
cjohnstonjamalta: shhhh00:23
cjohnstonmhall119 is as well00:23
jamaltaah cool00:23
jamaltacjohnston: what are you doing up? isn't it like 1am there?00:24
cjohnstonya.. 00:24
cjohnstonworking on starting to reset my clock00:24
cjohnstonjust left the party too00:24
cjohnstonjamalta: we assigned you a bunch of work items00:24
jamaltacjohnston: o.o whaaat?00:25
jamaltadoing what?00:25
cjohnstonyou know django right00:25
jamaltaalso, how long are you all there for?00:25
jamaltacjohnston: yeah00:25
cjohnstonmhall119 and I and prolly two dozen others leave at 115500:25
cjohnstonjamalta: summit, loco-directory, and hall of fame00:25
mhall119cjohnston: I want that picture of nigel00:25
jamaltacjohnston: oh cool00:26
cjohnstonmhall119: hehehe00:26
jamaltawe should totally meet up while i'm in town in a few weeks! if you have time.00:26
cjohnstonmhall119: i just voluntold jamalta 00:26
jamaltathe event is up on the loco dir.00:26
mhall119cjohnston was mostly just causing trouble, don't let him fool ya00:26
jamaltamhall119: oh, ok!00:26
jamaltai don't mind though, it'd be cool :)00:26
cjohnstoni didnt cause any trouble anywhere00:26
mhall119I didn't say you were good at it00:26
cjohnstonMon, 30 May 2011 17:00 - 12:00 EST should be 000000:27
cjohnstoni wasnt the one testing code on the live summit site00:27
mhall119I wasn't either00:28
cjohnstonMon, 30 May 2011 17:00 - 00:00 ES00:28
jamaltaI test on prod all the time... but shhhh you didn't hear that from me!00:28
cjohnstonjamalta: i assume thats the time you wanted?00:28
mhall119cjohnston: http://imgur.com/gallery/y7Hm900:28
jamaltathe time on the event is screwed?00:28
jamaltahaha, yeah i saw that... awesome pic.00:28
cjohnstonlook at what i posted here00:28
cjohnstoni like it00:29
jamaltaoops, clicked on north dakota by accident and was confused at the empty event list00:29
mhall119posted where?00:29
cjohnston192527 hrs00:29
jamaltaoh yeah, i meant 17:00 - 20:0000:29
mhall119that's a lot of hours00:29
mhall119also, the timestamps are local to you clock, not mine00:30
jamaltai should probably just make that 6pm00:30
jamaltaeh it'll be alright00:33
jamaltain any case i should be back in fl not long after and we can meet up again! (if things go as expected)00:33
jamaltaFL FTW!00:33
cjohnstonmhall119: what are you still doing up00:41
mhall119trying to get in-memory postgres working on loco-directory so I can run django-openid-auth tests faster00:42
mhall119also talking to MichelleQ 00:43
mhall119we couldn't all bring our wifes with us00:44
cjohnstonnot my fault00:44
mhall119well who should I blame? popey?00:44
cjohnstonor nigelb00:44
mhall119I can't believe he broke a wine glass.... :(00:46
MichelleQI suddenly noticed I had an alert.01:44
tiemonsterjamalta: are you around?01:46
tiemonsterok. back.02:16
tiemonsterthis keyboard is SO SMALL!!!02:16
tiemonsterhehe. wrong channel.02:17
jamaltatiemonster pings me, says the weirdest things, and just quits.... ok.03:19
bluebomberDoes anyone here know how to launch multiple instances of a program from the Unity dock?16:21

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