone ever modifiy the xsessionrc file21:05
guntbertfreeman_: the password is used to gain access to the encrypted passphrase for decrypting the home directory - if a user changes it herself that process is adapted as well. If root does it the connection is lost and if she hasn't recorded her passphrase she will never be able to access her data21:05
XpistosCan I install 32-bit ubuntu on my wife's 64-bit AMD Computer?21:05
lulabelleI'd Sooooo Appreciate a little help with getting a gateway BIOS firmware update done for a clean install?21:06
KM0201Xpistos: yes21:06
litropybtw: #tor is quiet.21:06
YorkieBoymfaroukg : not really keen on Android, but it's on my phone so....21:06
molavyi want run this code: chmod u+s /bin/su21:06
freeman_guntbert, who would forget their passphrase? :P21:07
llutzmolavy: stop trolling21:07
dingsCould someone link me to anything about logging changes in 11.04. my messages seems to have stopped21:07
KM0201molavy: don't ask for help doing that21:07
YorkieBoyFamily Guy is on.............bye21:07
ccvvccthats my problem -> http://pastebin.com/5GzUwtfp21:07
guntbertfreeman_: I beg your pardon? the initially set passphrase is a 50 character random string21:08
dingsWas there a change in rsyslog default config that stopped logging to messages with the natty upgrade?21:09
freeman_guntbert, when you log in for the first time it prompts you to change it21:09
lulabelleI'm Appreciating the UberGeek who can help me get a BIOS Firmware update on a gateway laptop.21:10
zesozehi I have troubles truing remove mysql-cluster-server-5.1 using apt-get : subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 121:10
llutzlulabelle: most BIOS updates are done with a dos bootdisk, not a linux thing.21:10
zesozeI'm using ubuntu 11.0421:10
guntbertfreeman_: you have obviously never installed the system with "encrypted home directory" . you should not change the passphrase but record it and store it in a safe place. the encryption needs a *very* strong password to be of any value21:10
lulabellellutz- Hi Read a tutorial on ubuntu forum and am confused- A Newb21:11
zesozeSo I can't install mysql-server becuase I can't remove mysql-cluster21:11
zesozeIs this a BUG!21:11
freeman_guntbert, actually my home directory is encrypted right now.21:12
lulabellellutz- know of a tutorial just for beginners?21:12
llutzlulabelle: what brand/type is your laptop?21:12
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lulabellea gateway MT370021:12
JingalingHey guys, i have a quick question if thats ok plz21:12
alad_oI installed xubuntu and something went wrong with installing ā€œadditional softwareā€œ and now i can't get into the gui, when i try apt-get update it tries to check the cd, how do i add another repository manually21:13
guntbertfreeman_: did you record the passphrase? (I have no idea how to change it, I admit)21:13
LAcan!ask > Jingaling21:13
ubottuJingaling, please see my private message21:13
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alad_oAn online repository, the cd is broken21:13
dingsalad_o: edit /etc/apt/sources.list21:13
llutzlulabelle: http://support.gateway.com/us/en/product/default.aspx?tab=1&modelId=309421:14
freeman_guntbert, no i made it my normal password. i would never record 50 digit anything. not even my wpa password :P21:14
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dingsanyone having trouble with kworkers on 11.04 (2.6.38)?21:15
lulabellellutz, Also New 2 IRC...Thanx I'll Hit that link - Luv.21:15
Jingalinga family member has a laptop with an SiS 671/771 chip. Does anyone know if natty supports this chip? I know previous versions dont.21:15
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boonhi does anybody know a how-to that enables me to recover the main gui of ubuntu from another console (eg: ctrl+alt+F1)?21:15
lulabelleI'm A NEW Newb!21:15
guntbertfreeman_: I think we are talking about different things here  - the long passphrase is actually the encryption key, it *must* be long and should be random21:15
lulabellellutz ok i was at that link an hour ago AND---21:16
alad_oDings, nano is not installed either apparently, how can i edit this file without nano21:17
freeman_guntbert, its possible. i am pretty sure its the right thing21:17
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akm220hi everyone, I am trying to register a 11.04 server machine on our network (you usually have to register a machine with a browser) but I can't seem to find what command line browser is installed by default, previous versions of ubuntu used w3m I think and I have tried lynx and links21:17
jaequeryhow do i increase the buffer size for whe i press up i get the previous command?21:17
lulabellellutz- I'm on someones mac who's not sure what a mouse is, AND-21:17
=== Guest78613 is now known as nawks
boonalad_o try sudo apt-get install nano21:17
soreauboon: What do you mean by 'enable the gui of ubuntu'? You mean start X?21:18
boonalad_o try "sudo apt-get install nano"21:18
Jingalingtake it no one knows about the SiS chip then :(21:18
llutzlulabelle: download/extract the .zip, burn it onto a cdr, chose "create bootable media" and use the img-file from "boot.images" as boot-image21:18
soreauJingaling: I know it can't run compiz21:18
guntbertfreeman_: can you tell me (in short) or point me to some docu what you did to change it?21:18
boonsoreau I mean if metacity crashes and the whole gui gets flat21:18
llutzlulabelle: ask some mac users how to do that on apple stuff21:18
soreauboon: You'd do DISPLAY=:0 metacity --replace & disown21:19
dingsalad_o: vim?21:19
Jingalingthanks soreau, what about untiy 2d?21:19
lulabellellutz, I have a quirky VERY problematic install of ubuntu on it NOW - AND -21:19
alad_oBoon, the prob is that i can't install anything since the cd can not be used as a repo21:19
freeman_guntbert, when i booted after install a terminal popped up asking me to change it21:19
soreauJingaling: You might as well use metacity.. though I guess their 2D mode should work21:19
guntbertfreeman_: on plain ubuntu?21:20
freeman_guntbert, 64 bit, yeah21:20
Jingalingproblem is that i cant get the resolution over 800x600 ive tried playing arount with xorg but no joy soreau21:20
alad_oDings, wims also not installed.. shitty cd.. and i don't have a cd burner at hand, sitting here with my phone..21:20
voxsericoI have just installed 11.04 on a raid1 array... after trying to boot from the array, I get a black screen with a blinking underscore.21:20
lulabellewould like to update the BIOS b4 clean install to really give Ubuntu a Fair Shake...21:21
Jingalingthought they might have an SiS driver in natty. Guess not.21:21
dingsalad_o: It's very strange if there is no editor21:21
dingsalad_o: dpkg -l |grep editor21:21
soreauJingaling: Not sure about sis. Try googling and/or ubuntu forums21:21
freeman_guntbert, i think if you forget it youre screwed21:21
guntbertfreeman_: well, my experience differs greatly here - and mind you a "short" encryption key won't protect you very well21:21
llutzlulabelle: i already showed you a way to go21:21
freeman_guntbert, the only thing i am hiding it porn. and its not embarrassing porn so if you can get by encrypted file system then you can get in21:22
guntbert!ohmy | freeman_21:22
ubottufreeman_: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.21:22
Jingalingsoreau: tried both extensively, no joy. its ok, i thought something might have changed for natty.21:22
boonsoreau: do you know how to crash metacity?21:22
freeman_ubottu, thanks21:22
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:22
AndieBHi all! Newbie arrived!21:23
boonalad_o: no internet?21:23
soreauboon: That's a rather odd question.. do you mean stop it from running?21:23
DinVitaminI'm installing Ubuntu server (which doesn't have a GUI). What would be the command for installing the bare minimum packages I need to have a minimal GUI so that I can do something like play a video or look at a picture?21:23
guntbertfreeman_: I really don't care about your data - but please don't give potentially harmful advice21:23
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soreauboon: Are you trying to test it by stopping all wm's from running?21:23
Jingalingsoreau thanks for the advice21:23
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boonsoreau yes I need to crash it so I cant move windows and the start menus become unresponsive21:24
AndieBI would like some help. I run Ubuntu Server v10 and I have a second HDD which I have formatted as FAT32.21:24
freeman_guntbert, i still dont understand what's so harmful about it21:24
AndieBI would like to make it bootable so I can boot from GRUB. how do I do that?21:24
soreauboon: killall metacity; killall compiz; killall unity21:24
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ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!21:24
lulabellellutz - Isn't it 4 windows only? Gateway says no support for linux Sooo-21:24
dingsalad_o: worst case you end up with: echo "sometext" >> file21:25
boonsoreau then I switch to another terminal and try your command ( ctrl+alt+F1 )21:25
alad_oBoon, i got a connection, that's not the prob. but it tries to install software from the cd. Now I'm trying to find out how to type a pipe on a US keyboard :)21:25
soreauboon: right21:25
voxserico> killall idiots21:25
freeman_i find ubottu a little pretentious21:25
dingsalad_o: next to return21:26
Crash1hdwhats wrong with this line in xsessionrc file export XORGCONFIG=xorg-vmware.conf21:26
lolnetI'm using nm-applet and wireless networks are visible, and I can click on them, but nothing happens. cnetworkmanager is the same, "cnetworkmanager -C <wirelessnetworkname> <etc.>" yields no error, but no connection is found. Are there other wireless settings I need to fiddle with to get the hardware "up", or "on"? "cnetworkmanager -d" just gives me "wlan0 | WIRELESS | DISCONNECTED".21:26
