
ali1234i have a problem with dynamic quicklists...00:45
ali1234basically i want to add a lot of items, but the number of items might change00:46
ali1234i tried to do it by building a whole new Dbusmenu.Menuitem00:46
ali1234but when i send it over, it doesn't reaplce the old one00:46
ali1234is that how it's supposed to work? if so, can i somehow delete all the existing items in it and start again?00:47
ali1234for item in ql.get_children(): ql.child_delete(item)00:51
ali1234this seemed like a likely way to do it, but it segfaults00:51
ali1234hmm in fact ql.get_children() segfaults even if you justtry to print the result01:25
ali1234not sure what to report this against01:32
coz_ hey all02:24
=== daker_ is now known as daker
MaximLevitskyWill unity support applets?17:48
coz_MaximLevitsky,  I believe they are  "indicators"  now17:52
coz_MaximLevitsky,  in classic gnome 11.04  they work17:52
MaximLevitskybut classic gnome is going to disappear right?17:53
kklimondaapplets are not indicators, and it's unlikely that unity will support applets17:53
coz_MaximLevitsky,  at some point,, gnome2 will diddappear17:53
coz_kklimonda,   wasnt sure of the correct terminology for them17:53
coz_on Unity17:53
MaximLevitskythen how can I see temperature status?17:53
coz_MaximLevitsky,  here are a few tweaks for Unity   I believe weather is one of them17:54
kklimondasomeone will have to write an indicator for it (if there isn't one already)17:54
coz_ah appindicators is what I was looking for17:55
coz_MaximLevitsky,  there is a weather indicator that should work17:56
coz_sudo apt-get install indicator-weather17:56
MaximLevitskyI said about CPU temperature17:56
MaximLevitskyand GPU17:57
coz_MaximLevitsky,     ah I was thinking  "temperature"   =  weather17:57
kklimondaI've had a nifty idea how to  put cpu/gpu temperature in the launcher, but API isn't here (and won't be)17:58
kklimondaMaximLevitsky: there is at least one project that provides an appindicator for cpu/gpu temperature17:58
coz_MaximLevitsky,  if you read the posts below on that link ,, the fellow  found an indicator that works and will post it to Webupd8  ppa17:59
MaximLevitskyok, that issue is solved, although usability wise, unity _needs_ add applet menu17:59
MaximLevitskyalso I want to make the sidebar really small18:00
MaximLevitskyccsm only allows 32x32 icons18:00
MaximLevitskyit still not enough to put much launchers there18:01
coz_MaximLevitsky,  you are setting launcher size via ccsm/18:01
MaximLevitskyyes, but it maximum 32x32, still large18:01
coz_MaximLevitsky,  you probably could edit the xml  file for that18:01
coz_let me see if I can find it18:02
coz_MaximLevitsky,  looks like it can be set to a smaller size in the unitshell.xml   with ghex   find   32  that can probably be set much smaller from there18:04
MaximLevitskyhere is my desktop (I use gnome2 now,just can't use unity) :http://imageshack.us/f/864/screenshotju.png/18:05
MaximLevitskyI want to have the same information on the screen without loosing or gaining screen space18:06
MaximLevitskyI want to have 'Places' menu on the panel18:06
kklimondayou can't18:06
MaximLevitskyunity is supposed to be more usable18:06
MaximLevitskyI want to convince myself that it is18:07
coz_MaximLevitsky,  something like this...yes?   http://lifehacker.com/5794701/add-places-menu-functionality-to-ubuntus-unity-launcher18:07
kklimondausability does not equal flexibility18:07
kklimondayou won't be able to recreate every gnome2 experience in unity or gnome3 - it's not the goal of either of them.18:09
MaximLevitskyno, I don't want to recreate them18:09
MaximLevitskyI want to do same tasks with at least same amount of effor18:09
MaximLevitskyor less if unity is more usable18:09
MaximLevitskyfor example I do like the slim scroll bars18:10
MaximLevitskythey take less space but provide same performance18:10
coz_yeah those are the most  unique idea in Unity,, my opinion18:10
coz_certainly the most creative one18:10
kklimondayou want to get the same (or comparable) experience to your heavily tweaked (at least the part I've seen, slow and unreliable connection) gnome 2 session.18:10
MaximLevitskythe only, more correctly18:10
MaximLevitskynope, my desktop isn't tweaked at all18:11
MaximLevitskyall I have is;18:11
