
kbmonkeymorning back :]07:23
* kbmonkey downs espresso07:25
kbmonkeymmmm stroooong07:25
hihanhoesjHello anyone in here have any experience using a 3G modem with a linux server?10:28
froztbytehihanhoesj: what's the problem?10:38
hihanhoesjJust wanna ask some questions10:44
hihanhoesjI am able to connect and everything, however when I connect to the second tty, I get all these auto generated messages, like the current rssi etc10:45
hihanhoesjI am looking to see if anyone has the AT command to turn off those messages10:45
Kilosmorning superfly and others10:50
hihanhoesjTop of the morning to you Kilos!10:50
Kilosty hihanhoesj and to you too10:51
KilosMaaz, coffee on10:51
* Maaz puts the kettle on10:51
magespawnhowdy all10:52
* Kilos wonders if kodez won with his installation10:52
Kiloshi magespawn 10:53
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!10:55
KilosMaaz, thanks man10:55
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)10:55
magespawnlong time no chat10:55
magespawnwhats up?10:55
Kilosnothing new. all fine with maverick. building courage up to try natty when i get cds monday or so11:05
magespawni have not upgraded yet. i think my laptop bit old for the new version11:08
Kilosmy p4 is 11 years old i think11:08
Kilosdont wanna upgrade will install on another drive11:09
Kilosmaverick working too well to take a chance with upgrading11:10
magespawnyeah i am using 10.04 lucid lynx. the laptop is starting to struggle.11:10
Kiloshow much ram you got?11:10
Kilosthis is only a 1.7g cpu and 640m ram11:11
Kilosbut maverick is quicker than 10.04 was11:11
magespawn1.8 ghz and 512 ram but i will be putting in another 512 today.11:12
Kiloswhere are you magespawn 11:13
magespawni like to keep mine on lts release. Hluhluwe.11:13
Kilosi have a 512m lappy ram just lying here11:13
Kilosoh ya11:13
magespawni got two 512m yesterday from a laptop with a fried motherboard11:14
Kilosgood. that will help11:14
Kiloswhat lappy was the fried one11:15
Kilosthe drives work lekker in externals and the case is quite cheap11:16
Kilosthink ian payed R100 for mine11:17
Kiloshi Chat8443 11:29
=== Chat8443 is now known as iancoetzee
Kiloslol hihanhoesj what you doing11:30
iancoetzeehi Kilos11:30
iancoetzeelogging in from my phone :)11:32
Kilosi sukkeled with that11:32
iancoetzeehow did you make the connection?11:32
Kilosjedirc i think but gave up11:33
Kilosxchat too lekker here to go to fone11:33
iancoetzeeI use my server for irc connections, normal cli irc client :)11:34
Kilosbut its like a permanent sms11:35
Kiloslike mxit on fone11:35
iancoetzeejust downloaded a irc client for black berry11:35
Kilosmxit in pidgin much better11:35
iancoetzeebut I dislike mxit :)11:35
Kilosi onmly use it for family11:36
Kilosboet has a BB. are the keys tiny11:36
iancoetzeeI don't use it at all... used to though11:37
iancoetzeetakes getting used to, yes11:37
Kilosactually mxit was the first means of connecting directly to peeps i learned about11:38
Kilosbefore pc's11:38
iancoetzeeyup, that's true11:38
Kilosand all the family use mxit on their fones so i kep it open in pidgin11:39
iancoetzeelol for that reason I keep open my thunderbird11:39
iancoetzeethat way I can ignore the mails if I want to11:40
magespawnkilos it was hp pavilion 11:42
Kiloswhat mails11:42
Kilosah ty magespawn 11:42
Kilosno mails in pidgin iancoetzee 11:42
nuvolariKilos: middag oom :.11:43
iancoetzeeKilos: the mail they send if they want to chat11:43
Kiloslo nuvolari 11:43
nuvolarihoe gaan dit met oom?11:43
magespawnhave xchat on the phone. what phone you using iancoetzee?11:43
Kilosgoed dankie en self11:43
nuvolarihell iancoetzee, welcome11:43
nuvolarikan nie kla nie dankie oom11:43
magespawnhi nuvolari11:43
nuvolarihello magespawn11:43
iancoetzeeBB bold 970011:44
iancoetzeenuvolari: Hi11:44
magespawnand how do you like it so far?11:44
iancoetzeea lot11:44
magespawnhow is the bb hardware?11:45
nuvolari:? BB? Beyond Bricked?11:45
iancoetzeequite responsive for a smart phone11:45
magespawni am a nokia fan myself11:46
nuvolari*for a BB *cough*11:46
nuvolariok, i'll stop11:46
iancoetzeenuvolari: so what do you use? an iPhone?11:47
nuvolarithat's an insult11:47
magespawnyou could get shot for that one11:47
nuvolarimagespawn: hand me my spear11:47
