
linuxman410chris4585 you here00:36
linuxman410chris4585 i need your help i need a small os for a 2gb partition00:36
chris4585linuxman410, slitaz, or tinycore00:37
linuxman410it is a asus eeepc 2g surf00:37
linuxman410chris4585 it has a 2gb ssd00:37
linuxman410what does cyberanger run on his00:38
chris4585try slitaz00:38
chris4585the iso is like 30mbs00:38
linuxman410chris4585 i was going to try freebsd but do not understand how to install programs00:42
chris4585you got me, I've never tried it before00:42
Xpistos-Hey yal03:48
cyberangerhey Xpistos-04:12
cyberangerhey Kurisu_Yamato04:12
Xpistos-cyberanger: hey man04:12
Xpistos-guess what I got working today/04:12
Xpistos-my godaddy ssh04:12
cyberangerso now you just need the rsync bit, or did you get that too04:13
chris4585sup cyberanger04:29
cyberangerchris4585: enough :-)04:30
cyberangercrazy times04:30
chris4585well then, yes indeed04:32
cyberangerthings should be settling04:38
Xpistos-I didn't leave the room05:08
Xpistos-cyberanger: no I didn't get the rsync done05:08
cyberangerXpistos-: can you use sshfs with it?05:11
linuxman410wrst u here12:02
linuxman410chris4585 u here12:04
linuxman410anyone here12:09
wrsthey linuxman41012:44
wrstwhat's up?12:44
linuxman410wrst do you know of a up to date os i can run in less than 2gb12:45
wrstlinuxman410: I would think about any Linux distro shoul run on a GB shouldn't it?12:45
linuxman410wrst i have tried a few i am hunting for a os to run on my asus eepc 2g surf with 2gb ssd12:47
wrstwhat have you tried linuxman410?12:47
wrst3d graphics card?12:48
linuxman410wrst i ried debian could not get tto load and everything else in requirements says 3 gb or more12:49
wrsthmm ohhh i was thinking RAM linuxman41012:49
* wrst gets awake12:49
wrstlinuxman410: if it were me I would probably do some sort of install of Arch Linux, not easy, but if you follow the wiki not hard and you will ONLY have what you tell it to install12:50
wrstbut getting it and then a decent desktop under 2B will not be easy12:52
wrstmight possible get lxde or something?12:52
wrstlinuxman410: could you not maybe get a larger SD card?12:52
kd4zayHello all16:19
=== Xpistos1 is now known as Xpistos
wrsthello kd4zay16:43
vychunehey guys16:51
kd4zayDoes this group have GTs or regular meetings?17:14
chris4585yes a few times a month we have meetings17:48
chris4585or something like that :)17:48
wrstkd4zay: its usually updated in the topic... but... well :)17:54
wrstbut kd4zay the next IRC meeting will be on June 217:55
chris4585morning wrst :)17:56
wrstchris4585: how are things way down south?17:57
chris4585wrst, pretty lazy today so far, yesterday i went job hunting, office max has a few positions open17:58
chris4585sometime today I'm going to work on that17:58
wrstchris4585: sorry didn't know you were looking17:58
chris4585I went everywhere yesterday asking if anyone was hiring17:59
wrstman i feel for you :\18:01
vychunei dont erven have a car to look18:03
vychunechris4585: are you a memphian?18:12
chris4585nope, floridian18:13
vychuneoh in that case18:16
kd4zayany meetings coming up in mid tn anyone18:33
vychuneor in memphis18:33
kd4zayits a bit of a drive for me18:33
kd4zayi live in williamsport tn its so small you cant see it on the map 8)18:35
vychunedamn lol18:35
kd4zaythe town is made up of  1/2 block like i said18:36
XpistosWhat up peeps!19:06
Dan9186so if i want to setup my ubuntu box to respond to DNS when i'm on a windows box, what do i need to do?19:18
Dan9186i.e. instead of http://<ip>/ i want http://<name>/ to work19:18
cyberangerAnyone here used XFS?20:12
cyberangerkd4zay: Welcome to The Tennessee Ubuntu LoCo20:13
=== cyberanger changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-tn to: Next Meeting June 3rd at 8:30 PM EDT/7:30 PM CDT | Welcome to the Ubuntu Tennessee Team IRC Channel | Members add your info http://tr.im/nogt | Ask about our Wiki Jams
* cyberanger can't believe he overlooked the topic again20:15
cyberangerXpistos: you around?20:15
kd4zayxfs just another journaling fs20:17
kd4zaydan9186 you could use you windows hosts file20:18
cyberangerkd4zay: yes, however there is one feature I was wondering if ext4 had, the ability to resize an online xfs partition20:19
kd4zayif you install LVM i would think you would be able to20:20
cyberangerlvm doesn't cover the partitions though, it's just a middle layer between the discs and the partitions20:20
Dan9186kd4zay, don't really want to have to edit the host file on 30 machines20:21
cyberangerI've already grown the lvm volume group onto a new disc20:21
kd4zayahh ok20:21
cyberangerjust can't grow the filesystem like I could on xfs (well, without unmounting that is)20:21
cyberangerDan9186: what's the issue (sounds like a case for DNS or something down that road)20:22
kd4zaywhat about qparted resize20:22
cyberangerthat will work, but I have to unmount it, it's not able to do it online, mounted20:23
Dan9186cyberanger: yeah i wouldn't mind that, but i don't know much about our DNS setup here other than they're touchy with it20:23
kd4zayDan9186 you could through a gpo if you wanted to20:23
cyberangerDan9186: whearas that's the one thing I mess with too much (alot is work, DNS is my spare time too)20:23
cyberangerkd4zay: yeah, the idea is to not power down the machine or make this partition unavailable (It's a mirror, unavailibilty isn't a good idea)20:25
cyberangerso it looks like I'll be migrating over to xfs tonight20:25
cyberangerDan9186: what exactly is the deal? I came in late on that20:25
Dan9186yeah, oddly enough we don't have OUs setup either, so doing gpo would still be painful20:25
