
=== sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: wgrant | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
lifelesswgrant: hi, q above about upload tempfile handling00:38
wgrantAh, sure.00:39
wgrantAlthough the user has left.00:40
lifelesswgrant: still, I'd like to know if I had it right00:53
lifelessor if I need to hunt down said temp dir and get it nukified00:53
wgrantIt has just been nuked.00:53
wgrantI think they may be automatically pruned from germanium after not too long, but on cocoplum they stay around.00:53
lifelessgreat, thanks00:54
=== stub1 is now known as stub
jfiHello, about LP web api: date format is defined somewhere? Is it guaranted to be yyyy-mm-dd in all cases?07:56
wgrantjfi: It's just ISO8601.07:58
jfiwgrant, thanks!07:59
=== med_out is now known as med
=== med is now known as medberry
pfarrell_hi! my research group is using launchpad. a PhD student in the group has his own branch, and I'd like to do code review for him incrementally, but I don't want to wait until he proposes a merge before I can offer public comment via launchpad. I know you can review when they propose a merge: is there any way to review before that?08:10
spivpfarrell_: there are a few options08:12
spivpfarrell_: you can just look at the commits in their branch (launchpad provides a code browser for branches)08:12
spivpfarrell_: you could run e.g. "bzr merge --preview $their_branch" locally08:13
pfarrell_spiv: hi, thanks for the response08:13
spivpfarrell_: you could also make a merge proposal for their branch yourself08:13
pfarrell_spiv: yep, I can see their code08:13
pfarrell_but it is nowhere near ready for merging08:13
wgrantYou can keep a merge proposal set to "Work in progress"08:13
spivpfarrell_: there's a "Work in Progress" status, even.08:13
wgrantIt will show an updating diff, and you can comment on it.08:13
pfarrell_but I want to provide feedback before it is ready to merge08:13
pfarrell_hmm, that might work08:14
wgrantand then either create a new one or just set it to "Needs review" when it's ready for merging.08:14
spivWell, there's always direct email :)08:14
pfarrell_spiv: true, but I want it to be public08:14
pfarrell_it's just that making a merge request is a little unintuitive, because I don't want to merge his code, I want to review it08:14
pfarrell_but I see how that could work08:14
spivA w-i-p proposal is the way I'd do this.08:14
spivYeah, I can see how that feels a bit weird.  You could always ask them to make it :)08:15
pfarrell_ok, great, thanks for your help (and nice job)08:16
spivHopefully your student appreciates the value of regular feedback.  (If not, I'm sure it's just a matter of timeā€¦)08:16
cjohnstonjml: who was it that you said to talk to about user testing10:33
jmlcjohnston: mrevell10:38
mrevellHello cjohnston!10:39
cjohnstonhey mrevell10:42
cjohnstonWell... ^^ :-)10:42
cjohnstonI'm interested10:42
mrevellcjohnston, Excellent :) Are there any particular parts of LP that interest you? What do you use it for most?10:43
mrevellcjohnston, My power's about to go off for ten minutes10:45
cjohnstonbugs blueprint answers and interfacting my code with translations, but not actual translating10:46
krazykrivdaI am trying to install notifyosdconfig but I get FAILED TO FETCH the ppa i need, any suggestions?11:41
wgrantkrazykrivda: How did you add the PPA, and what's the error?11:43
krazykrivdabazhang: to be exact > sudo add-apt-repository ppa:amandeepgrewal/notifyosdconfig11:44
krazykrivdaoops ignor the bazhang***11:44
krazykrivdathen...  W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/amandeepgrewal/notifyosdconfig/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found (and a simialr like it11:44
wgrantSounds like that PPA doesn't support natty.11:44
krazykrivdasudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install notifyosdconfig (i missed that too)11:45
krazykrivdai've seen/heard of success on 11.0411:45
wgrantThat PPA only supports Karmic and Lucid.11:45
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krazykrivdawgrant: you still here I may have been disconnected11:47
krazykrivdawgrant: please see here > http://www.webupd8.org/2011/05/configurable-notifyosd-bubbles-for.html11:48
wgrantkrazykrivda: That says to use ppa:nilarimogard/webupd811:49
wgrantNot ppa:amandeepgrewal/notifyosdconfig11:49
krazykrivdaI am sending you wrong things left and right, I apologize11:49
