
dravenfor 10.04 what is the current kernel?00:26
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Doonzso if im running an app through x when i close my connection will that app stop running?00:34
Datzdraven: I think it is 2.6.32-3101:20
Guest37947can any one no a good program recording and maneging my cctv cam's?01:54
Max-PHi, there, does someone know why an empty Ubuntu-server (freshly installed) uses as much as 200 Mb RAM, with only the base processes running (rsyslog, cron, getty) while a fresh Debian install only takes <50 Mb?02:10
dravenwhy do i have to use dist-upgrade to get kernel updates for server but not for standard?02:13
julian_cHmm... never really thought there was a difference. On non-server installs, I've had to do dist-upgrade to get newer kernels.02:14
dravenjulian_c, might just be a difference between the gui update manager and the command line apt tool02:15
qman__Guest37947, zoneminder02:35
Guest37947qman__: I found zoneminder, but i can't install :/ I user isp config in my servers.02:36
qman__Guest37947, zoneminder is fairly difficult to install, I'd definitely say it's for advanced users02:37
qman__but it is the best CCTV software for linux02:37
qman__far as I know, anyway02:38
Guest37947yep, i know. But what's the next, maybe u now a good tutorial? (zoneminder.com tutorials or install man is not help much. ... it's just say sudo apt-get install zoneminder .... after u have to do what u want ... )02:38
qman__their wiki has some tips on getting it to work in ubuntu02:39
qman__I spent a good two days or so getting the one I set up going02:39
Guest37947thx, i watch it02:39
qman__it was a while back, on 9.10, so I don't really remember what I did02:39
qman__and it may not even be relevant in current versions02:39
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el_seanodoes anybody know of a quick command to tell which release of ubuntu you're using?03:17
el_seanonevermind.  lsb_release -a03:19
jeeves_mosswhat syslog server will allow me to make a directory for each device, and allow for slave servers (so if the remote connection goes down, the logging keeps going on my cisco equipment)03:38
ChmEarlpastebin: Oneiric kernel xen config - grep -ic xen /boot/config-2.6.39-2*03:42
n2deephi can anyone help with nx flag reporting: http://pastebin.com/u4zkDB4M04:42
n2deepthis is a virtual machine.04:44
n2deepthe nx bit was disabled when I installed the operating system, it's enabled now.04:44
n2deep..enaabled in the physical host bios now04:45
PryMaLI'm currently trying to recover a MySQL root password for a friend, can anyone help with the syntax error that it's giving me please.  UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD('newpassword') WHERE user="root"; is the string I'm using but have a generic "you're using bad syntax on mysql" error05:54
lambda_xwhy lvm volume groups created during installation dont have /dev/mapper/[name] entry while volume groups created by hand do have?10:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #782569 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78256910:56
mithranhi all, im trying to configure webmin on ubuntu server 10.04. but im not able to access the webmin page, i installed all the packages, and the port 10000 is open on the server, im able to ping the server as well, but the webpage is not loading11:21
mithranplease help11:22
mithranim getting a net::ERR_TIMED_OUT error11:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #782583 in etckeeper (main) "Please merge etckeeper 0.53 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78258311:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #782597 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.2-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78259711:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #782614 in bind9 (main) "make configuring DNSSEC validation easier" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78261412:46
DoonzRoyK: you around buddy14:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #782654 in samba (main) "Cannot Share Printer with 11:04 / Windows 7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78265414:51
maxbIs there any special gotcha to trying to run an isc-dhcp-server on a Linux bridge interface? (bridging a bunch of tap interfaces used for QEMU; the DHCPD never seems to do anything)15:09
randomusermaxb, works for me15:46
maxboh :-(15:46
maxbWonder why it hates me15:46
maxbSo, you have a bridge, have tap interfaces, added them to the bridge, got an IP address configured on the bridge, told the dhcpd about the IP subnet, and it just works?15:47
maxbMy dhcpd doesn't do anything, even though I can see the DHCP Discover messages in wireshark15:48
maxbIt all works fine when I have a single tap interface, no bridging - but I want to allow for multiple VMs at once15:49
randomuseri have a line in dhcpd.conf to tell it to listen on virbr015:53
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maxbrandomuser: What does that line look like? Is virbr0 a standard "brctl addbr" bridge? Any special settings associated with it?16:14
randomuserit says DHCPARGS=virbr0;16:15
randomuserit appears to have STP enabled16:16
