
kiwinotealex3f: just fyi there's a s-c session at uds starting shortly in #ubuntu-uds-dery. There's also a live audio stream. More info at http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/remote/08:03
alex3fkiwinote: thank you08:03
cyphermoxricotz: I don´t think I got your message, whatever it was ;)08:27
ricotzcyphermox, hi, it was a pm, let me send it again08:29
pittiCimi: you need to put it in oneiric either way11:12
pittiCimi: for the rest I think I need to look at the bug first11:12
Us3r_Unfriendlyhi ya guys11:14
Us3r_Unfriendlyno ones awake here either?11:15
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/gmail-conversation-view/11:20
chrisccoulsonthat's pretty cool11:20
chrisccoulsonit's something else that the mozilla guys are working on ;)11:21
seb128chrisccoulson, stop trying to sell your crack there ;-)11:24
* kenvandine tries11:24
kenvandineseb128, chrisccoulson: if we get tbird by default we should look at disabling the message syncing by default11:24
kenvandinethat can be huge...11:24
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, i will talk to them about that11:25
seb128kenvandine, the message syncing?11:25
kenvandineby default it downloads all your messages11:25
kenvandinein all your folders11:25
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, it would probably be better to limit it to the last 100 messages or something11:25
seb128kenvandine, like the content?11:25
chrisccoulsonlike on my cell phone ;)11:26
seb128that's mad11:26
kenvandinei have nearly 8G in my gmail...11:26
kenvandinechrisccoulson, i really prefer the lazy method that evo uses11:26
kenvandineit works very well11:26
seb128the download all messages works fine when you get a small inbox11:27
ricotzseb128, hello11:27
seb128hi ricotz11:28
ricotzseb128, is there a nice package list for gnome and its close dependencies?11:28
seb128ricotz, check the jhbuild components list upstream maybe?11:29
seb128ricotz, what are you trying to do or get?11:29
ricotzhmm, that might work11:29
ricotzi just want to have an overview of its deps11:29
ricotzto know which package might need to be synced to natty if there are dependency bumps11:30
fredpricotz: quick jhbuild hack, http://paste.debian.net/116845/11:37
ricotzfredp, thanks!11:38
ricotzfredp, which jhbuild module is this from?11:39
fredpricotz: basically it is jhbuild -m gnome-apps-3.0 list -r and a hack to only get modules from suite-core-deps11:40
bigonsomething has been decided for gnome-shell in oneiric?12:53
jbichabigon: what's your question?13:04
bigonjbicha: I was asking about the inclusion13:06
jbichabigon: Gnome Shell won't be on the CD but it will be in the repositories, I think in main13:07
bigonjbicha: alright thx13:08
robert_ancellRiddell, no kubuntu LightDM session?14:03
Amaranthwow, perfect timing didrocks :)15:37
didrocksAmaranth: hum? ;)15:37
Amaranthdidrocks: want to get http://git.compiz.org/compiz/plugins/wall/commit/?id=bff12446188ea4d56b8e14f1f649c9a544c009fa in oneiric ASAP so we can get it SRU'ed15:37
Amaranthsmspillaz suggested I talk to you rather than push to bzr, upload, and file an SRU bug :)15:38
didrocksAmaranth: we have other SRU to upload, can that wait on Monday?15:38
didrocks(compiz SRU I mean)15:38
didrocksAmaranth: can you add patch/bzr push ?15:38
didrocksAmaranth: and of course, do the SRU paperwork :)15:39
Amaranthheh, sure15:39
didrocksAmaranth: oh that one (slow internet connexionĂ 15:39
didrocksAmaranth: I already discussed with the SRU team about that one15:40
AmaranthYeah, I keep almost disconnecting from IRC15:40
didrocksAmaranth: it's a "UI change" not sure we can SRU it15:40
didrockswell UI/experience change15:40
didrocksbut I agree definitively for oneiric :)15:40
Amaranthdidrocks: Yes but I heard that was when everyone thought it would need some new feature added to the code so I was hoping we could try since it's so simple15:40
