
ooki2dayszal: here?00:16
=== mren is now known as mren|off
szalooki2day: another thing (for you to pastebin, that is) -> dpkg -l '*nvidia*'00:23
szalhuh?  do you have both nvidia-current and nvidia-173 installed?00:24
ooki2dayinstalled both? but use one-current00:25
szalthat's most probably the problem then -> uninstall all things nvidia-17300:25
szalthe 173 is for GeForce FX series only00:26
lucas-arghey all... any one with flash problems in rekonq?00:26
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:26
lucas-argcant see the videos, i hear sound but no video00:26
ooki2daythen restart computer or X server?00:27
szalooki2day: run 'nvidia-xconfig', then reboot00:27
lucas-argok ill try it00:27
szallucas-arg: you'll try what?00:28
vorianhaha, that's sadly funny00:29
lucas-argok i did nvidia-xconfig and rebooted, and nothing happend still cant see youtube videos on rekonq00:31
szallucas-arg: since when is your nick 'ooki2day'?00:32
ooki2dayooki2day its me)00:32
lucas-argim lucas...00:32
lucas-argim not oosomthing00:33
lucas-argso reqonk doesnt work...00:33
vorianlucas-arg: he's saying you followed directions he was giving to ooki2day00:33
lucas-argso flash doesnt work on rekonq00:33
ooki2dayI uninstalled 173 driver, but can't enable effects again00:44
ooki2dayszal: for desktop effects, I need install compiz?00:52
szalooki2day: hell no00:52
szalCompiz is a totally different pair of shoes & has nothing to do w/ KDE or its effects00:52
szalthe only guess left is that there's still problems w/ the 8800, which was known to be a b*tch when it first came out00:53
ooki2day_szal: ping01:24
szalwhat's the matter?01:25
ooki2day_i can enable effects, but with XRender01:26
wafai am in trouble, i tried to remove some files in order to free more space but i did a big mistake01:33
wafasome files were removed from my ubuntu 10.1001:33
wafanow i lost the graphic interface of ubuntu 10.1001:36
wafacan any one help me?01:37
miinsikAfter installing kubuntu 11.04 using wubi under windows xp, the bootloader doesn't show the option for 'KUBUNTU'...01:51
gennroSo how is everyone?02:11
semistud2354 can anyone tell me why my programs are turning black when thy are maximized?02:11
semistud2354 i dont know if its my nvidia card or something else?02:11
mase_wksemistud2354: is it a new problem ? if so it's likely to be a driver issue02:13
semistud2354i cant remember when it started02:13
mase_wkare you using the nouveau drivers or the binary nvidia drivers ?02:13
semistud2354the drivers that kubuntu told me to install02:13
semistud2354in the drivers detection program02:14
semistud2354so i guess their the nvidia one02:14
mase_wktold you or offered you the option02:14
mase_wkright yeh it didn't tell you to install them02:14
mase_wkit gave you the option02:14
mase_wkand those are the binary nvidia drivers02:14
semistud2354if i minimize it it works02:15
semistud2354i dont understand02:15
mase_wkso you can either try the nouveau drivers or contact nvidia02:15
mase_wkand see how to file  a bug there02:15
semistud2354can i still have desktop effects if i use the nouveau drivers02:16
gennroif you haven't MAKE SURE the nouveau drivers are not installed02:16
gennroif you have the binary nvidia drivers installed02:16
gennrobecause the installer will not remove the nouveau drivers02:16
mase_wkgennro: why would that make a difference, afaik nvidia ship their own glx stack , mesa replacement etc..02:16
mase_wkthe nvidia driver would not link to any of those02:17
gennroyes it does02:17
gennroverified it on several ocasions now02:17
mase_wkso how did you veryfy this ?02:17
semistud2354could it be a setting in desktop effects in KDE?02:17
mase_wksemistud2354: no02:17
semistud2354i have a feeling its a dumb thing like that02:18
mase_wkit's not02:18
semistud2354so i cant do much besides file a bug report02:18
gennrotrust me.......... the nouavou driver is junk and will cause problems02:18
mase_wkgennro: that's not correct at all. On some cards they perform perfectly fine. I use them on a few of my boxes02:19
gennrooh and the meta package for the nvidia 185 driver is bad also02:19
mase_wkyou won't win any speed awards02:19
mase_wkbut for regular desktop use, if you have a supported card they are really quite good02:19
semistud2354i just rebooted X server and now it works02:20
gennroit happens02:21
semistud2354geez i wonder whats making it do that02:22
semistud2354its not on all programs02:22
semistud2354and it only happens here and there02:22
mase_wkgennro: i am curious how you worked out that the nvidia driver was linking against the nouveau driver ?02:22
semistud2354could it be that i'm still on the beta kubuntu02:22
semistud2354what happend was i doewnloaded the beta and just did all the updates till now02:23
James147semistud2354: have you updated your system since release?02:23
James147semistud2354: if you have all the updates then you ahve the final version effectivly02:23
semistud2354like the sudo apt-get update02:23
gennrogo to the KPackageKit and remove"xserver-xorg-video-nouneau"02:23
gennrowill fix your issue02:23
James147semistud2354: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  ^^02:23
gennrohad the same issues after installing the binary nvidia drivers........ removed the nouvaeu driver and all fixed02:24
James147gennro: how are you so sure? I have never ever seen the open drivers interfer with then closed ones and remvoing them will likly just mean he loses the fallback option02:25
semistud2354nothings poping up for xserver-xorg-video-nounea02:25
gennrofor some reason xorg likes to load the nouvaeu driver over the nvidia one for no reason also02:25
semistud2354 or just nouneau02:25
gennroif the nouvaeu driver is loaded into the kernel at the same time the nvidia one is it will cause issues02:26
semistud2354how can i find out?02:26
semistud2354is there an ls command i can imput02:26
James147semistud2354: lsmod02:27
gennrothe REASON why NVIDIA will blacklist the nouvaeu driver if you install the nvidia driver manually via the package from nvidia's website02:27
gennroand if you are worried about a fallback the VESA driver is installed and works fine for times when the nvidia drivers fail02:28
semistud2354im assuming that i look for nouneau after i type lsmod02:28
gennroit is spelled nouveau.... the reason you can't find it02:29
semistud2354yea nouveau isn't in my lsmod02:29
semistud2354is that a bad thing?02:29
James147semistud2354: it means your not using the open drivers so they shouldnot be conflicting02:30
James147semistud2354: you should have nvidia instead listed02:30
gennrojust do "sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveu" without the quoates into the terminal02:30
* James147 doupts that will do much ^^02:31
mase_wki don't think it will either02:31
semistud2354Unable to locate package xserver-xorg-video-nouveu02:31
gennro"sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau"02:31
semistud2354thats what poped up02:31
gennroforgot the A sorry02:31
James147^^ if anything it stop you from falling back to the open drivers should the nvidia ones fail (ie when upgrading to a new version of kubuntu)02:32
gennrothen after that reboot the computer02:32
gennroand it shouldn't happen anymore02:32
=== jeff_ is now known as Guest72237
semistud2354The following packages will be REMOVED:02:32
semistud2354  xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-video-nouveau02:32
semistud23540 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:32
semistud2354After this operation, 356 kB disk space will be freed.02:32
semistud2354Do you want to continue [Y/n]?02:32
FloodBotK1semistud2354: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:33
gennrohit Y02:33
semistud2354what should i say?02:33
semistud2354 xserver-xorg-video-all <<isnt that important?02:33
gennrono its not02:33
