
arcfideHey, is there anyone here who can point me in the right direction on BZR?00:38
arcfideBasically, I was tracking some code through BZR, but I have not done so in some time.00:38
arcfideIt appears that they have changed names and the like on me, and I also have a number of changes of my own that I want to track and possibly send upstream.00:39
arcfideWhat is the way to change branches inside of a workspace?00:39
bignosearcfide: each branch has its own working tree.00:43
arcfidebignose: Um, so, what does that mean?00:44
bignosearcfide: if you want a different branch, use ‘bzr branch’ which will create that branch's working tree.00:44
bignosearcfide: multiple branches without switching directories is not the normal Bazaar mode of working.00:44
arcfideHow do I get my changes from this current tree into that one?00:44
bignosearcfide: they're distinct branches, right? you want the branches to continue to have their own line of history?00:45
arcfidebignose: Well, no, so, the project I was tracking changes their name and the branches and URLs and the like, I just want to figure out how to get all of my changes in line with their changes while still playing nice with my own version history, which I actually keep in Monotone.00:46
arcfideI do my development in Monotone, but then I want to package something up so that I can send my changes upstream uzing Bazaar, which is what they use.00:46
bignosearcfide: it sounds like you want to merge from their branch into yours.00:46
arcfideThus far I have committed no changes to the tree using Bazaar.00:46
arcfideWell, I don't want to have my own branch.00:47
bignosearcfide: that will bring the revision data in, merge (possibly leaving you to fix conflicts), then leave the working tree in a state for you to test00:47
bignoseonce you're happy the merge is as you want it, you commit that and continue.00:47
bignosearcfide: “playing nice with my own version history seems to necessitate you having your own branch.00:48
arcfideWell, so, I want to take my changes and merge them into their branch, not the other way around.00:48
bignosearcfide: you can't merge into someone else's branch; they do that.00:48
arcfidebignose: Sorry, my own version history is kept outside of Bazaar in Monotone (another VCS), I only want to put into the Bazaar history those things that I need to send upstream.00:48
bignoseyou don't have write permission to their branch, right?00:49
arcfideI will probably be getting it.00:49
arcfideMaybe I don't know how to word it correctly, I'm basically a BZR newb.00:49
bignosearcfide: so how are you going to get the Monotone VCS data into Bazaar?00:49
arcfideI'm not.00:50
arcfideI'm going to roll up single patches to push up, but I don't want the history to move over.00:50
arcfideSo LIke this:00:50
arcfide1. Grab their source; 2. Make lot's of little changes tracked in Monotone; 3. When things are ready, make a patch/commit into the Bazaar system and push upstream.00:50
bignosearcfide: between the latter two steps is an implied “get my Monotone VCS data into Bazaar VCS data”. how will you do that?00:51
arcfideI don't need or want them to see all the intermediate commits and things that I track in Monotone, and indeed, there are some changes that I don't want to push upstream to them, but I do want to be able to create or generate a patch or push the changes that I want up to their branch.00:51
arcfideI'm in the same working tree.00:51
arcfideSo, I have a folder SRFI/ that is simultaneously a Monotone Workspace and a Bazaar working tree.00:52
arcfideI make changes in that tree, and track those changes in different ways in the two systems.00:52
arcfideUp until now I haven't been using Bazaar at all, and I'm way out of date.00:52
arcfideSo I have a working tree with a bunch of changes that I have made to it, uncommitted (to BZR's knowledge), but now I want to take my changes and send them upstream, and to do that I need to merge in their changes and figure out what conflicts.00:53
arcfideAm I doing things the wrong way?00:53
