
OverlordAnyone here experienced in the terminal on nUbuntu?01:05
michaeli got problems01:30
=== michael is now known as Guest47630
furtatalçgum brazuka aki?01:36
furtatalgum brasileiro nessa porra?01:36
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:38
Guest47630does anyone get startup on xubuntu when all windows show up on the top left with no titlebar?02:00
drcAny Menus?02:01
Guest47630yeah the menus show up02:03
Guest47630but i can't move them around02:03
Guest47630and it only happens sometimes02:03
Guest47630when i reboot it works again most of the time02:04
drcTry < xfwm4 --replace > in a terminal02:04
Guest47630just tried it, my screen flashed02:05
drcno change?02:05
Guest47630it's working right now, but it has already been working this session, but it has been a consistent problem02:06
Guest47630i guess i'll have to see with time if it continues to happen02:07
Guest47630thanks, another problem i have is that when i suspend my computer and bring it back, my soundcard no longer works until i reboot my computer02:07
drcno idea, I've never had problems with sound02:08
Guest47630it's an audiophile 192 soundcard02:09
Guest47630i think it uses the envy24pt/ht driver02:09
bin_bashman thunar is laggy02:15
Soupermanitoit can be, oftenly if it involves lots of thumbnails and selecting02:17
Soupermanitoi had to install another file manager to do that, particularly fond to emelfm202:19
charlie-tcaSoupermanito: is that in the repositories?02:20
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=== cpatrick08 is now known as cpatrick008
cpatrick008i love xubuntu it is much better than gnome 3 and UNITY!!!!!!!02:26
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bin_bashcpatrick008: yes. yes it is.02:28
Soupermanitocharlie-tca, yes, yes it is02:41
bin_bashbash: ./anonbot.php: /usr/bin/php: bad interpreter: No such file or directory02:46
bin_bash>mffw PHP isn't installed02:48
Guest47630why not just use pcmanfm?02:52
charlie-tcapcmanfm is a single pane file manager; emelfm2 is two-pane side by side02:57
charlie-tcaalso emelfm2 has no dependcies added for Xubuntu; pcmanfm requires about half a dozen more files be installed02:59
Guest47630still, wouldn't that help with bin-bash's problem with lagginess?03:10
bin_bashWhen I start it from terminal it doesn't happen03:11
KM0201bin_bash: whats lagging?03:12
KM0201bin_bash: freezes up for ike 10-12sec?03:12
KM0201not trying to dog xfce (i like it) but thats why i switched to lxde03:13
bin_bashbut when i load the directory in terminal and then open thunar it doesn;t03:13
bin_bashisn't lxde kde's ugly littlebrother?03:14
charlie-tcaGuest47630: not sure here, I thought pcmanfm had a lag issue also03:15
charlie-tcabin_bash: any network connections?03:16
bin_bashcharlie-tca: no03:16
Guest47630lxde can look pretty good if you configure it, kde is just wasteful03:16
charlie-tcahm, I have discussions in Xfce about the lag, they are trying to pinpoint the issue03:16
charlie-tcaIt has something to do with gvfs trying to find any network connections, but beyond that it has not been pinned down yet03:17
bin_bashah ok03:17
bin_bashKM0201: gimme a screenshot of how you have lxde running03:18
KM0201bin_bash: quite the opposite... lxde is awesome.03:18
KM0201bin_bash: http://imagebin.org/15290503:20
bin_bashyou just love that bottom panel lol03:20
KM0201i'm not sure how your skippy script would work though03:21
KM0201i usually just middle click desktop, and choose the window i want.;03:21
KM0201bin_bash: http://imagebin.org/15290603:22
KM0201works a bit like that03:22
bin_bashi think my next ui is going to be openbox03:25
cpatrick008too bad lubuntu is only 64 bit  but glad you can get the pae kernel03:25
KM0201bin_bash: i think lxde is based openbox (could be wrong)03:25
KM0201cpatrick008: uh, no.. it has a 32bit version03:25
KM0201cpatrick008: http://paste.ubuntu.com/606353/03:26
cpatrick008i ment only 32 bit not 6403:26
KM0201cpatrick008: i dunno bout that, don't need/use 64bit on the laptop03:27