gennrojust a meta package02:33
semistud2354whats a meta package?02:34
gennrojust a file that tells what other files to be installed without you having to install all of those files yourself02:34
semistud2354should i do the update thing02:34
gennromakes your life easier02:34
semistud2354ahh i see02:34
semistud2354update && dist up grade thing02:35
semistud2354should i do that now02:35
gennroso if you remove the meta package it doesn't remove anything but the meta package02:35
gennroyeah you can't02:35
gennroyou can I mean02:35
gennrowill just update the package lists and check your system for any updates and insta;; them if you wish02:35
semistud2354ok now what?02:36
gennro"sudo apt-get update && dist-upgrade"02:36
semistud2354did that02:36
gennroanything to update?02:37
gennrooh duh do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"02:37
gennroprolly should be some things that need updated also02:37
semistud2354nothing to update02:38
semistud2354is that bad?02:38
semistud2354should it update or something?02:38
gennronah.... just means no updates02:38
gennronow just reboot your computer and you should be good to go02:38
semistud2354ok...here goes...brb02:38
gennroLinux gennro-G50VT 2.6.38-5.dmz.2-liquorix-amd64 #1 ZEN SMP PREEMPT Sat May 7 01:31:23 CDT 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:40
melodieAnyone know how to download Itunes for Kubuntu, I've looked on the forums and can't find anything02:40
James147melodie: there is no linux version of itunes02:41
gennroI don't think Itunes works in linux02:41
James147though amarok can sync with `some` apple products02:41
James147gennro: dont think it has anything to do with drm...02:42
gennrohas a lot to do with it02:42
melodie>.< so I have to go on virtual machine for that then? I have another program called gtkpod...that dosent work though? So should I just try Amarok then... It is a Ipod nano 4th generation02:42
James147gennro: considering they dont drm their music anymore I doupt it02:43
James147melodie: try amarok, see if it can02:43
semistud2354 back02:44
semistud2354nothing seemes messed up02:44
semistud2354so what do i do now02:44
melodiejames147: just out of curiosty do you know why they took drm off..i thought it protected there files if that is what you were talking about??02:45
gennroand if anyone whats to know the Liquorix kernel works fine in buntu 11.0402:45
gennroso no issues semistud2354?02:45
semistud2354not as of yet02:45
gennrowell there ya go02:45
semistud2354let me try something that used to give me black screens02:45
semistud2354opening like 12 documents in ocular02:46
melodieJames147: just out of curiosty do you know why they took drm off..i thought it protected there files if that is what you were talking about??02:46
semistud2354yeah if i still open like 12 documents in ocular it still does it02:47
James147melodie: due to overwhelmingly popular demand... since it stoped used from using th files on more then a few devices02:47
gennrowell it would of been nice if you would of informed us of that02:47
James147stoped users ^^02:48
gennrothats prolly just a bug in ocular02:48
semistud2354well i have another question...if you dont mind?02:48
James147semistud2354: if it didnt work then i suggest installing xserver-xorg-video-all again (might help to avoid problems in the furture)02:49
melodieJames147: I don't think it was very smart doing that..oh wel, I'm not running the company, thanks James. You have satisfied my curiousity.02:50
semistud2354when i first installed kubuntu it took like...10 sec to boot...after i installed the broadcom driver it now takes like 60 secs02:50
James147melodie: no one likes drm stuff... so its better for the people... and if they only offer drm stuff then allot of people just wont buy from them02:51
mase_wkdrm is a flawed concept02:51
* James147 agrees with mase_wk02:51
gennromost people don't even know what the DRM is02:51
James147^^ people tend to `steal` stuff more out of it being easier then actually buying the stuff in the first place.... though this is really a topic for off topic02:52
mase_wkyeh i completely agree, most people just want the quickest , easiest way to do something02:53
melodieJames147: In my mind wouldn't it just lead to more copies of music being illigally distibuted and copied?? Then given away for free??02:53
melodieMaybe I just don't understand drm fully I guess02:53
James147melodie: join #kubuntu-offtopic02:54
melodieNow that Amarok is up, I can see the ipod and the tracks on the ipod, but how to I get the music on it... ( feel sort of stupid asking )02:56
=== claydoh changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 11.04 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.04-release, upgrade with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades/Kubuntu | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines | Kubuntu Council elections: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2011-May/00
=== claydoh changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 11.04 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.04-release, upgrade with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades/Kubuntu | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines | Kubuntu Council elections: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2011-May/00
=== claydoh changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 11.04 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.04-release, upgrade with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades/Kubuntu | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines | Council elections: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2011-May/005170.htm
=== claydoh changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 11.04 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.04-release, upgrade with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades/Kubuntu | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines | Council elections: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2011-May/005170.htm
qbosterhi all, how can I find the kubuntu changes with upstream?03:46
valorieqboster: did you see the link in the /subject line?04:20
valoriekubuntu stays as current as possible04:20
qbostervalorie, sorry, and how can I get my answer?04:23
valorieand there will be a notice there about 4.6.3 as well04:29
valoriebut say more about what information you need04:29
valorieas new KDE packages are released, our packagers pack them up04:30
valoriewhen there is a new KDE release, that is out for the user usually within a day04:30
valorieif you want more specific information, you might drop into #kubuntu-devel04:31
valoriealthough many of our team are at UDS right now04:31
valorieor read the kubuntu-devel mail list04:31
qbostervalorie, OK, thanks, and if I want to know how the packager to branding upstream kde, I may go to kubuntu-devel, right ?04:32
valorieyes, that's an open channel for devel questions and participation04:33
valoriewe're always looking for more packagers04:33
qbostervalorie, aha, it sounds good04:34
dan__Is that pretty hard to do?04:38
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dan_lI don't really have the skillz to contribute.  Because I'm computer fail.04:39
valoriethe packaging is too complex for ME04:40
valoriebut contributions can come from people with all kinds of strengths04:40
valoriewe need translators, documentation writers, web developers, artists, enthusiastic people, wonderful folks like the experts who hang out here to help people04:41
valorieand on and on04:41
dan_lheh.  I don't know what of that I could do :)04:42
valoriesometimes I see absolute beginners helping other beginners here04:42
valorieit's awesome04:43
dan_lWell I try to do that.  But that's only rudimentary help.04:43
dan_lanswer a .....'how do I?"04:43