lulabellellutz some forum posts said that THAT tutorial with freedos fried their box - I'm just a little scared!21:26
w30kill ubottu21:26
freeman_lulabelle, when flashing your bios very bad things could happen21:26
voxsericommm... bricks.21:27
voxsericoa very expensive brick.21:27
boonalad_o do you have a GUI?21:27
guntbertfreeman_: once again: as long as you access your system with "your" password it is used to decrypt the encryption key, so you have access to your data. That remains so when you change your password yourself. but when "root" does it the chain is broken (or when you lose your system)21:27
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dingsboon: he lacks a gui and an editor to edit sources.list :)21:27
Logan_w30: Do you have a question?21:27
freeman_guntbert, so what should he do when using passwd as a user gives him a token error?21:28
bigmahatmahow can I see which module is loaded for my wifi card?21:28
lulabellefreeman, Apparently I need 2B brave! Does Anyone Know THE...21:28
enterneo have an ipip6 tunnel; I can ping from one side, but not from the other, any clues?21:28
w30Logan_, too many;  too little time *sigh*21:29
alad_oBoon, ding, thanks for the help but i give up and will burn a new cd tomorrow morning21:29
mihabigmahatma:  perhaps this lshw -c  network21:29
lulabelleBEST TUTORIAL EVER 4  Bios Flashing 4 a Beginner. I have no thumb drives but can do a disc! So???21:29
guntbertfreeman_: he gets that error with sudo too ( if I remember correctly ) - something in the system must be broken - that should be investigated21:30
dingsalad_o: echo "deb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu natty main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list21:30
freeman_the pastebin he posted didnt show him using sudo. i think he's gone now though21:30
boonalad_o wait21:30
llutzlulabelle: download/extract the .zip, burn it onto a cdr, chose "create bootable media" and use the img-file from "boot.images" as boot-image21:30
dingsalad_o: if it was natty that is, but buring a cd is probably easier21:30
jedi_masterHi, quick question. Is there any "easy" way to revert to the theme of Ubuntu 10.10 from 11.04?21:31
llutzlulabelle: and tbh, bios-updating is nothing a beginner should do and offtopic here.21:31
boonalad_o: if you have the GUI(Graphical User Interface) something like MS-Windows it is easy to do21:31
AbTuXjedi_master, just choose Ubuntu Classic as session at time of login into syste,21:32
boonalad_o: if you have the GUI(Graphical User Interface) something like MS-Windows for Ubuntu it is easy to do21:32
dingsjedi_master: aparently you can choose "classic" at the login.21:32
jedi_masteraha, i'll check that out.  Thank you21:32
irreverantDoes vmware player and ubuntu desktop limit the cli?21:33
irreveranti was trying to do apt-get install xchat and it wasn't saying access denied.21:33
einseenaiguys, is it possible to make my chromium browser _always_ remember my google search setting, even when i clear history, etc.? i tried to add exception, but that didn't work21:33
irreverantmy user account is part of the root group and it wouldn't allow me to install21:34
LAcanguys is there an "ethers" file somewhere in ubuntu?21:34
phibxrirreverant, you were using 'sudo apt-get install xchat', weren't you? :P21:35
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lulabelleIlutz: I'm not the sharpest knife in the block NOR The Dullest - Just a Scaredy-Cat! So I can Download from the gateway site & use it on ubuntu?21:35
guntbertjaequery: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9534261&postcount=6 (and #7 too)21:35
escottirreverant, i dont think being part of wheel is enough for apt21:36
einseenaiany ideas?21:36
guntbertirreverant: to be able to manage the system you must be member of the "admin" group21:37
lulabelleAnd I'm Also new 2 chat [hello]but isn't everything Tech ALL on-topic here?21:37
guntbertlulabelle: this channel is only for ubuntu support21:38
guntbertLAcan: what info should that file contain?21:38
mihalulabelle: #ubuntu-offtopic21:39
LAcanguntbert, BSSID name resolution for Wireshark21:39
w30I upgraded to 11.04 and now my desktop gets all torn up when I switch to Fn terminals and back. I fixed that with old distro but those video tweeks in Fusion are no longer there21:39
freeman_LAcan, on google i saw its supposed to be in /etc but i dont think its installed by default21:40
irreverantguntbert so I not only have to have root but admin as well?21:40
LAcanfreeman_, ty, any idea on syntax? do you have that link?21:40
irreverantescott being part of wheel?21:40
lulabelleHi guntbert - tech issues are support issues, are they not???21:41
guntbertirreverant: you don't need to be a member of the "root" group to use sudo21:41
w30I still have sink to vblank but thats all21:41
guntbertlulabelle: "ubuntu support" not general support21:41
irreverantguntbert well i'm a part of the admn and admin groups21:42
guntbertirreverant: then use sudo apt-get ....21:43
lulabelleguntbert, Do u know?> Is there a more appropriate place to ask about things such as bios flashing???21:43
guntbertlulabelle: maybe ##hardware ?21:43
papnaWhat's the best way to have two GUI login sessions available on the same screen at once?21:43
Nyrobieanyone know why when I am playing an audio file in vlc and I open another application the sound gets scratchy?21:43
escottirreverant, the point is you have to *BE* root you can't just be gid 0 you have to be uid 0. this is what sudo was designed for21:44
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guntbert!nickspam > Guybrush8821:45
boonsoreau: it worked thanks21:45
ubottuGuybrush88, please see my private message21:45
soreauboon: I figured it would ;)21:45
boonsoreau: do you know a smiley that shows a user at the brink of going rampant(mad)?21:46
lulabelleguntbert & llutz - Thank You... & Llutz... You were my 1st-Ever on IRC. guntbert, You were my 2nd. Luv 2 You BOTH~  Later... I'm gong 2B Brave now and re-read this tute & try ##hardware...21:47
=== Wolf is now known as Guest88810
boonsoreau: it is totally unrelated but I really like to know one of those21:47
guntbertlulabelle: Good luck :-)21:47
soreauboon: >:|21:48
dsadssdsomebody if gnome 2 still gets updates ?21:48
lulabelleguntbert. later i'll learn how to put a smiley face in here....21:48
* LAcan barfs in his mouth a lil bit21:48
erle-libreoffice fails to open files from trash21:49
ultimatei have been looking for a little while online and cannot come up with a straight answer so i thought i would ask here, i am running ubuntu 10.04 and had remote desktop turned on, somebody today was logging onto my machine, i have closed all ports now and the problem has gone away but what i want to know is what as the ip address of the person connecting21:50
macoultimate: i'd look in /var/log/messages and /var/log/dmesg for connection attempts21:51
Nyrobieis there a command to reset my desktop because I tried to turn on a desktop effect but it ruined the top part of my menu bar21:51
HugoTheWizardCan anyone help me with my wireless internet?21:53
ultimateim having a look now21:54
irreverantescott understood and actually looking back i was just doing apt-get install xchat21:54
litropyWhere is the folder for icon images?21:54
ultimatei will let you know what i find maco, thanks21:54
cordovalhi all, anyone is having the same problem as me in ubuntu natty narthwal? My ubuntu suddently logs off21:54
cordovalit is random and I have it sometimes recurrent sometimes it works perfectly21:54
cordovalalso on my asus g73 wireless is being pretty slow21:54
irreverantescott I wasn't using sudo and uid is set t0 100021:54
cordovalanyone knows or have similar problems?21:54
mika_i need help21:55
irreverantHugoTheWizard what are you having problems with wifi?21:55
cordovalhow can I check that wireless is working and also the logs for when it logs off automatically?21:55
mika_i asked this some day ago but now i ask it again21:55
cordovalI get the dark screen as if I had pressed Ctrl+F1 or the like21:55
cordovalmika_ do you have the same problem with ubuntu loggging off automatically?21:55
cordovalmika_: I have that problem and also wireless slowdown21:56
soreaucordoval: Probably an X crash.. intel graphics?21:56
cordovalthey are unrelated i think21:56
moo-exsame as mika21:56
HugoTheWizardI click on the internet icon on the top right and the wireless pane is just completly gone, I have ubuntu on my other laptop and it's working fine on there. I already installed the broadcom driver so I have no idea what it could be21:56
cordovalhow can I check though21:56
cordovalsoreau: how to check about the crash on the logs?21:56
soreaucordoval: Review the Xorg logs in /var/log21:56
cordovalsoreau: /var/logs/????21:56
mika_my problem is that gradient mask on the windows. terminal window example red to green gradient21:56
cordovaloh Xorg21:56
mika_cant see nothing21:56
cordovalok checking now I am looking for those things thanks soreau21:57
cordovalI will let you know asap now21:57
soreaucordoval: Yes. Check the .old log right after it happens21:57
rhalffhi any of you use an audiofire ?21:57
mihaHugoTheWizard: did you try right click.. such as enable wireless?21:57
LAcanmikeshultz, set the profile settings for terminal21:57
HugoTheWizardthe enable wireless is gone too21:57
mika_what is good site to post pictures "like paste bin"21:57
cordovalI have Xorg.0.log21:57
LAcanmika_, , set the profile settings for terminal21:57
cordovaland Xorg.1.log21:57
boonsoreau: I can't see the used string for the emoticon in chatzilla21:57
HugoTheWizardI'm on wired at the moment, btw21:57
mika_LAcan: soon you understand when you see the screenshot :D21:57
cordovalsoreau: so I should check the Xorg.0.log.old21:58
mika_where i can post my pic?21:58
