
=== urbanape_ is now known as urbanape
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tntcI know the performance is degraded during the DB fix (according to the status site), but how degraded are we talking? What's normal for ubuntuone uploads?05:01
fagantntc: there isnt really a metric on it really it depends on peak times and all that05:01
fagantntc: but it is slower than usual05:01
tntcWell, my plan is to sync about 35gb of music. I'm essentially wondering how long it's gonna take when the performance problem is fixed :)05:03
* fagan just woke up and saw the question which was good timing 05:03
tntcah, you must be in the UK :)05:03
fagantntc: well im not going to get your hopes up it would take a good while05:03
fagantntc: im in Ireland05:03
tntcoh, I expect it to take a while. I'm just wondering if the scale should be days or weeks.05:04
fagantntc: the best thing to do is just try it and leave it to upload and it will speed up when we fix the problem probably05:04
fagantntc: but definitely days maybe longer if its 35gb05:05
tntcok, that's good to know. I have 3 x 20gb storage packs, plus the mobile bit so I can stream music.05:05
fagantntc: yeah its really handy when you get it all uploaded I have it working on my phone too05:06
tntcfagan: which phone?05:06
fagantntc: its a samsung something or other I cant remember the model05:07
tntcfagan: nice. I've been loving my Droid 2. Worked great while I was in France.05:08
fagantntc: nice, sorry about the speed problems but we are working on it05:08
fagantntc: oh and if you upload your fav songs first you can start using it right away05:09
faganshouldnt take that long for just a few05:09
tntcoh good!05:09
tntcIt'll work on cellular connection or wifi, right?05:09
fagantntc: yep05:09
tntc(as in, either one)05:09
faganit defaults to the wifi if your connected05:10
fagangood good anyway05:11
tntcfagan: just noticed something: I'm not sure how many songs have made it up to the cloud, but I have one folder, unknown artist. When I tap on it, I get Error: unable to parse 'None' as integer05:12
fagantntc: well they may not be uploaded yet05:12
* fagan thinks he remembers a bug like that in the list :/05:13
tntcoh, yeah I figured they're not. I'm guessing the error is just because the folder is empty or something.05:13
fagantntc: yeah it is05:14
tntcI'll hunt for the bug report. Are the mobile ubuntuone clients open source?05:15
faganbut it shouldnt be doing that error and that is a bug, id say just wait and it will work itself out05:15
faganno no ill go look for the bug :)05:15
faganyou just have fun and we will take it from here05:15
fagantntc: so anyway just wait it out and it will get a bit better soon05:16
faganother than that you should be good05:16
tntcoh, ok :) Thanks!05:16
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shane4kubuntuok, what are the special loops I have to jump through to get u1 working on kubuntu?11:39
shane4kubuntuI looked on the web page, but wasn't able to find  anything11:42
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karnifagan: yo, you know if the uds wrap up is streamed somewhere?16:04
karnifagan: ballroom.ogg is streaming music16:04
fagankarni: wasnt listening myself16:06
fagankarni: I presume its the ballroom but they forgot to turn it on16:06
karnifagan: possibly :/16:07
beunoit hasn't started yet16:07
faganbeuno: ah then ill listen in too16:09
aquariusocparrino ping16:09
beunonow its starting16:10
karnifagan: stream is on16:11
fagannice im all over it :D16:11
karnifagan: xD16:13
* fagan wants some amazon right now 16:14
karnihehe he's fun16:14
faganyay rick16:16
mainerrorhey all :)16:17
faganmainerror: hey16:17
* mainerror is back from the UDS16:17
faganwhat linus is there16:25
* fagan is jelly16:25
karnihahah :)16:33
karnifagan: and the music is back ;d16:33
fagankarni: that was a short round up they must really want some beer16:43
karnifagan: true hehe16:43
faganobviously mandel is all over that one LD16:43
duanedesignimport localtime16:45
duanedesigntime = local time16:46
duanedesignprint 'good'  local timr16:47
duanedesigns/local time/local_time16:48
karniduanedesign: good evening :)18:05
blajkbeuno: ping18:11
faganduanedesign: that code would print out the time so it would be good 18:15 :D18:15
faganso you should add if time > 12 and time < 3 the_time = "afternoon" elif time > 3 the_time = "evening" else the_time = "morning"18:17
fagansomething like that18:17
faganbut thats just playing about I could have done better with it18:17
karnifagan: he could also write: print getGreeting(time())19:35
karnifagan: I just read that as a pseudo code :)19:36
fagankarni: I didnt know you could do that19:41
karnifagan: you have weak imagination :D!19:41
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=== urbanape_ is now known as urbanape
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