dan_lI occasionally smugly tell somebody to avoid using badbuntu.04:43
dan_lMy pet name for ubuntu:)04:45
dan_lI'm a total ktard.04:45
dan_lI have an admittedly irrational love for it.04:45
valoriewell, my favorite is kubuntu04:46
valoriebut we're all in this together04:46
valorieCanonical provides support and the basis for kubuntu as well as ubuntu04:46
* mase_wk sighs04:47
valorieand that extends outward -- we're all in the cause of free and open source04:47
gennroexcept fro my nvidia drivers04:48
valorieour LoCo had a table at LinuxFest Northwest 2 weekends ago04:48
valoriewe presented the newest Ubuntu/Unity as well as Kubuntu04:48
valoriesince I was there04:48
valoriegave away a bunch of CDs I burned for people, as well as a large stack of Kub. stickers04:49
gennroso I found out today that the Liquorix kernel works well with Kubuntu and is well worth it04:50
valorieI've heard another mention of that today04:51
valoriewhat is it?04:51
gennrois a kernel setup for desktop performance04:52
gennroreally made for debian but works fine in ubuntu04:52
valoriearen't all kernels used "setup for desktop performance"?04:52
gennronot all04:52
gennroost are geared for server04:53
valoriesure, but we use a different kernel04:53
valoriefor desktop04:53
gennrothats like great value at walmart04:53
valorieI really shouldn't talk about this, since I know so little04:54
gennroso valorie what do you do for Kubuntu?04:56
valoriegood question04:58
valorieI test a lot of stuff04:58
valorieblog and such04:58
valorieand am working towards contributing to documentation04:59
dan_lWe need more of it:)04:59
dan_lSo get right on that.04:59
valorieplus community outreach, I guess04:59
giantpunehi boys.  im wanting to try out kubuntu for the first time.  im having a bit of trouble finding a torrent download for the latest AMD64 LTS.  can somebody point me in the right direction?05:00
dan_lgiantpune:  http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/natty/release/dvd/kubuntu-11.04-dvd-amd64.iso.torrent05:01
giantpune11.04 is not LTS05:01
dan_lOh.  I fail at failing.05:01
gennro10.04 is a LTS release05:01
gennroits every other release05:01
valoriethere is a torrent for 10.04 as well05:02
valorieI'm serving it05:02
valorieor whatever you call it05:02
dan_lWhat kind of pirate arrrrrrrrrrrr you?05:02
valorienot much!05:02
giantpunewoot   http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/lucid/05:03
dan_lValorie:  I became quite fond of the notifications in 10.04, 10.10.05:03
valoriethey've only gotten better05:04
dan_lYeah I don't know.  It seems like my notifications are distributed now.05:04
gennro11.04 is the best and most stable I have used so far05:04
dan_llike the kopete notifications aren't coming from the same place as the other notifications05:05
giantpunehas qt 4.7.2 made it into any of the repos yet?  or are all of kubuntu versions still using 4.6.x?05:05
dan_lsince i upgraded, the good previous from my desktop fence have come back.  That's awesome.05:06
valorienot sure about the qt versions05:07
gennroI think I have seen some 4.7.2 in the upstream.... but not much..... running 4.6.3 KDE from the kubuntu ppa05:08
giantpuneim still on ubuntu 10.04 and having to build 4.7.X from source.  theres only 4.6.X in the repos here05:08
gennrobut that is a few QT libs and that is it05:09
valorielooks like I have 4.7.2 on my system05:09
giantpunei built gentoo this week and setup arch and they both have 4.7.2 available.05:09
valoriewith KDE 4.6.305:09
giantpunevalorie, which kubuntu are you using?05:09
* giantpune grabs a torrent for that one as well05:10
gennro11.04 works fine with some tweaking and you enable all of the pre-release updates05:10
valorieI just did an upgrade, and most everything worked well05:12
valoriehowever, I still can't get my headphone jack to work05:12
valoriedunno what is going on there05:12
valorieno idea05:12
valorieit's an HP laptop, and it's worked up until now05:13
valorieso I'm fairly sure it has to do with the upgrade05:13
valorienot the KDE version05:13
gennroI know there is a fix for that.... its a pulse audio issue05:13
gennrojust can't remember where I saw it05:13
valoriewell, I just installed all the pa gtk control stuff05:13
valorieeverything is turned on05:14
valorieI might need to visit #pulseaudio and bug colin05:14
dan_lValorie:  is it a switched jack?05:15
dan_lthere's a word for it05:15
dan_land I forget what it is.05:15
valorieI haven't a clue05:16
dan_lI have a compaq lappy.  the jack has the mechanism to detect when headphones have been  plugged in.05:16
valorieit used to work, now it doesn't05:16
dan_lIf I were to ever go back to windoze 7, it would detect the presence of the headphones.05:17
dan_lhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1734730 <-----there's 1000 different solutions there.  One will work, I promise:)05:18
valoriewell, if I went back to 10.10, it would too05:18
valorieno magic about windoz05:18
valoriethanks for googling for me!05:18
dan_lI wasn't trying to be a jerk!05:20
dan_lthat was the wrong post05:20
punedoes anybody here used the kubuntu intstaller to create partitions and put /home on a seperate partition?  i tried this several times in the past and the installer always choked on it.  im wondering if it has been fixed since then05:20
dan_lhang on05:20
valorieno, I was sincerely thanking you05:20
dan_lI had one from a like a year ago which is what I used to trouble shoot mine.05:20
dan_lOh.  K.  srry.05:20
valorieI hadn't had time to google, file a bug, or visit a channel05:21
valorieUDS remotely has been a challenge05:21
valorieI had to run through one of those checklists long ago for some sound problem05:21
valoriecan't remember what exactly, any more05:22
dan_lYa know, that's kind of the embarassing thing when I get people to try the kubuntu.05:23
valorieI'll find the solution eventually05:23
valorieand that will make my husband happy05:24
dan_lLike, they'll install it and be like "this is fun, and pretty, and what's that?  Not nearly as much malware----GREAT.  But ummm why doesn't my sound work?"05:24
valoriesound almost always works without a hit05:24
valorieand I help test new phonon and backends05:24
dan_lSee, I've never done a fresh install without having to spend 3 days screwing with the audio.05:25
dan_lHell, I guarantee since I upgraded there will be some quirk that will come up in a week that I'll spend a day trying to fix.05:26
puneanybody know of a realistic guess as to how much space a boot partition should be?  im using whatever grub comes with kubuntu.  50MB?  100MB?05:32
gennroi set mine for 20005:34
gennroif u don'05:35
gennroif you don't mess much with the kernel then set it for 10005:35
punether will be no multibooting and the only time i mess with the kernel here is when it gets updated through the repos05:36
gennro100 is fine then05:37
puneand what about swap?  if i have 2GB or GB of RAM, is swap even needed these days?  or is that just a thing of the past?05:39
puneor more^05:39
=== DevCore is now known as Guest54143
bigbrovarpune: yep swap is still needed if not for anything for legacy purpose05:52
bigbrovarI know for a fact that some systems will not hibernate without swap being on.05:52
puneoops.  too late.  im only setting this up in a VM right now, but ill keep it in mind when i go to install it for real05:53
bigbrovarI have 4gb of ram but set my swap to 2048mb05:53
bigbrovarwith things like swap, its better to have them and not need them, than to need them and not have them :)05:53
punebetter to not need to have them05:54
gennroyeah for like processes to leak over into05:54
valorie!help | gennro06:06
ubottugennro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:06
gennro!help | gennro06:07
ubottugennro, please see my private message06:07
gennrosilly bot06:07
