
andrejzhello, i have a question for dpm or anyone who has set priorities of templates before ;)08:34
dpmhi andrejz, I saw your e-mail, but I'm not sure what's going on there. It might be a bug in Launchpad, as as an ubuntu-translations-coordinators team member you should have the right permissions to change priorities08:37
andrejzhello dpm08:38
andrejzi have the permissions, and have succesfully changed some other templates already08:38
andrejzjust don't know what to do with acl, since i don't know what value to put in the "owner" field08:38
andrejzsince the current value is invalid08:38
dpmandrejz, is the field now empty?08:39
andrejzthe value of the field is "katie"08:39
andrejzI tried setting it to blank but that is not ok, either08:39
dpmis katie an existing LP id?08:39
andrejzthere is this program -https://launchpad.net/katie08:40
dpmif it's not a user name, I'd set it to the uploader of the package, or to the project's owner08:42
andrejzok, i will set it to package maintainer and see if that solves the problem08:44
andrejzthanks for the tip, now it's ok. only 380 some more templates to translate :)08:46
andrejzi mean administer not translate08:46
artnayerr, 52 new translatable items in shotwell after natty release? seriously?09:18
andrejzi have a question about translation templates09:36
andrejzif i undestand correctly we should translate gnome-user-docs-gnome-help package09:36
andrejzand gnome-user-docs-user-guide is outdated and should teherefore be disabled09:37
j1mcandrejz: can you point me to the appropriate urls?09:37
j1mci can answer your question then09:37
j1mcandrejz: that is the correct set of docs to translate for 11.04 docs.09:38
j1mcandrejz: for 11.10, the ubuntu docs will be moved back to their regular spot in the ubuntu-docs package09:39
andrejzwhich one? link no.1 or 2?09:39
j1mcandrejz: the first one09:40
andrejzok good09:41
andrejzand the second one, is it of any use?09:41
j1mcthanks, andrejz !09:41
j1mci'm not sure what the second one is for. you might want to ask dpm09:41
andrejzI am wondering if it should be disabled, so teams don't waste resources on it (if it's not required)09:42
j1mcandrejz: yeah... i'm not sure. sorry. i'm on the docs team, but i'm a bit new in this channel.09:43
andrejzok i will go and ask in ubuntu docs channeč09:44
yurchorartnay: Ragarding to Shotwell. They broke compatibility in 0.9 branch after 0.9.0 and Vera Yin forgot to announce this to the upstream translators. That's the result.10:38
yurchorI 0.10.0 (now on transifex) the translation will be split in to two catalogs.10:39
artnayyurchor: yeah, I already translated it on Transifex and LP10:40
artnayI was just wondering about post-release translation updates on LP10:40
yurchorLong import queue before the release, I think.10:41
RawChidHello, I'm translating lrc and see this string: "Auto embed the lrc that from local"12:44
andrejzhello TLE, just noticed you added me to google calander12:44
TLEyes, just did it12:44
RawChidThis sentence sounds weird to me. Am I right?12:45
TLERawChid: I don't understand it either12:45
andrejzjust let me know if you don't have time and i will enter events in the calander12:45
RawChidOk, glad that I'm not the only one TLE12:45
andrejz@RawChild: is this the whole string?12:45
TLERawChid: I would make a bug report and ask the developers about it12:46
TLEunless as andrejz says you can see that it is supposed to be put together with another string12:46
RawChidI was already summerizing all my remarks :)12:46
TLEthen I would make a bugreport and ask them not to split sentences ;)12:46
RawChidandrejz, use TAB :P. Yes it is the whole string12:46
andrejzcheck the strings immediately before /after this one. Maybe string was split into two for some reason12:48
andrejzotherwise as TLE said report a bug.12:49
andrejzI just found one today. In many apps, you can increase the text size at any time by pressing <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>+</key></keyseq>. To reduce the text size, press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>+</key></keyseq>.12:49
RawChidAlready reporting ;)12:51
TLERawChid: The "Don't split sentences" rules is explained in this list of common pitfalls for developers when doing i18n, it might be worth sharing with the developers if you can do it in a way that doesn't seem to "know it all": http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject/DevGuidelines12:52
TLEeven though they are from gnome they make sense for most projects12:52
RawChidOke thanks. But the haven't split the sentence12:53
RawChidI checked the source code12:53
TLEthen it is just bad ;)12:53
RawChidIt's a text next to a checkbox12:54
TLEahh, so maybe you are supposed to complete the sentence with what you put in the textbox12:55
TLERawChid: sorry13:05
TLEit friday, I'm already on weekend13:05
TLEso yes, it is a bda sentence13:05
* RawChid passes TLE some coffee13:06
TLEahh thanks, that was just what I needed13:06
RawChidFirst I had: switch to full screen13:08
RawChidAnd now: switch to OSD mode13:08
RawChidI think OSD = On Screen Display13:08
RawChidSo this means in a Window?13:08
TLERawChid: yes OSD can mean on screen display13:13
TLEso, e.g. in vlc you can have the time of the movie written in the edge of the window e.g. at the bottom next to the controls13:14
TLEthat is not, on screen displau13:14
TLEbut you could also show the time directly over the movie, that is a OSD13:14
TLEhence if the movie player is in full screen state, then OSD will be the only options of getting the information13:15
TLEdon't know what your program does13:15
RawChidAah, thank voor the explanation13:16
TLEyou are welcome13:16
TLEhey, are anyone here following the lightening talks at UDS?13:51
TLEI saw the cool tool that allowed you to do window splitting like in emacs, but in your terminal, but I did not cathc the name13:52
askhlTLE: maybe you can run a terminal from emacs?  Problem solved :)13:53
TLEyeah, that might actually be what he was doing, not sure13:53
TLEit just seemed clever, keeps that terminal window tab mess to a minimum13:53
RawChidTLE, didn't saw that talk. But maybe it is 'Terminator'14:08
RawChidOr byobu (on top of screen)14:10
TLERawChid: I'll have a lool at them, thanks14:21

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