
monotokoBritish trains annoy me...they need a more reliable computer system >.>01:28
MattJmonotoko: except for the displays next to the seats /in/ the trains, it's usually been ok for me01:42
monotokoMattJ, I asked the online system for a standard class ticket for a very long journey tomorrow...it crashed, when it came back it charged me for a first class01:43
ballThey have displays next to seats in trains now?01:43
monotokoseems I'm riding first class tomorrow...some money I could have done without spending really ._.01:44
MattJball: a small LCD to indicate whether the seat is available or reserved01:44
MattJIt's always wrong, so everyone just ignores them01:44
ballWow, that's high tech.01:44
ballThey used to just stick a piece of card in a slot on top of the chair.01:45
ball(British Rail)01:45
MattJThey still do on some lines, I believe01:45
MattJSo old-fashioned :)01:45
monotokothey do on East Coast01:52
exobuzzunity works with the latest emgd on my joggler. heh. finally02:04
exobuzznot that i want to use it but. better than crashing02:04
* ball imagines Britain has free monorails everywhere now.02:05
* MattJ hops on the monorail to bed02:08
ball...and hovverboards.02:12
gingis there a way to enable spell checking on gnome terminal on ubuntu?07:02
kaushalDell vostro 1014 ubuntu 11.04 keyboard issue07:24
kaushalAny clue07:24
popeynot with that limited set of detail07:34
davmor2morning all07:49
TheOpenSourcererMorning all07:55
lubotu3popey is the UK alternative to elvis.08:01
awilkinsIs there a way to distinguish between Unity and GNOME from a shell script (e.g. env variables?)08:35
MartijnVdSawilkins: You should be able to do a dbus query?08:36
awilkinsMartijnVdS, The only query I can see worth executing would be ListNames, but I don't see a value in there that would tell me I'm running Unity over GNOME08:43
MartijnVdSawilkins: Try querying the Launcher API08:43
MartijnVdSawilkins: Gnome doesn't have it, Unity does08:44
awilkinsIt's only so I can make an rdesktop window 24 pixesl shorter when I'm in Unity :-)08:44
MartijnVdSwait, that works the other way around08:44
MartijnVdSawilkins: ask gord, he'll know08:44
MartijnVdS♫ Gord only knows08:49
awilkinsUnity gets another chance today. Had switched back to GNOME to avoid bug #781618 but I'm giving Unity another go so I must like it in some way.08:50
lubotu3Launchpad bug 781618 in eclipse (Ubuntu) "Editor windows enter a read only state on screen locks and workspace changes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78161808:50
gordno environment variables that i am aware of, sorry. you can check com.canonical.Unity.Panel.Service to see if that exists over dbus. or you could just modify the unity script in /usr/bin/unity to set whatever environment variable you want08:50
TheAshManAnyone recommend any server monitoring tools to output usage statistics?08:51
awilkinsgord, Thanks ; seems a bit odd that DESKTOP_SESSION still says "gnome" but I suspect that's for backward compatibility08:51
gordawilkins, yeah, its not really a completely new session, its just a new shell... soo.. but yeah solidifying the story here is something we'll try to do looking forward08:52
awilkinsIs there a "Unity feedback" location?08:53
MartijnVdSlaunchpad :)08:54
awilkinsPeople must like it, unity-shell only has 2 bugs (and one of them is mine...)08:57
awilkinsHmmph, bugs in unity, or unity-shell ???08:59
awilkinsJust suggestions really09:05
DJonesHas anybody tried Chrome OS, I'm tempted to give it a try on a spare laptop & wondered if anybody had tried it & had issues, from what I've read it doesn't require an SSD, but wondered about any hardware issues09:06
dutchiei was under the understanding it is just ubuntu under the covers09:08
DJonesdutchie: From what I've read, it seems to be Gentoo based09:08
DJonesAlthough I'm also seeing comments that there are bits of ubuntu in tehre as well, so maybe a bit of a mish mash09:10
gordit was ubuntu, but the guy running it is a gentoo fan... so hey lets override our engineers decisions and end up with a frankendistro =\09:12
ali1234gord: i got a segfault in libdbusmenu :/09:14
ali1234but i have no idea what to report it against09:14
gordlibdbusmenu maybe?09:15
ali1234well... ubuntu-bug says that package doesn't exist09:15
gordi'm not on a machine with unity right now so i can't test09:16
gordpackage name is dbusmenu-glib109:16
gordlibdbusmenu-glib1 even09:16
ali1234ah thanks09:16