gennrotricks are for kids06:08
gennroits cracks me up06:08
gennrospecially people that come in here06:09
milano30mancurrent drivers for a HP Color Laserjet 3550 printer are not working for Kubuntu 11.04. The HP site only lists 10.10 drivers. When will a driver update be available for 11.04?06:09
valoriehave you tried jockey-kde ?06:09
gennrothats all on HP bud06:09
valorieI wouldn't worry about what is on their site06:10
milano30manI looked. This new release is not listed on the HP site yet.06:10
valorieI haven't had to build anything from a site for.... too many years to remember06:10
milano30manBefore I updated from 10.10 the printer worked fine...when i udated to 11.04 I now have errors when I try to print06:11
punei see dolphin has a lot of different settings and stuff to play with.  but i dont see that it has a quick setting that mimics nautilus' and windows' compact view.  what im shooting for is the on the left side of this image.  does anybody know if there is a simple setting im missing?    http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/875/dolphin.png06:11
gennrono idea pune06:12
gennromilano30man: I guess you will need to wait for HP to release updated drivers06:13
mase_wkpune: if nautilus works for you , you could just use nautilus06:13
gennroor go back to 10.1006:13
milano30manlogging off is also a problem... the only way I can do it without freezing up the desktop is to select restart.06:13
milano30manlog off or shutdown does not work correctly....has anyone noticed this in 11.04?06:14
punei cold mase_wk.  but if possible, i would like to use the default programs and just configure them a bit06:14
mase_wk pune so if you put it into details mode06:15
mase_wkand deselect the size and date06:15
mase_wkdoes that do what you want ?06:15
milano30manwell looks like I will go back to 10.10 until this release is a bit more mature.06:15
mase_wkand remove the information view on the right06:16
mase_wkpune: then i guess you could choose text only for the icons06:17
puneit would mase_wk if it filled up the scroll area to the right instead of down.  i would rather have 2 or 3 columns on the screen at once instead of 1 column and a bunch of empty space06:17
punethats really what im looking for here is the layout that puts the most icons in view at once06:19
mase_wkset it to icon mode06:19
mase_wkand go to preferences and set the arrangement to columns06:19
mase_wkgrid spacing to none06:20
mase_wkyup that works :)06:20
mase_wkthis is actually quite good, i think i'll keep this view06:20
puneahh.  and also turn off the preview mode.  that kept it from shrinking the icons06:20
punethanks. :)06:20
pune( and that was easier than installing and setting up nautilus)06:21
mase_wkcan change the text width to small as well06:21
ubuntuHi !06:24
=== ubuntu is now known as Evoli
EvoliI'd like to install DFSee, but I don't know how to install it on Linux...06:27
EvoliCan anyone help me, please ?06:29
valorieevoli, is it in kpackagekit?06:30
EvoliI just downloaded a .zip file...06:30
valoriethat's not a good idea06:30
mase_wkEvoli: generally not how it's done in the linux world06:30
valoriemuch better to be install the packages06:30
mase_wkEvoli: generally you want to get all of your packages from the repositories, using something like Kpackagekit or apt06:31
shinkamuianyone know how to execute an app when lxdm starts?06:31
mase_wkEvoli: otherwise you could be downloading malicious software or absolutely anything06:31
EvoliI see...06:32
DarthFrogEvoli: Use the "unzip" utility to extract from the zip file.  Then read the instructions that should be there.06:32
DarthFrogEvoli: Might I ask what you want to do with DFSee?  Might gparted or partitionmanager do what you want?06:33
EvoliI have some problems with my harddrive06:33
EvoliSome files are corrupted... I think I'd better change my harddrive, but I'd like to try anything I could to save it06:34
EvoliAnd I can't start Windows anymore06:34
mase_wkEvoli: first use dd or partedmagic something like that to clone the disk06:34
mase_wkthat way you don't risk losing any more data06:35
DarthFrogIf you think your hard drive is failing, then replace it before it's totally useless.  You can use dd to make an image of the filesystem for file recovery.06:35
valorieevoli, according to the DFSee website, you don't need to install it06:35
valorieyou can use it from a USB key06:35
punevalorie, you are using the latest and greatest kubuntu.  can you tell me if the default console has support for closable tabs?  there was (finally) a patch that added support for closable tabs into Qt in 4.7.2ish.  but i assume the application would also have to support it06:36
mase_wkthat is one ugly website06:36
mase_wkpune: what is a closable tab ?06:36
EvoliHow can I download or install dd ?06:36
valoriecloseable tabs?06:36
DarthFrogpune: Konsole has tabs and they can be opened and closed at will.06:36
valoriedd is basic06:36
DarthFrogEvoli: It's already installed.06:36
valorieyou have it06:36
punelike in firefox, you can click a little X on a tab inside the tab bar to close that tab06:36
mase_wkpune: you can do that in konsole, but there is a single X06:37
valorieclose tab is control+shift+W06:37
mase_wkbelow the scrollbar06:37
DarthFrogpune: The X isn't inside the tab but it's there, at the far right.06:37
puneQt has had support for tabs and tab bars for a while, but never added the little X onto the tab to close them untill 4.7.206:37
EvoliHow do I launch dd ?06:37
puneDarthFrog, which Qt/konsole are you using?06:38
valorieeasier to launch and close tabs from the keyboard06:38
valorieevoli, you might want to look at dd --help06:38
valorieor man dd06:38
DarthFrogEvoli: dd is a command line utiliy.  Open a console and type "man dd" to get usage instructions.  Not for newbies.06:38
DarthFrogpune: Konsole and yakuake.06:38
DarthFrogYakuake mostly.06:38
EvoliThanks for your help ^^06:39
punei meant which version06:39
DarthFrogpune: Whatever comes with Natty.06:41
=== c2tarun_ is now known as c2tarun
omid_hi.i had installed kubuntu using wubi.and accidentaly formatted the partition which contained kubuntu installition.now i want to remove it from windows boot loader and i dont want a kubuntu option to show up.(i also have openSUSE installed but it is a full instalition and has its grub bootloader)07:18
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe07:23
valorieomid_: I don't know how to help, but hope the above is useful to you'07:23
=== Keshl_ is now known as Keshl
=== Keshl_ is now known as Keshl
giantpunehi guys, im back.  i have some odd issue going on with the freshly installed kubuntu 10.04.  every time i restart it, it has reset the screen resolution to 800x600 or something small.  i have to enter the settings and adjust it at each boot.  has anybody else had this issue?08:16
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=== coaboa|afk is now known as coaboa
Whoi am facing a weird issue, i am getting sound in MP3,notifications, videos but not in flash08:51
Who i even reinstalled flash and changed few settings but still it hasn't fixed the issue :(08:51
=== mirco__ is now known as mirco
keithzgDo you have more than one potential sound card? I've heard of a lot of strange issues with this latest release's PulseAudio device selection combined with flash.09:17
Whokeithzg: well, cat /proc/asound/modules shows09:18
Who 0 snd_hda_intel09:18
Who 1 snd_hda_intel09:18
keithzgwhat about /proc/asound/cards ? I must admit, though, although I've heard of such problems often I'm unaware of a universal solution.09:21
Who0 [Generic        ]: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic09:22
Who                      HD-Audio Generic at 0xf0244000 irq 4209:22
Who 1 [SB             ]: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB09:22