soreauboon: I have no idea about emoticons, sorry21:58
LAcanmika_,  can u see the edit menu option?21:58
soreau! screenshots | mika_21:58
ubottumika_: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.21:58
cordovalI will do cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old | grep error21:58
soreaucordoval: no21:58
soreaucordoval: That wont help, you need to look at the bottom of the log for a problem, like backtrace or any crash21:59
ultimatemaco, i cannot seem to see anything there, would it be different if they managed to actually connect21:59
mika_look at that21:59
mika_if i open menu on the down corner that happens...if i open terminal that happens...etc22:00
geniehi everybody, I am getting an error when I run apt-get check, the error say: Reading package lists... Error!22:00
genieE: Encountered a section with no Package: header22:00
genieE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty-security_main_binary-i386_Packages22:00
genieE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.22:00
FloodBot1genie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:00
cordoval[ 16184.831] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not exist. [ 16185.107] (WW) Falling back to old probe method for vesa [ 16185.107] (WW) Falling back to old probe method for fbdev22:00
genieFloodBot1, this is not flood22:00
marcanthony81does anyone have any bind9/DNS experience and can help me out for a moment?22:00
genieit's just 3 lines22:00
soreaucordoval: those are typical warnings22:00
boonsoreau: I found it =)22:00
marcanthony81does anyone have any bind9/DNS experience and can help me out for a moment?22:01
boonsoreau: http://chatzilla.hacksrus.com/faq/#emoticons22:01
BookmanI noticed during a backup that a file ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/bookmarks.couch is huge, 32 GB huge.  Is this normal?22:01
HugoTheWizardDon't give up on me! D:22:01
cordovalI will rather pastebinit22:01
cordovalhere it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/606650/22:01
cordovaldo you see any annomaly?22:01
marcanthony81does anyone have any bind9/DNS experience and can help me out for a moment?22:02
mika_LAcan:  did you see it?22:02
cordovalhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/606650/ why it is saying close log?22:02
natschilIs there a simple tool in ubuntu that doesn't only let you see how much you are uploading/downloading, but also what is doing it? Kind of like a graphical netstat.22:02
cordovalis that when the error is ocurring?22:02
cordovalthere are several unload steps there http://paste.ubuntu.com/606650/22:02
cordovalnot sure what to look for when there is an error I can correct22:02
mika_LAcan: i did sudo apt-get purge metacity gdm compiz, but still its there :/22:03
geniehi guys22:03
=== cristian is now known as Guest64074
geniehow can I fix this error in apt-get22:03
genieProblem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty-security_main_binary-i386_Packages22:03
genieany idea?22:04
ultimatecan somebody check my auth log for me and tell me if somebody did actually get in? it looks that way to me but maybe i am being paranoid22:05
cordoval[ 16185.206] (II) intel(0): Unknown vendor-specific block f?22:05
cordovalthere are several unload steps there http://paste.ubuntu.com/606650/22:06
cordovalplease help me22:06
cordovalI need to find out why my ubuntu natty logs off22:07
cordovalis this something common?22:07
cordovalor what is going on here22:07
printfHello, world!22:07
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cordovalcould this be due to hard disk failures?22:08
cordovalor is it totally unrelated?22:08
cordovaland what do i do with wireless slowdown?22:08
cordovalultimate: what are you trying to say?22:09
makaveli0129hey trying to use sbackup in ubuntu and there's no notification so i have no clue how to see how far it is along or anything any idea's?22:10
MTecknologyHow can I install ubuntu on my mac? I grabbed the mac version of the cd, burned it, and mac won't let me boot to it..22:10
cordovalhmmm, no help22:10
cordovalwhere can i go for help22:10
ultimatei want to know if someone managed to access my machine remotely cordoval22:10
olehkCan someone help me install Ubuntu? I have a RAID setup and Ubuntu can't recognize it.22:10
bluefox83having trouble getting bluetooth to work for my headset D:22:10
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup22:10
cordovalin security the answer is yes22:10
mika_i think my problem is uber hard22:10
cordovalmika_: patience22:11
cordovalbe systematic22:11
ultimatehow do you mean cordoval22:11
ultimatei can see there was a log in but i cannot see where they connected from22:11
olehkcan anyone help me with my RAID problem?22:12
mika_cordoval: yeah i have to go to sleep, but i will come to ask this problem again :D22:12
BobSappwhere do i go to discuss 11.0422:12
AlmehdiBobSapp: here22:13
escottolehk, did you find anything googling for dmraid and your chipset22:13
moktodhey folks, i'm attempting to remaster a livecd and the only instructions I can find are for 'desktop' which uses squashfs22:13
olehkno, never googled it, I'm new to Ubuntu, so I have no idea where to start22:13
moktodcan anyone tell me how I modify the server live cd?22:14
marcanthony811does anyone have any BIND9/DNS experience that could help with an issue I'm having22:14
nuobusDoes anyone know how to reinstall ubuntu in ubuntu?22:15
escottolehk, you have two choices (a) disable your bios raid or (b) use dmraid *IF* your motherboards version of dmraid is supported, you need to figure out what kind of soft-raid you have, and what kind of chips you have in your motherboard22:15
szalnuobus: what do you mean by that?22:15
olehkAlright, well option a isn't a possibility, so I'll go with b22:15
nuobus@szal I mean that I want to install the system like all new22:16
nuobusyou know what I mean?22:16
nuobuserase the existing ubuntu22:16
nuobusand write a new one over it22:16
nemoAnyone have any suggestions for debugging sound failure on upgrade to natty?22:16
olehkSO how would I find out if it works with mine? I have an Asus Sabertooth X58 Motherboard, if that helps22:16
escottolehk, take a look at the output of lspci and see what kind of "bridges" you have22:16
nemonothing in dmesg, the card is listed as supported in ubuntu db for 11.0422:17
_jopnuobus, you can download an ubuntu live CD, burn it, and reinstall over your existing system22:17
szalnuobus: where's the problem?  get a CD of your choice & reinstall22:17
nemoalsamixer has everything unmuted22:17
_jopnemo, are you using pulseaudio?22:17
nuobusszal & _jop22:17
nuobusis there no way to do that through terminal?22:17
nemo_jop: yep22:18
_jopnemo, gnome3 requires pulseaudio I believe22:18
nemo_jop: no gnome 3 in natty22:18
mika_cordoval: easiest would be just reinstall my system, but then i dont learn anything22:18
cordovaldo the easiest first22:18
nemo_jop: but. yes. I was using pulse in 10.04, 10.10 and now 11.0422:18
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nemoformerly without problems22:18
marcanthony811does anyone have any BIND9/DNS experience that could help with an issue I'm having22:19
nemo00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JD/DO (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)22:19
olehkSO I'm looking for what Kind of bridge I have on my motherboard?22:19
_jopnemo, try running the command speaker-test and let me know if that produces any audio22:19
_jopor if it throws an error about the sound card being busy or such22:19
escottolehk, yes you need to identify the chipset. like from nemo's line I can say he has an ICH1022:19
nemo_jop: oh. btw. testing speaker in gnome sound causes an assertion22:20
nabil__bonsoir tout le monde22:20
nemo_jop: ERROR:gvc-speaker-test.c:390:get_channel_map_for_card: assertion failed: (stream)   (if running speaker test in gnome volume properties)22:20
olehkIt's a  ICH10R Chipset22:20
nemo_jop: no errors when running speaker test though22:20
nemojust no sound22:21
_jopgotcha, one minute22:21
escottolehk, so google for dmraid ICH10R22:21
marcanthony811ok so nobody knows anything about bind here??22:21
escottolehk, unforunately i don't know anything about dmraid so I can't help much here22:21
_jopnemo, is the system dual-boot with windows on the other partition by any chance?22:21
nemo_jop: it is, not that I actually use the windows partition22:22
Picimarcanthony811: You could try asking in #ubuntu-server, BIND might have its own channel here as well.22:22
nemo_jop: well. more precisely, windows is on another HD22:22
_jopI found whenever I boot into windows and restart, my sound on linux stops working22:22
nemo_jop: haven't booted it in years though22:22
marcanthony811ive already tried that dead ass channel22:22
_jopnvm then22:22
marcanthony811thanks for at least a reply22:22
nemo_jop: I just keep it around just in case, or for launching in vbox22:23
mika_this is the only channell where you get help :D22:23
mika_sad but true22:24
olehkSo how do I get dmraid, looks like it's comaptible22:24
_jopnemo, can you post the output of "cat /proc/asound/{version,cards,devices,hwdep,pcm,seq/clients}" into pastebin?22:24
mika_ok laters22:24
nemo_jop: http://m8y.org/tmp/sound.txt22:25
cordovalhow can I use Atheros WiFi AR5B95/AR9285 v9.2.0.310  drivers .exe in ubuntu on my asus g73jw?22:25
kliqqqhi everyone, i have a question about using ubuntu on netbooks, i have to admit im fairly new to those (always used big desktops or laptops so ye lol never had any performance issue), would a netbook with a N455 cpu 1 gb ram and an intel gma 3150 do nice for just : surfing the web , reading mail (clients and sometimes it may be webmail filled with javascript ads lol) and playing youtube vids (not more than 720p, if that eve22:25
kliqqqn runs on a 10'')?22:25
cordovalis there a way i could be using Atheros WiFi AR5B95/AR9285 v9.2.0.310.exe wireless drivers?22:25