ali1234nope, neither of those exists either :/09:17
ali1234there's libdbusmenu-glib309:18
gordthere you go09:18
ali1234libdbusmenu-glib.so.3 <- oh, of course09:18
ali1234(from backtrace)09:18
oimonDJones: i was googling last night, and read that chrome OS can't be installed directly onto a eee pc but has to be run within a VM?09:26
oimonsounds strange to me09:26
dwatkinssounds like OS X09:27
dwatkinsneeding specific hardware, that is09:27
popeyi dont think thats the case09:27
popeyyou can build chromium OS from source for any x86 board09:27
oimonok, maybe it was the old version they were trying09:27
oimonmaybe it didn't have an installer or something09:28
daubers /nick daubers09:28
daubersstupid xchat09:28
kazademorning all09:35
oimoni have found the chromium os rebuilds at http://chromeos.hexxeh.net/vanilla.php, gonna try on my eeee09:35
dwatkinsI booted hexxeh's build of Chrome OS on my Eee a while ago.09:36
oimonhow did it go dwatkins09:37
dwatkinsoimon: it ran fine, although scrolling was a bit slow - probably because it used a generic gfx driver09:37
oimoncool, how long ago was that dwatkins09:42
popeyi ran the build script last night on my desktop and it failed :(09:42
popeymight clean out and start again09:42
shaunoI seriously don't 'get' python.  if the aim's to make everything difficult, why not just use C09:43
BigRedSI'd heard it was relatively easy?09:46
BigRedSI've never actually written or read any, and I am a Perl sort of person, though09:46
dwatkinsoimon: a year or so09:46
oimonah ok, i'm about to try last night's build09:46
oimonwill report back shortly :SD09:46
dwatkinsoimon: I imagine it's significantly better now.09:47
dwatkinsthanks, I'm interested to know more, oimon09:47
oimoni'm most interested in fast boot09:47
dwatkinsI'mma try it in virtualbox on my Mac.09:47
* popey starts the build again09:49
oimondoesn't work on my eee :( get a black screen after the boot splash10:03
oimonctrl-alt-f2 gives a virtual console tho10:03
brobostigongood morning everyone,10:12
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:19
brobostigongood morning bigcalm :)10:19
bigcalmHi brobostigon, what's happening?10:20
brobostigonbigcalm: nought much, just trying to wake myself upabit. and you?10:21
bigcalmGlad it's Friday, been a long week.10:22
BigRedSwell, been a normal week after several short ones :)10:23
ali1234brobostigon: did you get your arduino interpolation code working?10:25
ali1234arduino just got a lot more interesting: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/usb/adk.html10:26
AlanBellthat looks like an ugly hack10:28
brobostigonali1234: yes, i heard about that,could be interesting. i think i have found a solution. let melink you up, i just need to add an equation to it.10:29
popey"link you up"10:29
* popey checks he's still in the UK.10:29
* brobostigon sits in the corner.10:30
bigcalmpopey: socity crumbles a little more each day10:30
popeyI weep for the future.10:31
brobostigonali1234: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~hydraulic-hybrid/+junk/saab-hybrid/view/head:/BareSaab1/BareSaabv2/BareSaabv2.pde10:31
* oimon gives up on chromium os until it works on his eee :(10:31
popeyoimon: tried it?10:33
ali1234goto? srsly?10:33
oimonpopey: got a black screen, although virtual console worked but could not login10:34
brobostigonali1234: it is the only way, i could immediatly think, of doing what i wanted.10:34
oimoni was using the hexxeh vanilla builds10:35
ali1234brobostigon: i came up with this: http://pastebin.com/Gqfwrnh110:35
brobostigonali1234: looks interesting. i will make a version, and try it,10:37
DJonesoimon: It'll probably be an oldish dell laptop that I install on, quite probably won't work, but don't lose out unless I try10:41
ali1234brobostigon: with comments: http://pastebin.com/nDcs7Ym110:42
oimonDJones: yep, it's an unofficial build anyway..maybe there's a fix i just don't know about..seen a few people complaining about the issue without a reslolution10:42
popeyoimon: I couldn't get any of the hexxeh builds to work10:42
popeythats why I built my own10:42
popeyits dead easy, all scripted10:43
oimonon which hardware popey10:43
oimondo i have to trash my current install, or can i install onto usb?10:44
ali1234brobostigon: there are bugs, see if you can find them10:44
brobostigonali1234: i am just looking,10:46
brobostigonali1234: you seem to have spaces in some places in mathemaics, and not others,10:52