iancoetzeeoh crap11:48
nuvolariIf it's not running linux, it's not worthy of mentioning 11:48
nuvolari:> I luv my Hero11:48
magespawnwell i am using an E63 not quite linux11:49
magespawnmy other is a n90011:49
hihanhoesjnow that I have my 3G back up, I can continue here :)11:49
magespawnjust had a look at the bb 9700 on gsmarena.com looks like a decent phone.11:50
nuvolariMy phone is a bit outdated now, but still rocking my world :> One can't say that about most other phones after a year11:50
hihanhoesjand I rest my case :)11:51
nuvolari*meaning non-android :P11:51
nuvolarihihanhoesj: were you carrying it all the time?11:51
hihanhoesjcarrying what11:51
nuvolariyour case11:51
hihanhoesjah well now that you put it that way11:52
hihanhoesjit was getting quite heavy11:52
hihanhoesjwith all the BB insults flying my way :)11:52
nuvolarisorry, you mentioned it at your own risk11:53
nuvolariyou betrayed the brotherhood11:53
nuvolari*and couple of sisters11:54
hihanhoesjhmm I was asked a question, so I answered it in all honesty11:54
hihanhoesjwould you rather I *gulp* lie?11:54
Kilosweather strange. we got a fig tree that starts budding when summer is close but this year it already has figs on11:54
hihanhoesjnuvolari: what is wrong with the phone, you know it runs a linux based os, dont you?11:55
Kiloshi panfriedsidh 11:55
froztbytehihanhoesj: eh, a blackberry?11:56
hihanhoesjfroztbyte: I pleed the fith11:57
froztbyte11:01:08 < hihanhoesj> nuvolari: what is wrong with the phone, you know it runs a linux based os, dont you?11:57
froztbytewhat phone did you mean with that?11:57
hihanhoesjthe one you mentioned11:57
froztbyteyes, okay11:58
froztbyteand no, it doesn't11:58
froztbyteit's their own thing11:58
hihanhoesjok I concede your point, however I did see it displaying a folder structure on the phone once11:59
hihanhoesjI was in my home dir and it was at the path /home/user/12:00
froztbyteso you assumed it was linux? *chuckle*12:00
hihanhoesjI concede thats my only proof...12:00
froztbytethere's a lot of systems which use that style of filesystem layout12:00
froztbytehell, linux inherited it from unix12:00
hihanhoesjand its entirely circumstantial12:01
hihanhoesjthats whay I am not pushing my point12:01
froztbyteanyway, RimOS or whatever it's called is entirely their own thing12:01
nuvolariok, I think we gave you enough grief hihanhoesj :P sorry for that12:01
nuvolariI'll really stop now12:01
Kilosanything that works is better than nothing at all12:01
hihanhoesjnuvolari: you will realise soon enough, that I am very thick skinned12:02
nuvolariKilos: so you say windoze is nothing? :D12:02
hihanhoesjKilos: agreed12:02
Kiloswhat windoze12:03
Kilosthat gates thing?12:03
nuvolariKilos: ye, that thing12:03
froztbytehihanhoesj: regarding your initial question, that's probably dependent on what modem you've got12:03
hihanhoesjand on top of that thick skin I always wear an asbestos suite. Your pyrotechnics just bounces of me :)12:03
hihanhoesjfroztbyte: Thats what I thought12:04
Kilosi had to use xp to actually install a foreign usb modem to be able to unlock it12:04
Kilosso it has its uses12:04
hihanhoesjSo I rephrase my question, anyone got experience using a Vodaphone K3565 on a headless linux server?12:05
Kiloshihanhoesj, ask maaz to google that for you12:08
KilosMaaz, google using a Vodaphone K3565 on a headless linux server?12:08
MaazKilos: "3G modem - command line | debianHELP" http://www.debianhelp.org/node/15672 :: "Desktop Hardware Compatibility List. [Archive] - Page 3 - Ubuntu ..." http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-361236-p-3.html :: "Networking & Wireless [Archive] - Page 172 - Ubuntu Forums" http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/f-336-p-172.html12:08
Kilosmaybe you get what you need there12:08
hihanhoesjmy problem is that I dont have the full AT commandset for the modem12:09
hihanhoesjhmm no luck, ty anyway Kilos12:12
hihanhoesjI will just have to live with the iritation :)12:12
Kilosno man everything is fixable12:13
hihanhoesjI am able to connect12:13
hihanhoesjbut when I try go into the second tty, it gives me neverending information12:14
magespawnokay then i have a kworld dvd usb maker that i want to use on linux. any help with that?12:14
