
Da77o0oMany girl in Charlotte ?10:42
durrellVeloce06: You've inspired me..I'm trying to build a SAN now lol18:12
Veloce06durrell: it's not too difficult using OpenFiler. The hardest part is finding hardware that will support multiple SATA drives and good drives18:13
Veloce06One of the things I did was make sure you have either a good Gigabyte switch to VLAN the SAN traffic, or provide a completely different Gigabyte network for your SAN.18:14
Veloce06durrell: let me know if you have any questions. I'll at least try to answer to the best of my ability. Good luck on the SAN build.18:16
durrellWell we have two Compellent SANs18:16
durrellI'm just doing this for fun18:16
durrellI'm bored and have the hardware haha18:17
Veloce06that's the best part, doing it for fun18:17
Veloce06No stress that way, so any problems become a learning experience without the headache18:17
durrellYup that's the plan :)18:18
durrellI am probably going to try to hook it up to ESXi just for fun too18:19
durrellThis is why I love my job..I'd be doing this stuff at home anyway haha18:19
Veloce06let me know if you need some links to some web sites with helps on connecting ESXi to OpenFiler. I definitely bookmarked those pages.18:21
BugeyeDdurrell: what operating systems do you have connected to your compellent? and what type of connections? we're shopping now, and it's between compellent and emc (we have emc now, but are thinking about dumping them).18:41
BugeyeDwe have a mixed bag - solaris, linux, bsd, and a few windows boxes. we're an oracle shop, with oracle on suse linux. all fibre-channel, with nas being delivered via software instead of the san itself.18:42
BugeyeDdurrell: i see, you are running esx w/iscsi and fibre.18:49
durrellBugeyeD: Yep18:59
durrellESX 4.1 at the moment..prepping to move to ESXi 4.1 with VMware's announcement last week that they are ditching ESX19:00
BugeyeDi have a dozen or so 4.0 boxes in several clusters; 4.1 presented issues when backed by oracle database, and those issues weren't resolved until about a month ago.19:41
BugeyeDwe've known for awhile that we'd already seen the last of esx. i still haven't messed with esxi yet.19:41
durrellBugeyeD: You're a lot larger than us..we have 3 4.1 boxes running about 20 servers19:52
durrell4.1 has been great for us, though19:52
BugeyeDyeah, we have 300+ guests, not including the vdi stuff19:56
durrellAhh we are strongly considering getting into some VDI stuff20:02

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