
MarkDudeTedx next Thur03:50
seidosi was really bored so i whipped this up last night:  http://i.imgur.com/dVyC3.png03:51
seidosi wasn't going to show you guys, but, eh, why not, it's friday :D03:51
seidosit's more for pleia2 and DarkwingDuck though03:51
seidosactually, that's not true, i wasn't that bored, i just thought it would be cool to visualize it03:54
seidosi was thinking of grepping irc logs for laughter, to see if i could make more03:56
seidosunfortunately, my nickname isn't a character03:56
* MarkDude had some questions for ple ia2 and figured I would wait for the dust to settle from the \return trip 03:57
akkLong ago somebody had a stylesheet for chatzilla that showed icons for each person in the IRC channel.04:02
akkIt wasn't quite as fun as MS Comic Chat, but a step in that direction.04:02
seidosi think it would be cool if it were an animated cartoon04:05
seidosit's like, free scripts!04:05
seidosactually, i think there are probably other channels where that would work better on04:05
akkMS Comic Chat was pretty amazing ... characters would change direction, join each other in the frame when they were talking to each other,e tc.04:06
akkDunno why they ditched it.04:06
akkNever seen an opensource equivalent.04:06
seidoshmmm, i think i remember some comic thing in yahoo, but it doesn't sound that sophisticated04:06
seidosmaybe i could figure out a way to automate the creation of such "comics"04:07
seidosit would probably take me years, but perhaps someday04:08
akkseidos, what did you use for the balloon outlines? They look nice.04:10
seidosakk: nothing impressive, just a graphic from images.google.com04:11
seidoswhat i meant to say was, a fabulously stupendous super awesome graphic from google images! \o/04:12
akkI always wanted to write a gimp plug-in to do cartoon balloons (it's too many steps making them manually) but never got to a state I was happy with.04:14
seidosi can't even imagine04:16
akkIt would just be a rounded-rectangle (white background, black border) plus a triangle pointing the right way. The only trick is specifying the location of the triangle.04:18
akkI couldn't think of a good way to do that then, but now that I've done Arrow Designer I think I could do a cartoon balloon plug-in similarly.04:19
seidosactually, i wonder how they made this speech balloon now04:27
seidosi wonder if they drew it then scanned it, or used a tablet04:27
seidostablet==digital writing input device04:31
akkI bet it's generated by a program.04:32
seidosmaybe i'll think about it some more later04:45
pleia2coming home :)14:06
* pleia2 in Munich waiting for flight to SFO14:06
ryaxnbI'm at the durbin concert23:48
ryaxnbanyone else here23:48

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