ultimatewow its busy in here lol22:25
semitonesis it possible to update ubuntu on a partition that you're not booted into?22:25
cordovaldoes ubuntu support running .exe wireless drivers?22:25
semitoneswith chroot or something22:25
kliqqqcordoval: try ndiswrapper22:25
cordovalis that the best solution?22:26
cordovalbecause my wireless is very slow22:26
cordovalwill this fix the problem22:26
olehkHow do I get dmraid?22:26
cordovalon installing a Atheros WiFi AR5B95/AR9285 v9.2.0.310 .exe wireless drivers for my ubuntu?22:26
nemo_jop: I updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-media/+bug/628899/comments/5 - since it was a bug on the same assertion22:26
kliqqqcordoval: im rather unprepared when it comes to wifi but i happen to know that's supposed to let you use wifi using windows drivers22:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 628899 in gnome-media (Ubuntu) "Crash when testing speakers" [Medium,Confirmed]22:26
nemo_jop: seems to me that closing the volume properties is not normal behaviour :)22:26
cordovalI will try22:26
GriobHow do i verify somethings authenticity and accuracy with pgp, given a pgp signiture (.asc file)?22:26
semitonescordoval, you should look up your wireless card on the big list22:26
_jopnemo, yeah, it definitely might be a bug22:26
kliqqqcordoval: more than welcome, good luck22:26
semitones!wifi | cordoval22:26
ubottucordoval: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:26
kliqqqhi everyone, i have a question about using ubuntu on netbooks, i have to admit im fairly new to those (always used big desktops or laptops so ye lol never had any performance issue), would a netbook with a N455 cpu 1 gb ram and an intel gma 3150 do nice for just : surfing the web , reading mail (clients and sometimes it may be webmail filled with javascript ads lol) and playing youtube vids (not more than 720p, if that eve22:27
kliqqqn runs on a 10'')?22:27
_jopnemo, any chance the sound is being directed to HDMI instead of the internet speaker?22:27
pipegeekis there any way to specify in the centos installer that grub should be installed to a device other than /dev/sda or /dev/sda1?22:27
kliqqq_jop: whats an internet speaker? O_O22:27
nemo_jop: well. that would definitely be new behaviour, but hard for me to check w/o an hdmi connector22:27
ActionParsnipkliqqq: should be fine, what video chip?22:27
pipegeekwhoops, wrong room.  sorry folks22:27
nemo_jop: I did check whether the headphone jack worked (it wasn't)22:27
kliqqqActionParnsip: it says intel gma 315022:27
_jopnemo, try running "pavucontrol"22:28
_jopsee if that can connect to pulseaudio22:28
kliqqqActionParnsip: trying to stay away from nvidia and ati, i really care to try wayland lol22:28
cordovalworking on it ...22:28
nemo_jop: uh. wtf22:30
nemo_jop: pavu reports it is indeed using HDMI22:30
nemowhich is *not* what gnome volume control reports22:30
nemo_jop: in fact, pavu isn't even listing non-hdmi...22:30
nemo_jop: so I suppose pulse is messed up22:31
_jopnemo, "output devices" only lists HDMI?22:31
kliqqqActionParnsip: is it good?22:31
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nemo_jop: and I can mute it from pavu, and it mutes the gnome volume control22:31
_jopnemo, best bet would probably be to reinstall pulseaudio and shutdown (not restart but actually shutdown) and then boot back up22:32
_jopI've had pulseaudio only recognize hdmi and restarting didn't fix it22:32
olehkJesus, Ubuntu is wayyyy to much work :P22:32
_jopfor some reason I had to actually shutdown22:32
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szalolehk: compared to what?22:33
olehkWindows :P22:33
szalolehk: then go use that :P22:33
_jopolehk, it is only a lot more work initially22:34
boson12I am having an issue mounting an USB device22:34
_jopolehk, but much less work in the end compared to having to deal with viruses, BSoDs22:34
nsd_Anyone know what the saa7134 modules were renamed to in 11.04? I used to be able to make my tuner card work with "modprobe saa7134 card=42 tuner=0" but now it doesn't work22:34
olehkYeah I know, but I'm gonna be getting some new hard drives and SSDs soon, so what's the point22:34
makaveli0129anyone know how to get the notification area to display sbackup's progress?22:34
boson12Has anyone mounted USB devices manually?22:34
kliqqqolehk: whats the problem with ssd and linux? O_o22:34
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_jopboson12, I have which desktop manager are u using, gnome3?22:35
olehkWell, never had a BSOD in my life, and havn't gotten a virus for over 2 years, and I don't run any antivirus software22:35
boson12mount external hard drive manually22:35
olehkNone, my RAID array right now is the problem22:35
boson12mount external hard drive manually?22:35
boson12mount external hard drive manually?22:36
boson12mount external hard drive manually?22:36
boson12mount external hard drive manually?22:36
FloodBot1boson12: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:36
kliqqqhi everyone, i have a question about using ubuntu on netbooks, i have to admit im fairly new to those (always used big desktops or laptops so ye lol never had any performance issue), would a netbook with a N455 cpu 1 gb ram and an intel gma 3150 do nice for just : surfing the web , reading mail (clients and sometimes it may be webmail filled with javascript ads lol) and playing youtube vids (not more than 720p, if that eve22:36
kliqqqn runs on a 10'')?22:36
_jopboson12, yeah, please stop spamming22:36
ActionParsnipboson12: you mount the partition on the drive, you can't mount drives22:36
ActionParsnipkliqqq: what video chip does it use?22:36
kliqqqlol i actually meant to paste again the reply to you22:36
kliqqqit didnt copy it but left the previous one rofl22:37
kliqqqActionParnsip: intel gma 315022:37
ActionParsnipkliqqq: I'm at work so I'm in and out22:37
kliqqqActionParnsip: ye and i thought it copied the "intel gma3150" thing, instead it didnt and it left the main question (which was repeated) :$22:37
ActionParsnipkliqqq: intel make decent drivers. They usually work out of the box, if not then you can tweak with xorg.conf or plump up for the xorg edgers ppa22:37
olehkMan, third attempt getting Ubuntu, and once again it failed, this is just too much22:37
kliqqqActionParnsip: can i go off topic and ask you some brand specific questions?22:38
nemo_jop: killing pulse and restarting it picked up both22:38
Metroshicaolehk, how does it fail? it's not that hard22:38
ActionParsnipkliqqq: i'm pretty busy at work dude, whomever is in there will surely entertain questions22:38
olehkEverytime I try to install, It fails at one point or another22:39
boson12action: I have not mounted anything yet22:39
nemo_jop: I like pavucontrol. I'm leaving this on22:39
kliqqqActionParnsip: in that case still thank you very much for the first reply, much appreciated22:39
boson12that's what I want to do; i want to mount a device22:39
ActionParsnipkliqqq: np man22:39
olehkI tried installing from Windows, from a CD and a USB stick, and nothing22:39
_jopnemo, nice, did you get sound working at least?22:39
Metroshicaolehk, where does it fail and what does it say?22:39
kliqqqActionParnsip: better ask in ubuntu off topic then dont wanna annoy ppl, today this channel seems very busy lol22:39
nemo_jop: yep22:39
Almehdiolehk: have you tried 10.10? 11.04 has a lot of bugs still22:39
ActionParsnipboson12: run:  sudo fdisk -l   you will see the dives and their partitons, you can ten read the mount documentation and get access22:39
nemo_jop: also the assertion in gnome volume properties went away22:40
olehkYes, both 10.10 and 11.0422:40
ActionParsnipboson12: usually they appear in nautilus22:40
nemo_jop: I'll remember to try killing pulse first, next time22:40
boson12I did that already and worked22:40
Almehdiolehk: what graphic card driver are you using?22:40
_jopnemo, awesome :)22:40
olehkWith Windows, it couldn't find a file that I know was there (double checked several times, it was probably due to my RAID array, just like all my other problems22:40
boson12...the next step is to create a mount point, which I have not been able to do22:41
olehkAnd I'm using a Radeon HD 685022:41
_jopboson12, you can create a mountpoint by simply creating a directory22:41
_jope.g. mkdir /media/exthdd22:41
Metroshicaolehk, the best way is to wipe your current windows partition and start from scratch, trying to set up dual boot with windows already installed just leads to problems22:41
olehkNow, I can't install it because once again it can't detect my RAID array, and I have no idea how to fix it22:41
nemo_jop: thanks.22:41
szalMetroshica: huh?  dual-booting w/ Windows requires Windows to be installed first22:42
olehkCan't wipe my windows, this is my first time using Ubuntu, and my job would depend on it22:42
boson12Output says "cannot create directory... File exists"22:42
twig11How do I access other computers on a home network where ip addresses are dynamically assigned, without looking up the current ip of the machine I'm connecting to?22:42
crazedpsycis there a good todo list manager with an indicator applet?22:42
szalMetroshica: other than that, I encountered no issue whatsoever setting up a dual-boot system w/ XP and Kubuntu22:42
ActionParsnipboson12: a mount point is a folder, make a new folder and you can mount to it (avoid spaces). You can make a new folder, right?22:42
Metroshicaszal: no it doesn't. If you partition your drive first and leave space for windows, you have no issue whatsoever22:43
Almehdiolehk: what does "lspci" say the card name is?22:43
ActionParsnipboson12: so you can therefore make a mount point...22:43
szalMetroshica: yes, you have because Windows overwrites the bootloader22:43
