
ojwbmore nasty than natty I feel00:04
ojwbhmm, and rebooting, I no longer have access to the launcher thing for some reason03:15
ojwbso I can't run any programs03:15
ibeardsleeojwb: does ctrl+alt+t start a terminal?04:10
ojwbit didn't seem to04:20
ojwbbut I've figured out the issue04:20
ojwbwhile arguing with the monitor resolution, I'd left the laptop internal screen on04:21
ojwbso the dock thing was appearing there04:21
ojwbas was the terminal opened by ctrl+alt+T04:21
ojwbso that's fixed, but I still haven't managed to get the external display at the full res04:22
ojwbit's a cheap lcd tv, so I can believe it's reporting duff info04:22
ojwbbut it worked in maverick04:22
=== Moriarty is now known as Guest87372
=== Guest87372 is now known as Moriartynz
Moriartynzgood afternoon people05:07
MoriartynzI am a sort-of begiiner at linux/ubuntu, I did have flirts with it with various incarnations, and right up until 110.04, my eyetoy worked perfectly on Skype. Now?  hmmmm05:08
ajmitchMoriartynz: I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to use, but there are usefulsupport sites like askubuntu.com if there's noone who could help here05:13
Moriartynzaj, I have a sony eyetoy, comes with a PS3 usually, I used it as the video/,icrophone etc in Windows, Ubunto series all the way up 10 10.10 fine, now....05:16
Moriartynzthe 110.4 upgrade and I have the Black screen of death. Works fine in cheese and  Empathy05:17
Moriartynz11.04 upgrade. GRRR   fat finger syndrome05:18
ojwbMoriartynz: I suspect eyetoy + skype + 11.04 just isn't a common enough combination that you're likely to find someone here who knows05:43
Moriartynzthanks. I will have to try further feild then05:44
ibeardsleenot used an eyetoy myself .. or even video via skype05:44
MoriartynzI have had the eyetoy for some years now, and it worked "out of the box" with all ubuntu vers from 7 onwards includes 10.10  and all vers windows.05:47
Moriartynzhate to just bin it because it wont YET work with 11.0405:47
ojwbit's interesting that it works in other applications05:47
ojwbif I understood you05:47
ibeardsleeif it is working with cheese and empathy .. it may be a setting in skype you need to adjust05:47
ojwbthat means it's not simply bad drivers05:48
ibeardsleewill be a setting in skype05:48
ojwbor some annoying incompatibility between skype and something05:48
Moriartynzreseach points to skype settings needful of change, but I cannot find the xml file spoken of05:52
ibeardsleein Skype's >> Options >> Video Devices  what are your choices05:54
Moriartynzlooking brbr05:55
Moriartynzbear in mind that I am still much of a beginner with linux, file locations dont share my mental pictures!!   LOL05:57
Moriartynzhmmmmm    its take two weeks but SUCCESS06:07
MoriartynzLD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype   seems to do it, so I now have to work out HOW to fit that into library or as command the invokes skyp06:08
MoriartynzI have found  " v4/1compat.so" in the usr/lib directory, and it has a  yellow circle with a blacky wriggly line thru it, this denotes WHAT? and how to i fix that file?06:12
MoriartynzYES!!!!!   created a doc with "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype " as a single line entry and saved it as "skype chat"06:37
Moriartynzcreated a new launcher and browsed to the file mentioned as the command and the NAME as skype chat. and TYPE as 'application"06:37
Moriartynzsaved it all off.06:37
Moriartynzany wellintonians here?06:40
ibeardsleeMoriartynz: Yes07:02
ojwbhe/she waited a whole minute for a response...07:12
ojwbmorning (I guess you'd call it)20:27

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