bin_bashKM0201: My next distro is either crunchbang or archbang03:27
KM0201bin_bash: wouldn't recommend crunchbang (even though I like it)... and i probably wouldn't recommend archbang03:27
bin_bashi'm definitely installing archbang on the crappy laptop i'm getting03:28
KM0201just cuz you're not l33t03:28
KM0201you should try lubuntu.03:28
bin_bashno i want something other than ubuntu03:28
KM0201you might find you like it.. just use the live cd a few days, see how it goes... if you don't like it, you've only wasted a cd03:28
bin_bashdude i have to do a cd and usb. rmemeber?03:28
* drc thinks real 1337'ers use netBSD on everything they own, including toasters03:28
KM0201oh thats right03:29
cpatrick008use usb so you dont waste a cd03:29
KM0201drc: you mayb e right.03:29
bin_bashdrc: I use netBSD on my vacuum.03:29
KM0201cpatrick008: she has a jacked up mac, she has to use both03:29
lldavidhi, my video players (parole and totem) crashed  when i tried to play a video, so i installed vlc. I managed to play the videos, but they have no sound. does someone knows how to fix it?03:34
bin_bashSo, you don't think i'm 1337 enough to use #!03:34
lldavidi installed gstreamer but it gave no help03:34
bin_bashvideo but no sound, eh03:36
lldavidi can play them on vlc. i managed to do it by changing the preferences03:36
charlie-tcalldavid: install pavucontrol and turn the controls on03:36
KM0201bin_bash: no, i think #! sucks03:37
lldavidcharlie-tca: i have it installed03:37
bin_bash:O why!?03:37
bin_bashlldavid: did sound work in parole?03:38
lldavidparole just crashes03:38
bin_bashand video works in vlc?03:38
lldavidvlc plays the video03:38
bin_bashdoes sound work elsewhere?03:38
lldavidbut has no sound03:38
lldavidworks fine on browser03:38
lldavidand sys sounds03:39
lldavidpidgin, etc...03:39
bin_bashdo you have a music player installed03:39
lldavidhaven't downloaded any mp3 yet03:39
lldavidwell i have banshee03:39
lldavidisntalled by default03:39
bin_bashtry playing a song on banshee03:39
lldavidits gmusic player03:40
lldavidnot banshee03:40
bin_bashwhaterver it is03:40
bin_bashtry playing soemthing03:40
lldavidno sound03:43
lldavidon mp3 files03:43
lldavidtried gmusic and nothing03:44
lldavidno sound03:44
bin_bashopen up a terminal03:44
bin_bashtype alsamixer03:44
lldavidi'm on it03:45
lldavideverything is set up on max03:52
lldavidso. wut to do, sir?03:57
drcSir?....She works for a living :)03:57
bin_bashgo to multimedia > pulseaudio volume control03:58
lldavidu a she? O_o03:59
bin_bashI know... shocking and all.03:59
bin_bashBut I seem to manage.04:00
KM0201just don't let her start "raging".04:00
bin_bashI think my concussion is healing, KM020104:00
KM0201lol, well thats a relief.04:00
KM0201i couldn't take being sworn at anymore04:00
bin_bashNot nice to say I can't handle #! or Arch! though04:00
lldavidsorry for the "sir" i really didn't expected04:01
michaelso i tried fwm4 --replace04:01
KM0201bin_bash: oh i think you could handle them... they're just such a PITA.04:01
=== michael is now known as Guest14240
lldavidso wut now04:01
Guest14240it fixed my problem of not having the title bar04:01
Guest14240but do i have to use fwm4 --replace everytime?04:01
Guest14240what exactly does it do?04:01
bin_bashlldavid: multimedia > pulseaudio volume control04:01
bin_bashis everything squared away?04:02
lldavideverything is maxed04:02
bin_bashperhaps you're missing libs04:03
lldavidlike i said before, i have sound on other applications04:03
KM0201!info xubuntu-restricted-extras04:03
ubottuxubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Xubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 43 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 36 kB04:03
lldavidi installed gstreamer and nothing changed04:04
KM0201lldavid: and its only one app that has no sound?04:05
KM0201sorry, haven't really been following..04:05
Soupermanitolldavid, what warning do you get by runing vlc or other media players fromt a terminal?04:06