Who                      HDA ATI SB at 0xf0240000 irq 1609:22
FloodBotK1Who: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:22
Whokeithzg:  well i can see the problem here, maybe its using the generic one09:23
Whoi want it to use ATI SB instead09:24
keithzgWhat browser are you using for flash here?09:24
keithzgHmm. Make sure the firefox-3.5-branding package isn't installed.09:25
Whothough i even checked it in rekonq yesterday and it had the same problem09:25
szalWho: tried to play something in Flash & locate the playback stream in the mixer to put it on the other sound device?09:26
keithzgAh. Well. Short of fiddling with padevchooser, then, I'm outta ideas.09:26
Whoit was working before, not sure what i messed up though09:30
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
=== Axlin|MB is now known as Axlin
=== shane4ubuntu is now known as shane4kubuntu
ehsankwin freaze when i resize windows. i use oxygen trancparent and kubuntu 11.0411:23
ehsanbut in compiz work fine11:23
nicolas_Hi everyone11:31
nicolas_does anyone know if it's possible to display your screen instead of webcam in Kopete?11:32
ehsankwin freaze when i resize windows. i use oxygen trancparent and kubuntu 11.0411:37
ehsanbut in compiz work fine11:37
giantpunehey again.  does anybody know a workaround or fix for the authentication window popping up behind KPackageKit?  i see some old bug reports of it on the google machine, but never any thing to solve it11:42
dnivrahello. I'm fairly new to Kubuntu-have used ubuntu before. I went to the network applet and added the DSL connection I want to connect to just like in Ubuntu. How do I connect to it? Ubuntu listed available connections but not so in Kubuntu. I could find no help using google-most returned "Connecting to internet in Ubuntu and Kubuntu is same". I guess I'm missing something here.11:46
m477how restert X server?11:50
ehsanuse gmome network manager or pppoeconf11:53
ehsani use pppoeconf11:53
dnivram477: try "sudo service x11-common restart". might work.11:53
dnivraehsan: pppoeconf failed to detect any ppp connection; i tried that :).11:54
ehsanuse sudo before pppoeconf11:55
ehsanor sudo pon dsl-provider11:55
dnivra"Access concentrator failed to find any" etc etc etc. that's the error message.11:55
dnivraehsan: the gnome network manager isn't installed by default is it?11:57
dnivrain kubuntu that is. and I need to connect to internet to download-which is precisely what I need to do :)11:57
ehsanno install from synaptic or etc11:57
ehsanand run it11:58
dnivraehsan: to install from synaptic, i need to be connected to internet and to connect to internet, i need gnome network manager. paradox :)11:58
ehsankubuntu dvd11:59
dnivraehsan: the iso has the package?12:00
dnivragotta check that out hope it's there.12:00
ehsani think yes12:00
dnivrai guess he's not around. could someone help me with connecting to a DSL connection in kubuntu? i thought it was the same as in ubuntu but am missing something. and pppoeconf doesn't work-already tried that. "Access concentrator failed to " etc goes the error message in that case.12:27
dnivraehsan asked me to install gnome network manager from disc-but am not able to create a startup disk with my USB; there's some problem with it. any help would be appreciated.12:28
dnivraI have a live USB of kubuntu 11.10 and would like to install network-manager-gnome from it. I do not have an internet connection. could someone tell me how to do it?12:44
dnivrahas anyone connected to internet in Kubuntu by a method other than pppoeconf?12:52
giantpunerae you saying that you are at a computer now and wanting to install a network manager but there is no internet service at all for that compuer?12:54
dnivragiantpune: i am using another computer. I can connect using means such as using a mobile phone, plug in internet but not DSL.12:56
dnivragiantpune: I have an internet service at home-i've used it before with ubuntu but not with kubuntu; i'm fairly new to kde as well.12:57
dnivrai thought it was fairly the similar procedure; that is what even the internet says. but it doesn't seem to work.12:57
dnivraand neither does pppoeconf.12:57
giantpuneyou can grab the .debs from the computer you are at, slap them an a SD card, and put that SD card in your other PC and install them12:58
dnivrathat is a solution i agree. but why is it that I cannot connect using KDE?12:58
dnivrathing is I do not know my way around KDE like gnome. That is why the question "How to connect using KDE and not command line?"12:59
giantpunei honestly have no clue.  ive only been using kde myself for a few hours13:01
dnivraand you're connected to internet in KDE?13:02
giantpunei also see in their package manager a place to add alternate software sources.  maybe it will lets you add the liveCD there like ubuntu does13:02
giantpuneyes, im using ethernet to connect, but it is connected13:02
dnivraahh ethernet. that works fine; not DSL :(13:02
dnivraoh yeah I know that but I do not have a live CD, only live USB and iso. I do not know how to add them as a source.13:03
dnivraif i did, i would have just installed the gnome one and be done with the issue :).13:04
giantpunelook at kpackagekit in the settings13:04
giantpunethe "other software" tab13:04
giantpunewith the CD in the drive, mine has an entry for "cdrom:...."  if i were you, i would try to use "/dev/sdb2"  or mount your liveUSB and add "/media/blablabla" in there13:05
dnivrai've to specf\ify a URL i think. let me check.13:07
giantpunednivra, look at post #4  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140367913:10
giantpuneyoud have to replace "maverick" with "lucid"  but it should work13:10
dnivralooking at it. and it's natty not lucid :). 11.10.13:11
dnivraany idea what is meant by DCODE?13:12
dnivraoh wait that's the tag terminator i think :)13:12
dnivraahh i'll try a bit later. thanks giantpune . it isn't working yet; hope it does. i lost all my package lists now :*(13:18
Babalauanyone here can help me ?13:32
KaspiBabalau: that's quite possible, you just have to let people know what do you need to help with.13:40
BabalauKaspi: thx.. i've found an workarround13:41
=== mren|off is now known as mren
muneebis there any widget for setting frequency scaling?14:08
jmperhelp one link download free cine14:28
jrdnyquistHey, I've installed Kubuntu 11.04 (64 bit). I am having an issue where my tg3 network driver seems to have some issue. ethtool show Autoneg is on and @ 1000/full. This matches my switch and should be fine. I am howver getting framing errors in ifconfig and my connection is extremely bogged down. I don't think this is ness. a Kubuntu issue but has anyone else experienced this?14:28
mr-richjrdnyquist: what's your uptime?14:31
jrdnyquist19 mins14:32
=== bigjools is now known as edbot
jrdnyquistI tried powering down and unplugging jsut to reset everything14:32
jrdnyquistpulled the plug14:32
mr-richok ... not the problem I was thinking of then ...14:32
mr-richare you sure the right driver is installed?14:33
=== edbot is now known as bigjools
jrdnyquistkinda strange, I was running ubuntu 10.10 with no issues, I am assuming there may be tg3 driver issue14:33
jrdnyquistlsmod shows tg3 running14:33
jrdnyquistnot sure what other options there are for broadcom14:33
mr-richdo you know which version of the driver 10.10 was running?14:33
jrdnyquistthis is what happens when there isa duplex issue usually14:34
jrdnyquistliek switch at 100/full nic at 10/half etc14:34
jrdnyquistframing errors14:34
mr-richwell, the only thing I can think to try is back porting to the driver/kernel that 10.10 was using ... I know that some of those broadcoms also have to have firmware uploaded to them at boot, so aslo check to see if you have the correct firmware version, too ...14:36
mr-richI have to back port the tvtime program to 2 versions ago to get my tv card to work ...14:39