ali1234that's habit10:52
ali1234i like to put spaces around + - but not * /10:52
ali1234because that's how you'd write it if you wrote it out by hand10:53
popeyoimon: the build script lets you create a vm image, iso or usb stick10:53
ali1234but then if it's inside the brackets... it comes before the others10:53
ali1234so no space10:53
brobostigonali1234: oh, i see.10:53
ali1234but that's just me being weird10:53
popeyoimon: http://www.chromium.org/chromium-os/developer-guide is the guide I followed, very easy10:56
brobostigonali1234: float m .10:59
ali1234that's not a bug10:59
brobostigonits used,there, and is thenforgotten about.11:00
ali1234it's used on the next two lines?11:00
brobostigonali1234: i cant see it, i will probeblykickmyself.11:03
ali1234it's fencepost error11:03
brobostigonali1234: and inthe whileloop, points_y does have a position specified.11:07
ali1234why would it?11:09
ali1234i could have just written 6 there instead of sizeof(points_y)11:09
brobostigonali1234: because it needs a place inthe arrayto work from,11:09
ali1234not for the y11:10
RaycisCharlesIs there a thin client variant of Ubuntu suitable for establishing vnc/ssh sessions?11:13
=== denny- is now known as denny
shaunough, that's annoying.  whois doesn't provide expiry dates for .eu domains12:00
MartijnVdSI've found it to be quite accurate :)12:36
danfishoops. morning :)12:41
brobostigongood afternoon danfish :)12:42
danfishhmm. It's been a morning of fail so far (overwrote a project I'd been working on). I think a hearty lunch is in order12:53
DJonesdanfish: I'm guessing that from the comment, the backup may have been non-existant or not as up to date as would have been liked12:57
gordoh dear - no backups?12:57
gordnot making backups for projects is a thing i keep telling myself i should do somehow nicely12:57
danfishgord: DJones: nah - backups are for wimps ;)12:58
* brobostigon thanks git, for his project backup.12:58
danfisha combination of foremost and grep worked wonders, but I was near to a 'brown trouser' moment for bit12:59
DJonesdanfish: When I was at college, the lecturer always kept saying that if you didn't have a backup, eventually it'd get your back up12:59
gordwell obviously everything is in bzr for me, but that doesn't protect against rm -rf12:59
gordmy current workflow is to try and bzr push as much as possible, but thats kind of a pain. idealy i want to store my project files on my NAS so i can get to it from anywhere, but build locally... tricky12:59
danfishversion control is on my 'to do' list and has now moved to 'to do today' :)13:00
* popey hugs time machine and rsnapshot13:00
brobostigonsorry, launchpad uses bzr not git.13:01
* danfish hugs crashplan (having just remembered I use that)13:02
* popey pokes chromeos build13:02
popeytakes aaaaages13:02
popeyPending 203, Ready 46, Running 1, Retrying 0, Total 286 [Time 7m2.4s Load 3.68 3.59 3.36]13:02
popeycome ON!13:02
gordyou should see how long it takes to do arm builds of ubuntu =\ x86 takes like 20 minutes though13:04
gordso i'm taking a look at my budapest photos, apparently budapest has buses that drive in the river...13:05
oimonpopey: which hardware?13:09
popeyoimon: hmm?13:09
oimonpopey: which hardware u building it on and which hardware u building it for?13:09
* hamitron hears the word "build" and gets excited13:11
MartijnVdShamitron the builder?13:12
oimonslashdot is a bit broken on chromium :(13:13
hamitronoh no, was thinking more something new on a comp13:13
oimonwhenever i have to use a windows machine i'm always amazed at how long it takes to populate the Add/remove programs list13:15
MartijnVdSoimon: Registry isn't optimized for speed13:16
gordhuh... managed to make my router overheat and die from uploading photos to my nas... new router time i think13:18
MartijnVdSgord: Shiny new router time13:18
* DJones orders a shiny new gord with less photos13:20
andylockranGood Afternoon People.13:21
gordoops. i guess i broke g-s-d. unity panel looks snazzy in 1996-o-vision13:31
bigcalm"The current stable release of GNUMP3d is v3.0, which was released upon the 18th of October 2007." - are there any other similar services that are more up to date?13:52
Azelphurbigcalm: VLC?13:53
MartijnVdSbigcalm: mpd?13:53
bigcalmAzelphur: does VLC have a web interface?13:53
AzelphurI think so xD13:53
bigcalmMartijnVdS: I'll take a look, ta13:53
