
_mup_Bug #781955 was filed: Must use host SSH key and enforce it at client side <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/781955 >00:45
hazmatniemeyer, g'morning08:28
hazmatniemeyer, sleep any better?08:28
niemeyerhazmat: Not really08:29
niemeyerhazmat: jimbaker was boiling a little of water in the room at 6AM08:29
niemeyerhazmat: and went to sleep late yesterday fixing a small issue in ensemble08:29
niemeyerhazmat: Want to talk about it later08:29
hazmatniemeyer, cool, i saw the bug report go by... i'm discussing with ben if he'd be interested in doing the talk this afternoon.08:30
hazmatdid up some slides... but realized there perhaps too much detail.. for the amount of time08:30
hazmatand audience08:30
niemeyerhazmat: Well, make sure you keep them for later08:31
hazmatniemeyer, definitely08:31
niemeyerhazmat: and it should be easy to shrink it to keep the fundamental points we want to pass08:31
hazmatniemeyer, i was talking to ben about the slides notes i sent you yesterday.. details like private communication channels for relations might be a bit extraneous.. to a larger audience08:33
niemeyerhazmat: Agreed08:33
niemeyerhazmat: We should probably highlight the usage feature aspects, with simplistic hints about what's behind the scenes08:33
hazmatniemeyer, sounds good08:36
hazmatniemeyer, re kanban, i've got changes that are 23hrs old that aren't reflected on the site.. a lot of the utility we deriving from using it actively is based on it frequently updating. not sure if its a cron schedule or job issue.08:51
niemeyerhazmat: That's actually my fault08:51
niemeyerhazmat: Paul asked me to confirm it was alright, and I forgot to answer "yes" simply08:52
niemeyerhazmat: Doing that now08:52
hazmatniemeyer, great.. also found this nice pimp your vim article.. http://sontek.net/turning-vim-into-a-modern-python-ide08:53
hazmatniemeyer, bcsaller, jimbaker there's an ensemble talk scheduled for right now09:02
* hazmat starts moving09:02
_mup_Bug #782091 was filed: ensemble bootstrap should inform when deploying a branch <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/782091 >10:41
_mup_Bug #782235 was filed: debug hooks windows should use the formula dir as the CWD <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/782235 >15:31

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