
holsteinrhalff: o/21:38
rhalffwhat is the -rt kernel in natty ?21:38
rhalffI seem to have no raw1394 module in the general kernel21:39
rhalffIs it needed ? :-)21:39
holsteinrhalff: theres no realtime kernel in the default repos21:39
holsteinif you need one21:39
holsteinthere are PPA's available21:40
rhalfffaado-diag Discover, shows there is no /dev/raw139421:40
holsteinrhalff: that changed right?21:40
holsteinwith the new stack?21:40
rhalffah ok, well don't really need one if it's not necessary21:40
holsteinmaybe im wrong21:40
rhalffholstein, I'm not sure21:40
holsteinrhalff: i say, just try your device21:40
holsteinand see21:40
holsteinmy FW device works in natty21:40
rhalffin jack audio connection kit I can see firewire_pcm and 4 unknown inputs21:40
rhalffbut when I route all inputs to rakarrack I see nothing going on21:41
holsteinrhalff: firewire driver?21:41
holsteinwith JACK?21:41
holsteinand everything starts no errors?21:41
rhalffholstein, to me it seems so21:44
holsteinwhat device?21:44
rhalffholstein, audiofire 221:45
holsteinrhalff: and it worked in 10.04?21:46
rhalffholstein, yeah I had it working half a year ago, then somewhere inbetween needed to reinstall, and now trying to get it work again on natty21:48
rhalffI'm probably close, but don't know where it is going wrong21:48
rhalffI think ffado mixer also is behaving odd, though it does start up21:48
holsteini dont need that21:49
holsteinso im not sure about it21:49
holsteinthe firepod doesnt use it21:49
holsteinrhalff: let me reffer you to #opensourcemusicians21:49
holsteinand i'll poke around a bit21:49
holsteinsee what i come up with :)21:49
rhalffmaybe I have to read some more myself :)21:50
rhalffsetup with firewire is always a bit difficult21:51
rhalffunless it works by itself21:51
holsteinrhalff: its better now21:51
holsteinmine works out of the box21:51
rhalffI remember I had to unmute first everytime in faado mixer the last time, now all buttons don't seem to do much21:52

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