arcfideThe branch that I was tracking before was called http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eikarus-libraries-team/ikarus-libraries/srfi/, but now it seems to be lp:~scheme-libraries-team/scheme-libraries/srfi. It's the same project, though.00:55
bignosearcfide: sorry, was AFK01:07
bignosearcfide: one huge advantage of Bazaar is that, though a merge preserves all the revisions, the default log view doesn't show them.01:07
bignosearcfide: so there's no need to modify history for mere visibility reasons01:08
bignosearcfide: just merge all your stuff, and give the merge commit a useful summary01:08
bignosearcfide: then the user of that branch will see your merge commit with its useful message01:08
bignosearcfide: and, if they care, can choose to see the individual revisions merged01:08
arcfideHm, I'm still not sure what you mean, but thanks!01:09
bignosearcfide: it means the “rebase common in other VCSen is virtually unnecessary in Bazaar01:09
* bignose typing special characters badly01:09
arcfideActually, I found something that works. If I do a bzr branch on the new branch, creating a fresh copy, and then move my Monotone settings into that working tree, Monotone will tell me everything that is missing or changed since I was working on it, and I can just merge from Bazaar that way, so everything seems cool.01:09
arcfideRebase? I'm not familiar with that.01:09
arcfideI don't think we do that in Monotone land either.01:10
bignosearcfide: forget rebase then :-)01:10
bignosewhat is “bzr branch on the new branch”?01:10
bignosecan you give these different things names so we can refer to them?01:10
arcfideLiterally bzr branch <repo_url>.01:10
arcfideSo, basically, the whole problem was that the upstream changed names.01:10
bignoseI don't see how that's a problem.01:11
arcfideIn Monotone, if you change branch names somewhere down the road, if you simply tell Monotone to grab the newer branch, it will following the changes through to the new branch and let you shift over to that new branch inside of the same workspace. I was trying to get the same effect in Bazaar, but it appears that branches are more disjoint things.01:12
bignoseare you just looking for the command to tell Bazaar the new parent branch location?01:12
arcfideBasically, they switched to a new branch everything, and I couldn't just pull or merge anymore. It was giving me an error that the old branch didn't exist.01:12
bignosearcfide: okay, so you just specify the branch location01:13
arcfideI tried that, and it wouldn't work.01:13
arcfideYou mean specify the new branch location, right?01:13
bignosearcfide: please, let's use names for these01:14
bignosemake some arbitrary names and tell me which is which01:14
arcfideUsing saved parent location: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~scheme-libraries-team/scheme-libraries/srfi/01:14
arcfidebzr: ERROR: Unable to connect to target of bound branch BzrBranch6(file:///home/arcfide/code/srfi/) => http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eikarus-libraries-team/ikarus-libraries/srfi/: Not a branch: "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ikarus-libraries-team/ikarus-libraries/srfi/".01:14
arcfideThat's what BZR was giving me, I gave you the repo names above.01:14
bignosethat's when you type what command?01:15
lifelessprobably any01:16
arcfidebzr pull or merge.01:16
lifelessor at least update, commit, push and pull01:16
arcfideI think it was probably pull.01:16
* arcfide searches his command history.01:16
arcfideYes, pull.01:16
lifelessarcfide: bzr unbind01:16
lifelessarcfide: then bzr bind with the new upstream url01:16
arcfideOkay, cool, thanks, I've learned something about BZR now. Thanks for your patience bignose.01:17
bignosearcfide: yes, I was going to modify your command to get it to remember the new location01:17
bignoseas lifeless says, it's just a matter of telling Bazaar to update its remembered location to the new location01:17
arcfideI figured it was something simple like that.01:18
bignoseokay :-)01:18
bignoseglad to have helped.01:18
arcfideUm, so, when I try to commit, if my commit message has an "Unknown" in it, does that mean it is going to commit that file or just that it will ignore it?01:20