oimontrying to work out whether it was the mozzarella for lunch or having to use a windows server for 30 mins that gave me a headache :(13:54
kaushalis there a way to know the Serial Number of the Hard disk ?13:54
MartijnVdSkaushal: what kind of hard disk? USB? SATA? PATA?13:54
MartijnVdSkaushal: check the disk utility13:55
MartijnVdSkaushal: (palimpsest)13:55
kaushal(palimpsest) ?13:55
MartijnVdSkaushal: that's the name of the tool, in case you can't find it13:55
kaushalI mean on the server13:55
kaushalwill it work on the server ?13:56
MartijnVdSkaushal: it's a GUI app, so I guess it won't13:56
MartijnVdSkaushal: Next stop: Google :)13:56
kaushalMartijnVdS: i tried dmidecode13:56
MartijnVdSkaushal: I'd try sdparm -i13:56
MartijnVdSor hdparm13:56
kaushalMartijnVdS: hdparm -i /dev/sda14:01
kaushalworked like a charm14:02
kaushalMartijnVdS: Thanks14:02
kaushalis it recommended to upgrade 10.10 to 11.04 using update method or clean install method ?14:02
kaushalyes for ?14:03
MartijnVdSeither :)14:03
kaushalI am not a big fan of upgrade method14:04
kaushalsince i need to always watch the screen :(14:04
kaushalI prefer clean install method14:04
MartijnVdSToo bad you lose all custom config that way14:05
kaushali see14:05
kaushalMartijnVdS: but is it 100% safe ?14:05
MartijnVdSUpgrade shouldn't be asking too many questions though14:05
MartijnVdSNothing is 100% safe. Make a backup first -- you'll need to do that if you're going to reinstall anyway14:06
kaushalsince i am doing it on a production laptop14:06
MartijnVdSEven a clean install might not work on your hardware14:06
kaushalMartijnVdS: makes sense14:06
MartijnVdSkaushal: Just try an upgrade. If it breaks, try a clean install. If that breaks, restore the backup.14:06
oimonstruggling to rotate a 3gp video in ubuntu :( stupid ffmpeg comile options14:07
kaushalso 1) backup 2) upgrade if it fails then clean install ?14:07
MartijnVdSoimon: compile options?14:07
MartijnVdSoimon: why compile options?14:07
MartijnVdSkaushal: sure14:07
kaushalMartijnVdS: ok14:07
oimonMartijnVdS: it doesn't seem to understand -vf option14:08
kaushalMartijnVdS: whats the difference b/n upgrade and update :)14:08
oimonseems you need to recompile ffmpeg14:08
MartijnVdSkaushal: man apt-get14:08
MartijnVdSkaushal: Please just read the release notes, it explains everyhting.14:09
MartijnVdSoimon: scary14:09
kaushalMartijnVdS: I mean in general to computing14:09
kaushalrelease notes of 11.04 ?14:09
MartijnVdSkaushal: Yes14:09
MartijnVdSoimon: you could try using mencoder14:09
MartijnVdSoimon: http://thinkmoult.com/2010/04/08/tech-tip-5-rotate-a-video-by-90-degrees-with-mencoder/14:10
oimonMartijnVdS: cheers,. trying now14:11
oimonmencoder sort of worked except it stripped audio and was 8x too fast14:15
oimoni should give up...one of those days14:16
oimonsurrpised not more people don't need to rotate videos from their phone14:16
MartijnVdSoimon: gstreamer pipeline? :)14:16
MartijnVdSoimon: most people just hold their phone correctly.. or use Windows/Mac14:16
MartijnVdSspeaking of which14:16
MartijnVdScan't pitivi do it?14:16
oimonah success! avidemux14:18
BigRedSHm, I appear unable to add things to the panel in unity, is this by design?14:29
BigRedScool, I'll stop trying :)14:30
bigcalmpopey: does one have to have a 'pro' account with bit.ly to use ones own domain name?14:31
oimonwhat's the name of the process that causes your gnome classic to look like win 2000 when it crashes?14:31
=== speedxco1e is now known as Bonds
oimonali1234: ta14:34
popeybigcalm: so you going to call up for 30mb now ? :)14:57
kaushalpopey: hi14:58
kaushalHow many million lines of code in the linux kernel ?14:58
MartijnVdSkaushal: irrelevant :)15:00
popey"14 March 2011 - Linux 2.6.38 was released (14,294,439 lines of code)"15:01
popeythats how I found that information btw15:02
bigcalmpopey: have you had your VM paper bill showing that you're not paying any more?15:02
daubersbigcalm: Uh oh... now you're in trouble. VM's billing department is a nightmare15:03
kaushalpopey: Thanks15:05
brobostigonis it posible, either within apache, or serperatly, to create statustics and details, of the peoplewhopull pages from apache?15:05
popeyyes brobostigon15:06
popeyi use webalizer15:06
dwatkinsbrobostigon: yeah, there are various ways to process the logs15:06
popeyhttp://popey.com/usage/ like that15:06
dwatkinsI use webalizer also, although there's also analog.15:06
dwatkinsI like the way popey installs analysis software.15:07
popeyyou do?15:07
