
canthus13Cheri703: Sully with anything distinctly Hungarian would be cool. :)00:36
* jgould wanders in03:48
Unit193Yello jgould03:48
jgouldEvening, Unit19303:49
jgouldI shall go retrofit the AC in my car tonight...  Then maybe it won't be so dagon hot...03:50
jgouldHmm... Chromium or Firefox...04:26
jgouldI'm leaning that way as well.  but it's more like which uses less memory?  (never mind the fact that I have 8GB of ram...04:29
jgouldI really need to get a plugin to do something with the scripts for URLs in WeeChat...04:35
jgouldbe back after wile04:40
canthus13Unit193: That's awesome.05:05
canthus13jgould: I've seen chrome use tons of ram.. I've seen Firefox use tons of ram.  It's mroe a matter of what you prefer.05:05
jgouldI have seen both as well, canthus1306:56
jgouldFirefox is the only application that I've ever seen use more ram than kernel_task on MacOS X07:03
Unit193Midori is nice if you need really lightweight (And only a bit buggy)07:07
jgouldMy previous macbook only had 2GB of ram, so I'm always watching it...  Old habits die hard07:20
Unit193"It's going really slow, I need to close some things...."07:24
jgouldPretty much07:25
jgouldCheri703: your hostname is a mouthful...08:04
Cheri703I'm at UDS08:06
Cheri703in budapest08:06
* jgould has no clue how to program...08:07
Cheri703nor do I08:07
jgouldSo what are you learning at the develpoer conference?08:08
Cheri703I've been posting a bunch on my identi.ca account (I'm cheri703 on there)08:09
Cheri703it's like twiter08:09
Cheri703I have also been posting on my work twitter, but not as much stuff08:09
Cheri703I just made it right before the trip08:10
* jgould is having trouble typing08:10
Cheri703no worries. I am tired08:11
Cheri703it's 9:11am right now08:11
jgouldIt's 3am here...08:12
jgouldI think I shall be heading to bed.  good Day?  Heh  Fill your brain with knowledge to bring back to us!08:13
Unit193Then we can talk about it at the next U-H ;)08:14
jgouldNight guys08:14
Cheri703Unit193: I'm totally wearing my uds shirt for ubuntu hour :)08:15
Cheri703also will bring stickers and such08:15
Cheri703it will be next wednesday at 5, fyi08:16
Cheri703our ubuntu hour08:16
Unit193There were two deaths today, so I don't know what's going on :/08:17
Cheri703:( :(08:17
Unit193Should all be good, but I don't know...08:17
Cheri703I saw that, sorry to hear about that08:17
Unit193That's never a good thing...08:18
Unit193If it's a normal day, that Weds will work better than normal08:19
Cheri703that will also let some of the other folks (at least in theory) be able to attend08:20
BiosElementI really love this Facebook smear attack on Google...08:28
BiosElementIt's amusing to see people defend google for once08:28
* Unit193 hasn't seen it... Only that FB is doing it..08:29
BiosElementYou haven't seen it since it never got written.08:29
BiosElementSee they tried to recruit a whole bunch of privacy experts, well one of them posted the email online :P08:29
BiosElementAnd there went their scummy attack plan08:30
BiosElementAnd of course, in the end it gets even better08:32
BiosElementFacebook is in bed with Microsoft, so this isn't just facebook attacking google. It leads right back to Microsoft, funny how that always seems to happen...08:32
canthus13Cheri703: when do you head back?11:56
Derath-Srvrhi all14:50
Derath-SrvrHow's UDS going?14:51
Cheri703pretty good14:52
Cheri703last day14:52
Derath-SrvrGoing to miss it tomorrow? lol14:52
Cheri703yes and no14:52
Derath-SrvrWhat part won't you miss?14:53
Cheri703the food at the hotel is meh, my feet hurt, my roommate keeps me up, and I think I'm getting sick...also the whole thing is just really tiring, it's constant information and people and meeting and etc14:55
Derath-Srvrlol Yep...14:55
Derath-Srvrkinda like a week long OLF huh?14:55
Cheri703yeah, only mark shuttleworth is here and various other people14:55
Derath-SrvrTrue enough, have you gotten to talk with mark 1on1?14:56
* Derath-Srvr has always wondered what he's like in person...14:57
Cheri703thanks, low power, hibernated15:13
Cheri703and no, no one on one with mark shuttleworth, have passed him in the hall a few times, and shared an elevator with him15:14
Cheri703yeah, kind of neat15:16
canthus13Cheri703: Didja manage to get a pic of sully with something hungarian? (Sign, local beer, etc..)15:19
Cheri703yep, there's a train station and I got a sign that says "budapest" in the background15:19
canthus13Sweet! :)15:19