spivarcfide: it will not include the unknown file in the commit (and will fail if you try "commit --strict")01:33
arcfideAaah, okay.01:34
arcfideThanks a bunch!01:43
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vilapoolie: "We can possibly have dallas between the commands." Dallas ??? Is that a typo or am I missing a joke ?08:18
fullermdHope it's not a joke.  It's so Belgium.08:28
vilafullermd: it appears that poolie was under attack by its spell-checker ;)08:38
pooliehi vila09:04
pooliethere'sa session now about upcoming launchpad features in #ubuntu-uds09:04
pooliethere'sa session now about upcoming launchpad features in #ubuntu-uds-tas09:04
poolievila, jam, spiv, ^^09:04
vilapoolie: ok, could we discuss 2.3.2/2.3.3 after that ?09:04
poolie"calving branching" too hey :)09:05
poolieyou and me, or people here at uds?09:05
vilapoolie: you and/or jelmer, the main point is to get feedback about the SRU and the failUnless, failIf deprecation fix diff size09:09
* jelmer hears his name and wakes up09:11
jelmervila: which issue is this?09:11
poolievila, there's a session about lptools following this09:12
vilajelmer: see my mail on ML "bzr-2.3.2, SRU and conflicting tags"09:13
vilajelmer: roughly 2.3.2 fail the test suite with > 1000 errors09:13
maxbpoolie: Btw, has there been any "Where to go and when to show up" info sent out for next week's bzr sprint? I've not seen any09:13
poolieah, marianna probably missed you because (afaik) you don't need accommodation09:15
pooliebasically turn up at the millbank tower before 9am monday09:16
poolie(or later if you want)09:16
poolieyou will be expected09:16
poolievila, i'm disappointed (not with you) that babune didn't catch this09:18
pooliei did actually look at it while you were away and found it down09:18
vilapoolie: that's because it was *down* :)09:19
pooliei know09:19
pooliei know last time you said you turned off the hardware09:19
vilaV. wasn't at ease leaving computers running without anybody to check for fire09:19
poolieperhaps we can move it out of your house09:20
vilapoolie: but the issue AIUI is that a python upgrade raised the issue so the slave needed to be upgraded to catch it anyway09:21
vila(or another job added on the master itself which is upgraded more regularly)09:21
vilabut anyway, no vila at home, no upgrades09:21
maxbThanks poolie - and yes, I'm only a tube journey away09:25
vilamaxb: great, cu there ;)09:26
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* bialix is looking for vila, the master of configs09:32
bialixhey vila09:32
vilabialix: busy now, I'll try to answer but expect some lag09:33
bialixvila: ok09:34
vilabialix: hey, ask your question anyway ! :009:38
bialixvila: I need to talk with somebody about qbzr.conf problems (bug #761535).09:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 761535 in QBzr "bzr-explorer forgets external diff tool" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76153509:39
poolievila, 2.3.3 sounds fine to me09:42
vilapoolie: ok, I'll do that09:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 657550 in Launchpad itself "perform bzr merge in the UI" [Medium,Triaged]09:44
thumpervila: isn't hard09:45
vilahmm, so bug 657550 is still shorter09:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 657550 in Launchpad itself "perform bzr merge in the UI" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65755009:45
vilathumper: sorry, was just using a random bug to test the ubuntu bot09:45
thumpervila: :)09:45
vilathumper: argh, not implying the bug is random :-/09:46
thumpervila: and here I was thinking you'd fix it :)09:46
vilapoolie: if you could paste the channel where the next sessions is happening that would be great (makes it sooo easy to join including getting the audio)09:47
poolieit's on summit.ubuntu.com09:47
jelmervila, it's in elod09:48
vilaepic fail09:48
poolieyeah, elod09:48
bialixwhat is elod?09:48
jelmerbialix, it's the name of one of the rooms here at UDS09:48
bialixah, great09:48
vilapoolie, jelmer: I meant the channel *name* so I can click on it :)09:49
