
dewmanJosX, did you check out that link?01:43
dewmanJosX, for the old firewire stack       -----> lsmod | grep 139401:45
dewmanJosX, for the new firewire stack       -----> lsmod | grep firewire01:45
rileypPartition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary how to fix13:16
patdk-lapwhy bother to *fix* it?13:19
patdk-lapthe cylinders it uses doesn't match the disk anyways13:20
rileypthnask pat I googled and know it not to woory abot13:27
rileypext4_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode  is naother error I get in dmesg13:35
rileypis 11.04 ok for a mythbuntu back end or is it unstable14:45
mycosysshould be fine i believe14:47
mycosysbut i am sticking with 10.0414:47
mycosysLTS all the way for me, unless there is some compelling reason otherwise14:48
mycosysonly went to jaunty cos i wanted vdpau and 8.04 couldnt support 0.2214:48
rileyphmm ok  I must admit I have no issues with lucid14:49
rileypext4_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode a person over on www.pcmediacenter.com.au is having issues with  is fsck the only thing one can do to hopefully resolve14:51
rileypHes just done a clean install and he is gettinh that in dmesg14:51
mycosysrileyp - was such a hassle updating 9.04 to 10.04, because 9.04 support has ended15:22
mycosysif i stay with 10.04 there will be myth released for it until 12.04 comes out, and i will be able to upgrade to 12.04 direct15:24
mycosysdo go from 11.04 to 12.04 you will need to go thru 11.1015:24

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