bin_bashRight but if your music player isn't working, then it might be a library issue04:06
bin_bashKM0201: totem and parole crash, no sound on vlc or gmusic, but sound everytwhere else04:07
KM0201that is weird.. VLC has had some problematic issues anyway in 11.0404:07
KM0201almost sounds like a code issue.04:08
lldavidi haven't tried to run it on terminal04:08
lldavidi'll try04:08
lldavidVLC media player 1.1.9 The Luggage (revision exported)04:09
lldavidBlocked: call to unsetenv("DBUS_ACTIVATION_ADDRESS")04:09
lldavidBlocked: call to unsetenv("DBUS_ACTIVATION_BUS_TYPE")04:09
lldavid[0x9bd18fc] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.04:09
lldavidBlocked: call to setlocale(6, "")04:09
lldavidBlocked: call to setenv("ORBIT_SOCKETDIR", "/tmp/orbit-david", 1)04:09
lldavidWarning: call to srand(1305463495)04:09
lldavidWarning: call to rand()04:09
lldavidBlocked: call to setlocale(6, "")04:09
lldavid(process:6429): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.04:09
lldavidUsing the fallback 'C' locale.04:09
lldavidso, how do i solve this?04:17
lldavidhow do i get the necessary lib?04:17
lldavidor whatever it is that is missing?04:17
Soupermanitowait, run one of those programs that crash, like parole, and copy the dump to a pastebin04:21
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:21
lldavid(parole:6465): parole-WARNING **: Unable to lookup rc file in : xfce4/parole/parole-media-player.rc04:24
Soupermanitommm weird, i don't really know but i think you have permission issues04:25
bin_bashlldavid: are you starting xfce from the command line?04:26
lldavidbin_bash: I don't know how to answer that... So I believe I'm not04:27
bin_bashwehn you start your computer you go to the login screen and login that way, yes?04:27
lldavidjust automatic04:27
bin_bashtry opening synaptic from the menu and tell me if you get an error04:28
Soupermanitolldavid, try runing parole whit sudo04:28
Soupermanitoor gksudo04:28
Soupermanitoalt+F2 >gksudo parole04:28
lldavidsynaptic opened just ok04:29
lldavidill try to sudo the parole04:29
Random_FoolHey everyone, I've setup a media pc (xubuntu) at my apartment for remote viewing via x11vnc, and since adding "x11vnc -forever -thread -safer" to the end of my /etc/gdm/Init file, (setup for autologin) I get blank screens on both the media pc and on a tightVNC connection into it04:29
Random_Foolrunning a clean install of xubuntu 11.0404:29
Random_Foolany ideas on how to fix it? lol04:31
lldavidthe parole opens just fine it it's the program alone. it crashes only when i try to open a file (vid or music)04:31
bin_bashhave you tried right clicking the file and then choosing which program to open with?04:31
bin_bashalso have you tried opening the file with parole using the terminal?04:31
lldavidto open with the others i tried that04:32
lldavidtotem and vlc04:32
lldavidi tried04:32
lldavidon terminal too04:32
lldavidbut it's just the same04:32
bin_bashokay try this04:33
bin_bashopen a terminal04:33
bin_bashthen do parole /path/to/file04:33
bin_bashfor example: parole ~/Videos/RuckaRucka/"Rucka Rucka Ali - Ching Chang Ch... (SD).mp4"04:34
KM0201interesting path04:35
lldavidi'll try04:35
lldavidThe program 'parole' received an X Window System error.04:36
lldavidThis probably reflects a bug in the program.04:36
lldavidThe error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)'.04:36
lldavid  (Details: serial 53 error_code 11 request_code 132 minor_code 19)04:36
lldavid  (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;04:36
lldavid   that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.04:36
lldavid   To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line04:36
lldavid   option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful04:36
lldavid   backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)04:36
KM0201can't you use a pastebin?04:37
KM0201thats annoying04:37
lldavidlike that? http://pastebin.com/6YpUpvct04:39
KM0201yes, like that04:39
