
scott-upstairsckontros, i'm home00:19
ckontrosscott-upstairs: Ill hit you up in a bit. Tomorrow at the latest. Im off and got busy now but I have some emails written. Ill have you give em a once over.00:56
scott-upstairsckontros, sounds good01:01
ckontrosScottL: Let me know when I can pastebin you stuff to look over.11:56
ScottLckontros, you can catch me at work today (scott-work), i should be there in about 1.25 hours12:43
ScottLor you can catch me back at home (ScottL) at around 6:00CST12:44
ckontrosscott-work: Want me to go ahead with those emails?16:57
scott-workckontros: it looks good, i only have one syntactic correct to suggest17:39
scott-workckontros: for the list and planet:  "The team simply feels..."  rather than "The team simple feel..."17:40
scott-workoh, blogger is up17:40
ckontrosI forgot an "s". :P But yeay, feel free to edit as needed for Planet. Add stuff, whatever.17:41
ckontrosOk. Im gonna post these and contact the artists.17:43
ckontrosscott-work: Surprisingly, xubuntu-devel list is as quiet or quieter then ours.17:45
scott-workckontros: look at this as well:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/607064/17:48
scott-workthe end isn't fully developed, i kinda ran out of steam and i'm going to rework it at some point17:48
scott-workbut i also will just review the whole thing yet again before i post17:48
ckontrosOk. Ill read in a min.17:49
ckontrosscott-work: I'd change the "One notable suggestion" part to something more definitive as it's a done deal. I'd also mention that while we will be using XFCE we will be working toward leveraging the awesome power of AWN heavily. Or some such nonsense. :P18:00
ckontrosscott-work: Hmm... I'd almost change your example as well. As we will be changing up the UI a bit.18:02
ckontrosI gotta say, using _just_ AWN and no panels has been great. Hasn't changed workflow a bit. I even changed it on 2 other boxes here and the family quickly adjusted.18:03

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