MaximLevitskya set of launchers18:11
MaximLevitskycpu & temperature monitor18:11
MaximLevitskyand thats all18:12
MaximLevitskythe rest is standard18:12
kklimondayes, and that's a eavy tweaking according to gnome and unity devs18:12
coz_MaximLevitsky,  here is my Unity desktop   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/screenshots/Screenshot.png18:12
kklimondayou should see the recent discussion about control panel in gnome318:12
MaximLevitskykklimonda: in that case, unity devs needs their heads examined. sorry but that is the truth18:13
kklimonda(there is an appindicator for cpu temperature, but I don't know how well it works)18:13
coz_most I read about it withouth testing , seems to indicate it is not working18:13
kklimondawell, both gnome3 and unity clearly target some audience, and unfortunately old linux folks are not it.18:14
coz_I am going to give Unity some time to improve18:14
kklimondaunity folks did at least two rounds of usability testing18:14
MaximLevitskykklimonda: nope they target an intersection between two foregein groups18:14
kklimondaso it's getting "there"18:14
kklimondathe problem is it's not there yet, and it shouldn't really be released as a stable product. but then in my opinion we should rename normal "stable" releases as technology previews.18:15
coz_ I wonder what will happen to gnome  when the netbook / tablet interface trend fades?18:15
MaximLevitskythe point it that due to shear amount of bugs, only 'pros' can use linux regardless of position of buttons on their desktops18:16
kklimondaI'm not convinced that tablets will "fade" ever.18:16
MaximLevitskyI fixed ton of bugs, and even some in the kernel18:16
MaximLevitskyand there another ton that I don't have patience to fix18:16
coz_kklimonda,  well they did go through that phase long ago... i had  several windows 95  tablets  they didnt last long at all18:16
coz_its an old idea18:17
kklimondabut they were different, new tablets are focused on consuming culture and that's it.18:17
coz_sort of makes sense18:17
kklimondaMS was trying to sell tablets to business, and it did fail miserably18:17
coz_kklimonda,  for sure18:17
kklimondabut new tablets are aimed at consmers who only want to watch movies, and listen to their music18:17
coz_well there is also th e grphics community who use pen tablets for  on the move sketching18:18
kklimondathe problem I see with that is we are focusing on the group of users who won't give a damn about foss other than it being free as in beer.18:18
MaximLevitskyand, this group won't be able to use linux18:19
kklimondathere is that too18:19
coz_ i dont know.. i lie inovation,, I just dont see it here other thatn the overlay scrollbar thing18:19
MaximLevitskybecause; nouveau is broken, wifi is broken, skype is broken, suspend is broken, gnome power manager is broken....18:19
coz_like  not lie18:19
MaximLevitskythats is the usability18:19
coz_MaximLevitsky, :)  is that all ?  I was sure more was broken :)18:20
MaximLevitskybugs are the the reason of bad linux usablity18:20
MaximLevitskycoz_: sure but I couldn't write more18:20
MaximLevitskythat what I had on my desktop. and more18:20
coz_well at least the cube can now be had on Unity ,, that made a diffrence for me18:20
MaximLevitskymy wifi card would oops when I first installed ubuntu18:21
MaximLevitskysure I knew where to report that18:21
MaximLevitskybut that noob will just install windows18:21
coz_this is true18:21
MaximLevitskyto target noobs there is _no_ need in unity. there is need in less bugs18:22
MaximLevitskyboy how many bugs linux has, it can't be counted18:22
coz_my clients I have switched to ubuntu,,, already dont like unity,, and if I was not around they would have reinstalled windows18:22
kklimondaI'm fairly sure that Canonical is not aiming at desktops anymore18:22
MaximLevitskyeven evince often doesn't display PDFs for my homeworks18:22
kklimondaso no installing Windows for those poor folks for whom Ubuntu doesn't work ;)18:22
coz_that's a mistake18:22
MaximLevitskyI report the bugs, but that doesn't help at all18:23
coz_MaximLevitsky,   they are not being  considered>?18:23
kklimondaeven if they are fixed, it doesn't help random folks who don't know how to apply the fix.18:25