lldavidi didn't even knew that this existed. LOL04:40
KM0201looksl ike your install is al ljacked up04:40
lldavidcan i fix it with the installation cd? the repair option?04:41
lldavidor will i have to redo the entire thing?04:41
KM0201lldavid: if it were me, i'd re-do it.. but thats just me...04:41
KM0201not sure what went wrong04:41
lldavidoh snap04:43
KM0201it can't be that bad04:43
lldavidi'll redo the entire thing04:43
lldavidno it's not THAT bad04:43
lldavidit's just kinda annoying04:44
KM0201i dunno, i redo linux all the time, doesn't bother me04:45
lldavidhow do i do it like that?04:45
KM0201what do you mean?04:45
lldavidi understood that i would have to format the entire thing and redo all the installation from the start04:46
lldavidso when you said that you do it all the time i got confused.04:47
lldavidyou do it by not formating and just redoing the installation process?04:47
KM0201usually what i do.04:47
KM0201i go through the normal install process04:48
KM0201i don't mess w/ swap04:48
KM0201well, first04:48
KM0201when it comes to the partition stage i choose the "manual" option04:48
KM0201then i delete the old /   (and in your case, if you have /home on a separate partition, i'd probably delete that as well)04:48
KM0201then i just recreate them... and continue w/ the installation04:48
KM0201piece of cake04:48
lldavidi had my main pc fried last weekend04:49
lldavidso i'm using this slower one04:49
lldavidthat i have04:49
lldavidi used ubuntu 10.04 on the main04:50
lldavidand it worked just fine and fast and dreamy04:50
lldavidbut in this new one04:50
lldavidi decided to use the xubuntu04:50
bin_bashubuntu is bloated04:50
bin_bashmaybe you should try a lightweight system04:51
lldavidfor it's cleaner and lighter04:51
lldaviduntil i get my new pc04:51
lldavidi thought of using this secondary with xubuntu04:52
lldavidi never thought it would be this harsh04:52
* KM0201 says Lubuntu for the win!04:52
lldavidthank you all04:53
lldavidthanks for your time04:53
lldavidand trouble04:53
lldavidi'll try to redo the installation like you said04:53
lldavidbut i just need to sleep now04:54
lldavidi just wanted to watch the new episode of game of thrones04:54
lldavidis that too much, god?04:54
lldavidam i asking for the world here?04:55
lldavidthank you all04:55
lldavidfor your kindness04:55
bin_bashno prob04:55
bin_bashgood luck04:55
lldavidbye folks04:56
KM0201having fun04:56
bin_bashgot bored and did this04:58
KM0201man, you ever talk to someone, who is obviously so full of BS, you have trouble not laughing at them?05:03
SeqisKM0201, this is for you: http://bit.ly/jyFcy905:04
SeqisYou've helped me and others (like the lldavid fellow) .. you deserve a spread like that...05:04
* KM0201 doesn't eat stuff like that.05:04
Seqisbut you have to get the milk05:04
Seqisu kidding? those look totally swallowable05:05
KM0201lol, i didn't help lldavid all that much... bin_bash helped him more than i did.05:05
KM0201Seqis: my one vice, for my sweet tooth, is jolly ranchers05:05
KM0201i freaking love those things05:06
Seqisok bin_bash then this is for you .. http://bit.ly/kkdGd705:06
SeqisI took the bite out of that heart-cookie05:06
Seqisisn't that the gummy candy05:06
KM0201jolly ranchers are hard candy05:08
KM0201they're look, little squares of awesome sauce05:08
Seqisyou can pull a tooth out05:08
Seqistrynig to get that off your teeth05:08
KM0201yeah, but.. it'd be worth it05:08
KM0201yeah, you have to brush when you eat them05:08
Seqislike brushing your teeth after drinking orange juice05:09
* KM0201 hates orange juice05:09
Seqisi haven't have OJ in years actually05:09
KM0201just not my fav05:10
KM0201i do like it on occasion05:10
KM0201i really prefer lemon juice05:10
SoupermanitoSeqis, you mean like drinking orange juice after brushing your teeth05:10
Seqiseither way.. it's wrong05:11
KM0201nighters folks, i'm tired05:17
xubuntu032francais ici?10:10
knome!fr | xubuntu03210:10
ubottuxubuntu032: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:10
