
klynchHi all00:25
* Takyoji trolls Ubuntu 11.04 moar04:51
TakyojiI'm certainly fleeing to Lubuntu now on all my systems.04:51
Takyojieven the GNOME fallback in 11.04 is unstable04:52
klynchHi all14:05
fisch246anyone interested in seeing the midnight showing of Harry Potter?20:29
tonyyarussoWhat day is it even?20:35
fisch246july 15th21:09
fisch246at 12 a.m21:09
fisch246i know it's early21:10
fisch246but i want to know if people are planning to see it, so i know if it's even worth setting it up21:10
fisch246maybe just go as friends or something21:10
fisch246it would be easier with just a few people21:10
klynchwe need to update the wiki, there is a note from 200822:03
klynchbit out of date.22:03

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