MaximLevitskyand this is how I am treated when I fix a bug:18:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 616443 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "gnome-power-manager panel menu has redundant information (remaining time twice) when on battery (dup-of: 675108)" [Low,New]18:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 675108 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "gnome-power-manager adds battery to indicator twice when battery hot-unplugged and plugged back in" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:25
kklimonda(not to mention that fixing bugs is booring and most foss developers have short atten.. oh, SHINEY!)18:26
MaximLevitskybtw that bug affect anyone18:26
MaximLevitskyyou just need to boot without battery and insert it18:27
coz_MaximLevitsky,  not here I dont use  batter appindicator18:27
MaximLevitskyits worse18:27
MaximLevitskyif you then remove the battery g-p-m will still think you have it18:28
kklimondawell, to be honest the bug doesn't really sound like something critical to fix (at least from description)18:28
MaximLevitskybut I fixed it18:28
kklimondag-p-m or the indicator?18:28
MaximLevitskyits in g-p-m18:28
MaximLevitskyits not an indicator bug18:28
kklimondawell, if you fixed it then you should really forward the patch to gnome bugzilla18:28
kklimondaand after months of it just lying there someone will comment on it (or faster, if you knw who to poke ;))18:29
MaximLevitskyI know how to push a fix for a bug18:29
MaximLevitskyits just bad that one has to put pretty much same or even more effor for pushing it that fixing it18:30
MaximLevitskypatches should be welcome and ubuntu should try to reward as much as possible the submitters. thats one of the way to make sure there are less bugs18:31
MaximLevitskyat least monitor and accept the patches18:31
kklimondathat's a nice theory, and we try to do what we can, but there are simply much more patches than ubuntu developers who can review them.18:31
MaximLevitskymy bugreport was reviewed18:32
MaximLevitskyand closed as duplicate, without forwarding it to other bug at least18:32
MaximLevitskythats just an isult18:32
MaximLevitskymind you I wrote 3 kernel drivers, and fixed suspend to ram to series of acer notebooks18:33
MaximLevitskyon series18:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 160763 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "Acer Aspire 5720 hangs on second resume from suspend, i.e. suspends only once [BIOS PROBLEM]" [Medium,Fix released]18:34
kklimondanot by a developer, but by some random person. Also, this is obviously an upstream issue, and should be fixed there (and pach tagged properly, so it's obvious that it's fixed upstream).18:35
kklimonda(when it has been marked as a duplicate of another bug it disappeared from the sponsoring list, so no one really reviewed it)18:36
MaximLevitskylook I reported a lot of g-p-m issues: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-ubuntu/+bug/61981618:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 619816 in Ubuntu Translations "Battery status line too long" [Medium,Triaged]18:38
MaximLevitskyMark Shuttleworth even replied to me. Yet whole version passed. no issues fixed18:38
MaximLevitskythats is usability18:38
MaximLevitskyand ubuntu has none of it18:39
MaximLevitskyreally after about 6 years of linux I seriosly consider switching to windows18:39
MaximLevitskyI tried KDE but I can't seem get used to it again18:40
MaximLevitskyAnd for me Unity is the tripping point18:40
MaximLevitskyIf gnome2 UI disappers and unity is still what it is, I couldn't stand it anymore18:41
coz_MaximLevitsky,  there is always kde :(18:42
kklimondait's not like you really have much of a choice.18:42
kklimondait's either gnome3 or unity18:42
kklimondaboth have their issues currently.18:42
coz_whic is   sor "foreign"  an expression for linux18:42
MaximLevitskycoz_: KDE is somewhat slow, and I can't get used to it18:42
coz_MaximLevitsky,  dont blame you18:42
MaximLevitskyand I still have to run many gnome apps in kde18:43
MaximLevitskythat increases memory usage18:43
MaximLevitskyI am *not* against mixing apps like I said, that just increases memory usage18:43