Sysii was first!10:11
Sysion my end i was :P10:11
xubuntu032no french people here?10:11
knomexubuntu032, this is an english channel, even if there was french people10:11
starkidj'habite en france mais mais je ne parle bien la langue10:11
Sysino this is english only, #ubuntu-fr should know about xubuntu too10:11
xubuntu032i need help10:11
knomestarkid, you too, english only10:11
knomexubuntu032, you can ask here in english or in #ubuntu-fr in french10:12
xubuntu032 l10:12
xubuntu032i need help10:12
knomexubuntu032, just ask your question10:12
starkidI need help with my numpad...Shift+Numlock is supposed to toggle back and forth between typing numbers and moving the pointer, but it doesn't work at all.10:14
starkidpressing Shift+Numlock has the same effect as pressing Numlock alone10:15
guerillahello, im just trying out xubuntu 11.04. Is there a way to change the netowrk proxy to automatically detect?11:22
guerillai cant find any settings to do with proxies at all11:26
ochosistarkid: i thought just pushing numlock toggles "numlock" already? never heard of shift+numlock tbh11:42
starkidochosi, it came up several times when I googled the issue11:49
starkidnumlock does toggle numlock, shift+numlock supposedly allows one to move the browsing caret with the numpad11:49
ochosii see, guess then i can't help (my notebook doesn't have a numblock)11:50
starkidthanks anyways11:52
skumaraI'm new. I want to know wheather we can install and run gnome and kde software like amorok and rhytmbox in xubuntu?12:07
ochosiskumara: yes, you can12:08
skumarathank you12:08
beefalohello guys, is this the place where i can get support for xubuntu ?12:28
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
guerillacan xubuntu be configured to work with a proxy script. My uni uses a script for the netowrk.14:20
ochosiguerilla: sry, never used proxy, but i assume you can set it (at least app-specific) in firefox14:25
ochosimaybe there's also a global setting in the network manager14:25
nicofsHas someone any experience in getting bluray to work? I'm currently stuck with DumpHD which doesn't work... I just want to watch the br i just purchased...14:28
guerillai cant locate network manager, any hints14:28
ochosiguerilla: network manager is the programme that manages your connections and sits in the system tray (by default the right upper corner)14:29
guerillaI have looked through that before and it doesnt seem to have proxy settings in it.14:33
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:36
Soupermanitoif i go and install another window manager, say lxde, how can i NOT make it the default wm and just be able to run it when i want?16:53
MK`at the login screen, you select which desktop to run :)16:54
Soupermanito:P okay16:54
MK`and if you have a System > Login Screen16:54
MK`you can select the default one there16:54
MK`but you can always switch between them whenever you want when logged in16:55
Soupermanitokk i knew that16:55
Soupermanitook, so i install lxde, or lubuntu-desktop?16:56
Soupermanitowait ill ask on #lubuntu , if it exists16:56
MK`do lubuntu-desktop --no-instal-recommends16:56
MK`it does16:56
MK`one sec, typoed that16:56
MK`sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends16:57
Sysilxde means just lxde, -desktop also apps they've chosen16:59
gharzguys, why is it that everytime i turn on the system, it always asks me for the keyring password so it can connect to a wifi? how do i disable or automatically connect to a wifi without the keyring password17:41
KM0201gharz: do you have network manager set up to auto connect to wifi?17:41
gharzKM0201: i use the default network manager17:42
KM0201ok... do you have it set up to auto connect to wifi when you start up?17:42
gharzKM0201: yes, i already did. ticked the connect to the network automatically17:42
gharzand the user that i'm using is the default user (the user which has been created during the installation)17:43
Sysiautomatic login?17:43