brobostigonexactly, that kind of thing popey.15:07
dwatkinsI was going to say "I like the way popey thinks" but it would have been ambiguous ;)15:07
AzelphurAnyone know what this is about? http://pastebin.com/sa0LeyJX seem to get it on a couple different things I'm trying to compile :P15:07
brobostigonthank you popey :)15:08
danfishAzelphur: it means that you've got a macro that you've possibly not defined correctly :P15:09
DJonesAnybody here with Sky anytime plus? I've just been asked whether somebody needs a normal network cable or a crossover one, from what I can see its just a standard patch cable to go from the router to the sky box15:09
Azelphurwow, I'm so enlightened now :P15:09
danfishAzelphur: glad to be of help :D15:10
popeyDJones: surely routers auto sense the cable these days?15:10
DJonespopey: yeah, probably right there, but the sky receiver is probavly a different matter15:11
Azelphurwow, looks like I'm not the only one, there's 1880 results for an exact quote for that error on google15:11
Azelphurbut doesn't seem to be much in the way of solutions :/15:11
danfishDJones: having cannablised a sky box recently for parts, the network card was suprisingly standard - a realtek chip IIRC, so probably autosensing15:14
* davmor2 prods czajkowski 15:14
DJonesdanfish: i took one apart, but it was an old hd box that wasn't anyime+ compatibe anyway, all I wanted was the hdd out of it15:16
danfishDJones: the only particularly proprietary parts I would find were the tv tuners15:20
danfishthe rest looked fairly bog standard15:21
DJonesdanfish: I didn't look that closely at it, I just found it a pig to get the drive out without breaking the drive/cables15:23
brobostigonok this is weird, i just installed tried to get into /var/log/apache2/ and it wont let me cd into it, unless i am sudo su, and it wont let mereadfiles fromit, or within it, withnormal sudo nano **. this is weird.15:35
popeythey're 640 root:adm owned ?15:41
Azelphurpopey: just picked up an amd 6990 for bitcoining :p15:42
brobostigondrwxr-x--- 2 root        adm         4096 2011-05-11 09:55 apache215:43
Azelphurin other news, is displayport > dvi > vga sane?15:44
popeyAzelphur: you're gonna display anything on it?15:44
popeybrobostigon: looks right15:44
Azelphurpopey: I'm thinking of using it as my main card as well as bitcoin yes, depending largely on how well displayport goes with multi display and wine performance/breakage15:45
brobostigonpopey: soif i stick webaliser in cron, it will be able  to read the log out of it fine?15:45
=== ball is now known as ball_
popeybrobostigon: yes15:51
brobostigonpopey: thts good tohear :)15:52
popeyyou can read them if you sudo -s15:52
brobostigonok, let me, try.15:53
popeyis this ubuntu or debian?15:53
brobostigonubuntu 10.04 lts.15:53
popeyAzelphur: thats an insanely expensive card15:53
bigcalmIt would be nice if VLC player knew that track 10 does not come before track 1. I can see why it's sorted incorrectly, but you'd think that this wouldn't be the default15:54
gordfile a bug :)15:55
gordthen you have only yourself to blame15:55
bigcalmNope, I can blame others and feel quite happy with that15:55
ali1234at least they're sorted15:59
ali1234totem just opens them in random order15:59
Azelphurpopey: I got it saturday delivery too :p15:59
ali1234displayport is supposed to support multiple displays on one connector16:00
Azelphurali1234: nice, I'm interested in how well it actually does quad display though16:01
Azelphurif I'll need to have separate X sessions in order to have >2 displays16:01
Azelphuror loose composite/acceleration16:01
ali1234all that will be the same16:02
ali1234its just a connector16:02
ali1234actual picture comes from the crtc16:02
Azelphurali1234: the problems with nvidia seem to stem from using separate physical cards in order to get more ports16:02
ali1234from what i hear ati drivers are just as broken as nvidia when you try to do anything unusual with them16:02
ali1234no, it's not about ports16:03
ali1234you can get nvidia card with three ports on it, but you can only use two at once16:03
brobostigonwill what i put /etc/cron.**/ automaticlly run, asspecificied inthe timeperiod, both in the folder name,and its reference in /etc/crontab ?16:03
ali1234ati supports three iirc16:03
AzelphurI see16:03
ali1234but that's down to the number of crtcs on the card, not the number of ports16:03
Azelphurbut my card has 1 dvi + 4 displayport, so what happens when you get to >3?16:04
