
j1mchey all02:00
Captainkrtekhey j1mc02:11
j1mchey Captainkrtek02:16
Captainkrtekhow are you?02:17
j1mci am well02:20
j1mci went to bed really early, and woke up way beyond really early02:20
j1mcit's 3:20am here02:20
Captainkrtekoh wow02:20
Captainkrtekwhere are you located?02:20
j1mci'm in budapest for uds02:21
Captainkrtekoh nice! :D02:21
Captainkrtekwish I could be there02:21
j1mci wish more docs people were here, too.02:22
j1mcmaybe next time02:22
CaptainkrtekI will be at the next one in Florida02:22
j1mccool! do you live in florida?02:24
CaptainkrtekI live in Seattle02:24
Captainkrtekbut I can fly anywhere in the world for free :)02:24
CaptainkrtekI can also fly friends, maybe I could fly out a doc member some time02:26
j1mcwhy can you fly anywhere for free?02:27
Captainkrtekfamily member is a pilot02:27
Captainkrtekgreat deals :D02:27
j1mccool. :)02:29
Captainkrtekhows UDS?02:29
andrejzhello! i have a question about natty documentation09:44
andrejzi am wondering if this teplate is being used09:45
andrejzif that is not the case i would disable it, so translators don't waste resources on the wrong template09:49
andrejzhello, is anyone from the doc team here, i would like to report a bug in natty documentation12:23
andrejzIn the .pot template there is a string - In many apps, you can increase the text size at any time by pressing <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>+</key></keyseq>. To reduce the text size, press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>+</key></keyseq>.12:24
andrejzProbably there ought to me - the second time instead of +12:24
MrChrisDruifandrejz; Yes, I would think so :)12:28
MrChrisDruifCtrl + + or Ctrl + +...not much difference :P12:28
andrejzshould i also report it on launchpad or is this enought12:28
MrChrisDruifandrejz; Might be better to put it on launchpad, I don't know who's active who can change it...12:29
andrejzok, sure12:29

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