
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, AtomicSpark said: !aint is <reply> ban02:30
bazhang* [r|a|k] (spicemaste@server5.tonbnc.fr): Spicemaster    jungli unbanned in #ubuntu ?09:26
elkybazhang, looks like he's changed vps company09:57
cdbsCan anyone please add "| Perl 5.12 rebuilds going on, don't upgrade until they are over and be wary of partial upgrades"12:39
cdbsto the end of #ubuntu+1 topic? thanks!12:39
Tm_Tcdbs: on it12:52
cdbsthanks Tm_T12:53
ubottuIn #ubuntu, no_face said: !foo is <reply> you15:00
ubottuIn ubottu, no_face said: hi is hello15:06
no_facehey, excuse me... hope you don't mind me talking to ubotu15:07
ubottuIn ubottu, no_face said: !hi is hello15:08
LjLis larstorbenk supposed to be in #ubuntu?17:22
=== udslogger is now known as apachelogger
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (Garfio)20:46
GaNg_BoYI Cant Join #Ubuntu21:07
rwwWhat happens when you try?21:09
GaNg_BoYit says21:09
GaNg_BoYyou are banned21:09
rwwAh. One of our operators set an overly-zealous ban. One second please.21:10
rwwtry aain :)21:10
rwwagain **21:10
GaNg_BoYthank you21:12
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (Nordost)21:13
Logan_xangua keeps using the <exclamationpoint>ops flag - can you kick him/her?21:14
Logan_thanks for catalyzing, LjL :P21:14
FlannelLogan_: Thatd be difficult, seeing as you're not an operator.21:15
FlannelLogan_: I can't read, apparently.21:15
LjLuhm actually Nordost had been spewing out random crap for a while, ops call was justified.21:17
LjLteaches me to trust people coming in and asking to kick people :P21:17
rwwTrust no one!21:18
* rww hums X-Files theme21:18
rwwAnyway, re:Gang_Boy, perhaps setting $r bans on unoffensive English vernacular and then forgetting about them is a bad idea.21:19
rwwLjL: Some of our new #ubuntu regulars are a little quick to say words like "troll" and "kick"21:21
LjLkick those trolls21:21
rwwThere was an incident yesterday where a couple (of others) jumped on someone with a wifi problem and insisted they were a troll because their wifi card is supported by Ubuntu.21:22
rwwTurns out rfkill buttons exist. Hopefully glares are communicated over IRC.21:23
FlannelWe also have a growing number of regulars that use factoids for all forms of communication, it seems.21:24
LjLwell be patient, it's always like this after release21:25
rwwTrue. People get tired; sometimes that makes them overly harsh.21:25
rwwPerhaps I should extend the "go take a walk or something" campaign to non-ops.21:27
LjL[22:26:36] *** Teen is now known as who-wants-sex-ch.21:27
=== who-wants-sex-ch is now known as Oops
=== Oops is now known as Albanian
=== Albanian is now known as Albanian_
jpdsLjL: You don't like the Swiss?21:36
rwwAlbanian_: I recommend you not use family-unfriendly nicknames in #ubuntu* :|21:37
Albanian_rww :)21:37
rwwAnyways. Something we can help you with?21:39
Albanian_I need nothing-21:40
Albanian_I Cant stay here ?21:40
=== Albanian_ is now known as Albanian
FlannelAlbanian_: corect.21:43
fujisandoes ubuntu have policies about racism?22:03
rwwfujisan: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntuvalues22:04
topyliubuntu has a policy on being silly22:04
fujisanye nice and dandy, but what happened to me is so typical22:04
fujisani speak out about racism in the ubuntu-nl channel and eventually they hate me cause i speak out about the admin there doesnt even care and just banned me22:05
fujisanand nothing nothing has happened22:05
fujisanyou all know how the Netherlands is nowadays very racist22:05
fujisanmakes me really sad22:05
rww#ubuntu-ops is for core channels. I think you're looking for #ubuntu-irc or the NL team leadership or the LoCo Council.22:05
fujisanye maybe i am rww that's why i am asking22:06
fujisanokay thank you i will try that then22:06
rwwI vaguely remember there being a good fuji* person and a bad one. I take it that wasn't the good one?22:08
LjLrww: i lean on "bad one", but i'm not really sure. should learn to take notes.22:10
popeybantracker has an awful lot of fujisan bans from last year22:16
rwwYeah, now that I have my notes handy, it seems that was the bad one ;)23:59

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