Azelphurme either :D16:04
ali1234maybe it does support 416:04
ali1234i bet it won't do 5 though16:04
Azelphurhehe only really need it to do 4, although 5 would be nice.16:05
ali1234i wish nvidia would make a card with more than two crtc16:05
ali1234so its a dual gpu card16:07
ali1234the probably explains it16:07
ali1234but it might still appear like you have two physical cards to xorg... i dunno16:08
ali1234so you might end up with same problem16:08
Azelphurhehe, I'll find out soon enough \o/16:12
seekerAti use something called eyefinity to do multiple similar monitors16:26
seekerWhere the drivers present a single surface covering all of the monitors16:27
seeker5xxx or 6xxx cards should be able to handle 3 monitors16:27
seekerAlthough 5xxx cards only have 2 clock generators, so you can only use two of ( dvi, dvi, hdmi) at the same16:28
seekerSo 3 monitors requires using a displayport connection16:28
Azelphurseeker I see, not 4 then? :(16:30
TommehYou can have up to 6 DP monitors on most.16:32
TommehIf the ports are there.16:32
TommehIIRC you can also supplement the pixel generators with active convertors.16:32
Tommehclock generators, even16:32
TommehProbably find more info on that on #radeon16:33
TommehWas Bridgeman that I spoke to about it.16:33
Azelphurinteresting :P16:33
AzelphurTommeh: lol that's for open drivers16:34
Azelphurdoubt I'mma do much wine gaming on them :D16:34
TommehGood luck :)16:34
Tommeh(In either case)16:34
Azelphurhehe :)16:34
TommehAsking 'a lot' of the binary driver is always a fun experience.16:35
AzelphurTommeh: oh I know, I'm currently doing it with nvidia.16:35
Azelphurit's not a happy bunny. :(16:35
TommehBut hey, despite the lack of higher OpenGL version support, the 3D performance on Gallium is passable for the most part :)16:35
Tommeh"Usable" I should say16:35
=== seeker_ is now known as seeker
seekerYou can get dp-> dvi converters16:40
archon=~ is the same =! ?16:40
bigcalmNo, ~ mean approx.16:41
Tommehseeker: yes, but unless they're active convertors, it's only possible to drive two DVI/HDMI heads at once.16:42
seekerYes. Active connectors have come down in price an awful lot now16:43
TommehThat's good to know.16:43
archonok thx, have a nice day :)16:43
ali1234~ means bitwise invert, ! means boolean not16:57
BigRedS~ always implies regex to me, from =~17:03
MartijnVdSAlanBell: slow Royal Mail is slow :) I got the package _today_17:17
AlanBellwow :)17:18
AlanBellfwiw popey doesn't have his hat yet17:18
MartijnVdSAlanBell: also RM?17:18
AlanBellno, will be delivered in person at some point when I remember to take it to an event we are both at17:19
gordthere are hats involved?17:23
gordi want a hat17:23
gordcan i have a hat?17:23
gorddo we all get hats?17:23
AzelphurI agree, ubuntu-uk should have hats.17:26
gordif Azelphur gets a hat i want a hat17:27
Azelphurcan it be a dunce hat?17:27
ballI've just seen a screen shot of Gnome 3...is that why Ubuntu switched to Unity?18:17
* awilkins lost his fedora on the train last year18:20
ballawilkins: The hat or the installation disc?18:21
awilkinsThe hat18:21
awilkinsSince everyone was talking about hats an hour ago18:21
ballI missed that.18:22
ballOkay, I should get my haircut.18:22
phonex01A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation !!!!!!! someone hacked Youtube ???18:24
MartijnVdSphonex01: no, someone wrote a bug in youtube code :)18:32
phonex01how is that !!!18:32
MartijnVdSPeople make mistakes18:32
MartijnVdScoders write bugs18:32
phonex01but it is ok now18:32
dutchie:( chrome update got wedged again18:36
brobostigonevening jacobw19:37
AlanBello/ popey20:48
AlanBellI got my polycom communicator working on Natty20:50
AlanBellbump up the volume, fiddle for ages with no success, unplug, re-plug, all works!20:51
Azelphurpopey: lol, got my gtx570 sustained doing 119Mhash/sec without oc, bitcoin wiki says 105 :)20:53
Azelphurand I'm only using idle time since I actually want my computer to be responsive lol20:53
DJonesAzelphur: Your computer has idle time? What happened, power cut?21:05
AzelphurDJones: haha, nah I mean the unused GPU power, when I'm roaming around the desktop I don't really need it21:05
Azelphurwhen I'm gaming I obviously stop farming21:05
AzelphurDJones: I was just winning in ##hardware http://pastebin.com/YPvsJrkn :P21:06
AlanBellAzelphur: what CPU do you have?21:22
AzelphurAlanBell: i7 950, I'm not even using it :D21:22