Dan9186i've got a small web server that hosts a web app that i'm building as an addon to our main inventory and ticketing system, i would like to run it off my ubuntu box but i'd rather it resolve to a name than an ip20:27
cyberangerI presume it currently has a static IP20:28
kd4zaycyberanger have you looked at resize2fs20:28
cyberangerkd4zay: glad to see another ham in the group again20:29
kd4zaygood deal20:29
* cyberanger is KJ4JUY20:29
Dan9186cyberanger: nope actually it doesn't20:30
cyberangerkd4zay: unfortunately, resize2fs only works when unmounted, xfs_growfs can grow a xfs partition while mounted20:30
cyberangereverything I read seems to be due to some really low level architure in xfs, that allows that to work, unfortunately20:31
cyberangerkd4zay: thanks for the ideas, but it does appear to be a dead end due to design20:31
cyberangerI can grow the partition, that's the easy part, the hard part is growing it while mounted, without downtime20:32
cyberangerso tonight I'll fire up the backup rig, and convert the primary to xfs20:32
cyberangerand tommorow do the same for the backup20:33
cyberangerDan9186: do they use an internal dns server?20:33
kd4zaycyberanger: Id like to know what solution you come up with.20:34
=== cyberanger changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-tn to: Next Meeting June 2nd at 8:30 PM EDT/7:30 PM CDT | Welcome to the Ubuntu Tennessee Team IRC Channel | Members add your info http://tr.im/nogt | Ask about our Wiki Jams
cyberangerkd4zay: LVM for the disks, ext2 for /boot ext4 for / and xfs for /var/www/mirror20:37
cyberangerthat's what I'm going to have to do20:37
kd4zayIf Dan9186 does have a internal windows server he should be to create an a record with reverse dns20:37
cyberanger(I could actually do some other things here, but only supported filesystem for this goal is xfs, and since /var/www/mirror is it's own partition, best result with least work)20:38
cyberangerkd4zay: or on the linux rig he's using, with bind9, yeah20:39
cyberangerDan9186: if you could get a static ip address, and create an internal domain (or perhaps that's done, and you just need to get an A record for a subdomain)20:39
cyberangeryou'd be set, question is, how many favors can you get out of your beloved overloards there ;-)20:40
Dan9186you're proposing involvement from another department all together and 2 other groups within my own :P20:41
cyberangerDan9186: if you can't get a static ip or DDNS, this is done before it starts20:43
Dan9186i'll have to see what i can do20:44
cyberangerwell, I suppose you could use dyndns or something, and set your server to push it's ip20:44
cyberangerit'll be a public dns entry, but an internal ip20:44
cyberangerthat'd be the only route without talking to network admins, but runs it's own risks20:45
Dan9186yeah they wouldn't allow that20:46
cyberangeranother thought, if you ran the nameservers for this project, they gave you a static ip and just point at your nameservers for an internal domain20:46
Dan9186i only need internal name resolution20:46
cyberangerthen they know you can only affect your internal domain, not everything20:46
cyberangerand you have full control of that20:47
cyberangeryou still need a static ip, but if your convincing them that this will mean less work for them in the long run20:47
cyberangerthen it's hard to resist (unless you've got the other kind of admin, those types usually compare root to god)20:48
cyberangerman, the plan was a day off and I'm logged into the machine, working on some scripts, what's wrong with this picture20:50
cyberangerand the funny part, nobody asked me to login, there is no deadline, just seemed like a good time to do it20:51
wrstcyberanger: your here!21:05
cyberangerwrst: yep, and you noticed just in time21:05
wrstha ha I will see you later ;)21:05
cyberangerI am about to disappear again ;-)21:05
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: you around?21:06
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: gonna try your video again, for some reason it refused to play here21:07
wrstcyberanger: he should have used .ogg ;)21:09
cyberangerwrst: yeah, .ogv21:15
wrstcyberanger: i have found teh apple 'ish formats are about the worse out there21:16
cyberangerbut based on what he said, It's gotta be encoding issues, I have played those files before, and after21:16
cyberangerwrst: and I feel the same way for the windows stuff21:17
cyberangerflac for all21:17
wrstbut atleast you can play the windows stuff easy enough, and wma is a decent enough format save the licensing issues21:18
wrsti mean wmv21:18
cyberangerminus the Digital Restrictions Mismanagement21:21
cyberangerfrom the MAFIAA21:21
wrstyes that's true but apple is worse21:21
wrstbut guess that is something like which devil is more evil?21:22
cyberangerwell, Apple has the same DRM, same MAFIAA pressuring them21:22
cyberangerand they're codecs are more rare (which could be part of the problem)21:22
cyberangerthe obscurity that is21:23
cyberangerogg, ogv, flac21:23
cyberangerthat's where it's at ;-)21:23
kd4zayanyone here do patch management on linux ?22:09
cyberangerpatch management,22:09
cyberangerI patch my kernel and manage it, does that count?22:09
cyberangerand when it crashes, I mismanage it22:10
kd4zayit need to be able to manage what patch are applied and when for compiance22:10
kd4zayi have looked around but have not seen anything related to that22:11
kd4zayidealy what i was looking for is a wsus counter part for linux though apt-proxy would centralize the patches / packages but has no reporting22:25

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