jrdnyquistoh man never used quassel, how do I make it word wrap? it's running off the chat screen14:40
mr-richtry KVirc instead ..14:42
=== kubuntu1 is now known as elchi
BluesKajHiyas all14:55
DarthFrogHide the cheese, BluesKaj is here! :-)14:55
BluesKajhey DarthFrog :)14:56
Squeakhullo all14:56
Squeakif i'm doing a clean install of 11.04 on a system that had 10.10 on it (because the upgrade process barfed completely and left my system unusable), and i tell it to use the same partition for /home that it used to, but not to format it, what files in /home will it overwrite?14:57
DarthFrogIt won't.14:57
Squeaknot even any configuration files?14:58
DarthFrogI don't think so.  I've not noticed any such changes.  And I've done what you're going to do many times.14:58
Squeakgracias senor :)14:59
DarthFrogIt might add some files (ala KDE3 to KDE4).14:59
SqueakI'm pretty sure I was at the latest kde version anyway, backports enabled14:59
BluesKajyup, Squeak your data should be ok14:59
Squeakfortunately my important data's all on other disks on a mirror15:00
BluesKajdone that at least 5 times myself without any probs15:00
Squeakcool, here goes :)15:00
Squeakwhile i'm here, I have another minor issue on another PC15:02
Squeakafter an upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04, the background of the kicker app launcher is utterly garbled, and it's unusable15:02
Squeakanyone else seen anything like that?15:02
DarthFrogI have 3 partitions on my hard disk for Kubuntu: one 20 GB for the current Kubuntu root system, one 20 GB for the previous Kubuntu version and a 960 GB one that's mounted on /home.  When the next version of Kubuntu reaches beta status, I install it on the partition that contains the previous version and switch to it.15:03
BluesKajSqueak, no plasma panel there , wonder if that has any effect?15:05
Squeakit's on a panel, just with the bare naked background15:06
Squeakbut I still get the same effect if I use the oxygen plasma theme15:06
BluesKajdeskt effects enabled?15:06
mr-richIs there a website that explains the differences between all the flavors of Ubuntu (K, X ED, etc)?15:07
DarthFrogmr-rich:  Ask the bot:15:07
DarthFrog!lubuntu | mr-rich15:07
ubottumr-rich: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.15:07
DarthFrog!xubuntu | mr-rich15:07
ubottumr-rich: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels15:07
Squeakand I get the same if I turn desktop effects off15:07
ubottuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org15:08
t2_hi, is it a good idea to disable Nepomuk file indexing on a laptop ?  I don't search often so I don't really care about the speed15:09
t2_or does it also index for Alt-F2 runner ?15:10
DarthFrogt2_: Krunner is indexed.15:10
DarthFrogWhich I find to be a nuisance.15:10
t2_DarthFrog: sorry I didn't understand, so if I disable Nepmuk Krunner won't update ?  I'm thinking of using Gnome-do to replace it15:11
briandw1969having probs with package manager15:12
BluesKajt2_, I always turn nepomuk off , if I need krunner it because I'm editing and doin new stuff and followig a trutorial which normally tells me the ile pats anyway15:15
DarthFrogt2_: Krunner will run just fine, with or without Nepomuk.  If Nepomuk is disabled however, it won't have the same search ability.15:15
briandw1969hey guys15:15
BluesKajgawd this kb15:16
DarthFrogBluesKaj:  It can't spell. :-)15:16
briandw1969install from package manager doesnt seem to work15:17
Squeakdamn, that was a quick install15:17
t2_what was the name of the tool/utility that helps you take a break every so minutes ?15:26
t2_It had a GTK interface from what I recall15:26
PhilRod_rsibreak used to exist15:28
PhilRod_dunno if it got ported to kde 415:28
Squeakput a bash script to call "sleep 600 && reboot" in your startup scripts :)15:29
Squeak(disclaimer: don't actually do that)15:29
klausHallo an alle15:42
BluesKajI've been looking at tutorials for methods that will automount remote music and video files on a networked pc  ..been try some autofs tutorials using sshfs, but the symlink and automount strings in / etc/auto/sshfs and /etc/auto.master don't mount the folders There arent any errors when I do "autofs start" , and even outputs a running message but really there's nothing happening at all. This an attempt automount at boot . I can manually mount the15:50
=== kubuntu1 is now known as elchi
elchihmmmm .... ich komme hier noch nicht so ganz klar16:05
[Po]lentinode ! elchi16:06
James147!de | elchi16:07
ubottuelchi: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:07
Thinkerer68Something strange happened.16:09
Thinkerer68I transferred about 8 GB of files over Samba and all of them were corrupted  :-/16:09
Thinkerer68About 20 different files were corrupted in all.16:10
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=== Chiron is now known as rev_dhodgkin
=== rev_dhodgkin is now known as Chiron
chachanguys, which are the best IRC clients of KDE in your opinion?17:05
BluesKajchachan, I use Konversation , altho the default is quassel, which is good as well , but it's a matter of taste mostly...some evn use xchat17:10
Tm_Tor irssi, or ...17:10
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:11
chachanyeah, I think is matter of taste, and I don't want to make a poll here hehe, sorry17:12
BluesKajThinkerer68, I use the scp command to copy files while sshd into the source pc , it works very well and is a lot daster then samba17:16
Thinkerer68I don't run sshd.17:17
Thinkerer68I need Samba because my LAN has Windows and Mac computers17:17
BluesKajThinkerer68, bummer :(17:18
Thinkerer68Samba is a kind of lowest common denominator.17:18
BluesKajaltho puTTY seems to work with windows17:18
Thinkerer68I know about putty17:19
Thinkerer68TBH I don't know how to configure sshd securely.17:19
BluesKajI tried a couple of other ssh clients/servers for windows but the guis are hard to read on this monitor , for windows smb it is17:19
BluesKajssh is secure17:20
Thinkerer68The idea of any kind of remote login scares the bejeepers out of me.17:20
BluesKajimeant ssh'd into17:20
BluesKajremote as in past the routers on the internet or on a LAN ?17:21
Thinkerer68Well, I can block SSH ports on my router. Problem is that I can't block _all_ ports on my router.17:22
Thinkerer68I am also not convinced that closing ports on the router would be enought to prevent intelligent attackers from gaining access.17:23
BluesKajport 22 is the default port for ssh behind a router17:23
Thinkerer68^ Using default ports is not good security.17:24
BluesKajare you keeping corporate secrets or someting ?17:24
Thinkerer68No, but I am paranoid about my data.17:24
BluesKajparanoid is probly correct since samba isn't nearly as secure so i think your paranoia is misdirected17:25
BluesKajbut that's your call17:26
Thinkerer68Samba is not routable by default. NetBIOS stops at the LAN because it was not designed to be routable to begin with.17:26
Thinkerer68In order to make Samba shares accessible outside the LAN one must run an WINS server.17:27
BluesKajssh encryption works well over the net ...seems very secure from all reports17:28
Thinkerer68Maybe it is, but I still wouldn't want my host exposed to the Internet17:29
James147Thinkerer68: unless you forward the port in your router it wont be exposed17:29
=== Y0Y0 is now known as yoyo
BluesKajJames147, thx you took the words right of my KB :)17:30
Thinkerer68I understand that.17:30
Thinkerer68But security is best applied in layers.17:31
James147and if anything should be exposed then ssh is as good as anything ^^17:31
Thinkerer68At any rate, SSH is not the solution to my Samba woes.17:31
BluesKajbah,we had this discussion before ...no point17:32
Thinkerer68It's fine. I don't mind the discussion.17:32
