
=== fsd is now known as Captainkrtek
Captainkrtekhey geekosopher05:15
geekosopheryes Captainkrtek05:32
=== CapKrtek|Netbook is now known as Captainkrtek
=== Captainkrtek is now known as Captainkrtek|zzz
UndiFineDthe key in some other language could look like ktrl12:34
UndiFineDor something totally different12:34
Rocket2DMnmdke, i'm still working on bug 478097, and i have the fixes available for the docbook -> html transformations (it's actually in our script, not docbook-xsl)15:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 478097 in ubuntu-docs "help.ubuntu.com claims to be XHTML 1.0 Transitional but is not" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47809715:57
Rocket2DMnthat means i can push it to all stable branches, i'm just wondering if we should bother15:58
Rocket2DMnour static pages on h.u.c (index, legal, search) need to be fixed as well15:59
Rocket2DMni could do them manually or use a generated page (made with the fixed xsl) and copy in the appropriate material15:59
=== udslogger is now known as apachelogger
Rocket2DMnanother guide eh?19:09
jbichait looks like it's already been around long enough to be abandoned19:10
jbicha4 weeks since the last commit19:10
Rocket2DMnit has a fairly large team on PL19:11
UndiFineDno not abaondonded, just low activity19:11
jbichawell it was advertised on OMGUbuntu last fall19:11
UndiFineDbut it is a team full of documenters, so perhaps they would like to get involved19:12
Rocket2DMnyou know ive never actually looked at omgubuntu19:14
jbichaI like the site mostly, I know some people who can't stand it19:15
Rocket2DMnwhat is it supposed to be exactly?19:15
Rocket2DMnlooks like a news feed19:15
jbichait's a Ubuntu news site, geared towards the newer or non-developer enthusiasts19:16
Rocket2DMnlooks nice19:17
Rocket2DMni dont really follow a lot of news with Ubuntu which is kind of a bad thing, so if i'm not active on the forums i miss a lot of things19:17
jbichathe guys running it are hoping to make a business out of it19:17
jbichaif you follow that site & planet ubuntu, you'll get most of the news19:18
Rocket2DMnyeah planet gets a lot of news thougjh, i dont have time to filter through it so i dont really look anymore19:18
Rocket2DMnmost of it is stuff i dont care about19:18
Rocket2DMnhmmm, conky...19:19
Rocket2DMni think its time i cleaned up my conky, it hasnt been touched since Feisty19:20
DarkwingDuckAt UDS they were talking about bringing back the UWN19:20
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: isnt that sorta obsolete considering omgubuntu?20:02
jbichawell some in the community don't like omgubuntu20:05
jbichaand UWN is supposedly for those who want a weekly summary of Ubuntu happenings instead of reading the planet & omg for themselves20:05
jbichabut it was taking 30 hr to produce the thing which is too much20:06
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: The issue that was brought up was relying on a commercial website for that.20:08
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: the turn from it was that UWN was going to get ressurected again. It's one of those "fun" issues that keeps cropping up in the FOSS world.20:09
apacheloggerwell, maintaining a weekly news for a project of our size will either require insane amount of time or cutting content20:10
apacheloggerneither would be beneficial to the user20:10
jbichait depends on how much work you need to do20:12
jbichacollecting 10-20 links isn't that difficult20:12
jbichawriting a summary of each adds more time20:12
apacheloggeryeah, and I think the summary is the curcial part there20:13
apacheloggerotherwise you could just as well use a news aggregator on the planet :)20:13
jbichahere's Fedora's version: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FWN/LatestIssue20:19
jbichaI think UWN tries to cover too much stuff20:20
DarkwingDuckI guess the theory was having a condensed version of the planet along with other sources.20:20
apacheloggerjbicha: well, ubuntu is vastly larger project than fedora20:21
apacheloggeralso the FWN do not seem very community20:21
DarkwingDuckBecause I guess having 'Official' support of a commercial site isn't in line with what Ubunut Community/Canonical vision wants.20:21
DarkwingDuckI's about 60 hours of work a week to get the UWN running correctly.20:22
apacheloggernono, official is ubuntu.com, if there is absolutely worthwhile news it ends up there (or the other sites like kubuntu.org resprectively)20:22
apacheloggeradditionally to that you have semi-official community resources which would be the planet20:22
DarkwingDuckand UWN20:23
apacheloggernow if UWN where to quote the planet it still would not be more official than any ubuntu member saying anything20:23
