
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from cordoval)01:21
IdleOneheya rww02:31
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (cordoval_ appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)03:38
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from cordoval)06:03
bazhang+b and +q06:43
IdleOneI removed the +q he has been warned about raging like that before06:43
bazhanghe was warned this time as well, and just kept going.06:43
ohsixhi, what was the point of that06:44
bazhangattitude and language, ignoring warnings to stop06:44
ohsixi think you're out of line kicking people in at least this instance, and not just because it pissed me off and messed up my irc client window order06:45
ohsixhe was doing something that was at best useless, and at worst harmful06:46
bazhangthere's no karma system.06:46
ohsixthen i think i'll afford you the same :]06:46
bazhangmocking people, and going on after warnings to stop is not OK.06:46
IdleOneohsix: I think it best you take at least a few hours break from #ubuntu.06:46
ohsixi wasn't mocking anyone, he was06:46
bazhangyou were both asked to stop. both continued, both removed.06:47
IdleOneohsix: and we saw what he was doing, when you saw us get involved it was a hint for you to stop.06:47
ohsixi'm not going to get into he said she said, you can read the buffer yourself, i'm sure you're more capable than you appear06:47
bazhangno need.06:47
bazhangI was watching it live.06:47
ohsixcomprehension is lacking06:47
IdleOneimplied insults, nice06:47
IdleOnetake 48 hours off06:47
bazhangyour attitude is not going to get the ban lifted any time soon06:47
ohsixi'm of the opinion that you're worse off for having kicked me in the first place, not me06:48
IdleOnenot for at least 48 hours.06:48
ohsixi'll relish the opportunity to not be kicked again for 48 hours at least06:48
ohsixi respect what people  have to say but you just kicked me immediately06:48
IdleOneohsix: we are done here until then. Please part the channel and we will see you in 2 days if you are willing.06:48
ohsixbazhang: completely uncalled for; i hope you respect my input as much as i respect the time i have to take out for airing it06:49
bazhangthat seems offensive07:19
bazhangno response via PM ^07:23
bazhangfatherbadtouch logged off07:28
bazhang<seekngowledge1> seems to be unclear, or just spreading bad info10:46
bazhangis lars rebanned?11:20
bazhangrecompiling grub2 so as to get a higher number in the titlebar? that seems awfully silly12:03
bazhangis that even supported?12:07
popeyOCD to the maximum.12:32
popeywell, OCD 2.012:32
bazhangabbcc? or the dell guy in -ot12:32
LjL@mark #ubuntu-offtopic seekngowledge1 ignores language warnings and is generally annoying and insulting people12:35
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:35
bazhangwell dell is not actually an insult12:35
LjLbazhang: don't contradict me you dell12:38
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (brad_)17:39
IdleOneok, maybe not an emergency but his attitude is quickly shifting to a possible emergency situation17:40
Tm_Tbah, bad attitude enough to have some heavy nudging17:41
IdleOneyup. thanks.17:41
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (webad_13 appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)18:04
eosshello, can i be unbanned from #ubuntu now18:13
eossits passed 72 hours18:13
IdleOneeoss: Do you know why you were banned?18:14
eossyes, i pretended to be black and i was cursing and calling people racist and i said i would contact the NAACP18:15
IdleOneDo you understand that the cursing and calling people names is not acceptable in any Ubuntu channels?18:16
eossyes, it won't happen again18:16
IdleOnePlease have a read18:16
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:16
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .18:16
IdleOnelet me know when you are done reading the info on those links.18:16
eossIdleOne: finished18:20
IdleOneAny questions?18:20
IdleOneok, I will remove the ban but please understand that next time it will be much harder to have the ban removed.18:21
IdleOneyou can join #ubuntu now. have a good day.18:21
bazhangtriple invite to #ubuntu21:56
LjLah yes all bots being opped now causes that21:57
LjLis it quite an issue?21:57
bazhanghah no21:58
bazhangI'd not have noticed, were I not in the /notice window , either21:59
bazhang[Dr_Heckle] (~Moo@ Perth Imrich   <-- wall o' text about Plop22:01
bazhangis goxx making sense, or do I need more coffee22:20

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