coz_MaximLevitsky,  I use a few kde apps in gnome,, I like it ,, I havent seen much in terms of memory useage,,, the other way around maybe18:43
MaximLevitskycoz_: I mean when I use KDE18:43
MaximLevitskyI also use many gnome apps18:44
coz_MaximLevitsky,  yeah  I believe that18:44
MaximLevitskyfor example pidgin18:44
kklimondaI acrually am "against" mixing toolkits.18:44
coz_I was actually hooked on edubuntu for while18:44
MaximLevitskykopete was my IRC client, but it doesn't support now it18:44
MaximLevitskyin fact none of KDE or Gnome IRC clients look nice for me. Its a taste matter probably18:45
MaximLevitskyalso firefox is more or less GTK18:45
MaximLevitskycould switch to google chrome through18:46
MaximLevitskyalso evolution is the fastest and the sucks the less for imap gmail access18:46
MaximLevitskyI used kmail, thunderbird, evolution, and even outlook express18:47
MaximLevitskyall suck18:47
MaximLevitskybut evolution the less18:47
ali1234i wouldn't agree that evolution is the best18:47
kklimondaevolution has stopped working for me recently :/18:48
ali1234but the difference is so small, none of them are usable in my opinion18:48
coz_:) what's interesting , is,, in most ubuntu related channels ,, not only is Unity overwhelmingly disliked,, but it brings up a "mood"  venting about other things that suck,, most likely because "choice" has been further dimininshed in linux18:48
ali1234i only use the web interface18:48
kklimondacoz_: linux has never been about this kind of choice.18:48
MaximLevitskycoz_: exactly18:48
MaximLevitskyuninty makes linux suck even more18:48
ali1234i've been using unity for about a month now and i am starting to come around to it18:48
ali1234but it sure is buggy18:48
kklimondacoz_: you can choose a different WM18:48
ali1234natty is the most buggy release i can remember and i've been here since 6.0618:49
coz_kklimonda,  well  that I disagree with,, withouth the ability to have contorl over the WM  ,, the interface ,, themeing ,, especially for accessibility features ,, then the  OS will fail18:49
MaximLevitskyI am somewhat a fan of linux, thats why I use it despite all that18:49
kklimondano, Mac OS X has even less customization options by default and it's not failing18:49
MaximLevitskybut that noob you target will never use it, and will warn anybody that tries too18:50
MaximLevitskykklimonda: MaC OS is the digital penis18:50
ali1234someone brought up a point18:51
MaximLevitskyusers buy Macs to show how cool/wealthy they are18:51
kklimondaMaximLevitsky: that comment wasn't really meaningful.18:51
ali1234they said "windows users are wannabee mac users who can't afford a mac, and natty will appeal to those people cos it's cheap"18:51
ali1234but this won't work for the reason above ^18:51
coz_ali1234,  Unityh is nothing like mac other than the outdated global menuing system18:52
ali1234and the dock18:52
kklimondanot really, Linux experience can't be compared to OSX experience, unless it has deteriorated in the last few years.18:52
ali1234and the lack of customization18:52
nhainesI gave a talk on Tuesday and I demonstated Ubuntu to a dozen university students.  The reaction to Unity was very, very positive.18:52
MaximLevitskybesides Macs (I never used it though) aren't buggy.18:52
ali1234even the way the right click menus look is identical to mac18:52
kklimondareally, it's not about how your OS looks like - it's all about applications you can use on it.18:52
coz_nhaines, did they see what it looked like before that as well?18:52
MaximLevitskyHeck even with very poor UI as long as there is no bugs users will use it18:52
coz_MaximLevitsky,  agreed18:53
MaximLevitskyLook at all these MP3 players, phones, etc18:53
ali1234really saying unity is not like mac is kind of... well nobody is fooled, seriously18:53
coz_Unity is essentially still in beta18:53
nhainescoz_: I'm pretty sure it was their first time seeing Unity.18:53
coz_nhaines,  mm  ,, did you at least have the compiz cube running ..yes ? :)18:53
ali1234unity appeals to people when they first see it because it *looks* nice18:53
nhainescoz_: no, I never bother with that kind of nonsense.  :)18:53
ali1234but looking nice and being efficient and not annoying are not the same thing18:54
MaximLevitskySo Mac is public status, its is more or less bug free, and it is more or less usable. So sure peoples buy it18:54
