
maxbhbeck: An updated package is currently building, which should hopefully resolve the issue00:03
NielsDis there a api in bzrlib to access the toplevel repository, in a local sandbox environmen ?00:06
bignoseNielsD: what is a “local sandbox environment”? how is it different from just a normal branch?00:22
NielsDi have a repo holding a trunk, and feature1, feature2 for example, repo is initialized using bzr init-repo --no-trees00:25
NielsDand i'm looking for a way to find the repo path from trunk, or any branch in the repo00:25
bignoseNielsD: from Python API, or from command-line?00:26
bignoseI don't know :-)  someone else will need to answer.00:27
bignoseNielsD: you could begin looking at how ‘bzr info’ gets the repository location.00:27
NielsDyeah, that's what i'm looking at now, realized it when i thought of the cli command :)00:28
bignosechx: the code to figure out which editor to use can be seen in ‘bzrlib.msgeditor._get_editor’00:32
bignosechx: as best I can tell, the cascade is: ‘BZR_EDITOR’, global Bazaar config ‘editor’, ‘VISUAL’, ‘EDITOR’, then a sequence of defaults to try depending on the OS.00:33
bignosechx: so, I suspect the environment variables are not actually set to the values you think they are, and it's falling back to defaults.00:34
chxhrm i tried echo $BZR_EDITOR echo $VISUAL00:34
chxboth came back empty00:35
chxbut $EDITOR was definitely nano00:35
bignosechx: if you can understand Python, the module I mentioned is the one which decides what to do.00:35
bignosechx: so have a look, it might be different on your system (maybe the behaviour changed between the versions we're running00:36
chxbignose: i understnad Python but  i can't write Python, i will check00:40
maxbhbeck: There's an updated qbzr package in bzr/proposed that should help02:12
hbeckmaxb: thanks, I'll take a look02:14
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DrHalanhey, i need some help setting up a bzr server17:04
maxbDrHalan: OK, what sort of help and what sort of server?17:07
DrHalani have a remote linux (ubuntu) server i access via ssh and i want to setup a bzr repository on that remote server to backup my code17:09
maxbIf Bazaar and SSH are both installed on the server, you do not need to do anything at all to start using bzr+ssh://user@host/path URLs17:16
DrHalansorry my xserver crashed :/17:21
DrHalanare there any good tutorials on how to setup a bzr server?17:23
DrHalanmaybe someone already answered it but i lost the conversation due to the crash...17:23
maxbIf Bazaar and SSH are both installed on the server, you do not need to do anything at all to start using bzr+ssh://user@host/path URLs17:27
DrHalani just init a bzr repostiory on the server and then i can push to it ?17:29
maxbYes, and you don't even have to be on the server for the init step17:30
maxbYou can run bzr init-repo with a remote URL17:30
maxbTechnically you don't even need to create a repository first (in the absence of a shared repository each branch uses an internal repository) but it's usually advisable to take advantage of the space and bandwidth savings17:31
DrHalanmaxb, thats pretty straightforward :) and how do i add an ssh key to a new user on the server? (don't want to use the rootuser to push to my server)17:37
maxbDid you intend anything bzr-specific in that question, or are you asking about generic OpenSSH usage?17:39
DrHalanguess its a generic openssh question17:39
maxbSo, create the user, add the public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ?17:40
DrHalanokay :)17:40

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