didrocksAmaranth: let me check with pitti before you bzr push, ok? (there is a recent compiz bug about it IIRC)15:41
Amaranthwas just looking for a bug to attach this to actually15:41
TommehHas anyone seen behaviour such as this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wine/+bug/757331 ?16:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 757331 in wine "Display freeze randomly when using Unity desktop (particularly with Windows apps run using wine)" [Undecided,Fix committed]16:22
TommehIt's the exact same behaviour for me, although I haven't touched Wine for ages.16:22
TommehAnd I can't reproduce it -- it's absolutely random16:22
TommehNo pattern to the freezing. Although Spotify (linux ver.) is still playing music in the background, the mouse cursor is still moving -- the desktop is just locked to any interaction.16:23
TommehI can switch to a terminal and restart GDM, which solves it.. That's all I've found to fix it thus far (which is frustrating given that all my apps need reloading)16:23
TommehTo clarify, this only happens in Unity, not Gnome Shell16:24
Tommeh(And yes, I have the gnome3/xorg-edgers PPAs installed. Which could well be related.)16:24
bassoeverything works nice again! :D22:34
johnhamelinkHi, is this a good place to work about gnome-3?22:34
bassoyeah sure22:35
bassoeither here or in the gnome-shell channel in irc.gnome.org22:35
bassodepends on the question22:35
johnhamelinkI installed gnome-3 from the PPA, but I have artifacts on the bar on the top of the screen, as well as when any kind of animation is triggered22:35
johnhamelinkI followed the install guide on askubuntu.com22:36
bassowhat gfx card and what driver?22:36
johnhamelinklspci says I'm using a "01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M880G [Mobility Radeon HD 4200]"22:36
johnhamelinkHow do I detect which driver is enabled?22:36
bassouhhh ati :D22:36
bassousualy at "Hardware Drivers"22:37
johnhamelinkWhere, sorry?22:37
bassoah wops22:37
bassothe program is called "Additional Drivers"22:38
bassothere you can install and uninstall drivers that are avalible at ubuntus repos22:38
johnhamelinkYeah, the official drivers are installed and enabled22:38
bassoand you have artifacts problems?22:39
johnhamelinkYes, and I can't take a picture of exactly what I see, either22:39
bassoso a screen shot wont capture it.. hmm22:40
johnhamelinkIt does, it's just different22:40
bassowell, you can try to install the newest drivers from a ppa22:40
bassoxorg something22:40
* basso starts googleing22:40
johnhamelinkThanks basso :)22:40
bassoyou have the nice gang here https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates22:40
bassoi used them before for nvidia drivers22:41
johnhamelinkOk, I'll try that :)22:41
johnhamelinkHere's a pic, by the way22:41
johnhamelinkAs I said, it's not exactly what I see22:41
bassoyou might want to find a guide for installing on that ppa22:42
johnhamelinkI've just done an upgrade22:42
bassocan you try to restart gnome shell22:42
johnhamelinkthat should work22:42
bassoby running alt+f2 and typing r22:42
johnhamelinkHmm, interesting22:43
bassowhat did happen?22:43
johnhamelinkit looks better now, but the icons are still muddled22:43
bassowell maybe a driver update might help22:44
johnhamelinkand the artifacts are gone when animating22:44
johnhamelinkAwesome, I'll let you know how it goes :)22:44
bassowell its atleast an improvement22:44
johnhamelinkyeah :)22:44
bassoyeah you just drop inn here after your done, ill be sticking around for a while^^22:44
johnhamelinkAwesome, cheers :)22:44
johnhamelinkok, brb :)22:45
bassomy fear is, after the driver update, we will never see him again :O22:47
bassoIt has begun22:50
zniavrei reinstalled the whole system yesterday cause gnome3/shell unsuccessfull test22:53
bassowhat happened?22:54
bassowhat was the problem?22:54
zniavrei think my hardware is too old (nvidia/nouveau were slow )22:55
bassoi use the propiatierearyea drivers22:55