kklimondait looks nice, and it works prett well (compared to gnome3, but it's not far behind gnome2)18:54
nhainesI demonstrated that the launcher autohides and maximized windows get almost the entire screen and everyone seemed really intrigued.18:54
nhainesBecause I got the impression they'd try it on older computers, I did demonstrate Ubuntu Classic interface.18:54
coz_nhaines,   i would have emphasized compiz and the overlay scrollbar,, tow fine decisions made  on Unity18:55
ali1234compiz is completely invisible choice18:55
MaximLevitskythese were the good decisions18:55
kklimondaoverlay scrollbar doesn't really work that well on laptops.18:55
nhainescoz_: I didn't mention compiz at all.  I talked about benefits, not features.18:55
ali1234you can't demonstrate it because all the good features of compiz are disabled under unity18:55
kklimondaor actually on any device where you have to use scrollbar to actually scroll..18:56
coz_kklimonda,   oh  thats a shame ,, I really mean that by the way18:56
MaximLevitskythat for sure18:56
nhainesThe fanciest I got was the workspace switcher.18:56
coz_nhaines,   for university crowd .. probably the best approach18:56
ali1234ah... the workspace switcher18:56
MaximLevitskyand the mentality of 'eye candy' should be fought with fire18:56
ali1234so, when i switch to a new workspace, and then click say, firefox18:56
MaximLevitskyeye candy is what sells the product. period.18:56
ali1234instead of opening a new firefox window on current workspace i just switched to for this purpose18:56
coz_MaximLevitsky,  well I am kind of predjudiced about eye candy ,, I like it ,,18:56
ali1234it instead just takes me back to the previous workspace18:56
ali1234incredibly annoying18:57
MaximLevitskyali1234: thats for sure18:57
MaximLevitskyali1234: you can launch a new instance by middle clicking the launcher though18:57
ali1234i know18:57
coz_the biggest issue i have with unith is the insistence on using that darn purple pimple icon for the unity plugin18:57
kklimondacoz_: it has two annoying bugs: invisible buttons are not easy to hit with the mouse, and they don't show up when your mouse is on the right side of the scroll18:57
ali1234but what if i didn't know that?18:57
MaximLevitskybut noob will never figure that out!18:57
coz_unity rather18:58
nhainesali1234: that behavior seems logical enough to me.18:58
ali1234if you think it's logical you are crazy18:58
MaximLevitskyand launcher is very heavy in unity18:58
coz_kklimonda,  oh man,, you would think that would have been the first consideration, since most of the devs work on laptops18:58
ali1234another fun way that this mechanism is broken18:58
nhainesali1234: if you have a program running, clicking on the launcher icon focuses the program.  That's not too crazy.18:58
MaximLevitskyto find any app you have to spend days there18:58
ali1234is when the only firefox window you have open is the "download manager" window18:58
ali1234if you don't know about middle click, there is no way to open a new ff window18:58
kklimondacoz_: I'm pretty sure most devs use external mouse with the wheel18:59
coz_MaximLevitsky,  that's why i replace the launcher with cairo dock :)18:59
MaximLevitskyunless you aren't a noob, and type app in the searth, but wait unity is for noobs. that is just illogical18:59
nhainesI'm not happy that middle-click is such an undiscoverableable feature.  But you'd be surprised how few people actually have multiple instances of things open.18:59
nhainesali1234: Firefox menu.18:59
ali1234nhaines: download manager doesn't have a menu18:59
MaximLevitskythats for sure18:59
coz_kklimonda,  could be ,, most I have come in contact with on projects  are using regular laptops  but ,, what do I know :)18:59
kklimondacoz_: I guess in this case those new scrollbars really shine as they are small, and unobstructive.18:59
MaximLevitskylike I said unity targets intersection of 2 foregein users; noobs and power users18:59
ali1234nhaines: you have to close download manager, wait for firefox to fully exit (or else get that "firefox is alredy running please quit" message) and then click launcher again19:00
coz_kklimonda,  I really believe that the overlay scrollbar is the most innovative feature on Unity19:00