KM0201gharz: well, just to make sure, make sure the "available to all users" is available on that tab.17:43
KM0201Sysi: probably.. but i was gonna get tot hat.17:43
KM0201i've never been asked for my keyring password (but i disabled it.. so.. go figure)17:44
gharzKM0201: ok. let me do it17:44
=== xGrind is now known as xGrind-OFF
gharzKM0201: i can't find that option now whenever i edit the connection17:44
gharzKM0201: i think i have to delete the account and re-create it17:45
KM0201gharz: no... go to edit connections, then clcik the wireless tab.. highlight your default network, click edit.. and bottom of the first tab, it says "available to all users"17:46
KM0201gharz: you might also want to edit the "wired " connection, and disable "connect automatically" on it (even though it does connect automatically even if unchecked)... reason being.. for some reason for me, the OS would spend a lot of time looking for a wired connection, before finally looking fo rmy default connection, so unchecking that, made that prob go away.17:47
gharzKM0201: yes... it worked!!!!! tanks so much!!!!!17:49
KM0201no prob.17:50
KM0201gharz: another thing....17:50
KM0201gharz: you might also want to edit the "wired " connection, and disable "connect automatically" on it (even though it does connect automatically even if unchecked)... reason being.. for some reason for me, the OS would spend a lot of time looking for a wired connection, before finally looking fo rmy default connection, so unchecking that, made that prob go away.17:50
gharzKM0201: nice tip!!!17:50
gharzi'll definitely do that17:50
gharzKM0201: thanks for the tip!!! you're a star!17:52
KM0201np, glad it all worked out17:52
SysiKM0201: cool, i haven't thought of those17:55
KM0201Sysi: thought of those...?17:55
Sysisolution/workaround/performance tweak17:56
KM0201i didn't really think of it as any of the above.17:56
Sysiwould you also have something for "connection closed" popup that refuses to disappear?17:56
KM0201really, when you think about it... if you have the wired tab checked as "connect automatically" it's only trying to do what you are telling it to do... so it looks for a wired connection for about a minute or so, then moves on and connects to the wireless...17:57
KM0201Sysi: you could probably disable libnotify on that, but... honestly not sure on that one17:57
KM0201using lxde, the notification has an X on it, so i can close it.17:57
Sysiif i used notify-osd instead of xfce4-notifyd it propably would work17:59
KM0201i'm not rea sure what lxde uses..18:03
Soupermanitotalking about that, how do i edit the osd notification to be shorter, they last like 30 seconds or something18:04
Sysisettings dialog18:05
Sysii've set them to be like 3 seconds :)18:05
jf_i have a problem: I'm on Xubuntu 11.04 and youtube movies  are freezing every 5 sec.18:36
jf_both chromium and ff18:37
KM0201jf_: probably mainly because the linux version of flash, is inferior to the windows version... 64 or 32bit?18:38
jf_x64 , if i turn on window manager compositor the problem dissapear18:39
KM0201yup.. :)18:40
KM0201problems w/ the compositor, is what made me switch to lxde... disabling it fixed some strange behaviors...18:40
Sysitaking off hardware acceleration would be worth a shot18:45
Hezyhi everyone. I'm having lots of problems with flash. whenever I try to watch a youtube video Firefox gets stuck. I have Flash 10.2 r159 installed on Xubuntu 11.4. anyone else having similar problems?19:17
Soupermanitommm do you have the proper video drivers installed?19:19
Soupermanitoi had a similar problem and it fixed reinstalling the drivers19:19
SysiHezy: 32 or 64bit? try first taking off hardware acceleration19:23
Soupermanitoyou know what i dislike, evince opening pdf's out of the screen19:32
rickvanhelvertHello, I wanted to install Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwal but after install the system boots with a blackscreen, will Kubuntu  boot with a screen that i can see?19:34