Cheri703will see if I can get any more, but I'm pretty much out of time other than perhaps in the airport15:19
canthus13That's all good...15:20
Cheri703oh, also in front of a hungarian ice cream store sign15:20
Cheri703and eating an ice cream cone15:20
canthus13Awesome.. :)15:20
Cheri703I'll try to get them sent before I get on my flight tomorrow15:20
Cheri703just as a note: we as a loco are slacking :) compared to many out there...15:21
Derath-Srvrhow so?15:21
Cheri703well, others have lots more members, MANY more events, doing outreach, participating in organized testing, etc15:22
canthus13I'm not surprised.  We've got a number of people left feeling like Ubuntu has ditched us...15:22
Cheri703as far as the cd's?15:23
Derath-SrvrNot to mention having a splinter group under us that we didn't know about15:23
Cheri703I saw someone mention that...is it an official loco? or unofficial?15:23
* Derath-Srvr shrugs15:24
* canthus13 has a hard time doing any kind of outreach/evangelism when he's embarrased to show the latest offerings.15:25
Cheri703but I'm all for promoting the older ones15:25
Derath-Srvrsigh, Gnome, KDE and XFCE are still "latest offerings"15:25
canthus13specifically, Unity.  And from what I've seen, it's only getting worse. (Total removal of gnome classic...)15:25
Cheri703when vista came out, people were still promoting xp15:25
_bbbi find it somewhat stupid that it requires 3d15:27
Cheri7032d is coming15:28
Derath-SrvrService release15:28
_bbbi love jorge but unity not so much15:31
_bbbi see ther eis a unity-2d ppa15:31
Cheri703yeah, I installed 11.04 on my other partition the other day, but until some things about the launcher are changed, patched, or replaceable, then I can't use it full time. it kills my normal workflow15:32
Cheri703hehe, mark shuttleworth just walked into the governance meeting15:33
Cheri703BiosElement, jacob: who has ownership of the Ubuntu Columbus, OH facebook page? it's...sad15:34
_bbbbetter than clevelands15:37
Cheri703just saying15:37
Cheri703oh, and for the record: it is completely ok for there to be more than one approved loco team per state15:38
Cheri703there are many states with multiple15:38
Cheri703so that has nothing to do with canonical (on the note of feeling abandoned)15:38
canthus13Cheri703: Makes sense for a state like California or TX... although I like the ReLoCo concept better...15:39
Cheri703I think they'd also be much more likely to send swag or other stuff if we were showing growing numbers, events happening, etc etc15:39
Cheri703dunno though15:39
Cheri703true canthus13, but if a group of people didn't like the overall structure of ours, then they have every right to go make a new one15:40
Cheri703though we are pretty distantly spread15:41
Cheri703so if there was a "western ohio" loco and a "southern ohio" loco, that'd actually probably help, because having everything based in columbus leaves the people out on the edges feeling left out15:41
Cheri703I dunno15:41
canthus13That was the reason for the ReLoCo setup, really...15:49
Cheri703true, but it does limit how much crap we can get from canonical...if we had 5 different loco teams in the state, we'd have PLENTY of CDs and such15:50
Cheri703vs one team's worth of stuff15:51
Cheri703(also, mark shuttleworth's accent is VERY south african :) )15:51
Cheri703so I might have found this other group...15:53
Cheri703one of the founders of the group (from what I can tell) is the brother of a guy I know15:55
deejoehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/664107/comments/9 <- yes.  I hate that #1 was filed as a bug16:00
Derath-SrvrYeah, that's the other group...16:07
Cheri703I'm going to put out feelers to talk to them16:08
thafreakjust fyi, if any of you ever get an openvz vps...iptables is a pain...16:09
thafreakso things like ufw and fail2ban don't work quite as advertised...16:10
Cheri703UDS Wrap up starting16:11
jacobCheri703: fe: Facebook, I'm not sure16:11
jacobre:* Facebook *16:11
Cheri703ok, no worries16:11
canthus13I wonder if we could get Sully honorary ubuntu membership....16:16
Cheri703hmmm.....I'll see what I can do16:17
dniMretsaMhi every121:35
Unit193Howdy dniMretsaM , Cheri70321:36
dniMretsaMhey unit/cheri/derath21:36
dniMretsaMUnit, r u on here 24/7?21:37
Unit193Just about...21:37
Unit193Derath-Srvr: Howdy! (I missed you ;) )21:37
* Cheri703 is packing up for the trip home21:38
Unit193I'm always logged in21:38
Derath-SrvrOh.. lol21:39
Derath-Srvrmissed me like 6 hours or so ago.. lol21:39