jorgesuarez_I have some trouble activating my gpg key on launchpad11:50
jorgesuarez_can somebody help me? thanks11:50
wgrantjorgesuarez_: Hi. What's the issue?11:50
jorgesuarez_The confirmation message says "A message has been sent to yo@jorgesuar<snip>, encrypted with the key 2048R/E8963826."11:51
jorgesuarez_but when I paste the message into gpg --decrypt it says this11:51
jorgesuarez_gpg: encrypted with RSA key, ID FFB3E85411:51
jorgesuarez_gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available11:51
wgrantSounds like you added a key that you don't have on your system.11:52
jorgesuarez_but the message says clearly the key is E896382611:52
jorgesuarez_but the message seems to have been encrypted with some other key11:52
jorgesuarez_maybe i'm not decrypting it correctly11:53
krazykrivdawgrant: how can i remove the ppa:amandeepgrewal?  ppa-purge cannot remove11:53
wgrantkrazykrivda: Look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d. You should see a file containing those entries; delete it.11:54
wgrantjorgesuarez_: It's possibly giving the ID of one of the subkeys.11:54
wgrantjorgesuarez_: Which fingerprint did you add?11:54
jorgesuarez_E968 52B5 5ADD 6DE2 7A5F  90FB FD6F E0D0 E896 382611:55
wgrantYeah, FFB3E854 is a subkey on that key.11:55
wgrantAnd you don't have it on your system.11:55
wgrantgpg --list-secret-keys11:56
jorgesuarez_yes, you're right11:56
wgrantjorgesuarez_: So, for future reference, the main key ID is only used for signing. Encryption is done by a subkey, with a different ID.11:57
wgrantThis can be a little confusing :)11:57
jorgesuarez_aaah, ok right11:57
jorgesuarez_thanks to you i've found the issue11:57
jorgesuarez_i've been trying to decrypt it as root11:57
krazykrivdawgrant: all is looking well, thank you for your assistance11:58
wgrantkrazykrivda: Great.11:58
krazykrivdawgrant: now for the worst question yet, I can't figure out how to open it11:59
wgrantkrazykrivda: Tried running notifyosdconfig?12:00
krazykrivdaha.. yes12:00
wgrantdpkg -L notifyosdconfig | grep /usr/bin12:00
krazykrivdajust typing in > notifyosdconfig (in term)12:00
krazykrivdagot it thank you12:01
krazykrivda(for some reason the pkg is notifyconfig)12:01
jorgesuarez_I had two keys with the same name and e-mail, and debuild signed my package with the incorrect key12:20
jorgesuarez_to avoid problems I removed the unwanted key, and now debsign says that there's no key available12:20
jorgesuarez_maybe the key is cached somewhere and I need to clear the cache?12:22
jorgesuarez_ok, specifying the hey with the -k parameter seemed to solved it12:23
jorgesuarez_When I use dput, the orig file is not being uploaded to launchpad13:07
jorgesuarez_what can I do to fix that?13:08
tumbleweedjorgesuarez_: it's presumably not listed in your .changes file. You need to debuild with -sa to force the inclusion. (It normally tries to guess from the version number whether it's needed or not)13:08
jorgesuarez_tumbleweed: thank you, that's exactly what was happening and solved my problem =)13:10
=== med_out is now known as medberry
jcsackett https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: jcsackett | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/14:09
=== jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: jcsackett | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
jcsackett...and we're off to a good start witht that. :-p14:10
wgrantYay :)14:10
* wgrant is free.14:10
jcsackettwgrant: isn't wallyworld supposed to be covering the second half of your day?14:10
jcsackettoh, conference. nm.14:11
wgrantHe's somewhere between UDS and here.14:11
jcsacketti *guess* we can excuse him then. :-)14:11
cjohnstonmrevell: are you back online?14:30
mrevellcjohnston, Hey there. What sort of use do you normally make of LP?14:31
cjohnstonmrevell: I'm one of the developers for summit and loco directory... so bugs, blueprints, bzr, answers, translations... ummm what else really is there.. lol14:32
=== bigjools is now known as edbot
=== edbot is now known as bigjools
mrevell:) Cool. That's good to know. I'll put you on the list of people interested in taking part. I'll probably drop you a mail when I'm getting ready for the next round.14:33
cjohnstonok.. cool14:36
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=== medberry is now known as med_out
NCommanderok, I kmust be loosing my mind, but I can't figure out how to set priority/direction/status of an image15:08