Metroshicaszal: the issue is that most users use the entire drive as one partition, which means you have to resize the partition before the installation. In Win 7 at least, that's get's pretty ugly, and not recommended for beginners22:43
olehkIdk, how would I check?22:44
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jxdinGaddafi almost died22:44
jxdinAssassination attempt failed22:44
szalMetroshica: and pre-partitioning is the best way to go anyway22:44
Almehdiolehk: Just open the terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and write "lspci"22:44
jxdinhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDAGdRnp_uI Yeah, qaddafhi ALMOST died22:45
jxdinvideo right there22:45
FLUDDGaddno dude22:45
olehkNo command 'ispci' found, did you mean:22:45
olehk Command 'lspci' from package 'pciutils' (main)22:45
olehkispci: command not found22:45
FLUDDGaddthis is the real video22:45
szal!offtopic | jxdin22:45
ubottujxdin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:45
Metroshicaszal: agreed. I may be wrong on this, and I apologize if so. From personal experience on my own and other computers, dual booting with windows installed in a partition that takes up the whole drive is a mess. I've always recommended to start from scratch and pre-partition everything.22:45
jxdinjust thought you mates might want to know22:46
Almehdiolehk: lspci (as LSPCI)22:46
olehkwoops, did I instead of L22:46
olehkokay, what am I looking for?22:46
Almehdiolehk: your driver.. should be under vga22:46
twig11Is there a simple way to connect to another machine across a home network where ip addresses are assigned by dhcp, without knowing the current ip of the destination machine? I'm almost completely new to networking, so I'm assuming this is a simple question with a simple answer. All Ubuntu boxes networked via a Smoothwall Express machine and switch.22:47
kliqqqHi everyone, i was considering buying a netbook to use with ubuntu, actually im fairly ignorant about them but i picked up some of the most selling brands and some side infos about them in my country, i have Dell (inspiron mini 1018) great support apparently and decent build, Asus (R101) good build but horrible support, Samsung (N145 JP02) pretty good build and not fully reviewed support (perhaps they never broken so far o22:47
kliqqqr people who needed support suicided), HP (mini 110) i had a compaq and i can say build sucks but it was reviewed well and support seems to fail, TOSHIBA - NB250 pretty good build apparently and good supprt, all of em have the same hardware except screen as far as i know so its generally what brand you prefer, could anyone give me some hints?  hardware is N455 cpu 1 gb ram and intel gma 3150 for all of em22:47
FloodBot1kliqqq: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:47
olehkOhh, you needed my Video card driver? ATI Radeon HD 6800 Series22:47
Almehditwig11: SSH and noip2 (www.no-ip.com)22:48
twig11Almehdi: Thanks, I'll check out noip222:48
Almehdiolehk: Mine is like this: 05:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc R580 [Radeon X1900]22:48
Almehdiolehk: It's the R580 i am interested in22:49
Detoxhi!  i restarted my pc and now evolution will not send/receive.. the words send/receive are grayed out any ideas?22:49
olehkYeah, "VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Barts PRO [ATI Radeon HD 6800 Series]"22:49
Almehdiolehk: hahaha! ok thanks22:49
boson12Now, I cannot mount the drive :)22:49
olehkwhat does my video card have to do with anything?22:50
Detoxjust got it to work!22:50
Almehdiolehk: It is the one responsible of HDMI22:50
_jopboson12, what error is it giving u?22:50
olehkI know what it does, and it's my DVI ;)22:50
szalolehk: because if you have the newest $h!t it might not be supported yet22:50
olehkbut why do you ask?22:50
twig11Almehdi: I'm not sure this is what I'm looking for. I don't need access from outside the network, just within it. That shouldn't require a solution like noip, should it? What am I missing?22:50
boson12let me try something else that I am reading about22:51
mrklawyou can just ssh to username@computername.local22:51
olehkohh, well that isn't the problem, the problem is that Ubuntu can't detect my Raid setup22:51
Detoxfeel really dumb!  switched to "work off-line"  duh22:51
mrklawif you have avahi running on both22:51
cor_ris there a divx player linux version, or something else to watch .avi and divx formated videos online?22:51
LAcantwig11, native WINS resolution handled by your router should handle this22:51
twig11Almehdi: no-ip does look cool though.22:51
Almehditwig11: No, noip2 is a dynip service that will help you if you are outside the network22:51
kliqqqcor_r : vlc?22:51
LAcantwig11, open a terminal and type ping <machine name>22:51
MattEdwardNewb question here:22:51
kliqqqcor_r: ops it didnt type "tried" lol22:51
cor_rkliqqq, doest work on chrome22:52
Almehditwig11: yes, it is very good22:52
kliqqqcor_r: o ye right, you said online sorry my bad22:52
Almehditwig11: are you behind a router?22:52
kliqqqcor_r: isnt there supposed to be a plugin installed?22:52
Detoxdoes anyone have a really simple configuration for unrealircd?  I'd like to make a home based chat servdr22:52
cor_rkliqqq, for flash yes but not avi and divx format ;)22:52
twig11LAcan: it says unknown host. I'm sure I don't have something set up right, but I'm not sure how to start. I know too little about this to ask the right questions, I'm afraid.22:53
volkwhenver I install a package from synaptic, there is usually an accompanying "-doc" for that program. How do I read this documentation?22:53
kliqqqcor_r: on firefox i have a divx player, its supposed to be used on chrome too since it just "copies" em all22:53
MattEdwardwhen I start Ubuntu with Virtualbox, I'm asked to enter a username and password to login to Ubuntu, but I never installed it, Virtualbox just sees the ubuntu iso22:53
twig11Almehdi: Only the smoothwall machine and a satellite modem.22:53
LAcantwig11, your best bet is to use static I{'s. is there a reason you cant do this?22:53
ITCplease can someone telle me to which lib points libpthread.so.0 to in ubuntu 10.10 server ? Tnaks in advance22:53
LAcantwig11, static IP's22:53
cor_rkliqqq, is there even a divx xversion for linux? cant seem to find one22:54
olehkAlright, Screw it, I'm gonna quit trying to get Ubuntu to work, gonna go back to Windows and play some video games :P22:54
boson12How to know if my external HD is formatted with NTFS?22:54
sir_gabriel_anyone use lubuntu? I need to change the font size because I like the 1600xwhatever resolution, but just want larger fonts22:54
gnomedashHi. Can someone point me to a dash-like application for Gnome?22:54
kliqqqcor_r: not sure but someone got a quick n dirty solution lol http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=599709322:54
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gnomedashboson12, disk utility should be able to help you.22:55
twig11LAcan: I could, but I wanted it to be easy to hook up extra machines. I guess I could use static ip's for the ones that are always connected, and leave a dhcp range open for further connections.22:55
kliqqqHi everyone, i was considering buying a netbook to use with ubuntu, actually im fairly ignorant about them but i picked up some of the most selling brands and some side infos about them in my country, i have Dell (inspiron mini 1018) great support apparently and decent build, Asus (R101) good build but horrible support, Samsung (N145 JP02) pretty good build and not fully reviewed support (perhaps they never broken so far o22:55
kliqqqr people who needed support suicided), HP (mini 110) i had a compaq and i can say build sucks but it was reviewed well and support seems to fail, TOSHIBA - NB250 pretty good build apparently and good supprt, all of em have the same hardware except screen as far as i know so its generally what brand you prefer, could anyone give me some hints? hardware is N455 cpu 1 gb ram and intel gma 3150 for all of em22:55
FloodBot1kliqqq: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:55
DarkenvyI am an audiophile that loves techno. I am looking for the best sound card that is linux friendly. where do I find the most up to date info on this subject?22:55
Darkenvygoogle turns up everyone's own opinion as well as outdated sources22:56
cor_rkliqqq, thx ill try that, also I use the samsung nc10 similar to the 145 it works like a charm22:56
MattEdwardwhy is ubuntu asking me for a username and password if I'm loading the iso from virtualbox?22:56
Nyrobiecan someone help me with compiz problem?22:56
LAcanDarkenvy, filter ur google results by date "More Search Options"22:56
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have a question I installed 64bit r-studio on ubuntu 11.04 and it installed but the font looks all funny as if its the wrong font ideas?22:56
ITCcan some one please do # ll | grep libpthread.so ?22:56
gnomedashDarkenvy, it's always going to be a matter of opinion.22:56
_jopDarkenvy, is this what u're looking for, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards22:56
kliqqqcor_r: welcome and thanks22:57
_jopotherwise I don't think there is a "best" sound card, more so based on opinions really22:57
Almehditwig11: How many computer do you have in your network? Which one is it you want to connect too?22:57
LAcantwig11, yes exactly...22:57
cor_rDarkenvy, linuxhardware.net - if ur german: tuxhardware.de22:57
Darkenvyyea I found out my onboard drivers are cracking on 10.1022:58
DarkenvyI say 'fudge it' adn jsut buy a sound card lol22:58
gnomedashCan someone point me to a dash-like application for Gnome - a quick launcher for applications based on typing and navigating with the keyboard?22:58
noob_fugreetings, sorry to interupt : anyone know how or point me in the direction for adding nvidia restricted drivers to my usb instalation running live?22:58