Thinkerer68upon first reboot after upgrading from Kubuntu 9.04 Jaunty to kubuntu 9.10 Karmic I got this message in TTY2: "could not access PID file for nmbd"17:34
Thinkerer68I have not rebooted the newly upgraded system since then.17:35
Thinkerer68tty8: "init: ureadahead-other main process (893) terminated with status 4"17:37
blip-hi all, anyone know how often playonlinux get's updated in the repos ?  Am I better of downloading the the ubuntu deb package from POL website ?18:09
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areichmancan anybody recommend a good, free proxy for accessing US based content from france?18:31
katsrcwhat's the best equalizer settings for Trance music on Amarok?18:43
BluesKajkatsrc, none , trance isn't music :)18:45
katsrcwish there was a preset18:45
BluesKajkatsrc, there eqs in the repos / package managers18:49
katsrcBluesKaj: are they for amarok?18:50
katsrcor general equalizers?18:50
katsrcBluesKaj: there was a good scrip for Amarok 118:52
BluesKajdepends on  what backend you use I dunno for sure since I don't use amarok , I use vlc as a backend in phonon.. I guess if I used the eq in vlc it should apply globally18:52
BluesKajmore and more ppl are dropping gstreamer and xine as their bottom line audio server, katsrc , since vlc is so verstile18:54
Peace-vlc rulez hi BluesKaj18:55
katsrcBluesKaj: VLC does this weird static thing during the intro of whatever i play on it18:55
katsrcbut that's really interesting18:55
katsrci'll check it out18:55
BluesKajkatsrc, do use pulseaudio ?19:00
katsrcBluesKaj: it's set to default19:00
katsrci use Xine with Phonon19:01
katsrcis Pulse default with Kubuntu 11.04?19:01
BluesKajkatsrc, yes19:02
=== skfin is now known as skFIN
woodzy_HELP! How do I download the source code to packages I've already downloaded?19:03
blip99hi, is there a way to bind the Meta/Win key to have it open up the "start menu" like it does on Windows ?19:05
katsrcBluesKaj: thanks, I played around with the VLC audio source and it fixed the issue19:07
BluesKajkatsrc, cool :)19:07
BluesKajblip99, the startmenu for window equivalent is the kmenu kicker in the plasma panel .19:08
blip99BluesKaj: yes kmenu, is there a command I can bind to open it the menu itself ?19:09
blip99BluesKaj: there is no 'kmenu' binary that I can run from command line19:09
woodzy_HELP! How do I download the source code to packages I've already downloaded?19:10
BluesKajblip99,sorry dunno19:13
BluesKajwoodzy_, follow the readme in the extracted application folder19:14
woodzy_ok thx blueskaj19:23
BluesKajppl forget about readmes , saves alot of googling19:24
Thinkerer68woodzy_: there is a source code repository you can enable in your package managaer19:44
junrreindoes someone know if kde 4.6.3 packages will be available por kubuntu 10.10?19:57
junrreinis someone there?19:59
junrreincan someone answer me a pair of questions?20:00
eMyllerhi all20:02
eMyllerwhy is natty so unstable on intel-based pcs? :(20:03
junrreini don't know, i was just about to ask if there are any issues upgrading to natty :P20:03
eMylleri really love it for bringing python 2.7, kde 4.6 and some new stuff in, but it's failing so much that i'm tempted to go back to maverick :\20:03
eMyllerjunrrein: if you're on a intel based chipset, don't, for the sake of your humor.20:04
eMyllerkded4 is freezing all the time, eating 30~50% of CPU20:04
junrreinthanks, i'll remember that. and i'm on an intel based chipset20:04
eMylleri have to kill it everytime, but then all the system gets 'desynced'20:04
junrreinhave you tried login in with another user?20:04
eMyllerjunrrein: yep20:05
eMyllerjunrrein: actually, i made a clean install, so i don't think that user stuff may cause problems20:05
junrreinactually, it was reported that in fresh installs, kde 4.6 could freeze like hell like you say, and it could be solved by creating another user and using it20:06
eMylleralso, i use a 3g connection as default; everytime i lose the conn, the system breaks up20:06
junrreinbut i don't think it's related with your problem then :/20:06
junrreinwhat a pain20:06
eMylleri'm forced to restart everything in order to get back to work :\20:06
eMyller(and it's freaking annoying)20:06
junrreinwhat a shame20:07
eMyllerhm, i'll try to create another user, anyway20:07
eMylleri've already done that, but i just imported the confs from another box20:07
eMylleri'll do it cleanly20:07
junrreinare you sure there isn't any PPA for python 2.7 for maverick?20:07
eMyllerjunrrein: even if there is one, using it may break everything up20:08
eMyllerbecause all the system depends on 2.6.*20:08
eMylleractually, i'm considering switching temporarily to gnome, because i need natty stuff :(20:08
eMyllerbut hell, i don't know what sucks more: gnome or broken kde20:09
junrreinthanks for the explanation, i didn't knew that20:09
junrreineMyller: is kde 4.6.3 going to be packaged for maverick?20:11
eMyllerjunrrein: undoubtly20:11
=== ubuntu is now known as kubuntuu
junrreini don't want to sound rude but are you sure or is it just your assumption?20:12
kubuntuuHI, I'd like to install the new kubuntu 11.04. I'm on a 10.10 now. If I install the 11.04, will grub always be there (to choose between windows and linux) ?20:13
eMyllerjunrrein: every new kde release will be backported until the support cycle ends.20:13
eMyllerkubuntuu: most likely20:13
junrreineMyller: ok, thank you20:13
eMyllerjunrrein: except if some very rare exception comes up20:14
junrreineMyller: one more question: when you tried the live cd, was it frozen like after the install?20:14
eMyllerjunrrein: i havent played much with the live cd20:14
eMylleri think i didn't give it opportunity to break20:15
junrreineMyller: hahaha thank you20:15
kubuntuueMyller: are you saying that If I delete the 10.10 and I install the 11.04 so grub screen boot will stay?20:15
eMyllerkubuntuu: it should be the default behavior of the installation20:16
junrreineMyller: i was trying chakra linux (pure kde) but firefox was very crashy on the live session :(20:16
eMyllerkubuntuu: i can't tell you it WILL happen because i'm not on a dual-boot box; but it must happen, at least.20:16
* eMyller doesn't use firefox anymore20:16
junrreineMyller: what do you use for browsing?20:17
kubuntuueMyller thanks a lot. I'm gonna install tha.20:17
eMyllerlol i was a mozilla dude and now i'm a chromium fan :P20:17
eMyllerkubuntuu: good luck. :)20:17
areichman+1 for chromium :-)20:18
junrreineMyller: i don't like the download manager in chromium :(20:18
junrreindoes anyone know of a good download manager for chromium?20:18
junrreinit's the only thing holding me from using it20:18
eMyllerit's just simple and works well; i'm not any fan of it too, tho20:19
eMyllerjunrrein: wget :P20:19
eMylleruse an external one20:19
eMyller[kget sucks]20:19
FloodBotK1eMyller: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:19
eMyllerlol i'm typing too fast. haha20:19
junrreineMyller: what a smartass :P is there something with a gui? :/20:20
eMyllerjunrrein: sure there is. i don't have a favorite, you better look at the repos20:20
eMyllerjunrrein: i used fatrat once; it's not kde-based, but is qt-based, at least.20:20
junrreineMyller: thank you, i'll try that :)20:21
junrreineMyller: i don't have any problem with gtk20:21
eMylleri do.20:21
eMyllerjust because it's ugly -- oxygen-gtk been saving that -- and because gtk apps tend to fill me home dir with conf files frenetically.20:22
junrreineMyller: i don't use oxygen, i use a pretty decent qtcurve style, so it looks pretty good in gtk too. I never had the problems you mention. What does that mean?20:23
eMyllerdo a ls -la in a fresh kde install. then do the same in a fresh gnome install.20:24
eMyller* ls -la ~20:24
eMyllerthen do it in your own install. couldn't that be cleaner?20:25
junrreini see what you mean. i'm starting to think you are bugged by everything :P but i understand your need for cleanness20:25
