
=== live_ is now known as [A]ddicted
[A]ddictedhow to get the exact kernel sources of my 2.6.38-generic17:40
[A]ddictedfor kernel module developpement17:40
Dave888ya jme3a..21:05
Dave8887adhro rwe7kom21:05
Dave888#optunisia bech traja321:05
wissemDave888: huh?21:20
oixdites, mis-à-part Audacity, vous ne connaissez pas une autre altérnative qui tourne sous gnu/linux pour wavelab ?21:34
SalahGoBsr tlm!23:00
SalahGoping bemawi !23:00
bemawiSalahGo: plop23:03
bemawiun instant23:03
SalahGobemawi: Yoplait! :D23:03

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