boson12I see that my device is NTFS formatted but...22:58
AbTuXITC, what is that?22:58
twig11Almehdi: Only two always connected, so I don't have to use dhcp. Just trying to figure out how to make it work.22:58
osauceyim trying to attach multiple images into an email but i cannot select multiple images at a time22:58
boson12... when I cannot mount it with "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/external"22:59
THE_GFR|WORKhey everyone I have a question I installed 64bit r-studio on ubuntu 11.04 and it installed but the font looks all funny as if its the wrong font ideas?22:59
dios_mioosaucey, hold the ctrl button down22:59
boson12I meant...22:59
boson12I cannot mount it with "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/external"22:59
boson12Output says...22:59
ITCi lost a link on my server22:59
twig11Almehdi: LAcan: you'll have to pardon me if I seem a little lost. All I know about networking I learned in the last week.22:59
ITCi need to know ll /lib/ | grep libpthread.so on an ubuntu 10.10 server22:59
ActionParsnipboson12: no need for ntfs3g, should be fine without22:59
BobSappIs anyone else aware of a bug in ubuntu 11.04 on nvidia 300 where unity cant display asymetric aspect ratios sizes? I can do 1024x768+1024x768 but not 1366x768+1024x76822:59
gnomedashboson12, can't you just use disk utility to mount it?23:00
kliqqqHi everyone, i was considering buying a netbook to use with ubuntu, actually im fairly ignorant about them but i picked up some of the most selling brands and some side infos about them in my country, i have Dell (inspiron mini 1018) great support apparently and decent build, Asus (R101) good build but horrible support, Samsung (N145 JP02) pretty good build and not fully reviewed support (perhaps they never broken so far o23:00
kliqqqr people who needed support suicided), HP (mini 110) i had a compaq and i can say build sucks but it was reviewed well and support seems to fail, TOSHIBA - NB250 pretty good build apparently and good supprt, all of em have the same hardware except screen as far as i know so its generally what brand you prefer, could anyone give me some hints? hardware is N455 cpu 1 gb ram and intel gma 3150 for all of em23:00
FloodBot1kliqqq: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:00
Almehditwig11: i am no expert either ;)23:00
boson12gnomedash: That may be it :) Let's see if I can do it23:00
BobSappactually, it seems to be a memory issue23:00
LAcankliqqq, acers overheat real easy23:00
BobSappbecause i can use different aspect ratios for resolutions under 2048x76823:01
jschallis there a way to enable encrypted home after install?23:01
kliqqqLAcan: i didnt add acer though did i? because if i did it was meant to be asus lol23:01
LAcanoh sorry!23:01
_jopjschall, is your /home directory on a seperate partition?23:01
jschall_jop: yes23:01
kliqqqLAcan: no probs lol, double checked :P23:01
AbTuXITC, you want location of libpthread.so?23:01
LAcankliqqq, for small computers like that I think overheating is the main probelm so just do your research in that regards23:01
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kliqqqLAcan: and ye i know what a pain -.- but nothing beats compaq in this23:02
jschall_jop: it is23:02
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_jopjschall, you can use dm_crypt with luks but that'll wipe all data on the /home partition23:02
_jopjschall, so back that up first23:02
jschall_jop: i want to keep my data23:02
kliqqqLAcan: just overheat? I'm scared by the fact that one day my compaq laptop just started not working, no overheating no problems it just died, heart attack? lol, that really put me off from hp but it may be an isolated case23:02
LAcankliqqq, prolly power supply23:03
chillitomER1402 eMachine hangs on shutdown and suspend.. best place to report/ask?23:03
_jopjschall, hmm, I don't know of any encryption schemes that won't wipe the data ;/23:03
LAcankliqqq, also, never trust a sony23:03
cor_rkliqqq, 230 bucks for samsung nc10 hardware works just fine ,no porblems yet, quiet as hell, and no overheating , although I got a million processes runnin23:03
kliqqqLAcan: thats not really a problem, power supply can be as crappy as they want, its going to just hold some data, and ye i dont like sony :P23:03
MattEdwardis there a better version in ubuntu to run on virtualbox than the desktop version? I read that I should run a minimal install of some kind23:03
jschall_jop: thank you23:03
Almehdikliqqq: Compaq is bad.. HP generally good23:04
kliqqqcor_r: what are the specs please?23:04
LAcanlol compaq is hp !?23:04
kliqqqAlmehdi: compaq is hp tho lol23:04
ITCAbTuX : I need wher it points to please23:04
osauceydios_mio: that doesnt work23:04
ITCAbTuX : it s sys link23:04
kliqqqAlmehdi : and actually it was hp support (not compaq) who took 1 month to just replace my pc's cpu23:04
osauceyim using a web based client in firefox23:04
gnomedashhp have a long history of low reliability notebooks23:04
AlmehdiLAcan: Yes, but they are different marks... Compaq is the cheap bad quality product23:05
cor_rkliqqq, intel atom n450 1.6ghz 1gig ram 250 gig hdd intel 3150 win7starter23:05
_jopjschall, you can also use truecrypt to create encrypted volumes and just store secret files inside the volumes23:05
cor_rkliqqq, bough an extra one gig ram though23:05
AlmehdiI have no bad experience of build quallity on HP23:05
Bizzehhey, just set up ubuntu on my pc, and it detecting my monitors wrong and wont let me re-arange them. i have my main monitor on the right and 2nd monitor to the left of it, when i set that up in the monitors settings by swapping the monitors to where they should be and setting the correct res, i get the monitors the correct way round, but the monitor on the left tries to be the main monitor, which it shouldnt be. is there any way i can force the monitor23:06
kliqqqgnomedash: thats what scared me, they even sell a n550 equipped netbook for the same price of the others, but im afraid of crappy stuff lol23:06
kliqqqcor_r: happen to know if that voids the warranty?23:06
BobSappoh i think i worked out my problem, graphics acceleration isnt engaged23:06
boson12gnomedash: I a do not see a way to mount it from the disk utility23:06
gnomedashwhat i'm saying about hp is not based on anecdotal evidence.23:06
Hi-Lighterubuntu 10.04, need to remove or disable the language/keyboard/session bar from the login screen.  any ideas?  i've tried gnome-tweak23:06
boson12gnomedash: I just see that I can format it, safe remove it, and edit partition23:07
gnomedashboson12, click the partition in question. A button for mounting should appear below.23:07
cor_rkliqqq, well ,it didnt say so in the manual or when openin the device, so I guess not, but I never asked^^23:07
kliqqqgnomedash: i beg your pardon?23:07
ITCAbTuX: i need the real version number like libc-2.12.1.so for libc.so.623:07
sumitgoodany game testers available.23:07
_jopboson12, you might also try "gparted" if disk utility isn't letting u mount23:08
kliqqqcor_r: grrrrr well with a single core dual thread processor i wouldnt need 2 gb ram i hope, aslong as it can play a 720p video on youtube it can do more than i need23:08
gnomedashkliqqq, Almehdi has mentioned that s/he has no bad experience with HP. I explained that what I said about low quality is not based on personal experience (which is less informative), but on more objective data.23:08
kliqqqgnomedash: thanks, didnt get it im not good with english :P and ye i both grabbed experience (compaq) and data (big G)23:09
kliqqqgnomedash: thats why hp scares me lol, lowest price so far but eeek 1 month for a cpu? thanks but not hanks23:09
kliqqq*no thanks23:09
AbTuXITC, well its libpthread-2.13.so in mine , had you deleted the link or what?23:09
gnomedashCan someone point me to a dash-like application for Gnome - a quick launcher for applications based on typing and navigating with the keyboard?23:10
kliqqqgnomedash: would it be cairo dock?23:10
Hi-Lighterim using ubuntu 10.04, need to remove or disable the language/keyboard/session bar from the login screen.  any ideas?  i've tried gnome-tweak23:10
gnomedashkliqqq, by the name of it, no. I'm not looking for a dock...23:10
ITCAbTuX: ok thanks, yes indeed i delete it with a wrong command and a to rename the binary23:11
gnomedashin fact one reason I'm not using Unity is the annoying dock23:11
plaastikI don't like Unity much either23:11
kliqqqgnomedash: mmm23:11
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osauceyif i use thunderbird, then i can multiselect but when i use firefox or chrome i cannot23:12
gnomedashi'm looking into gnome do, but based on descriptions it does more that applications - indexes files too and i don't need that.23:12
gnomedashmore than*23:12
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plaastikgnomedash: I use Synapse23:12
jedi_masterHi, me again. I can't find the costumization Menu for Compiz in 11.04, is there any special way of opening it?23:12
plaastikgnomedash: ;)23:13
plaastikgnomedash: and awn23:13
gnomedashplaastik, looks promissing, thanks.23:13
plaastikgnomedash: np23:13
boson12_jop: gparted is not to mount a HD; it edits the HD23:13
AlmehdiI used cairo-dock until i started using Gnome-shell... don't need it anymore23:14
gnomedashBut it also does documents through zeitgeist. AAH!23:14
plaastikgnomedash: it's actually quite a nice feature23:14
mastaofdisastawhy is /etc/network/interfaces deprecated in natty?23:14
gnomedashplaastik, which i don't like :)23:14
boson12gnomedash: Nothing appears when I click on the icon of the HD appearing in disk utility23:15
plaastikgnomedash: hehehe23:15
_jopboson12, my bad, thought gparted mounted partitions as well23:15
jedi_masterHi, where can you find costumization menu for Compiz in 11.04?23:15
plaastikgnomedash: Well I think awn is the best dock out there23:15