eMylleri'm just a perfectionist guy. :P20:26
eMyllerhey, check http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?action=printpage;topic=3116537.0 out20:27
junrreinhey thanks. i'll read that20:27
himany one there?20:38
Edward_Nigmame... but kinda busy20:39
Edward_Nigmai am trying to remember a name of a ubuntu app20:40
Edward_Nigmabut i'm not being sucesfull20:40
blazenaww. good luck20:40
=== cristian is now known as Guest63591
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meatmachineHey dudes and dudets. How's it hangin'?20:44
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Edward_Nigmai remembered20:51
Edward_Nigmafak that was hard .-.20:51
blazenand what name was it?20:52
Edward_Nigmaconky lol20:53
blazenlol :)20:53
Edward_Nigmamy mind made a huge confusion on names20:53
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blazenajaj.. me too21:03
woodzy_Thinkerer68: i have it enabled but how do i download after the fact?21:12
MaximLevitskycompiz in kde?21:12
MaximLevitskyin 11.4 it shows me 2 transparent windows near panels21:12
MaximLevitskyanybody have seen that?21:12
Thinkerer68woodzy_: same as any other package. look up the source you want in the package manager and select it for installation21:15
Thinkerer68woodzy_: TBH though, I've never actually tried this before. It only makes sense though, so call me stupid if it doesn't work  :P21:16
woodzy_i thought there was an easy way to download all the source code for the installed packages i already have. :)21:17
MaximLevitskyany ideas?21:17
BluesKajMaximLevitsky, if you have compiz /ccsm install it's rather redundant , if you have desktop effects enabled as well . To me compiz isn't necessary anymore21:20
BluesKajMaximLevitsky, hence you probly have compz and desktop effects running simultaneously21:21
MaximLevitskyBluesKaj: please stop trolling!21:21
erebusdo i install wine with sudo apt-get wine?21:21
BluesKajerebus, yes, or with kpackagekit21:23
erebusBluesKaj: any restricted extras package to get?\21:23
BluesKajkubuntu-restricrted-extras is usually recommended , for flash, java and multimedia codecs etc21:24
erebusBluesKaj: if i have it21:25
erebusit tells me right?21:25
BluesKajkubuntu-restricrted-extras contains flash, java and multimedia codecs etc21:26
BluesKajsorry i should have been more clear on that, erebus21:26
erebusBluesKaj: what is the package for libreoffice?21:26
BluesKajerebus, if you have it alrady , it wn't install21:27
BluesKajlibreoffice  is the pckage , erebus21:28
BluesKajMaximLevitsky, btw i wasn't trolling , some ppl aren't aware of the desktop effects in the newer releases, I had to mention it because i don't know what you know ..we're not mindreaders here21:31
MaximLevitskyBluesKaj: I though you say, stop using compiz, switch to kwin...21:32
MaximLevitskyif not, then sorry!21:32
MaximLevitskybtw kwin isn't bad at all, it just is too slow with nouveau21:32
MaximLevitskyI wanted to use compiz to see if it has the same problem21:33
MaximLevitskycompiz in gnome works superb21:33
BluesKajthat's just my personal prefernce , it's an example of uses and options available21:33
BluesKajnouveau ,,hmm thats; the default driver if you haven't chosen to to install the recommended one in additional drivers21:34
MaximLevitskyBluesKaj: I know it very well, and it works here very well21:35
MaximLevitskyin fact nvidia blob crashes kwin outright when I use the cube....21:35
m477i did upgarde ( 11.04 ) and unity crashed down and i dont have windows frame, what to return it?21:35
m477reboots dont help21:35
BluesKajMaximLevitsky, seems to me I've had this discussion about nvidia driver before ...not going there. too busy doing other stuff today21:39
BluesKajm477, ask in #ubuntu21:40
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erebusBluesKaj: how can i install disper package?22:00
dniMretsaMwut is a disper package?22:02
dniMretsaMcompile the source from the GZipped tarball?22:03
BluesKajnm , he left22:04
BluesKajdniMretsaM, I use unp decompress the file , then follow the readme to compile22:05
BluesKaj use unp to decompress22:05
dniMretsaMdoes anybody know how to have the taskbar items (what you would click on to maximize a window) in a panel only for the desktop that it's in?22:15
dniMretsaMI liked that when i used GNOME, but I can't figure out how to do that on KDE22:15
yofeldniMretsaM: in the task manager settings you can enable 'only show tasks from the current desktop'22:25
dniMretsaMyofel: thanks!22:26
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CammyHi, when I partitioned and formatted this drive, I made the Swap partition 2GB, put it at the start of the drive, but Kubuntu doesn't even use it22:50
CammyIs there a way to tell it where this swap partition is so I don't keep running out of RAM22:51
orys_hello ;-)22:58
orys_guys, I have problem with pulseaudio. I have two sound cards in my system and it puts the one I don't want on the top and the one I want on the bottom. I removed the one from BIOS, but it's still in pulseaudio (but grey) and he still puts it on front23:08
orys_I can't change it - my changes aren't saved. File rights problem? Where it saves it?23:08
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amichairis there a way to see a torrent's hash in ktorrent?23:10
coz_hey guys,, ok  switched to kde desktop,,,   apparenlty there is an issue with the plassma wiidget window ,, ghosting after its  closed,, an alt+F4   closes it but reappears on next login,, I am sure that will be fixed,, however,, since I am most likely going to move to kde permanently,,   with gnome3  caca  on it's way,, i do need to have a single wallpaper  across both monitors on this dual monitor set up23:11
coz_and this   has not been fixed  for about a year23:12
dniMretsaMamichair: not that I know ot. I use qBittorrent though, so I might be missing something23:15
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CammyHey guys, if you need some help with Kubuntu, I have found you may get more success if you ask in an Amiga OS channel rather than a Linux one23:27
CammyThose guys seem smarter and more friendly and willing to help anyway23:28
James147Cammy: are you insulting us?23:30
Thinkerer68Amiga OS  :P23:33
CammyNo, I'm telling the truth, take it how you want23:35
CammyAmiga OS guys seem a lot more open minded23:35
CammyThey've branched out beyond the big three23:35
CammyLike wise old nomads that wander the net, fixing things where they go23:36
Thinkerer68Cammy: Can I run Amiga OS on my A500 ?23:37
seidosAmiga OS isn't open sores23:38
BelialHi there, I currently have 10.04 Ubuntu installed, after looking at 11.04, seems I would like to shift to KDE. Is there a supported upgrade path from 10.04 Ubuntu to Kubuntu, or to keep things clean am I better off with a clean install and restoring data from backups?23:54
James147Belial: install kubuntu-desktop then:23:57
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »23:57
James147then upgrade as normal23:57
orys_Belial: from my experience, there is even not a working path from Kubuntu 10... to 11.. :D23:57
orys_o James, hi ;-)23:57
BelialThanks James147, obiously asked enough to ahve the bot pre-loaded, apologies :)23:57
James147Belial: though to upgrade from 10.04 to 11.04 you will ahve to upgrade to 10.10 first23:58
BelialJames147: Asking for more trouble than a clean install?23:58
* James147 notes that 11.04 is not an LTS23:58
James147Belial: that depends on how customised you have made your install23:59
James147Belial: you are able to keep /home intact if you reinstall and NO NOT format the drive with /home on23:59
James147(though always take backups of important stuff)23:59
James147so you dont ahve to lose user settings23:59

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