
=== jasonb_ is now known as jasonb
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kellnolahaving a bizarre problem here ... I have a server I can ssh into, guest virtual machines running on it work fine, but the server can't initiate any sort of network traffic or even open a socket, not even ping anything. There aren't any firewall rules at all and apparmor is off ...03:10
kellnolaa ping just recieves03:11
kellnola"EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)"03:11
njbairsince my upgrade to natty, my development server no longer displays PHP error messages.03:12
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toddnineHi guys.  is there a command to list all currently installed ppa sources?04:24
toddnineI need to see if one is present via grep in an automated script04:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #781982 in mysql-5.1 (main) "Format string bug in mysqldumpslow" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78198204:26
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uvirtbotNew bug: #781985 in mysql-5.1 (main) "Format string bugs in mysqlhotcopy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78198504:32
lifesfHi, my ubuntu natty server works then cannot access, then can access then cannot.......................04:54
arlesliesperatic network card?04:55
lifesfusing a wireless dlink04:55
lifesfit does not require much traffis04:55
arlesliehow good?04:56
lifesfit connects fine04:56
arlesliejust because it connects doesn't mean it has good enough signal04:56
lifesfumm.. is there a way to view the signal strenght on the server through terminal?04:56
arleslieiwconfig might show it04:56
lifesfwell.. all my pcs from where i am have a rather good signal04:56
arleslieI would recommend just running a line to the server04:56
arleslieeither way I g2g, good luck04:57
lifesfimpossible at the moment04:57
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lifesfoh ok but thanx04:57
lifesfdoes anyone else know how to fix this issue? sometimes can connect sometimes cannot,... and from memory,.. when it was still hooked up right after install,... it still did taht04:57
lifesfi thought it was because it would go in sleep mode which is completely absurd04:58
lifesfand it always states being connected05:05
lifesfin all times05:05
Juv1228toddnine, you could just read out /etc/apt/sources.list and parse for it there05:14
toddnineThanks JUv1228.  I was able to check for the existence of the file in /etc/apt/sources.d05:15
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RoAkSoAxkoolhead11: yes?08:33
koolhead11were you supposed to put cobbler community documentation ?08:34
RoAkSoAxkoolhead11: help.ubuntu.com/community/Cobbler08:34
koolhead11RoAkSoAx, kool :)08:34
w00That doc works wonders, god it working from first try pretty quick08:39
w00Never touched cobbler before :)08:39
twbIs cobbler one of those puppet clones?08:54
twbAh, not quite.08:54
twbMore like di-netboot-assistant or FAI08:54
twb(only shit)08:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #780486 in ubuntu-cdimage "rename Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud to Ubuntu Cloud" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78048608:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #782052 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.2-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: 子进程 已安装 post-installation 脚本 返回了错误号 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78205209:01
twbWhy is plymouth still loading when "splash" is not in grub's cmdline on my lucid VM?09:02
twbAlso, what is the option to blacklist vga16fb?09:03
* twb tries nomodeset09:03
twbNope, that's not it.09:04
shirgalltwb I just put it in the /etc/modprobe.d09:06
shirgalltwb: in fact, blacklist-framebuffer.conf in there should already have it09:07
twbshirgall: what, "blacklist vga16fb" or "install vga16fb /bin/false" ?09:07
twbshirgall: no, vga16fb is the one ubuntu *wants* me to load; they leave it in by default because they hate me09:07
twbshirgall: they only default to blacklisting stuff that breaks non-free nvidia and ati drivers09:07
shirgalltwb: ah, I generally force vesafb instead09:07
twbshirgall: see, I don't want *any* framebuffer09:08
twbIt breaks kvm -curses09:08
shirgallunderstood, you can certain uncomment vesafb in that file too09:08
twbUgh: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top/blacklist09:08
twbOK, "blacklist vga16fb" appeared to work.09:10
twbWTF is ntfs-3g doing in the ubuntu ramdisk?09:26
twbLike, just because ubuntu-standard recommends people have NTFS support, they need it *to boot*?09:27
