
seattlegauchovalorie: I should tell that idea to my daughter who works @ Best Buy :)01:43
seattlegaucho... take that Geek Squad01:43
Captainkrtekhello seattlegaucho 02:12
seattlegauchohi there02:13
Captainkrteknice day isn't it?02:13
seattlegauchoyep ... getting ready for the commute home02:14
Captainkrtekwhat city do you live in?02:14
seattlegauchoCaptainkrtek: bellevue02:40
seattlegaucho... and work close to pike pl market02:40
seattlegauchosee around tomorrow02:40
valorieanybody here on the bug squad and looking for a job? 03:39
CaptainkrtekI may be05:51
Captainkrtekapplying now, thanks :)05:52
valoriewelcome; hope it works out05:53
Captainkrtekhmm does evince support PDF creation05:58
valorielibre office does05:59
* valorie uses kubuntu, no idea about evince05:59
Captainkrtekevince is just a pdf program05:59
Captainkrtektime to copy paste my resume :P05:59
CaptainkrtekI have it online, not in file formate06:00
valorieours is called Okular06:00
Captainkrtekwhat shell do you use?06:00
Captainkrteknever used kubuntu, pardon my ignorance06:00
valorieBash, I believe06:00
valoriebut some of the devels use some of the others06:01
Captainkrteksubmitted :)06:07
Captainkrtekcross fingers!06:08
Captainkrtekand thanks :D06:08
Captainkrtekhello shirgall 06:14
Captainkrtekhow's it going?06:15
shirgallNot bad, of course, I'm not out drinking every night here at UDS because I brought my family with me.06:16
Captainkrtekhow's UDS?06:16
shirgallBeen pretty interesting. Lots of meaningful decisions like openstack and lightdm and good feedback on unity and unity-2d.06:17
shirgallI know I'm in us-wa, but since I'm down near Vancouver, I tend to straddle -wa and -or06:18
Captainkrtekhehe no problem06:18
shirgallSo you'll forgive me for not sticking my opinion in. :)06:18
valorienot a problem06:20
valorieare you coming to OSCON this year?06:20
shirgallI always manage to miss it because of project work, but I will try.06:21
valorieI was there last year staffing the booth, and was hoping to meet some of the Oregon team06:21
valorienobody showed up06:21
valoriehow about CLS the weekend before?06:21
shirgallI was at the Natty release party, and it was poorly attended. :(06:21
valorieit was WELL worth it last year06:21
valoriewe didn't end up having a party, since it would have been the day before linuxfest northwest06:22
shirgallI haven't trie to get involved in the community summit before, but Jono is encouraging it too.06:23
MarkDudeshirgall, listen to Jono06:24
Captainkrtekhey MarkDude 06:25
MarkDudeHello Captainkrtek 06:25
Captainkrtekhow's it going06:26
MarkDudePlanning a trip to Maker Faire onm the 21st06:30

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