
twbOn a lucid server, suppose I have an upstart job which has "post-stop exec sleep 10m"04:39
twbWhen I try to shut down or reboot the server, will it wait for those 10m, or will the halt/reboot happen before then?04:40
twbI want the former -- the post-stop script is actually a patch to libvirt-bin.conf to make it gracefully shut down VMs: http://paste.debian.net/116806/04:41
twbAFAICT the latter is currently the case05:24
twbHmm, can I just patch rc.conf to say05:28
twbstart on (runlevel [12345] or (runlevel [06] and stopped libvirt-bin)) ?05:28
twbThat seems to work05:40
twbRidiculously ugly, but it works05:40
twbOK, so apparently the line I pasted is wrong, because I get a tokenization error06:29
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