* bialix has installed msvc2008 express russian version, it can compile bzr c extensions for py2.609:49
vilabialix: \o/09:50
bialixcompiling in russain is a lot of fun. ms did a very good job about printing russian messages to the console regardless of codepage09:50
bialixpoor python09:50
vilabialix: so, I think you got a good handle on the problem, if you cache the whole file locally multiple times, incoherence is guaranteed09:51
vilabialix: that's why the bzrlib implementation re-read the config file before setting a single value09:51
bialixvila: yes, I want to talk about how to fix this mess now09:51
vilabialix: use the bzrlib implementation09:51
vilabialix: and while you're there, stop using embedded sections ;)09:52
bialixsome parts of qbzr expects this caching behavior :-(09:52
vilabialix: why ?09:52
vilato avoid reading the file ?09:52
bialixvila: no way! only by mey dead corpse09:52
vilait's in the cache, it shouldn't make such a difference09:52
vilaerr, I meant the OS cache09:52
bialixvila: I've talked about embedded sections09:54
bialixwait! we don't have embedded sections yet! haha09:55
bialixwe have just sections09:55
* bialix has to teach himself to put smilie after each joke09:55
bialixvila: there was intent to write all changes to config file at once09:56
bialixshould I keep that or should just write ever time the options changed... that's the question09:56
vilause the bzrlib implementation and it will write at each change09:58
bialixI think I should just go this way09:58
vilabialix: be also aware that new stuff I'm working on will *also* require some changes in your code anyway09:58
bialixoh, no! :-)09:59
vilaI'll try to make this painless and provide some migration path but there are cases I just can't automate anyway so I'm now ~convinced that the most effective way to address the issues is to provide helpers instead of trying to automate all cases09:59
bialixsorry, I have no idea what are you talking about10:00
bialixI haven't followed your merge proposals10:01
poolievila, jam, spiv, starting soon in elod10:06
pooliehi bialix10:06
bialixhi poolie10:06
vilapoolie: already there10:06
vilabialix: how would you know then ! :D10:07
jamhi poolie10:07
bialixvila: know what? I'm subscribed to merge proposals but have no time to follow all of them10:08
bialixalso I receive a lot of notifications about daily-ppa builds, they're a bit noisy10:09
vilabialix: know where we're heading so you can anticipate ;) Like... embedded sections are not needed to guarantee atomic changes (which AIUI is your main motivation)10:09
bialixsorry, I'm too dumb today. I just don't understand, perhaps I've missed something important10:11
bialixyesterday I had mid-term test in my English class. I have much worse result than I thought. My english skill is not good these days perhaps10:13
vilaembedded sections are Evil: if you use one in the no-name section (i.e. branch.conf is just a no-name section) and call it 'qbzr' (for the sake of the example), then you can't have a section named 'qbzr' where you specify options that should apply to a 'qbzr' path10:13
bialixmaybe we should just say that configobj is evil? joke joke joke10:14
vilabialix: hehe, don't get discouraged, it may just mean you're progressing by getting aware of your errors (as opposed to making errors without realizing it ;)10:14
vilabialix: well, almost, the problem is we din't clearly specified which parts we wanted to use and people went directly to configobj to use features that now conflict10:15
vilabialix: busy again, expect lag again10:16
bialixvila: about embedded sections: we don't use no-name sections in qbzr.conf10:16
bialix12 tenses of english just kill me10:17
vilabialix: but you use one in branch.conf, that's the one that is the trouble for me10:17
bialixvila: oh, we have already talked about commit_data and have reached agreement I will remove it... sometimes soon10:17
bialixqbzr.conf is my headache now10:18
vilaoh, I forgot about that, great !10:18
poolievila, jam, talking about python versionsupport in -elod now11:12
pooliespecifically dropping py2 from the cd in oneiric11:12