boson12_jop: Thanks though23:15
gnomedashi just want a clean application menu, well not menu - suggestions. without files.23:15
PolahHow could I create a script to change a number of similar file names to have the same beginning? For example I have "mc02-h28604.log" and I'd like it to be changed to "mclog-h28604.log" for example, the basic expression would be mc*-h*.log I believe.23:15
Almehdijedi_master: simple-compiz-config-settings (i believe it is spelled)23:16
gnomedashboson12, one step at a time. one the left you select your actual, physical HD, right?23:16
mastaofdisastalast time I was told to configure my interfaces using the GUI.23:16
craigbass1976A laptop just landed at my house.  When it boots, it goes to a initramfs prompt.  Supposedly, all the happened was the someone shut it off by holding the power button, rather than regular shut down23:16
Almehdijedi_master: installs through synaptic23:16
mastaofdisastathat wasn't very nice coming from the linux community23:16
boson12gnomedash: yes23:16
gnomedashthen you get the volumes ...graphic thing23:16
tylerdmaceAnyone else got ATI video cards who play games and experience the red display identifier box in the upper left hand corner?23:16
FinnishI'm trying to access Users and groups, and I get this: The configuration could not be loaded. Unknown error occures23:17
Almehdijedi_master: compiz-config-settings-manager (CCSM)23:17
boson12I see the Drive and Volumes info23:17
boson12and edit options23:17
boson12for both23:17
Crash1hdAnyone know where I can tell ubuntu that I am loading it in vmware and change the xorg.conf23:17
gnomedashboson12, in the middle of the window you should see a fairly prominent graphical representation of partitions. do you?23:18
phoenixsamprashow to boot in safe mode in 11.04??23:18
phoenixsamprasi have pushed SHIFT for 100 times23:19
gnomedashphoenixsampras, but did you chant the secret word while at it?23:19
boson12gnomedash: The window is divided in two23:19
gnomedashphoenixsampras, you press and HOLD the shift23:19
phoenixsamprasOpen Nap ?23:19
Almehdiphoenixsampras: Try more... i am only successful half of the times i try23:19
jedi_masterAlmehdi: that goes into terminal? or "run application" ?23:19
_jopphoenixsampras, you should be able to select recovery mode from the grub menu23:20
phoenixsamprasI pushed and HOLD the shift, and doesnt work23:20
Almehdijedi_master: No, synaptic package manager23:20
boson12gnomedash: One part is under the title of "Storage Devices" and the other has the Drive and the Volumes info23:20
phoenixsamprasfrom the bios screen23:20
jedi_masteri totally knew that..... xD23:20
phoenixsamprashow to boot in console mode, to install nvidia propietary drivers ?23:20
_joppressing ESC when grub is loading should give u the menu23:20
gnomedashboson12, yep, and after your select a device under storage devices, a graphical representation of the partitions on that device appears on the right?23:21
_jopphoenixsampras, restart ur computer and wait for the grub menu and select recovery mode23:21
linuxrealmany motion webcam users?23:21
_jopthis might help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode23:21
_jopyou should be able to then get into a screen from which you can reinstall the nvidia drivers23:21
GAN900So, what does Ubuntu Certified actually mean?23:22
kliqqqHi everyone, i was considering buying a netbook to use with ubuntu, actually im fairly ignorant about them but i picked up some of the most selling brands and some side infos about them in my country, i have Dell (inspiron mini 1018) great support apparently and decent build, Asus (R101) good build but horrible support, Samsung (N145 JP02) pretty good build and not fully reviewed support (perhaps they never broken so far o23:22
boson12I would answer "yes," but the device that I select is not partitioned.23:22
kliqqqr people who needed support suicided), HP (mini 110) i had a compaq and i can say build sucks but it was reviewed well and support seems to fail, TOSHIBA - NB250 pretty good build apparently and good supprt, all of em have the same hardware except screen as far as i know so its generally what brand you prefer, could anyone give me some hints? hardware is N455 cpu 1 gb ram and intel gma 3150 for all of em23:22
phoenixsamprasI DID WAIT for Grub, and doesnt show up when i push SHIFT!!!!@#!@#!@#23:22
FloodBot1kliqqq: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:22
OerHeksGAN900, certified means it will work, and will work in the future.23:22
boson12gnomedash: I would answer "yes," but the device that I select is not partitioned.23:22
Almehdi_jop: doesn't ESC just get you to text instead of graphical login?23:22
boson12gnomedash: I just want to mount it (open it up)23:23
gnomedashboson12, didn't you say you were trying to mount an existing partition?23:23
Almehdiphoenixsampras: You need to hammer all the way until you see the actual menu23:23
gnomedashboson12, you want to mount an unpartitioned device?23:23
_jopAlmehdi, yea but you should be able to run "service gdm start"23:23
phoenixsamprasAlmehdi: i did that for 100 times... doesnt work23:23
boson12gnomedash: I may be confusing terminology23:23
Snicers-Work2Hello, I am having issues setting up BackupPC on ubuntu. can someone help me?23:23
phoenixsamprasis there any way to force recovery mode???23:24
Almehdiphoenixsampras: try more.. and faster23:24
GAN900OerHeks, OK, what if that actually isn't the case? Got a Lenovo x220 here which doesn't work very well with 10.10 (which it's supposedly certified for) and 11.04.23:24
_jopto start the graphical interface23:24
boson12gnomedash: I understand that mounting means to open it up, is that right?23:24
ubottuUnity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME see !classic.23:24
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.23:24
boson12gnomedash: The device I want to open up is not partitioned.23:24
gnomedashboson12, um.. when you say "open it up", what do you mean?23:24
OerHeksGAN900, specify work not verry well ?23:24
boson12gnomedash: Access the content of the device23:24
IsrafelOk, how do I get the session box at the login screen so I can change it back to Gnome?23:24
Almehdiphoenixsampras: ctrl+alt+f1 should get you to another TTY23:24
gnomedashboson12, if the device is not partitioned, what content do you expect to find there?23:25
boson12gnomedash: The device usually appears automatically when connected to my windows partitioned23:25
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_jopIsrafel, just logout and when you click on your username to log back in, there should be an option to select classic at the bottom23:25
boson12gnomedash: It does not "appears automatically" in Ubuntu 11.0423:25
GAN900OerHeks, no acceleration in 10.10, no suspend. No resume in 11.0423:26
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gnomedash_jop, that gdm thing has reminded me - if my graphical session freezes. Can I do a kill gdm from another tty?23:26
boson12gnomedash: I want to install a program in my device, which is an external hard drive23:26
cleverhow would i tell apt that i have manualy installed a package, and to not complain about it being missing?23:26
clevermailutils: Depends: exim4 but it is not going to be installed or23:26
phoenixsamprasis there any way to force recovery mode??? during boot????????!!!!!!!!!@#@!#!@#@!#!23:26
boson12gnomedash: I need to do it in a unix OS (like ubuntu)23:27
_jopgnomedash, yeah, alt+ctrl+f1 and then run (as root) service gdm stop23:27
gnomedash_jop, cool thanks.23:27
gnomedashboson12, if a device is not partitioned, then windows won't show it's content either.23:27
boson12gnomedash: Maybe we are not attributing the same meaning to the word "partition"23:28
Gulfstreamis there a way to program the fsck to run at every boot?23:28
gnomedashit is hypothetically possible that a device would be in some windows only format that linux can't read. I don't think such a thing exists, but i don't know enough about such things to be sure. Perhaps we are not.23:29
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boson12gnomedash: My external hard drive has files saved in it that I can access when I connect the external hard drive to Windows23:29
zvacetboson12: is that device formated  ntfs ext4....23:29
AlmehdiGulfstream: Why would you like that?23:29
gnomedashboson12, that means that it is partitioned23:29
macbookcomo estan ?23:29
macbookalguien habla espaƱol23:29
macbookspeak spanish23:29
_jopGulfstream, sudo tune2fs -c 1 /dev/sda123:29
FloodBot1macbook: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:29
GulfstreamAlmehdi: so it runs as fast as possible?23:29
boson12gnomedash: what means it's partitioned?23:29
OerHeksGAN900, now i read a lot of discussion too. Lenovo x22023:29
Hi-Lighterim using ubuntu 10.04, need to remove or disable the language/keyboard/session bar from the login screen.  any ideas?  i've tried gnome-tweak23:30
_jopand replace sda1 w/ whichever partition you want checked everytime23:30
boson12zvacet:  Partition type : HPFS/NTFS (ox07)23:30
gnomedashboson12, actually, if say that the device shows files normally in windows, the technicalities of partitioning don't really matter.23:30
AlmehdiGulfstream: But a file check would just slow down the boot23:30
jiffe98anyone else have an issue with grub upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 ?23:30
gnomedashboson12, can you connect this device to a windows machine right now?23:30
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boson12gnomedash: yes, give a minute or so23:31
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grindelActionParsnip: I wanted to thank you for the help yesterday.  I restarted and the network was accessible23:31
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gnomedashOh wow, synapse is good!23:31
