
BookmanIs the service going to be down much longer?  I am just trying this again since about 2 years ago and the reliability certainly seems no better!!!01:42
BookmanDropbox, by the way, just keeps on working away.01:55
duanedesignBookman: what version of Ubutnu are you running? Are you using the default client or a Nightliess PPA?02:16
BookmanAnd whatever it comes with02:16
duanedesignBookman: ok. odd I have had pretty good luck with that version.02:19
duanedesignBookman: what do you get from running the command.  u1sdtool -s02:19
BookmanYeah, I need more than luck.  I wnat reliability.02:19
BookmanState: LOCAL_RESCAN02:20
Bookman    connection: With User With Network02:20
Bookman    description: doing local rescan02:20
Bookman    is_connected: False02:20
Bookman    is_error: False02:20
Bookman    is_online: False02:20
Bookman    queues: WORKING02:20
duanedesigni can /.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log02:21
duanedesigndoes this file containing anything:    gedit ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log02:22
BookmanI understand02:22
BookmanYes, do you want to see the one dated?02:23
duanedesignthe one without the date would be the newest.02:24
duanedesignif thie is something in it could youpastebin it?02:25
duanedesignBookman: oh boy I one have not seen before.  Let me look and ask around and see if i can find something out02:32
BookmanIt's not a big deal.  I have dropbox working, and have for a long time.  I just thought it would be nice to put that money into Ubuntu instead of dropbox.02:32
duanedesignbug #66386002:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 663860 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntu one doesn't connect after upgrade to maverick (affects: 3) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66386002:34
duanedesignok looks like we can confirm that bug02:34
duanedesignans hopefully they will then tak a look at that ASAP02:34
duanedesignif you would like to, you can subscribe to the report to get updates on its progress02:34
BookmanNo worries and thanks for the help.  I'll try again in a couple more releases.02:35
duanedesignBookman: well thank you for helping to confirm the bug that helps02:35
BookmanNo problem....Dropbox just keeps on working away!02:35
BookmanHave a great night.02:36
duanedesignyou too Bookman02:36
duanedesignfagan: i was able to confirm the bug above^^. Noticed you commented on it so I thought I would mention FWIW.02:40
jdobrienduanedesign, you confirmed that upgrading to maverick breaks ubuntuone-client?02:54
duanedesignjdobrien: hmmm, no.This was an upgrade to natty/02:56
jdobrienduanedesign, looks like the comments deviated from th original bug report03:00
* duanedesign nods03:02
duanedesignI could agree with that. Might of bit a bit hasty to draw the connection. I guess fagans comments were about all the updates in Maverick.03:03
duanedesignjdobrien: I will change it back to incomplete to await an update from the op.03:05
igjohnhello everyone , is there anyone willing to help with setting up my dedicated server ?04:16
igjohni have isseus with the NOC and virtualization04:17
thisfredralsina: so private meeting is not 9am, right?07:54
dobeymail said 1108:05
dobeywhere is you?08:05
thisfreddobey: jokal, ubuntu-dev-tools08:06
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karniHi #ubuntuone, my U1 is not syncing :D I need help.12:12
karniIn the web UI I see new files (that I have uploaded) under ~/Ubuntu One (so, on the top of /files ), but they're not coming down to my laptop.12:13
karniMy SD is idle, everything seems to be working fine.12:13
igjohnhi ubuntu , i need help with my dedicated server12:15
karniI did refresh volumes and rescan from scratch  the '' volume, --waiting is still empty.12:15
karniigjohn: You're sure in the right #channel? What's your question?12:15
karniigjohn: This is Ubuntu One channel, you probably want #ubuntu or #ubuntu-server(s)12:16
igjohnanywhere i can egt help with troubleshooting my ubuntu server12:17
karniigjohn: /join #ubuntu-server12:18
karninvm my question, I received help :)12:25
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thisfredCardinalFang: yo, can you join #ubuntu-uds-mikszath, if you havent already?13:55
CardinalFangthisfred, hi.14:08
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shane4kubuntuok, I have switched to kde, and with every new version, I always give u1 another shot to see how it is going, I  installed u1 in kde, but don't see it, what do I need to do to get u1 installed/running with kde?21:10
shane4kubuntuhmm, not a lot of action here. :)  does anyone know what I need to do to get u1 working, runnning on KDE?22:24
faganshane4kubuntu: its late and its UDS week thats why you didnt get an answer quickly22:29
faganshane4kubuntu: what version are you on?22:29
shane4kubuntuahh, ok, understood, is there anything special I need to install on kde to get u1 up and running?22:29
shane4kubuntufagan: I'm on 11.0422:30
faganshane4kubuntu: ok give me a sec just need to double check something22:30
shane4kubuntufagan: ok, I googled a bit, but came up with old stuff, 9.10, 10.10 etc.22:31
faganshane4kubuntu: ok I cant find how to do it myself could you come between 9-5GMT please and someone else can answer22:32
faganshane4kubuntu: I havent tried it so I cant really help too much22:32
fagansorry about t~hat22:32
shane4kubuntufagan: 9-5GMT  I'm trying to figure out what time that would be in EST22:32
shane4kubuntuI will tinker around, I installed a few u1 packages, but don't seem to see anything I can run.22:33
shane4kubuntufagan: appreciate you looking.22:33
faganshane4kubuntu: np22:33
shane4kubuntufagan: I'm -5 hours, so that would be -5 from GMT?  I think that is how that works22:35
shane4kubuntuso 9GMT would be like 4am my time22:35
shane4kubuntuand 5pm would be like 1pm my time. Ok, I think I got it figured out.22:36
faganshane4kubuntu: yeah thats right22:36
shane4kubuntuok, thanks22:36
faganso if you come around sometime between 9 and 1 your time it should be ok22:36
faganshane4kubuntu: nice name btw22:36
faganits my first name too22:36
shane4kubuntuahh, ok, I been with *buntu since, Breezy days, so looks like I'm going to stick around.22:37
faganIve been running ubuntu since gutsy and started working for canonical a month ago :)22:38
fagan(as an intern)22:38
shane4kubuntugreat to hear, I found the article:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ/HowDoIInstallTheGNOMEUbuntuOneClientOnKubuntu22:38
shane4kubuntuI should have thought to check the web page first.22:39
faganshane4kubuntu: I think thats a little out of date22:39
* fagan remembers someone had trouble with it a week ago22:40
shane4kubuntuoh, well, another time I guess, thanks anyway.22:40
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