poolienot from the distro11:13
mtaylorpoolie: you were right - easy_install launchpadlib works just fine now11:21
pooliei think it was broken but i might have fixed it11:23
poolieor someone else did11:23
poolieoh the thing with jenkins failures it turned out was actually from Brian11:23
pooliei replied to him11:23
mtaylordo you remember what the issue was? something crazy?11:24
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pooliejam, hi12:13
jamhi poolie12:13
pooliei'm just looking with eres at slow initial branching of gcc-licano into an empty repository12:13
poolienoticeably slower than going into a new standalone branch12:13
pooliethis sounds familiar12:13
pooliethere are many get_parent_map calls12:13
pooliebut i thought this was fixed12:13
jampoolie: if you branch without a tarrget repo we issue a "give me everything request"12:14
pooliesorry, revital12:14
jamif you have a target repo12:14
jamwe always _walk_to_common_revisions12:14
pooliethen it checks what's there12:14
jamWe talked about having a "is the repo empty" api12:14
jamnever happened12:14
poolieor faster spanning out to discover this12:14
poolieok ,https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/38826912:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 388269 in Bazaar "many get_parent_map calls during walk to common revisions when branching into empty repository" [High,Confirmed]12:15
jampoolie: or using the target branch as a hint to what might be in the target repo12:15
jam(namely nothing)12:15
jamthough this won't always be correct (new branches will always be at NULL:)12:15
pooliethat's not a bad idea12:16
poolieok thanks12:17
PengWhat would that do if you were pulling into an empty branch even though the repo already has all the revisions?12:17
pooliewe'll just let it run12:17
jamPeng: hence my point that it can only be a hint12:17
jam(and one that doesn't cause things to explode badly)12:17
stewartare there any gui tools (esp for exploring history with annotate) that won't make me cry?12:46
stewart(this rules out bzr explorer and bzr-gtk's annotate)12:46
awilkinsbzr qannotate ?12:47
awilkinsOh, hang on, bzr-explorer uses qbzr, doesn't it?12:48
stewartawilkins, looks like it12:48
bialixjelmer: should I package subvertpy 0.8.0 into windows installer? bzr 2.3 has packaged
jelmerbialix, 0.7.5 should still be fine for that version of bzr-svn13:42
bialixso, you don't recommend me to use 0.8?13:43
jelmerbialix, 0.8 shouldn't have anything 0.7.5 doesn't as far as the version of bzr-svn you're currently bundling goes13:44
bialixjelmer: can I have a very simple answer: y/n? I assume that I should use 0.7.513:45
jelmerbialix: go for 0.7.5 if you're sticking to the same version of bzr-svn13:46
bialixsvn version is lp:bzr-svn13:46
bialixi.e. your trunk13:46
bialixshould I package specific version?13:47
jelmerbialix, if you use lp:bzr-svn you should use subvertpy 0.8.013:47
jelmerbut you shouldn't really use lp:bzr-svn in a release..13:47
bialixwhat should I use for 2.4b2?13:47
jelmerfor 2.4b2 lp:bzr-svn is probably appropriate, there's no matching bzr-svn release yet13:48
bialixso then I should use subvertpy 0.8, right?13:48
jelmerbialix, yes13:54
bialixjelmer: thank you13:54
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fullermdWoof, up into the 71 millions on lplibrarian.14:44
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jelmerjam: are you happy for my per-file-graph branch to land? you mentioned in your comments that you were ok with it, but you didn't vote.14:51
jamjelmer: yeah, its fine14:56
jelmerjam: thanks!14:57
fullermdvila: Next release, should update the copyright date (still says -2010)16:33
vilafullermd: huh ? What ? WHere ?16:36
fullermdbzr version output's where I noticed it.16:36
* vila whistles16:37
fullermdbzr script itself also has up to 2010.16:37
* fullermd didn't look farther.16:37
vilaargh, tricky setup for auto_update_copyright16:38
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-ohnomnom
vilafullermd: thanks for the heads-up16:39
fullermdYay, +karma.  Maybe now I can scream at people today and still wind up even.16:41