hihanhoesjwhich makes typing AT commands impossible12:14
hihanhoesjI am looking for the AT command to turn the auto output off12:14
hihanhoesjhmm I think I might have to write a wrapper program to ignore all auto output...12:16
magespawnkilos ^12:18
magespawnokay then i have a kworld dvd usb maker that i want to use on linux. any help with that?12:18
Kilosask maaz magespawn 12:18
Kilosi will try12:18
magespawnMaaz, google using Kworld dvd maker on linux?12:19
Maazmagespawn: "Kworld Xpert DVD Maker USB 2.0 Capture Card - VideoHelp.com" http://www.videohelp.com/capturecards/kworld-xpert-dvd-maker-usb-2-0/354 :: "Kworld Xpert DVD Maker PCI Capture Card - VideoHelp.com" http://www.videohelp.com/capturecards/kworld-xpert-dvd-maker-pci/465 :: "kworld dvd maker 2 help" http://forum.videohelp.com/threads/315125-kworld-dvd-maker-2-help :: "[ubuntu] Kworld DVD Maker USB - Maplin A65HG - Ubuntu Forums" http://12:19
KilosMaaz,  google using a kworld dvd usb maker on ubuntu12:20
MaazKilos: "[ubuntu] Kworld DVD Maker USB - Maplin A65HG - Ubuntu Forums" http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=856712 :: "Troubleshoot USB - How To Information | eHow.com" http://www.ehow.com/troubleshoot-usb/ :: "Kworld Ub445 Ubuntu - - Product Reviews, Compare Prices, and Shop ..." http://www.shopping.com/kworld-ub445-ubuntu/products :: "Kworld usb 2.0 expert video dvd maker kw usb2800d and more at PTF" http://ptf.com/kworld/kworld+usb+2.12:20
Kilosyou faster than me12:20
nuvolarihihanhoesj: whyt dont you try wvdial?12:20
nuvolariI think it's a lot easier than issuing AT commands12:20
magespawni searched on linux not ubuntu12:20
hihanhoesjnuvolari: I already use wvdial12:21
hihanhoesjto make a connection12:21
Kilosarent you using ubuntu magespawn 12:21
nuvolarioh, ya :P i forgot it uses AT in the config12:21
hihanhoesjbut I want to monitor my signal strength12:21
nuvolarihihanhoesj: any reason why?12:21
nuvolariif you really need that, VMC for you I guess12:22
hihanhoesjInformation is power :)12:22
nuvolarihihanhoesj: there was a tool... the name escapes me12:22
hihanhoesjdoes vmc not work on headed machines?12:22
nuvolarihihanhoesj: wammu12:23
nuvolarihihanhoesj: ah, forgot the headless mode12:23
hihanhoesj:) lemme check something...12:23
nuvolariok, it's the wrong way round. wammu is the gui, and gammu is the CLI app12:24
hihanhoesjthats right...12:25
nuvolariI did not work with it extensively, but it worked with my Huawei E169012:25
hihanhoesjtbh, I never even thought about gammu/wammu12:25
magespawnkilos i am so much better search from you 13:01
Kilosdid you win magespawn ?13:01
magespawnthis should work  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85671213:01
Kilosi add ubuntu to all searches13:01
magespawnwill try it when I get home. want to add the extra ram first.13:02
Kilosthere is so much in the forums that someone else has already worked out13:02
Kilosubuntu loves lotsa ram13:02
Kiloslemme know the speed diffs13:03
magespawnwill do. got to go work now later.13:03
magespawnhowdy all14:50
Kilosyou back14:52
Kilosyouat work now14:52
magespawnwell back the pc at work yup.14:56
magespawncould not install the ram only one slot on the motherboard. did put in a wireless network card though.14:58
magespawntrying to get it to work.14:58
Kilosaw no place for more ram15:00
magespawndoes not look like it15:00
Kilosmaybe keep eyes open then for a 1g that is same size15:00
Kilosthey normally 2 next to each other15:00
magespawngot to go later all15:02
Kilosmaybe they snuck one space under a cover or something15:03
Kiloshave you got the manual15:03
Kilosseems dumb to only take 512m ram15:05
Kilosdesigned for xp i suppose15:09
nuvolarilol Kilos 15:27
nuvolarimaybe you're right :>15:27
Kiloseven my old p4 had a sticker. designed for windows15:28
nuvolariKilos: it's only to make people think that15:31
Kiloshi kodez did you win15:31
Kilosyeah nuvolari . first thing i removed15:32
kodezhi kilos, i had not yet met solly. i will check him either later today or monday15:32
kodezdo you why a vodacom 3g modem doesn't connect automatically without starting the pc with it connected?15:34
kodezanyone can help, please15:34
Kilosin nm you gotta tick a little block15:35
Kilosin vpn connections15:35