koolhead11RoAkSoAx, shall i add 2 things in case we are using a dhcp sever on same system on which cobbler is running?  in the configuration section?09:51
koolhead11also the 3ed error can be escaped :P09:53
koolhead11jdstrand, hello09:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #782071 in ntp (main) "Add current local time to configuration" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78207110:07
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TensibaiCan someone help me with preseed file ? (mainly for the proxy in mirror selection)10:38
uvirtbotNew bug: #782092 in openssh (main) "ssh server extremly unresponsive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78209210:51
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TampiKo/etc/init.d/postgresql restart11:19
Guest72460hi - i need some help please, i need to forward ip protocol 47 to the a masqueraded op address on my lan11:20
Guest72460*masqueraded ip address11:20
koolhead11TampiKo, >11:35
TampiKoI reset the postgresql-8.1.4 as I do?11:36
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Guest72460*masqueraded ip address11:46
RoAkSoAxkoolhead11: yeah just follow what is says after sudo cobbler check11:47
koolhead11RoAkSoAx, i meant adding the modification bit if am running DHCP server on the same cobbler server apart from the 3ed error we get at time of sync. Also adding content inside the custom cobbler dhcp template file which over writes default dhcp config :)11:49
koolhead11TampiKo, i thought your asking something :)11:49
koolhead11<TampiKo> help11:50
koolhead11<TampiKo> /etc/init.d/postgresql restart11:50
TampiKognuworld@srcarloncasmi:~$ /etc/init.d$ sudo ./postgresql restart11:50
TampiKo-su: /etc/init.d$: No such file or directory11:50
TampiKognuworld@srcarloncasmi:~$ /etc/init.d/postgresql restart11:50
TampiKo-su: /etc/init.d/postgresql: No such file or directory11:50
koolhead11TampiKo, have you compiled postgres from source?11:51
TampiKoo user postgres ?11:51
koolhead11jdstrand, the dhcp apparmor issue/bug i reported it is not a bug i suppose because am using the configuration file of dhcp via dhcp.template file of cobbler which overwrites dhcpd.conf11:53
novitololoI've a file inside /etc/apache2/sites-available that has the following line: ServerName www.mytest.com.  DocumentRoot /path_to_index.php  -- I also have /etc/hosts defined a line with www.mytest.com.  My question is: Why do I have to have that line in /etc/hosts, if I'm already declaring what's the servername for that VHost?12:06
shaunothe line in /etc/hosts isn't for the apache configuration.  it overrides the name resolution so when you stick www.mytest.com in your browser, it doesn't ask your isp's nameserver what the IP for mytest.com is.  it uses the one from /etc/hosts in preference12:08
shaunowithout it, apache knows that you want to answer requests for mytest.com, but nothing else on the machine does12:10
novitololothis explanation is awesome12:10
novitololothanks a lot.12:10
Guest72460hi - i need some help please, i need to forward ip protocol 47 to the a masqueraded op address on my lan12:11
Guest72460*masqueraded ip address12:11
RoAkSoAxkoolhead11: sorry, can't look at it at the momento13:00
RoAkSoAxkoolhead11: but ping me next week13:00
RoAkSoAxas I'm in a business trip13:00
koolhead11RoAkSoAx, will do. thanks13:06
twister004hi guys...... can my NIS client settings vanish after a reboot on a linux client?... there is no dir under /var/yp/binding.... it was present before the reboot.. how is this possible?... please advise!13:25
twbtwister004: ubuntu sucks at nis IME13:33
twbFirst of all, make sure network manager isn't installed or running13:33
twister004twb.. can a directory just disappear like that?13:34
twbIf you had an outage, fsck could've removed it due to brkage13:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #782179 in autofs5 (main) "user and group not shown on nfs mounted directories" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78217913:36
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TeTeTSpamapS: Hi Clint, is there any chance to get bug 561750 fixed in Lucid soonish? LVM (customer) is requesting this14:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 561750 in squid "squid starts and stops immediately (after upgrade from karmic to lucid)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56175014:04
uvirtbotNew bug: #782192 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.7.0-1ubuntu0.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78219214:06