DarkwingDuckthen you have commercial sites like omgubuntu20:23
DarkwingDuckvery true20:23
DarkwingDuckBy 'official' I was refering to community run20:23
apacheloggerso claiming UWN should be official implies excluding the planet as possible resoruce20:23
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: oh, yeah, well, in a way the omgubuntu people are also community20:24
apacheloggerthere is no guideline against community members making money with their contribution to the community20:24
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: Correct but, because it's commercial it has seperated itself slightly (According to them)20:24
DarkwingDuckThat's according to omgubuntu. They don't concider themselves a community project.20:25
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: that does not change the accountability and validity of the information20:25
jbichaDarkwingDuck: what do you mean they don't consider themselves community?20:25
DarkwingDuckLemme find the email that Amber sent to us when we were working on UWN20:25
apacheloggeroh, here is a daring argument: if you produce news weekly, it is not news anymore ;)20:26
* apachelogger actually notes that he never read UWN for exactly that reason20:26
jbichaI'd hesitate to call UWN official and trying to treat it like it is adds extra headache20:26
DarkwingDuckMy mistake on the classifacation of 'official'20:28
DarkwingDuckI think what caused people to hesitate with OMG Ubuntu was the vollyball NSFW post20:31
jbichaand the legendary neckbeard post20:33
* apachelogger was hoping for a "scandal: kubuntu switches to unity" post :/20:33
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: using jussi's screenshot as a post?20:34
apacheloggersrsly, we were checking omgubuntu all the time :P20:34
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: yeah20:34
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: THAT would have been funny, you still have that URL?20:34
apacheloggerwithout the back slash obviously ^^20:35
jbichainclude a quote from Mark about all Ubuntu flavors to get the new interface since that's what Unity is all about, right?20:35
* DarkwingDuck debates20:36
DarkwingDuckDid anyone send a anon tip to OMG Ubuntu about this?20:36
jbichamaybe an exception for Ubuntu Server20:36
DarkwingDuckI would hope so.20:36
jbichasomebody needs to port Unity to the command line ;-)20:37
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: we were thinking about it, but since there is a bug in plasma that prevents me from doing this and at the same time hit major promo for plasma by actually providing a plasma tempalte to automagically roll an unity activity we did not do it20:40
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: works for me. Plus, why would we *want* Unity when Plasma is working so well.20:44
* DarkwingDuck isn't sure he wants to rely on compiz for a DE20:45
apacheloggerwe do not20:45
apacheloggersome users do20:46
apacheloggerwell, they want unity's good looks20:46
apacheloggerso I figured we could provide that, but you cannot make a vertical panel as the script API has a bug right now20:46
DarkwingDuckI don't know why you can have good looks with plasma... I have a nice wodden earthy feel on mine. http://imm.io/5E8120:48
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: You can make a vertical panel just fine.20:55
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: not when using the script api20:55
DarkwingDuckHmmz, I just added a panel and in the setting moved it vertical.20:57
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: But, i see what you mean.20:58
apacheloggeryeah, that works, but building a unity clone yourself sux20:58
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: Aye,20:58
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: if you click on your cashew and select activities you can add new activities from template20:58
apacheloggerusing that and a working template you can get a unity clone in like 4 clicks20:58
apacheloggerhowever the template does not work because of aforementioned bug20:59
apacheloggerrather OT ^^20:59
jbichaDarkwingDuck: the wood grains clash with each other21:03
DarkwingDuckYeah, I know jbicha... I've been playing around with ideas.21:08
DarkwingDuckThis is my other setup (The one I use mostly) http://imm.io/5EnH21:09
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: it is a good thing you are not deciding on the default artwork lineup for the ubuntu products :P21:10
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: Ehh, I'm a fan of dark.21:11

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