
=== Nolar_ is now known as Nolar
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juergenchiuhi, does anybody can help to solve my problem here?13:08
juergenchiuI have a UEC environment with 1 CLC and 1 node with UEC 10.1013:09
juergenchiuI used Managed-NOVLAN mode before, but right now I need to change it to "SYSTEM" mode13:09
juergenchiuthen I modify the "/etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf" file in CLC and node side (follow the eucabook network section), and reboot13:10
juergenchiubut when my instance reboot, the ip address still used the virtual IP address, I can't get the DHCP server ip address13:11
juergenchiuexcept the /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf file, is there anything I need to take care?13:12
juergenchiuthanks in any comment13:12
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
TeTeTjuergenchiu: sudo restart eucalyptus CLEAN=1 on the node and the front-end14:00
juergenchiuTeTeT, I did it14:03
TeTeTjuergenchiu: with CLEAN=1 ?14:03
juergenchiuTeTeT, but do you mean even reboot, the eucalyptus will keep the original config?14:04
TeTeTjuergenchiu: yes, it does14:04
juergenchiuTeTeT, I did "restart eucalyptus-cc CLEAN=1"14:04
juergenchiuTeTeT, is that correct?>14:04
juergenchiuTeTeT, oh....sorry...you mean I need to restart "eucalyptus" , not "eucalyptus-cc"......right?14:05
TeTeTjuergenchiu: yes, but you need to restart the nc as well14:05
TeTeTjuergenchiu: yeah, I usually restart eucalyptus, not eucalyptus-cc. And on the NC eucalyptus-nc14:06
juergenchiuTeTeT, ok, I got it14:06
juergenchiuTeTeT, maybe that's the point14:06
juergenchiuTeTeT, btw, do you have experience on running windows instance?14:06
TeTeTjuergenchiu: nope14:07
juergenchiuTeTeT, ok.....thanks  :)14:07
TeTeTjuergenchiu: good luck with that!14:07
juergenchiuTeTeT, :)14:15
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== godber_ is now known as godber
=== godber_ is now known as godber
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== mrjazzcat is now known as mrjazzcat-lunch
=== daker is now known as daker_
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Kyle__Why would an image be stuck in "pending" for over an hour20:12
=== mrjazzcat-lunch is now known as mrjazzcat
=== mrjazzcat is now known as mrjazzcat-afk

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