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jdstrandkoolhead11: interesting. if this is a standard cobbler configuration, please note it in the bug-- it would be good to support that out of the box14:12
morbidwarhello, i have a little problem, i14:19
morbidwarhello, i have a little problem, i'm trying to run a custom script from crontab and it's not executed14:19
morbidwarand in the syslog everything's look fine14:20
morbidwarcan somebody help me14:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #782203 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saída de erro 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78220314:26
elb0wwhy cant I find sudo apt-get install courier-pop14:27
elb0wsudo apt-get install courier-imap on ubuntu 10.1014:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #782204 in postfix (main) "Apport hook needs to provide more information on hostname rejection" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78220414:31
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morbidwarhello, i have a little problem with crontab and a script i made, if i run the script from the console with sh script.sh it runs but the crontab doesn't read it. the script is set to be executed (0755) and in the crontab i tryied to change the way the script was executed 0 * * * * ./location/script.sh and /bin/bash /location/script.sh and sh /location/script.sh but with no luck14:56
koolhead11elb0w, apt-cache search courier*14:57
elb0wI had to enable universe14:59
sky1ine frage, wenn ich vom system her ubuntu sagen soll, dass er bei einer anfrage zertifikate mit gibt, wie mach ich das? reicht es die zertifikate in /etc/ssl zu kopieren ? ...  ich weiß das sind wenig infos.. aber ich muss erstmal grundlegend wissen, wei in linux die zertifikate aktiviert werden ...15:11
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johnny2khello. any one have console localization experience? i see nice squares instead of words on last ubuntu serv15:26
johnny2ki try dpkg-reconfigure console-setup and see letters as me need, but after reboot they disappear15:27
johnny2kplz help me15:27
johnny2kany docs?15:33
pr3nt1c3if I have kvm2... is virtualBox redundant?15:45
sorenkvm2? What the heck is kvm2?15:52
sorenpr3nt1c3: ^15:53
pr3nt1c3I meant LVM215:54
pr3nt1c3logical volume mgmt15:54
pr3nt1c3I have 2x1.5TB drives, and I want the system to recognise an unbroken 3TB drive... then after this is done... I want to make sure that users can log into vBox VM's and have their session forwarded via network15:55
pr3nt1c3ok... the VG is 2.73TB in size... but only 1.3 is initialized... but the 'uninitialized' portion is my main filesys... where did I go wrong? I can't initialize the device as a) it's mounted... and b) hosts my server filesys and my user directories16:01
hallyn_pr3nt1c3: I think you need to give us some more info on what you had before, what you just changed, and what your problem now is.  Near as I can decipher you had an LVM on one drive, now you added another drive to the pv and want to extend the lv to include the new drive.  <shrug>16:19
pr3nt1c3which I've now done16:19
pr3nt1c3it just looks weird16:20
benccwhe editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config, can I just add my lines at the end of the file? will it overwrite previous lines?17:09
benccor do I have to edit each line in the body of the file17:10
netratbencc, i don't understand your question... are you talking about commenting lines out? why would it overwrite previous lines?17:13
benccnetrat: instead of commenting lines I just want to paste new lines17:14
benccif my lines at the end of the file will take effect it's easier to maintain17:14
benccfor example, the line "Port 22"17:15
benccI want to put a line "Port 22345" at the end of the file but without changing the previous line so it's faster to add and remove my changes17:15
Err404NotFoundI have added something to cron with &>> /tmp/log but even though /var/log/cron says that cron was executed and i can otherwise verify that the script executed fine, i can't see anything in the /tmp/log17:20
pmatulisbencc: why don't you just try it?17:21
benccpmatulis: because it might work by accident and be insecure and unreliable17:22
RoyKbencc: removing the # in front of a line doesn't take very long :P17:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #782283 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78228317:27
DoonzHey guys, Im having trouble tracking down a straightfoward howto. What i did was expand an hardware array from 5tb to 10tb. now im trying to resize /dev/sdc1 to use the newly created free space any guides would be appreciated17:45