AlanBellah, the little 95021:22
AlanBellis this any good? -> 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV620 LE [Radeon HD 3450]21:24
Azelphurfor bitcoin?21:25
popeyAzelphur: my gtx 460 only manages about 48 Mhash21:26
AlanBellAzelphur: yes, or in general21:26
Azelphurpopey: hehe21:26
AlanBellit is on a headless server21:26
AzelphurAlanBell: it's utterly useless for bitcoin, sorry. OpenCL isn't supported on 3xxx cards.21:26
AlanBellAzelphur: time echo "scale=5000; 4*a(1)" | bc -l -q21:27
AlanBelluser 0m24.440s21:27
popeynooo hugo random benchmark!21:27
AlanBelloh OK then21:27
popey time perl -e 'for($i=0;$i<1e8;$i++) { }'21:28
Azelphurhehe, I'm still 4th on there :D21:28
AlanBelluser 0m4.410s21:28
AzelphurI need to clock up my CPU, I got plenty of cooling now :)21:29
popeyyou made the last edit21:29
AlanBellwould probably be faster than that if it wasn't running 10 VMs as well21:29
kiriorhi all got a (maybe silly) question21:29
popeygo for it kirior21:29
kiriorhow can i get a python programing launguage editor (kinda like the one on the website for linux?)21:29
popeydo you have a specific editor in mind?21:30
kiriori got21:30
popeygedit works and comes by default21:30
kiriora ok :)21:30
Azelphur192.71 MH/s Average speed in last 7 minutes wee \o/21:32
AzelphurI reckon once the 6990 arrives my machine will do a gigahash easy21:33
popeycant believe you bought a 500 quid video card21:33
* Azelphur is loony :D21:34
popeymind you btc has doubled in value in a week or so21:34
Azelphurit's an investment with risk, if it doesn't pay off I can just flog the 6990 and get most of the money back21:34
popeyinteresting to see where it goes21:35
Azelphurindeed :)21:35
popeyand when the next crash is :)21:35
* Azelphur has dreams of building a bitcoin farm21:35
AlanBelldoes bitcoin have a tax mechanism?21:35
Azelphurbitcoins are like cash21:36
popeycountdown to it getting shutdown :)21:36
* brobostigon thinks, he would rather have the real thing,21:36
DJonesAzelphur: I'd say it was more like gambling winnings, cash income gets taxed, gambling winnings are tax free21:37
AlanBellDJones: you mean casino chips?21:37
DJonesMarket traders get taxed, lottery winners don;t get taxed21:37
AlanBellah, outside the scope of income tax certainly21:38
AlanBellso you mean mined bitcoins are like gambling wins?21:39
DJonesAlanBell: Seems like it from how I've heard it described, mined bitcoins depend on random chances & processes21:40
AlanBellyes, but the idea is to build a trading economy on it21:40
DJonesPerhaps more like the lottery than casino/horse racing etc21:40
AlanBellso they are promisary notes of some description21:40
brobostigonor gold coins, even better,21:40
AlanBellthe mining bit might be chance, but once mined they can be exchanged for goods and services or real money21:41
brobostigonoh, i see. hmmm.21:42
DJonesAlanBell: I can see what you're saying, although to me a promisary note would be backed back a hard currency/asset (eg gold etc) what are bitcoins backed by21:42
AlanBellthey are backed by the computer effort required to generate them I think21:42
kiriorme again :P got this error trying to run my hello world program in python21:43
kiriorWarning: unknown mime-type for "Helo World!" -- using "application/octet-stream"21:43
kiriorError: no such file "Helo World!"21:43
kiriorwhat is wrong what am i missing??21:43
AlanBellhow are you trying to run it kirior?21:43
AlanBellso you saved it as what? "hello.py" or something?21:44
kiriorexactly hello.py21:44
AlanBelland you are running "python hello.py"21:44
kiriorno i just typed ./hello.py21:44
kiriorok that did the trick21:45
AlanBelldid you "chmod +x hello.py"?21:45
AlanBelland what is the first line of the file?21:45
kiriorprint "Helo World!"21:45
kiriorbut after your advice21:45
AlanBell#!/usr/bin/env python21:45
kirior/home/marek# python hello.py21:45
kiriorHelo World!21:45
AlanBellthe first line needs to be a directive of where to find the python interpreter to run the file21:46
kiriorshall i add this in every file?21:46
AlanBellevery python file you want to be executable with ./foo.py21:46
kiriorcan i execute them from directory? or just terminal (or if i get more advanced i will learn how to do both depending on what i am expecting from the program to do?)21:50
Azelphurkirior: if your application has a GUI, and you have the directive at the top of the file, you can just double click it in a file browser21:50