nhainescoz_: the only thing I was excited for the overlay scrollbars was the terminal... and that didn't get it, ha.19:00
MaximLevitskyyou have to be noob to like its usablity, you have to be powrr user to make it not suck that much19:00
coz_nhaines,  for sure ,,  what is that about :)19:00
kklimondacoz_: that doesn't really say much if the most innovative feature of unity has already been done by Apple a year ago or so ;)19:00
ali1234overlay scrollbar is the only turnoffable thing i haven't turned off19:00
=== daker is now known as daker_
coz_kklimonda,  oh the same on apple?19:00
MaximLevitskyit figures...19:00
coz_ok then I go back towindows,, i really dislike mac and the trend that ubunt has taken for an outdated looking system ,, my opinion19:01
kklimondacoz_: I don't know if it's the same, but they did introduce something similar.. or will introduce it with Lion.19:01
nhainesWhen the overlay scrollbar was first announced I thought, "This'll be annoying," but then I immediately thought "But I love this feature on Android, so actually maybe it'll be great."19:01
kklimondameh, you can just switch to GNOME319:01
kklimondaand anyway both unity and gnome-shell are unusable on my laptop anyway - mutter is slooow, and compiz hits some weird issue in nvidia blob tht makes both emacs and gnome-terminal display text really slowly..19:02
MaximLevitskywe need to set up a riot against removal of gnome2 interface19:02
nhainesI think GNOME Shell is pretty, but I wasn't impressed with the usability, at least from the live CD.19:03
kklimondaMaximLevitsky: no, you'd need to gather enough developers to keep it alive, port to gtk+3 and then work on it.19:03
nhaineskklimonda: +119:03
MaximLevitskykklimonda: that what I more or less mean19:03
kklimondausability of gnome-shell is.. weird.19:03
kklimondathey've written a lot about how are they redesigning virtual desktops, and how easy are they going to be to use19:04
nhainesWe'll see.  I'm really happy with Unity at the moment.19:04
kklimondaand then it's actually much harder to work with 4 virtal desktops without accessing overlay then it has been in gnome219:04
nhainesI think oneiric+1 is going to be great.19:04
MaximLevitskyso just last question, 11.11 will have gnome 2 ui?19:04
nhainesMaximLevitsky: not in the default install.19:05
ali1234workspace switch in unity is unusable for me, i can't keep thing in their own workspace because whenever i click on the launcher i never know which workspace it's going to take me to19:05
ali1234i pretty much only have firefox and terminal windows open19:05
kklimondait's buggy19:05
coz_kklimonda,  I believe there is still a memory leak   Unity + compiz + nvidia + mesa + libnux   i dont think it has been pinpointed along with the glitches  with those19:05
kklimondathe idea is sound19:05
ali1234and i never know which one i'm going to get when i click19:05
MaximLevitskynhaines: but if I update, I won't loose it, right?19:05
kklimondayou don't switch between workspaces, but between applications19:05
ali1234but i'm only running two applications19:05
kklimondathen you don't really need virtual desktops anyway19:06
ali1234i need to switch between windows of the same app in an efficient way19:06
ali1234unity just can't do it19:06
kklimondaold good alt-tab should be enough19:06
nhainesMaximLevitsky: Hard to say.  You probably will, because GNOME3 doesn't offer those features.  But I'd be surprised if you couldn't just choose an option from Ubuntu Software Center and have something similar back.19:06
ali1234even the expose thing is annoying, cos it always moves the windows around19:06
ali1234alt tab has always been horrible19:06
nhainesI sort of miss super-tab, even though I only used it when giving talks.  :)19:07
ali1234"here's ALL your windows, they're so small you can't tell which is which, deal with it"19:07
kklimondaMaximLevitsky: I'm pretty sure that there won't be a gnome2 ui anymore in 11.10 as we are updating gnome to gnome3, and it comes with it's own gnome-panel & co19:07
MaximLevitskyand that panel is sorry for exapression, fucked-up, right?19:07
nhaineskklimonda: GNOME3 has a pretty familiar "fallback" if GNOME Shell isn't configured, so I'm sure that will be available.19:07