knomerickvanhelvert, this is the Xubuntu channel, but it's most probable that either xubuntu or kubuntu will not work either (same drivers etc)19:34
rickvanhelvertOh i meant Xubuntu hahah, Typ error19:35
rickvanhelvertOkay because i switched with two Distobutions today with Linux because i didńt like Linux Mint and now i am on Mandriva but it isnt that good as i expected19:36
rickvanhelvertIf Xubuntu doesnt work, What Distubution looks alot like Ubuntu and is as good as Ubuntu19:37
Soupermanitorickvanhelvert, it shouldnt boot whit a black screen, try to reconfigure the x's19:38
rickvanhelvertThe xś?19:38
SoupermanitoXD yes, the X server, it might be using a non compatible video driver for your monitor thats causing the error19:39
rickvanhelvertAnd how should i be able to do that when i see completly nothing19:40
Sysirickvanhelvert: *ubuntu after setting it up, fedora might be worth trying too19:40
Sysirickvanhelvert: try pressing Ctrl Alt F619:41
Soupermanitoif you press alt-ctrl-F1  to F6 give you tty's that dont need video drivers :P you can configure x's from there19:41
Sysiwhat graphicd card do you have?19:41
rickvanhelvertIntel GMA 4500M19:41
rickvanhelvertUbuntu 10.10 is supported btw19:42
Sysiwell, you still can use it19:43
rickvanhelvertnot until the end of 201219:43
rickvanhelvertI am going to try to create a bootusb now of Xubuntu and see19:44
Sysinext ubuntu will be released after half of a yer, if you can't figure out 11.0419:45
Sysibut try19:45
rickvanhelvertOkay well Mandriva sucks because i cant even see the empty disk19:48
dolDoes someone experienced slow load of thunar (only first time) in Natty?19:50
rickvanhelvertburning Xubuntu now19:54
rickvanhelvertSo Ctrl alt f1 to f6?19:57
SysiF1 or F6 or anything beetween19:57
micive been trying to install xubuntu to my asus eee, but i cant get it to boot from the usbdrive, all bios settings are right, im doing someting wrong with the usbdrive, can anyone give me any pointers on how to make a bootable usbdrive with xubuntu install20:15
Sysimic: how did you do the stick and how it is failing?20:15
mici used that uniboot or whatever its called, it simply just bots windows instead since it dosent find any bootable medium on the usbdrive20:16
micand ive also tried dd if=xubuntu.iso of=/dev/myusbdrive bs=1m20:17
micstill no cigar20:17
micthen i tryed to copy the installfiles to the drive and run syslinux -f on it, then it boots from the usbdrive but just freezes20:17
micdosent load anything tho, just a black screen20:19
Soupermanitodo you happen to have a windows able machine? if you do you can use > http://wintoflash.com/home/en/20:33
NetrixI updated to Natty Narwhal and when I try to boot it, it just stays on a black screen. Is this a known issue?20:50
TheSheepNetrix: it may be any of several dozens of issues20:52
TheSheepNetrix: did you try the recovery mode?20:53
NetrixYes. It stays stuck on that too.20:53
NetrixThough it does have text instead of just a black screen.20:53
TheSheepwhat text20:53
TheSheepthe last lines are probably the most interesting20:53
NetrixStuff related to booting up. I could reboot and write down what the last stuff is.20:54
TheSheepthat could probably help determine what is going wrong20:55
NetrixI will be back in a bit.20:55
NetrixTheSheep, I fixed it.21:09
NetrixThe last text shown in recovery was not really helpful, but I changed from switchable graphics to discrete graphics in the BIOS and it booted up fine.21:10
NetrixSo it seems like Natty does not like switchable graphics. I didn't have any issues with the previous versions of Xubuntu.21:11
gillesquick question. apologies if its a stupid one. where do i set the system wide settings for proxies22:15
pwrusr2Hi i just installed xubuntu 11.04 for the first time today and managed to screw up window manager (max min and close are not available is there a way of fixing this without reinstalling??23:49
pwrusrsry didnt realize caps was on23:57

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