Azelphurkirior: if your application doesn't have a GUI, then you'll need to run it from the command line21:51
kiriorsounds reasonable21:51
Azelphurwell, you could run a no gui app from the file browser, you just wouldn't be able to see what it was doing as it has no GUI XD21:51
kiriorbut if i  programmed it so i would know what it was doing :)21:53
kiriorany good online beginner tutorial for python?21:53
AlanBellhave a look through that21:53
AlanBellthere are lots of tutorials out there, that is one I did21:54
AzelphurAlanBell: didn't know you was into snakes :P21:54
jacobw^ very good python based introduction to programming22:00
kiriorcool thank you guys for help :)22:03
kiriori think ill hit bed for now, c u all next time :)22:03
daubersI solved a driver problem with code \o/22:04
daubers(Achievment Unlocked)22:04
DeathSlinghi all  :)     anyone here used shorewall?    with multiple ISP's?22:35
=== ocean is now known as Guest25827
Guest25827hi guys, is there any one here who has made switchable graphics work under linux (ATI+intel), would appreciate some help22:37
AlanBellhi Guest2582722:37
AlanBellI nearly found the answer last time you were on22:38
Guest25827hi AlanBell22:38
Guest25827AlanBell, would appreciate any help22:39
AlanBellso it was the FORCE_ATI_UNINSTALL thing22:39
AlanBellso you have a half installed ATI driver or something22:40
Guest25827AlanBell, yes22:40
AlanBellit needs to be uninstalled and the left over bits removed22:40
Guest25827AlanBell, i was trying to install fglrx, but it was giving error message22:40
Guest25827AlanBell, i have removed it from synaptic as it appeared as broken packages22:41
AlanBellexport FORCE_ATI_UNINSTALL=/usr/share/ati22:41
AlanBell^^ run that in terminal, then . . .22:41
AlanBellsudo apt-get install fglrx22:42
Guest25827AlanBell, could u explain me what is it going to do?22:42
Guest25827AlanBell, i am going to do that anyway22:42
AlanBellbug 56540722:42
lubotu3Launchpad bug 565407 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu Lucid) "package fglrx (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1 - inst_path_default or inst_path_override does not exist in /etc/ati when ATI Drivers are previously installed" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56540722:42
AlanBellsimilar bug there22:42
Guest25827AlanBell, do u need sudo to run that command?22:43
AlanBellwhat it does is set an environment variable to the location of the half-installed ati drivers22:43
AlanBellGuest25827: I don't think so22:43
AlanBelland when the installer runs it knows it is allowed to force the uninstallation of leftover bits of fglrx from last time it was installed22:44
AlanBellsomething like that anyhow22:44
Guest25827i just copied the command export FORCE_ATI_UNINSTALL=/usr/share/ati tppenendoothing ha the command line, n22:44
AlanBellyeah, nothing will happen22:44
AlanBellnothing visible anyhow22:45
AlanBelldoes it let fglrx install cleanly now is the question?22:46
Guest25827AlanBell, i got an error message again22:47
AlanBelltry that22:47
AlanBellor sudo /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh22:47
Guest25827AlanBell, http://pastebin.com/QCqis3sV22:51
AlanBellhmm, I am out of ideas22:52
Guest25827AlanBell, its so disappointing! i waited for 11.04 but the unity wouldnt work and getting the error message that there is no hard ware support. compiz is not working on classical desktop as well22:55
Guest25827looking forward to mint now, if it can do anything22:55
AlanBellfile a bug22:58
Guest25827AlanBell, how can i do that22:59
Guest25827AlanBell, i have filed many bugs on switchable graphics,have never been even looked at23:01
brobostigongood night, sleep well.23:05
lazybugi used "sugar" and activated "ctrl+shift grabs mouse and keyboard" as my cursor was caught in sugar window how can i disable "ctrl+shift grabs mouse and keyboard"23:35
AzelphurSeeker`, when you overclock, does /proc/cpuinfo change?23:46
Seeker`don't think so23:47
Seeker`at least, not all of the info23:47
Azelphurthat'll explain it not changing then :D23:47
Azelphurmine doesn't change at all23:47
Seeker`because the CPU is still designed as an X GHz processor23:47
Seeker`Azelphur: try dmidecode?23:48
AzelphurSeeker`, yep that says it right :D23:49
AzelphurSeeker`, I'm coming after your perl benchmark record :P23:52
AlanBellhow many cores have you got Azelphur?23:59

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