
=== LaserJock1 is now known as LaserJock
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soreauWhere can I ask about problems with packages.ubuntu.com like this one? http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=aclocal&mode=exactfilename&suite=natty&arch=any06:42
soreauIt fails to find which package aclocal belongs to somehow..06:42
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cdbscjwatson: Rebuilding pidgin should fix the issue I suppose, the proper irssi libs are there now. Just re-build the failed packages without uploading anything07:59
cjwatsoncdbs: OK, I've given it back, thanks08:39
cdbscjwatson: It failed again, seems like we need some la file cleanup09:08
cjwatsonfeel free to sort that out :)09:10
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broderhmm...how does having NotAutomatic backports impact PPA builds that have backports set as a dependency?17:15
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muneebit seems that in Natty the directory structure for /usr/lib is changed and that is causing me problems while installing my printer's driver. How can i resolve this?18:49
brodermuneeb: fix the driver18:49
brodermore seriously, are we talking about an open- or closed-source driver?18:50
muneebbroder: i'm not a  developer :(( it's closed source18:50
broderok. well, you should point them at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiarchSpec18:51
broderit's not something that's easily worked around by anybody but the driver developers18:51
muneebbroder: they haven't updated their drivers since ages.. i don't think they care about linux anymore.. i'm still not sure whether it's closed source or OSS.. lemme check18:53
muneebbroder: i think it's open source.. http://support-in.canon-asia.com/contents/IN/EN/0100188102.html18:54
muneebbroder: how can i fix these.. if you can point me.. i'll try.. btw what are changes in 10.10 and 11.04 regarding this /usr/lib and if anything else18:55
JanCmuneeb: the changes were done to allow installing software for more than one CPU architecture on one system18:57
muneebJanC: okay.. i'm reading that page..  but now what should i do to make it work? any coding is required?18:59
JanCmuneeb: I think the main differences are where libraries are installed to and loaded from; most projects have an option for that in their build system19:14
JanCin case of printer/scanner drivers, there might be additional issues with CUPS & SANE19:17
muneebJanC: hmm.. so i need to dig around a bit.. when i was trying to install this it was complaining  about not able to fine libc6 and more libraries but i had them installed..19:17
JanCmuneeb: do you have the developer libraries installed?19:18
muneebJanC: yes.. libc6-dev19:18
muneebJanC: i have whole tutorial written by myself for Maverick and below distros.. but it doesn't work for Natty now19:20
muneebJanC: i think it tries to find libraries in /usr/lib or some kinda location which are moved now in Natty19:20
JanCmuneeb: maybe you can ask the developers who are more experienced with multiarch in some days (most developers are on their way back from UDS, I think)19:21
JanCand I agree it probably has something to do with changed locations19:23
muneebJanC: okay... thanks for the help btw.. i'll try to understand the source code till that time.. but i ain't developer :((19:23
Ampelbeinmuneeb: can you pastebin the error and what command you invoked?19:25
muneebAmpelbein: i reinstalled Maverick for now.. i had pasted those errors on paste.ubuntu.com in #ubuntu channel.. i'll see if i can get those..19:27
muneebhere's pastebinned error.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/607453/19:47
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nacefHi there23:12
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