nhainesMaximLevitsky: Could you be a little more specific?19:08
kklimondanhaines: gnome-panel has been redesigned to look closer to how gnome-shell looks like19:08
ali1234i heard the gnome-panel in gnome3 doesn't support applets, is basically a cut down version of gnome-shell19:08
MaximLevitskythat what I mean19:08
ali1234but that could be old information19:08
kklimondabut afair you can still add random applets to gnome-panel19:08
kklimondajust not in random positions19:09
nhainesEveryone's been planning to ditch applets for over a year now.19:09
MaximLevitskyand why, why?19:09
nhainesThere comes a point where you sort of just have to put the responsibility on the developers.19:09
ali1234tbh most of those applets are rubbish19:09
MaximLevitskythese are one of features that linux has and windows doesny19:09
MaximLevitskynope, name me one that is rubbish?19:09
ali1234windows has that applet bar thingy now19:09
MaximLevitskyeven better :-(19:10
ali1234MaximLevitsky: well for one thing the hw monitoring applet in gnome is rubbish, crashes all the time...19:10
MaximLevitskyali1234: never did crash here19:10
ali1234plus there's the "oh your screen resized, we moved all your applets to random positions" thing19:10
nhainesI think any software that someone wants to run is useful to that person.  But the difference between GNOME applets and the application indicators are night and day for me.  Indicators are far superior.19:10
ali1234i agree19:10
nhainesYeah, GNOME3 fixes that position problem.19:10
MaximLevitskyali1234: that is gnome-panel bug19:10
kklimondanhaines: not really, you can't put text in appindicators19:11
nhaineskklimonda: they shouldn't have text.  :)19:11
kklimondanhaines: unless they should19:11
MaximLevitskyali1234: and there is elegant solution to that19:11
nhaineskklimonda: don't get me wrong.  Indicators aren't quite as powerful because they're more restricted.  But that restriction is what makes them superior.  They're all standard.19:11
kklimondahamster applet is a great example (probably the only good use of applets I've ever seen) of applet that can't be ported to Unity without loss of functionality.19:12
MaximLevitskyall applets are ether alighed to left or right19:12
nhainesI think the usability that results is well worth the adjustment period.19:12
MaximLevitskyworks perfect19:12
ali1234speaking of indicators19:12
nhainesMaximLevitsky: that's what GNOME3 does except it also has "center" as well.19:12
ali1234xfce has an indicator applet for it's panel19:12
ali1234but i'm only allowed one. wtf?19:12
kklimondayeah, they have finally fixed alignment issues in gnome-panel, after all these years.19:12
MaximLevitskynhaines: but, Gnome3 doesn't have applets I think?19:12
ali1234MaximLevitsky: it has applets, just not compatible with 2.x applets19:13
kklimondagnome-panel (which is a part of gnome-shell fallback) does have applets19:13
MaximLevitskyali1234: good to know19:13
ali1234again, that could be old information19:13
kklimondadunno if you can add some random applets though19:13
kklimondaafter unity systray whitelist I've started expecting the worst from foss ux engineers19:14
MaximLevitskythat shartenviron is really cool desktop replacement19:14
MaximLevitskyeverything can be configured19:14
nhainesUbuntu's been saying they'd remove applet support in October 2010 since 2009.19:14
ali1234sounds like KDE?19:14
kklimonda"everything can be configured" is not really the only good approach19:14
kklimondathe near-opposite is also valid.19:15
MaximLevitskyyes it is, you configure it once and forget about it19:15
nhainesThey delayed it six months and made it configurable...  I'm not sure what more what could expect really.19:15
MaximLevitskyor use defaults if you are a noob19:15
nhainesThe perfect GNOME interface would be just one big button labeled "Do What I Mean".  :D19:15
ali1234there's only two things i want from unity to make it decent imo19:15
kklimondaI don't really consider myself a noob, and yet I haven't changed anything in my interface.19:16
kklimondaI even use the stock wallpaper19:16
ali1234first, fix the problems with window switching i mentioned above19:16
ali1234second, make global menu only apply to maximized windows as a config option19:16
