
naokiI lost my project https://launchpad.net/bzr-i18n01:53
maxbnaoki: Whiteboard says 2011-05-12 Curtis Hovey: Project disabled and INADA Naoki (INADA Naoki) notified.02:04
maxbDid you get an email from Curtis?02:04
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naokimaxb: I've received "Launchpad: translations branch has not been set up."02:08
naokiBecause I create a branch for exporting translation from Launchpad and didn't push.02:09
maxbYou should have received some contact explaining why the project was deactivated02:09
maxbAt a guess, however, it's because launchpad.net is not for testing and experimenting with the Launchpad infrastructure, and your goals are better met within the bzr project itself02:11
naokiI can't find the notification mail.02:14
maxbnaoki: OK. Is there a reason why you think a separate bzr-i18n project makes sense?02:16
naokiI'm developing i18n feature for bzr. This feature contains exporting pot, importing translated messages from Launchpad.02:17
naokiBut I'm not a bzr-core team.02:18
naokiSo I want to try all workflow before make merge request to bzr.02:18
maxbYou're free to experiment on qastaging or staging02:19
naokiAnd I want to some people in bzr-core team see the workflow.02:19
maxbOn production, however, the Launchpad team try to garden the project namespace such that it only contains real, not test, projects.02:20
naokiI've created a project on staging befor. The project is removed next day. I couldn't test Launchpad's auto export feature.02:21
maxbstaging does get reset on a roughly weekly basis, yes02:21
naokiOK. A week is enough. I was just bad luck.02:22
naokiThank you, maxb.02:23
maxbnaoki: If you do need something long term, I don't see any harm in temporarily reactivating bzr-i18n - in which case the best thing for you to do would be to find Curtis' notification email to you about deactivating the project and reply02:26
maxbHowever, unless there's a good reason, my first option would be to experiment on the bzr project itself02:27
maxbIf you don't have permissions for some of the settings, there are plenty of people who can help out02:28
naokiI'll ask to bzr team.02:29
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wgrantnaoki: staging is normally reset each Sunday, but might not this week. qastaging is only reset every couple of months.03:17
paultagHey LPers. Random LP user (https://launchpad.net/~pin-stack) changed the title of bug #1, can someone give him a lecture? LP is timing out on me03:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103:45
paultagHe joined LP today and people think we've suddenly changed priorities03:45
wgrantYou've fixed the summary... what's timing out?03:47
wgrantAdding a comment?03:47
wgrantHm, he also changed the description, and it's not yet been reverted.03:47
paultagwgrant: yes, even though that's an absurd thing to do on a thread with 20 billion comments :)03:47
spivpaultag: Why not use the "contact this user" link on that user's page if you want to talk to them?03:47
paultagwgrant: Ugh. Sorry03:47
paultagspiv: yeah, good point.03:47
wgrantIf he reverts it I will suspend his account until he agrees to stop it.03:48
paultagwgrant: thanks, I contacted him about it03:48
paultagJust told him to stop :)03:48
paultagI only noticed because someone on reddit was claiming we're trying to kill off Mac OSX now03:49
wgrantHeh, yes, that is exactly where I saw it too.03:52
paultaganywho, I'm happy enough. Description's still messed up, though. Thanks wgrant :)03:52
wgrantI thought I'd avoid creating more noise by fixing it :)03:52
wgrantBut probably a good idea.03:52
wgrantThanks for doing it.03:52
paultagwgrant: I'm sure it'll raise even more by leaving it, slashdot would surely pick it up, then it becomes "fact"03:52
paultagMight as well blog about it03:52
wgrantpaultag: Slashdot will pick it up in a week.03:54
wgrantExcept for Ubuntu releases, which they announce 5 hours early :)03:54
paultagwgrant: Oh /., I've really cut down my /. usage since I got onto reddit, the /. crowd is so generic nowaday :)03:55
paultagyou can guess the top 3 comments every time :)03:55
paultagThere, and posted.03:59
wgrantnaoki: Why do you need bzr-core to host your branch? You can push your own branch to bzr.04:45
naokiwgrant: What I want do is not only push a branch, but also setup translation and try to use autoimport/autoexport.04:57
wgrantnaoki: Ah, I see. I don't think either qastaging or staging do automatic exports. staging might do automatic imports, though.05:01
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rippsHow do I download binary files from Ubuntu One account using wget?05:35
rippsIf I use a browser it downloads fine, but if I try to do it from commandline it only downloads an html file that is about 5mb instead of file's acutal 1205:36
treeformripps: you probalby need to send it your cookie thing05:38
treeformas one of the headers05:38
rippstreeform: how?05:38
treeformcurl is better for that05:38
treeformwhy cant you just use the web?05:38
rippstreeform: I writing a script to automate installing custom software to chromeOS05:38
rippsI just figured my ubuntu one storage would be a fine place store files I want to share.05:39
ovnicrafthello, in what version lp will has a better comment system ?06:09
ovnicrafti found a bug reported in 2008-06-1406:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 240067 in Launchpad itself "Launchpad projects need wikis" [Low,Triaged]06:09
ovnicrafthow do you work if you can write reference to bugs or commits in comments ?06:09
ovnicraftyour bot show this bug with Low and triaged06:10
wgrantripps: You may have better luck in #ubuntuone07:16
trijntjeHi all, is there a way to get translation suggestions for a package offline? I dont mind if its a lot of work, because it would really save a lot of time for me09:24
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ari-tczewhey launchpad support, did you notice spam in bugs?10:54
ari-tczewlook on bug 60513910:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 605139 in libuuid-perl (Ubuntu) "Sync libuuid-perl 0.02-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60513910:55
ari-tczewcomment #210:55
onkarshindeHi. Can anyone tell me why all the translations on this page are in 'Needs review' state? https://translations.launchpad.net/gnusim8085/+imports10:56
onkarshindeany help with translationa?11:07
onkarshindedanilos: Do you have any idea why my translations are stuck in import queue? https://translations.launchpad.net/gnusim8085/trunk/+imports11:44
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