bassoon the 960022:55
bassoand yes22:55
bassognome shell gets slow sometimes on nviida22:55
zniavreho ?22:56
bassothat is because when using the proproerieyat drivers (cant spell it), nvidia has a nice feature to clock down the card dynamicly22:56
bassoand when gnome shell was slow, the card was clocked to a minimum22:56
johnhamelinkHi again22:56
bassoso natrualy i put it on maximum performance22:57
bassoHello hello johnhamelink22:57
bassoso did you survive?22:57
johnhamelinkYeah, no luck22:57
zniavrebasso i did not know this point , any idea how to workaround this point ?22:57
johnhamelinkI survived, but no progress, unfortunately =22:57
bassozniavre: but how slow was it?, what gfx card and what drivers?22:57
bassojohnhamelink: aw thats bad :(22:57
bassojohnhamelink: last time i check the gnome shell bugtracker, there were alot related to gfx, so it might be fixed in the future22:58
zniavregfx is fx5500 with 173.14.30 nvidia (repos and binary) and nouveau  the lag was like one minute between clic and action22:58
bassoawww.. the fx5500 is indeed an old card22:59
bassoand i dont think its supported anymore by nvidia.. i think22:59
johnhamelinkOk thanks basso, I guess I'll have to wait it out :)22:59
zniavrethey supply driver (at least to e compiled with recent kernel)23:00
bassozniavre: yes i see that now at their site23:00
bassojohnhamelink: hehe yes :)23:01
zniavrethis card can't run unity  :o(  i have the feeling new interfaces must be on recent hardwares23:01
bassozniavre: there are always alternatives, but i know how you feel, got sad myself when my old cards didnt really like new fancy 3d drivers desktops :323:02
bassozniavre: well you do have unity 2d avalible at the repos23:03
zniavrei stick with gnome until they will upgrade to gnome3 and then maybe switch to xfce23:03
zniavreunity2d is not the experience like unity23:03
bassozniavre: but its 2d, and a dock and the universal-gnome-panel-thingi :)23:04
bassobut gnome shell eats ram23:05
zniavrethat s true but unity is much better23:05
bassoi beg to differ23:05
bassothe desktop experience unity, which uses compiz, a compiz-plugin dock called unity, and a modified gnome panel isnt that good, and i cant handle compiz because of vertical tearing and performance23:06
bassowith mutter in gnome shell, i dont have any vertical tearing what so ever, i pooped myself when i found out :O23:07
bassoand the workflow is so much better23:07
bassoi finaly now can have the ugliest clutter of windows and programs, and can manage it like a wizard eating brownies23:08
zniavrehow did you do with this gfx clocked ?23:08
johnhamelinkI think gnome-shell is nicer from a UX perspective23:08
bassoits in the nvidia x server settings23:08
bassoand in powermizer23:09
zniavreok i ll check this23:09
bassojohnhamelink: UX perspective?23:09
zniavrethank you23:09
bassozniavre: no problemo :)23:09
johnhamelinkbasso, yeah the user experience on gnome-shell is nicer in my opinion23:09
bassoah yes23:10
bassothat is true23:10
bassobut the biggest challenge, is getting a child to use it23:10
bassoi want to see how children react to it :O23:10
bassoi remember when i used my first computer23:11
basso166mhz, 16mb ram Windows 95 best of doom23:11
bassoi thought the dos prompt was a text editor23:11
bassoand now my main computer is a macbook pro with ubuntu and gnome 323:12
bassoand no, i dont recommend running gnome 3 on your main computer xD23:12
johnhamelinkI'm on a shitty toshiba, and this is my main computer right now :P23:12
bassothe computer running this stream http://www.ustream.tv/channel/narvik-studentradio is a P3 running lubuntu23:13
johnhamelinknice :P23:13
bassothats so nice about GNU/Linux, there is something for everything, no matter how crappy the hardware23:14
bassoi just found the best wallpaper in the world23:17
bassoand i cant get it out :O23:19

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