* NCommander knows he has permissions for these specs15:11
NCommanderjcsackett: (these are the same specs from the other day, I just got sidetracked on following them up)15:11
jcsackettNCommander: were you able to edit those two fields on this spec before?15:15
NCommanderjcsackett: Never on these specs, but I can't even edit them on ones I've registered15:19
jcsackettNCommander: can you throw me a link to one of the one's you've registered?15:19
NCommanderjcsackett: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-o-arm-image-validation15:28
jcsackettNCommander: do you have no edit rights on this spec, or again just priority/status?15:31
jcsacketter, rather, again just not the priority/status.15:31
NCommanderjcsackett: just priority/status/direction is uneditable15:32
jcsackettso again, i think that's because you're not in the drivers list for the distribution or series listed as the target.15:34
NCommanderjcsackett: ah, didn't get that explination before, but that's annoying15:35
jcsackettNCommander: i may be wrong, i got that from reading through the security adapters for specs. there may be other factors. let me see if i can scare up someone more familiar with blueprints than me.15:36
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NCommanderjcsackett: thanks15:40
sinzuiI believe only the approver or a project driver/RM can change assignees15:53
* sinzui reads permission code15:53
jcsackettsinzui: i read through the code as well, and that was my conclusion. but i thought it was worth a second opinion.15:53
jcsackettNCommander, see sinzui's comments above. he's offered to double check if i'm crazy. :-)15:54
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=== ipad is now known as microcai
primes2hkiko: hello. I had a look at this bug #176558 and I wonder if it's possible to have (if any) a svg or whatever of those icons.16:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 176558 in Ubuntu QA Website "New icons required" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17655816:08
broderis there a way to encode in a recipe how to extract the version number from the upstream source?16:31
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-ohnomnom
maxbbroder: No, but it can be derived from the debian/changelog in the packaging branch if you like16:44
maxb{debupstream} will be replaced by the upstream portion of the version number taken from debian/changelog in the final tree.16:45
brodermaxb: right, i was hoping there was some way i could avoid having to update my packaging branch whenever the project in question rolls a new release16:48
maxbThat can get quite tricky in general. I think the only way recipes could reasonably implement that would be to execute a script in the assembled tree to generate the version16:49
brodersure, and i can imagine the sorts of issues that would come with that16:50
maxbOr possibly something based on bzr tags could be written16:50
maxb{lasttagonbzrmainlinematchingregex:bzr-.*} ? :-)16:50
broderthat might work for my case16:51
broderi have to look, though - the branch is a git import, and i think the project might use separate release branches that wouldn't be represented in the import of master16:51
=== Ursinha-ohnomnom is now known as Ursinha
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
sinzui/topichttps://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: sinzui | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged:  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/18:59
=== sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: sinzui | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
* jdobrien will brb, needs to repartition19:38
rieshey guys, I need to delete a just created project, where do I got to do this?21:02
PresenceWhat method did you guys use to solder the Header pins?  Just push through-hole and solder with whatever?21:52
maxbPresence: I think you're in the wrong channel - this channel concerns the software and website of launchpad.net - no soldering involved :-)22:02
Presencesorry guys22:11
jcsacketti've been wondering when we were going to see questions like that, given TI's new launchpad board.22:13
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contacts: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/

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