mgzso, yelling at vila means you get to yell at other people too?16:47
throughnothingis there a way to view the diff of 2 separate branches in launchpad WITHOUT doing a merge proposal first?  I'd like to be able to send a link around and get feedback before doing a merge proposal16:47
fullermdmgz: Well, you gotta warm up first.  Otherwise you might strain your vocal chords, see.16:47
vila. o O (mgz: Perfect, I don't have to say it myself ;)16:48
vilathroughnothing: no. But once you've made the proposal, you can just push your additional commits (or even different ones if you use push --overwrite), lp will happily re-calculate the diff16:49
mgzthroughnothing: `bzr diff --old lp:<1> --new lp:<2>`?16:49
vilamgz: he want to send a link (presumably one showing the diff)16:49
vilathroughnothing: is that ^ correct16:49
fullermdAnd the diff of two branches probably isn't what you really _want_; you want more a preview of the merge.16:50
fullermd(unless one branch is a strict superset of the other)16:50
mgzthat's true.16:51
throughnothingmgz: thanks, yeah I know i can do this locally, I guess that'll have to do, just not as easy to get ppl to do that than to go to a link :)16:52
mgzgetting feedback before a merge proposal seems a little over-cautious to me16:53
mgzjust do an mp and say in the description you want feedback before doing more work on the branch16:53
vilathroughnothing: mps are intended to cover getting feedback too16:53
mgzyou can set the reviewers to specific people rather than the whole team for the project16:53
mgz(if you don't want to bug everyone)16:54
throughnothingmgz: ok, I just know that its not ready to be merged, and I know more stuff I have to do, but would like feedback on whats already done (for instance, I know i still need to add more tests)16:55
throughnothingbut I understand your point as well16:55
mgzI do mps like that all the time :)16:55
throughnothinghaha ok16:55
throughnothingi guess i can mark it as work in progress16:55
throughnothingor something similar16:55
vilathroughnothing: yes, once you get feedback, marking as wip means... you're still working on it16:58
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briandealwisHi jelmer.  I'm trying to use bzr-git 0.6.0 with bzr 2.4b2 but it fails as "TypeError: As of bzr 2.4 Testament.__init__() takes a Revision and a Tree.".18:07
briandealwisSo I thought I'd try from bzr-git from trunk, but it fails with "ImportError: No module named versionedfiles" at repository.py line 46 which does an import: "from bzrlib.plugins.git.versionedfiles import (GitTexts)"  and there's no definition for GitTexts18:07
jelmerbriandealwis, hi18:08
jelmerbriandealwis, fixed18:09
briandealwisgreat, thanks!18:09
jelmerI had a .pyc file around locally, which is why I must have missed it18:09
briandealwisah right18:09
mgzdammit, forgot spell check19:16
hbeckhey, having an issue with qbzr package (qlog specifically):  bzr: ERROR: No module named configobj  You may need to install this Python library separately.22:17
hbeckquick google says this issue has been seen before but I'm not sure what the fix was/is22:18
hbeckI have bzr 2.3.1-0 and qbzr 0.20.0-122:20
hbeckalso, python-bzrlib shows "/usr/share/pyshared/bzrlib/util/configobj/configobj.py" installed.22:27
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maxbhbeck: Could you please check versions with "dpkg -l bzr python-bzrlib qbzr" - 2.3.1-0 does not look like a real version to me22:58
hbeckbzr                             2.3.1-0~bazaar1~lucid222:59
hbeckI just chopped the end off22:59
hbeckpython-bzrlib                   2.3.1-0~bazaar1~lucid222:59
hbeckqbzr                            0.20.0-1~bazaar1~lucid122:59
hbeckmaxb: that help any?23:21
chxwhy is it that though i have not configured an editor in bazaar.conf, i do not have $VISUAL and $BZR_EDITOR set and $EDITOR is set to nano I *still* get vi?23:26
maxbhbeck: Hmm. I thought we'd got rid of all these problems. Maybe the qbzr package isn't new enough23:47
maxbhuh, this is probably something fixed in 0.20.123:48

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