
=== bodhizazen is now known as Guest55423
tux-userHi, everyone! 11:33
tux-userI will speak about GNU/Linux and Nvidia Optimus 11:33
tux-userUnfortunetally, Optimus Tec. is released by Nvidia 1 or 2 years ago. 11:34
tux-userI have a Asus Eee Pc 1215n and, of course, this netbook is using Nvidia Optimus.11:35
disibodhi_zazen your available?17:44
completelysomeone here who can help me with a multimonitor and mouse contain problem?18:30
=== disi is now known as completely
krycekhi, how do you install or downgrade your kernel? and lock it22:30
bodhi_zazenYou can install with apt-get22:32
bodhi_zazenor synaptic22:32
bodhi_zazenor from source22:32
bodhi_zazenYou can lock it from synaptic22:33
bodhi_zazenOr put it on hold manually22:33
krycekthanks bodhi_zazen 22:34
kryceki have natty installed and want to downgrade it to maverick's kernel, is this right? could i do that?22:36
bodhi_zazenYou can try22:36
bodhi_zazenDownload the .deb you want22:36
bodhi_zazendkpg -I kernel.deb22:37
bodhi_zazenapt-get install -f22:37
bodhi_zazenthat should be a small I22:37
bodhi_zazendkpg -i kernel.deb22:37
krycekso i dont need to enter the numbers of the kernel version?22:37
krycekthe specific numbers22:37
bodhi_zazenUse tab completion22:38
krycekcouldnt find dkpg22:39
krycekor, command not found?22:39
bodhi_zazentype, sorry22:39
bodhi_zazenfatt fnre22:39
krycekim stuck22:46
bodhi_zazenwhere ?22:53
kryceksorry, i was stuck, now trying a guide to install linux-2.6.38 kernel i will shout and whine when it doesnt work.22:57
krycekokey bodhi_zazen need some help23:01
krycekNote: If you are applying a patch to the kernel, such as fbsplash, beyond, or emission23:02
krycekwhat is a patch?23:02
krycekwhat are those patches doing?23:03

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