ali1234(like how it only removes the title bar on maximized windows)19:16
nhainesali1234: I could get behind that second one.19:16
ali1234as a fix for the first, a part way fix would be to make unity only switch to an existing window if it's on current workspace19:17
ali1234no window on current workspace = open new window19:17
MaximLevitskyali1234: that for sure19:17
ali1234that could also be a config option, like it is in gnome-panel19:17
ali1234also if i could have "keep in launcher" on a per workspace basis, that would be awesome :)19:18
MaximLevitskyin sharpE its possible to have both a normal taskbar, and unity-style appbar btw19:19
MaximLevitskythats is really cool19:19
ali1234you can do that on unity too19:19
ali1234you can just load up a gnome panel :)19:19
MaximLevitskyyes, but then unity will show apps from taskbar, no19:20
ali1234yeah, but you don't need to have a taskbar on the panel19:20
MaximLevitskythere apps in appbar aren't shown in taskbar19:20
ali1234you can just have a menu19:20
ali1234anyway, i don't want that :)19:20
ali1234i want fix unity, it has potential to be better19:21
MaximLevitskyif it is forked....19:21
kklimondaseriously, who would fork it?19:22
MaximLevitskythe little point is that sharpE runs on windows.... thats why I consider switching back to it19:22
MaximLevitskythe desktop and panel were for me always the things that suck in wndows19:23
MaximLevitskybecause they have little configuration19:23
MaximLevitskybut now unity is worse and sharpE looks even better that gnome2 and KDE319:23
ali1234port it to linux19:24
ali1234btw i doubt it does anything that kde can't do19:24
ali1234if you can figure out how to configure kde to do it19:24
MaximLevitskyKDE plasma is very powerfull19:24
MaximLevitskyAbsolutely it has everything I need19:25
MaximLevitskybut it is somewhat slow19:25
dcordesI have a machine with a two-finger touchscreen and I'm using ubuntu natty arm with unity-2d . Since unity-2d is configured to only parse three to four finger gestures by default, I can't make use of gestures in unity-2d with my device. Is there a way to reconfigure it for 2-finger use? (directly, without jinn)19:25
ali1234main problem i have with kde is it just isn't pretty enough19:25
MaximLevitskyali1234: that I say is the opposite19:25
MaximLevitskybut KDE4 is somewhat inconsistent19:26
ali1234kde font rendering has been broken since forever19:26
ali1234if they ever manage to get it to render fonts properly in the middle of buttons i'll be flabbergasted19:26
ali1234oddly Qt does not have this problem19:26
ali1234so i dunno what kde are up to19:26
MaximLevitskyto say the truth many KDE4 apps layout is somewhat ugly19:27
ali1234that too19:27
MaximLevitskyKDE3 really was the best of the best19:27
MaximLevitskyI used it, and it is the best of all19:27
dcordesBug 78233519:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 782335 in unity-2d "unity-2d: support two-finger gestures" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78233519:30
ali1234dcordes: might be better as a question than a bug?19:33
dcordesali1234: well it's not usable out of the box. so it's an improvement proposition which is ok for a bug imho.19:33
ali1234true enough19:34
ali1234quite a lot isn;t configurable out of the box with unity though19:34
ali1234so there might be a way, idk19:34
dcordesali1234: boulabiar: proposed to make use of unity keyboard shortcuts assignments via jinn but I am worried about perforamnce lost19:35
ali1234dcordes: also, all the people who know are probably travelling home from UDS right now, so you might want to ask again after the weekend :)19:35
dcordesyeah my timing always sucks19:36
IsmAvatarHey guys, ##java sent me to #ubuntu, and #ubuntu sent me here. I have a java program with an icon for its window. The icon, however, is appearing all blurry in Unity's dock, regardless of if I choose a 32x32, 48x48, or 128x128 image.23:16
IsmAvatarhttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/9975312/lgm-logo48.png is what it's supposed to look like. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9975312/lgm-unity.png is what it ends up looking like.23:17
IsmAvataranyone alive in here? lol23:19

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