randomuser other than that, a bridge is a bridge16:16
randomuserhow did you create yours? is your virtualization platform running dnsmasq or some other competing service?16:16
randomuser(mine tries to do dnsmasq)16:17
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incorrectis the a cli client for ubuntu one file sync?16:54
JanCincorrect: u1sdtool ?17:01
incorrectmaybe there is a ppa for that17:01
JanCincorrect: it's part of the 'ubuntuone-client' package17:02
JanCno need for PPAs17:03
JanCat least in 11.0417:03
incorrectmy server is on 10.0417:03
JanCincorrect: maybe also ask in #ubuntuone or such17:04
incorrectah thanks17:04
JanCincorrect: there might be a backport of the more recent U1 stuff in lucid backports17:04
JanCalthough it also provides/needs a new couchdb version IIRC, so I hope you don't use that for anything else on that 10.04 server17:06
Doonzhey guys im having trouble iwht my server. It locks up on me i cant access the websites nor can I access it through ssh. But i can ping it and the data that is being pipesd through the website continues to flow any idea where i can look in the logs for ideas?17:53
Doonzand it crapped out again18:04
dougbwhen i've logged into my machine over SSH, on a certain user account when I press the up arrow key it just prints ^[[A and not the previous command, is there a way to fix this?18:21
dougbi fixed it, my shell was sh18:30
winseni had problem with ubuntu i can not update it20:06
winsenit says (-5- no adress associated with hostname, so it seems problem with DNS, thanks20:08
winsenfor helping20:08
uvirtbotNew bug: #782776 in cobbler (universe) "cobbler buildiso fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78277620:31
mynameistuxI'm getting the message "network autoconfiguration failed" when install. My router handles DHCP, and I'm using a PCI-E gigabit ethernet card with a realtek RTL8111/8168B. ubuntu-server 11.04 amd_6421:43
mynameistuxfound http://forums.hardwaresecrets.com/installing-realtek-rtl8111/3906?s=54601af5ec9ee62636d482bf1fa42193&amp; but ... uggh, easier to buy another network card21:46
_rubenthe brand alone oughta be enough to buy another :)21:50
Henriquezok, i have my (sub)domains setup correctly now but i want to serve content from a different server in my LAN to ldap.domain.TLD (phpldapadmin) is that possible with virtualhosts?21:51
guntbertgmcdonald: did you try with apt-get or with aptitude?21:51
gmcdonald20 packages can be updated, it says, it also says system restart required21:53
gmcdonaldso I apt-get update/upgrade then reboot21:53
gmcdonaldthen it tells me same 20 packages can be updated, system restart required21:53
guntbertgmcdonald: I've seen the "system restart required" remain after the update - you could thank you it with aptitude for once - sometimes it makes a difference - use aptitude update, then aptitude safe-upgrade21:54
gmcdonaldI'll try that thanks21:55
gmcdonaldI've done update/upgrade/reboot 4 times so far with no effect21:55
guntbertgmcdonald: and try aptitude -vv safe upgrade  (makes it more verbose)21:57
gmcdonaldinteresting, an aptitude safe-upgrade did not add anything, it removed old kernels21:57
gmcdonaldno difference on reboot21:58
mynameistuxI just bought this card for 25 dollars, and I don't have the box anymore so I can't return it21:58
guntbertas I said: don't put too much weight in the "system restart required" message21:59
gmcdonaldguntbert: true, but it always tells me I have 20 packages to update, 8 of them security updates21:59
gmcdonaldI've updated them 5 times now21:59
guntbertgmcdonald: look into /var/log/aptitude and /var/log/dpkg22:02
gmcdonaldwill do22:03
gmcdonaldnote apt-get update/upgrade is upto date, it doesnt actually update anything any more22:04
guntbertthen let it lie and ignore the "system restart required" message22:05
gmcdonaldthe concern is the constant message I get on logging in/rebooting telling me I need to update 20 packages, 8 of them security22:07
gmcdonaldif it has updated them , fine. Hopefully the next message needed will clear this one out the way22:08
guntbertgmcdonald: yes, as I said I've seen that before, something like motd not getting corrected22:08
guntbert/etc/motd (or so)22:08
gmcdonaldguntbert: thanks for your help, off now to free up some channels/keyb shortcuts :)22:11
Henriquezok, i have my (sub)domains setup correctly now but i want to serve content from a different server in my LAN to ldap.domain.TLD (phpldapadmin) is that possible with virtualhosts?22:24
_rubenHenriquez: what do virtualhosts have to do with that? just a dns issue22:30
Henriquezwell because the server is on a different ip adress and the requests go to another internal ip adress22:36
Henriquezand i don t know what directive to make a request from the webserver go to the other physical server in my lan22:37
Henriquezi already created ldap.domain.TLD  so that is not the issue22:38
_rubenldap.domain.tld currently points to serverA but needs to go to serverB, change dns to point to serverB instead of serverA23:01
Henriquezserver a and server b have the same wan ip. It is about lan ipś23:18
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