dniMretsaMI'm getting really tired of all these anti-Uniy/11.04 threads on the Ubuntu Forums...21:42
Unit193dniMretsaM: Do you like Unity?21:45
* Derath-Srvr smirks21:45
Unit193Derath-Srvr: You smirk ALL the time...21:45
Derath-SrvrDoesn't seem like it gets much better around here... *glances around to particular members*21:45
Derath-SrvrOf course I do21:45
Unit193Yeah.... I'll stay off Unity's case...21:46
Derath-SrvrI don't mind it, I think there's room for improvement in it though. Would I use it? probably not, just not the style of desktop that appeals to me, but then, that's what linux is all about, right? choice?21:47
dniMretsaMYes. Well, I like the 3D version. The 2D version has way less customization options than 3D (which still doesn't have that many).21:47
dniMretsaMMy computer won't run the 3D, so I use KDE instead21:48
Derath-SrvrI see pros and cons to each one, but mostly again from a personal perspective...21:48
Derath-SrvrReally need to set my wife in front of it and see what she things...21:48
Derath-Srvr(new/untrained user perspective)21:49
dniMretsaMIMO, Unity is good. I know it's not perfect, but it will get better. I can respect thtat people don't like it, but don't post ANOTHER thread about it21:49
Derath-Srvrlol truer words have not been said recently lol21:50
dniMretsaMyour wife should already b using *buntu. get with the game man!21:50
Derath-SrvrShe is, but doesn't lik eit much...21:50
Derath-SrvrShe doesn't do much on it other than web browse and calculator...21:51
dniMretsaMnon-geeks ftl21:51
* Derath-Srvr shrugs21:51
dniMretsaMhow do u do the action (blu text) thing21:52
Derath-Srvrtype /me <action>21:54
Derath-SrvrAnd doesn't come up blue for me... lol all I see is white text lol21:54
* Derath-Srvr slaps irssi around...21:55
Unit193Green for me :D21:55
Derath-SrvrDefinitely going to have to check into weechat...21:55
dniMretsaMoh lol. I'm on Quassel (KDE IRC client). that's probably y it comes up blue21:55
Unit193Derath-Srvr: Sounds like you need a good theme...21:56
dniMretsaMoops. just hid the menu bar21:56
dniMretsaMnow to figure out how to get it back...21:56
Derath-SrvrMore than just a theme, after seeing other clients, irssi just isn't keeping my attention like it used to...21:57
Unit193...That works too!21:57
* canthus13 lurves irssi, can't imagine using another client.21:59
Derath-Srvrlaters all!22:00
Cheri703I'm considering quassel22:00
Derath-SrvrAnd my reservation for OLF hsa been made!!! WOOT!22:00
Cheri703because it's graphical but has a core / client setup so you can get the same effect as irssi and screen22:00
Cheri703awesome Derath-Srvr22:00
canthus13Quassel seems like a lot of hassle for no gain.22:00
dniMretsaMquassel seems nice22:00
Unit193canthus13: I use the sounds of Pidgin (Use irssi for text and as a proxy for pidgin)22:01
dniMretsaMnever used any other IRC clients though, so yeah..22:01
Cheri703I'm going to mess with it when I get home, so we'll see22:01
canthus13Unit193: I've thought about piping IM clients to irssi, but I don't use IM software enoguh to bother...22:01
dniMretsaMwut is pigdin?22:02
Unit193I only use IM with Finxh22:02
Unit193But I also use Finch...22:02
Unit193canthus13: I use the IRC part of Pidgin so I can tell if I'm getting a msg or if it's a msg to the channel22:04
dniMretsaMI used to think sudo was pronounced sue-doe22:05
dniMretsaMyes, IK that was random, but I just typed it into terminal. that's wut made me think of it22:06
Cheri703how do you think it's pronounced?22:06
Cheri703...it's sue-doe22:07
dniMretsaMsince you're doing something as su22:07
dniMretsaMthat would make it sue-due22:07
Cheri703it's pronounced sue-doe though22:07
Cheri703I have NEVER heard it as sue-due...22:08
Cheri703though I suppose it's a matter of region22:08
dniMretsaMbut that doesn't make sense though22:08
Cheri703*shrug* say it how you want...I've never heard it that way, I will continue to say it how I do22:09
* canthus13 says sue-due.22:09
* Cheri703 thinks canthus13 doesn't count because he's weird22:09
canthus13Cheri703: thpthpthpthpthp.22:15
dniMretsaMwhat r ur oppinions on DRMs? we're discussing it on the forums (not related to the thread, but we're still talking about it lol)22:36
canthus13it's obnoxious and interferes with fair use.22:41
dniMretsaMthat seems to be the general consensus. but sadly, they still exist. even though they don't do anything to stop piracy which is supposed to b the point22:51

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