
ghantoosArmageddon: just saw your messages :)09:26
ghantoosArmageddon: rawa2, i'll be moving to Canada very soon09:27
Armageddonreally ?09:27
Armageddoncome visit :d09:27
ghantoosArmageddon: ba2a, raked raked nowadays..09:27
ArmageddonI have a question09:30
Armageddonany idea how to enable arabic support in gnome-terminal ?09:30
ghantoosnot sure, but this might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145124109:31
Armageddonnot on Ubuntu ! :p09:32
ghantoosaha on what?09:32
Armageddonany linux distro09:32
Armageddona random one09:33
ghantoosdabbir rasak! :)09:36
Armageddonok :(09:36
Armageddonit's not funny09:43
ArmageddonI see arabic from ltr09:43

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