
vorianwho let the dogs out00:08
valorielooking over tonight's sched, I see no Kub. sessions00:58
valorieis this because udslogger is leaving the event early?00:58
* valorie is listening to past sessions00:59
DarkwingDuckOnly thing I'm doing at UDS today is the closing speech00:59
DarkwingDuckTomorrow morning.00:59
DarkwingDuckI have LOADS to digest and get in a plan00:59
valoriewell, I always like the community roundtable01:00
DarkwingDuckI'm just not going to stay up tonight. I have stuff I have to take care of tomorrow morning.01:00
DarkwingDuckI need to sleep tonight.01:01
valorieif there are no kub sessions, I'm sleeping too01:01
valoriethis has been difficult01:01
DarkwingDuckYeah it has.01:01
DarkwingDuckI need to talk to Harald at some point though01:01
DarkwingDuckI want to watch/listen to the closing remarks and find out when/where UDS-P will be01:03
valorieOrlando, I believe01:03
DarkwingDuckI think so too.01:03
DarkwingDuckSame place and I'll be there. :D01:03
valorieoh, there is a Kwin and OpenGL session01:04
DarkwingDuckI listen to the recording.01:04
DarkwingDuckI made all the sessions I wanted to get to.01:04
valorieoh, and Remove HAL from archives01:05
valoriesucks that people aren't able to use their USB devices correctly01:05
valorienot staying up for it though01:05
valorieKubuntu LightDM?01:07
valorieI was just reading about lightDM on the kdeplanet01:07
valorieand it didn't sound so good01:07
claydohScottK: very belated pong: i will post on kfn about the elections02:58
claydohScottK: should I direct folks to the kubuntu-devel list as in the announcement?02:59
claydohScottK: topic in  #kubuntu edited, kubuntuforums posted as well03:07
claydohhope everyone is having a blast at uds!!!03:08
DarkwingDuckclaydoh: I wish I was there.03:33
ScottKclaydoh: Thanks.03:59
ScottKvalorie: There is a spec for hal removal.04:00
ScottKvalorie: afiestas has reviewed the light dm code and says it's pretty good.  We'll discuss.04:00
valorieI'll listen and learn04:03
=== c2tarun_ is now known as c2tarun
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanudslogger: ping07:38
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ping07:38
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: pong07:38
QuintasanJontheEchidna: are you after breakfast?07:38
JontheEchidnain the non-smoking lobby behind a pillar07:38
QuintasanOh, cool, I assume we don't have session in the morning?07:38
JontheEchidnanot the first session, no07:39
JontheEchidnaThere is KWin and OpenGL ES later07:40
QuintasanJontheEchidna: behold, I'm coming over there then07:40
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-uds
abkdeany rekonq developer here?08:22
valorieabkde: you might find them in #rekonq , or #kde-devel08:26
abkdevalorie, oh, thanks08:26
valorielots of our devels are at UDS right now08:27
valorieand it's the final day of sessions08:27
valorieso you might have much better luck upstream08:28
abkdevalorie, isn't here #kde-devel?08:28
valorieno, this is kubuntu-devel08:28
valoriefor kubuntu development issues08:28
abkdeyeah, you're right08:28
valoriemost applications are developed in KDE itself08:28
abkdemy fault08:28
valorieand you'll find lots of overlap, of course08:28
abkdeI'll try #rekonq for now...08:30
valoriegood luck!08:32
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-uds
jtechidnaQuintasan: text apachelogger and tell him that I'll be going in a bit and he needs to get his stuff from the table10:45
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
QuintasanJontheEchidna: done10:46
QuintasanJontheEchidna: you're heading for airport in 15 minutes?10:46
Quintasancool, will meet you at lobby10:46
JontheEchidnaI'm right next to the stairs in the smoking lobby10:46
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-uds
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-uds
jussiQuintasan: ping11:25
Quintasanjussi: pong12:42
jussilol, a bit delayed there :P12:56
ScottKQuintasan: Are you online.13:38
ScottKjussi: Are you online?13:39
ScottKIs afiestas with you by chance?13:39
ScottKIf anyone sees afiestas, ask him to find me please.13:39
QuintasanScottK: afiestas is giving lightning talk right now13:49
Quintasanoh god I'm last in queue and it's almost over -_-13:50
Quintasanudslogger: no talk :/13:50
ScottKNevermind.  I found him.13:51
ScottKQuintasan: I see.  Thanks.13:53
udsloggerScottK: I found your alex, come pick him up in room 20 kond14:12
ScottKThanks.  After this session.14:13
shadeslayer!find EvolutionCalendarSource.h15:06
ubottuPackage/file EvolutionCalendarSource.h does not exist in natty15:06
dpmQuintasan, I'm looking at what you mentioned to me re: Polish translation team membership. I can't see you in here though: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-pl/+members I thought you were already a member and your membership needed to be re-approved?15:24
Quintasandpm: My membership already expired :)15:26
dpmQuintasan, yeah, but you should be listed under "Former members", that's what surprised me. But anyway, I've got all the info, I'll now try to contact TomaszD15:27
Quintasandpm: cool, thanks15:29
dpmQuintasan, ok, just e-mailed the team owner. Could you apply for joining the team in Launchpad, so that he can more easily approve you?15:45
Quintasandpm: well, it's Restricted Team, I need to have Tomasz to invite me to the team :)15:47
dpmQuintasan, hm, yeah, good point, I've just noticed that. Ok, let's wait to see whether he can send a reply. I'll follow this up15:49
Quintasandpm: Thanks once more :)15:49
dpmno worries :)15:50
shadeslayerQuintasan: did you give a lightning talk?16:53
udsloggergood nite17:36
shadeslayerudslogger: WHAT!!! it's just 7:30 over there17:37
shadeslayerhow can you sleep so early!!!!17:37
=== skfin is now known as skFIN
eMyllerhi fellows20:09
eMylleranyone here using natty on a intel based chipset?20:10
eMyllerplease tell me about your experience.20:10
macohttp://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/linux-world-map.html Kubuntustan is rather far from the KDE Sea20:37
Tm_TeMyller: I am at work, all works rather fine20:42
DarkwingDuckWhat's up guys?20:43
yofeleMyller: define chipset, my motherboar chipset works fine, the intel graphics in my netbook doesn't like natty20:44
yofelhey DarkwingDuck20:44
DarkwingDuckHows life?20:45
* DarkwingDuck is getting his wiki ready20:45
yofeldebugging neon :/20:45
DarkwingDuckOh joy20:45
DarkwingDuckI'm about to start putting together my lists of todos for oneiric20:46
jjessehiya DarkwingDuck20:47
DarkwingDuckHey jjesse 20:48
DarkwingDuckI have lists and lists of Todo stuff for us jjesse 20:48
DarkwingDuckjjesse: How much time are you going to have between now and OCtorber?20:48
jjesseon the day/week/etc20:49
jjessesrsly have no idea what now and october will look like20:49
DarkwingDuckLet me know if you get bogged down.20:49
=== skFIN is now known as skfin
=== amichairo is now known as amichair

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