Kilosyou go to the broadband section15:35
Kilosthen tick voda or whatever and edit15:36
kodezit doesn't show at all in the nm15:37
Kilosthen at the top left..connect automatically15:37
Kilosok then go to broadband and go add15:37
Kilosthen you should see a choice of service providers15:38
Kilosoh wait some15:40
Kiloshave you installed usb_modeswitch15:40
kodezit seems it can't mount the 3g modem and can't show in the nm. i had configured it 100%. i am using it as we chat15:40
Kilosits in synaptic15:40
Kilosyour pc sees the modem as storage without usb-modeswitch15:41
Kilosare you using a usb modem now15:42
kodezyes, i'm using a usb modem15:43
Kiloswhew then its something in the vodacom one15:43
Kilosi member with ian my son he had to delete the broadband stuff in vpn connections and then add them again15:45
kodezthe interesting thing is that, i can only mount it only if i connect it before starting my pc15:45
Kiloswhat happens if you remove everything from vpn and unplug modem and restart pc and then plug in the modem15:46
Kilosdoesnt it then ask for new broadband connection15:47
kodezit won't work. it's not a problem of connecting to the internet but it's a problem to identify the device15:48
Kilosnot because it already knows the one you got in there?15:49
Kilosthen you will see if it sees it as the correct one15:50
Kilosbut from there we need a clever persons help cause i cant work them out without it in front of me15:51
kodezthe challenge is to connect to internet with another pc while troubleshooting this one. i will put a pause for now on this matter15:53
Kilosalso i think superfly said something about wvdial for some modems15:55
nuvolarikodez: ping16:03
nuvolarikodez: send me a pastebin of "lsusb -v"16:04
* nlsthzn waves16:40
kodezhi nuvolari, this is the link. http://paste.ubuntu.com/607452/17:03
Kilosnuvolari, ping19:53
superflyMaaz: tell kodez you have a Huawei E22019:54
Maazsuperfly: Got it, I'll tell kodez on freenode19:54
superflyMaaz: tell kodez if you just plug it in, it should work out of the box19:54
Maazsuperfly: Sure, I'll tell kodez on freenode19:54
Kiloshi superfly 19:55
superflyhi oom Kilos19:55
Kilosmethinks thats his prob. it doesnt want to19:55
superflyeish, I'm tired this evening19:55
Kilosrest old man19:55
Kilosone only gets tired from not enough rest19:56
Kiloslo Squirm 19:56
* nlsthzn waves20:10
* Kilos waves back to ahab land20:10
nlsthznHey Mr. Kilos sir :)20:12
Kiloshehe hi Neil20:12
Kiloshard work these text smileys20:12
nlsthznand nowadays I say people doing them the other way around too... like (:20:13
Kilosi like pidgin. yu see the faces20:13
nlsthznah yes... :)20:14
Kilosand the hearts like <320:14
nlsthzn:) I can't see it like you do :p20:15
Kilosdo you ever use pidgin or msn i think also does it20:16
Kilosjust type it in there and see20:16
Kilosxchat sees only text20:16
nlsthznoh, I know how it looks :) I use them for IM... but not for IRC20:16
Kilosoh ok lol20:17
Kilosmaybe a cuppa will help for the cold20:19
KilosMaaz, coffee on20:19
* Maaz puts the kettle on20:19
nlsthznMaaz, coffee please20:19
Maaznlsthzn: Righto20:19
KilosMaaz, move  it20:21
MaazKilos: Huh?20:21
KilosMaaz, move it20:21
MaazDon't rush me Kilos . Making decent coffee is an art20:21
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and nlsthzn!20:23
nlsthznMaaz: thank you20:23
Maaznlsthzn: Okay :-)20:23
KilosMaaz, thanks man20:23
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)20:23
Kilosdie outjie wat sukkel met modem is weg nou seun21:17
Kilosdie vlieg se daai ene hoort sommer te werk21:17
Symmetriaheh dammit my boot drive in my pc is making really really really horrible noises21:26
Symmetriaand Im pretty sure its got may be a few hours left in it at most21:26
magellanichoi hoi21:32
Kiloshi magellanic 21:32
nuvolarihmm, does anyone know how to get rid of geckos?21:34
nuvolarino, not firefox21:34
Kilosshoot them with a pellet gun21:34
superflynuvolari: why would you want to get rid of geckos? apart from being awesome, they eat the bugs that bother you21:35
magellaniclike mosquitoes21:36
Kilosnight all . sleep warm21:49
nlsthznNight all22:00
confluencynuvolari: what did the poor geckos ever do to you?23:49

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