RoyKDoonz: did you replace smaller drives with bigger ones?17:47
DoonzRoyK: its a 16port raid controller just added more drives to the array17:47
RoyKso why do you try to resize sdc1?17:48
Doonzbecause drive /dev/sdc1 is only 5tb17:48
RoyKoh - hardware raid?17:48
Doonzsudo fdisk -l17:49
DoonzDisk /dev/sdc: 9999.9 GB, 9999891824640 bytes17:49
RoyKgparted is rather nice17:49
Doonz/dev/sdc1             5.4T  4.1T  1.1T  79%17:49
Doonzim running a headless server so cli only for me17:49
RoyKremote X should work, though17:50
Doonzwich would mean i would have to install it ....17:50
RoyKwhy not?17:50
Doonznot sure how to /me hangs head in shame17:50
RoyKfiddling with parted can be rather dangerous if you don't know how to17:50
RoyKapt-get install gparted17:50
RoyKif your workstation runs windoze, you'll need something like xming17:51
RoyKif not, it should be a trivial logout/login17:51
Doonzok ima gonna17:53
Doonztry that17:53
RoyKDoonz: what OS on the workstation?17:55
Doonzwin xp17:55
RoyKok, then download xming, start it, configure putty to do X11 forwarding and you should be game17:55
Doonzlets see if i can do this17:56
battle_warriorhi, im trying to host a dedicated server of garys mod or css from steam off my linux pc which is linux mint 10 kde ive downloaded all the files  needed.. ive ported http://oi52.tinypic.com/14e00ee.jpg  can anyone explain on what to do next?17:59
pr3nt1c3if anyone is using transmission 2.13 and you know how to set-up the proxy so it's encrypted... let me know... it's no longer obvious in the pref's18:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #782298 in mysql-5.1 (main) "command injections in mysqld_multi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78229818:01
DoonzHOLY SHOOOT i did it18:02
RoyKwasn't that hard, was it? ;)18:02
Doonzive tried a bunch of times18:03
Doonzand never go it to work18:03
Doonzand x11 forwarding18:03
RoyKand now it took 5 minutes?18:03
RoyKdid you get gparted up?18:04
Doonzyeah i need to unmount the drive tho18:04
RoyKobviously, yes :P18:04
pr3nt1c3alternatively: ssh -X user@host works also18:05
Doonzyeah but im on windows18:05
* RoyK stopped using windoze some 12 years ago and only uses it at gunpoint18:07
Doonzive got proprietary apps that do not run virtualized so im stuck18:07
RoyKdon't run virtualized?18:07
RoyKwhat sort of apps would that be?18:07
DoonzControl system apps18:08
* RoyK uses a few very propritary apps in his Windoze VM18:08
RoyKproprietary, even18:08
Doonzyeah ive tried but it wont18:09
RoyKshouldn't be much difference for an app to run on a VM as compared to running on a dedicated machine18:09
RoyKthat is - unless they do some nasty hardware or BIOS calls18:10
RoyKbut I thought that was out of line a long time ago18:10
Doonzhas to do with the security protocol they use for locking down the files18:10
Doonzthe controlers to the pc communication will not work18:11
RoyKbad coding, then :P18:11
RoyKdid you get the partition resized?18:11
Doonzjust getting to it now18:12
Doonzresizing wont dstroy the data tho right18:12
RoyKhopefully not18:12
Doonzits not supposed to tho18:12
Doonzunless it buggers up right18:13
* RoyK advices Doonz to keep a backup18:13
RoyKDoonz: btw, zfs is brilliant for such setups ;)18:13
Doonzyeah i have all the important stuff  mirrored both on another local server and an offsite server as well as stored in the cloud18:13
Doonzsee i came from the windows world.... so back ups are a must18:14
RoyKbackups are needed even in the unix world, beleve me ;)18:15
Doonzyeah but unix doesnt decide that you dont need your data18:15
Doonzwindows likes to help clean up the drives18:15
RoyKthat's rather nasty18:15
Doonzyea ut at least windwos is trying to be helpful18:15
RoyKan operating system shouldn't be helpful in that sort of terms18:16
Doonzit was just making sure i optimize my storage structure18:16
RoyKDoonz: I just got a message about a crash on one of the backup storage servers - server reported a 100TB zpool was inaccessible - that hurts18:16
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RoyKa cold restart fixed it, though18:17
Doonzwe had a helpful electrician unplug our fiber link between sites one day18:17
RoyKheh - no harm done, I guess?18:17
RoyKsome hours of downtime is mostly acceptable18:18
Doonzthat link was the connection to a datacenter wich host our simulation server18:18
Doonzwe were in the middle of showing the customer their new 5billion dollar plant18:18
RoyKhow many compute nodes do you have there?18:18
Doonzits an interesting setup18:19
