
gary_posterdanilos, if you are around, I'd like to chat about whether we can move ahead on the mute work without you.13:12
gary_posterbenji, gmb, skype in a sec13:31
gary_postergmb, almost ready.14:30
gmbgary_poster: Okay. I'm ready when you are.14:30
gmbgary_poster: Ah, I was wrong about the linter. It does pick up the PDB call; I just didn't spot it because there was a lot of other things wrong with the file I added it to :).16:00
gary_postergmb, lol, ok cool16:00
gmbMaybe it should flash it in red letters.16:00
benjigary_poster: you said that there was code that already does some sort of "you can contact this team by mailing their contact address" behavior; can you give me any more pointers to that?  I can't find it.16:15
gary_posterbenji, I don't know. :-)  Let me look; I know what I meant, but maybe I was mistaken...16:16
gary_posterbenji, search for "CONTACT_TEAMS" in lib/lp/bugs/javascript/subscription.js16:17
benjiah! thanks16:18
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=== Ursinha-ohnomnom is now known as Ursinha
benjigary_poster: I finally have everything coming together for my bug.  I like this version that doesn't use explanitory text but I'm afrade it will be too subtle: http://i.imgur.com/3XFjR.png19:14
benji(me realized Gary may be on a call)19:14
* gary_poster looks19:14
benjithe rain fritzes out my telepathy19:15
benjialso note that the text in the two boxes just below "Other subscriptions" could use more margin between the prose and the action.  If you agree, I'll fix that too.19:17
gary_postermost definitely, though I was wondering if there might be better solutions to that problem.  Considering...19:17
gary_posteryeah, ok I agree that more margin is sufficient for that problem.  Still considering other bits...19:19
gary_posterAfter consideration, I'm ok with not having explanatory text in the abstract, but there's a problem I would like to be solved.  One solution would be to add some explanatory text, but I can imagine another, and I expect there are yet more reasonable options.19:22
gary_posterThe problem is that the user should know what to ask the administrators to change.19:22
gary_posterIn this case, there are two options19:22
benjimm, good point19:22
gary_posterThe administrator could change the subscription19:23
gary_posteror the administrator could remove the contact address19:23
gary_posterThe other solution I can think of in the abstract is to pre-populate the email text to the administrators with the pertinent details.19:23
gary_posterThat would be a nice feature generally19:23
gary_posterBut that would either mean a new page19:24
gary_posteror it would mean passing arbitrary things in a query string19:24
gary_posterand having the mail page accept them to insert them as default19:24
gary_posterwhich inherently is not so bad IMO19:24
gary_posterbut is sometimes frowned upon19:24
gary_posteras I said, maybe there are other options19:25
benjiactually, that already works: https://launchpad.net/~benji/+contactuser?field.message=foo19:25
gary_postercan you submit the form too?19:25
gary_posternot that I want you to, mind you :-)19:26
gary_postermore from a "potentially security hole that I should probably not be amused about" perspective19:26
benjinope, I get a UnsafeFormGetSubmissionError19:27
benjibut we can include a subject too: https://launchpad.net/~benji/+contactuser?field.message=foo&field.subject=hi19:27
benjiso assuming acceptable text for subject and message, that option sounds good19:27
gary_posterok, cool19:30
gary_posterI'm +1 on that, myself19:30
gary_posterit seems like a reasonable compromise19:30
benjiI changed "Request administrators change" to "Request team administrators change" to be clear about which administrators we're talking about.19:31
gary_posterYeah I keep staring at that text19:31
gary_posterRequest change from team administrators?19:31
gary_posterfeels kind of hard to parse atm19:31
benjihmm, yeah "Request team administrators change" could mean that you want to provoke a regime change :)19:32
benji"Request team administrators change subscription"?  Getting long now, but it's the only thing on the line.19:32
gary_posterHonestly it is still hard for me to parse quickly19:34
gary_posterRequest that team adminstrators change the subscription19:35
gary_posterRequest team adminstrators change the subscription19:35
gary_posterRequest subscription changethat team adminstrators change the subscription19:35
gary_posterSorry that was supposed to be19:35
gary_posterRequest subscription change19:35
gary_posterRequest change to the subscription19:35
gary_posterI like that last one myself19:36
gary_posterWe don't have to mention the administrators here, I think19:36
gary_posterespecially with the prepopulated email19:36
benjiyep me too; and if they don't know who they're talking to they'll be able to look on the next page19:36
gary_poster(that will presumably mention the administrators19:36
benji"Request change to the subscription" it is.19:37
gary_postergreat.  looks good, thank you19:37
benjiToday's productivity brought to you by http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKJeLG8-M5I19:38
benjigary_poster: what did we want to do differently if the team contact is a mailing list and the user is subscribed to the mailing list?  Point them at the page where they can manage their subscription?19:40
gary_postermusic is cool19:40
benjisongs like that make me want to try building sampled tracks again; it feels like one of those "life's work" kind of things that we only have so much time for though19:42
gary_posteryeah that's fine.  My initial idea was that we could offer to unsubscribe them directly.  I have no idea how reasonable that is.  If we send them off to a page, we should make it clear what they need to do there (that is, which mailing list they need to unsubscribe from)19:42
benjisounds good19:42
benjihere's a first draft of the message: http://typewith.me/RfELh2ztbw I'm not real happy with it.20:50
benjioops, gary^20:51
gary_posterbenji, was getting kids from school. will read, then call you21:00
benjisounds good21:00
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk

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