jiffe98all I'm getting is a grub prompt23:31
plaastikgnomedash: glad you like it23:32
Gulfstream_jop: thanks23:32
_jopGulfstream, np, you can also tune the -c parameter to make it check every x boots23:32
gnomedashplaastik, awesome!!23:32
escott!grub | jiffe9823:32
ubottujiffe98: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:32
gnomedashthat's it. now i have absolutely no reason to go to unity23:32
Almehdijiffe98: Do a google on "rescue grub2" and you should probably solve it23:32
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_jopjiffe98, does your grub prompt not list any options?23:34
gnomedashplaastik, why did you not tell me about this beforehand?!23:34
plaastikgnomedash: lol!23:34
cleverhow would i tell apt that i have manualy installed a package, and to not complain about it being missing?23:34
clevermailutils: Depends: exim4 but it is not going to be installed or23:34
gnomedashplaastik, is there a way to remove the huge icon though?23:35
plaastikgnomedash: I think you can get other themes for it somewhere...Google23:35
Crash1hdanyone know where I can run code that runs before xorg does?23:36
jpedroza2kI am having an issue with the launcher not keeping items I add by right clicking and clicking "keep in launcher". I am guessing permissions issue on the config, but can't seem to find it. Can someone point me in the right direction. Google has failed me for the last time.23:36
gnomedashwill do23:36
mfpocketsHi all,   Im just getting into linux, and I was wondering if there is a switch used with ls to view the binary file permissions rather than in the rwx format?23:36
GAN900OerHeks, 11.04 also hates my Lenovo S10-3t.23:36
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jiffe98_jop: no, all I get is some minimal bash like prompt23:36
jiffe98I can boot by specifying the kernel and initrd fine23:37
jiffe98I just don't know why the upgrade didn't work23:37
escottjiffe98, just rerun grub-install23:37
Dirty_Jerzin #ps3linux23:37
jpedroza2kCrash1hd, If you create a script, you could set it to run in runlevel 3, before X launches in init level 5.23:38
Almehdijiffe98: Then just update grub settings and it should be solved23:38
escottCrash1hd, check /etc/gdm/Init23:38
O_0can someone help me?23:38
Crash1hdjpedroza2k, would I be able to do something that sets the $XORGCONFIG variable23:39
O_0I upgrade ubuntu from 10.10 to 11.0423:39
O_0and then the ubuntu got crazy !23:39
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mfpocketsNo one?  is it not possible?  ive tried google and the man pages, but cannot seem to find a way to list file permissions with binary octal values rather than rwx.  Is there a switch to view this?23:39
jpedroza2kCrash1hd, I would imagine so, though I am not exactly sure of the implementation.23:39
_jopO_0, what exactly is the problem?23:40
Crash1hdjpedroza2k, no problem its a start :023:40
Crash1hdescott, hmm will have a look23:40
O_0_jop: I can to log in but after that ubuntu become very slow  and then stuck23:40
gnomedasha split? really? those still happen?23:40
O_0_jop: I can to log in but after that ubuntu become very slow  and then stuck23:41
[Soma]Hey... when I reboot, it always takes me a couple of tries until I can sign on. 4 out of 5 times, I'll just get stuck in the booting process, no matter how long I wait, until I try again and it'll boot like nothing was ever wrong. What can I do?23:41
escottmfpockets, man stat23:41
mfpocketsescott,  ill try that.23:42
chicognuHow do I access windows shared folder from ubuntu 11.04 ?23:42
escott[Soma], remove the "splash" variable from your grub.cfg kernel line and see if you can figure out what is happening23:43
tripelb10.04 phone connected to ubuntu by USB. this time it wont release. says it's busy. 20 mins later still the same. how can I find out what it thinks it is doing. I transferered files.  that is all.23:43
escott!samba | chicognu23:43
ubottuchicognu: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:43
_jopmfpockets, stat -c '%a' .23:43
[Soma]escott, is that so see the "terminal" and can see where exactly it stops?23:43
Snicers-Work3In ubuntu the root user is locked, do I have to unlock that root user to backup a ubuntu server via BackupPC?23:43
escott[Soma], yes23:43
escottSnicers-Work3, use sudo23:43
GothSparkhi all   I hava a stupide issue O.o , well I tryed the bouncing ball plasma on kde and set it to max auto bounce with sound O.o now this is getting anoying since the lock widget do not lock it in position O.o how do I uinstall it ?23:44
_jopO_0, can you use gnome-system-monitor to see which program is making your system slow?23:44
Snicers-Work3escott, that will prompt for a password, how do I handle that via ssh?23:44
jasongriffeehow can i change unity launcher color/ tranparency?23:44
O_0_jop: ok then I have to tell you which one of it?23:44
escottSnicers-Work3, you ssh as a user account and then sudo yourself23:44
[Soma]escott, thanks, I'll see if I manage. By the way, I tried booting "recovery mode" for exactly that reason, and it stopped at 2011xxxx ACPI: core revision -- any idea?23:44
mfpockets_jop,  thanks, that works to list all files within my pwd if I add a * at the end, but i get only the octal values, and not the file names.23:45
Snicers-Work3escott, I am running BackupPC, it executes all of the commands.23:45
O_0_jop: and which season do I need to use?in safe mode it works well but it doesn't find anything just searching23:45
mfpockets_jop,  figured it out.  %n added23:45
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escottSnicers-Work3, not having a root password is a security feature. if you want to establish a root password it is easy to do, just use the passwd command23:46
_jopmfpockets, yeah, %A is for the standard rxw notation also :P23:46
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_jopO_0, if you sort by cpu usage, can you find a program which is taking up most of ur cpu time?23:46
O_0_jop: It can't open the terminal23:47
O_0it's so slowly !23:47
mfpockets_jop,   it will help me for comparing and figuring out the octal values better for my linux course.  :)23:47
Snicers-Work3escott, is that the only way to do automated super user actions?23:47
_jopmfpockets, awesome :)23:47
_jopO_0, also, could be your ram is low so the system might be using swap23:48
escottSnicers-Work3, you are safer to use an ssh auth key for your root account than to establish a root password23:48
O_0_jop: no it doesn't I don't see any writing on the hard disk23:48
bluefox83ok, i can't figure out why, but for some reason my headset works sporadically, gnome randomly chooses to read from it or not...i can't find a single howto anywhere that actually point how to get this working in gnome 3 D:23:48
jasongriffeehow do I change unity launcher color/ transparency?23:48
roger21hi, what is the name of this console you call with F1 and it drop down from the ceiling ?23:48
roger21zenia or tania ?23:49
Snicers-Work3escott, how do you establish an ssh auth key for a root account that is locked?23:49
jpedroza2kjasongriffee, I don't think it is customizable.23:49
gnomedashroger21, ceiling cat.. err launcher23:49
jpedroza2kjasongriffee, Don't quote me though.23:49
craig so I'm in the disk utility, get a message that the filesystem is NOT clean after running "Check partition".  Now what?23:49
zweiundvierzig /join #lubuntu23:49
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_jopO_0, do you see any program which is eating up your cpu?23:50
gnomedashcraig, fsck>23:50
craigthe drive, by the way, is one from a laptop that I've thrown in my desktop23:50
gnomedashcraig, fsck?23:50
escottSnicers-Work3, you use sudo. sudo is your only way to root until you establish another method. if sudo doesn't meet your needs for automation then i would try ssh auth keys, and lastly creating a root password23:50
O_0_jop: I can't23:50
O_0it stuck23:50
_jopcan you do alt+ctrl+f123:50
_jopand type 'top'23:50
Snicers-Work3escott, ok, thank you23:50
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O_0_jop: I think that the wireless program because it run well in safe mode23:51
GothSparkany one knows about how to kill a widget on kde ?23:51
_jopGothSpark, "pkill widgetname" should do it I think23:52
jeremynreinstalled 11.04, wifi is super slow, wired is fine, any ideas?23:52
chicognuhow to I put ubuntu 11.04 with the old interface ?23:52
_jopO_0, hmm, I'm not sure then ;/23:52
O_0_jop: what should I do?ask in the forums of ubuntu?23:52
_jopO_0, you could try, there might also be someone in here who knows more about the problem23:53
adxhello world23:54
gnomedashfamous last words23:54
gnomedashbrilliant. now try to say carnivorous23:55
jeremynreinstalled 11.04, wifi super slow, wired is fine. i got this working before after updating by wired after install, but that didn't fix it this time. ping works fine, DNS apparently is fine. firefox is just loading super slow and updating is super slow23:56
gnomedashjeremyn, i think i rememeber reading something about ipv6 in relation to such problems23:56
gnomedashalthough.. if it's just one interface....23:56
[Soma]how do I even find my grub.conf -- searching for this using the "Files & Folders" button in Unity gives me no result, and neither does find . -name "grub" -print23:57
[Soma]and it's not in /etc/grub.d23:57
abyxcosanyone know approximately how long it takes to resize a 250gb drive (~200gb full, 5400 rpm)?23:57
coz_[Soma],   /etc/default/grub23:57
coz_abyxcos,  well that sounds like a fairly time venture,, at 5400rpm23:58
coz_fairly timely I meant23:58
[Soma]/etc/default/grub: Not a directory23:58
coz_abyxcos,  you are just resiszing,, yes?23:58
abyxcosyea, i'm about 6.5 hours in23:58
abyxcosfsck was 30minutes23:58
coz_abyxcos,  then something else is wrong23:58
coz_[Soma],  gksudo  /etc/default/grub23:59

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