RoyKand what sort of parallelisation tech?18:19
DoonzIts a cluster of 15 heads units with 1857 gpus18:20
RoyKfor what use?18:20
Doonzprocess simulation18:21
Doonzpretty sweet18:21
RoyKDoonz: I work for nilu.no - we still haven't had the FLEXPART model rewritten so it can support GPUs18:21
Doonzthis is running idea's18:21
RoyKand currently, we only have about 120 CPUs running it18:22
Doonzwich has native gpu support and sacles liniar18:22
Doonzwe only have 30 cpus in the node obviously18:22
Doonzprocess simulation package18:22
Doonzbrb ssboilers down18:22
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Doonzwell that was fun18:32
Doonzwow this x11 forwarding is pretty cool18:34
lifesfmy server has an intermitent response problem... i can't figure out why; sometimes i can access it from local and external, and sometimes not at all yet it is still connected and everything up and running; and like right now, i cannot access it from external but i can from local18:36
lifesfand sometimes everything works perfect18:36
lifesfespecially after a restart,... and then 10minutes later,... problem start appearing again18:36
Doonzi wonder how long it takes to do a filesystem check on 5tb18:43
RoyKDoonz: the filesystem won't grow automatically18:51
RoyKDoonz: resize2fs is your friend18:51
koolhead17hi all18:52
RoyKhi, koolhead1718:52
koolhead17hey RoyK18:54
lifesfcan anyone help me out? :S18:57
RoyKlifesf: pastebin dmesg output19:04
lifesfi forget the site, my history isn't on this pc19:07
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:08
lifesfi'm connected via wireless at the moment but wether i was wireless or not it would still stop working local sometimes19:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #782322 in munin (main) "plugin iostat_ios looses track of its state" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78232219:11
lifesfdoes it help?19:18
wmpis possible to diplay what proces is in swap?19:21
wmpok, i found: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/479953/how-to-find-out-which-processes-are-swapping-in-linux19:23
lifesfnobody know?19:48
Doonzso 5tb takes how long with e2fsck .........19:48
Doonzim thinking 18 hours19:48
Doonzany bets?19:48
FK3can someone recommend server software which can stream videos through web, not media tomb19:48
Doonzsorry FK3 i have now idea19:59
FK3no prob think ive found one19:59
lifesfsometimes can somtimes can't access server,...why? 11.04 install20:10
Doonzlifesf: sorry man i dont have an answer20:12
jMylesSo, is there a way to deploy the OpenStack-powered UEC today?  Does it make sense to put new UEC deployments on hold for a bit?20:26
pmatulisjMyles: give it at least 6 months20:40
jMylespmatulis: So what in the mean time?  Stick with Eucalyptus?20:40
Doonzok i was way off on my guess only 2.5 hours for the filesystem check20:51
CppIsWeirddoes the latest version of ubuntu-server have a firewall installed by default? i did an do-release-upgrade and now openvpn wont work for anything. i've run over everything in openvpn about 10 times. im at a loss.20:55
remix_tjCppIsWeird: use tcpdump -p20:58
remix_tjto view if traffic is being dropped20:58
remix_tjCppIsWeird: or try with20:58
remix_tjiptables -L -n20:58
remix_tjand look if there is any rule20:58
CppIsWeirddoesnt look like theres rules in any of the three sections20:59
JanCCppIsWeird: nothing in openvpn logs?21:07
CppIsWeirdnothing that would indicate error. openvpn both in client and server thinks everything is okay. im suspicious of either something ran amock in windows networking or the server upgrade as it seemed to fail right around the upgrade.21:11
matt_keysI'm trying to move a web server over to ubuntu from centos. The previous admin used dbm=db:/path/to/rewrite.db in the rewrite configuration. I have enabled mod_rewrite, and moved the config over and enabled rewrite logging. When I rm the log and restart the server it gets created again, so I know it's reading the config but it doesn't appear to be pulling in the rewrites from those db files21:34
RoyKmatt_keys: hi21:35
matt_keysRoyK: hello21:35
matt_keysAlso, I've tried the AllowOverride all as suggested in the forums21:36
matt_keysI also have dbd, authz_dbm, and authn_dbd loaded21:36
matt_keysDoes anyone have any suggestions as to what may be the problem?21:37
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uvirtbotNew bug: #782421 in postfix (main) "package postfix (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78242123:06
DoonzRoyK: you kicking around23:33
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